#I wanna hug you and wrap you with a blankie and give you pat pats anonnie you're so nice 😭
miyooree · 9 months
Yo it’s the sleepy Clarence anon and I loved the tags! I’d wanted to “gift” you something ‘cause I love your blog, I didn’t expect the positive and warm response from both you and others. <3 I’m not among you and I’m remaining in the shadows, I’m too shy to mingle. Just know I love everyone’s works and posts!
- V.
Hello, anon!! First of all, thank you so much for your sleepy Clarence ask, it was absolutely gorgeous! I loved it đŸ€
Second of all, I'm very glad to hear that you love my blog. I do not write often, and neither am I proficient at writing much, so I feel very happy to receive this from you, thank you . . . (⁠äșș⁠ ⁠‱͈⁠ᮗ⁠‱͈⁠).
If you wish, we could be moots, or friends – but that's up to you. I'd love to interact with you amazing people! Have a lovely day/night <3
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mazuwii · 3 years
Reiner X Reader
A/N another request yuh. I realised a lot of you like reverse comfort. I'm a big enjoyer of it too, if you have any thoughts or asks then just comment <3
Summary: You try to bring Reiner’s fever down
word count: 1k
You spent the entire morning trying to get Reiner's fever down, succeeding only by a bit. He was still weak, quivering despite the blankies you had allowed him to overdose on.
Taking the thermometer out of his mouth, you sighed in pity, biting back a smile since you couldn't help but realise how adorable he was. With the migraine plaster on his head, chest heaving up and down, his hazel eyes steadied onto you, making your heart flutter.
"I can let you have ice cream if you want, it might help with your throat baby."
"Cold..." he whimpered.
"Then, soup?" You exhaled, "you're so boring when you're sick. Why would you rather that when we can have ice cream?"
The man shivering underneath you didn't answer, all you could hear was his teeth chattering. "You're really starting to worry me..." you scanned him, realising that maybe you shouldn't let him warm up. Perhaps it'd be better if you put him in a cold bath. You thought when you felt his sweaty neck.
If that puts his temperature down then you can finally stop feeling so paranoid- rightfully, how could you go about your day when he was sweating buckets at a time, eyes red and puffy?
Instead, you snatched the sheets off of him, causing him to cry out in pain, begging you to be nice to him at least just this once. "Come on Rein, let's bathe you, hm?" You helped him out of the bed, wondering how a man as big as him could oblige with you so fast.
Once you got him in, you helped him take his clothes off and turned the cold tap on, your heart shattering when you heard him cry out in shock. "Shhh, it won't last that long." You kissed his sweaty forehead and stroked his tears away. You almost forgot just how emotional he gets when he's ill.
For a few seconds, you went into the bedroom to fetch whatever clothes you found that belonged to him. Rushing back to the bathroom as if he'd drown himself when you weren't looking.
Yet when you arrived, he was weeping in the bathtub, hugging his arms for an inch of warmth. By this time, the water reached just underneath his knees.
"Hey, don't cry..." you tried to comfort him, only to have him turn his face away from yours, giving you the cold shoulders. "Come on Reiner, I know that you're not yourself, look at you right now... just calm down." You placed your hand on his chest, gently pushing him to rest on the edge of the tub.
"Just stay like that, it'll only be for a bit, I promise you'll be so warm after." You whispered into his ear. Your attempts seemed to be succeeding as his shoulders softened up. The waterworks stopped and he only pouted, closing his aching eyes.
"You're being so good right now." You muttered while reaching for the plug inside the bath, letting the water slowly swirl down the drain. Reiner turned to you with confusion written all over his face at the descending water. "Don't cry, it's all over now." You kissed his cheek. "Now do you think you could stand up for me baby?"
With help from the bath sides, he managed to get up, obedient as he waited for you to dry him off. It didn't take too long, you gently patted the water away with the towel. Working your way up to meet his tired eyes that were determined on you and only you. "What?" You chuckled before helping him out of the tub and putting his clothes on for him.
His response came out delayed as he kissed your cheek. You kissed his back, finally finished with changing him into shorts and a loose T-shirt.
"What shall we do now?" You hummed in thought, resting your hands on your hips. "Do you wanna help me cook?"
He nodded.
"You can stay in the living room while I do so. Let's go." You took his arm and helped him down the stairs, your other arm wrapped around his waist in case he trips or anything. Though it's not like you could hold him back if he fell, it would only mean you'd topple over with him. Because if Reiner goes down, you go down with him.
Knowing this, the blonde did everything in his power to carefully get to the last step and succeeded when he finally felt the wooden floor beneath his slippers, sighing out in relief. Though, as you took him to the sofa he began struggling slightly, giving you a questioning look.
"What?" You blinked. He motioned at the sofa and then the kitchen. "Oh you wanna be with me?" he nodded enthusiastically. "Well, you can't. Now, lay down, I don't think I can handle another scare." A part of you shattered when his face visibly dropped in sadness.
"Sorry. The kitchen just gets too warm fast, I don't want your temperature rising again."He still didn't smile, only allowing you to help him lay down then face away from you. You rolled your eyes at the dramatic man, "You're getting pouty again aren't you?"
"MmM"- he shook his head. Turning his head to blink up at you. "You're lucky you're so cute." You threatened, accusingly pointing a finger inches away from his face, his hazel eyes peering down at it, appearing like a confused honey bear. You couldn't keep count of the number of times he had melted your heart by just looking at you- alas, you couldn't keep pinching his cheeks and squeezing the poor man, your cuteness aggression had to be held back before you tightly hug him into nothing.
"Oh come here!" At the realisation that you gave in to your violence, he squirmed from underneath you, uncontrollably smiling with every peck landing on his face, he had no idea why you thought he was adorable but he wasn't complaining.
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breanime · 4 years
Bre’s Boys Picture Preference: Your Baby Girl
Disclaimer: All of these adorable babies are internet babies, I do not own or know these babies, though I do wish them the absolute best lives. 
Billy Russo: When you told him you were pregnant, Billy kind of went on auto-pilot. He was there for every ultrasound, indulged your cravings no matter how nonsensical or inconvenient they were, bought all the books and bottles and tiny clothes, but he still hadn’t come to terms with the fact that he was about to be a father. Honestly, whenever he thought about it, all he could feel was this immense sense of guilt that he wouldn’t be able to give the baby the one thing it would really need: love. He could provide a home and education and all the material things, but Billy just couldn’t see himself loving an infant; he was still surprised that he loved you, to be honest. But then he saw her. And he held her in his arms for the first time, and Billy had never felt so weak, so happy, and so in love ever in his life. He felt such a sense of protectiveness and love and security when your baby girl looked up at him with big, black eyes...his eyes. Billy soon finds out that he’s powerless when it comes to his daughter; he just wants to hold her all day, one blink of her big, sweet eyes and he’s mush. “I will never let anyone hurt you,” he promises as he buckles her into the car, “I will make sure you have everything you want, no matter what it is. If you want it, Daddy will get it for you.” He can’t help but caress her soft, fat cheek with his finger, melting as she stares up at him, blowing spit bubbles as he talks. “Daddy is gonna give you the world.” 
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Logan Delos: A lot of fathers call their baby girls their princess, but with Logan, he truly thought she was a princess. Your baby was a Daddy’s girl through and through; she could be fussy and whiny with you all day long, but as soon as she saw Logan’s face, she was all smiles. Logan doted on her, kissing her chubby little cheeks and pretending to eat her fat feet while she giggled her little head off. “Are you Dada’s Princess?” He cooed, lifting her in the air so she could kick her hands and feet in excitement. “Are you Dada’s perfect little Princess?” Logan actually designed and commissioned a crown (with a matching gold bracelet with her name engraved on it with a note that said “Daddy’s Princess”), because his daughter is a DAMN PRINCESS. And your little girl loved being royalty. It got to the point that she would whine and cry when you put her in anything less than a princess dress, and God help you if you forgot the crown her Daddy got her. And when Logan was out in public, dressed in one of his suits with his thick hair styled perfectly and his 1000-watt smile aimed at his princess, who was smiling up at him, pulling at his beard and babbling happily in her blush pink dress with her crown glittering in the sunlight, well... No one who saw the two of them could say they weren’t royalty. 
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Jax Teller: Jax was a sucker for your baby girl’s toothless smile. He literally would stop what he was doing if she smiled at him, making him late to many a meeting--not that he minded. You would come home to see Jax laying on the floor with her, his smile wide as she laughed and tugged at his offered finger. The croweaters who clean the dorms are shocked when they go to Jax’s room and find it full of diapers and little pink blankies and cute onesies and stuff. The guys stop smoking inside and have gotten into actual fist fights over who gets to hold her next (Juice can’t cut it in the ring, but if the prize is cuddles with your daughter, he WILL knock someone out). Jax gets her a mini kutte that says “Daughter of Anarchy” on the back and sews a “President of Daddy’s Heart” patch on the front. The ringtone on his personal phone is his baby girl’s giggle, and no matter what bullshit he has to deal with via the club or his family or whatever, one smile from his daughter makes it all worth it. Since she was born, Jax smiled more, laughed more, practically floated on air. And he wanted to be a better man--for her. Wanted to make sure he was there for her, taught her right from wrong, how to protect herself, and most of all--he wanted to make sure she always had that smile; the kind of smile that could light up a room. He dedicated himself to your daughter and preserving that angelic smile for the rest of his life. 
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Coco Cruz: You had terrible heartburn all throughout your pregnancy, and when your daughter was born, you finally saw why. Your baby was 10% child and 90% hair, just like her father. Coco loved her big hair, and she loved when he picked her fro out or washed it for her. You would hear nothing but laughter coming from the bathroom on wash day, and when you walked in, you saw Coco, inexplicably shirtless now, playing with your daughter’s hair. She wrapped up in a towel, giggling as Coco talked to her. “Papi is gonna put some of this in your hair,” he said, reaching for the coconut oil, “ooh, and some of this,” grabbing the peppermint oil as well. She shrieked happily, making grabby hands at the peppermint oil. “Okay, but you can’t eat it--mami, what did I just say? No no no,” as he picked her up and carried her to your room, kissing her fat cheek, “let’s get you a toy for you to chew on, okay? Aw, my baby... You’re so beautiful, just like your Mama.” He sits on the bed with her, taking her out of the towel and wrapping her up in your nice silk sheets (because she’s fucking worth it), as he continues doing her hair. You watch, heart full, as your little girl reaches up and starts patting Coco’s hair. “Oh, you’re doing Daddy’s hair now,” he asks, smiling as she laughs, “You’re so talented, mami! Thank you!” 
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Angel Reyes: Angel and your baby girl were best friends from birth. She loved playing with her Daddy, loved being in his arms, and Angel felt the same way. The two of them were as thick as thieves, always laughing and playing, and she absolutely adored going on walks with him. So Angel would pack her diaper bag and take her to the beach, where she could waddle around with no shoes and play in the sand. Every day, his daughter made him laugh. It was like, once she was born, Angel finally felt like a complete person. This was who he was meant to be--this little girl’s father--and he was so grateful for the opportunity. He walked in front of her, phone out, taping her as she shuffled after him. “Come on, mi amor, come to Daddy,” he cheered. She stopped and put her fists up, making him laugh. “Oh, you wanna fight? Alright, come on then, champ! Put your dukes up! Show me what you got!” She scrunched her little face up in what was meant to be an intimidating face, but she only made herself that much cuter. Angel melted, dropping to his knees to grab and hug her. “You’re so damn cute,” he cooed, kissing her as she laughed, “You make Daddy so happy.” “Put up your dukes, Dada!” She shrieked, punching him in the face. He laughed, taking her fat fist and kissing it. “I love you so much.”
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Miguel Galindo: When it came to your daughter, no one could tell Miguel anything. In his eyes, she was perfect. She was only a toddler, but she ran the house. She had Miguel and Nestor eating out of the palm of her hand, could bat her eyes and get you to give her extra sweets, even Cristobal wasn’t immune when it came to his adorable baby sister. Miguel spent many hours in his office with her on his lap, because when she wanted cuddles from Papa, she got cuddles from Papa. In fact, the staff started calling her “Boss Baby Galindo”, and Miguel had to agree--she was already the boss of the house for sure. He doesn’t realize how much she emulates him until he takes the family to their beach house for a little vacation. He, of course, has to hold your baby girl as soon as they get out of the car, and he’s holding her, both of them wearing their matching circular sunglasses (her’s customized into hearts as well), as he directs his security and staff. He sees Cristobal struggling with his over-packed backpack, so Miguel puts his daughter on the hood of the car for a second to help him, and then he hears her babbling. He looks up to see her pointing and “talking” to the staff, just like she’s seen him do. He can even make out certain words in her cute little tirade, such as “right now” and “ahora” (because his baby is bossy in two languages) as well as “let’s go”. He picks her up and kisses her cheek, proud of his Boss Baby Galindo. 
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Nick Amaro: Your baby girl is the friendliest baby ever. Strangers are always stopping to wave at her, and she waves and smiles back, and Nick has to stand there and pretend he isn’t ready to cap a bitch for the imagined crime of hypothetically considering kidnapping his adorable daughter. Still, he loved taking his baby out, and he couldn’t lie--he loved all the compliments they got, loved how his little girl was such a sweetheart, always eager to meet new people. They couldn’t get three steps before some sweet old lady was cooing over her, and Nick just beamed with pride. One day, he decided to take her on a ride after he got off of work. He wrapped her up in her favorite fluffy blanket and buckled her into her pink car seat. He kissed her cheeks a few times before standing back, just smiling down at his perfect little angel, and he felt his heart swell. “I love you and your brother and sister more than anything in this entire world,” he whispered as he stared down at her, “I’m gonna be so much better than my Dad was, I promise...” The weight of that promise made his eyes water up, and he turned away, not wanting her to see him like this, but when he glanced down at her, she was giving him the sweetest little smile, and he couldn’t help but laugh softly. He leaned down and she reached up and patted at his cheek, as if to brush the tears away, and Nick took her little hand and kissed it. “I promise...”
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Johnny Tuturro: Your daughter was cute, and she knew it. She had big, round eyes and her dad’s thick eyelashes. Every day when she woke up, Johnny would cradle her to his chest and tell her “you’re the most beautiful thing in the whole world. You’re smart, you’re worthy, you’re strong, and Daddy loves you with all of his heart”. He taught her how to crawl, taught her to say “Dada” and “Mama” and “wawa” (water), took her into the ocean and let her kick her fat little feet until she was practically delirious from laughter. You taught her how to make puppy dog eyes. And so, after doing her hair, putting bows in it, and getting her dressed, Johnny put her on the carpet. “Stay right here while Daddy gets your shoes, okay? Don’t move.” She nodded, giving him her most innocent smile. Johnny kissed her before going to get the shoes, and you watched, amused, as your daughter crawled away and started climbing the ottoman. Johnny groaned when he walked in and saw her, standing over her with his hands on his hips. “What did Daddy say? Hm? I said don’t move,” he frowned, but you could see the amusement in his eyes. Your daughter looked up at him, gave him that heart melting smile, and titled her head. “Wuv you,” she cooed, and Johnny fell to his knees, grabbing her and showering her in kisses. “I love you more!” You laughed, shaking your head at your sweet little con artist. 
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Rio: Rio didn’t call your baby girl his Princess. She was THE QUEEN. Rio sat her on his lap while he made calls, letting her listen to the serious tone of his voice and learn how to talk to people (she was a baby, so...she didn’t talk at all yet, but still), and he never let her forget that she was special, because she was his daughter. As she went into toddler-hood, your daughter loved being around her Daddy. She would hold his hand and walk around the neighborhood with him, pointing at things and naming them, which he proudly encouraged. She was the first thing he thought about when he woke up in the mornings, and he was the last thing she saw when she went to sleep at nights--even if it was only on a video call. Rio adored her, and she loved him right back. Rio would sit her on his lap and put her hair in a bun, telling her how cute she was, and she would say “Dada cute too!”, making him laugh. She had started copying him more and more, and Rio thought it was the funniest thing. One day, as you and your daughter waited in the car for Rio to finish some business, he came out and saw her playing in the back seat. He opened the door and peered down at her, smirking at the look on her face--it was classic him. “We all good?” She asked, her lips pursued. He laughed, crawling into the car to smother her in kisses. “Yeah, mama, we all good.”
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Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! Did you have a favorite? Will you join me in wishing all of the babies involved in this full, happy, fulfilling lives because they are all literal angels?!?!?
And if you really enjoyed it and you can send in a tip, I would greatly appreciate it! 
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babybluebex · 3 years
Alex Kerner looks like he gives The Best hugs like not to be too nsfw ✋😳 but I just wanna take a nap with him ajshhahsha
he is, as daniel says, "a puppy", you KNOW he's great at cuddling
he's all bundled up in blankies and warm and red-faced, and he pats his chest a few times for you to lay your head down, and he'll make little noises as he gets comfy and wraps his arms around you
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zarinaa113 · 4 years
DT Ficlet- Big Brother
Daycare ended at three. The toddlers were picked up by their parents by three thirty. It was four and Uncle Donald hadn't come back.
The teacher let the boys play with toy cars on a mat while she cleaned the playground out the door, reasonably sure they wouldn't cause much trouble that way. Dewey and Louie were running green and blue cars in circles, Huey preferred to put the other cars in piles according to color. Every few seconds Dewey would make exploding sounds with his mouth, par for the course for him. Huey was so used to it that he didn't notice when it stopped. He did notice when be heard sniffling. Concern worrying his brow, he crawled to his brothers, both sitting on the ground trying not to cry loudly. "Wa's wong, Dewey? Wa's wong Louie?" "I-I mm-iss Unca-a Donald!" "I wan Uncaa!" "Unca!" Tears unleashed, the boys cried hard. At such a young age, none of them had yet to fully grasp time's passage. Unca hadn't come when the others left, that meant they must've been left here for hours. Suddenly made aware of this development, Huey felt a lump hurting his throat, but his heart hurt more. Reaching for his brothers shoulders he tried to pat them like how Unca did when they were sad. "'Is okay." He tried to be reassuring. "Is not!" "Unca's gone!" "We awone!" They cried harder. Huey couldn't argue with the facts. This wasn't working, he pulled his hands back. Dewey kicked at the mat, hitting a toy car, causing it to roll into Louie's green blankey. Without thinking, Huey grabbed it and wrapped it over Louie's shoulders, keeping his arms there. "We're no awone. We've got me and you and you." He gave each brother a pat. Louie grabbed Huey's shirt in a damp fist. "Don' go way, Huwey." Dewey reached around Huey in a hug, grabbing a corner of the blankey. "I don' wanna be awone." Huey protectively wrapped his brothers in his tiny arms. "I'm no going way. Ever. I pwomise. I love yous." "I love you Huwey." "I love you too, Huey." Squeezing tight, he gave his brothers kisses on their heads, feeling them shake with tears. His own slid out, cool and calming. It felt good and bad to have his brothers clinging to him. Huddled tightly they didn't notice that someone had entered the room. Not until they were all picked up at once in a hug no one else could give. "UNCA!!!" In unison their crying ceased, they wiggled in his arms, hugging him with tiny hands, smiling and nuzzling his bowtie. "Hi boys! Everything okay?" "We missed you!" "Why you go?" "Wha' happen?" Wiping away their tears with Louie's blanket, Donald smiled. "I had to go to the store first to get you new car seats, remember?" "Oh, yeah." "We so big!" "That's right. You don't fit in the old ones anymore cause you got so big!" "We super big!" "Super. It took a while cause I had to get the right colors." Existing the daycare, he set the boys down, unlocking the car door they scrambled to see their new seats. "I wan da blue one!" "I wan red! "Gween! Gween!" "Good choices." Scooping up Dewey, he was placed in the blue middle car seat, bouncing excitedly. "Hold still please Dewey, you can bounce when I'm done." Dewey giggled as he was tickled, calming down for as long as it took the buttons to click. He buckled Louie in then Huey. And on their way home they started. "You like your new car seats boys?" "Yes Unca Donald." They chorused. "Good. Now, why were you crying when I came in to daycare? Did Dewey kick one of you again?" "Uh-uh." Dewey shook his head vehemently. "We were sad." Huey clarified. "We missed you. You didn't come." Louie said from under his blanky, wrapped around his head. "Aw, I'm sorry boys. I wasn't supposed to be late. But it's okay, I'm here now. We're going home." "'Is was okay." Huey shrugged. "Huey helped us." Dewey kicked his legs out. "Huey made us better." Louie looked past Dewey at Huey. “He gave us hugs.”
"Aw, that's sweet. You were a good big brother?" Donald looked at Huey in the rearview mirror. "Yeah!" "That's so nice. I always try to be a good big brother to your mommy. I made sure she didn't get sad or mad or...hurt." Huey smiled. "I wanna be wike you Unca. I wanna be a good big brother. The best big brother!" "You already are the best big brother."
My fisrt time finishing a ficlet in a single day! First time finishing something I wrote the same day I started it actually. I hope its good as I wrote it while on break in the daycare I just started work in. I was inspired as you can see. Which means you’ll be getting a lot more DT Toddler fics from me. Oh the agony.
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nkogneatho · 3 years
Pasi... I wish I was there to hug the hell out of you but I cannot do anythingđŸ„ș😭
I can only give this to you and remember! WE ARE ALWAYS HERE IF YOU WANNA TALK
I wanna wrap you with a soft blankie and have you to myself while patting your head, saying "You did a good job!"
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I am so happy I have you. You have been here on this blog from the start and I am grateful that you are always there for me. I am so sorry for bringing up depressing things. I just don't want other people to find me annoying. I love you so so much babyđŸ„șđŸ„ș HUGGING YOU BACK
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superextrafamily · 6 years
just another day in paradise
“Then we'll tippy toe to our room Make a little love that's overdue But somebody had a bad dream Mama and daddy Can meand my teddy Come in to sleep in between?” Just Another Day in Paradise by Phil Vassar
Steve smiled, rolling to his side and facing his husband. He didn’t say a word; he only smiled.
It took just a moment for Tony to turn his attention away from the StarkPad in his hand. “Can I help you?”
“You’re very handsome,” Steve said softly, enjoying the way his words made Tony’s cheek blush.
“Funny you should say that. I think you’re very handsome too.”
Steve pushed himself up on his elbows, carefully taking the tablet from his hands. Tony could have stopped him if he really wanted to, but he didn’t. So, Steve placed it on the bedside table beside Tony’s side of the bed. While he was already leaning over Tony, he lowered himself to close the distance between their lips.
“You’ve been working so much lately.” He kissed him again. “When’s the last time we’ve had time alone?”
Tony chuckled. “Oh, is that why the pets aren’t joining us tonight?”
“I told them to hang out in the den tonight. Maybe they’ll go see Pete and have a sleepover.”
“Aw,” Tony cooed, “all of our babies cuddled up together. Imagine how adorable.”
Steve frowned. “Yes. Very adorable. But, how about you imagine how sexy I am now that we’re alone?”
“Oh, yes. Very sexy,” Tony agreed, only half-kidding, pulling on Steve’s collar until they were flush with their chests pressed together
Steve responded with another kiss; one hand was cupping Tony’s cheek while the other started to tug on his shirt. Tony huffed a laugh into their kiss before pulling away to strip out of his shirt. When he was done, Steve was right back on him. God, his husband was worse than any drug.
He had Tony’s pants pulled down to his mid-thighs when they heard the knock on their door. Both went still; their heavy breathing was impossible to stop completely. “I think that’s Peter,” Tony whispered.
“Unless you taught Sonno how to knock, I think so too,” Steve replied, frustrated that they had been interrupted.
“We can’t leave him out there,” Tony said, already starting to tug his pants back up.
“He’s a little shit! He can definitely hear us. He wants to interrupt us. Because apparently giving Pops blue balls is hilarious.”
Tony pressed his face into Steve’s neck to muffle his laughter. Steve rolled his eyes with a smile, but it disappeared the moment Peter knocked again. More panicked. Something wasn’t right--. Another knock.
Tony and Steve exchanged frowns. “It’s open!”
The door immediately opened, exposing Peter standing there in the doorway. He had Tony’s old blanket wrapped around his shoulders and Tessa in his arms. Something was definitely wrong.
Steve sat up straighter, any thoughts other than making sure his boy was okay were gone. “Hey, bud, you okay?”
Even in the dark, there was enough light from the hallway for them to clearly see the distress on his blotchy red face. His brown eyes were still glassy from some unshed tears. “Umm
I was wondering if we could come and squeeze in between you two
“Of course, baby-boy,” Tony said, moving over to make room for him.
Peter didn’t hesitate before hurrying inside the room. He lowered Tessa to the bed and she stayed close to his side as he climbed into bed. He crawled forward, hesitating before getting under the covers. “Are you sure?”
Steve rolled his eyes, patting the mattress next to them. “Get in here, squirt.”
Peter didn’t waste a second before he was under their comforter, pulling the blanket around him tighter. Tony ran his fingers through his hair, whispering softly. “Is Nonna’s blankie helping at all?” Peter nodded his head.
Tessa, seeing that there was someone looking out for her best friend, came over to Steve and started licking his face. Steve smiled and pet her carefully. “Yes, sweetie pie. You did a good job. Thank you for watching out for him. You’re such a good girl.”
She really was. When they had first gotten Tessa, he had known the pup was going to be great for Peter because she adored being held and cuddled, but he hadn’t known just how perfect she would be. She was exactly what Peter needed. She always knew when he needed someone here to ease his anxieties away. Steve was so grateful for her to watch out for him while he couldn’t.
She moved from Steve’s lap to crawl on top of Peter, finding her spot snuggling against his stomach. Steve moved in closer, looking at Tony and asked, “Dad sandwich?”
“Dad sandwich,” Tony confirmed, happily before wrapping his arms around Peter and Steve. Steve followed and squeezed them into a hug.
“I love my boys,” Steve said, pressing a kiss to Peter’s head.
“Love you more,” Peter whispered in a shaky voice.
“Oh, Pete,” Steve said. “Did you have a bad dream?”
Peter nodded, sticking his face in Tony’s chest. His shoulders started to shake and Tessa lifted her head to lick his face. She didn’t stop until Peter brought up a hand to pet her. “Thanks, princess,” he mumbled.
“Do you wanna tell us what happened?” Dad asked, continuing to card his fingers through Peter’s curls.
He quickly shook his head.
Steve and Tony looked at each other sadly. It was a bad night and all they could do was hold their boy tightly to chase his worries away. Peter had been through more shit than any other kid-- even adult that Steve knew. So, unfortunately, nights like these weren’t as rare as he’d like them to be.
“I’m sorry for bothering you--.”
“You didn’t bother us,” Steve reassured him, “Not a bit.”
“I can go--.” Peter actually went to get out of the bed, but both Steve and Tony held onto him even tighter.
“You’re not going anywhere, bambino.”
“Dad’s right. You’re stuck with us, bud.” Steve felt a small hand grab onto his and he saw Tony’s soft smile, knowing he felt it too. Steve held on tight. And he didn’t plan on letting go anytime soon.
Buy me a coffee :) || ao3
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