#but I kept the post I got tagged in in my drafts so I wouldn’t forget…!!!
candycryptids · 4 months
‘How Does Your Journey End’ [Quiz]
I got tagged by @archaiclumina !!! thank you 🥰‼️✨
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You know where you belong
The adventure involving swords, blood and gold may be over, but the one with your new-found friends has only just begun. Home, once dull and boring is now alight with laughter and joy as you find love in the little things. You love your friends and your friends love you.
Fairly accurate I’d say! After EW I think Ishi settles down for a little bit with Kizuna, for a (somewhat forced by Ishi) vacation from being in the worlds spotlight (they cultivate an Island Sanctuary together with minimal Mammets uwu) but I think they’re both too restless and prone to wanderlust to fully retire from adventuring lmfao. After all, Kizuna is still drawn to helping and saving people, and evil/trouble isn’t going to take a vacation either.
Though they’d both probably love the chance to go back to being no-name nobodies, doing small scale low-stakes quests… something less stressful than the fate of the shard hanging in the balance maybe…
Gonna tag a few people I think would enjoy this! But no stress, pressure, obligation, etc! This is just for fun uvu;! (Also if you’d rather not be tagged in future stuff lemme know I’ll make a note ! OvO) @cindernet-explorer @verysmallcyborg @oneiroy @mythandral
@sjofn-lofnsdottr @cadrenebula
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frost-queen · 1 year
To have and keep (Reader!Scratch x Weird sisters)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
A/n: I apologize for the shortness of it, but I wanted to write something with little time.
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You rushed out of your room, your brother waiting for you outside. – “Got everything?” – he asked removing himself from against the wall. You hummed loud with your backpack strap hanging over one shoulder. – “I’m actually quite excited about doing classes outside.” – you told him as he followed your pace. Nick scratched the back of his head with a nod. – “Yeah sure it is something else.” – he answered.
You nudged him in the rib for his obvious lack of enthusiasm. – “What?” – Nick said smirking. – “Nothing just your enthusiasm is to die for.” – you responded with a laugh. – “That could be arranged sister.” – he came leaning in closer with a wide smile. Shoving him away from you, you rolled with your eyes. Hiding that smile on your lips. Nick and you rounded the corner coming into the open hall with the statue of the dark lord.
By the entrance stood the Weird sisters. They turned at the same time making Nick quirk his eyebrow up. Elegantly they walked in sync over to you. – “Y/n.” – Prudence purred out with a catty smile. – “You must be cold darling.” – She snapped with her finger as Agatha undid her of her jacket.
“We wouldn’t want you to have a cold in this lovely weather.” – Agatha spoke placing the jacket over your shoulders. Nick furrowed his brows. – “Why are you so tentative to my sister?” – he questioned dumbfound by their charm towards you.
Dorcas sighed deep with a shake of her head. – “Little Nickie.” – she said belittling him a bit. Nick gave her a disgusted look, clearly not liking her tone as she grabbed his shoulders. – “We like your sister.” – she whispered in his ear. Nick brushed her off him, brushing his hand over his ear with a shudder. – “We adore her.” – Agatha said hugging you from the side. Prudence stared at Nick. – “She is ours to share.” – she stated as Nick pulled you back.
“Not in hell.” – Nick answered with mockery in his voice. Prudence pulled her lip up in annoyance. – “Nick.” – you said gently touching his arm. – “It’s alright. They are very gentle with me. I promise you they aren’t doing anything weird with me.” – you reassured him. – “They better not.” – Nick answered brushing his thumb down your cheek.
Agatha cleared her throat wanting your attention again.  Dorcas grabbed your hand pulling you closer to them. – “Come Y/n let us escort you to class.” – Prudence said wrapping an arm around you. Dorcas took your other arm, letting her head lean against your arm.
Nick sighed deep going after you. The Weird sister’s couldn’t stop touching you, wanting you close. A cool breeze swept some leaves over the ground. The coming of October slowly announcing itself. A glamorous season for witches.
Prudence closed your jacket better so no wind could draft underneath your clothing. – “Warm kitten?” – Prudence asked while Dorcas was stroking your arm. You hummed softly seeing your brother roll his eyes behind you. Nick came closer pestering the Weird sisters away like a flock of annoying birds. Waving his hand around for them to move. They hissed at him, clamping even harder onto you.
“Oh get over it!” – Nick called out annoyed taking you by the arm. He pulled you away from them. The Weird sisters started to cry and whine loudly at the loss of you. – “Babies.” – Nick told you as he kept pushing you away from them. – “Don’t you ever get annoyed with them?” – he asked. You had to think for a second. – “Not really… sure they can be invasive, but they are always gentle and sweet with me. Unlike any stunts they performed on Sabrina.” – you and Nick recalled it very clearly how wicked the Weird sisters were towards Sabrina Spellman when she first came to the academy.
They never did any tricks like that on you for some reason. It was as if you had charmed them by just being present. They worshipped you. Nick and you walked into the forest close to the academy to where the class would be held. Some leaves already started to fall. Leaving you with that cozy end of September feeling. Fall was your favorite season. Pale trees. Crunchy leaves scattered on the ground. Pumpkins, full moons, and witchy hours.
By the witches circle of mushrooms stood Sabrina. She waved at Nick. Nick and you waved back at her. Nick patted you on the back going over to her. The moment Nick had left your side, you felt a pair of hands grab onto you. Getting pulled a bit back, there were more hands on you. – “Little kitten I have missed you.” – Prudence said brushing her cheek against your shoulder.
Agatha nodded with pouted lips letting her head rub against your upper arm. Dorcas stood on the other side stroking your arm with delight. The three of them guided you towards the witches circle forcing you to sit down. Agatha came laying her head down on your lap. Dorcas and Prudence each by your side. Dorcas took out your book, holding it open for you.
“Can you read it well enough?” – she asked holding it up. You nodded with a soft hum taking the book from her. – “Shall I take your notes Y/n?” – Prudence offered. – “That is alright Prudence.” – you told her. Agatha looked up to you with sweet eyes. – “Pretty sister.” – she said humming afterwards. Prudence nodded. – “If you didn’t have a blood link with Nickie, you’d be our fourth sister in a heartbeat.” – she said.
The teacher arrived as he didn’t say anything about how the Weird Sisters hung over you. Dorcas kissed your cheek sweetly during class. Agatha played a bit with your hand as Prudence kept brushing her hand over your back. It was still a bit of a mystery how the Weird sisters came to like you. From across the witches circle you saw your brother shake his head in disappointment. You simply shrugged your shoulders not even minding that much.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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slashmagpie · 11 months
Blood & Snow
Pt. I
Directory: {Pt. II} {Pt. III} {Pt. IV} {Pt. V} {Pt. VI} {Pt. VII} {AO3}
Welcome to my @hermithorrorweek fic! I spent a while trying to figure out seven different fic concepts based on the prompt, and kept coming up blank, up until I decided to combine them all and write a single fic, with each prompt being the theme for a different chapter. Blood & Snow is the result, and at the time of posting it is not quite complete, but I'm excited to share it with you nonetheless. I'm hoping to post a chapter once per day, but later chapters may be delayed depending on how long it takes me to get them written. Some of this builds off concepts I played with in some of my earlier Decked Out 2 ficlets, which you can find in my writing tag. TWs for this chapter include: non-consensual body modification*, unreality*, panic attacks
Game design is simple, really.
Well, no, it’s difficult—but the principles behind it are simple. Make it fun. Make it challenging. Make it rewarding. 
Decked Out 2 is a game.
To be more precise, it’s a long-running, deck-building, dungeon-crawling game. It’s competitive. It has rewards—bragging rights, for one. Trophies, for another. If you win, you can get crowns, and buy things to make you more powerful, to make the game more fun. You get frost embers, which are used to build the deck, and—
Clank is Decked Out’s central mechanic. Trigger a shrieker, generate clank. Easy as that. Taking your artefact will also generate clank, because it angers the spirits of the dungeon. That’s another important thing about game design: atmosphere. Design. Having something that feels cohesive. So—no, max clank isn’t quite as dangerous as it should be, but very few mobs would work to replace the vex, because, well, they’re not the spirits of the dungeon, and—
Hazard is generated every thirty-seven seconds, roughly. It used to be thirty, but that lined up with card draws, and the sound cues were hard to keep track of. So. Hazard is generated every thirty-seven seconds, roughly. Hazard makes the dungeon more dangerous to traverse, by closing doors, raising pathways, and otherwise making certain routes more dangerous or downright impossible to cross. People underestimate hazard at first, but quickly find out that hazard kills. When clank maxes out, that turns into hazard too, because max clank wasn’t dangerous enough by itself, because the vexes aren’t doing their damn jobs—
There were two older systems that got replaced. Not a lot of people know that. Focus could be built up, would synergise with other cards, but it was just—it wasn’t working. It got reworked. No one would miss it. Delve was a difficulty setting, but it was dumb, just press a button to choose your difficulty, that works way better, and—
Game design is simple, really. 
Decked Out is not a game.
Had it ever been a game? In its first iteration, back in season seven, had it hungered the way it does now? Had it slept, slumbering beneath the earth, soaking in blood that would slowly, slowly bring it to life? When the idea had wormed its way into Tango’s head, a sequel—had that been his own thought? Does it matter if it was?
He’d certainly thought it was. Began drafting up plans, re-evaluating what he’d done in the past and putting better spins on them. Decked Out 2 would be huge, would be the biggest project he’d ever worked on, but it wouldn’t take that long. Surely.
…Thirteen months later, Decked Out 2 opened its doors.
Thirteen months. It had started as a hole, as many things do. A hole, a build, a plan, a citadel—Tango had thrown himself into it like he would with any huge project. And at first it had been—it had been a project. A build, a game. A giant hole filled with promise. A castle built in a week. Just Hermitcraft things. The usual.
When had it started? When he’d dug, and dug, for hours and hours upon end? When he’d carved jagged-looking scars into the landscape and dragged the citadel up from them? When he’d started building level one? When he’d begun assembling the redstone? When the ravagers and wardens began to roam its halls? When did Decked Out come alive?
…Had it always been alive?
Okay, better question: when did—
A frozen shard is placed into the barrel. The door lights up, sounds play. The door opens. The hermit—Joe?—begins to take off their armour and items and set up the game. A difficulty button is pressed. A shulker is placed into its slot. The cards begin to filter through the system. A minecart ride, and a pressure plate—
Decked Out turns on.
The Dungeon watches carefully, hungrily. A shrieker triggers. A hazard door closes. The game is running, the game is alive, the game is always alive—
The Dungeon Master floats, untethered, bodiless, watching, speaking, unheard, unseen. His body stands in the dark, empty, eyes sightless and lungs unbreathing. Why would he need to breathe? Dungeons don’t need to breathe, after all. Games don’t need to breathe. And Decked Out isn’t a game, not really, but it still works on principles of game design, and none of those principles require the game to breathe.
So the Dungeon watches, and the Dungeon Master watches, and Joe runs straight into the blood-stained horns of a ravager, and—
Tango tries to blink. To breathe. A hazard door slams open and closed. The wires are crossed, that’s not—he needs to go—an attempt to step forward dispenses a stack of frost embers into the dungeon. They’re not supposed to do that. That’s a bug, he needs to fix—
He needs his hands—
Stone walls aren’t fingers, but they flex all the same, groaning under the strain—
There’s an itching in his legs. Skulk creeps up the walls. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This isn’t—
It’s dark. A warden sniffs. A shrieker howls. Stone becomes sinew becomes skulk becomes shadow becomes smoke becomes a soul. The Dungeon Master wrenches open his sightless eyes, and the Dungeon sees—
(Buildings aren’t meant to have panic attacks. Neither are dungeons. Nor games. But Decked Out is not a game, never really has been, and Tango—)
Joe and Hypno stare in bafflement at the flickering availability metre outside of the dungeon. “Tango, fix your game!” Hypno cries, and—
Here’s a better question: when did Tango become Decked Out?
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burins · 5 months
happy Sunday a couple people (@feyburner and @try-set-me-on-fire and maybe someone else? if so I forget and I'm sorry) have tagged me in snippet stuff! I still can't write atm and I'm not rly sure when I'll be able to (June?? maybe?? please god let this PT round work) but I have been reading old drafts and I found 6k of ancient catws Sam & Bucky road trip fic that for having been written eight years ago still makes me go oogh. maybe it will also make you go oogh!(don't worry I am not posting all 6k.)
“Steve’s probably told you all about the 30s, right?” Bucky says. He’s sitting in the backseat, right in the middle of Sam’s view out the back. They’re somewhere in Nowheresville, North Carolina, so it’s not as annoying as it was when he pulled this shit in Jersey.  
“Not really,” Sam says. He can see Bucky’s silent scoff without even looking, but it’s true. Steve hasn’t told anyone shit about anything. It seems to be his MO. Sam wishes someone would explain to him that the element of surprise doesn’t apply to interpersonal relationships, but probably everyone is assuming that job falls to Sam.
“Really?” Bucky asks. “Nothing? Why the hell am I in your car, then?”
“I mean, he gave me the basics, the two poor little matchboys, y’all had approximately half a penny to rub together, you kept him alive with nothing more than the flame of your undying devotion to warm your little breast, but he didn’t really flesh the story out.”
“Huh,” says Bucky.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Sam says, feeling like he might have made a wrong turn somewhere about five conversational miles back, “he cares about you. We all know he cares about you. And when he does talk, it’s nice stuff, you know, ‘Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky,’ that kind of shit.”
“Your Steve voice needs work.” Bucky’s picking at the upholstery in the backseat. He hasn’t made a hole yet, which Sam thinks is either a major point in favor of Japanese engineering, or Bucky Barnes is reining himself in for the first time in his life. 
“Always open to suggestions,” Sam says. The hills roll out before them. Someone else might call them wide and welcoming. His skin prickles. They pass another billboard for another peach farm. It’s faded from who knows how many years of Southern sun, the oranges and reds gone ghostly.
“In 1937, he almost died,” Bucky says.
“I kind of got the sense that he did that a lot.”
Bucky chuckles. “Yeah, he did. This was different, though. We called the priest, and the priest came in and stood over him and said a lot of things about absolution, which was funny because Steve never went to confession after his ma stopped making him go.”
“Really?” Sam can’t help himself. “Sorry, I guess I always thought he would’ve been the altar boy type. What with all the guilt and all.”
They passed a lot of quarries going through Virginia, and Bucky’s smile looks familiar, like it’s been blasted into his face. “No, that was always me,” he says. “Steve was always trying to pick fights with anybody stronger’n him, and that included God.”
“Do you still?” Sam asks. It’s a few moments before Bucky replies.
“I go to Mass,” he says. “I don’t go up, though.”
“Oh.” Sam doesn’t know a lot about being Catholic, but he’s pretty sure the wafer part is a big deal.
They pass a field, a strip mall, a large block of concrete that’s either a factory or a prison. Bucky’s plant is slightly too small for the cupholder, and it rattles every time the road gets a little rough. It rattles a lot out here.
“The priest tried to put the oil on him, you know, like you’re supposed to at the very end, but Steve was sweating so much it just slid off him. Father said some stuff about easing his passage into the light everlasting, and he left, and it was just me in there, looking down at this little shit, this little bastard who was half my life. He couldn’t breathe, really, just kept making these scared, choked gurgling noises. It was fucking horrible. He wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t stop making that noise, and I wanted him to die so bad.”
There’s a hawk circling above them. Sam stares blindly out the windshield.
“I reached out and I put my hand on his throat and I wanted to press down. I wanted to make it easy for him. He always tried so damn hard at things. He kept choking and I just pushed down, just the littlest bit, and it stopped, and god, I’ve never loved a silence so much in my life.” 
Bucky’s wrapped his metal hand around the little pot, holding it still. The rattling stops. 
“I let go, obviously. I let go, and he finally fell asleep. I guess maybe I jolted something loose, because he wasn’t making that noise the next day.” He laughs. “Or maybe I’m giving myself too much credit, huh? Maybe I’m just trying to make myself feel better.” 
Sam pulls left to pass an ancient Honda.
“HYDRA didn’t do shit to me that wasn’t already there.”
“I don’t think it works like that.”
“Nah,” Bucky says. “It does, though. Because here’s the really fucked up thing, okay. More fucked up than me trying to kill my ‘best friend since childhood, inseparable in schoolyard and battleground,’ even. You wanna hear it?”
Sam doesn’t wanna hear it. He doesn’t. But Bucky needs to say it, and so he breaks yet another of his own rules, and he says, “Whatever you need to tell me, I’m listening.”
Bucky snorts. “Sure, Wilson, sure. I can’t remember, is the thing. I don’t know if I did that then, or if it was another scared kid I killed thirty years later. That sound got pretty fucking familiar after a while. Maybe I dreamed the whole thing. I don’t know. I sure as hell can’t ask Steve, can I?”
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Tag Game - Writing Patterns
List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern.
Picked this up from @professorspork. I only have 8 works posted to AO3 and no tag game is going to compel me to share stuff from my fanfiction.net account, so:
Bianca had been born in incandescent agony by decree of the Priori, by order of the Doge, by beseechment of the augurs, and by gift of the Guide, He Who Nourishes Life and from Whom All Goodness Flows. (Shadow-Stitched Saint, original work)
Everyone knows about ghouls, right? (Memoirs of a Flesh Eater, original work)
Life was rarely fair in the Cabrikon Desert, but it seemed especially unfair to Zia at the moment. (From Dust, the Throne, original work)
Passing through the portal felt like entering a sandblaster. (Blizzard in the Desert, RWBY)
The door slammed in Beau’s face with all the force and finality of the lid of a coffin. (A Warm Embrace, Critical Role)
The shuttle wouldn’t be here until first light, yet Dulcie found herself utterly unable to sleep, and for the first time in years it wasn’t because of her cough, or the tingles of pain that raced from the center of her chest to her outermost extremities each time she took air into her lungs. (Last Sunrise, The Locked Tomb)
The festival was as bright as it had ever been – brighter, even, to Dulcie’s eyes. (Sweet, Fleeting Moments, The Locked Tomb)
There was a beeping sound, repetitive and aggravating, and it was driving Ianthe crazy. (It's Only a Paper Moon, The Locked Tomb)
First of all, it's kind of astonishing that I haven't posted any fanfic since 2021 - I have got to finish some drafts.
Looking at all these opening lines together, the first pattern that emerges is that I almost always open with a sensory detail - I want to immerse the reader in a character's POV straight from the jump, and I think that's a good way to do it. Memoirs doesn't do that because it's an epistolary - the reader is supposed to be separated from the POV - whereas in From Dust, the Throne I was prioritizing a rambling, narrowly focused style of narration to capture the feeling of having a young child for a narrator and as a sleight of hand to conceal Zia's actual physical circumstances until later in the chapter.
Other than that, it looks like I favor short sentences three-fourths of the time. I don't really have much insight on that, but I did have a lot of fun looking at my work side-by-side like this. Tagging @thefriendlymurderer, @urban-sith, and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it - I know I usually try to be specific in my tags, but I have not kept good track of which of my followers and mutuals are prolific fic writers. Tag me if you do it!
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gendervapor14 · 1 year
two fights for freedom ~ chapter two: wrong place, right time
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“C-Cora…” Law kept his voice at a low hush. They weren’t really in hearing range, but it was worth the extra precaution. “That guy, he’s, he’s got six arms.”
Rosinante adjusted his shades. “Yeah, looks like a fishman.”
“Fishman…” Law looked up at him in wild fear. “I thought you said they only lived in the Grand Line.”
“I said they can be found in the Grand Line.” Rosinante corrected, using his deep voice to keep the conversation private. Law could still hear the wind and waves. No Silent field, not yet. “Nothing to be worried about.” He assured, “They’re people, Law, just like us.”
The kid still looked dubious. Especially as the fishman catapulted himself from the sea and landed right before them. Cora still towered over this guy, but he was huge. Bulky, menacing, with suckers on each arm. Looked more like a squid than a fish.
“Hey…thanks for…waiting for me…” The fishman huffed out, swiping imaginary sweat from his tattooed forehead. “Most of the time when I call out to people that far away, they just run off!”
Rosinante chuckled amicably, but Law could sense some tension in tone. He was on-guard. Nothing to be worried about my ass. “We wouldn’t do that, right bud?” He patted Law’s hat. “How can we help you?”
“How can you help?” The octopus man dropped the giant pot. It smacked into the rocky soil with a heavy, wet, splat. Then, he pointed at himself with all six arms. “Well, I don’t really need much help with anything at the moment. Actually, I just saw these two guys I didn’t recognize, I was going to ask what they were doing here.”
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did i post this extremely early. yes. but i also wrote drafts for two chapters yesterday, so i can afford to be a little post-happy. and i really wanted to get cora and law out there and in the story. SO. here's chapter two. idk when i'll post chapter three. my health has started to improve but i'm gonna be kinda busy soon-ish. so we'll see!
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title: two fights for freedom rating: M category: F/M, gen content warnings: graphic depictions of violence status: incomplete, two chapters, 5,860 words relationship: rosinante/bell-mere, cora & law, rosinante & hatchan, bell-mere & rosinante & law & nami & nojiko, rosinante & genzo, bell-mere & genzo characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law, nami, nojiko, genzo, nako, hatchan, arlong, arlong pirates additional tags: canon divergent, fix-it, everybody lives, pre-arlong park, angst with a happy ending, angst and feels, fluff and humor, hurt/comfort, scheming, suggestive themes, sexual tension, limes (yes i'm bringing limes back), eventual smut, romance, slow burn, arguing, financial issues, broken bones, references to depression, referenced alcoholism, mental health issues, canon backstory, mentioned doflamingo, non-canon backstory (giving bell-mere a backstory), found family, more tags to be added later (?) summary: freedom for one means adventure. exploring all the world has to offer, while avoiding the occasional haunting. freedom for another almost costs an arm and two daughters. a home, a village. perhaps freedom is best sought back-to-back. {a cora and bell-mère lives au}
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des8pudels8kern · 5 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
I got tagged by @forloveofcodywan. I'm not actively working on it rn because my offline life is busy, but I do have a file for the sequel to The ground between unstoppable force and immovable object and I open it occasionally and try to add to the plot notes. But I do have a first draft of what will likely be the first couple hundred words, so have an excerpt from that:
“Get to the point, please.” He flipped a page of the flimsiwork in his hands, to less-than-subtly indicate that there was work to be done. He knew Obi-Wan knew he hadn’t registered a single word he’s read all evening. He also knew Obi-Wan wouldn’t call him out on it. He felt too guilty for what his deception put them all through to demand anything of them they were not ready to give. “Do you still love me?” Oh. Never mind. Cody forgot that Obi-Wan learned to fight in a civil war first, and in the civilized training salles of his Order second. If you were uncertain you could win an engagement, limited resources were better used for targeted blows straight to the heart than wasted on a drawn-out battle you might end up losing. Cody usually liked this about him; it made for a better survival rate for the 212th than many other battalions had. Then again, it hadn’t kept Obi-Wan from dying, had it.
Open tag for everybody who is currently working on something and wants to share a sneak peek!
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mrbexwrites · 1 year
Manuscript Search
Tagged by @talesofsorrowandofruin and you can see her own post here (which you should do, as she's an amazing writer, and you'll not be disappointed!)
I've to find: finish, close, end and leave
No pressure tagging @queen-tashie @deanwax @cee-grice @sunset-a-story and anyone else who wants to share some of their work. Your words are : quiet, silence, small, tired
Snippets from Blood Harmony below the cut, because I've not done any work on this draft for a while, and should probably look at reading the unhinged contents of it before I start the hell process editing:
“Busy day?” Seaborg handed me back my fake ID, and I shrugged, giving him a weary smile.  “No rest for the wicked!”  “Tell me about it!” He barked a laugh and waved me through. I’d been watching the estate for a couple of days; I knew his schedule. He was due to finish his shift in the next half an hour, before he would be replaced by Officer Cohen. They never kept a list of service vehicles coming in or out, so Cohen wouldn’t know if I had left or not.  I had found that, over the years, a hi-vis vest, hard hat, clipboard or a boiler suit got you pretty much into everywhere I needed to.
Her bare arms and neck were covered in intricate tattoos, and I would have loved to have studied them all in great detail.  Her hands were warm and soft as she worked away, and I felt the hairs on the nape of my neck stand on end as her fingertips touched my bare back.  As she worked over a rib, I inhaled sharply, hissed the air out through my teeth as I forced myself not to flinch.
I could dare to dream; I let the door to the tattoo parlour close behind me, catching it with my heel so that it didn’t slam shut with the breeze. I jammed my hands in my pocket, tucked my hair into the old trucker’s cap , and walked with my head down to avoid any CCTV. Facial recognition was everywhere, and I couldn’t be caught. Not now.  Not when I was so close.
My dad sniffed and turned back to me, standing silently, waiting for me to leave.  “If I see you again-” “You won’t,” I mumbled, ducking my head, in case he swung for me, as I let myself out.  “Don’t come back until you’re worthy!” He shouted after me.  I dashed tears from my eyes, and jumped into my van, my tyres squealing on the tarmac as I left the car-park. Connor stared at me from the passenger seat.  “Don’t,” I banished him. I didn’t want him to see me cry. 
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
study buddies || k.mg x reader
Pairing: frat!mingyu x fem reader 
Summary: studying for midterms with the guy you’re hooking up with goes exactly how you’d expect
Warnings: swearing, light smut (18+)
Word Count: 1.6k
a/n: reworked this old blurb originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark ) for my gf’s birthday :)) happy birthday @hotgirlmingyu
You woke up to banging on your apartment door. Groaning, you rolled over to check your phone and saw that it was six am. You pushed yourself up and out of bed and padded into the kitchen to answer the door. You were surprised the relentless knocking hadn’t woken up your roommate, but she was a pretty heavy sleeper.
You yanked the door open to see Mingyu with a handful of textbooks. You squinted at him in confusion, wondering if you were seeing things. Mingyu had never been to your place before, you didn’t even know he knew where you lived.
His appearance startled you a bit. His hair was messy where it was usually slicked back or styled and he was wearing gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him in anything other than khakis and a douchey printed shirt.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, rubbing your eyes.
He frowned. “You said we should study for midterms together.”
You thought back to the last time you’d seen Mingyu. You couldn’t remember saying anything like that.
“Was I drunk?”
“So why are you here?”
“To study. You agreed that we could help each other out.”
“Mingyu, I don’t even remember agreeing to that.”
“Well I’m already here,” he said and pushed past you into your apartment.
“Seriously? It’s Saturday.”
“Yeah, and midterms are next week.”
“Couldn’t you have waited until the sun was up?” you grumbled, mostly to yourself and shut the door behind him.
“We’ve got a lot of material to cover.”
You cursed under your breath as you watched him set up at your kitchen table, knowing you should probably study even though you desperately wanted to go back to bed.
You and Mingyu had met at a party at his fraternity and woke up the next morning tangled in the sheets of his bed. To say it was awkward would have been an understatement. You didn’t think you’d ever see him again, but to your horror, you saw him in your stats lecture on Monday and your mythology class on Thursday. This was a pretty big university. Why did the same asshole have to be in two of your classes?
As much as it annoyed you, you couldn’t stop thinking about Mingyu, and apparently, he was having a similar dilemma because every time you went out he seemed to be there, and every time you hooked up.
That was the extent of your relationship, though. You didn’t even speak to each other in class or at parties. The only time you talked was behind closed doors when one or both of you was naked. Even then you kept your guard up because you refused to let yourself fall for a frat boy with commitment issues who never wanted to be seen with the same girl twice. A boy who wouldn’t even talk to you in public.
But you couldn’t ignore the way your heart fluttered when he said your name as he was about to cum, or the way his lips felt against yours. He could be a total dick, but you’d also seen a softer side of him that he didn’t show many people. You forced yourself to forget about that side. It was easier that way.
“Okay, what are we starting with?” you asked with a sigh.
“We have the stats exam first, we should work on that.”
You made a face. Statistics was the harder out of the two for you. In fact, it was the hardest class you were taking this semester.
“I can’t believe I’m doing math before seven am.”
“You won’t be complaining when you ace the midterm,” he quipped, already working on a practice worksheet.
You watched him solve problems like he was checking items off a list. You knew he was good at statistics, but you didn’t know he was that good. Figures, a guy like him was good at pretty much everything. Everything except mythology apparently, because once you’d switched to that he was flustered and frustrated. You would quiz him on myths only for him to get every single question wrong.
“Mingyu, did you even read any of these?” you asked, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Yes, y/n, I read every one. How do you think I passed all the reading quizzes?”
“Cheating?” it slipped out before you could stop it and Mingyu gave you a hard glare. You held up your hands defensively. “Just a joke.”
“I don’t think it was.” He licked his lips. “But for what it’s worth I read them all. I just can’t keep them straight.”
You sighed. You felt bad, but you were getting frustrated too. And not just because Mingyu wasn’t grasping the myths. This was the longest you’d ever spent together (at least while you were awake) and you hadn’t even had sex. He just smelled so nice and looked so cute when he was concentrating that you couldn’t help feeling a little impatient. You had been at it for hours, you thought you would’ve done it at least once by now. But Mingyu was more serious about studying than you thought. It was kind of admirable and kind of annoying.
“Okay well reread through the Egyptian myths and I’ll quiz you again.”
He pulled out his reading packet and flipped to the section you took out your phone and scrolled through social media mindlessly as he read, but it quickly got boring. You wished Mingyu would take a break so he could rail you. He was still reading intently, but you figured a little distraction couldn’t hurt.
You started by taking your hair down from your bun and shaking it out so that it fell around your shoulders. You knew your shampoo drove Mingyu crazy and hoped it would have an effect on him today. He shifted his seat, but didn’t look up from the packet. Next, you leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder. You’d never done something so domestic like this with Mingyu, but it seemed to work because he cleared his throat and adjusted his sweatpants.
“You know you could be working on math.”
You shrugged. “We already did stats for hours today. I think I’ll jump off a bridge if I look at one more differential equation.”
He fell silent and tried focusing back onto the reading, but you moved your hand to his thigh and kept it there as you continued to through twitter, not even reading what was on your screen.
“Stop that,” Mingyu muttered, making you jump a little.
“Fuck, because you’re distracting me. You look too hot right now.”
“I’m wearing pajamas.”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now.”
“Well what’s stopping you?” you asked lowly and nipped at his ear.
“Need to finish this,” he replied through gritted teeth.
“I can’t convince you to take a break?” You moved the hand on his leg up so that you were cupping him over his pants.
He shook his head. “After.”
You leaned over and kissed his neck, then his jaw, and felt him get hard under your hand. “If I have to stop what I’m doing you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
“That sounds like more of a motivator than a deterrent,” you admitted. “I’ll suck you off,” you offered and hooked your thumb in the waistband of his sweats, trying to bribe him.
“If you let me finish I’ll eat you out,” he countered.
You straightened up. It sounded like a pretty good deal.
A few minutes passed in silence and you were waiting patiently, typing up a rough draft of an essay you had due for another class when Mingyu groaned.
“What?” you asked, wondering if he needed help.
“Can you please stop that?”
“Stop what? I’m literally doing nothing.” You were genuinely confused now.
“Just- I don’t know you’re making it so hard to concentrate.”
“Am I making it hard?” You smirked.
“Very funny.”
“Would it help if I put a paper bag over my head?”
“Come on, keep reading about Osiris.”
“I don’t want to read about Osiris anymore, he’s a dick.”
“The faster you finish the faster you can get off.”
“I thought you didn’t want to wait,” Mingyu pointed out, trying to deflect.
“I think I recall something about you going down on me if I let you finish reading.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, but didn’t turn back to the book. Instead, he continued to gaze at you with those big brown eyes. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“What?” You felt your cheeks get warm.
“I just really want to kiss you right now.”
You smiled and raised your chin, challenging him. “Then do it.”
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. You closed your eyes and kissed him back, savoring the moment.
When you pulled away, Mingyu’s eyes were dark with want and you could see that he was now fully hard in his sweatpants.
“How about I eat you out now anyway?” He suggested, leaning forward to kiss your neck.
You moaned and brought your hands to his hair.
“You trying to bribe me?”
“Is it working?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Mingyu stood and picked you up from your chair. You wrapped your legs around his waist again. He pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth and smirked.
“Promise you’ll finish studying after?” you asked.
He considered it. “Does what we’re about to do count as studying mythology? Because it’s going to be legendary.”
You scrunched up your face in distaste. “No, I take it back. Put me down.”
Mingyu grinned. “Hey! You know no ones gives it to you as good as I do.”
“That confident are you?”
His grin turned into a smirk. “Is that a challenge?”
lmk what you think i always appreciated feedback!!
forever tags: @haven-cove
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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yukidragon · 2 years
SDJ Vamp AU - Spicy Teaser 2
Such a shame I broke 2 week streak for posting Sunshine in Hell. You know how it is with me and delays. Still, a 5 chapter streak at that pace is pretty impressive for me.
I wasn’t totally idle though, as I did get a little more written with my still unnamed Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack vampire AU fic. It’s not finished yet since this erotic story is going to be pretty long, but I have a few more pages done.
Since one of my lovely readers on twitter expressed interest in seeing another teaser of the rough draft, I figured I’d oblige. I even made this teaser a little longer than I usually do.  You can see the first teaser here.
Usual warnings still apply. The game this story is based on is for people over the age of 18 only, no minors. This one shot is spicy, so adults only.
Obligatory​ @channydraws tag. It’s time for more Jack and Alice fluffy smut!
Love, love, love. It thrummed through Alice like a song on repeat, a high far greater than any she felt before. The way Jack looked at her with those soft, doe-like eyes of his made her feel special, irreplaceable. To him, she strung the stars in the sky, she was the sun, and he was her most devoted worshiper who would bow to no other god. Such adoration, such all-encompassing love was overwhelming, intoxicating, irresistible.
And, in that moment, Alice needed Jack just as desperately.
As Alice drew in closer, Jack did the same, two magnets pulled by the same inescapable force of nature. His hand slid along her cheek, caressing and guiding her to his waiting lips, and she devoured them as greedily as when she drank his blood. He returned the kiss with just as much fervor, drinking in her sweetness beneath the tinge of copper.
Closer, Alice needed to be closer. She tightened her grip on Jack as she pressed her body against his, squirming and grinding against him in a futile attempt to get closer than was physically possible. She felt his tongue probe against her lips, seeking invitation, and she welcomed him eagerly, shivering in delight as she savored his sweetness on her tongue once again. She tasted him like a woman starved, craving not blood this time but every drop of love he offered her.
The friction of their bodies grinding together was sweet torture that made Jack all the more aware of the fabric that separated her skin from his. He never hated clothes more than he did in that moment for daring to get between him and his sunshine. He pulled at her shirt until he could feel the bare skin of her stomach against his and he reveled in the contact, the softness of her skin, the warmth that he could never get enough of.
The kiss ended too soon, but Alice needed to breathe. She drew back with reluctance, but kept her hold on Jack firm as she gulped down air.
Jack held her close and took the moment to compose himself. He needed to stay in control of himself and his urges, no matter how wild his sunshine drove him. “Alice…”
The way Jack said her name, low and throaty with love and lust in equal measure sent a surge of heat down Alice’s spine that settled in her core. He lit a fire inside her, one that would only be soothed by his own heat, and her hips instinctively pressed into where he burned hottest. She felt him twitch between her legs, and the low moan of her name was music. His face was so pretty and pink, his lips flushed and smeared in red.
Red. The color was a splash of ice water as Alice realized what she had done. “Sh-shit!” She jerked back, ramrod straight, but Jack’s grip on her wouldn’t allow her to go far. “I’m so, so, so, so, so sorry! Your blood, I-I… I didn’t mean… I got it in your mou… I didn’t… didn’t even ask if it was okay to kiss you first!”
“It’s okay, Alice, it’s okay,” Jack said, talking in gentle, calming tones over her babbling apologies. He repeated his assurances until his soothing voice reached through her panic, and she finally quieted. He ran his hands along her arms, gently coaxing her tense muscles to relax. “You didn’t do anything wrong, I promise.”
For a moment, Alice just breathed as she tried to slow her racing pulse, allowing Jack’s reassurances flow over her like cool water on a burn. He… really wasn’t upset? He wasn’t disgusted by what she just did, by having to taste his own blood, by being kissed by a blood sucking parasite?
“Alice,” Jack said. His voice was still gentle, but there was an undercurrent of steel beneath the silk tones. “You did nothing wrong. You were perfect. You are perfect. Every inch of you is perfect.” He slid his hand up to her cheek and stroked it with his thumb as he gazed deeply into her eyes that were the same shade of pale blue as the sky at dawn. “I love you, all of you, including the part of you that enjoyed drinking my blood.”
A small gasp escaped Alice. Jack pinned her in place with the unwavering conviction in his dark brown eyes, the certainty of his words. He left no gap for doubt to squeeze into, making it impossible for her not to believe him. She drew in a shaky breath as he dragged his thumb along her lips, not caring that he stained the yellow fabric red.
Jack allowed his voice to soften, but he remained resolute as he peered deeply into his sunshine’s eyes. “Did it feel good?”
‘Good’ was an understatement, and Alice was sure Jack already knew that, but she answered him all the same. “Y-yeah…”
Jack smiled then, as pleased as a teacher whose favorite pupil outshone his expectations. He guided her to him for another kiss, this one shorter than the last, but all sweetness and love. “I’m glad.” He went in for another quick peck, his mouth quirking into a grin when they parted. “Alice, you have no idea how happy it makes me that I could make you feel good. There’s nothing I want more than to make you happy.”
Alice had to swallow to alleviate the dryness of her throat. “I… I want to make you happy too,” she said, her voice soft.
Jack chuckled a bit. “Well, then it’s a good thing you already do, just by being you, my sunshine.” He emphasized his words by placing another short but sweet kiss on her lips.
Alice kept her eyes closed, and the feeling of his lips pressed against hers still lingered even after the kiss ended. She focused on the warmth of Jack’s embrace, the gentle way he stroked her cheek. She nuzzled into his hand and took a moment to let the last few minutes settle in.
Alice didn’t deserve such devotion and love, she knew that. She let herself believe that lie once upon a time, only to be proven wrong when the man she loved betrayed her.
“Alice…,” Jack said softly as he pulled his sunshine closer. “You're so special, so wonderful. There’s no one else in the world more amazing than you. Anyone who can’t see that… they’re not worth even thinking about.” He pressed their foreheads together lightly. “There’s no one else in the world who makes me feel the way you do. No one else could make me feel this way. I love you… so much. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about you… about us. No matter what the world might think about you, I’ll always love you. You’re my best friend, my sunshine, my love… forever.”
Alice opened her eyes and could see the love Jack had for her shining in his. He meant every word. She could feel it. His love was as real as he was.
Jack wasn’t Ian. What Alice felt for Ian couldn’t compare to this intense happiness and acceptance that Jack gave her. They had bonded so quickly, so deeply, it was as if he was always meant to be a part of her life, her other half. He was real. Jack was real, and she could finally believe that without fear. This man holding her so tenderly, who she had grown so close to in such a short time, truly loved her and thought the world of her. There was no one else in the world who made her feel so wonderful.
Alice didn’t deserve Jack, but she couldn’t bear to live without him.
“Would…,” she said, her voice small and tentative. She paused for a moment to wet her lips. “W-would it be okay if we were… together? Like… like a couple…?”
The answer was obvious, but the reason why Alice asked him that question made Jack absolutely elated. Though he tried to keep calm, he couldn’t keep the sappy smile from his face. “If you really want it, we can be.”
Alice felt her heartbeat quicken as she watched Jack cock his head slightly, his expression one of adoration so strong she had a hard time meeting his gaze. This was really happening, wasn’t it? Her stomach felt like it was doing flips from nervousness, excitement, joy, and fear all mashing together in a complicated mess of emotion that was only heightened by the overabundance of blood she drank. She clung to her now lover a little tighter, burying her face into his neck, almost overwhelmed by the feelings she was experiencing in that moment. In the shelter of his comforting embrace, she managed to find her voice again. “I… I do.”
“Good,” Jack said softly as he nuzzled into her hair. “Because I do too.” He pressed a kiss on the crown of her head. When she dared to come out of hiding and meet his loving gaze, it was his turn to become a little bashful. “Can I ask you to do something for me?”
“Y-yeah!” Alice said almost a little too eagerly as she straightened up. “Yeah, sure… o-of course!”
“Can you say it?” Jack asked softly, his cheeks pinking as a nervous anticipation built in his heart, causing it to flutter. “I’d like to hear you say it. Just so I know for real.”
Alice blinked, and it took her a moment to catch the implication, sending heat flooding to her cheeks. It took a moment more for her to find her voice again, which cracked a little. “I love you?”
It was just three little words, but they made Jack’s heart race with excitement. Still, he needed just that little bit more, that complete confirmation of what he had been aching to hear ever since the moment he first laid eyes on Alice. “Yeah. But. For me. If it’s okay, you know?”
This was all happening so fast, but Alice couldn’t bring herself to care anymore. Jack was real. He was real, he accepted her, didn’t fear her, and he loved her. Although the words were difficult to say, his love soothed her, encouraged her. She was intoxicated by the feelings he gave her, by just the fact that he existed in her life at all. She wanted to feel this way forever, be with him forever. “I… I love you… Jack.”
Relief washed over Jack so exquisite he felt like he would melt. He knew it all along, he really did, but hearing Alice say those words at long last was everything to him. “Just like that…,” he sighed almost dreamily.
His quick, sweet kiss caught Alice off-guard, but she recovered quickly, chasing after Jack to taste his lips again. His mouth quirked into a pleased smile at his sunshine’s eagerness, and he returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm, deepening it to get a better taste of that sweet mouth that finally told him the words he ached to hear for so long.
Neither of them could get enough of this new venue of their relationship. Kisses lingered, hot and wet, only ending when Alice needed to take a breath, before the two of them desperately sought out each other again with a hunger that wasn’t yet satisfied. The heat that burned so hot when she fed from Jack flared anew, fueled by their love and the security of knowing their feelings were mutual.
Alice eventually was forced to take a breather, tilting her head back to gulp down hot pants of air, her head dizzy but wonderfully fuzzy. A breathless moan escaped her as Jack ground himself into her, reminding her of the part of him that had been patiently waiting to feel her all this time. On instinct, she spread her legs open for him, and he eagerly rewarded her for welcoming him by grinding directly where she needed him the most.
The mewl Alice made shaped around his name was music to Jack’s ears. “Alice…,” he said, his voice husky with desire. “I’m so proud of you.” He kissed her again, a quick but sweet peck, before moving on to new territory. “I’m so happy that you trust me…” He kissed her chin next, tipping it back gently so that he could place the next kiss even lower.
Alice shivered with excitement as Jack marked a hot, wet trail with his lips along every inch of her neck, murmuring sweet words against her burning skin. She surrendered control to him, letting him mark her with countless kisses as he gently guided her movements to allow him better access to her body. His hands slipped underneath her shirt, sliding it upwards to expose more of her skin to his touch. It was obvious what would happen next, and she welcomed it, only lamenting that he was still wearing his gloves so she couldn’t feel his hands on her body directly.
Jack smiled against her skin as he caught his sunshine’s unspoken request. “I-”
A loud, obnoxious ringing shattered the mood.
The pair froze, almost uncomprehending, until the sound repeated itself, drawing their attention to the nightstand where Alice’s cell phone sat plugged into its charger.
Jack barely bit back the urge to groan in frustration as Alice picked up the obnoxious noisemaker before he could stop her. He barely opened his mouth to convince her to just ignore it, when a loud crack startled him.
Alice stared blankly at her cell phone that she snapped in half like a chocolate bar. She intended to check the caller ID in case it was something urgent, but the instant she saw her boss’ name on the screen, outrage overtook her sense of reason. It was obvious why he was calling - he wanted her to come in to work, to leave Jack now, of all times! How dare he, how dare the world get in the way just when she was finally feeling happy and whole and accepted and loved and the best she had her entire life!
“Shit,” Alice hissed before it fully sunk in what she had just done. “Fuck!” All it took was a moment’s rage, a single second’s lapse in control, and look at the damage she caused. It called to mind other incidents in the past where she lost her temper, and it was a sobering reminder of what she was, how much of a danger she was to those around her, including-
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Jack said soothingly as he slipped his arms back around Alice and pulled her close. She froze in his grip, and he could feel her fear that she might accidentally exert the same devastating strength on him next. “Hey… there’s no need to overthink this.” He placed a soft kiss on her temple. “I know that you’re upset about breaking your cell phone, but you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. You just made a mistake, that’s all. Everybody makes mistakes, even at the best of times.”
Alice chewed on her lower lip, unable to find her voice as her thoughts raced like a train careening towards a cliff. Jack made it sound so insignificant, but a mistake from her could be so much more devastating. What if it was him that she was holding onto when she lost control? What if things got hot and heavy between them and she stopped focusing on keeping her strength in check? What if she grabbed him too hard or bit and tore into him in a fit of passion? What if-
“I know you’re scared that something bad could happen,” Jack said soothingly, cutting into her fretting. “But, really, you have nothing to worry about.” He let out a light chuckle, drawing his sunshine’s gaze back to him. “Remember what you told me before? A vampire only causes someone pain when they don’t care if that person gets hurt. The fact that you’re worrying about this proves that you do care. You love me, and I love you, so I know you won’t ever hurt me.”
Alice slowly shook her head, her movements slight in case even that much might cause damage. “That… that’s just with feeding. I use my powers not to let it… If I… I…”
“Exactly. You don’t want your power to hurt me.” Jack chuckled again and favored Alice with a lopsided grin. “Sunshine, do you know how many times you’ve caused damage in your sleep?”
Alice blinked repeatedly, caught off-guard by the sudden shift in topic. “Wha…? In… in my sleep?”
“Not even once,” Jack said, his smile widening. “Sometimes you hold onto me, or my jacket, or toss and turn when you’re sleeping, and you never hurt me or anything else in bed with you. Ever. Now… if you think you have to constantly focus on keeping control of yourself, why is it that nothing ever happens when you’re asleep? You can’t focus on your self-control when you’re sleeping after all.”
Alice stared at Jack, too stunned to speak.
“What happened just now is an unfortunate mistake, that is true, but mistakes are how we learn, how we grow. This mistake isn’t anything too serious, when you really think about it.” Gently, Jack took the broken phone from Alice’s grasp and set it back on the nightstand. “A phone is useful, and maybe it is a bit inconvenient that it’s broken now, but this is a mistake that can be fixed. A phone can be repaired or replaced. It’s important to learn from your mistakes, but it’s also important that you keep in mind just how big the mistake is. This mistake isn’t a big one, and you have me to help you not make it again, or make bigger ones.”
Alice was quiet as she let what Jack told her fully sink in. He had a point. He had a lot of good points. The fact that she wasn’t destructive in her sleep was a concept that had never occurred to her before, one that she had no argument for. She had plenty of nightmares, but had she ever once awoken to a torn bed sheet or pillow.
It was hard for Alice to fully shake off her fears of worst-case scenarios even with this new revelation, but somehow they didn’t feel quite so daunting, not with Jack here to help her. Somehow, the cheerful, naïve, and endearing Sunny Day Jack had a way of making things feel so much more simple and easier to deal with.
“You know, you’re really selling yourself short, sunspot,” Jack said with a chuckle. “You have better control of your powers than you think. Why… you could even do it in your sleep.”
The pun was so unexpected a snort of laughter escaped Alice in spite of herself. She covered her mouth to stifle any further outburst that might sound even slightly like she was amused by such a cheesy pun. “Seriously?”
Jack couldn’t help but chuckle at Alice’s reaction, especially when she rolled her eyes. “Sorry, sorry. I know. But you have to admit, it a-rest-ed your attention.”
Alice fought to keep a straight face, though the corners of her mouth twitched when he gave her a cheeky wink. “Ohhh… that was bad.”
Jack straightened up, his posture resolute even as the silly grin he wore made the clown look anything but serious. “Well, if you’re tired of my jokes, maybe you should try sleeping on them and see if you still think I’m such a snore in the morning.”
Alice’s cheeks twitched, her stony expression cracking despite her rigid resistance. “That’s terrible. You’re terrible.”
The way her cheeks puffed out made it hard for Jack to keep it together. “Aww… don’t be like that.”
When Jack couldn’t keep his laughter in any longer, that was the tipping point for Alice as well, and giggles bubbled free from her in spite of herself. She gave the clown a playful shove before burying her face into his chest that trembled with laughter in a futile attempt to hide her mirth, which only made him laugh harder. They held each other close as the tension between them dissolved into a fit of giggles, leaving behind a soft and gentle atmosphere.
Once the laughter eventually died down, Alice readjusted her position to rest her chin on his shoulder. “You’re wonderful,” she said beside his ear, her voice barely more than a whisper.
“So are you, Alice,” Jack said, his voice equally soft and sincere. “So wonderful… My wonderful, beautiful, amazing sunshine…”
Alice pressed even closer to this beautiful man who made her feel so loved. With him she didn’t feel like a parasite, or a demon. He truly did love her and accept her, flaws and all. It was so freeing, and she couldn’t contain her joy, planting another kiss on the mark she left on his skin. Jack sighed at the feeling, then let out a moan when she sucked on him there.
“O-oh, yes, Alice…,” Jack moaned as that otherworldly pleasure washed over him. “That’s it… drink as much as you want… I want you to…”
A quiet chuckle escaped Alice before she straightened up, her expression turning mischievous. “I wasn’t biting you.” She grinned at his confused look. “Vampire bites leave a mark, so you’ll be feeling it for a while. Sorry~?”
The playful note to his sunshine’s voice thrilled Jack; it was proof that his efforts to lift her spirits paid off. It was also an invitation for him to get playful as well, one that would be absolutely rude to refuse. His grin widened as he leaned in closer, their noses brushing together. “Well then, I think that it’s only fair if I return the favor, don’t you?”
Alice felt her pulse quicken with excitement at the way his voice dipped as he spoke, growing heavy with promises that made her body tingle, especially where the heat between them still burned so hot. It was a reminder of the pleasure they shared that got disrupted not once, but twice. She knew that there would be no stopping what was about to happen between them this time - neither of them would allow it.
Although Alice tried her best to exude a confident, seductive demeanor, her quaking voice betrayed her nervous excitement. “Y-yeah…”
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
THEA MAYS x f!READER / Summer Prompts
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A/N: remember when I said there would possibly be a spring prompt for this want to be mean girl? Lol. Officially deleted it from my drafts since it’s summer now and we got to get it together! Anyways been wanting to write for awhile now so why not slide into something light?! Kinda. So I can continue to be inspired to write this lovely season. Although most of the AA + AA HC works will flop a little since the tags aren’t that updated, people hate the writing—which I get! or it’s usually the same shit you see there. Anyways!!!
WARNINGS: Deflecting + Thea being problematic?
Song that inspired this —
#4. Pool Party from this prompt list here — https://hailing-stars.tumblr.com/post/653205377012367360/summer-prompts-heres-a-list-of-thirty-summer
Thea’s argument for everything lately was simply, she was figuring things out. And sure there was nothing wrong with that statement per se…until it started to become an excuse.
Once the classes before summer approached were officially over, Thea couldn’t wait to actually get away from bringston university. Thea had until July before she left for Seychelles to spend the summer with her grandmother and thought about throwing a pool party at her house. Both of her parents were away on “business” with her mother landing in Dubai and her father in Chicago—which really meant being away from each other (since they were attempting to avoid a divorce) it was the perfect idea.
At least you tried to persuade. You were really Thea’s only best friend, the only one she allowed to get close enough to; you were the one to always bring her out of her shell when she needed it. You saw pass the whole queen bee trope Thea was still sticking with and sure you were always down for some one on one time with your bestie but the semester took a turn to say the least.
The party was in full swing with the heat baking down on the various of melanin that decorated Thea’s backyard. Everyone was invited, even people that Thea didn’t invite but somehow ended up here attended. Thea wasn’t one to have people up in her space and muttered that she should have thrown a beach party instead but once she had a few Jell-O shots she seemed to simmer down.
That’s until Damon Sims approached the both of you, who lounged against the pool trimmings. He was dressed casually with a white tank assorted with a single gold chain, pink and black printed swim trunks, slides, started to let some facial hair grow in and cut his thick hair down to have his waves on swim, also his skin looked really moisturized in this blazing Georgia heat.
“Damnit, he looks good.” Thea scoffed beside you, before she brought her own red cup back up to her lips.
You snorted before putting on a smile up at the six foot man who approached the two of you.
“Ladies, it’s good to see you.” He started.
Thea flicked her hair back with one hand staring off in another direction with her sunglasses covering her eyes, “is it though?”
You nudged her.
Damon kept his cool, “I didn’t think JR would get the invite first but it’s coo, I know you’ve been busy since...Classes ended.” He chose his words carefully.
“Glad you could make it, Mr. High yellow!” You raised your plastic cup at the man who laughed at your joke with a slight roll of his eyes, tapping his cup against yours.
It seemed at if thea wouldn’t be doing much talking. And it didn’t take long for Damon to pick up on that as he shot you a look in which you shrugged your shoulders and mouthed a, “sorry,” to him.
He cleared his throat, “thea…do you think you and I can go have a conversation?”
“No.” She snapped, “go carry a new conversation somewhere else maybe with Simone, actually. I know how much you love talking to her and I didn’t even invite her ass.”
Grimacing you took a sip of your fruity cocktail.
Damon began to squat down in the space between the two of you, keeping his tone steady, “don’t be like this baby—
“Oh no,” Thea laughed, “don’t think you can just waltz over here throwing around pet names like it’s supposed to mean something to me. You chose her side time and time again even after I screwed up my arm…it’s insulting and I don’t deserve to be anyone’s number two. I worked too damn hard for everything and I deserve to have fun, not someone wasting my time.”
Damon inhaled as he noticed some eyes watching the dynamic. He gently placed his hand on Thea’s shoulder, which she flinched away from. He eased up, raising his hands in surrender, “Sure I could do better but…I’ve never chosen Simone over you.”
“Bullshit!” Thea hissed, “it’s always been that way, I maybe clueless to a lot of things but this mess of a relationship? Absolutely not! I should have listened to y/n from the very beginning.” Thea huffed, glancing up at the bright sky.
You felt Damon’s eyes burn into you now. Of course Thea threw you under the bus without thinking. Sure you and Damon got along since you shared a few classes together; before he got involved with Thea but that did not mean you didn’t have an opinion on this whole ordeal.
Damon sighed, “I agreed on this mini separation…thinking it would help us both get our minds right when it came to tennis and baseball but I really think we should further talk it out.”
Thea shoved her shades back so Damon could see the fire beneath her dark eyes. She smirked up at him sitting in silence for a moment and you knew that did not mean anything good.
The next thing you know, Thea’s reaching for the side of your neck and turning your jaw by her fingertips and you couldn’t catch her eyes as she was only staring at your lips. She took a small inhale before she planted a kiss right on yours. And you were guilty because you kissed back in that very short impulsive moment.
When she abruptly pulled back, still holding onto your skull she smiled back menacingly at Damon who’s brows were definitely furrowed right now.
“There’s your answer, damon.” Thea licked his lips, “there’s not much else to talk about, you see? I’m not just going to sit around and wait for you to decide to pick me for once. So leave me the hell alone and don’t come crawling back once you see me consistently leveling up.” She fanned her hand at the boy, handing him her cup before she lifted off the cemented seat to filly submerge herself into the water.
And both you and Damon watched her for a moment, until damon scoffed and rubbed at his nose in disbelief before leaving in silence. You on the other hand had very conflicting feelings as you watched Thea be all smiles while she chatted with someone else in the water.
You knew what your sexuality was (so did Thea) and then you thought you knew all that this is to know about Thea Mays…better than anyone yet she pulled a stunt like this? To prove what exactly? You didn’t like being used and that was part of the conflicting feelings you were experiencing right now.
So you finished you drink and also found yourself getting into the pool, but at the opposite end.
Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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shotorozu · 4 years
hellolololo!¡! so i recently saw this video where their
s/o goes on to omegle and the other person from omegle like goes “hi ur cute” or “u have snap?” and then their boyfriend just enters the frame,, can u do that to todobakudeku separately :3
if u dont understand u can check this out 😭 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJdEqc7V/ tyy ❤️❤️
“ur kinda cute” on omegle
(tiktok prank)
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (bnha)
part two — part three
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, crack — ‘x reader’
note(s) : i love these types of requests 🤩 so i plan on making 3 parts with this (oh and don’t worry, i’ll finish the other tiktok prank series i have going on at the moment)
also, there’s no proofread on this so if there’s any typos or mistakes, sorry! i’ll be editing them in the morning
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todoroki shouto
okay so, the entire tiktok idea was planned— but the part where shouto came in surely wasn’t staged
so, being a curious young person— you wanted to make a tiktok, where you went on omegle just to speak to people for fun
and inside of your head, you’re kinda thinking that “this is dumb, omg im going to get flashed on there.” also while you were setting up your laptop
but you just used the appropriate tags and !! you were set off for an adventure
you set your phone aside, and you filmed most of the experience— cutting out the not so interesting encounters out of your tiktok
and then came on a dude, who had a,, unique reaction. he didn’t seem all that fishy— until he asked you for your snap (your social medias, essentially)
“you’re kinda cute, y’know. how did i not see you before?”
you shake your head, “oh no no! i appreciate your compliment, but i’m very much taken!” your mind immediately flashing back to the image of your icyhot boyfriend
“nahh you’re lying! i don’t see any dude back there”
oh,, and that was because shouto was out getting snacks 🧎 “no really dude, i appreciate it! i’m very much taken and being disloyal is out of the question!”
this dude just kept insisting and insisting, and due to the struggle— you weren’t able to hear the door knob jiggle
it seemed to be that his advances came to an end, and your lover made an entrance— a mop of red and white peaked out from the door frame
and the dude literally got scared and ended the conversation 💀 because you really weren’t lying!
you also figured that it was time to end your omegle shenanigans, and finish the tiktok— because your boyfriend was already there “hi love, who were you talking to?”
you closed your laptop, and offered him a smile “i was on omegle for a tiktok! i’m glad you’re back.” you discard your phone, wrapping your arms around his torso (and also making sure you don’t delete the draft)
shouto doesn’t say a lot, but he immediately accepts your touch, setting the groceries aside.
he doesn’t question the fact that you were on omegle because well,, he had to get used to your shenanigans on tiktok SOMEHOW
a few hours later, you posted the tiktok— and almost immediately, the tiktok gains a lot of attention
“i love how your boyfriend drove the last dude away 💀💀” “man the last dude didn’t take the hint 🗿” “your boyfriend indirectly protected you! we need more guys like him.”
you snicker at the comments, which ultimately gathered shouto’s attention “what’s up, love?”
you show him the tiktok, “the tiktok did well.” he’ll comment calmly, but shouto’s lowkey MAD ?? that a dude had the audacity. but he’s just glad that you’re happy just maybe,, don’t go on omegle anymore 💀
“love— next time, let me in on your tiktoks.” he says, running a thumb along your cheek lightly. because he was actually quite entertained, putting everything aside
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bakugou katsuki
as if bakugou katsuki would let you go on OMEGLE, a place that’s known for having the sketchiest people to ever exist— but make it virtual
but being with you made him realize that well,, if you want to do something, you’ll go through lengths just to do it.
even the great bakugou katsuki can’t really stop you. whatever makes you happy— but oh, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t highly discourage it
which lead you to go on omegle for a tiktok in the other room, while bakugou exercised in the very next room.
when you told him that you wanted to film a tiktok, bakugou only shrugged— “don’t do overly dumb shit.” was what he only told you and he left the door open too
you then set up your phone and laptop, applied the appropriate tags— and went off to make your tiktok
you only filmed the interesting encounters, and the people you met on there were very diverse in personality and just,, in general.
after the 4th encounter, then came a rather interesting dude. he didn’t seem all that ordinary but he wasn’t spectacular. he was just nice
and the conversation was rather normal— until he started asking for your socials “putting everything aside, do you have social media? you’re really cute.”
you reject immediately, “oh no, i appreciate your words but— i already have a boyfriend.”
you just have to hope that he noticed bakugou walking back and forth with equipment, but with his next words— that doesn’t seem to be the case
“i didn’t see anyone back there, a simple no would’ve been sufficient instead.” uh oh
“no really, i—” and before things escalated, katsuki’s head peaked through the door frame, freshly out of the shower “are you almost done, idiot?”
the dude literally looked behind you, and thought “oh shit, their boyfriend is bakugou fucking katsuki.” because bakugou is famous for,, multiple different reasons
the dude’s camera shakes in terror, “oh uhm,, it was nice meeting you!” not long before he dips from of the conversation, never to be seen again.
closing your laptop— you end the tiktok while bursting into laughter, and this action just confused katsuki ever further. he heard you speaking to someone, and when he looked, the person was nowhere to be seen
“what are you laughing at??”
“nothing katsuki, i was laughing at the tiktok i just made.”
then— you figured that it would be best to tell katsuki now that you were on omegle (long story short, he wasn’t pleased)
he scolded you that you shouldn’t be on omegle, but let’s be honest, he couldn’t stay mad at you— so he just cuddles the frustration away
when you upload the tiktok the following hours, it blows up pretty quickly—with comments like “LOL IS THAT BAKUGOU KATSUKI??” “he had guts until he saw bakugou katsuki 💀” “tbh i’d be scared too”
and when you report the news the katsuki, he smirks— “as he should be.”
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midoriya izuku
at this point, izuku is very much used to your shenanigans on tiktok. he’s very supportive of whatever you do all in all
but, about omegle,,, yeah,, as much as he trusts you— he does not trust omegle. he’s aware that it’s a shady place, and he doesn’t advise that you do go on that website bc he cares
so when you brought up the tiktok idea, he proposed that he’d be there, right beside you just to monitor if anyone’s being weird :)
and that’s great! because you also wanted to ask if he wanted to be a reoccuring guest in your tiktok— and of course, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he opposed?
he helps you set up your laptop and phone— all of that sort of stuff, and then you guys were off to make an interesting tiktok
oh, but izuku did apply the appropriate tags because he didn’t want you to see odd things he was secretly nervous but,, you were very ethusiastic, so he was too.
the first several people were interesting in their own way— especially with their reactions to your boyfriend appearing on screen
usually, they’d back off with, and comment on how cute your boyfriend is— wishing the both of you well before calmly leaving to meet new people,
that was how it was, until you met this person in particular.
he sounded very,, egotistical— i wouldn’t say that because you’ve just met the dude, but he acted like everyone wanted him or it sounded like that
then he says, “you definitely have a phone number, right? you’re cute, just my type.” wkdksmd this is awkward since izuku’s right beside you, but he’s just outside of the frame
then, izuku pops out of the frame— in all his cute ass glory, he gives a small wave to the not so pleased stranger
“please, that’s your boyfriend?” he scoffs, “with those arms, he looks like he could be your little brother! now let me ask again—”
it’s really weird?? because have you seen izuku’s gainz?? and this dude’s audacity is extraordinary.
but little did this guy know, he’s looking at midoriya izuku— and,, you’ve seen his performance in the sports festival.
the dude takes another glance at your boyfriend, who’s sitting there right beside you— and he realizes who he was talking to
“oh shit, you’re—” and before the both of you could realize it, he nopes out of the conversation.
after that encounter, you burst into a fit of laughter— the look on izuku’s face being priceless. “you should’ve seen your reaction!”
“haha, i guess he knew who i was,” he says bashfully, cheeks warming up. because it registered in his mind that people actually knew who he was. “can you,, upload the tiktok later? i want to hug you— i mean! if that’s fine.”
of course it’s fine! you oblige, and give him all the hugs he could ever need
after cuddling with izuku, you do upload the tiktok— and an hour later, your tiktok notifications blow up
the tiktok all in all gathered 1M views, 780K likes, and over 1,500 comments— most of them saying stuff like
“your boyfriend’s reaction was so cute?? i know he looked like he was going to punch him through the screen but 👀” “last dude was just not it.” “LMAO HE REALLY TRIED IT” “is your boyfriend IZUKU MIDORIYA??”
when you excitingly showed him the tiktok’s results, he was certainly pleased— because most of the comments were positive, and also because the tiktok’s results made you happy
“i’m glad that it did well!” he’ll sigh in relief, pressing a kiss against your temple, let’s just not go on there ever again
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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rainiishowers · 2 years
A Beautiful Tune | Shy! Musician! MC x Beelzebub | Obey Me |
Summary: After you arrive in the Devildom again, you help Beel reinvigorate a passion of his after he hears you singing to Belphie one night. A/N: Credit to @angelcakeworld for the prompt/idea This has been in my drafts an awful long time so pardon for the laziness because I just wanted to get it posted.. T_T (Apologies, Angel, if this isn’t exactly what you wanted) Genre: Fluff Warnings: None Tags: @lorkai
“I’m glad you’re back, MC, we missed you.” “I missed you boys, too” Beel watches as you talk to Lucifer, elated that you were finally back here again, even though it was a bit of a surprise. He wonders if you will stay here for another year, he hopes you do, there is so much to catch up on. They all helped you get comfortable and treated you to a lavish meal, as they all took turns telling you what has happened while you were away. Beel wonders how your music career was going, he hopes it was going well, but not too overwhelming. As if Satan read his mind, he asks you a question. “I hope you don’t mind me asking but how is your music career going?” You slump down a bit before smiling sheepishly. “It’s.. going better then before, I still have lots to learn..” You rub the back of your neck. “Hey Beel, didn’t you use to play sax?” Levi asks the sixth eldest and he watches as your eyes lit up. “Yea, but I haven’t picked it up in a while” He admits. “That’s still so cool!” You exclaim, a giant grin on your face. He liked seeing you smile, perhaps he should pick it up, he doesn’t have much to do these days, and maybe if you were up to it, he could teach you. --- The day was winding down, and everyone went to do their own things after a lively welcome back dinner. After some fridge raiding and some working out, Beel decides to go check on his twin, who would most likely be in the attic. He wondered where you were, probably in your room with Mammon, but that curiosity didn’t last long when he heard a familiar voice humming from the attic room where Belphie resided in most of the time. He peeks into the room and saw you humming a soft tune to his twin while he rests in your lap; making him fall asleep ten times faster You kept humming and he found himself listening to it, a small grin plastered on his face. “I like your voice...” You jump and let out a small squeak when you heard a voice and look up to see the tall ginger at the doorway. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you-” You take a deep breath in and out. “It’s alright.. Thanks for the compliment” You smile sheepishly. Beel walks in and you feel the bed sink a bit as he sat at the edge, looking at Belphie. He smiles more, knowing that the youngest had difficulty sleeping because you were gone. “Hey Beel..?” “Yea?” He turns his attention back to you, his expression soft. “About the sax thing Levi mentioned earlier.. Could you teach me? I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to! I was just hoping because it’ll s probably help me be able to perform more songs if I know how to play multiple instruments-” He smile brightens a bit, he was happy you were wanting to learn. “I wouldn’t mind at all” He says, seeing you lit up again, oh what he would do to see that adorable expression on your face.. “Really? Thank you!” ----- Saturday morning came and you arrive at Beel’s door. He agreed to help you on the weekends so you would be able to have lessons uninterrupted You knock a bit and wait for an answer. You heard some creaks and the door opens soon after. You wave and he smiles, letting you in. Beel notices you pulling out a bag of snacks, and he was thankful for that, because now he wouldn’t go hungry! Then again.. Your company always filled him up. You sat on his bed and he grabs two saxophones, one being significantly more bigger then the other. “I got one for Belphie, but he doesn’t play it all that much..” He says. “I hope this is fine-“ “I’ll manage, thank you” You give him a sheepish smile as he nods. “Today, we’ll just go over the basics, okay?” --- “Beel! MC! Lunch is ready!” Satan knocks on the door and peeks in, catching you a bit by surprise. You were so caught up in learning how to play the sax with Beelzebub, even begging him to teach you the things he remembered. It wasn’t entirely easy, but you managed. “We’ll be there in a minute” Beel told him. Satan nods and leaves the two be. “You aren’t hungry?” A silly question to ask, really. “Well... I am, but when I’m with you, my hunger goes away for a bit” He grins. You were a bit surprised by his bluntness, but you smile back nonetheless. “How about we go eat, I’m a bit hungry myself.” He nods and puts down the sax, you do the same and you both walk out, chatting with each other while you made your ways to the kitchen. Practicing with Beel was nice, you felt comfortable around him, like there was no need to be shy because Beel wouldn’t judge any notes you mess up or whatever clumsy step you make. This man cares and loves for you, only wanting the best for you and your career, and you know what? The feeling was mutual.
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So... I have a lot of thoughts on the finale. I've deliberately kept my mouth shut, more or less, on the campaign overall because I'm a firm believer that you can't pass judgement -- at least not complete judgement -- on stories until they're over and done with.
Well, it's done! Kind of crazy. I've been watching Critical Role with almost insane consistency, viewing almost every single episode live, with maybe five-ish exceptions, since episode 19, and I've been blogging it for, what, two and a half years?
It's a weird feeling. It's been such a constant thing for me that I'm always gonna have love for it and remember with a lot of fondness.
...Which is in spite of the fact that I can now comfortably say I'm pretty eh on the ending. I know not being positive about something most of us have loved a lot for a very long time can sting a bit, but I personally think it also stings when people relentlessly crow over how good they think it is or want it to be, to the point where you feel you can't voice your absolutely valid upsets or dissatisfactions. So, here goes, if anyone's interested! I'd be curious to see other opinions, too!
I actually drafted a post talking about my overall frustrations with the campaign a whole two weeks ago, and then scrapped most of it when 140 blew me out of the water. I was really touched, and really happy. I hadn't expected it, but it shockingly felt right, you know?
Unfortunately 141 robbed me of most of that satisfaction and brought me right back to neutral.
The blanket statement you have to make, of course, is that you can’t criticise this as a DnD game, and you can’t be mad at the cast for playing it in a way they think is best for them. They’re the players, Matt’s the DM, and in the end it makes no sense for them to try to make themselves act how they think the audience wants them to, and I’m sure most of the audience wouldn’t like the result anyway.
That said, there is an audience. And that’s where I see this clash coming in. As a DnD game, as long as the players and DM have all enjoyed it and been satisfied, it’s a successful game! But for us, it’s not a DnD game. For us, we’re watching a story be written in real time through the medium of an RPG. And while as a DnD game you can’t fault it, as a piece of media, I completely get why the way things have gone has sat weirdly for a lot of people.
It's not satisfying to see so many character hooks dealt with so quickly or left as an offscreen "and then you do it." If they don't want to keep playing to dive into it, absolutely, but for us who have been watching this as a story with all these character elements get so built up, it's a huge anti-climax.
Which is a lot of what this campaign has been, really.
Oh, Nott’s cursed! But through a really cool character moment that problem is completely taken care of with no consequences we see. Yay, I want her to be Veth and that was an iconic move from Jester! Still, it kind of feels like this was built up to be a big problem and at the first success it was let go... Caleb's got a really intense frightening past he tries to hide, I wonder how the Mighty Nein will respond? Oh, they found out, but it's not a difficult revelation for anyone. Looks like it's easy for them to move past it and forgive. Yeah, that's healthiest for the characters, but huh, kinda undercuts it as a storyline or point of interest. Oooh, Avantika’s back! Ah, they’ve killed her and grabbed the eye again. I mean I don’t want them to die or for Uk’otoa to be free, but I’m starting to feel like that’s not much of a threat anyway. The Traveler’s been kidnapped! Nah he hasn’t, he tried to save Jester so he was let go with no further issue, and also he wasn’t actually in any danger anyway. Oh... Cool. So... Why should I care or be worried?
And these are just the biggest ones I remember being kind of let down by. I wanted to see them STRUGGLE for the successes to have meaning. To my view, threats of failure -- real failure -- really decreased the more the campaign went on, with a few exceptions.
Because don't get me wrong, we've definitely had struggles, and those have made for some of the best moments! Molly’s death, Yasha’s kidnapping, Yeza’s imprisonment. When failures that were threatened are allowed to occur, it’s far more gratifying when it’s followed by success, because you understand that that success was actually necessary. It shows us that what they do really means something.
Honestly, that's why the final battle really shut me up, because nothing makes you quite feel stakes and failure like having two PCs die, and having a resurrection ritual fail -- AND knowing that failure would be delivered on, had it not been for a seemingly miraculous roll of the dice to turn it around. One of the greatest failure's -- Molly's death -- made the success of his resurrection put a lot of my other issues to rest immediately, because to be honest? Molly's resurrection was the biggest success of the campaign, exactly because it was originally the biggest failure.
But this episode, we got to see the other side of making threats and successes feel disappointing -- when you get the impression that success was robbed from you. Again, their characters, their choices, but to have them roll an intervention to get Molly's soul, to convince Molly to come back with his own possessions they've so loved, after so long and so many struggles... only to apparently not get Molly at all?
Changed, of course. Memories, maybe he'd never get them back, though that seems inconsistent to how the initial resurrection was played and Matt's hints. It even makes sense that not having his memories and being a bit different, he might forge a new identity, but insisting Molly was a different person entirely after such a supposed hard won success to get Molly back, especially after what his death meant to the audience and potentially healing that old wound? It robs the narrative of a LOT of catharsis, at least for me and I know many others.
Trent, too, I'm very up and down on. He was so built up -- and what fun that build up had -- and I very much disagreed with the idea that the best story would be dealing with him offscreen.
It's true that you don’t need to explicitly address, confront, or explore every big aspect of character's story hooks and background ties for PCs to move past them and grow healthily. But that does not make it a satisfying viewing experience. People quietly healing in real life is healthy. People quietly healing in an explosive fantasy setting is frustrating for the audience.
What on earth is the point of a story if you don’t get to SEE THE ESTABLISHED CONFLICTS go anywhere? A lot of the characters got distant, quiet resolutions, if that, to everything we wanted to see.
Except, we did get to see Trent. It was a really fun, inventive battle, from opening to conclusion, but much like Travelercon, much like Nott's/Veth's problem with the hag, these were things that the audience in general wanted to see be really dug into and explored, and every single one of them got, in my opinion, quickly tidied up instead. Trent got beaten in the first and only proper battle they had with him, which, after all his build up, is pretty disappointing for a villain many of us wanted to see be a big deal. It really just felt like they were trying to tidy up to get on with the epilogue, which is not what a lot of us were looking for with Trent especially.
And that's how most of their endings felt to me. It didn't feel like any of them had reached a comfortable conclusion. Literally all of them, bar Veth and Caduceus, continued on their character journey threads, without each other and very quickly. Meeting Yasha's tribe and Vandran, Caleb finally openly debating changing time for his parents, Trent and Zeenoth's trials and the changing of the guard at the Assembly... All were things it would have been so fun to have all the PCs react to and explore together, and instead they were fleeting encounters in the latter half of a seven hour finale.
Is all this, from Molly not really coming back to Trent being a finale side plot to the Nein continuing on their individual journeys, potentially realistic to how these fantastical things might go down in real life? Sure! But that's not necessarily a good thing.
Stories THRIVE on conflict and resolution. That’s what makes them FUN! Conflict isn’t nearly so fun in real life and resolutions are often frustrating question marks, so no, past a certain point I don’t WANT stories to be realistic. I want stories to be SATISFYING.
And campaign 2 has fallen far short of the mark.
I haven’t spoken... Basically a word of this for most of the campaign, because as I said I’m a firm believer that you can’t necessarily judge something until it’s over, and because I ALSO firmly believe that being negative WHILE trying to enjoy something is counterproductive. I have had no interest in spoiling or naysaying the fun of the campaign for anyone, least of all myself.
But it's done now, and all I can say is... I really have had fun. I love the characters. I love their relationships. I’m pretty okay with where they’ve ended up. I’m not mad, really, and I’m still going to think of this campaign with a lot of affection. But it hasn’t been a satisfying story, even though for a week following episode 140 I thought, despite all the brushed over story threads, it might be.
So... to try and reclaim some of that satisfaction for myself, I might ignore some aspects of the finale proper. Namely Kingsley specifically. Taliesin's choice -- but to me, it's pretty clear that who we saw at the end of 140 was Molly, and the tags on my posts will reflect that, just as my 141 tags will be for both Kingsley and Molly, for clarity's sake. I personally want to believe Molly did come back, however others might want to interpret it. The victory in 140 that meant so much to me is hollow otherwise, and it just kind of hurts that we would lose Molly after everything. I was okay with him being dead -- I'm not so okay with his resurrection being stolen.
Kingsley will always be canon, but Molly is what I choose to acknowledge. I get if you don't like that take, and that's okay! I didn't care for canon's in the end. That's the good thing about storytelling, is that no one can stop you from making your own versions.
For the people who are hopefully hyped for campaign 3, heck yeah have fun! I’m on the fence. My investment, which... I think I can objectively say was pretty substantive as this blog will attest, doesn't feel rewarded, so I’m not convinced I can faithfully keep up for over three years all over again with a strong possibility that I will once again be left disappointed. It's been a huge chunk of my life, and... yeah!
I’ll take a break, probably, view (and liveblog, if people want!) campaign 1 when I’ve had a mental stretch and vacation, and then... I might start campaign 3. I definitely won’t be able to put the same time in it I did campaign 2 (my first love no matter what), knowing that it’s likely to not be so vindicated, in the end.
I swear I’m actually writing this in fairly good humour, but I totally get its always disappointing when the people you come to for fandom enjoyment just aren't sharing your fun. Honestly I’m half tempted to write all those frigging AUs I have sitting around! But I wanted to say my piece, and try and logically outline why this ending has been lacklustre for so many people, ultimately myself included.
Episode 140 felt right because it felt like a natural conclusion -- these disparate people coming together and finally being whole, finally soothing the hurt that MADE them so long ago. Episode 141 spat on that sentiment -- they all scattered to the winds, not as happy people to live out their dreams, but as confused people chasing up loose threads towards an unknown future, with the friend they thought returned still lost to them, ultimately.
It doesn't feel like the ending we should have gotten for the Mighty Nine, who were finally, finally all together. Until they weren't. So to me? I choose to acknowledge that they were, even if I have to force it to happen post-epilogue in my head.
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Trust Me -- Part 2
02/06/2021: Wow, uh, wow. This one got me. Almost started crying at the cheesy ending. I will cringe at it in precisely two months from now. Thank you guys SO much for all the positive feedback of PART 1, it really helped me finish this part. Without you guys, this would have been still sitting in my drafts. There's lowkey a bit of pressure in this actually being GOOD, so I'm sitting here with a bit of Imposter SyndromeTM and crossing everything I can cross that you guys like it. I can't tell whether I went overboard or not, though... I guess that's for you guys to tell me lmao.
Also, these commas can be pried from my very cold, extremely dead, fingers.
As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! For the first time in almost ever, I'm a bit very nervous to post this -- I hope you enjoy it!!
Tagging: @marshmallow--3 // @yourlocalfrenchie // @rahdaleigh // @sofiewithat /// @iceboundstar // @mythandmagik // @itseivwhore // @pink-polarfox // @missbenzayb // @ct-5445 // @timbreavery // @dacian-assassin // @thepalaceofmelanie // @asilverraven // @huntheimpossible // @eclectic--assassin // @thehistorynut19 // @ta-ka-shi-ma // @roki3chocoa // @fandomsfanman // @le-nottibianche // @bandit-brunsmeier // @starmoji1 // @spocktheestallion // @salty-thembo // @missingfrye // @xdeimos // If you want to be tagged, let me know!!
Warnings: Lots of swearing, a bit of graphic violence, implicit mention of sexual assault (I hope it's not a spoiler to say that this does not actually happen, but the idea is used as manipulation. It's not done well, but I'm blaming that on the character being a horrible liar, instead of me sucking at write arseholes), implied character death.
Pairing: Edward Kenway x F!Reader
Assassin's Creed Mobile Masterlist
Red Dead Redemption 2 Mobile Masterlist
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The neighbouring ship was chaotic. The opponents were drunk on victory, so slipping through unnoticed was easy. The hard part was going to be staying undercover until you could free Edward and the rest of the crew without anyone falling casualty. “Strip them of their weapons and take them to the brig!” You heard the Quartermaster yell. Thinking quickly, you moved to Edward; if you knew where his weapons were, escaping could be much easier. People were already pulling out his pistols and cutlasses, fortunately dumping them in your arms. Looking around, you pulled away to hide them in an inconspicuous barrel for later.
You weren’t planning on staying long.
Quickly rejoining the group, you took hold of one of your crew members -- you recognised him as one named Jonah -- at the back of the crowd, keeping your face covered lest they accidentally reveal your identity. You kept your eye on Edward’s tense shoulders the entire time, heading below deck and to the rows of cells at the end of the ship.
As you gently pushed Jonah into the cell, someone slammed the door shut, chucking the ring of keys your way. “Lock ‘em up.” Swallowing, you nodded, feeling uncomfortable under their gaze while turning the key in the lock. Taking them out of your hands, a mop and bucket was shoved in its place. “You’re on cleaning duty, starting upstairs; let’s go.” With one last glance, your eyes scoured for Edward before they all disappeared from view.
There was this crushing anxiety he just couldn’t shake. It rendered him almost motionless, crouched in the corner of the cell, picking at his sleeves. There was a commotion heading towards them; he was in for company he was not in the mood for.
Heavy footsteps gave away the visitor. “We searched your boat.” His crew parted to clear a view as Charles Marlowe relaxed against the cell bars. “We found your woman.”
Edward’s eyes snapped to Marlowe’s as he clenched his jaw, almost daring him to say more.
With a chuckle and a disgusting grin, he brought out a small knife to clean. “Don’t you want to know where she is?”
“I expect you’d would tell me regardless.”
“I would advise against winding me up, Kenway. I could always take my anger out on her instead.”
It took a second for Edward’s arms to fly through the bars, constricting around Marlowe’s throat. “What have you done with her?”
Although cold metal pressed against his jaw, he didn’t ease up.
“She’s waiting for me very nicely... in my cabin.”
Edward didn’t have to think very hard to infer his meaning.
“I’ll kill you if you touch her. I’ll kill you.” Growling, he held impossibly tighter, for if he was here, he wasn’t there.
“With your actions come consequences, Kenway. And you might not be the one paying for them.”
A dilemma came to mind: delay him to keep him away from you, or risk the consequences of his revenge?
Somewhat luckily, he didn’t need to choose.
Before Edward could comprehend that he loosened his grip, Marlowe slipped out of his grasp. The distraught Captain pressed himself against the bars, anger drenching his expression as he heaved out breaths. His captor laughed. “You’re very good at empty threats, Kenway.”
“It’s not a threat. It’s a promise.” His cold tone streaked through the crew, setting hairs on end. They had never heard their Captain like this before; so angry, so dangerous.
It terrified them.
“That remains to be seen. In the meantime…” With a mocking whistling tune, Marlowe spun on his heels and began to walk away.
“Come back here, bilge rat!” He pulled harshly against the cell door. “Don’t you dare touch her!”
“Then you better stay in line.”
As he disappeared from view, Edward’s emotions overwhelmed him, frustrated tears coming to his eyes. He turned to a solid wall, slamming the side of his fist against it and yelled.
Fear, anger, guilt, and grief echoed around the brig.
Collapsing against the wood, he hid his face in his hands, aiming to either calm himself or hide his inevitable breakdown.
“Finish up downstairs.” Nodding affirmatively, you picked up the mop bucket and eagerly headed beneath deck, having to consciously slow down to avoid suspicion. You were glad you were disguised in the uniform of Marlowe’s crew instead of the rags of the common sailors aboard; it would’ve made the job much harder than it had to be.
Keeping a level head, you walked past the cell holding your family and placed the mop bucket against the wall, scanning the deck.
Sighing in relief, you realised that you were alone with your crew at last. As you pulled the covering off of your face, you shushed frantically, the cell almost erupting into cheers. You gestured for them to part, eyeing Edward, almost balled up in the corner of the cell. “Hey, Ed,” you whispered, watching as his head snapped up to you, eyes widening.
Scrambling up, he strode to the bars in a second, reaching through the gaps to hold you. “Thank Christ…” he exhaled in relief, bringing your forehead to his lips between the bars. You pulled away after a few moments, sharing relieved glances. “Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?” he asked, eyes scanning you for any sign of injuries.
“No, no, I’m okay. Are you alright? Did we lose anyone?”
“I’m... fine; I haven’t done a head count yet.”
You didn’t reply, watching as Jonah came up to tap Edward on the shoulder. “Capt’n?”
He turned around, withdrawing his hands as Ryan came into view. “I can’t find my da’.” His voice was barely stable, cheeks stained with tear tracks. For a second, you both exchanged sorrowful glances.
Edward crouched down, ruffling his hair. “He’ll be around, lad. We just have to find him. Maybe he’s escaped and is planning his own rescue mission for us.”
Ryan nodded, wanting to believe him. Meanwhile, Edward stood and brought Jonah close, leaning to whisper in his ear. He withdrew, a willing but uncertain look on his face. Both retreated back into the small crowd.
“What did you tell him?” you asked.
“...That he has to look after Ryan now.”
You squeezed your eyes shut to stave off tears. “Shit.”
His fingers gently grazed your cheek. “Are you sure you’re alright? Does Marlowe know you’re here?”
Frowning, you shook your head. “I wouldn’t have thought so; if he did, I’d be stuck in there with you.”
His expression was nearly unreadable, but you could sense his anxiety. “I saw him come from here a few moments ago. What was he saying?”
“He…” Pausing for a moment, Edward swallowed. “Just Templar bullshit.”
You scoffed at the notion. “Of course he did. Look, I know how to get out of this.”
“I’ll take anything at this point.” Although his tone was sarcastic, you could tell that for the first time, he didn’t know what to do.
“He needs to die.”
Edward froze, brows narrowing, realising your intention. “No, Y/N, no.”
“‘No’ was an option in Nassau, but we don’t have that choice--”
“No, there must be another way -- “
“There is no other way! This is our only chance--”
“Are you hearing me?! He--”
“Do you understand the situation we’re in?!”
“No, Y/N, please--”
“All it takes is--”
“Just LISTEN to me!” He hissed through gritted teeth, grasping your arm to give it a sharp shake to stop you talking over him. The shock threw you into silence. Lowering his voice, he continued. “If you make so much as one mistake, he won’t just kill you; he’ll make you wish you were dead. Please, please, don’t do this.”
You were stunned. You’ve never seen him so adamant about staying your blade. The desperation in his tone threw you off; you’ve never heard him this serious -- this frantic -- before.
Edward grabbed one of your hands in both of his, bringing your knuckles to rest against his lips. “I love you… with everything I have; I can’t lose you. Not if I can help it,” he murmured, closing his eyes. Your heart broke as you watched a tear escape, trailing down his skin.
“Okay, okay.” You rarely saw Edward cry, and when you did, it was usually due to either drinking or laughing. He took a small, shuddering breath, trying to compose himself.
“We wait for Adé. Then we’ll think about Marlowe.”
“Alright, okay. Hey...” you caressed his jaw. “I’m okay. We’ll be okay. Trust me.”
You heard ruckus above the deck. “Someone’s coming.” Both of you broke away like shrapnel, Edward sitting himself on the floor while you mopped, facing the wall.
And that was how things were.
A couple of weeks had passed since the crew was abducted from the Jackdaw. Everyone had been forced to labour on the deck, doing various jobs, from scrubbing floors to adjusting sails to everything in between. Adé was nowhere to be seen; whether he was hidden on deck and still strategising, or God forbid, something worse, you didn’t know.
A few didn’t make it.
Keeping your identity hidden was becoming increasingly difficult as time went on, of both being a woman and lover of the imprisoned Captain. You had, however, been able to gather intel of Marlowe from the crew that despised him. Each day further validated your belief that this man would be much better off dead; the crew have no loyalty except out of fear, and you could work with that.
You understood Edward’s fear, but it would be selfish of you to stand back and not do anything, watching as almost everyone on the ship suffered; if you did nothing, you would regret it for the rest of your days.
One particular morning was extremely hot, extremely dry, and extremely labour intensive. You were almost halfway through your journey, and you knew you were running out of time. Something had to happen, and soon, or you would never make it to the end of the year.
After the first week, the crew joined the common sailors around the ship, performing average labour over hours. There was barely time to rest, eat, or drink; he could tell that this was wearing him down more than any form of torture.
The sun’s rays beat down on the nape of his neck as midday approached. Orders were to scrub the floor. He had a brush in his hand the size of a polishing brush, sharing a bucket with four other members of his crew. Each time he made eye contact with one of them, he’d give them a reassuring look; they’d all get out of this, he just needed a plan.
Doors were haphazardly flung open, Marlowe revealing himself from his cabin, followed by an entourage of his closest crew. They clumsily made their way across the ship, bumping into those scrubbing the deck, only to send them a look as if it was their fault in the first place.
One of them knocked over a bucket of water, spilling the liquid across the wood. Edward looked up to observe the situation. It belonged to his crew, including Jonah and Ryan. Marlowe stopped, his stare set on the ones kneeling, completely ignoring the real culprit. “You.” He crooked his finger towards Ryan. “Get up.”
With a petrified look on his face, Ryan stumbled to his feet, shaking like a leaf. “It wasn’t--”
Marlowe put his hand up, a warning to shut up. “It was your bucket, was it not?”
“Y-Yes, but--”
“So it was your responsibility, correct?”
“It’s a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, boy.”
“... Yes, sir.”
Marlowe turned to call to his second in command. “Get the cat.”
Edward’s heart stopped. By now, the ship had dropped to complete silence. They wouldn’t… he was only a boy. Marlowe was sadistic, but he wouldn’t be that evil, would he?
Before he could stop himself, Edward found himself standing protectively in front of Ryan. The child gripped onto his sleeve as he was pushed behind his Captain by the arm. “Why don’t you give a punishment to someone who deserves it?”
Marlowe held a neutral expression. “You’re right…” With a wave of his hand, arms snaked themselves around Edward’s, pulling him away from the others, restraining his movements.
Edward’s eyes flitted to Ryan for a split second; he was pulled to sit beside Jonah before he gained any more unwanted attention. Marlowe came to stand in front of him, unpinning his cape from around his shoulders. It fell into someone’s arms, who carried it away. Although his limbs were pulled harshly behind him, he held his head high, a hard expression in his eyes.
Undoing his cuffs, Marlowe smirked. “I believe you deserve twenty, in place of that boy…” Without warning, a fist came into contact with Edward’s sternum. If it weren’t for the arms holding him upright, the force would have sent his knees buckling. As he regained his breath, he glared at Marlowe. “Another twenty is in order for disobedience…” Another strike winded him again, this one seemingly worse than before. Keeled over, hair blocking his vision, he almost didn’t notice Marlowe leaning into his ear. “Then, about as many as I deem fit…”
Standing up straight, he shook out his hand. “Get him ready.”
Edward stumbled as he was half-dragged across the deck to the main mast. His chest and face collided with the post, the wood almost burning his skin. His arms were pulled taut above his head, rope quickly entwining itself around his wrists. He gave them an experimental tug, his heart skipping a beat when he found not even an inch of give.
Oh, fuck.
Hands gripped the back of his shirt, swiftly tearing it open. His muscles tensed as the sunlight hit his skin. Closing his eyes, he steeled himself with a breath.
The first strike licked his skin, the force shoving him against the post, ripping open stripes of flesh. Pain shot across his back. Biting a back a groan, Edward clenched his jaw. Sweat trailed down his temples, arms straining against the ropes.
Resting his forehead against the post, he prepared for the next lash.
But the strike never came.
Ooh, boy.
You were shocked at yourself for a moment, your hand firmly wrapped around Marlowe’s extended wrist, the cat of nine tails trickling Edward’s blood onto the back of your hand.
“I demand satisfaction.”
Gasps and muttering littered the crowd, and you kept to yourself the true realisation of what you’ve done.
You’ve challenged Marlowe to a duel.
“Don’t…” Edward looked over his shoulder, voice loud enough for only you to hear.
You spared him a side glance, urging him to quiet down.
Instead of the expected anger, Marlowe chuckled. “Alright; who demands it?”
You pulled off your face covering and hat, the sun hitting the skin on your face fully for the first time in two weeks. “Naturally, me.”
He hummed darkly, eyes narrowing with recognition. “Naturally.” He began to unsheathe his sword.
“I thought you were a man of tradition; are pistols not your forte?” You raised an eyebrow, challenging him.
After a prolonged glance, metal clicked back into its leather hold. “You really don’t know what you’re getting into, my dear.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“... Let’s get this over with.”
Your heart pounded. This was such a stupid move.
But it was also your only move.
Hiding your own fear, you held eye contact with Marlowe. With trembling fingers, you drew your own pistol, gifted to you by Edward from your last birthday. It was very much your lucky charm, and you hoped it wouldn’t fail you now.
“Ten paces, on my count.” You had no idea who the voice belonged to, nor did you have the current emotional capacity to care. Pulling the hammer down on your pistol, you turned your back to Marlowe. A blank was fired, the echoing shot a signal to start moving.
It was almost deadly quiet.
This was stupid, this was a bad idea. You won’t make it.
An unexpected shot rang out. You dropped to the floor, a pain beginning to blossom in your side.
Marlowe had cheated. Internally, you scoffed. Of course he did.
Although it stung, you were surprised at how bearable the pain was, given you just got shot.
Or did you?
You lay still, partly in shock and partly to plan what to do next.
“What are you all looking at? Get back to work!”
“Y/N? Y/N/N!” You heard Edward’s voice crack. “You cheating bastard!”
“Now, now, Kenway. Don’t forget the position you’re in.”
Floorboards creaked as someone approached. Pistol miraculously still in hand, you waited for as long as possible. Just a little longer....
A shadow shaded your face from the sun. Without thinking, you turned, aimed, and shot.
Marlowe stared back, glassy eyed, blood trickling down his nose.
A moment later, he collapsed.
No one dared to move, choosing to stare at the body in front of them, not quite believing that he was dead.
The monster of a man was dead.
After the adrenaline ebbed away, you sighed heavily. “Glad that’s over.” A hand came into view, offering assistance to stand up. You locked eyes with someone who should have made himself known a long time ago. “Adé!” Accepting the help, you smirked. “Great timing.”
You quickly moved to Edward to begin untying the knots around his wrists. “What the fuck were you thinking?!” he exclaimed, exertion clear in his eyes.
“I’m sorry for worrying you--”
“Worrying me?” One wrist freed, he deftly moved to the other. “When I saw you lying there, I felt as if I had died!”
You sighed. “I needed to do something, lest you became more bone than back.”
“That was the most stupid plan I’ve ever seen in my life.” His hands free, he paid no heed to his own wounds and immediately tried to inspect yours. “You were so irresponsible--”
Bringing his face to yours, you stopped him talking with a kiss.
He diffused immediately, finally processing that you were in front of him, alive, and Marlowe was the one dead on the floor. Melting into you, the tension in his muscles dissipated, replaced only with relief. He broke apart from you, burying his face in your neck, his arms wrapped around you tightly.
“If the plan worked, it couldn’t have been that stupid,” you remarked.
“I’m so sorry.” His words were mumbled into your shoulder.
“You were looking out for me; I would have done the same if the roles were reversed.” You hugged him back, recoiling when he suddenly flinched in pain. “Oh, God, I’m sorry.”
“Shall we just accept each other’s apologies and call it a day?”
You laughed. “That would be good.”
Turning to the hands on deck, you raised your pistol in the air. “It’s over, lads! We can go home!”
You held your side, the pain greatly subsided under the amount of other emotions you were feeling; joy, relief, but also grief. Not for Marlowe, but for the ones that didn’t see this day.
You made a vow there and then; a vow to live your life the way they would have lived.
With joyful, carefree fun.
With the ability to live in the moment.
With gratitude for what you still have that they lost: For some, love, and for others, life.
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
Puppy Love
Pairing: Jake Jensen/Fem-Reader
Words: 4684
Summary: You and Jake Jensen work together for the first time on a recon mission. You’re the consummate professional, while Jake is basically a man-child with a heart of gold. Will he be able to soften your cold demeanor?
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content, explicit descriptions of violence, SMUT, 18+
A/N: I ended up be a little later than I had planned with this one as I wanted to do some edits since the first draft didn’t seem quite right to me, but here it is, for day 5 of my birthday week. I actually watched “The Losers” for the first time today and I would highly recommend it. It’s a bit on the cheesy side but Jake Jensen really makes it worth it. I’m going to tag @stargazingfangirl18​ and @starlightcrystalline​, as I know they’re fans of Jake’s. Please enjoy!
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“What’s he look like again?”
“Golden retriever in human form, blond buzz, goatee, Harry Potter glasses.” Aisha instructed you over your phone. “Probably stuffing his face at the buffet. He’ll have a comm for you. Thanks for stepping in for me at the last minute.”
“Well, you didn’t give me that much of a choice.” You said, no real malice behind it. You did owe her after all. “Found him. Talk to you in a sec.”
She had been right, you found your contact at the buffet, balancing two plates on one forearm and loading them with an obscene amount of h’ors douvres. He didn’t notice you walking up behind him, he was so engrossed in the spread.
The man nearly jumped out of his skin, just barely avoiding spilling foie gras on his tux.
“Shit.” He muttered under his breath as he set the plates down on a table and turned back to you. “Y/N? Hi! Call me Jake!” He wiped his hands on his pants leg before offering you one to shake in greeting.
You cocked one eyebrow at him as he gave you a slightly crooked grin and took his hand. “Right, you have a comm for me?”
“Crap, yes, here you go.” He handed the small earpiece and gave you a good look, eyes scanning up and down your body. You were wearing a long sleeve green satin gown. The bodice hugged you tightly down to your hips before flaring into a skirt that had a slit running all the way up your leg. The gown didn’t have a back, showing off the lean muscles moving beneath your skin.
Jensen cleared his throat and took what you thought was supposed to be a nonchalant pose; leaning back on one foot with his arms crossed, one eyebrow lifted in an expression you couldn’t identify. “So,” he said in an artificially deep voice. “Where, uh, where are you from?”
You rolled your eyes and ignored the question as you inserted the comm link into your ear. “Comm test, can you read me, Aisha?”
“I read you, I see you found Jensen.”
“Yeah, where are we heading?”
“Right down to business, I can respect that.” Jensen said, nodding his head as he shuffled his feet and crossed and uncrossed his arms repeatedly, trying to give off an air of confidence and failing miserably.
“There’s a hallway to your left that should lead to the north wing of the property where the entrance to the server room is. Security is pretty lax right now but they’re definitely still there so make sure you don’t look suspicious.”
“Got it.” You turned back to Jensen and put one arm through his, giving him a radiant smile as the two of you started to head down the hall.
“Hahaha, what’s happening?” Jensen laughed nervously at your sudden and extreme change in demeanor.
“Relax, Jensen. We’re just taking a stroll to look at the artwork. Nothing that should concern anyone.”
“Oh, ok. Are you acting right now? You’re really good at it.”
Your smile started to strain. Wasn’t this guy supposed to be a professional? “That’s part of the job.” You grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters before you headed down the hallway. You nodded to Jensen to grab one as well, hoping that if he started drinking, he might stop talking.
You were wrong.
“I always feel so awkward when I have to act on a job, you know? Like, what’s my character’s story? His motivations?” He took a sip of champagne. “Mm, this is good.”
You chugged your glass in one gulp. Maybe if you got a buzz going, the constant chatter wouldn’t bother you as much.
“Wow. That was impressive.”
“Jensen, Y/N is too much of a pro to say so, but you need to shut the fuck up.” Aisha said through your comms, exasperated. You heard laughing from the rest of the team in the background and gave a small smirk.
“Right, sorry. I babble when I’m nervous.” He said, taking another sip of champagne.
You were getting close to the server room now and saw a security guard walking towards you. You pulled Jensen off to the side and stared at a beautiful replica of John William Waterhouse’s ‘The Soul of the Rose’.
“Tell me about this one, sweetie.” You said, your voice sickeningly sweet as you giggled breathlessly and looked at Jensen coquettishly, fluttering your eyelashes at him.
“Uhh, this is a painting of… a woman, um, smelling a rose. From…. Sometime in the past?” He said, painfully.
Fortunately, the guard didn’t stop to analyze the absolute stupidity that was coming out of this man’s mouth. He continued past the two of you and you started to head back towards your destination.
“Fascinating analysis, Jensen.” You said dryly.
“Listen, I can’t ad lib. I need time to prepare my lines.”
“How have you survived in this… fuck.” You drew him back sharply before he had a chance to round the corner. There were two guards posted at the door to the server room. “Aisha, we’ve got two bogies right where we need to be. Is there any other way in?”
“Shit, no. Vents are welded shut and the roof is crawling with security, so the sky light isn’t an option.”
You chewed your lips as you weighed the several different scenarios. “Is there a closet or other sort of storage nearby?”
“Yeah, there’s a janitor’s closet right across the hall.”
“Great.” Not trusting your partner to act the part believably, you figured startling him would get him into a convincing state.
You grabbed his ears and pulled his face to yours, kissing him hard. He gave a small yelp into your mouth as you pulled him backwards with you, into the view of the two waiting guards. You separated from him and he gave you a goofy grin trying to kiss you again as you turned away from him, pulling him by his wrist and giggling.
You staggered drunkenly towards the two guards and gave them a sloppy grin. “’Scuse me.“ You slurred at them. Jensen collided into your back clumsily, panting breathlessly. “We’re looking for the bathroom.”
“You need to move out of this area.” One of the guards scowled at you, his hand moving to the gun holstered on his hip.
“How… dare you?” You whined, stepping forward and poking him in the chest. “Do you even know who you’re talking to? Do you know who my daddy is?”
The guard looked past you at Jensen. “Sir, you need to take her out of here.”
“Don’t you talk over me!” You dug your hand in your purse. “I’m calling daddy right now, you are going to be so fired.”
He rolled his eyes and moved to grab your arm when you pulled the syringe out of your purse and plunged it into his neck. He let out a hiss and slumped against the wall. You pulled his gun out of the holster and whipped the other guard across the face with it before he had a chance to reach for his radio.
“Wait, was that not a real kiss?” Jensen asked with a confused look on his face. He stared at the two guards lying on the floor, his brain trying to catch up with everything that just happened.
“Oh my god, Jensen, get your head in the game.” Aisha scolded through the comms.
“Help me get them into the closet.” You hissed at him after you managed to gag and hogtie both of them.
“Right.” You shoved the guards into the tiny storage area and forced the door closed. Jensen moved to the key pad and connected it to his phone, a look of concentration coming over his face as he got to work.
You rolled your neck loosely as you waited and in less than a minute he made a small triumphant noise.
“Jensen comes in in the clutch and the crowd goes wild!” He made a noise like cheers in a stadium and put his hand up to give you a high five.
You opened the door to the server room and headed in, leaving him hanging. You heard him slap his own hand before he followed you. “So serious.” You heard him whisper over the comms. “ ‘Good job Jensen. And by the way that kiss was amazing, let’s do it again.’ “
“We can hear you, idiot.” Aisha said in your ears, her tone dripping with annoyance.
“Where’s the server we want?” You asked him over your shoulder.
“This way.” He led you down an aisle to your right before arriving at the server you needed, pulling a small tablet out of his tux jacket and connecting it. “This should just take a few minutes.”
“So, um, how do you know Aisha?” he said, trying to fill the silence.
“High school.” You said flatly.
“Oh, really? That long?”
“Of course not. She mentioned something about Finland?”
“So, snowy there, huh?”
“Sure is.”
“Oook.” He felt horribly awkward. He knew he had no game, but dealing with women like you and Aisha really cemented that. He turned his concentration back to the algorithm that was running and started singing Bon Jovi to himself.
You rolled your eyes. You couldn’t believe Aisha worked with this man-child. He must be a genius with computers for her to put up with this bullshit. Granted, he filled out that tux real nice; his broad shoulders stretching the back of the jacket in a titillating way before his torso narrowed in an almost perfect V to his hips. The jacket covered it some, but you could tell he had a nice ass under the slacks as well. Maybe she kept him around for the eye candy.
“Wanted, wantehehed, dead or alive! And done!” He finished up, disconnecting from the server and turning to give you another goofy grin.
You smirked at him and started to head back out of the room.
“Was that an almost smile, Y/N?” he said teasingly behind you. “Are you warming up to me?”
“Please stop talking,” You told him half-heartedly, too mentally exhausted to really scold him.
You turned the corner and ran into three armed guards. You all stared at each other for a second before they drew their guns and brought them up to fire.
You shoved Jensen behind the servers and dove after him as bullets started ricocheting everywhere.
“We’re blown, Aisha! We need an exit.”
“Shit, hold them down while I work something out.”
“Got it. You armed, Jensen?” You looked at him as you slipped out of your heels.
“Fuck, no. I was worried a gun would ruin the lines of my tux.”
“That is so fucking stupid.” You hissed. Of course, you hadn’t brought a gun either, but that was because you knew the venue’s security measures would have gone into hyper drive if you had gotten caught with one. You shoved your shoes into Jensen’s arm along with your purse as you pulled out a ceramic blade from under your skirt.
“Where were you keeping that?” Jensen asked you, eyes bulging as he tried to imagine where you could have been storing the giant knife in your skintight dress.
You gave him a grunt as you edged your way between the servers slowly, moving closer to the gunman as they shuffled forward, continuing to fire at the two of you.
You reached the server next to the nearest gunman and shot your arm out to knock the gun out of his hand. You brought a knee up into his diaphragm and plunged your knife in between his shoulders and then his neck, slipping back between the servers as he dropped to the floor.
The other two guards seemed to remember suddenly that they were in a room full of delicate computer equipment and they stowed their weapons, dropping into fight ready stances as they tried to determine where you were.
You shot out like a whip, punching the first guard in the gut then the throat and grabbing him around the waist to tackle him. You used the momentum to carry you forward and delivered a scorpion kick to the other man’s face, making him stagger back into the servers, clutching his nose. The first man wasn’t going down, so you released him and sprung off one leg to push off a server wall and whip the opposite foot around to drive into his face hard, sending him sprawling as you landed on one knee beside him, plunging your knife into his chest.
“Jesus, Jensen what’s happening?” Aisha yelled over the comms.
“Uhh, Y/N is kicking some serious ass.” Jake watched you stand up slowly from the second body, spinning your knife through your fingers as you turned to face your final opponent.
“Well both of you need to get to the skylight ASAP for extraction, Pooch’ll be there with a chopper in exactly one minute.”
“Got it. You get that, Y/N?”
“Yeah, just a second.” You jumped up to grab one of the pipes running along the ceiling and wrapped your thighs around the guard’s neck, squeezing him hard enough to cut off blood and oxygen to his brain. You didn’t notice him draw a knife of his own from a sheath at his thigh.
Jake hissed when he saw and grabbed the gun the first guard had dropped, shooting your opponent three times in his chest before he had a chance to slash across your femoral artery. You landed on your feet as he dropped between your legs.
“Nice shot.” You told Jake, giving him an approving nod as the two of you started to jog to the extraction point.
“Aww, shucks.” Jake groaned internally at that, not wanting to think about how stupid he sounded.
“We’re here.” You told Aisha over the comm.  “How exactly is Pooch getting us out of here? There’s no room on the roof for a chopper.”
“He’s going to drop you a line.”
“Great.” The skylight was purely for show, there was no way to open it. You pushed Jake back and took the gun from him when you heard chopper blades, and shot the glass out of the window.
A rope dropped through the opening immediately and Jake wrapped his right leg and arm through it before holding you to him with his left arm.
“Hi.” He said sheepishly as he looked at you. “Wait, weren’t there guards on the roof?”
You didn’t get a chance to answer as the two of you were lifted into the air as the chopper took off. You heard gunfire and saw muzzle flashes before you were exposed to the open air.
A bullet ripped through the air less than 6 inches from your face and Jake swore. “Don’t drop me.” You told him as you started firing at the guards on the roof, making sure to pick your shots carefully so you didn’t waste any bullets.
Once you were safely out of gun range, someone in the chopper started pulling the two of you up. Jake gave a melodramatic sigh once the two of you were safely inside, laying back against the floor, still holding you to him, before he let out a whoop and sat up quickly, releasing you. He watched you with one of those ridiculous grins on his face as you settled yourself into one of the seats.
“That was exciting!” He said giddily. “Cougar, you should have seen it. Y/N took out three guys with guns with just a knife and, like, her legs.”
You couldn’t help it, that damn smile of his was too infectious. Your lips curled up slightly as he narrated the fight to a disinterested Cougar, leaning you head back against the chopper. The idiot had grown on you.
“And, hoo, when you kicked that one guy in the face, while you were tackling the other guy. Man, that was fucking ace!” He finished up his narration as you landed back at the warehouse.
Clay and Aisha greeted you when you landed. Aisha let out a deep breath once she saw to two of you step out of the chopper, tension leaving her body.
“You two get it done?” Clay asked.
“We sure did, boss! Backdoor is open for us anytime!” Jake said excitedly.
“Perfect, let’s all get some drinks.”
“Glad you’re ok, Y/N.” Aisha said, handing you a shot of tequila when you arrived at the basic bar set up.
“Well, we’re officially even now.” You told her around a grin before tossing back your shot and pouring another.
“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you for any more favors.” She said through a smile of her own.
“Aw, c’mon, Aisha. The two of us make a pretty killer team! I think she should maybe join our little loser club!” Jensen draped an arm around your shoulder. He had undone his bowtie and the top few buttons of his shirt, exposing a light dusting of dark hair at the top of his chest. He looked down at you and gave you a grin and a wink.
Well, fuck.
You slammed your second shot back, nodded to Aisha, and pulled Jake by his wrist to follow you to one of the side rooms of the warehouse as he gave you a look of confusion.
“Have fun, you two. Don’t break him, Y/N!” You heard Aisha call behind you.
“Um, what are we doing?” Jake asked as you pulled the door to one of the storage rooms closed behind you.
“Stop talking, before I change my mind.” You told him, placing a finger over his lips as you slid his tux jacket off his shoulders.
You stepped into him, your body pressing him into the door as you brought his face to yours for a kiss before he could start babbling again. You teased at his lips with your teeth before running your tongue around the cushion of his bottom lip and he opened himself to you, groaning into your mouth. He kneaded his hands into your hips, pulling you against him close. You felt him starting to harden through his pants and gave him a sigh before you started moving your mouth down his jaw to his neck as you started to unbutton his shirt.
“Shit.” He murmured as you lightly sucked against his pulse point, drawing a soft bruise against his skin as your hands finished their work on his buttons and he shrugged his shirt off. You stepped back to let him remove his undershirt too and gave a moan when his torso was fully exposed, running your fingers over his abs lightly before pressing your palms against the plain of his chest.
“Mmm, who knew you were packing all this under here sweetie.” You murmured before moving your mouth back to his neck before you started slowly traveling south.
“Um, Y/N? Is this just like, a post-mission type thing? Or what?” His voice cracked when your tongue ran over his nipple as you tweaked the other. You kept moving down his abs until you reached the top of his pants and started to undo his belt, kneeling in front of him. “Not that there’s any pressure, or anything, just curio-- mmph.”
You had slipped your panties off as he chattered away and shoved them in his mouth before you went back to undoing his fly.
“Seriously, Jake, you need to shut the fuck up.” You pulled his zipper down finally, and drew his pants and boxers down his legs so they pooled around his ankles.
You gave yourself a little hum as you examined his cock. His swollen head was already leaking pre-cum before you had even touched him. You spat in your hand before wrapping it around his impressive length, giving him a few pumps as you lapped soft kitten licks over his slit. He gave a groan from deep in his chest and leaned his head back against the door, thumping his fist against it at his side.
You took the head of his cock in your mouth and hummed around it, causing him to twitch before you moved him further in and slowly back out, repeating the process to take him a little further into your mouth with each bob of your head.
Jake was using all his concentration to keep from coming 30 seconds into a blowjob like a chump. The tangy taste of your arousal was on his tongue as he bit down on your panties, which wasn’t helping. When you started breathing through your nose and relaxed your throat to swallow around him though, he was lost.
He let out a muffled groan and pressed a hand to the back of your head when he bucked his hips and shot his release down your throat.
You let his softening dick slide out of your mouth as you wiped a small amount of drool from around your mouth with your fingertips. You drew yourself up to your feet and plucked your now saliva soaked panties from his mouth before pulling him in for another kiss.
“Was that good for you, honey?” You asked, giving him a wicked smile as he rested his forehead against yours, panting as he came down from his orgasm.
“Fuck, yeah, that was good.” He said, kissing you again as his big hands pressed into the small of your back before moving their way up to your shoulders.
He slid the shoulders of your gown down your arms slowly and then down your hips once your arms were free. You stepped out of it as it pooled on the ground and he turned you suddenly until he had you pinned against the wall.
Jake took a step back and drank you in. He ran his hand over your hips and up your abdomen until he was cupping your breasts, gently running his thumbs over your nipples until they were raised to sensitive peaks.
“Mmhm, pretty girl.” He murmured as he palmed your breasts, making you gasp. “I’m gonna make you feel good too, baby.”
He removed his glasses and set them on the table behind him before stepping into you and curling his thick fingers over your mound. You bit your lip and moaned as he teased his way between your soft folds, brushing his fingers through the arousal at your entrance as he sank to his knees.
He pushed your lips apart gently, then dragged his tongue over your slit heavily, causing your knees to buckle when he found your clit. He moved one of your legs over his shoulder to keep you from falling as he started licking small circles over the tiny bud.
He shook his head from side to side to press himself deeper into you before sucking gently, making you cry out. His tongue entered your canal and he started to alternate between fucking you with it, and sucking on your clit.
You felt your core tightening as your orgasm built and you ground yourself into Jake’s face, begging him for more. He wrapped his lips around you tightly and sucked hard, and you felt the coil in your belly snap as you screamed his name and your release gushed all over his mouth and chin. You kept grinding against him as you came down and once you had finally finished, he gave you a wicked grin from between your legs before rising back up to kiss you.
You felt your desire stirring again already when you tasted yourself on his tongue and you let out a heavy sigh. He pressed himself into your front and lifted you until you could wrap your legs around his waist. He pressed his face into the hollow of your throat and softly nipped at the skin there. You gave a soft whine and gripped the back of his neck.
“You good with me fucking you against the wall, sweetheart?” He asked against your neck.
“Oh, fuck, yes.” You said breathlessly as he continued nuzzling you softly.
He kept you propped against the wall as he moved a hand between the two of you to line up at your entrance. You felt his tip brush against your folds and let out a sigh, trying to grind yourself into him.
He pulled his head up and gave you one of those grins before lowering you slowly onto his length. You moaned as you stretched over him until he was fully seated in you.
Jake gave a grunt and braced one hand against the wall before he started moving his hips, fucking his cock up into you roughly. His breath was hot against your neck as he panted in time with his thrusts, making you whimper softly in his ear.
“God, sweetheart, you’re so tight. This pussy feels so good.”
He started to pick up the pace then. You screwed your eyes shut and tilted your head back with a low moan, loving the full feeling he was giving you in this position. Jake lifted his head to look at you and watch as you took his cock, your tits bouncing each time he drove up into you. He bent his face down to nuzzle against them and you gasped as he drew his tongue over your nipple.
His cock was hitting your sweet spot each time and the position you were in had him rubbing right against your clit. You could feel yourself building towards an orgasm fast and dug your nails into the muscles of his back.
He felt you starting to flutter and clench around him and picked up the pace, adjusting the hand he had holding you up so your hips tilted just a bit and that small change sent you over the edge.
“Fuck, baby, that’s it!” You cried as every muscle in your body tightened and vibrated while your pleasure released violently. Jake kept his relentless pace up as you rode it out and you sagged against him when you came down.
You felt his hips start to stutter and then his dick was twitching inside of you, his cum filling you up until it was leaking out around his cock.
“Fuck, sorry.” He murmured against your hair as he held you to him. “I meant to pull out.”
You lifted his head up and slowly unwrapped yourself from him, placing your feet on the floor gently and almost collapsing on your shaky legs.
“That’s ok baby.” You said, giving him a reassuring pat on the cheek. You gave him a hungry kiss, painting the inside of his mouth with your tongue before whispering in his ear, “I love feeling your cum leaking out of my cunt.”
He gave a laugh that was on the hysterical side as you started to slip your gown back on. He was sliding into his pants when you turned back to him, and he gave you a sheepish grin. He found your panties as he was drawing his shirt off the ground and tried to hand them to you.
“Oh, sweetie, you keep those.” You told him with a throaty chuckle. “They can be a little souvenir.”
Fuck, that’s hot. He thought to himself as he tucked them into his back pocket.
“So, should we do this again sometime?” He asked awkwardly, not knowing what to say to you now. He definitely wanted to do it again. He wanted to do it a lot. But he was worried this was just a quick fling for you, a release after a stressful mission.
“Aww, puppy.” You pouted playfully at him. “We’ll do it again. Those stupid grins of yours have grown on me. I don’t think I have it in me to break your heart.”
He gave you one of those signature grins now as he pressed himself into your back and nuzzled in your hair. You whipped the door open and held his hand as you led him out to a chorus of whistles and catcalls, and he wore that stupid grin all night.
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