#I want 10 books about Siuan because she's just the best character but Moiraine is just so ridiculously tragic
onaperduamedee · 2 years
"It is hard to exist. Man is a knot into which relationships are tied, and my ties serve me hardly at all. What is this in me that has broken down? What is the secret of substitutions? Whence comes it that a gesture, a word, can give rise to endless ripples in a human destiny? Whence comes it that in other circumstances I should be overwhelmed by what seems to me now remote and abstract?”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras (tr. Lewis Galantière)
For a maybe Moiraine meta, I was looking for a completely different quote from Flight to Arras about the expectation of death in battle when I landed on this one and UH.
Ever since I finished FoH, I regularly get hit by waves of sorrow thinking about how desperate and isolated she grew in the two last books. About how frayed her ties to the people who she may have cared about. About how fruitless her legacy must have seemed (her cramming Rand's mind with a lifetime of knowledge because she knew that was the only thing she could give him now). About how uncertain the utility of her sacrifice was.
As she crossed the doorway and burnt, did she experience regret? Relief? Resentment? Even hope?
It's not even her death that hurts. It's witnessing her actions and words up to that moment, and inferring what must have been her true, unveiled state of mind.
Light, my chest feels hollow.
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essie007 · 1 year
Wheel of Time Season 2 Thoughts
Now that the season is over and I’ve had a few days to process I thought I’d put some of my thoughts about the season. No major book spoilers but I do make mention to some of the changes they’ve made while adapting the first two books. I might make a more book spoilery post later.
-Overall I really enjoyed the season. I think it was well written, tight and delivered both storywise and character wise. The costuming, special effects and art direction continues to be top tier and I found the season highly watchable and compelling. I did not love absolutely every moment and decision and definitely have a few nitpicks but as a whole I really liked it. I will say that I think a lot of the issues I did have with the season can be boiled down to the limited amount of time they had to tell the story they needed to tell. I really think this show would benefit from at least 10 episodes and season if not more, and I know that’s an opinion many have echoed.
- I loved all the White Tower stuff in the first half of the season. It was a good set-up for tower politics, different factions, how The One Power works and it introduced us to a lot of important characters.
-Hi Elayne! I love you and you are perfect girl!
-Nyneave’s Tower story and block was A+
-I personally didn’t mind Siuan’s book scenes being given to Liandrin. I think it was necessary to tell the story they needed to tell in the time they needed to tell it. And I thought Liandrin’s whole story, the explanation of why she turned to the Black Ajah was interesting both to make her a more compelling villain and to set up the stakes of the universe. We need to be worried that our heroes will choose the dark at some point, and for that to be a real threat we need good reasons why other have. All of her scenes were great. Loved her scenes with Nyneave, Egwene and Lanfear. And her petty fighting with Suroth. *chef’s kiss*
-I’m just gonna say it ok? Are you ready? I LOVE show!Alanna. Book fans can give me the stink eye if they want, but as she’s been portrayed on screen so far she rocks. The actress is incredible and the writing has done an excellent job as setting her up as a genuine, moral, strong and honestly necessary pillar of light in the dark. You really feel she is fighting on the side of good with everything she has, no matter what it costs her. She’s also a genuinely good teacher in the Tower! The way she fights for the girls, and for Moiraine, and later for Rand. We love to see it. Her story in many ways mirrors Moraine’s. The show has done a very good job of making her a character that you are strongly empathizing with and rooting for. And honestly book knowledge has only made me feel that more strongly. Knowing how many darkfriends she is holding the line against, you FEEL how necessary and important the work she does is. And I am starting to understand how she, like Moiraine and Siuan this season, and Rand in the story to come, might start feeling weighed down by that. My girl fits right in with the themes of the story. Sorry not sorry. I am weak for MILFs.
-Egwene’s entire storyline this season kicked ass. I think she had, hands down, the best story arc from beginning to end. I have very little to say about it because it was all perfectly done. And when she killed Rena, instead of sparing her like you’re expecting, oh boy did I cheer.
-Rand’s storyline, if you knew who Lanfear was from the outset was fun all the way through. Though I have it on good authority from @steel-wings that if you went in blind, it was quite slow in the beginning. I do have to say that the introduction to Rand this season being “he’s sleeping with an innkeeper for room and board” was the funniest and best thing I have ever seen. Dana The Darkfired from last season continues to give. No honestly, this is genuine foreshadowing (Selene is also *gasp* a Darkfriend) and character work. They decided to show Rand’s declining mental state and self esteem by contrasting how willing he was to sugarbaby this season with how against it he was last season. 10/10 no notes.
-Rand is a Mental Health Worker! I’m going to cry! Yes I know he has reasons for doing this but watching Rand with that old man, knowing he’s been doing this job for almost a year. Excuse me I need a moment.
-The Lanfear reveal kicked ass. She is so crazy and so evil and so manipulative. Love to see it in a villain. The scene where she “learns” Rand can channel was honestly hilarious. Although this was the moment that @steel-wings lost her patience with the storyline.
Steelwings: Ugh. This is so boring. She’s just there for his manpain. I can’t watch any more of this. It would have been better if she was evil.
Me knowing my wife is at the end of her patience and is about to abandon this show I love but not knowing how long they’re planning to draw the reveal out, pausing the tv: Do you want me to spoil you?
Steelwings: Yes! Spoil me! PLEASE tell me she’s evil.
Me: She’s evil :D She’s the most evil bitch whose ever lived. She’s so evil and so crazy and so manipulative. She’s Oppenheimer if he worshipped the devil and *horrifying spoilers*
Steelwings settling back in to watch: Love that for her. 🙂
-Perrin’s storyline was the least ineteresting and slowest of the mains but with the rest of the show so jam packed it felt like a nice break in some ways to have some breathing room with Perrin. We’ve got Egwene being tortured by the Seanchan and Mat being tortured by the Forsaken and Rand being imprisoned by the Amyrlin. Meanwhile, Perrin has met a cute girl and a dog. Good for him.
-MAAAAT. MAT! My baby boy Mat Cauthon. You are having a no good very bad life huh? And it’s only season 2 *cries* I did love the way he turned the dagger into a spear there at the end and also…HE’S A HERO OF THE HORN! I thought that was a perfect choice. Really made sense with his storyline and character arc. It also gives them a really good plot excuse for him to suddenly know how to fight with his big stick. Mat’s “I remember” and his Old Tongue and his immediate military Glow Up. So good. So fun. I will be screaming forever.
-Speaking of screaming forever the Cauthor reunion had me screaming and crying and dying. I will never be the same. It was giving big stars fading (but i linger on) by @butterflydm vibes. If you haven’t read it, it’s a fic that also adapts The Great Hunt as season 2 by saying “what if Rand just hung around Carhein playing Sugar Baby and getting dicked down while everyone else hunted for the horn?” (It’s really good and you should read it.) Hey @butterflydm how does it feel to be so smart and correct all the time?
-I was expecting the Mat stabs Rand moment to be caused by Compulsion, not friendly fire. It would have given him a really good reason to go searching for something to protect him from the OP in the future. But I’m not mad. We got some top tier cradling out of it. Although this is the second time Ishy has pulled that move (the first was with Rand at the Eye). Boy is not an original thinker.
-I know a lot of people were sad that Rand did not get cool sword battles this season. And look, I get it, the books lean hard in to the cool power fantasy moments with Rand, so if that’s your thing and what you came for, this show probably is letting you down. But I gotta say, as someone who has always been here for the characters and themes and narrative, I LOVE what they did with the battle here. AND with Rand’s learning curve.
-I love that Rand knows exactly one weave at this point, and that that weave is “make knife.” I LOVE that Lan is the one who taught it to him. (Miss me with your Lan hate.) I love that the first thing he did with it wasn’t fight an enemy but free Moiraine from her bonds, heal her, even though he’s not a healer. A knife is a tool and you can use it to heal or to fight. Just as Ryma used her healing weaves to rip Damane bodies apart, Rand uses his knife weaves to “heal.” I love that the second thing he uses that weave for IS to destroy Turak’s fighting force. I did not at all feel I had been robbed of a sword fight. I cheered! Excellent little Indiana Jones moment, right there. Rand WAS badass. And most of all I love that he wasn’t able to to defeat Ishmael on his own, that he needed Egwene and Perrin and Mat and Moiraine and Elayne and Nyneave. Like that’s the point! Lanfear is running around the city trying to dump the other Forsaken in the ocean. Ishmael is standing on that tower alone and betrayed with no allies. But Rand has friends! He has people who come to help him! And that is why he wins. That’s whole point. Hello theme of friendship and connection, I love you, never go anywhere.
-Also Moiraine being like I would kill thousands of people to help Rand made me snort and go “Ok Mom.” Yeah yeah scorched earth morality. Ruthlessness. She is on a mission to save the world even if she has to destroy the world in the process. But also Moiraine IS that meme from Parks and Rec. She has only had Rand Al’Thor for a year but if anything happens to him she will kill everyone in this room and then herself. Now fly the Dragon Banner.
-All that being said, there was one storyline this season that really did not hit for me, and I am sorry to say it was the Siuan Sanche of it all. I have spent a lot of time turning that episode over in my head and I still haven’t put all my thoughts together but ultimately I will say this. Yes, if you were expecting Siuan from the books her actions were definitely character assassination. She makes the exact opposite choices in the show. However, I understand why, both narratively and time wise those changes were made so I’m going to do my best to react to the story they told and the character they wrote, not the one I was expecting. The real problem I think with the story they told is that they didn’t give us enough time in Siuan’s POV and with Siuan’s story to really truly empathize with the decisions she’s making. We spend the episode in Rand and Moiraine’s POVs and honestly I think that’s a big mistake, because we don’t learn any new information about either of them. But in order for that moment at the end with Moiraine to truly be heartbreaking, in order for us to really understand why she’s imprisoning Rand at all we need to see her struggles and her fears and her beliefs. I talked earlier about how they do a good job showing what Alanna and Moiraine are up against but they needed to give us that with Siuan. We’re told she has enemies in the tower, we’re told she’s been depending on Moiraine and Rand to be the ace up her sleeve in the last battle, but we don’t see the emotional toll of that. And at the end there I think the writing needed to make it perfectly crystal clear that Siuan believes that Moiraine is black ajah. A casual viewer should understand and feel for Siuan who is doing this terrible thing because she believes she is saving the world, saving Rand, from a Forsaken and a darkfriend who has lied to her and betrayed her. But it's just not there. I understand that this plot point and this story serves a narrative purpose. It sets up Rand's relationship with the White Tower and the Aes Sedai as a whole. It draws a thematic parallel between the three Oaths and the Seanchan oaths and damane system. It brings up the theme of how power corrupts, how even good people who are doing their best to help the many, can use their power to do horrifying things when they believe it is necessary. But I think it still needed more set up and more character development and more room to breathe. I have…a lot more to say on the subject but I might need to make it it’s own post. I definitely think the writers have set themselves up for a headache when it comes to next season but that’s spoilers so I’ll end this here.
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hey, quick wot question (i don’t wanna google it and risk getting spoiled😬)
I just found out 208 is the finale and I somehow thought there’d be 10 episodes this season. honestly thought there was some more developing to come before the finale. so I was wondering, was this season one book or bits and pieces of an overreaching arc from a few books?
this is a tricky one to answer because… technically s2 has bits and pieces from like five books lmao. but mostly small things. some character arcs are from book 3 (others are entirely made up for some reason) but it does seem as though the finale of this season will roughly follow the end of book two. there are definitely chunks of book three in there (as i suspected there would be, and other things from that book i hope to god are still coming and not just dropped), and then… scatterings of other books. but in terms of narrative arc i’d align it roughly with book two.
this next part is not really answering your question but there aren’t any spoilers either. just ranting ig
yeah i agree with what you’re saying about development. i’ve been struggling to tell if my moments of “hmm… was that… made clear enough? was that earned?” were just my book brain seeking the familiar connective tissue of RJ’s narrative structure, but i have started to worry that my mom (gleefully unwilling to even listen to me explain things) will not be able to follow what’s happening in season 2 as much as i feel is necessary for someone like her to enjoy it.
they’ve made some choices i flatly dislike (taking siuan’s scenes and giving them to other characters, and actually everything that happened with siuan last episode “she would not fucking-”) others choices that genuinely bored me. i should be 👁️👁️😍😍 at my screen all the time as a book fan but the warder storyline… the stuff with moiraine’s family. i was like… cool when is it egwene & elayne & nynaeve and (gay brain) lanfear time again. and to be clear i like moiraine so so much, i like lan so so much, and i was so looking forward to their little divorce but stuck in our get-along t-shirt arc this season. but i was at times just feeling too ‘???’ why is any of this happening right now to be engaged with things.
and then also just aware of them not?? really getting my blorbos at times?? like lan not even going “you’re accusing fucking ME, al’lan mandragoran lord of the seven towers true blade of malkier, of being a darkfriend?? 🤨 be so fr right now.”
i wanted so badly to have the best time with this show and i was benefit of the doubt again and again but they’re losing my trust. (lost it, with making siuan do THAT for whump) i walked away from last episode feeling physically ill for the wrong reasons, and i get not everyone feels this way but i’m… a bit numb about tonight. emotionally detached. i wish i didn’t feel so bad (obviously) but!! anyway the books are still a lot of fun to read and i’m hoping they at least give egwene what she’s earned this season (a hug, and also murder)
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shinylitwick94 · 6 years
Shinylitwick reads Wheel of Time - Book 14 -A Memory of Light
Warning:Contains spoilers for the whole series
So here we are - finally at the end!
Took me about 3 months to get through the whole series, although admittedly with a lot of skimming in some of the slower storylines.
All in all it’s been a great journey and I’ll do a whole series post too, but for now on to AMoL!
Hands down the best book in the series, although perhaps that is not so surprising - it’s what we want from a good finale, after all!
Compared to the rest of the series, even to the other Sanderson books, the pacing here was extremely fast.
It had to be, otherwise we’d probably have ended up with 15 books instead, but that means that unfortunately many of the smaller characters and storylines and even some of the bigger ones don’t really get closure at all.
The difference in style between Jordan and Sanderson is also pretty clear here -action is what Sanderson likes best and it’s what he does best and there’s plenty of it to go around. I suspect if Jordan had had the chance to write the last battle, there would have been more character interaction and less cool and inventive ways to kill Trollocs. And I don’t mean to criticise Sanderson here at all, I think he did splendidly, but they do have different strengths as writers.
I don’t always think epilogues are necessary, but I feel like this could have benefitted from one. I liked the ending scene itself pretty well, but I just wish we’d had a little more time for everyone else.
What takes up the bulk of this book isn’t Rand’s struggle against the dark one, but everyone else’s struggle against the armies of the shadow. Which, I think, makes perfect sense - deep down we all know how Rand’s clash with the Dark One will end. We know, because that’s the way stories work, that even if the hero somehow were to fail at the end, he’ll find a way to turn the tables.  So Rand was actually not as interesting to me in this book as he has been up until now.
Still, I was surprised he made it out of there alive - I wholly expected him to die for real.
Rand’s whole peace treaty thing also felt a little out of place to me. I think it’s totally justified, given Rand’s character, that he would try. I also think it won’t last 10 years, let alone 100.
So that whole conflict was a bit meh, because it was just...Rand sweetie I know you’re trying to do the right thing here, but it’s really really not going to survive your corpse.
The whole meeting was worth it for Moiraine’s entrance though.
As for the other stories, I loved Pevara and Androl to pieces and I’m super happy they made it through. I was a little disappointed he never got to confront Taim more directly, I was looking forward to that.
Lan was one of the other stand out characters in this book. He’s pretty one-note as a character overall, but this book brings out all of the best in a character like Lan and doesn’t stop until the end. Loved every scene with him!
I was a little surprised that none of Rand’s 3 girls died. I thought for sure Aviendha was going to die in that fight with Graendal. I think I would have liked it if one of them had died, probably Min or Aviendha, killing pregnant Elayne sounds too dark for this series, but it’s fine this way too.
I was really sad that we lost Siuan and Gareth Bryne, I really liked their relationship, but I suppose Siuan’s character’s purpose was pretty much gone the moment Egwene became Amyrlin.
And speaking of Egwene, that’s the death that probably hit me the hardest. She’s had such a long journey as a character and it was an incredible finale for her, but I really wanted the Two Rivers kids to get back together at the end.
Perrin’s story was more engaging than usual, however I still feel that Slayer is too obviously made to be Perrin’s villain and feels a little too dettached from the main storyline for me to fully connect. At least here there was the Black Tower at first and later protecting Rand too.
I kind of wanted Faile to die, not because I dislike her character, but because I think it would have been tragically ironic for Perrin to spend half the series worrying about Faile, only to fail at the end. Again, probably too dark for this series.
Mat was pretty great in this, as I’m sure everyone expected him to be. I don’t think anyone had any doubt that Mat would lead the armies of the Light ever since he got his memories. And of course he did splendidly at that.
There were still some incredibly irritating Mat moments, mainly whenever he was around Tuon. Mat on his own was mostly ok. What stuck out to me was him threatening to spank Egwene and Tuon. What.The.Fuck is it with this series and spanking? It just pulled me completely out of that scene (and it was such a great scene too!). It was stupid, absurd, out of place, infantilizing and just plain gross. Who in their right mind would say that at that stage?!
The Seanchan problem was left completely unresolved in this book, unfortunately. I found the way Rand agreed to Tuon and the way Mat fawned over her to be a little disgusting, to be completely honest. I’ve never been sold on Mat/Tuon, but I’d sort of grudgingly accepted I’d have to deal with it. To see Rand accept those terms, when he has been so much harsher with everyone else and went around changing the laws of every country he ruled just pissed me off.
I get it - end of the world, deal with the devil, etc, but Rand didn’t even seem to be all that upset about it.
I think I might have accepted his decision better if we actually got to see Rand struggle with it, instead of getting the whole scene form the point of view of Mat, who doesn’t give a shit.
I liked Demandred and from what I hear there’s a whole short story about him and the Sharans. I kind of wish that had made its way into the main books. This way the Sharans felt like they were coming completely out of nowhere, just so that the Light’s forces would need to get help from the Seanchan.
Nyneave didn’t get much to do here, as a side effect of being with Rand for the duel with the Dark One, but I still enjoyed what little we got of her.
All in all, it was a spectacular final book for this series and I’m very happy I stuck around long enough to read it all the way through!
Favorite scene(s): Lan and Demandred, Egwene’s flame of Tar Valon, Moiraine’s entry into the command tent, Androl’s lava gates, Rand’s final scene, Brigitte’s return, Olver blowing the horn, that refugee woman with Logain, many many other scenes
Least favorite scene(s): The part of the Mat-Tuon-Egwene scene I already mentioned, Rand and Tuon, some of the smaller battle scenes felt a little repetitive sometimes, 
Favorite character(s): Lan, Egwene, Androl, Pevara, Moiraine, Nyneave, Rand
Least favorite character(s):  Tuon, Taim (just disappointing...)
Book rankings so far: 1.MOL 2.TOM 3. TGS 4.LOC 5.TSR 6.TGH 7.TFOH 8.ACS 9.TDR 10.WH 11.KOD 12. TEOTW 13.TPOD 14.CoT
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book-empress · 7 years
The Wheel of Time
I’ve finally finished the Wheel of Time series, and it’s been a long one. I love epic fantasy with all my heart but 14 books can be a little bit overwhelming. But here I am, after thousands of pages later and I don’t regret time spent reading them. Honestly, this is one of the best fantasy series I’ve read in my life. And it’s finished, which is also nice. The thing I liked the most was it’s world. It’s amazingly written. The way readers learn about it is very natural. We start our journey with those bunch of farmers, for whom the whole world is their cottage. Yet they start this epic journey to learn that there’s so many more places to discover. The characters are as clueless about the world as the readers are, at the beginning at least. Later, as the number of POVs increases, our understanding of the countries and their inhabitants does so as well. The world smoothly unfolds before us. And there are so many amazing cultures carefully placed in the wast world of Wheel of Time. There’s a lot of considerably “normal” ones, which even though they would fit well into the standard fantasy setting, are still distinguishable from each other. They all have something special about them, which usually feels very natural, considering the geopolitical situation of each country. Those countries feel more real to me than some of the existing ones. And then, we have also the “weird” and not as standard cultures such as the Seanchan and Aiel for example. And even though they feel strange at the beginning, later we understand them as well as the others. Interactions between cultures are nicely done and all the nations create an unforgettable world which I will happily revisit many times in the future. As any fantasy series with self-respect, Wheel of Time has it’s own magic. And it’s magic is magnificent. The concept of One Power is rather simple, a person who can wield said Power, can shape it in “weaves” that, depending of their complexity and the type of the Power, can have numerous effects. Even though it sounds generic, when it’s described from the channeler POV it’s truly captivating. The One Power was the only thing that kept me reading this series, which has a one weak point, the first book. I found it rather boring and very LOTR-like. It has also one of the most random pieces of lore in the entire series. I definitely wouldn’t sign up for the 13 more books like this, if it wasn’t for the One Power and Aes Sedai (group of Power wielding women). What can I say, I have a soft spot for sorceresses. So I started the second book and fell in love with it. So I beg if anyone feels discouraged to continue after reading the first book, please give the second one a go. From that point plot is less LOTR-like with a lot of tropes being changed or used in a creative way. I mean, we need to congratulate an author, who managed to make the “battle of hero from the prophecy with the evil power” feel interesting and new. And that couldn’t be achieved if not for the characters. The plethora of characters. So many diverse characters. Honestly, there are hundreds of names and personalities to choose from, everyone will find someone they’ll like. While the main cast may be a little be annoying and have many trivial problems (that’s an issue I think up to the third or fourth book, at least for me), those problems make them more real and natural. Because people are annoying, they have problems with communication and they do have irrational fears. That can be irritating from readers point of view but it’s important, they need a space to grow. And they do grow. These book have really well-done character development arcs, which I found highly enjoyable. To talk more about the characters, I need to talk a little bit about the plot and events, so if you don’t want to know anything it’s a good place to stop reading your review and start reading the books. But I won’t talk about any major spoilers so don’t worry about it.
Okay, let’s start with my favorite, Egwene Al'Vere. Her arc is simply the best in my opinion, her growth from just a simple farmer girl to a powerful woman who is a force that has to be reckoned with is magnificent. The way she deals with all the obstacles that are placed before her is realistic and interesting. The only thing I didn’t like about her arc was her lover (not going to name him, cause it’s kind of spoilery) but I suppose that everyone needs somekind of flaw and love is blind after all. Many people are irritated by Rand Al'Thor, who is the closest person to protagonist of these series. He’s often called most annoying protagonist and stuff like that. I don’t understand where such hatred comes from. I mean, he’s a very flawed person, but his flaws makes sense. He struggles with the power and responsibility, that is so suddenly given to him. And that’s normal. He grew up to be a farmer, noone should expect him to be the perfect leader. That makes him a believable character. That makes him interesting. He tries as hard as he can, but he doesn’t always get the best results, he sometimes misunderstands the situation or gets lost between the things that need to be done and the ones that shouldn’t be done. I also enjoyed the aspect of a voice he hears in his head and how we’re not really sure, weather it’s real or not. But to such an intresting protagonist we need some good villans to balance the odds. And Wheel of Time doesn’t dissapoint in that aspect. Although the Dark One is not that fascinating, his subordinates, the Forsaken certainly are. They a group of 13 ancient mages, with their own motives, their own agendas and plans. They are rivals, fighting for the appreciation of their master. They plans deliver a lot of suprises and interesting obstacles, and their personalities are amazing as well (my favourites were Mesaana, Semmirhage, Asmodean, Ishmael and Lanfear). There are so many more awesome characters such as Elayne Trakand, Aviendha, Siuan Sanche, Moiraine Damodred, Galad Damodred, Lan Mandragoran or Tuon, to name just a few. There are just too many of them to write about each of them individually. Obviously the Wheel of Time isn’t perfect. I already mentioned the issue I had with the first book. It’s not the only thing that could be fixed. Another problem lies within pacing that extremely slowed down in the middle of the series. There were just hundreds of pages where nothing important would happen and some of the plotlines where needlessly prolonged ( Malden and Succession arcs I’m looking at you). The thing is I didn’t really mind that while I was reading. I would just get lost in the world and not care about the plot that much. But then, hours later, I would emerge back to reality only to realise that the story didn’t progress in any way during that time. The other problem I had was characters’ problem with communication and mutual lack of respect between everyone, but that mostly happened in the beggining. During the first five books there were so many problems that could be solved just by a frank conversation that it was painful to read sometimes. But, luckily the characters grown as the action progressed and they learned to respect each other and talk to each other, solving my main complaint about the books. Summing up, I would strongly recommend this series, it has its flaws, but there are so many pros that the problems don’t bother reader that much. And believe me, it’s an adventure worth expieriencing.
 My rating: 9/10
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what are your favorite pieces of sci fi and/or fantasy media? (can be either books/comics/movies)
i didn’t read many comics because i lived in a rlly small rural town & comic books were too expensive with my reading speed. i had to pick the biggest books i could to make them last or i’d end up reading the cook books again by the end of the month. also i added video games bc that’s where a lot of my fav universes are. 
books: (i could go on for 20 years but i’ll stick to a few)
wheel of time -
i got the first book i think when i was 8/9. it took me a week to get past the prologue bc i did not appreciate feeling confused but once i got to Rand & the road and the figure in the cloak i was HOOKED. i brought it to school that week & a sub teacher (legend, in hindsight) came up & was like ‘oh! that’s a great book’ and i mostly glared distrustfully at her bc teachers liked to take books off me or (hate hate) take me aside when the rest of the class were doing sums or whatever and make me read a passage to them, then drill me about the meaning of different words. i get they were trying to see if i actually had that reading level or whatever but it was mortifying. so yeah, glared at her, so sorry bc she was right. it took me years to acquire and read all of the books but been so so normal about them ever since. my favs are probably moiraine (shocker), lan, elayne (actually love her so much an unreasonable amount), mat (gender reasons) and siuan (obviously). 
the book of the ancestor -
THESE BOOKS. there are nuns in this too. they are badass ninja magic nuns and a lot of them are so so gay. it’s about the found family and a little girl called Nona who probably would bite you but she’s actually the kindest softest best person in the world. her friends are all kind of gay for her; she’s kind of gay for all her friends. there are two older nuns called Apple & Kettle who are just flagrantly massive lesbians and it’s so so funny. Apple is a poisoner & Kettle is a spy and they have just such a THING going on i adore them. this trilogy is wonderful & the magic is so cool & the character dynamics are !!!!! feral there’s a Judas character there’s rivals-to-lover/ friends-to-lover. it’s a meditation on where we find meaning and in whom and what we fight for. has everything i love love love. also like… can think of two men off the top of my head in a cast of like 40 deranged women. amazing. 
the fitz & the fool books -
got this on family holiday to Rome when i was 10. ignored rome in favour of reading this day and night. i read it three times in one week. barely stepped foot in the pool. it’s a gorgeous character-driven story. fitzchivalry farseer is ultimate himbo rep. also magical bonding with a wolf will get me every time. there are like two trilogies now. they r so good. 
the murderbot diaries -
ghdklskdsl killer robot gains sentience. just wants to watch their TV shows & be left alone. sadly, stupid humans get in stupid situation & secunit has to endure the mortifying ordeal of being known. SECUNIT i’d die for u. the novels are pretty short but there are quite a few now & each one has a new and awesome take on artificial intelligence and self-advocacy and found family and what it means to be alive. 
the broken earth trilogy -
these books ripped my heart out of my chest and i said thank you. gorgeously written. deals with rlly rlly interesting & important themes. the main character is just so cool, she’s also, like, an older woman with kids but she’s the hero and the main character and i think that’s kind of awesome. the magic SLAPS. it’s plate tectonics babey. 
the black magician trilogy -
these & wot were my gateway to the fantasy genre fr fr. my friend’s mom bought her the first one and she fobbed it off on me (we were 9. she was only interested in this webside called Howrse where you pretended to own horses??) i got locked outside my house after walking home from hers and spent two hours tucked into a narrow nook outside the back door while it bucketed rain down around me. best two hours of my life. first canon queer rep i ever read. there r a bunch of trilogies now. great stuff on healing magic & sonea is so stubborn i love that for her. don’t let anyone reason with you darling. 
star wars: yes yes yes we know that casper likes star wars. but casper LOVES star wars. obi-wan is my favourite character in the prequels. in the og trilogy probably han solo (i am not immune to THAT), but also as i got older Luke Skywalker too. c3po for that bitch boy energy. i owe him a lot. there is only one movie in the third trilogy & i love Finn. shame they never made the last two movies. 
pirates of the caribbean: ELIZABETH SWAN. we can all blame her for my lesbian behaviour. we can all blame will turner for my gender. 
the alien movies: 1 & 2 mostly, but i will watch the others with my eyes. i can’t help myself. lots of blood & gore = casper happy. blood + actual good storytelling is like porn with plot to me but i will take porn without plot. i am a simple creature. i loved NEWT because talking can be evil sometimes and also living for weeks in a deserted compound with a killer robot - what?? like it’s hard?? obvs Ripley is a legend. bush representation. 
lotr: i love the books too but i grew up on the movies & my uncle only loaned me his 3-in-1 version when i was 10. i don’t know what to say don’t ever talk to me about boromir don’t ever talk to me about gimli and legolas don’t EVER talk to me about sam or frodo. unless you are prepared for a sleeping-beauty type situation where you blink and your kingdom has fallen into darkness bc i’ve been talking for 35 years. 
i LOVE the movie Arrival: linguistics & aliens, non-linearity of the narrative. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP. it’s the good tasty stuff. also mood when she arrives to teach & there are like 4 people and she’s like ‘hmm. okay.’ that’s every day of my life teaching obscure bs. i also kind of want her house. badly. and LISTEN the short story is also good but i rlly like the weird feral energy she had going on in the movie. sign me up so fast for a deranged woman in stem. (she’s in linguistics but let me have my joke. it’s basically math)
video games
mass effect: if you were here with me on tumblr in 2014 1. i’m sorry and 2. you know that liara t’soni is my wife and i’d die for her. these games gave me the most severe brainrot. no i cannot ever be mean to anyone ever but i do push that guy off the Dantius tower in ME2 because it’s funny. Aria t’Loak can [redacted] me if she wants. but yeaaaah. these games are amazing and i still genuinely burst into tears every time Leaving Earth comes on my playlist. there’s just something abt it. played the game on rec of my hot physics teacher. to nobody’s surprise. my favs are Liara (going to tell you humiliating anecdote now. one time i was talking loudly to my friend in my room while playing ME and i said ‘hey, that’s my girlfriend’ loudly and my mom burst in like !!!! YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND I WANT TO MEET HER. imagine her disappointment when it was a collection of pixels on my tv. she was like ‘…. cas. go outside.’) i also like Jack, Miranda (love a woman who is mean to me), WREX BOI, tali bc i want to smooch her helmet and because of that time she gets drunk it’s so funny. i like garrus too okay but my friend never shut up about him so i was sick of him in the same way she was sick of Brynjolf after the 500th time i said he could [redacted]. 
jak and daxter: aaaaahhh. the mild child neglect game. basically my mum got this when i was a toddler & one time got so engrossed trying to cross Fire Canyon she let me fall asleep in my walker. i was fine but my dad never let her or me or anyone forget about it. it’s his measure for how good things are. ‘oh, is it fall asleep in your walker good?’ i think i learned my motor skills playing this game. my hands were sucky clumsy bastards so actually it helped. i was bad at it for so long but now i can 100% the game without dying once in about 3 hours. not speedrun territory but still. it’s just!!! visually incredible. the story is so funny. whatever gender Jak has i want. Daxter was my comedic role-model so you can see how that turned out for me. it’s totally worth watching Jak & Daxter (the whole trilogy) on YT or playing it. the games of all time to me. the kind of fantasy worlds i create are still massively influenced by this. also Jak didn’t speak for the first game so he was autism rep to me as a kid even tho i had only bouts of being non-verbal & other times never shutting tf up. 
ratchet & clank: same vein as jak & daxter. made by naughty dog who yes also made TLOU. so funny, so visually stunning. A Crack in Time is the best game come and fight me. but also LOVED Rift Apart bc one character had a prosthetic limb & she was rlly rlly cool. idk the sci-fi world in Ratchet and Clank is basically a shitpost but it’s also so gorgeous and so fun and makes no sense but (Daniel Craig voice) compels me though. i love the second and third games also and ALSO tools of destruction. HAS AMAZING MUSIC. such bopping. best track is probably novalis imo. 
horion zero dawn: this is more recent. drives me insane. there are kind of mechanical dinosaurs and you have a bow and arrow and you fight them and Aloy is so sarcastic and so clever and so (looks into the camera like she’s on the office) about everything. it’s an amazing world & i love her little found family and the BIG ‘go the fuck to sleep’ energy she has. so stubborn love that for her. 
pokemon: like i said. neighbour wanted to play GTA on PS2 without traumatising me so gave me his red gameboy and pokemon gold. then i learned to read. got sapphire for my 7th christmas + the GameBoy Advanced SP. got every game since then & I JUST LOVE POKEMON. it’s THE autism game (sorry stardew. sucks to suck) you collect little guys and you battle and you walk around and you shiny hunt and there are like 900 different pokemon now. i mean we all know pokemon anyway but yeah i was obsessed my whole life. wanted to be ash ketchum i love his attitude imo he’s a very ava silva character and i like how he says “i like carrots and peppers and bugs” he’s so valid for that.
skyrim: hehehehe. 2011. got this for christmas based on the cinematic trailer (god’s strongest soldier i am not) and was so scared of the draugr i emerged out of my room at 3am on st-stephen’s day in a pose like i was holding a greatsword WIHOUT REALISING i was doing it. i git good at the game tho & learned to mod. aaaaahhhh it’s one of my fav worlds to get lost in. my mum sent me this text when i texted her a pic of the official skyrim guidebook
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