#I wanna marry(& fuck) Jake Kim
zhystfets · 11 months
Rereading lookism and I actually skipped a whole arc.. what the hell
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Since your bored here an ask that pops out to me right now.
Every character of lookism choose between Kiss, F*ck, Kill, Marry, or Troll them.
Hope yah feel don't burn out!
I decided to add extra characters from other PTJ webtoons bc they’re all connected somehow. And I couldn’t help myself…
Marry: Gun (my one and only psychotic man 🖤 that I lowkey wanna kill too but he’s fine)
Fuck: Hudson (it’s obv from that dream, mate. I even wrote ab it LMAO), Goo, James Lee, Jake, Samuel (there’s no way I can fix this man), Eli (I hope I don’t give him another Yenna-), Warren (I thought he was attractive the moment I saw him oop- sorry Sally), Ryuhei (if I can kiss him and get his dick up, then sure), Taesoo (what a mega chad), Manager Kim (DILF #1 he’s hot in the other webtoon), Jincheol Park (DILF #2 also hot in the Manager Kim webtoon), Hansu Seong (DILF #3 also hot in Manager Kim), Kwak Jihan (come here snake daddy), Kwak Jichang (dang another 1st Gen king, hello!), Elite (younger version of Charles Choi), Gapryong Kim (younger version) , Hajun Gu (broooooooo he’s so fine), Seongjun (I mean… have you seen him in HTF?), Update: Jaeha (from Questism, bc even though he's a dick, I think hateful sex w/ him would be hot) & Daniel (Again, from Questism since he's hot too even though I don't like him))
Kiss: Daniel, Zack (sorry Mira), Vasco, Jay (idk if he’ll be willing but ok), Johan, Vin Jin, Sinu (sorry Yeonhui), Jerry (a sweet kiss on the cheek bc he’s precious), Jace (c’mere w them ears), Jinyoung (sure why not, love me some crazies), Taehoon Seong (not part of Lookism but I’d still kiss), Gaeul (she’s my lady crush in HTF, I love her), Lua (female crush in Lookism), Zoe (I miss her), Mary Kim (I miss her too), Crystal (yes, I’d kiss her. sue me), Mira (???), Haru Seong (from Questism), Bomi, Rumi, Gyeol
Kill: Daryl, Logan, Channing Choi, Stalker girl, Pet hoarder, James (even tho he took those kids in, I still don’t like him), Jasmine (she can join James), Eugene (I’m sorry to the Eugene fans), Kwak Jibeom (idk he rubs me the wrong way), Charles Choi (current version), Tom Lee (he’s creepy to me sorry), Gun (almost forgot him), Dog Man (from that one recent chapter)
Troll: GUN (bc teasing this man is pure entertainment), Kouji (I love this kid), Zack (sorry Zack, but you’re funny to piss off to me), Hobin (bc man’s is goofy bro. Have you seen him???), Tank Top Suhyeon (from Questism, goofy too), Gukja (from Questism, one of my fav characters there)
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 years
We need more Jake as your bff content!!!!
(warnings: some sexual mentions but that’s it!)
Your contact names on each other’s phone are probably Wifey and Hubby with tons of emojis. It started as a joke when your other friends called you a married couple and you never changed them ever since. Saying “Siri call Hubby” only to have Siri reply “Calling Hubby skull emoji throw up emoji blue heart emoji eggplant emoji” and/or “Calling Wifey wedding ring emoji peach emoji heart eyes emoji otter emoji”.
Long phone calls in the middle of the night are your favourite thing. One time, he was away filming some movie and you tried cooking that one recipe he always makes when you’re feeling sad. And it was dinner time for you, but like 4 am for him and he had to be up at 6 to go through makeup and hair. He didn’t care. He helped you out and kept telling you he wishes he was there to taste the food because he just knew you made it better than him.
Lots of “Saw this, reminds me of you” moments. Whether it’s memes (although he doesn’t quite understand the concept), street art on the walls of unknown buildings, funky souvenir purchases form across the globe when Jake travelled, weirdly shaped fruits and vegetables from the grocery store. Anything was a good excuse.
You were always on each other’s mind.
You followed each other on Spotify and you always happen to be listening to the same music at the same time. Probably because you’re just listening to your “Dumb bitch and Shit head” playlist about your friendship but still, it’s crazy. 
You pretended to be each other’s dates at weddings of relatives or acquaintances. Your favourite things to do was to steal away the biggest slices of wedding cake and just stuff your face or ask the DJ or musicians to play Crazy On You by Heart and you both sang and danced your heart out on the dance floor when everyone is slow dancing and being boring.
Shopping for clothes is like a whole day-long plan. You’d go to the mall when it opens and leave at the closing hour because you both insist on only buying what fits you best. “This shade of gray does not match that silver patch in your beard”, “Can you look bad in one colour? You’re so selsifh, you’re out there owning the entire rainbow because you look good in everything”, “You just wanna walk around and show everyone the size of your dick because these pants are screaming look at my crotch I’m horny and desperate and I have a voyeurism kink”, “Kim K called she said she wants her ass back like damn we get it, peach emoji”. You’d get kicked out of stores on a daily basis but who cares.
Isn’t it funny how everything turned sexual and how you mysteriously happened to fuck in the car only to go “want some mcdonald’s? i’m craving some nuggets right now”. 0 to 100 real quick, remember?
You would be impossible to be around. Like you’re just living in your own bubble of secret feelings, unspoken i love yous and this terrifying fear of losing this friendship if you took it to the next step.
i hope this is enough!!!
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
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Got tagged by @gavillain​ again for favorite shows in posters, and this one, the challenge was narrowing them down. I can’t even name HMs because there are too fucking many but anyway, here’s a rundown
1. I think RWBY is my biggest consistent favorite. It grabbed my attention right away upon debut and is only growing stronger and stronger. Listen, if I don’t just throw a bitch tantrum and stop liking something the moment it kills off my favorite villain, you KNOW it’s good stuff, and my boi was dead five volumes ago. Anyway, if you’ll pardon me, I have to go sob in the corner over Qrow and Clover for another thirty minutes, THEY DESERVED SO MUCH BETTERRRRRRR
2. Big Hero 6 is the only other long-running current show that I can really say I’ve committed to whole hog. It’s EXACTLY my brand, which is weird in this day and age. It seems like as things shuffle the idea of “villain of the week” to the back, this is the one series that’s just like “No, let’s give our plucky heroes development by pitting them against a rotating deck of familiar foes.” But really, I can’t just say this without explaining that it feels like a revival of...
3. The more I go on, the more I realize that even if I don’t talk about it, Kim Possible changed me as a human being. My early relationship with villains was...weird. Too long of a story for here. But KP offered me a constant plate of fun baddies I could enjoy without strings. You can tell by now I’m also one for wacky comedy and bold young heroes learning about themselves as they save the world, and those can both be traced right back here.
4. The Huntsman put his blade to my throat and demanded I include American Dragon: Jake Long here. But no, as a young mythology buff, I was captivated by this show’s wide catalog of multicultural magical creatures and creative ways to implement fantasy elements and high stakes into yet another high school coming-of-age comedy.
5. Okay I’m CHEATING because Epithet Erased isn’t technically a show-show but I wanted to include it. Despite certain DRAMA I’VE HAD in this fandom (only ask if you REALLY want to know), I keep coming back to this cast and wanting to declare them all my children. Let Giovanni adopt Molly 2k21. Let Mera have a prison break 2k21. Let me marry Giovanni 2krightfuckingnow. Also this is the kind of off-the-wall humor that I can’t even deal with (”Please, call me Indus. Mr. Barrier is my Epithet!”).
6. BUT IF YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT LOVE-HATE RELATIONSHIPS - My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic took a huge dive after S4, and as for the fanbase...uh...we’ll just...we’ll just leave that one alone because it’s way too much to unpack. But even if I did go through several years’ worth of feeling sour on Discord because of That Redemption Arc, he still remains one of my ultimate favorite villains. The girls are a road map for how I want my perfect hero team. And the entire setting is just filled with so much magic and color.
7. Storm Hawks might be one of the fastest binges I’ve ever done in my life because I had to have more. This turned out to be a mistake because the ep “Payback” was extremely triggering and never fucking got followed up on and I just blazed through without processing, but I’ve since made my peace with it. It’s got more unconventional fantasy/sci-fi worldbuilding, and though every stock trope you can imagine is here, that’s what makes it a good comfort series. Sometimes you don’t have to reinvent the wheel; you just need to see the bumbling comedic egomaniac learn humility in a series of madcap shenanigans with pirates. Also: STORK, MY DUDES
8. Mozenrath. Mozenrath, Mozenrath. Mozenrath Mozenrath Mozenrath; Mozenrath. Ayam Aghoul.
9. I intentionally put Gotham last because I wanted you all to read through eight posters of brightly-colored animated series and then crash into it. But the thing is, and I wanna do a longer meta post on this someday, even though Gotham has a noir aesthetic and heavy subject matter, it’s a series for adults that doesn’t forget what we loved about superhero shows as kids. Flamboyant villains of the week, heroes who really try their best, a dash of zany character-driven humor, relationships filled with heart, epic villain team-ups, over-the-top climaxes. Even though this series had its weak points, such as the Galavan arc and all the stuff surrounding Ra’s (though that latter one is more of a matter of opinion), I feel like it ended so strong that it stands out almost as a perfect series to me. In a world where our favorite long-running series just seem to refuse to resolve in a satisfying manner, THIS IS THE ONE that ties up all the plots in the end - the will-they-or-won’t-they straight couple ties the knot, the gay villains go as gay as they can possibly be under contract and FINALLY make peace with each other, the character I thought was absolutely the weakest in S1 managed to loop from sucky hero to badass villain to sassy antihero, you get ONE OF *THOSE* ENDINGS WHERE THE MAIN HEROES AND MAIN VILLAINS TEAM UP TO HOLD THE LINE AGAINST A BIGGER THREAT, I just - I’m not over it and I won’t be. Though the fact that not a single S4 poster I found had the entire J-Squad on it? BOO, YOU WHORES
Tagging no one. Do if you want
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misc-oneshots · 7 years
Our Lives
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Part one- Just one look Part two - Learning to trust
Part three - Living with the bond Part Four - A new wolf Part Five - Facing the Future Part Six - The Promise Final Part - This is the final part. 
Embry Call x Reader Words: 3951
The first inkling that you had of Embry being okay was when you were sat in Sue Clearwater’s backyard with Charlie, Sue, Emily and Kim. You’d made polite conversation for a little while, most of it surrounding your promise ring, until you’d fallen into a silence that none of you had the strength to fight.
You sat on a deck chair watching the wind tease the trees at the edge of the garden and pushed your promise ring around your finger with your thumb. Hearing a noise, you attempted to turn to look behind you but where knocked off the chair and held straight up into the air. With a yelp you hit downwards at your assailant with your fist, your mind full of Italian vampires. Your fist hit the bouncing mop of your boyfriend’s hair as he grinned up at you. “Embry! I know you could do it.” You squealed and threw your arms around his bare shoulders. “Punching me in me in the head? Way to welcome me back babe.” He teased and rubbed his large hand up and down your back, “I’m sure Sam and Jared didn’t get punched.”
“Shut up!” You told him, your grin threatened to tear your cheeks and you held Embry as close as you could and pulled in to you for a searing kiss. He pulled away dumbfounded, his cheeks burning and blinked twice, “Okay, that was a better welcome.” “Now that you’re alright, I guess I have to take this off.” You mumbled and moved to take off the promise ring. His large hands covered yours and his forehead rested on yours like it had the night before, “Why? I meant everything I said. Did you just say yes because I might have died?” “Of course not!” You snapped incredulously. “Then why take it off?” He whispered and kissed the tip of your nose, “I meant it, it’s you and me against the world babe.”
“Embry I know you’re excited for Y/N to come back from their first day of college classes but if you don’t calm down I’m going to kick your ass!” Leah chastised and threw the paint roller that she’d just cleaned at him. “No I’ll kick your ass because I don’t want Leah and my baby to tire themselves out dealing with your stupid ass.” Cade told Embry as he came up behind Leah and wrapped his arms around her to rest his big hands on her swollen belly. Her pregnancy had come as a shock to them all, especially since the first indication of her being pregnant was when she failed to phase. A few days later when her temperature dropped to that of a normal person and she had failed to phase a dozen times, Cade took her to Dr Cullen. The whole pack had been terrified that Leah could have been seriously ill but your fear had washed away when she rushed back into Sam and Emily’s with her face splitting with a grin. Luckily Leah and Cade had already moved into their own place and the pack quickly set about turning their spare room into a nursery. Dr Cullen couldn’t speculate on if Leah’s ability to phase would come back once the baby was born but she said she didn’t give one solitary fuck as long as her baby was healthy. His speculation was that her temperature dropping and the phasing inability was her body was adapting to protect her child so he couldn’t foresee any issue.
You and Embry had moved into a little rundown mess of a house near Leah and Cade’s place and spent your time between his job at the mechanic’s and your college classes fixing it up - with a lot of help from the pack. You only had the master bedroom done and today Embry had enlisted the help of the pack to get the rest of your little home finished as a surprise but he couldn’t keep his excitement under control.
“Dude, calm down. Just looking at you bouncing around is wearing me out.” Quill nudged Embry with his shoulder. “Shut up.” Embry grinned and pushed him back, “I just want it to be ready for when she gets back.” “Hm, sure.” Jacob said and narrowed his eyes, “C’mon what’s really going on?” Embry pulled an innocent face and shook his head, “Dunno what you mean dude.” “Jake, Jared hold him down!” Quill instructed and started to move toward Embry armed with a paintbrush. Paul pushed Quill lightly, “Leave him alone, he’s just excited.” The pack stopped to stare at Paul and Jacob pointed at him, “You know why he’s excited, don’t you?!” “Don’t know what you’re on about.” Paul insisted and tried to go back to painting the feature wall. “There’s nothing going on guys.” Embry insisted. Seth turned to his sister, “Do you know why he’s so wired? Well, I mean weirder.” “Of course I do.” She smirked. “You’re not going to tell us, are you?” Jared asked. “Nope.” Leah said satisfied and sat down on the bed and rubbed her pregnant belly. There wasn’t much left to do now to finish the house but she was almost sad that she’d miss your reaction when you came home.
 When you came back from your college classes and narrowed your eyes at everyone cars parked outside your house. As much as you loved them all after a long day at college you didn’t have much energy to socialise before you knew that you’d have to start a long shift of renovating the house with Embry. You just had to remember that it would all be worth it in the end. As thought they’d read your mind the pack piled out of your house as you were walking up the path.
“Hey Y/N, good day?” Paul grinned as he rushed at you and pulled you into a bear hug. “It was until I came home and saw all of you here, are you lot causing trouble again?” You joked and poked at his head from your position high up in his arms. “I take a great deal of offence to that!” Paul objected and shook you a little before setting you down.
“C’mon Paul, it’s not like Y/N isn’t right. You’re usually up to no good.” Quill laughed and came up to pinch your cheeks, “Did our little Y/N learn a lot today?” You batted his hands away, “You learn to stop that. Next time I’ll bite you.” You laughed. Leah rolled her eyes and came up to give you an awkward hug with her large baby belly in the way. “I’ll speak to you tomorrow Y/N, the baby wants pickles and bed.” She patted her bump and gave you a wink, “Have a good night.”
She ushered the pack into their respective cars and sent them on their way leaving you at your front door alone. What the hell was all that about? The door was yanked open before you could reach for the handle and Embry stood in the doorway in his best dress shirt with a wry smile. He took your hand and pulled you into the house, “I’ve got a surprise for you babe.”
The house was immaculate. Decorated and renovated beyond what you and Embry had planned.
Your hands flew to your face, “Embry it’s all so wonderful. Oh gosh! What – how—why?” He grinned and took your face in his large hands so that he could hold you still as he kissed you. He pulled back, his russet skin glowed with a blush, “I wanted a surprise for you, so that we could talk about us and life.”
You offered him a nervous laugh, “Well, that sounds worrying.” “It’s not!” He promised and twirled you in his arms before hooking on arm under your knees and lifting you up into his arms. He kissed away your questions as he carried you up to the bedroom and sat you down on the edge of your bed. He sat beside you and took your hands in his. “Do you remember a couple of years ago, when you were worried a couple of leech kings could kill someone as epic as me?” He asked and rubbed your hands with his thumbs.
“What the day that I was terrified that you would be killed? Yeah, gee how could I forget?” You smiled at him. He poked the end of your nose, “Okay, don’t kill my mood now. So, you know how much I love you?” You narrowed your eyes at him, “I knew that there must be a reason for you to have gotten the house finished. What have you broken?”
“I’ve not broken anything!” He gave an indignant squeak, “I’m trying to set a mood here, will you just let me be romantic?” “Sorry, go ahead.” You grinned at him and leaned forward to give him a chaste kiss that he grinned into. “Thank you, you’re so gracious.” He grinned, “Look, I thought about a million different ways to do this but in the end, I thought that I might just start as we mean to go on. I was going to get doves released and spend a tonne of money on decorations but that’s not really us, is it? So, I got everyone to help decorate our house—our home- because I want us to make a life together.”
“We are making a life together Embry.” You assured him and reached up to pinch his cheek, “Wanna tell me why you’re being so adorable? “I want your promise ring back.” He blurted out and you dropped your hand. You felt your eyes well, “Why-”
He interrupted you, his hands flailing around, “No, no. I didn’t mean it like that! Oh God, why am I such an idiot. I just want to swap it; I want to swap it for this!” He rummaged around in his pocket before he pulled out a small box and dropped off the bed and onto one knee in front of you before he opened it. He held the ring in the box out towards you.
“Y/N L/N, I’ve messed up every bit of this so far but I think we’re good at shambling through things together. I want you to wear this engagement ring because you’re my imprint, my biggest supporter and I love you so much. Will you marry me?” You tackled him back to the floor of your bedroom and peppered his face with kisses, “Embry you scared me! I love you, of course. I love you.” Laughing he rolled you both over until he was above you and leaned down to kiss you softly, “Is that a yes?”
“Yes!” You grinned as he held your hand up and slipped your engagement ring on above where your promise ring sat. He gave a yap of excitement when you took his shirt in both hands and yanked him back down to kiss you.
“C’mon you bastards, tell me. I bet she looks amazing.” Embry said, he was struggling to keep still and face the front of the altar in excitement. Beside him Quill teased, “Patience is a virtue.”
“Jake please. You two are supposed to be my best men!” He whined and Jacob discreetly elbowed Quill for his teasing. Logically, Embry knew that he’d see you in just a moment when he’d marry you in front of your family and friends but he wanted nothing more than to turn around to tackle you in a hug. Maybe picking Jacob and Quill as best men wasn’t the best plan if he wanted comforting. Jacob discreetly glanced back to where you were coming up the aisle with your arm in Paul’s.
After an argument with your family about your boyfriend coming from that ‘no good lot’ you’d chosen Embry your mate and the family that you’d made with the pack. He’d kill you if you told anyone but Paul had cried when you’d asked him to give you away. You smiled at Jacob when he turned back to look at you and knew that he would be reporting back to Embry. You squeezed the life out of Paul’s arms as nerves clawed at you. Paul squeezed back and leaned down to whisper, “You know, there’s still time to get out of here if you wanna run for the hills.”
You playfully swatted his arm, “Stop it, you know Embry’s got wolf hearing, you’ll drive him mad.” “Seriously though,” Leah started from behind you, “I can have Cade go start a car if you want a quick escape.”
You looked back Leah, in her bridesmaids’ dress and carrying her new-born daughter Harriet, named after Leah’s late father Harry, in an adorable lace dress, she was the picture of serenity. It was hard to remember the young woman who hated her cursed existence and you were glad that the pack had realised that they needed to make amends for how’d they’d treated her. A few weeks after having Harriet Leah had been able to phase again, she hadn’t exactly been happy about it because she didn’t want her daughter in danger but Cade had proudly reminded her that no one in the world would dare harm a little cub with such a fierce mother wolf. You could have lost Leah from your life when Cade first appeared, and then again when the packs split and when they went to fight the Leeches over Nessie, “Leah I’m so happy that you’re here with me.”
She blinked once in confusion and stroked Harriet’s cheek, “Where else would I be?” “But I’m still your favourite, right?” Paul asked. You grinned and the nerves of your wedding dissolved away, “Not this old argument you two!” You whispered but before Paul could respond you had reached the altar. Paul left you with Embry and then took Harriet from Leah and took the baby back to Cade who was sat on the front row so that Leah could focus on being a bridesmaid. Harriet grizzled at being taken away from her mother and Cade tried to comfort her softly, “Now I know you love Mummy look, I’m warm too.”
Cade cupped her head in one large hand and Harriet settled. “Are you ready for this?” Embry whispered to you and took both of your hands. “I’ve been ready since you beat Emmett Cullen up.” You answered and he leaned down to kiss you deeply. “I think you guys missed a step there, like, ya know, the vows.” Quil quipped beside Embry.
“I feel like I’ve not seen you all in forever!” Emily squealed when she came into Sue’s café and threw her arms around Leah in hug, something that a few years ago you never would have though could happen. Then she gave you and Kim hugs in turn.
You snuggled down into a booth together and all ordered a drink. Kim asked, “When was the last time that we got to hang out like this?” Leah pursed her lips in thought before jutting her thumb towards you, “Probably when this one tried to throttle Bella at that music festival.”
You groaned, “C’mon! That was years ago!” They all laughed at the memory. That night only felt like yesterday but in the years since you’d graduated both high school and college, landed an amazing career that you could do from Forks and married the love of your life. Kim and Jared were just a few short weeks from their wedding day. Leah’s little girl Harriet was nearly two and she was pregnant with her and Cade’s second child – she’d struggled to sit in the booth with her bump. Emily and Sam had finally gotten married and their little boy, Sam Jr was six months old so Emily barely got any rest.
You spent the whole afternoon in the café reminiscing and making plans for future meetups before you decided to all head back towards Sam and Emily’s because that’s where all the guys would be anyway.   You arrived before the other women and walked into the front room and stopped short when you caught Embry, Cade and Sam sat on play matt on the floor with Harriet and Sam Jr. Cade and Sam chatted idly while tickling and playing with Sam Jr and Embry with his back rested against the couch with Harriet sat on his knees. She reached down beside Embry’s knees and scooped another cubby, baby handful of face paint and smashed it into Embry’s cheek.
“Well yellow has always been my colour, thank you Hattie but I think that I should share.” He told her before leaning down and rubbing his paint splattered face against her chubby toddler cheeks while tickling her until she squealed and laughed. At the squealing Cade glanced up to watch his daughter pushing more face paint into Embry’s hair, “Don’t worry, it’s all non-toxic organic stuff that we researched, it’ll come right out.” Embry shook his head, “I don’t want it to come out, I look beautiful.” He laughed and blew a raspberry against Harriet’s cheek.
Embry was always soft and loving with everything that he did but seeing him so attentive with your God Daughter made your heart melt. Finally having noticing that you were in the doorway Harriet giggled in delight and threw her arms up and down in your direction. “Hey Hattie!” You coo’d and blew a kiss to her that Embry pretended to catch and push to her cheek. Harriet giggled and squirmed off Embry’s knees to toddle over to her dad.
Embry jumped up and stretched out his legs before coming over to you and planting a face painted kiss on your cheeks. He pulled back at grinned from behind a layer of pink and yellow face paint, “Like my make over?” “Gorgeous as always Em.” You teased and rubbed some of the paint off his lips with you thumb so that you could kiss him again. “She’s a real character isn’t she?” Embry asked and pulled faces at Harriet where she sat in her dad’s lap. She waved back at him and Embry’s face dissolved into love and paint. “Embry, you’re so good with her.” You told him and tucked yourself against his side with his arm over your shoulders. “Well she is our Goddaughter, I don’t want to let her down.” He kissed the top of her head, “In fairness, she makes it easy. Hattie is just too cute.” You kissed his grizzly jawbone and rubbed his back idly with one hand as you watched Hattie trying to sneak at peak at Sam Jr in Sam’s arms. Embry squeezed your shoulders with his arm and somehow you knew what was coming and you already knew your answer. “Y/N?” Embry started. You hummed and he continued, “Do you want to try to for a baby?”
“Paul stop being a baby!” You chastised.
Paul, a fully-grown man with teenage twin girls, sat with his arms folded at your kitchen table and a pout reigning his features. “I’m not being a baby.” He grumbled. You rolled your eyes and went back to icing Embry’s birthday cake. In all the years that you’d known the pack and even longer since Paul had been acting like your brother, you never thought that they’d still be acting the same when they were parents and grown. It had taken a little while for you and Embry to fall pregnant but finally you welcomed your son, Lyall, into the world and the pack. Only a few years later he was joined by his sister, Odette.
Raising children while balancing both of your and Embry’s jobs and the pack and the various threats that came with that had been tough but you wouldn’t have changed a damn thing. Lyall was seventeen now but one of the hardest moments of raising him had been when he told Embry that he hated him. All Lyall saw was you busting your hump to provide for your family and raise him and his sister while Embry continued to disappear at strange times of the night, sometimes for days on ends with his friends – Lyall’s pseudo-uncles. Of course, your son didn’t know that the pack legends were true. He thought that you deserved better than Embry leaving for nights and missing important events with no explanation and he wasn’t afraid to tell his dad as much.
Embry was distraught but he couldn’t tell your son the truth and chasm grew between them.
It wasn’t until Dr. Cullen was passing through Forks that Lyall learned the truth. The Cullens had moved away some years ago to avoid suspicion about their aging, Jake going with them and Nessie had been the hardest thing for the pack. Through the grapevine Dr Cullen learnt of a Vampire trying to make Forks it’s hunting grounds and came to warn the pack.
At the proximity to a vampire Lyall phased and finally learnt the truth about the pack and the bridges between your son and Embry were repaired, soon after Harriet and Sam Jr phased. Harriet imprinted on your daughter which made you, Embry, Cade and Leah ecstatic – now you’d finally be properly related! Harriet had teased her dad, saying she’d done just as he’d asked and not gotten a boyfriend. Lyall imprinted on one of Paul’s twin daughters.
Hence, the pouting.
“Paul when Embry imprinted on me I was terrified, remember?” You asked him, “It was you that convinced me that I would always be safe and loved with Embry. You kept your imprint safe and loved so stop being a mardy baby.” “But it’s my daughter.” He growled. “And my son, so watch your mouth.” You warned him and pointed the icing covered spatula at him. He held his hands up in defeat as your front door banged and Odette skipped into the kitchen with her bag hanging from one shoulder.
“Hey mum, hey uncle Paul!” She cheered. “Hey beautiful, good day at school?” Paul asked her as your daughter came around the table to kiss his cheek and then came to kiss yours. You put down your icing and narrowed your eyes at her, “What are you hiding?” She avoided your gaze and shrugged. Paul laughed, “Ooo, that’s gotta be bad grades.” “I’m a solid A student I’ll have you know!” She squeaked and pushed her uncles arm, “Dad and Ly may have gotten into one of Dad’s birthday presents.”
You rolled your eyes, even after all these years Embry had to go hunting his birthday presents before his birthday, that man was a menace. Paul, Odette and You all followed the sound of shouting until you were outside. Embry and Lyall were each crouched on opposite sides of Embry’s truck armed with water guns. Paul leaned down to you, “Got another couple of those?” “Oh course, they’re in the garage.” You laughed as he ran arm in arm with your daughter to the garage. Embry caught your eye and ran over to you, his clothes and hair dripping with water.
“So, I know this looks bad but I’m prepared to throw our son under the bus and say that Lyall found these and ruined my birthday surprise.” Embry grinned. You wrapped your arms around his neck, uncaring that he was wet through, “Hm, is that right? And if I don’t believe you?” “Then I’ll simply have to kiss away your suspicions, Mrs Call.” He teased. “I can deal with that Mr Call.”
So that’s it guys. I don’t know what else to say but I love you all.
@trashyraeken @sweatpantsandpizzaxx @emmersdagreat @dracvmalfoy @know2glow @datgracefulnesstho @nayel1d22 @deathbypen32 @eddycakeway18 @coffeeeaesthetic @kazuha159 @zaynmalik-xoxo @quicksulver @serenity-schuyler @coffeeeaesthetic @alykatv @theoinkypiglet @hailey-a-s @serpentsstuff @housemay​ 
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answer all the ones you wanna
Thank you Anon!! It’s been a DAY and I’m glad to get my mind off everything I need to be doing to do this
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?~Becca2. Are you outgoing or shy?~Depends on the situation, if I’m with friends I’m much much more outgoing. In general it depends on my mood and type of situation, but it’s probably 50/503. Who are you looking forward to seeing?~Olu! It’s been so long and he’s so good4. Are you easy to get along with?~I don’t really know. I think I can be pretty easy to get along with, but if we differ on something important to me or I have something against you I’m a huge bitch5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?~If she wasn’t also very drunk then probalby6. What kind of people are you attracted to?~Sarcastic assholes7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?~Maybe/I suppose8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?~(This kinds implies there are two genders that are opposites and that’s not the case but I’ll pretend this says what guy) Zach actually because I forgot to venmo him9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?~Nope10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?~I genuinely can’t remember11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?~”Yay!! I’m reading your blog now actually”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?~1. “Hall of Mirrors” - The Distillers~2. “Dancing in the Moonlight” - King Harvest~3. “Within You Without You” - The Beatles~4. “I Think You Nose Is Bleeding” - The Front Bottoms~5. “Trampoline” - The Front Bottoms13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?~Usually only someone I’m interested in14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?~Fuck yes I do15. What good thing happened this summer?~I went to Virginia Beach on vacation with my friends16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?~yeah17. Do you think there is life on other planets?~Yup18. Do you still talk to your first crush?~Oh hell no19. Do you like bubble baths?~I used to, haven’t taken one in a very long time20. Do you like your neighbors?~Nope21. What are you bad habits?~Oh we don’t have time for all of them, but: biting my fingernails, procrastination, isolation, drinking, smoking, in general bad coping mechanisms, etc.22. Where would you like to travel?~Europe!23. Do you have trust issues?~Oh hell yes24. Favorite part of your daily routine?~Laying down at night to go to sleep25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?~My thighs26. What do you do when you wake up?~Think about how much more sleep I can get without being late27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?~A little darker because this bitch can’t tan28. Who are you most comfortable around?~My close friends29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?~Ex’s? You assume more than one fool has made this mistake30. Do you ever want to get married?~Yea one day31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?~A little one but it’s sad32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?~Robert Downy Jr. and Halsey33. Spell your name with your chin.~ cy45isina (yikes)34. Do you play sports? What sports?~No I can’t sport35. Would you rather live without TV or music?~Omg that’s the nightmare scenario. I guess music36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?~Oh that’s practically my life motto37. What do you say during awkward silences?~I usually make a weird noise or something stupid to break the ice (like doing my Ben routine) or say something random38. Describe your dream girl/guy?~amazing hair, smart, funny, sarcastic asshole, ambitious, dedicated, responsible, reliable39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?~Hot Topic and Target40. What do you want to do after high school?~I mean I’m already doing it, college41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?~Not everyone, but most people42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?~Usually that I’m upset43. Do you smile at strangers?~Depending on my mood, yes44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?~Bottoms of the ocean45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?~Usually the fact that this bitch needs money, or my anxiety46. What are you paranoid about?~Oh everything, it’s mostly stuff related to my anxiety and insecurities47. Have you ever been high?~Yup48. Have you ever been drunk?~Yup49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?~I don’t think so50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?~Black and gray (because this bitch wears two hoodies at the same time)51. Ever wished you were someone else?~When I was younger probably52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?~My mental health status53. Favourite makeup brand?~Um what (this bitch don’t use makeup)54. Favourite store?~Hot Topic55. Favourite blog?~Actual blog: Eileen’s~Tumblr blog: So many but either slime-tony or color-me-erika56. Favourite colour?~Blue57. Favourite food? ~My mom’s mashed potatos58. Last thing you ate?~McDonald’s fries and nugs59. First thing you ate this morning?~Nothing lol, for lunch I had bonchon chicken and fries60. Ever won a competition? For what?~I mean I was valedictorian if that counts? So I guess I won for being able to take test and bullshit assignments 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?~Nope62. Been arrested? For what?~Nope63. Ever been in love? ~Yup64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?~Oh boy. I was in like preschool I think, maybe kindergarden, and me and this boy didn’t know what kissing was other than that adults did it and we were like yea sure this is normal so we kissed sometimes like under tables and shit and looking back super weird thing to do. I don’t remember the first kiss, but it was something like that. My first kiss as not a small small child was Alex I think and boy was that a mistake65. Are you hungry right now?~Nah66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?~(Tumblr friends are real friends) I don’t have friends specific to tumblr I think67. Facebook or Twitter?~Facebook68. Twitter or Tumblr?~Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?~Yup, FRIENDS70. Names of your bestfriends? ~I’d call them my closest friends, in no particular order: Eileen, Joe, Erika, Zach, Kim, Alex, Becca, Mars, Tiffany, Sloane, (I want to put Lex on this list too but we don’t talk as much so I don’t know if she sees me as one of her closest friends but I adore her)71. Craving something? What?~Not that I can think of72. What colour are your towels?~Blue, Green, and White72. How many pillows do you sleep with?~Usually 3 (Because they be flat boys)73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?~Yup!74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?~I got rid of most of them when I was younger (I have no idea why I did that I was a total idiot) but anyway no clue because my life is a mess75. Favourite animal?~Honey Badger76. What colour is your underwear?~You assume I’m wearing underwear77. Chocolate or Vanilla?~Ice Cream: Vanilla~Milkshake: Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour?~Banan-a-Peel'n79. What colour shirt are you wearing?~Again you assume I have clothes on80. What colour pants?~See answer above81. Favourite tv show?~SOAP82. Favourite movie?~Noises Off83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?~Mean Girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?~Mean Girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?~Damien86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?~Dory87. First person you talked to today?~My mom88. Last person you talked to today?~Eileen89. Name a person you hate?~Anna90. Name a person you love?~Tiffany91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?~Oh so many people92. In a fight with someone?~I don’t think so93. How many sweatpants do you have?~Like 4?94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?~5 hoodies? 4 sweatshirts?95. Last movie you watched?~Descendents 296. Favourite actress?~Betty White97. Favourite actor?~Jason Bateman98. Do you tan a lot?~Not at all99. Have any pets?~Sadly no100. How are you feeling?~Not great but I’m still here101. Do you type fast?~Not really?102. Do you regret anything from your past?~I regret a bunch of stupid things103. Can you spell well?~Not at al104. Do you miss anyone from your past?~Yea, sometimes105. Ever been to a bonfire party?~I was at a bonfire but I wouldn’t call it a party106. Ever broken someone’s heart?~Not to my knowledge107. Have you ever been on a horse?~Yes108. What should you be doing?~One of the many many things on the spring break to do list109. Is something irritating you right now?~Oh many things110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?~Oh yea111. Do you have trust issues?~I think this was already asked, but yes112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?~I can’t even remember, but I think Mars, Jake, and Arianne when I was high113. What was your childhood nickname?~Tina114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?~Yup115. Do you play the Wii?~I used to116. Are you listening to music right now?~Nope117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?~Yup118. Do you like Chinese food?~Fuck yes119. Favourite book?~This is a book by: Demetri Martin120. Are you afraid of the dark?~Yea121. Are you mean?~I can be122. Is cheating ever okay?~No, never123. Can you keep white shoes clean?~Nope124. Do you believe in love at first sight?~Yes I’m certain that it happens all the time125. Do you believe in true love?~Yea126. Are you currently bored?~A little127. What makes you happy?~being with my friends128. Would you change your name?~Maybe129. What your zodiac sign?~Gemini130. Do you like subway?~Occasionally (I like the way it smells more than I like the food)131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?~Tell them I’m sorry but I don’t feel the same way132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?~Again with the repeat questions133. Favourite lyrics right now?~”It’s fine, I’m fine, It’s fine”134. Can you count to one million?~I mean I suppose but at what cost135. Dumbest lie you ever told?~”I’m fine”136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?~Always closed137. How tall are you?~5′5138. Curly or Straight hair?~Straight139. Brunette or Blonde?~Brunette140. Summer or Winter?~Summer141. Night or Day?~Night142. Favourite month?~May or December143. Are you a vegetarian?~Hell no I couldn’t144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?~Milk choclate145. Tea or Coffee?~Coffee146. Was today a good day?~Not really, but it was ok147. Mars or Snickers?~Neither148. What’s your favourite quote?~”It’s gonna take a long time…and then it’s perfect”149. Do you believe in ghosts?~Fuck yea150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?~”I’m currently in the thick of the most confusing and terrifying time of my life” BIG MOOD
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lattetae · 7 years
get to know me [pt. 21345789] tag 
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
tagged by the following sweeties : @puppytae @blumiin @kookmiinie @taeonie
i’ll tag [optional as usual] : @lovekyg @winktaes @donghunny ok i quit i don’t wanna bother 20 people lol but here are some new mutuals so hi!! obvs you don’t have to do this but i just wanted to show recognition! 
1. drink: coffee
2. phone call: my mum
3. text message: ‘hows it hangin’ @ my friend
4. song you listened to: smooth operator - g.soul (he also just came out with a new hit n it was really good but like…idk i didnt hear as much of his nice voice as i thought i would?? maybe his style is changing since he left jyp idk)
5. time you cried: yesterday
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: all previous pets :’(((  
10. been depressed: i was depressed throughout high school and i think im better now thanks to leaving the shitty 12-16 education system. looking back on how i acted back then is like looking at a different person. but sometimes…i think we just pretend to be happy right?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: im teetotal, although my sister constantly reminds me that i won’t stay like this for long. 
12-14: fawn, mustard, light green
15. made new friends: do tumblr buds count? if so - yes. :))) 
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yes! 
18. found out someone was talking about you: no 
19. met someone who changed you: people do change us but i don’t meet many lol i need to get out more? 
20. found out who your friends are: i guess i always knew….maybe i need more
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: fb is still breathing???
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: n/a
23. do you have any pets: two cheeky little fancy mice and one mischievous red cavapoo
24. do you want to change your name: i think everyone hates their name when they’re young, i always yearned for my name to be something different - ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’. but given the compliments that i get on my name now, i think i have grown to like it :)))
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i went to a chinese restaurant with my parents and my older brother. we had a huge vegetarian banquet (ahhh i hate wasting food so i tried to eat fucking loads lmao). 
26. what time did you wake up: 9.45am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching a girl and three sweetheart - i loved it at first but you know when the storyline just slows its pace in the middle jfdskgfhg i’m like just get together already!!!!!
28. name something you can’t wait for: i need to make a phone call to sort a work placement out n the worry is at the back of my mind 24/7 so i can’t fucking wait until i have made that damn phone call. i’m procrastinating; i hate phoning :((
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like 1hr ago? she was watching the great british menu lol she loves her cooking programmes (in contrast to me). i think she secretly dreams of working in the catering industry again.
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish that i had more confidence, i think that is the main thing that prevents me from achieving so much more. i doubt myself and i can’t do basic tasks with ease (such as making phone calls or even trying to get a weekend job). in that way, i think i’m such a failure lol. 
31. what are you listening right now:  E66S 卵 - I know where I’m going
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes (i appreciate the randomness) 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: my own thoughts afhkdsfh just stfu
34. most visited website: youtube
35. mole/s: arms n like a couple on my leggos
36. mark/s: tuan? lol nah i dont have any marks
37. childhood dream: i used to want to be a detective blessss
38. hair color: brown 
39. long or short hair: short
40. do you have a crush on someone: no
41. what do you like about yourself: i make decisions with my heart not my head. a lot of people would call that a weakness. not me lol
42. piercings: three. 2 on one lobe and 1 on the other. i rarely wear rings though bc i can’t fucking get my ball closure rings shut!!:((( i gave up long ago damn i forgot they even existed
43. bloodtype: my parents are both O so i’m guessing that i am an O too…or something went wrong lol 
44. nickname: saff, saffy
45. relationship status: single n ready to– stay single forever
46. zodiac: gemini
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite TV Show: six feet under is so good omg like i can rewatch that shit ughhhhhh i can’t recommend enough its just so realistic n deals with issues like death and relationships and internalised homophobia and depression and nymphomania and growing up and growing old. it. is. a. good. one. 
49. tattoos: i want some
50. right or left hand: right hand
51. surgery: i had a partial nail avulsion a couple years ago and it was a wild experience (which involved looots of waiting) but the nhs did me proud in the end :)) the doctor asked me what my fave band was (p!atd) and so he played a playlist of mvs on his little computer screen and all the nurses were reacting to it. 
52. piercing: same
53. sport: what is a sport lol no thx
55. vacation: japan
56. pair of trainers: i don’t own any trainers fkhdjg
57. eating: avocado skins are next to me - need more clues?
58. drinking: on my way to make another coffee
59. i’m about to: make a coffee
61. waiting for: my life to begin
62. want: to go grocery shopping soon
63. get married: i often romanticise marriage but i know that it has caused my mum to be trapped in her current one so yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me dawg
64. career: veterinary nurse – pls pray that i get all my grades bc im very worried at the moment :(((( 
65. hugs or kisses: hugs bc they are rare and usually make me cry
66. lips or eyes: ?? both??
67. shorter or taller: taller
68. older or younger: someone with an old soul, but not necessarily old in age
70. nice arms or nice stomach: arms? idc
71. sensitive or loud: both at the same time
72. hook up or relationship: soulmate :’)
73. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
74. kissed a stranger: im sure that i have kissed a strange dog..or rather it invaded my mouth with its tongue ajfhsdkfj does that count
75. drank hard liquor: no
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: who tf loses glasses - no
77. turned someone down: no
78. sex in the first date: no
79. broken someones heart: no
80. had your heart broken: im 17 ffs no lmao 
81. been arrested: no but i got detained in urban outfitters for stealing a ring when i was in high school hahahah. the security guard ran after me and my then friend and dragged us behind into some room and took mugshots on his phone. he then raided our bags… damn he was awful but luckily my friends mum came to pick us up or he said he would take us to the police. then we were banned from the shopping mall for a year and banned from all urban outfitters for 3 years! i havent been in since lmfao
82. cried when someone died: i had to go to a funeral for someone that i didn’t know and i ended up crying because of the atmosphere you know? also of course i have cried at all my previous pets deaths. 
83. fallen for a friend: no
84. yourself: i like to think so but no i don’t aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i hate myself for doubting myself so much
85. miracles: no
86. love at first sight: no
87. santa claus: of course ;)
88. kiss in the first date: is that even a belief?? i think that it is fine.
89. angels: eg. kim taehyung
90. current best friends name: ginny
91. eyecolor: brown
92. favorite movie: one of my faves is the man from nowhere. it is a korean thriller and a must-watch. one of my favourite english movies is jarhead, because apart from the fact that i love jake g, i also love the theme so much. i think it makes for some really interesting conversation. 
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kimryes · 6 years
helloo!! just your friendly birthday bash gift giver sliding on in. first i wanna say that i LOVE vida!! second, i wanna come ask what type of relationships she has with nick, sharky and burke? i know you put them down as ships but im curious about how she interacts with them :)
hey u :3c oh boy it’s gonna take everything i got not to turn this into an essay tbh i have so many thoughts that i have somehow never shared here (also thank u for loving my daughter she needs it)
idk if you watch brooklyn nine nine but sharky and vida are like jake and amy but obviously wilder. he’s the lovable fool who endears himself to her, the by the book stickler, because he’s supportive and stays by her side through all the bullshit that goes down in hope county when she would have expected someone like him to cut and run as soon as his own freedom was secure. even tho they don’t have a lot in common and most of his jokes grind on her nerves she likes keeping him around because she needs that brevity to stay sane, you know? and when things get Serious he’s a lot more emotionally mature than he lets on and altho he might not know the best thing to say if she’s discussing heavy stuff with him (which she tends once she’s been kidnapped a few times and it gets harder to bottle stuff up oof) but he’s always there to give hugs or tell her they’re gonna get those seed fuckers. in the canon where i ship them they def become fuck buddies bc she needs the stress relief and he’s so so willing and im an absolute slut for the “friends with benefits accidentally escalating to love” trope so that’s what happens >:)
as for nick, he’s another lovable fool and amazingly supportive but he’s not chaotic about it so vida warms up to him very quickly. vida always looked down on hope county bc she always thought she was better than “hick country” but nick is one of the main reasons behind her opinion changing. plus he probably gives great hugs and he strikes me as a good listener IF u can ever get him out of that gd plane. plus vida has a daughter so they def bond over discussing parenthood and stuff. SHIP WISE ok so no one yells at me in that au yes kim and nick are not married but they’re still super close and living together but it’s mostly to protect kim and her wife hero (another oc of mine) from homophobic assholes lmao; carmina still exists, all three of them plan on raising her (bc why shouldn’t carmina have three cool af parents) but nick is not a part of their romantic relationship. ok cool SO in that au vida gets a crush on him p quickly despite her better judgment bc. listen. he’s handsome and nice and flying that plane gave her an adrenaline rush that messed her up. not that she can spit out those feelings until a critical moment but hey sometimes it be like that. anyway they’re cute and manage to get together for a little while until she’s stuck in the bunker with hoseph Yikes.
as for burke hahahaha. oh man. vida pretty much latched herself to his side as soon as he showed up to work with the sheriff’s department bc she a) wanted validation from a ~federal law enforcement officer about how much “better” at her job she was than the rest of the department (just bc u do nothing but work doesn’t mean ur better vida omg) b) wanted to befriend him enough that if any job opportunities came up that he’d send them her way or refer her. but when they met up outside of ~official business hours they discovered they had a whole shitton in common (how married they were to their work, how they were in the eden’s gate bullshit mostly for the glory, failed relationships probably). and then oops they slept together but they both agreed they should forget it ever happened. AND THEN everything goes to shit, and while vida’s looking for him she thinks that they maybe they should discuss maybe trying something Real once everything’s over but obviously that doesn’t happen :’) i always meant to figure out how they’d go in an “everyone lives” au but meh i guess i just love pain too much. i wrote a fic abt them interacting in the bliss with some flashbacks that i’ll probably post soon if that’ll help~
i hope i answered ur question well!! if u need anything else lemme know
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rascal27 · 7 years
everything to know about nyxl 
first of all they have only 7 players (8 if you count fl0w3r) but they still manage to be the most flexible team. 
sbb can play dps/off tank,
 libero - dps/support/tank
 mano - tank/support/dps
 janus - tank/support
 ark - support/main tank
 jjonak - support/off tank
SABYEOLBE - jong-yeol park 
meaning of the battle tag: star shower at dawn 
age, date of birth:  december 23, 1995 / 22 years old
family life: has one sister and mother, his father left them when he was very young 
 before overwatch: he wasnt a good student an his mom didnt want him to become a bad kid so she forced him to join something, anything, and he chose bowling 
saebyeolbe and bowling: he was a a professional bowler for 4 years. during those 4 years his coach abused him mentally and physically all the time. during he professional career as bowler one time he wanted to see what would a bowling ball do if he bounced it on bed and.... he bounced it too hard, the ball hit his teeth and broke his front teeth. also he blows on his fingers all the time before starting a game, it’s a habit from bowling. 
after bowling he went to military but his knee was broken so they discharged him and he started working as a barista. 
he got married recently and his wife lives with him in los angeles now, they rented an apartment together and she teaches him english. 
before overwatch he played cs:go. 
when overwatch came out he was really good but there was one player that everyone thought was the best in the world and saebyeolbe would always meet him in ranked and he was convinced that he was better than that mystery player............ the mystery player? turned out to be PINE. 
his first real team was luxury watch blue aka LW BLUE with gambler, meko, fl0w3r, luna and janus. 
he is best friends with mano, and really good friends with jake, unkoe, rascal and iddqd.
 there were two LW teams, RED and BLUE. 
RED was founded first and pine was leader of that team but they werent very successful so BLUE was formed and with fl0w3r and sbb as their dps they saw a lot of success. 
their best match ever, the one theyre most proud of it LW BLUE vs RUNAWAY semi finals apex season 2 ( FULL VOD ) 
his favorite movie is KINGSMAN and thats why his alt is named ‘eggsy’. also he met someone in comp who was named ‘merlin’ and also loved kingsman and duoed with him and they became friends. 
he wants to be a teacher oncehe is done with esports 
iddqd tries messing with sbb 
high level tracer game play
tracer movement 
insane widow shot 
sbb hates kephrii pt 1 
sbb hates kephrii pt 2
sbb asks kephrii about 8 inches
LIBERO -  hye-sung kim
battletag: libero - referencing his favorite anime character 
age, date of birth: july 12, 1999 (age 18)  (IM FUCKING OLDER THAN HIM AAAAA) 
family life: nice good family, has an older brother. his parents are really supportive 
before overwatch: he played  A LOT of starcraft (pro played from starcraft named ‘EMPEROR’ is his role model) 
he’s a big anime weeb but he onyl watches sports anime because he really really likes sports, he mostly spends his time watching soccer matches he also loves archery and volleyball 
out of all the nyxl players he is the most shy while the rest are very outgoing 
he didn’t like overwatch much at first because he always had to play alone and korean serves have a lot of cheaters and boosters, but when he met some people they duoed all the time and became friends 
his first serious pro team was META ATHENA 
META ATHENA is a team that was known for crazy strats that libero would be the main part of since he can play a lot of different characters on high level. one of their most famous strats was on dorado libero going mei and the entire team going on the high wall flank with libero boosting them up using ice wall. he’s also known as one of the best hanzo players in the world and he is a pharah player that has the most efficient ultimates.
his first main was hanzo.  
his dps partner on meta athena was sayaplayer (who people have started calling korean dafran) 
5k dragonblade
mid-air pulse
PINE -  do-hyeon kim
battletag: his first btag was ‘chicken’ and he really didnt like it so he changed it to PINE 
age, date of birth: october 15, 1997 (age 20)
family life: parents, older sister and brother. they really werent supportive of him  becoming pro player
he wasnt a very good student because he has adhd so his parents got him into sport
pine was a professional badminton player for two yeas until his inujury
his parents told him that he HAS TO get into a university so he decided to study culinary arts
before overwatch he was a professional in TF2 and that’s how he picked up english
when he was in his first year of college on the day of his exams overwatch came out and he spend 5 days locked in his room playing overwatch, he failed all of his exams 
he destroyed overwatch ladder in korea and was invited to a game show on TV, after that he went to overwatch competition in busan and decided that he wants to be a pro player 
his friends convinced his parents to let him join LW RED 
his favorite character is widowmaker 
when flower was injured and couldnt play for a long time, pine was subbed in and joined as part of LW BLUE and had to fill his role 
for a long time he was in flowers shadow but then he impressed everyone with his mccree on illios in overwatch league  (he used to be considered a widow one trick thats why his mccree was so impressive) 
he is high risk and high reward player, if he doesnt perform well they lose and if he performs well they steam roll 
when nyxl lost against london in play offs he got really really depressed 
when someone on blizzard forum complained about mccree being a weak character jeff kaplan himself in response linked pines illios highlights to prove a point of mccree being very strong in right hands 
the most incredible widow play ive ever seen, he’s a god
pine and sbb with the bm
he hates sombra and zen
pine is marketable
his guide to setting up a right crosshair 
only widow game play
MANO -  dong-gyu kim
april 12, 1996 (age 21)
he wasn’t a good student at all, had a lot of problems, would skip class all the time and run away from home
diagnosed with adhd,
he didn’t like any jobs he wasn’t interested in anything so he decided to go into military but then overwatch was released 
his first team was rhinos gaming but his big team and the one that he is known for is AFREECA BLUE (people who also used to be part of that team: KALIOS (boston), DAYFLY (philly fusion), ARHAN (best known for ARAHN LUL meme, he sometimes fucks up a lot) and TAIRONG (previous coach of AF BLUE, now coach of HOUSTON))
his first game was maple story 
in overwatch he started out as a dps player but there were so many already incredible dps players that he couldn’t find a way to break out so he switched to support, he was an amazing lucio/ana player but didn’t see much success  until he started maining winston. 
his frienemy is MIRO, they have a big part, miro got him into pro overwatch and there has always been a rivalry because they were the first two to make winston so important, also mano was chosen for world cup 2017 and many fans sent him hate because everyone wanted miro to be on that team, but the truth it mano is just as good on winston but he is a way better rein than miro.
during apex he was asked who he wants to be friends with and he said ‘saebyeolbe i wanna be friends with you, youre so cool’ AND THEN THEY BECAME BEST FRIENDS 
mano is also really really really good friends with calvin and he’s like the only person calvin likes duoing with 
currently he is rank 1 NA 
JANUS -  joong-hwa song
battletag: janus - he feels like he has two parts of himself one that is dedicated to his family and another that is very shy and wants to do his best to become a good pro gamer, so he named himself JANUS the roman two face god. 
january 28, 1997 (age 21)
his english is really good because he studied hard in middle school but he has also taught himself japanise 
he’s a weeb, and like effect he LOOOOVES miku (shes his phone and computer background) 
he is very attached to his pillow and carries it everywhere with himself 
janus is sadly the best known for having many health issues. he has very sick lungs and requires medical care often but he has been getting better recently. 
his first main was zenyatta but then when team (LW BLUE) needed a main tank he learned how to play monkey. 
MEKO -  tae-hong kim
july 25, 1997 (age 20) 
he wasn’t a very good student but he was an amazing soccer played so when he was in middle school he joined a soccer academy 
when he was in middle school his father was a victim of fraud and his family ended up in a lot of debt and very very poor, that was the most difficult time in his life but then the situation god better
he is best BEST friends with jjonak and theyre very close but in the team everyone calls them ‘dumb and dumber’ they say that in game they both have 900iq but out of game theyre fucking dumb lmao 
his best character is DVA and hog 
JJONAK -  sung-hyeon bang
december 20, 1999 (age 18) 
battle tag: jjonak - awkward octopus 
his battletag has become a meme to him so he named all his smurfs stuff like ‘, KKONAK.. GGONAK’ and even carpe has a smuft ‘BBONAK’ because they duo almost every night. he also has a smuft ‘JJONJEHONG’ 
so he is very young and he became a pro player because since middleschool hes been friends with GIDO who plays for seoul dynasty. gido won apex season 3 and jjonak went to watch him live and he was so so jealous that gido won that and that he gets to play with jjonaks idol that jjonak dedicated everything to become the best 
he played ranked every day, destroying ladder as zenyatta and ending up for three seasons in a row rank 1 in korea 
many teams offered him contracts but he sided with nyxl and until overwatch league he was kinda like a myth, no one believed that he is that good 
then on one anubis map, jjonak had the most damage out of everyone in the lobby, every dps was doing worse than him, sbb on tracer had 5k less damage than him
he is kinda a legend and he is the best zenyatta in the world 
but also he is a teenage boy with A LOT of money so he does stuff like buy tennis shoes that cost 800 dollars and a hoodie thats costs 1,020 dollars 
his best friends are meko and carpe (but also special shout out to alarm, alarm is like jjonaks student) 
he wanted to be like jehong so much that he copied EVERYTHING jehong did 
jjonaks crazy stats
jjonak and carpe being assholes, carpe yelling at jjonak that hes a fucking pussy noob if he doesnt sleep the rein
jjonak tracer gameplay
jjonak and meko have a running joke of never high fiving
carpe nanos jjonak as zen and let’s him destroy everyone
ark - yeon-joon hong
january 11, 1998 (age 20) 
the best english speaker in all of nyxl, he is practically fluent 
he is the main shot caller and tracks every enemy ult and always know at what % enemy ult is 
his out of game IQ translates in game incredibly 
to many he has already won the INTERNETHULK award that is basically an award honoring the most positive and best influence in overwatch league
he’s an only child and he is very much a big loner, he had a hard time getting close to anyone when he joined the league even tho he knew most NYXL players. but he soon became close friends with dreamkazper and they are so so fucking cute like their friendship is actually good and nice. but besides dream he is close with libero, and they spend a lot of time together. 
he was accepted to YONSEI university, and he wanted to study nursing but put it on hold when he was picked up as part of NYXL 
he is the best mercy player in the league, second best lucio and one of the best ana players his sleep darts are actually insane. 
he love loves LOVES dance, dance revolution and plays it a lot. also he loves ed sheeran, he listens to him all the time
his pomposity is stupid, its insane how calm he stays and nice to everyone 
many casters have said that ark is the most disciplined player in the league because so fat he has never misused his ult 
and also he started maining lucio because of stanky
he and sbb have a habit of calling armor packs ‘cookies’
ark predicts which ults enemy team has and how they will use them securing his team to win
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