#I want him so badly for my collection but I’m refusing to get any more figmas I don’t like them :-(
fah-keet · 10 months
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????????? His smile is so cute it’s illegal, arrest this man.
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kittyhui · 3 months
woozi baby fever + texts
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woozi x afab! reader
- jihoon never thought he would have baby fever
- tbh he didnt even think he wanted kids; being so busy with work anyways
- he definitely changed after meeting you though
- after dating for more than 6 months, he’ll be thinking about marriage and children hopeless romantic ugh
- after marriage or a few years of dating, his baby fever goes through the roof
- if he sees you with a baby or a small child, he will practically keel over with the thought of you with his child
- he acts like he hates children but he stays up at night thinking about you pregnant with his baby
- He feels insane when he makes lullabies instead of demos for his group. He has a folder named ‘for FC’ (for future child) full of songs for his non existent baby and he avoids any questions from his members and you when asked who FC is.
- Whenever he sees dad’s with their children he dies inside. He imagines that being him and him taking his baby out for a walk and taking them to his studio, playing them music
- one day, he hit his breaking point. He was hanging out with seungcheol and hoshi and they were talking about their babies (kkuma and latte LMAO) and how they were thinking of buying them cute winter doggy jackets and sweaters. they showed him picture after picture of clothes for their ‘babies’, sending his mind into overdrive. He wanted a baby. He wanted to buy his baby cute clothes and spoil them the way he spoils you. He didn’t just want it. He needed it.
- The moment he came home you could tell something was up. Sometimes jihoon would be a bit out of it, usually because of work and lyrics. This was different though. He was clinging to you unusually, his head resting on your stomach and his hands gripping your waist soft but firmly, not wanting to hurt you yet not wanting to let you go. He refused to talk whenever you asked what was wrong and would just blush deeper and deeper
- “Jihoon.” You finally say, tired of him evading your questions. Your stern voice makes him lift him head to look at you. “Is something going on? You’re acting strange today?” you were beyond concerned now as his ears turn a deep red and his eyes look away from yours.
- “I was with cheol and soon earlier…” he trails off nervously, “and I realized that I want a child with you. So badly. I’ve just been thinking about filling you up and I just want you to have my kid so badly. I’d take care of her so well, spoil both of you to death…” he cuts himself off, feeling embarrassed seeing your shocked face.
- “She?” is the first thing you say, smiling at him. jihoon quirks his head to the side confused, “you said, you’d take care of her so well. What if it’s a boy, hoonie?” you giggle at him, before leaning in to kiss jihoon’s cheek.
- “Boy or girl, id take care of them” he looks you in the eyes, “promise”
- You giggle at his seriousness, nodding at him. “Let’s have a baby then, ji” his smile is so wide it hurt, kissing you hard.
- “Thank you, baby. Thank you...”
- Now, after you get pregnant.. he’s actually insane.
- He tried to act calm and collected but if you try and carry anything heavier than your phone, he will carry it for you.
- He calls you every 40 minutes when he has schedules, asking you if he needs to come home early or if you need anything
- He bought a crib, walker, and a changing board for his studio as well as for your home. He spares no expense
- The moment you start showing, he will have his head on your stomach 24/7.
- “I felt them kick!” “Hoonie, I’m only 13 weeks, I don’t think the baby’s kicking” he doesn’t believe you btw
- Now, he will finally show you his ‘for FC’ folder, playing the songs in his studio for you and the baby to listen to
- He is always worried once you get close to your due date, convincing his company to put him on hiatus and work from home producing songs until the baby is born.
- “I’ll be fine, jihoon. The guys need you” “pretty, you are going to have a baby any minute now. They understand that you need me more.”
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a/n: this is so funny cuz i actually dont want kids but woozi baby fever is so real argue with a wall
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 4 months
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Bucky's surprise birthday party provides more surprises than you had hoped.
Word count 3.2k
Warnings: Birthday boy behaving badly, Priya is the warning here!
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Erik’s sexual intervention had released you of the tension you felt whenever you were around Bucky and you realized that his birthday was quickly approaching. You made it your mission to start working on Bucky’s birthday party. The previous year he had flat out refused to let you throw him any festive gathering and you had only accepted that on one condition: he would get one this year. You had no intention of letting him wheedle his way out of it this year. He had begrudgingly agreed but only if it was something small and intimate with his friends only. 
You had given Bucky a withering look. "Trust me! I know you well enough. You’re going to like it. I promise!"
You felt like a kid in a candy store, who had been given the keys to Willy Wonka’s entire kingdom. Glee was written across your features, you wanted everything to be perfect for your best friend. Steve was your trusty accomplice and you had invited Priya into the fold as a way to make up for your misdemeanors. She had suggested that you order food from Sticks and Stones because he loved the food there and even convinced Victor to help with the catering.
A week before the auspicious day, you had pulled Steve aside to ask him if he would accompany you to pick up Bucky’s birthday gift.
"Did you find it?" Steve asked you.
"The Glenn Miller vinyl?" 
Steve nodded.
"Yeah, I found it! It’s in a vintage records store in SoHo." You smiled.
"Bucky’s going to love it. His family would play them all the time, he was such a natural dancer. It would be nice for him to do that again."
"I’m glad it’s got Captain America’s seal of approval!" you quipped cheekily.
Steve rolled his eyes, feeling relaxed and happy for once. "Do you want to go and pick it up now? I’ll drive. I can pick up my gift at the same time!"
"Oh that would be great, Steve! What did you get him?"
"You know that picture you took, the one of Bucky, you, me, Nat and Sam?"
"Yeah, I know the one."
"I painted it. There is a guy who said he would frame it and he texted me this morning saying it was ready to collect.
"Steve! I can’t wait to see it!" you squealed with excitement. "Let’s go!"
Both of you set off, climbing the stairs that led to the parking garage.
"Oh, Priya, hey! Didn't see you there!" you smiled at her as you noticed her presence at the top of the staircase. 
Priya smiled back at you tersely. 
"Everything okay?" Steve asked.
"Do you need a lift home?"
"No, I'm spending the night with Bucky."
"Ahh," Steve blushed at the implication of sex.
You rolled your eyes and tugged on Steve's sleeve. "Come on, punk. See you later Priya!"
March tenth came around quicker than expected. You waited impatiently for Bucky to arrive as his 'surprise’ party. Even though Priya was distracting him, Bucky knew about the events that had been planned. You knew he didn't like loud noises or jump scares, but he had promised to act suitably surprised.
Everything for the party went off without a hitch. The room was filled with dozens and dozens of black and gold balloons. Swing music was playing on the gramophone that Tony had purchased for the occasion. Sam cheekily had a cardboard cut out of Bucky made with his vibranium arm cut off so you could play ‘Pin the arm on Bucky’. You groaned but secretly you wanted to beat everyone.
Thor had made an appearance and was already half way through the bucketful of Asgardian ale, which he claimed to have brought for the birthday boy. Even Ayo, who you'd invited, had graced you with her presence. When she arrived, you flung your arms around the reserved Wakandan warrior. The Dora Milaje did not engage in public displays of emotion, but for you she offered a hug in return.
Things seemed to be going well. Bucky arrived with Priya and was greeted with yells and streamers. Bucky's surprise was convincing… possibly a little too dramatic, making Priya laugh and you groan exasperatedly. You stood on the side of the room watching everyone mingle, enjoying how Bucky's attention was demanded from everyone in the room. His friends were kind enough not to crowd him, or overwhelm him, but also make him feel special all at the same time.
It warmed your heart to see the light in his eyes, the enjoyment on his face. Priya was glued to his side, stroking his hair, whispering in his ear. His arm was constantly around her waist. She was the only thing that marred your perfect vision of the event.
"I am surprised that James chose that woman," Ayo appeared beside you, seemingly out of nowhere.
"Jesus, Ayo. We've talked about you sneaking around. Don't make me tie a bell around your ankles!"
Ayo smiled. "Why isn't that you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why haven't you told James how you feel?" Ayo doesn't wait for your reply. "It could be you dancing with him rather than standing here looking like a wallflower."
"Maybe you could dance with me."
"I think not, Y/N." Ayo never used your nickname.
"Way to let a girl down gently, Ayo."
Ayo just rolled her eyes at you and ventured over to Thor who was challenging everyone to a drinking contest, one which no one was engaging in. Steve was beside him, sipping the liquor carefully enjoying the buzz he rarely got to experience. Wanda and Vision were lovingly embraced in each other's arms in a corner, dancing like the rest of the world didn't exist. Nat was behind the bar serving her own special cocktails and flirting with a blushing Bruce. Clint and Laura were laughing with Pepper, while Tony, Sam and Rhodey were playing cards and making the most outrageous noise. 
You loved your little found family, even though you missed the one that brought you up. Coulson's S.H.I.E.L.D. team had inducted you into the world of violence and espionage and aliens and time travel. It was with them that you'd learnt to control your powers and become worthy to call yourself an Avenger.
Agent Melinda May was the only member of the team you saw regularly anymore since she worked close by in the new S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy HQ. She had been your S.O. for many years and held a special place in your heart, despite her prickly exterior. She often joked that you would make an excellent addition to her staff at the Academy and to ensure that you lived long enough to accept the position when retiring from ‘that Avenger gig’. 
You were brought out of your reverie about the past by Priya, who was standing on a chair shouting about it being time for presents.
Everyone cheered and you were grinning like a lunatic now. You felt excited to give Bucky your gift. The first edition Glenn Miller record was safely wrapped in a solid casing. In the Mood was the last song that Bucky and his family had danced to while he had been on leave from the War. His last happy memory of them before he had fallen from the life he had known, before he had been thrust into a world of ice and torture.
About a year ago, you had caught Bucky using your Spotify to listen to music from his childhood and had offhandedly mentioned this piece of information about his past. You kept hold of this precious tidbit for the right occasion.
Bucky had already started ripping open wrapping paper when you ventured over. Wanda had knitted him a black scarf with golden threads to match his arm, which had made him smile. Next Sam handed him a small black box which Bucky opened to find a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs.
"Thought you could use some props, spice life up a little," he winked at Bucky. Sam had a way of pushing Bucky's buttons, but you could see the mild blush on Bucky's cheeks which deepened when Priya interjected. 
"Thank you very much, Samuel, but James and I don't need such tawdry things in the bedroom."
Bucky shrugged apologetically at Sam and you wondered if he was thinking about your recent conversation.
Sam was pushed aside by Thor, who deposited a large vat of ale into Bucky's arms. "Many happy returns, metal man." He patted Bucky on the back so hard that Bucky almost dropped his gift.
Bucky was depositing the alcohol on the gift table when he was approached by Ayo. "Happy Birthday, James."
"Thank you for coming, it means a lot that you took the time."
"You look like you are doing well for yourself."
"Yeah, it’s good," Bucky smiled.
"This is for you." She handed him a simple box with padding on the inside. Bucky opened it to find a pair of ornately decorated blades made from vibranium. Everyone gasped at how beautiful they looked in the dim lights. They collapsed in on themselves and were discrete and easy to conceal. Ayo pointed out a small device which acted like a homing beacon so Bucky would be able to locate them if he lost sight of them.
"These are incredible! Thank you."
Tony didn't have many words but he did hand Bucky a beautifully ornate envelope which Bucky opened tentatively. Inside was an invitation to a magnificent moonlit dinner on a yacht on the Hudson. Bucky held the gift reverently in his hands, his vibranium fingers barely gripping, as though their strength might make the gift crumble. His eyes glistened in the party lights, a thin film of unshed tears. There had been a time where they were ready to kill each other, and even now they never spent any time alone together. You knew that this gift meant a lot to Bucky.
"Dinner on a boat? I think we'll have to pass on that, I get sea sick." Priya commented, gazing at the gift certificate around Bucky's arm.
A flicker of irritation crossed Tony's face, before he grinned mischievously. "Not a problem, it's not person specific. Manchurian Candidate here can take anyone he likes. Capsicle might not be a fan of the food, but I think Cricket would really enjoy the cuisine."
He turned to wink at you, making you blush. You couldn’t help but notice the scowl on Priya’s face, no matter how short lived it was and you knew you were about to meet your comeuppance when the glowering look she was shooting in your direction turned into a beaming smile.
"Jamie! It’s my turn, baby. I have a very special gift for you!" She hands him a thin square shaped gift wrapped in shiny golden wrapping paper. "Here!"
You felt a sudden weight on your chest, a feeling of dread washing over you. It felt like things were moving in slow motion, watching Bucky unwrap the gift. You didn’t know what you had been expecting when he pulled out a shiny record cover. It was as though someone had poured a bucket of ice water over you, except you were paralyzed. The color drained from your face as you realized what the album was.
‘The Very Best of Glenn Miller.’
Bucky’s eyes shone brightly as he dropped the wrapping paper and ran his flesh fingers over the cover reverently. "Priya," he gasped in a whisper. "I- it's perfect." Bucky wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into his chest and giving her a long, passionate kiss. "I love it! I love you!"
You barely noticed Steve sideling up to you, you couldn't hear him asking if you were okay. That was your gift. It was yours! If you didn’t have the vinyl you’d bought and so lovingly wrapped in your hand, you’d think she had stolen it from you. It felt like you couldn’t breathe, every attempt you made felt futile, like the air around you had left the room. He had shared the same things with her, you thought he trusted you with his past, but you weren't as special as you thought you were. 
Eventually you looked up when Steve put a gentle hand on your shoulder. He whispered, almost as though his words he was about to use were criminal. "Do you remember when we were talking last week? Before we went to pick up our gifts? You don’t think she overheard us… do you? And…"
In the end, it didn’t really matter. You knew in the moment that you’d lost Bucky forever. Everything felt far away, the room was suffocating, why were there so many people? Tears burned in your orbital sockets, drowning you from the inside out. You couldn’t face them anymore, seeing the happiness on Bucky’s face, knowing that someone else was responsible for that smile, that light inside him, was heartbreaking. Ultimately, you wanted him to be happy but you wanted to share that joy with him, you wanted to be the one to give it to him and watching that mantle being taken from you and bequeathed to another person was soul crushing. Gripping your present tightly, you slipped out of the room, Steve watching your retreating footsteps with sympathy, but knowing not to follow.
A few tears escaped as you found refuge in the kitchen, but you had no desire to explain red eyes and a blotchy nose to any of the other team members or party goers, so you wiped them away angrily, taking a few calming breaths before pouring yourself a strong drink. You sank onto a bar stool, shoving the record onto the chair to your right, you had no use for it anymore. There had barely been time for you to take 2-3 sips from your drink before Bucky popped his head into the room.
"Cricket? There you are!"
"Hey Buck! Having a good time?" You plastered a smile on your face, one that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
Deception in this case was a futile attempt, Bucky was well versed in the movements of your face. "What’s wrong?"
"Nothing," you lied. "Just getting a drink."
"There are plenty of drinks back there."
He looked searchingly into your eyes and the facade you had erected was crumbling. You looked away, dropping your head to try and hide your face with your hair.
"It was just a bit much, everyone there… I don’t know, I feel a little… overwhelmed."
Too much drain of the social battery, Bucky was familiar with that. He pulled out the chair on your left, almost giving you a heart attack because you had momentarily forgotten which chair you’d left the present on.
"If you want to give me my gift here, we can do it privately. Everyone else is done," Bucky suggested, leaning towards you.
The smell of his cologne was intoxicating. Suddenly you felt angry that he was there, why couldn’t he give you a moment to grieve? Constantly invading your space, reminding you of what you couldn’t have, dangling the carrot but keeping it just out of reach. "Well you already have the perfect gift from your girlfriend, what more do you need?" You couldn’t keep the bitterness out of your tone.
As soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. But the damage was done. There was a deathly silence between you where you were afraid to look at your best friend. 
"You know, I thought I would have you both in my life; my best friend and my girlfriend. I feel like you’re making me choose you over her and it’s not fair, Cricket! I’ve tried, I really have but you’re making it impossible! So you know what, I’m going to have to choose Priya. At least she bothered to put some effort into getting me a birthday gift. I can have a future with her."
The worst thing about his words were the disappointment and finality in his tone. And with that he left you alone with only your thoughts for company. A storm raged inside you, a maelstrom of emotions; anger, betrayal, abandonment, rejection, loss, just outright pain. How could he? How could he choose her over you? After everything you had been through together, the bond you had forged, the absolute faith and trust you had put in each other. Did it mean nothing to him? Did you mean nothing to him?
Trudging back to your room, you sought comfort in your giant bed, hoping it would envelope you completely. Wrapping the duvet around your body and over your head, you buried your face in a pillow and allowed the tears to fall. Once the gates had opened, the trickle of tears became a flood as you sobbed into your pillow to muffle the sound.
Why did he have to choose? Why didn’t he choose you? The pain in your chest was unbearable, a physical ache that matched the emotional turmoil inside you. You had tried so hard to make things work, to give him a balance of your friendship with his relationship with Priya, but now it seemed like all your efforts had been in vain. He had made his choice, and it wasn’t with you.
As you lay there in your bed, the tears continued to flow, a never-ending stream of sadness and heartbreak. You felt like a piece of you had been ripped away, leaving a raw, gaping wound in its place. How could you move on from this? How could you ever trust anyone again, knowing that they could just choose someone else over you?
You sighed, you knew now that you would never be good enough for him. Everything you’d tried to hold on to, had done nothing but push him away. You remembered when you had first understood your feelings, you’d considered pulling away to protect yourself. But Bucky had reeled you back in, constantly asking if he had done something to hurt you. So you’d given in, telling yourself you didn’t want to hurt him. But in reality, it had been selfish, you had indulged in a fantasy and ended up hurting the man you loved and getting hurt in the process.
You startled as a door slammed shut nearby. It was Bucky’s bedroom door, you could hear Priya giggling and Bucky’s deep voice through the wall. Your body froze with shock, the last thing you needed right now was to listen to your best friend having sex with his girlfriend. You shoved your airpods into your ears and turned up one of your lo-fi playlists and closed your eyes.
The decision you should have made then, was far more clear to you now. Your friend and old superior officer from your S.H.I.E.L.D. team had repeatedly offered you the chance to teach with her at the newly formed Coulson Academy. She had taught you everything you knew and believed in your ability to impart the knowledge you’d gained to potential agents. It was time for you to take her up on this offer.
As you wiped away your tears and made a decision to move forward, you knew that it was time to focus on yourself and your own happiness. Bucky had made his choice, and now it was time for you to make yours. You couldn’t continue to dwell on what would never be, on the pain of rejection and heartbreak.
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artist-issues · 7 months
I’ve just come across your Wish analysis (which led to binge-reading loads of your other Disney rants, which I so loved reading and totally appreciated), and you’ve got me thinking. So please allow me to rant for a bit.
Flash back to when the live-action Beauty and the Beast came out. My friend loved it, raved about it for ages, and made me go see it with her. The original was my favourite childhood movie so I was excited for the new one… and subsequently disappointed to an extreme. I couldn’t put my finger on it for ages - just that there was a general feeling of wrongness I couldn’t explain (until I read your post and I was just like, “YES! THIS EXACTLY!”). My friend couldn’t understand it and would say things like, “I thought you said you liked Beauty and the Beast!” But I do like it, and that’s why I’m so upset how badly they missed the point.
It feels like that’s all Disney is doing these days: missing the point! Because it doesn’t matter how many times they give us a sassy girl with long hair and some vague magic skill that helps her in the third act! We want characters. As in, people who remind us of actual people! What makes Belle so charming and relatable? She’s polite when other people are rude, but firm when they push against her morals, and enjoys reading. A relatable female character is one who can be compared to other female characters. Belle on her own is just a girl who likes books, but against the motherly Mrs Potts who takes care of everyone, or the vain triplets who only want Gaston’s attention, she’s suddenly so much more real, and that’s what these new films are missing!
Anyway, I could go on and on about this, but I’m sorry because I didn’t mean for this to get so long or out-of-hand 😬
That is why you like it: that is why you’re upset; because you DO like the real Beauty & the Beast! Wonderful! Yes, you get it!
I think what makes Belle feel real is some of the raw emotion she shows—and how she shows it.
When living furniture puts on a light show, she gasped and claps and dances along. When the Beast asks her a romantic but loaded question, her first impulse is to say “yes!” but then she does double back and admit that she misses her father; she doesn’t have all her thoughts collected, exactly, but she is being honest. When wolves attack her, she screams. When she has to give up her life, she sobs on a bed. When she’s in a terrible situation, she does initially basically pout and refuse to leave her room. But when she’s being watched by others, she tries to be strong; she cries silently when she’s following the Beast to her room. She gives him her word with her back straight and her eyes closed all grave. Like I said, you can almost see her remembering stories she’s read of brave heroes giving solemn oaths, and she’s trying to be like them.
Emma Watson didn’t bring any of that.
She had to make the character too in-control of her own emotions even when outlandish or traumatic things are happening, because her idea of a “strong woman” can’t be delighted or horrified or fazed, in general, by anything st all. She made her as distant and unrelatable as any caricature. I mean, I remember very clearly the one and only moment I felt a glimmer of “that’s Belle!” in the movie, and it’s when Belle is given the library and the Beast leaves the room, and Emma Watson gives this excited little half-shriek of joy. And it’s like…where is that in the rest of the movie?
I can even find fault with that moment, too though. Because she waits till the Beast, the gift-giver, leaves the room before she really reacts that strongly. Why? The real Belle tells the Beast how wonderful she thinks it is, breathlessly, over the moon.
Because when someone gives you a gift, if you’re a self-protective, cool-calm demeanor feminist, you don’t let them see that they have any control over your emotions—not even the ability to impress you or make you happy with a crazy gift.
But, instead, if you’re a selfless woman, who is happy to share her emotions with others especially when it brings them joy, you have no trouble showing that a crazy gift delights and impresses you. It’s part of the gratitude/
Anyway! I could go on and on. But don’t let anybody get it twisted. You do like Beauty and the Beast. You just happen to know what Beauty and the Beast really is, and why you like it.
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This Idiot Has Seen Goncharov
So today marked the coalescence of the Goncharov Incident as I’ll be calling it, so I think it’s finally time to share.
For a bit of context, you need to know a little more about one of my co-workers. We’ll call him Zeke. First it’s important to note that despite being in his early thirties, Zeke doesn’t have any sort of social media accounts outside of a MySpace page. Dude has straight up been living like it’s still 2007. Zeke also has a fixation with my friend/roommate who also works with us. Zeke will hop onto whatever bandwagon this friend, who we’ll call Jesse, is on. But most importantly to this whole tableau, Zeke likes to tell tall tales, like no matter what you’re talking about, or what you’ve done, this guy has done it but bigger and crazier.
That alone would be annoying, but it wouldn’t be enough to push myself and Jesse to the level we’ve hit with him. For me, it’s the constant need to put other people down for ‘knowing less than he does’ despite the obviousness of his knowledge being a collection of poorly constructed lies. Like not only does he lie, but this dumbass doesn’t even bother to check into the things he lies about. Several times he’s tried to convince me of something in a subject I know everything about. He refuses to admit to being wrong and he won’t back down from anything he’s said, it’s infuriating.
For this, and quite a few other reasons transphobic cough cough augh, he’s been bothering Jesse and I for quite a while. Badly enough that the spite fueled wasp nest that lives in the back corner of my brain Morse coded a plan to me.
What better way to trip up a ride or die compulsive liar than a piece of media well known for being entirely fictional?
The next day, when Zeke climbed into my car during our lunch hour, Jesse and I began talking about this old movie we’d recently watched. The two of us have known each other more than long enough to able to follow each other’s bullshit like second nature, we’ve played an assload of DND together. In ten minutes we’ve got the whole first arc talked out with a few of the “best scenes” highlighted. (Personal favorites being Andrey juggling guns “a la John Wick/Guns Akimbo” and Katya killing a man point blank after saying ‘Get Gonch’d bitch’ in a 1973 film.)
Zeke didn’t respond too much, just kind of nodded and ignored most of the convo since it wasn’t really about him. I didn’t really expect him to engage to start, he usually doesn’t, but we’d planned to keep this up for another couple days anyhow.
But like clockwork, the more Jesse talked about it, the more Zeke seemed to remember it. Enough that I jumped ahead a little and pulled up the faux movie poster to show him.
He squinted at it then nodded and said he’d definitely seen the movie before.
When I tell you I almost fucking screamed.
Of course he couldn’t remember many details because it had been so long since he’d seen it. To tell you the truth I’d checked out at that point, I was focused on not losing my shit, I have no fucking idea what he said.
While this was an entire meal served up on a silver platter, it would have been pretty easy to say he’d seen the poster somewhere despite not having socials. I want this man incinerated, not merely singed.
Which leads me to the events of the last couple days.
So Zeke came up to Jesse and I and told us he wanted to re-watch Goncharov and asked us if it’s on Netflix.
Jesse and I both said that it is, without hesitation.
Zeke went to look for it (at work, while we’re working no less, again I missed the rest of what he was saying here I was mentally biting him) and obviously found nothing. So he searched every other streaming platform he had, and Youtube, all once again coming up empty.
At this point, I was sure the jig is up. He was actually searching it now so obviously he’d find one of the search results letting him know Goncharov’s true nature. I’m fairly certain the first result for it on Google says that it’s fake.
Oh hoo hoo, no.
Zeke came to me to complain about not being able to find the movie and in a fit of clandestine fervor, I told him that we probably watched it on a pirating site.
It was beautiful, it was inspired, and it worked.
Zeke asked me for the site and I told him that I’d have to get it from our other roommate since she’s in charge of the tech in our house. Then I hauled ass to go find Jesse and spill the latest tea before Zeke could. 
Later on Jesse sent him the link to the site, and he told us he’d find it over the weekend.
Well today, friends, is Monday.
Most of today we spent too busy to go grill Zeke about whether or not he’s crossed over into the fucking Mandela timeline and managed to watch Goncharov. But ten minutes before close, while we’re waiting to go, suddenly Zeke perks up, and remembers that when he gets home, he has to finish watching the movie. He’d had trouble getting the site to work on his phone, but his Xbox had run it, and he’d started watching it, but had unfortunately fallen asleep before he’d finished.
Now. I am a calm man, I can keep a straight face if I need to. But hearing this fucking idiot tell me he’d started watching a fictitious movie made up by Tumblr.com of all places nearly sent me to the fucking Shadow Realm with the amount of effort it took not to crack.
He talked for a couple more minutes before fucking off to do something else, I have no idea again I wasn’t fucking listening, I was trying not to visibly cry from holding back laughter.
But then he left and like instinct, like the inevitable impact of atoms inside of the Hadron collider, Jesse and I turned to look at each other. I knew what Jesse would say, Jesse knew what I would say, and like fate, like destiny, like two people who had witnessed a man commit manslaughter against his own damn self, we spoke at once.
“This idiot has seen Goncharov.”
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nightghoul381 · 1 year
Finally Home~ Nokto POV x Reader
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2nd to last entry of my little challenge (blurb at the bottom if you want more info on that). Thank you @aquagirl1978 and @violettduchess for hosting and providing the prompts!
Prompt: 13. Pink Skies Pairing: Nokto Klein x Reader Genre: Fluff WC: 1.2k
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Drumming my fingers on the desk I huff impatiently. This is the fourth extra day that this trip to Benitoite for negotiations has had to be ‘extended.’ By that they mean, there’s one stubborn minister that absolutely refuses to compromise on his stance and he’s holding up everything else. Listening to the red-faced man continue to blubber on about how there was nothing in his stance that could be compromised. I finally had enough and interrupted.
“Listen, I feel like we’ve reached an impasse, as I’ve said. With that, I think it would be in all of our best interests to put a pin in this negotiation and we can come back to it when all parties are more amenable to compromising.”
The bright smile on my face was a warning, challenging any of the gathered court officials to argue and find out how quickly they’d be shown the door.
After a brief, stunned silence, many of the gathered men muttered a reluctant agreement. All of course, besides the dear stubborn minister.
“We need to establish this trade agreement as soon as possible! It is imperative to have this finalized prior to the end of the year!”
His shouts were grating on my ears.
“Oh, I agree that it would be beneficial to establish this as soon as possible, but there’s clearly no way that you are willing to cede any of your conditions, and frankly, they’re ridiculous. We’ll be more than happy to continue the discussion if you are actually willing to negotiate.”
The finality in my tone seemed to have finally gotten through to him. He began to stutter out some sort of half-baked excuse about how he needed more time to fully consider the terms that we had approached him with, and I agreed to it, stalking out of the meeting room and back to my guest suite.
It was lonely having the room to myself. I wasn’t used to having to go this long without seeing you. Normally, I’d be back in Rhodolite by now. None of my trips usually lasted more than a week, but thanks to the stubborn asshole, I’m stuck here another night.
I pace around my room, the agitation coursing through my body ensuring that I would not be getting sleep any time soon. I want to just leave right away, to hell with the negotiations. But that’s not exactly going to help the situation either and I’ll have to deal with it eventually. So, I may as well knock it out now, rather than having to come all the way back out here and repeat the whole song and dance again.
The sun was sinking under the horizon, and I imagine how lonely you must be feeling too. It hurts. I want to be there so badly.
One more day. I tell myself, silently praying that it’s the truth.
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It was not the truth. The damned negotiations ended up taking another three days and by the time we started heading back, I had almost no patience. I just needed to get back. I needed to see you. I was so close to strangling those men for wasting so much of my time and it took nearly all my effort to keep my cool, collected façade.
Just as we were finally getting near Rhodolite’s castle—
“I’m sorry my lord, it appears that the carriage has a broken spoke that needs to be replace before we can continue.”
You’ve got to be kidding me…
“How long is that going to take?”
“I’m afraid that the repair will take at least an hour to complete and at that time, the roads will be too dark to keep going. There is a small tavern, just a little way back, that offered to host you for the night, if you would like.”
“No, no, no… I’m not staying another night away.” I hiss under my breath. This is getting on my last nerve.
Turning to one of the accompanying soldiers, I had an idea.
“Give me your horse.”
“Hop off and give me your horse. I’m going home.”
Stunned, he agreed and handed over the reins. I spurred on the horse, and the outline of the castle came into view as the light began to fade.
By the time I had reached the castle, I practically leaped off the horse and ran inside to find you.
Not in your room, I ran and checked mine, then the library, then the kitchen, and finally Sariel’s office.
“I believe the gardens would be a logical place to look next.” He advised, barely able to get his last words out before the door slammed shut behind me.
Outside the sun was quickly beginning to vanish. I ran in a frenzy toward our spot and found you standing there, looking out over the pond at the sunset.
My heart nearly stopped. Framed in the soft pink of the sky, you looked even more radiant. I felt a lump forming in my throat. God, I had missed you so much.
I walk forward silently, spinning you around and pulling you into a tight embrace before you had a chance to register what was happening.
“What the—Nokto?”
My arms seem to tighten on their own as I bury my face in your hair. The gentle scent of your soap greets me, and I can feel the tension in my body begin to ease. Without a word, you wrap your arms around me, returning the firmness of my own hug.
I’m home. I have you again. Something about your mere presence is enough to make all the irritation and stress melt away, and I finally start to relax.
“I missed you so much.” I admit, whispering in your ear.
Normally, I would tease you, get you all riled up, before admitting how I felt, but today I needed to tell you. I needed to know that you understood how much I love you.
“I missed you too, Nokto. I’m so glad you’re finally home.”
The bright smile beaming up at me is enough to make any sense of reason flee my body and I gently bring our faces together, sealing our reunion with a kiss.
The blush of the sky matches your face as we pull apart.
“Nokto…” You breathe, looking up at me with those pleading eyes.
“Can we go to your room? I want to show you how much I’ve missed you.”
And just like that, the tension returned to my body, but this time it was the delicious ache of desire that had my muscles drawing tight.
“Oh, I would like that very much.”
And with that I take your hand and lead you out of the sunset garden, one last glimpse of you wreathed in the pale pink hue of the sky as I turn to capture your lips once more.
“Nokto! Wait until we’re inside!” You huff indignantly when I finally release you.
The smile spreading across my face was so genuinely happy it hurt. Everything about you is so perfect. But my favorite thing will forever be how adorable you look, blushing from embarrassment when I get you all hot and bothered outside of our private areas.
Once we finally do arrive, my hands fly to you of their own volition and we spend the remainder of the night wrapped in each other’s warmth, chasing away all of the loneliness that had been torturing us.
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Author's Note/ Challenge Babble:
The challenge I gave myself was to write each prompt with a randomized suitor. It was so interesting to try and figure out how to fit the suitors in with their prompts, especially when they really didn't seem to fit (...Jude). Thank you to everyone who has read my entries I'm really happy at how well received they've been, so thank you!
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Robespierre’s dubious girlfriends compilation
Marie Catherine Antoinette ”Anaïs” Deshorties   My brother’s amiability with women captivated their affection. Some of them, I believe, felt more than an ordinary sentiment for him. One among others, Mademoiselle Deshorties, loved him, and was loved in return. The father of this young person had taken for his second wife one of our aunts; from his first marriage he had two sons and three daughters. When my brother was elected deputy to the Estates-General, he had courted Mademoiselle Deshorties for two or three years. Many times already the question of marriage had come up, and very probably Maximilien would have married her, if the suffrage of his fellow citizens had not removed him from the sweetness of private life and thrown him into a career in politics. Mademoiselle Deshorties, who had sworn to him that she would ever belong only to him, took no account of this oath, and, during the session of the Constituent Assembly, gave her hand to another. My brother learned of this betrayal only upon his return to Arras, after the closing of the Assembly; he was very grievously affected.  Mémoires de Charlotte Robespierre sur ses deux frères (1834) page 58-59. Anaïs got married to the lawyer Léandre Leducq on August 7 1792.
Unknown woman  As for [Robespierre’s] continence, I only knew of a woman of about twenty-six years, whom he treated rather badly, and who idolized him. Very often he refused her at his door; he gave her a quarter of his fees.  Souvernirs d’un déporté (1802) by Paul Villiers, who claimed to have served as Robespierre’s secretary for a few months 1790-1791.
Adélaïde ”Adèle” Duplessis (1774-1863)  Robespierre, if you still remember our evenings of intimacy, if you remember the caresses you lavished on little Horace, that you delighted to hold him upon your knee, and if you remember that you were to have been my son-in-law, spare an innocent victim!  Adèle’s mother Annette in letter to Robespierre, seemingly written April 13 1794, begging him to save Adèle’s sister Lucile Desmoulins. In Camille et Lucile Desmoulins — un rêve de république (2019), the authenticity of this letter gets questioned, considering its tone and content are so different compared to the one Annette wrote to Robespierre a few hours earlier. Annette also calls Robespierre ”a tiger with a human face” in it, an expression popularized after thermidor. However, if it’s true that it is apocryptical, it should be remembered that the documents among which the letter was published were in a private collection, resting under the authority of first Annette, who Adèle lived with until her death in 1835, and then Marcellin Matton, who was given the documents right before Annette’s death, promising to publish ”those that may present any historical interest,” and who Adèle then moved in with. It is in other words hard to see this letter getting forged and snuck in with the rest without Adèle being aware of it and giving her consent to being made into the would be wife of one of the people responsible for her sister’s death… Something I’m having a hard time understanding why either Annette, Matton or Adèle herself would want to pretend to be the case. I suppose it’s possible for Lucile to be the person the letter is alluding to as well, but that’s a bit too wild…
Éléonore ”Cornélie” Duplay (1768-1832) .  [Robespierre’s] host's daughter passed for his wife and had a sort of empire over him.  Causes secrètes de la révolution du 9 au 10 thermidor (1794) by Joachim Vilate, page 16
It has been rumored that this daughter [Éléonore] had been Robespierre's mistress. I think I can affirm she was his wife; according to the testimony of one of my colleagues, Saint-Just had been informed of this secret marriage, which he had attended.  Mémoires d’un prêtre regicide (1829) by Simon-Edme Monnel, page 337-338
Madame Lebreton, a sweet and sensitive young woman, said, blushing: “Everyone assures that Eugénie [sic] Duplay was Robespierre’s mistress.” “Ah! My God! Is it possible that that good and generous creature should have so degraded herself?” I was aghast. “Listen,” cried Henriette, “don’t judge on appearances. The unhappy Eugénie was not the mistress, but the wife of the monster, whom her pure soul decorated with every virtue; they were united by a secret marriage of which Saint-Just was the witness.”  Souvernirs de 1793 et 1794 par madame Clément, Née Hémery (1832) by Albertine Clément-Hémery
Madame Duplay had three [sic] daughters: one married the conventionnel Le Bas; another married, I believe, an ex-constituent; the third, Éléonore, who preferred to be called Cornélie, and who was the eldest, was, according to what people pleased themselves to say, on the point of marrying my brother Maximilien when 9 Thermidor came. There are in regard to Éléonore Duplay two opinions: one, that that she was the mistress of Robespierre the elder; the other that she was his fiancée. I believe that these opinions are equally false; but what is certain is that Madame Duplay would have strongly desired to have my brother Maximilien for a son-in-law, and that she forget neither caresses nor seductions to make him marry her daughter. Éléonore too was very ambitious to call herself the Citizeness Robespierre, and she put into effect all that could touch Maximilien’s heart. But, overwhelmed with work and affairs as he was, entirely absorbed by his functions as a member of the Committee of Public Safety, could my older brother occupy himself with love and marriage? Was there a place in his heart for such futilities, when his heart was entirely filled with love for the patrie, when all his sentiments, all his thoughts were concentrated in a sole sentiment, in a sole thought, the happiness of the people; when, without cease fighting against the revolution’s enemies, without cease assailed by his personal enemies, his life was a perpetual combat? No, my older brother should not have, could not have amused himself to be a Celadon with Éléonore Duplay, and, I should add, such a role would not enter into his character. Besides, I can attest it, he told me twenty times that he felt nothing for Éléonore; her family’s obsessions, their importunities were more suited to make feel disgust for her than to make him love her. The Duplays could say what they wanted, but there is the exact truth. One can judge if he was disposed to unite himself to Madame Duplay’s eldest daughter by something I heard him say to Augustin:  “You should marry Éléonore.”  “My faith, no,” replied my younger brother.  Mémoires de Charlotte Robespierre sur ses deux frères (1834) page 90-91
My older sister had been promised to Robespierre.  Memoirs of Élisabeth Lebas (written around 1844)
The eldest of the Duplay daughters, who Robespierre wanted to marry, was called Éléonore. Robespierre allowed himself to be cared for, but he was not in love.  Notes historiques sur la Convention nationale, le Directoire, l’Empire et l’exil des votants (1895) by Marc Antoine Baudot, page 41
All the historians assert that [Robespierre] carried out an intrigue with the daughter of Duplay, but as the family physician and constant guest of that house I am in a position to deny this on oath. They were devoted to each other, and their marriage was arranged; but nothing of the kind alleged ever sullied their love.   Recollections of a Parisian (docteur Poumiès de La Siboutie) under six sovereigns, two revolutions, and a republic (1789-1863) (1911)
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I have now seen TLM (2023) and here is my review. The standout performances are Halle Bailey as Ariel, Jonah Hauer-King as Eric, and Daveed Diggs as Sebastian. They were wonderful. Sebastian definitely wins for getting the most laughs out of me. Halle Bailey is definitely an Actual Disney Princess. I’m so happy she got to make Ariel her own. Her version of Part of Your World is wonderful, and that’s my metric for any Ariel, so I’m thrilled.
The movie was visually lovely, and the relationship between Ariel and Eric was beautiful, playing on the same similarities between the characters that already existed in the original (and adding a few of their own, like Eric adorably having his own grotto/collection in the form of his study and showing Ariel his own treasures, which I loved.) (I was sad that they cut both Ariel’s and Eric’s love of music, though. No mermaids’ concert, no Eric playing the flute, and Sebastian is no longer the court composer. A shame.)
However, the changes to the plot were unneeded and weakened the character motivations of just about everyone, in a needless effort to insert a wrongheaded idea of “GirlBoss feminism” into what was always already the story of a girl who wanted to explore the human world as an anthropologist first and foremost, with Eric as the catalyst for her to act on her desire to leave. Ariel was already feminist for pursuing her passion and saving her man just as much as he ever saved her. This movie seems to posit that Ariel is a lesser person if any of her motivation at all includes her crush on Eric. The removal of her crush on Eric as an underlying motivator for her fight with her father in her grotto takes out so much of the flavor and emotion from their confrontation and her decision to go to Ursula. You don’t believe she actually wants to become human that badly anyway, because without her infatuation with Eric and her father’s reaction to that, she has much less reason to take the risk. Ariel can and should be BOTH a teenage girl with a crush and a human anthropologist who refuses to paint all humans with one brush of cruelty. The live action remake denies her that. There was never anything inherently wrong with her having and acting on feelings for her prince before she knew him, they didn’t need to remove that and they aren’t more feminist for doing so. Girls are allowed to be more than one thing.
Secondly, taking out original songs like Daughters of Triton and moving Fathoms Below to after Part of Your World gives the movie a slow, plodding start. Replacing the familiar refrains of the classic instrumentals from the animated movie with generic dramatic music removes much of the movie’s heart, and between that and the shrinking of Flounder’s role and friendship with Ariel, and the fact that Sebastian sings a slightly slower version of Under the Sea without accompaniment from any sea creatures except Ariel (nonsensical since she’s meant to be ignoring him, not singing along) - all contribute to sapping the magic from the first half of the film and rendering it, like the mermaid in Andersen’s original tale, largely soulless.
The magic only picks up when Ariel comes to land because of the excitement and wonder she feels at seeing and learning about the human world, as well as her heartwarming and palpable connection and romance with Eric. That’s beautiful, and again, Halle is a perfect Ariel in these moments. The only problems I have with her Ariel are the things the writers won’t allow her to do- to show her passion for Eric and the human world as fully entwined from the start and thus be more of Ariel’s bubbly self.
The final act again becomes frustratingly limited by what’s removed. Changing “we have to stop that wedding” to “we have to stop that engagement announcement party” is lowering the stakes to an absurd degree. Having Ariel be the one to kill Ursula removes the parallelism of Eric returning the favor of Ariel saving his life by saving hers. And it removes the reason for Triton to realize Eric is a good guy- Eric didn’t save Triton’s life, so Triton had way less reason to warm up to him. And Eric’s mom goes from “all mermaids are evil” to “guess they aren’t so bad” way too quickly. The story beats are all thrown off, just to let Ariel be a GirlBoss when she was already a hero in the original, and to give a couple minutes of a strange fakeout ending where you think she’s going back to the sea and will never be with Eric. It was too long a beat between her reunion with her dad and him deciding to make her human again.
Finally, the costumes disappointed me. They didn’t even try to give Halle Bailey an equivalent to the beautiful purple-blue sea foam dress Ariel wears at the very end when walking out of the sea to Eric, my favorite dress in the original movie. They didn’t really give her a wedding dress either, and in fact cut to after the wedding instead of showing it. And I still wish they’d actually given Halle’s beautiful locs Ariel’s trademark fire engine red color.
All in all, I knew this was never going to be the movie I’ve loved since I was three. It’s simply a different movie, and that’s okay. I’m disappointed because of where I’m coming from as a fan of the original, but I know there are so many people out there who are thrilled with it, and that makes me so happy for them. It really does. I can’t wait to keep following Halle Bailey’s career, and I hope I get to hear her sing Beyond My Wildest Dreams from the TLM Broadway musical someday. She’ll do it so much justice if she does. (I still wish that and Her Voice were in the movie instead of Ariel and Eric’s new songs, but what can you do?)
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bamababygirl7 · 2 years
🥰💞 I was tagged by the awesome and super gorgeous @angelsleaze
1. Are you named after anyone?
I wasn’t named after anyone. My name is pretty unique (I’m pretty sure my parents were on drugs lol)
2. Last time you cried?
Yesterday when I saw a post from @mister-s0013 about a 4 year old dying after an exorcism so I googled it and found way too many cases of this happening. Children are my soft spot.
3. Do you have/want kids?
I am a proud boy mom 💙💙💙 I wanted a little girl so badly, but after having nieces, I am so thankful that I didn’t have a daughter. I think they come out of the womb with an attitude lol
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me sarcastic??? NEVER lol
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their sense of humor (if they have a dark sense of humor and/or love memes, they are automatically my bestie) Also, one of the first things I notice is how their mind works. I am drawn to people who are brutally honest like me (don’t just tell me what I want to hear) and who are passionate about certain things but not judgmental and like to discuss different subjects even if we don’t agree on them because I learn a lot from listening to different perspectives on subjects. (I’m a huge nerd and love learning)
6. What's your eye color?
My eyes are hazel. They are usually more green, but it depends on what I’m wearing, and they can get really blue when I cry.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both. It really just depends on my mood. I love being scared, but not when I’m all by myself. I love movies with twists. I get bored with predictability (probably because I’m so random and impulsive lol)
8. Special talents?
NSFW answer 😈😈😈
SFW answer 😇😇😇 I think I’m pretty good at coming up with ideas and designing the shirts and tumblers that I make. I like my things to be unique, so I can’t bring myself to buy premade designs on Etsy (even though it would cut the time of making things in half 🤦🏼‍♀️)
9. Where were you born?
In the hospital.
10. What are your hobbies?
COLORING 💓💓💓 Collecting stuffies, Designing and making shirts, tumblers, paddles, keychains, etc… Listening to music, Reading, Watching Disney movies and anything that has to do with GLITTER ✨
11. Have any pets?
I have the sweetest doggy in the whole wide world named Luna.
12. What sports do you play or have you played?
I was a cheerleader 😬
13. How tall are you?
I am 5’6”
14. Favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in highschool was Bible (I went to a Christian school, not by choice. I begged my mom to let me go to public school and she refused 🙄🙄🙄) because I loved aggravating my Bible teacher by asking a million random questions that would distract him from his boring lectures. (ie… Is it a sin to have oral sex before I’m married? Is it a sin to take shrooms that we find growing naturally in the cow pasture? etc.) And if his answer was yes, I always asked for an explanation as to why. He would always divert from his planned lecture and answer my questions (the class was very appreciative lol)
15. Dream job?
I actually do what I love now… designing and making things. Although, it would be nice to get paid just to sit around and color with glitter pens all day lol. Due to getting pregnant as a teenager (Thanks mom for refusing to discuss sex other than to say NO sex until you are married 🙄🙄🙄) I could no longer go away to college like intended to become an attorney, so I stayed in the town I lived in and got my degree in Accounting. 10/10 do NOT recommend (It is super boring and due to ADHD I can’t sit at a desk and deal with numbers all day everyday and during tax season, everybody and their momma wants you to do their taxes for free and get them back thousands of dollars 😂🤣😂) Long story short, life is too short to be stuck in a job that makes you miserable, so I am super thankful to be doing what I love❣️
Tagging these lovely folks (No pressure if you don't want to participate) @missathesiren @pure-hell2 @drinkyourmilf @dominant-dominion @thebeardiswriting @anotherboredaustralian @mister-s0013 @c4c4ine @iecholouder @nerdy-boytoy @naughtybeardedguy
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agentark88 · 2 years
Deku Comfort for Bullying ASMR Script (Deku x Listener)
I’m not sure how well this will translate over to Tumblr, but it’s a written piece. I thought that I would try my hand at an ASMR Script (Deku x Listener). Unfortunately, I am not a Voice Actor, so I apologize if reading it via text is a bit odd. Thought it would be fun to share. I always enjoy finding different ways to express myself through writing.
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Summary: Deku has been looking for you for the better part of the day after you haven’t shown up to your scheduled study session. He finds you crying and pretty beaten up, but you refuse to tell him exactly what had happened, fearing that you would worry him. Deku brings you back to his room to help clean and bandage you up. He comforts you to help you calm down, but he also wants to find out what actually happened.
Setting: In the U.A. courtyard behind the dorm building, and then Deku’s dorm room.
 Deku: There you are. I tried texting and calling you all day, but you haven’t answered. I got worried when you missed our usual study session, but you were out here the whole time? What are you doing behind the dorms? O-of course, I guess you could ask me the same thing, but I usually come back here to train as it’s rather secluded.
[Deku gasps, and his voice grows concerned, when he notices you’re injured and were crying.]
Deku: H-have you been crying? Wait a minute, what happened to you? You’re scuffed up pretty bad, and is that… gum in your hair? H-here, let me help you up. Tell me what happened.
[Deku helps you up. Deku thinks you may be lying about what happened but steadies his voice to comfort you.]
Deku: You fell? I, well, it must have been a pretty bad fall for this to happen to you. Are you sure that’s all that happened? You can tell me. I promise it will be okay to tell me. We don’t have to talk about it now if you don’t want to, but if you share what happened it may help you feel a bit better.
[Deku sees how shaken up you are and decides it’s better to move in doors than question you further.]
Deku: It’s okay. Um… I don’t want to leave you out here like this. Would it be okay if I patched you up? There’s a first aid kit in my dorm room, and I think I have detangling oil to get that gum out. We’ll go only if you’re comfortable. My training can wait, so don’t worry about me.
[You accept, and Deku’s relieved. His voice becomes more chipper]
Deku: Ah, okay. Good. Come on. Can you walk okay? Nothing feels broken, right? You can lean on me if you need to. I don’t mind. We’ll get you fixed up in no time. Don’t worry.
[Deku takes you to his room. He helps you sit down and get comfortable. He leaves to collect the few items, setting them down nearby. He’s embarrassed to hand you a plushy for comfort.]
Deku: I-I thought you might want to hold on to this. When I feel sad, it’s nice to hug something. I don’t have any stuffed animals, but I do have this All Might plushy. I-If you don’t want it, I can just put it back.
[Deku laughs nervously.]
Deku: You think it will help? O-okay. Good. Here you go.
[Deku starts sorting through the items on the desk beside you.]
Deku: So, I brought out a facecloth and a towel to help clean off some of the dirt. I found my first aid kit. It has all the necessities, minus some bandages because of how clumsy I can be some times. I also brought out the detangling oil and a few brushes. I wasn’t sure which one would work best for your hair. There are some tissues as well if you need them.
[Deku becomes flustered when you thank him.]
Deku: Oh, it’s no trouble at all, really. I’m just glad I’m able to help.
[Firstly, Deku helps clean your face with a wet cloth.]
Deku: It must have been really scary to have fallen so badly. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with that alone. I-I just want you to know… you can call me if something like this happens again. I’ll be there in five seconds flat, okay?
[Deku laughs softly, continuing to clean, going as far as getting behind your ears.]
Deku: Hey, what’s that face for? You don’t think I can get there that fast? Iida told me that the way I’ve been training that I could even be faster than him soon. I promise. So, you’d better not hesitate to call me because I’ll race there faster than you can say, “Plus Ultra.”
[Deku finishes by towel drying your face.]
Deku: Okay. All clean. Let’s cover up some of those cuts and scratches now.
[Deku rummages through the first aid kit]
Deku: Um, we have green Band-Aids or purple. Sorry I don’t have any ones with fun pictures on them. I go through so many that I’ve had to take what I can get. Which color would you like?
[Deku’s flustered by your answer.]
Deku: G-green because it reminds you of me? O-okay. If that’s what you want.
[Deku puts bandages on your face, carefully smoothing them over.]
Deku: I’m not blushing. You must be s-seeing things. Don’t laugh. Stay still, or I won’t put the bandages on properly.
[Deku finishes placing the last bandage on and retrieves the oil.]
Deku: Okay. That’s much better. Now, we can see that pretty face of yours again. Lastly, let’s try to get that gum out of your hair. This oil helps me untangle my curls on a bad hair day, so I’m almost certain we can get that sticky gum out of yours with it. It may take some elbow grease though. Let me just put some extra in the problem areas, and I’ll massage it in.
[Deku dots oil into your hair and massages it in.]
Deku: If you don’t mind me asking… I know you said that you fell, but how did you get gum tangled into your hair like this?
[You deflect again, but Deku doesn’t stop rubbing the oil in.]
Deku: I don’t want to pry. I’m just worried about you. I think I might know what you’re going through, and I understand why you wouldn’t want to confide in someone, but… I know it helps to know someone will always be there for you. When I used to “fall,” I didn’t have anyone else to talk to about it with or be there to make sure it doesn’t happen again. I just want you to know that I can be that person for you, the one that’s there when things get tough. I want to be the person you can go to for anything. I promise you won’t be a bother.
[Deku picks up one of the brushes and begins working through your hair.]
Deku: I’ve almost got one of the pieces out. Should only take a few brushes through. Let me know if I tug too hard. I don’t want to hurt you.
[Deku proceeds to brush out your hair carefully. He does this for quite some time, until he can get out all of the gum.]
Deku: Almost… got it… There! That should be the last of that pesky gum. Do you feel a bit better?
[Deku pauses for your response.]
Deku: You do feel better? Good. I’m glad that I could help.
[Deku cleans up his supplies behind you, suddenly stopping. You hear him get really close to you again, and his voice drops down to a soft whisper.]
Deku: Please call me if you need anything. I don’t like seeing you hurt like this. If it helps, I can even walk you to and from your dorm. It’s no trouble at all, really. I care about you… a lot. So, I hope that you can rely on me when things get tough.
[Deku goes back to cleaning up, humming softly to himself as he does so.]
Deku: I can walk you back when you’re ready, or… You want to stay for a bit? Okay. I don’t mind. It will be nice to relax after such a trying day. Let’s sit together for a while. There was this new documentary about All Might that I was really interested in. Mind if we watch it?
[Deku notices that you’re still a bit distant. His voice shifts in concern.]
Deku: We can watch something else if that doesn’t seem…
[You start crying, and Deku rushes to you in a panic.]
Deku: Oh, no. Was it something I said? I’m sorry. Wait, you’re… You didn’t fall earlier, today, and you want to tell me who did it, but you are worried about what they might do if you told on them? You don’t want to get anybody in trouble?
[Deku holds you closer to him to console you, and he starts to rub your head, hushing you gently.]
Deku: It’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. No, you don’t have to tell me right now. All I want is for you to take a deep breath. We can talk about it after you’re able to calm down. My number one priority is making sure you’re going to be okay first, alright? That’s it. Just breathe. In and out. Slowly. You’re doing great.
[Deku keeps gently brushing his fingers through your hair, calming you down and almost lulling you to sleep.]
Deku: You look so tired. This was weighing heavily on you, wasn’t it? Here, snuggle up against me. We can talk about what happened after you get some rest, okay? I got us a blanket. Are you comfortable? Good. I’ll stay right here. You don’t need to worry about a thing. Rest well.
[Deku keeps soothingly rubbing your head, and the audio fades out.]
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twdbegins · 3 years
Having Sex on a Run with Rick
Rick Grimes x Fem! Reader
Request: Hay, I recently became active on your blog; And I love it so much already!? Your work for Rick? 😤 It’s damn fine! We need more for him,,I was wondering if I could get something for Rick where Reader and him are on a run and Reader feels frisky? Lust comes over the two and they make out, getting each other off? Basically they’re having a quickie on a run? Because the adrenaline is pumping if you get my gist... @positive-squid​
Warnings: Smut. Profanity. Sexual content.
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Rick could tell that something was off with you.
You weren’t acting badly or mean or anything. 
But you seemed...antsy.
At first, he assumed that you were getting a little stir crazy.
Things in Alexandria had been good for a while, and mostly everyone had been sticking around trying to improve camp.
Even though Alexandria was extensive, he could understand how someone could still feel a bit caged in.
So he suggested that you accompany him on a run.
The two of you were close friends, so he didn’t see any issue with it.
He almost felt bad at how excited you got over it.
Rick figured that the group could always use more resources, so he didn’t feel as if this run was just for killing time.
You were bubbly as you slid into the passenger seat, positively stoked to be getting out for a bit.
Rick knew of a few places that needed to be scouted, so at least the two of you could get a day’s work out of this run.
It started as business as usual.
The two of you chatted as you scrounged for food or whatever else you could possibly use.
“Does Carl still need a pair of bigger boots? I think I just found a pair.”
“Sure, thanks. Do you think that Daryl would use this hairbrush?”
“Very funny.”
It was a pretty textbook run. The two of you chatted while you looked for things, throwing anything and everything even semi-useful into your backpacks.
Not to mention...it was brutally hot.
While it was a bit difficult to really ever truly know what day it was...
It was always unmistakable when summer had come back around.
The days were blistering hot and even the evenings were sticky and warm.
Sweat dripped down your back as you navigated the abandoned building that was somehow trapping more heat that you would’ve anticipated.
You had glanced over at Rick at one point to check on him, when you saw that he was having the same problem.
Sweat beaded around his forehead, some of it sliding down his face and neck.
He glistened in the daylight, his hard work being proven through his perspiration.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. 
It was the strangest feeling to be so drawn into him.
Sure, you had always found him attractive. It was hard to deny.
But you hadn’t really ever had a chance to just...look at him.
You eyed over his hands and arms as they moved stuff around.
His muscles flexed and relaxed in the most captivating way.
The veins in his hands and forearms were prevalent from both the heat and all the strenuous movement. 
His dark curls were damp with sweat, yet he still looked so clean.
Your sights diverted to his hips, watching the way his legs moved in such a calculated way.
All kinds of dirty thoughts plagued your mind.
The thought of his hands around your throat.
His fingers in your mouth,
His cock buried somewhere deep inside of you.
He looked perfect.
A little too perfect.
It didn’t take him long to catch your stare, a confused smile as a quirked brow appearing on his features.
“Something wrong?”
You snapped out of your trance, embarrassed that he had just caught you staring. 
“Nope!” You had squeaked, “All good here.”
He brushed it off, thinking you were tired from the day’s work.
It wasn’t until you were loading up the vehicle with all of your found resources that he noticed it again.
He noticed the way your eyes followed his every move.
The way you were listening extra closely when he spoke.
Something was on your mind, but he just didn’t expect that he was on your mind.
The two of you climbed into the truck, him in the driver’s seat and you in the passenger’s seat. 
But he didn’t start the truck.
Instead he looked over at you, catching your bashful gaze.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Rick asked, this time a little more determined to figure it out.
You refused to admit to him that you had been pining over him for the last hour and a half.
Deny, deny, deny.
“Oh, I’m fine. I’m just tired.”
Rick wasn’t buying it.
He wasn’t buying that at all.
“You know, if something is bothering you, you can tell me. I don’t want you to be unhappy if it’s something I can fix.”
Oh, it was definitely something he could fix alright.
But still, there was no way that you were telling him that.
“I really am fine, Rick. Honestly.”
He still wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t want to push you.
He started the truck, thinking that he’d get through to you sooner or later.
The ride was quiet, both of you too caught up in your own thoughts to say much of anything. 
You had tried to push your dirty thoughts aside, trying your hardest to control your feelings towards him.
But the way he looked in the late afternoon sun filtering in through the windows, mixed with the way he kept throwing side glances at you...you couldn’t.
“Pull over.”
“Pull over, please.”
Rick obliged, worried that something was wrong.
He barely even managed to get the truck in park before you crawled over the center console into his lap.
He didn’t even have time to be stunned, because your lips crashed into his before he could speak.
It surprised you, but Rick didn’t really question it.
He kissed back with the same energy, fiery and passionately desperate.
His hand came to the back of your neck, keeping you close and allowing your lips to hover over his when you pulled back for air.
He could feel the heat pooling between your legs through his pants, and he knew it wasn’t from the summer heat.
“I never knew you felt so strongly about me.” Rick had chuckled, already breathless from the heavy kissing.
He groaned when you dragged your clothed cunt over his thigh while you worked on getting his pants unbuckled.
He caught you in another kiss while you stroked his cock to an erection, his spine shuddering at the feeling of you touching him like this.
You praised yourself for deciding to wear shorts, getting them off with your free hand and with ease.
You knew you had limited space, since you weren’t too keen on doing this outside of the truck.
Not that you minded being in close quarters with Rick.
This was going to be a quick fuck. 
You knew that this was the scratch the itch and the address the tension that had been building for a while.
Rick didn’t seem to mind that.
His fingers dragged through your folds, collecting your arousal as he rubbed the pads of his fingers on your clit.
You moaned at the feeling, the waves of pleasure already beginning and he hadn’t even gotten inside of you yet.
“You were really happy to be with me, huh?” Rick teased, spitting into his hand and lubricating himself just to be sure he didn’t hurt you.
Before you could respond, your hips were lifted by his hands and he slammed you down onto his cock to the point where your hip bones touched his. 
A synchronized moan fell from your and Rick’s mouths, both of your head lulling back in ecstasy.
Rick wasn’t even moving yet and he was already stretching and filling you perfectly.
Suddenly, Rick was taking charge, which only added to your arousal.
He gave you a second to adjust to his size, letting you wriggle in his lap until you found an angle that was comfortable.
His hand tapped the side of your leg, prompting you to start moving.
You rotated between bouncing on his lap and rolling your hips, making sure that the satisfaction went both ways.
It was intoxicatingly perfect.
The way he felt stretching you and hitting every bundle of nerves possible.
The hot kisses and the heavy touches were everything you had ever dreamed of with Rick.
Your bounces were met by his thrusts, hitting your g-spot in the most flawless way.
You knew it wasn’t going to take long to get off. 
This had been building up for far too long for your climax to be drawn out.
“Fuck, you’re perfect. Feel so good.” He babbled, cheeks flushed and pupils blown.
His head was reeling, and he wasn’t sure that he was totally comprehending what was happening right now.
All he knew is that he didn’t want this to be the first and only time.
His cock throbbed inside of you, his own release begging to be spilled out into you.
You felt the twitch, and that in and of itself is what caused your orgasm to break out all over you.
You came with a squeaky moan, your entire body tensing up around him as your head fell to his shoulder and your hands gripped the back of the seat.
He thrusted a couple more times before he came as well, his release spurting into you and milking his cock white as he groaned out your name.
Your bodies went limp, chests heaving with heavy breaths and post-coital sighs.
His hand rubbed up and down your back slowly, his cum leaking out of you and onto his bare thighs.
A few minutes of silence passed before you raised your head.
Your dilated eyes met his, and what you saw was pure lust and content.
Most importantly, you could see the anticipation through his eyes, all the way to his soul.
You weren’t sure why, but something in your gut told you that this wouldn’t be the last time that you fucked Rick Grimes.
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Draw your swords, pt. 7
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Summary: In order to win, she might have to lose.
Warnings: angst, swearing, bit of fluff, sexual content
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five // Part six  
Waking up to skies lit by the wintry sun is what Y/N expected. In the back of her mind, she remembers opening her eyes. Perhaps it’s her mind playing tricks on her, but she could swear she heard Aleksander’s voice softly speaking to her. 
Telling dreams from reality felt like an impossible task, but if it were a dream, would she really dream of him?
Death never crossed her mind. She was a soldier in an expendable army for most of her life, yet she never feared death. There was never a lingering sense of what if when they asked her if she believed in life after death, but she wondered now. Looking death in the eye had forced a realization upon her – she would die and achieve nothing. She married arguably the most powerful man in all of Ravka and she failed to utilize it. In the end, her name would be forgotten in history for her plans would all die with her.
Inhaling sharply, she wanted to open her eyes. A heaviness settles on her eyelids, making her groan. Her entire body felt dismantled, every nerve bare, inflicting pain.
“It’s alright”, a hand pressed to her forehead and Y/N frowns. Breathing heavily, she felt vulnerable, exposed.
Swallowing thickly, her eyes flutter open. With blurry vision, she looked up at the dark presence looming above her. Blinking fast, her lips part and before she can ask, cool liquid runs down her parched throat.
Taking a deep breath, her eyes closed again. She needed a moment to collect herself, to stop the world from spinning.
“It hurts”, she mumbles meekly.
“Shhh”, his voice reaches her. “I’m here”, she feels a gentle squeeze of his hand, “You’re safe.”
Resisting sleep, she opened her eyes once more. The sight of his tormented gaze leaves her nearly breathless. He’s still handsome, but it looks as if he’s aged ten years in just a few days.
“What happened?” Her voice is hoarse, still raspy from thirst and sleep.
“You’ve been in and out of consciousness for a week”, his forehead wrinkles, “We’ve just made it back.”
Despite the little voice in his head, the Darkling held onto his wife throughout the night. He kept her close to his chest, running his fingers through her hair. She was exhausted, injured so badly he could hear the strain her body was under with every breath she took.
Her eyes remained closed, her lips slightly parted and his pressed in a thin line. Absurd. It was absurd to think that someone like that – so delicate, so fragile, could have any power over him. It baffles him just how quickly he found himself attached to this woman who was unremarkable in every possible way – or so he told himself.
Truth be told, he couldn’t take his eyes off her since he first saw her. She radiates genuine beauty few possess, a confidence he’s never found in anyone in hundreds of years, and an air of mystery he couldn’t quite understand.
By the time morning light reached their tent, the Darkling just stared at her with care, studying every inch of her face as if it could be the last time he’ll ever be given a chance. He memorized the way she fit in his embrace, the rhythm of her beating heart in the dead of night and every labored breath as it threatened his sanity.
Anger was his best friend for so long, his shield against humanity, but his anger wasn’t all-consuming as it once was – it was directed to those who caused the swelling around her eyes and cuts across her cheekbones.
“General”, Ivan’s head peaked inside the tent only to swiftly disappear once he caught sight of a moment he was sure wasn’t meant for his eyes.
Rolling his eyes, the Darkling gently laid her head down. Caressing her cheek, he let a heavy sigh pass his lips. It’s been too long since he last felt so defenseless and helpless as he did now. He promised himself he’d never feel that way again and yet he found himself in the same cursed whirlwind of emotions as he was in when the fold came to be.
Biting his lower lip, he pushed it all down. If he’s distraught, his people would know. He cannot be emotional and still lead an army. He has to be strong – for Grisha and for Y/N.
“Ivan, we’ll have to find a healer soon”, Kirigan spoke in a hushed tone. Glancing at the tent, he felt a lump growing at the back of his throat. “I believe she’s developed a fever too.”
“Fedyor can try to cool her temperature”, Ivan offers, “He’ll slow her heart and keep her breathing. I’ll trade with him if necessary.”
Nodding, the general was satisfied with Ivan’s solution. For once, Ivan didn’t question why he wanted to protect her. This time, he was offered aid rather than words of discouragement.
“I’ll have to leave some of our own here”, Kirigan looks at the direction they came from. “The Fjerdans came too close and I need to know why. Why would they take my wife?”
Ivan lowers his voice, making sure he doesn’t wake up Y/N, “Perhaps it was a coincidence.”
“I don’t believe in coincidences. Not when her safety is at stake.”
Nodding, Ivan glances at Fedyor. He’d be the same if anyone touched his beloved. Suppressing a smile, Ivan finally realized it – no matter how vehemently the general denies it, his heart is no longer his.
“What are the orders? I’ll make the necessary arrangements.”
“Take back what they took, place their heads on a stake and wait. More should come soon and when they do, I want to know why they came so close to Little Palace and who ordered them to take my wife.”
Squinting, not in anger but to see him better, Y/N frowns, “A week?”
“Winter made it hard for us to move faster and you were in no shape to ride back.”
Letting out a shaky breath of air, she raised an eyebrow, “So you carried me?”
“Ivan and Fedyor kept you alive too.”
Wetting her chapped lips, she hesitated. Her fingers burned, itching to touch him, to intertwine with his.
“A healer should be here any minute now”, Aleksander informed, pulling his hand out of hers as if he could sense her inner battles and decided to help her by removing himself from it entirely.
“No”, she decided.
Standing abruptly, his jaw clenched. Despite his stern expression, his eyes hold all the sadness in the world, pleading eyes that both threaten and adore.
“No?” He repeats with disdain, “What do you mean by no?”
Holding her breath, she endures a sharp pain in her ribcage as she propped herself up on her elbows. Breathing heavily, she directed her determined gaze on him. “I’m human, am I not?”
Squinting at her, his lips part, “And?”
Struggling to prevent herself from laughing at the way he looked at her now, Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Humans aren’t allowed aid of a healer. We go to the medics.”
“You’re my wife”, he remarks almost instantaneously, slightly wishing she remained unconscious for a while longer. If she slept, the healer would have done their job and there would be no argument. There was no doubt about it, their truce was over.
“But I’m still a human. The rest of my kind don’t have the privilege of being married to you.” Her voice is stern, low and frustratingly righteous.
“You need a healer or you might not survive”, Aleksander insisted.
“Then let me die.” She stared at him, no signs of crumbling and it made him feel like he’s drowning.
Rubbing his forehead, the Darkling shut his eyes in frustration. After all the sleepless nights, his head felt like it would implode. All he had on his mind was her safety and now when he brought her home, she refused help.
“What do you want?”
Knitting her eyebrows, she glanced at his jaw as it clenched. “What?”
Her voice is higher, almost confused but he knew better than that. “I’ve known you for almost two months.” Two months too long, he thought. “I know when you’re trying to extort me.”
Covering her mouth, Y/N suppressed a laugh. Truth be told, it’s exactly what she’s doing, she just didn’t expect him to cave so quickly.
“Healers for the First army”, her lips twitch. Pursing her lips, she bites the soft flesh on the inside of her mouth to stop herself from smiling at all costs.
“No”, he spoke through gritted teeth.
Shrugging, she laid back down. “Alright then. I only regret I won’t be here to hear you explain my death to the Tsar and my father.”
Growling under his breath, he swipes his hand down his face. “One healer.”
“Two”, she argued, sitting up with a pained expression on her face.
“We can’t spare two”, the Darkling crosses his arms, his eyes darker than ever before.
Lifting her chin in defiance, she narrowed her eyes at her husband. “Two healers or no deal.”
Releasing a long, heavy breath in frustration, the Darkling felt his insides turn. “Two healers but only for those who can’t get better with a week long rest on their own.”
“Two healers for those who can’t get better in a few days of rest AND the same amount of food and water for the First army.”
Running a hand through his hair, the general’s nostrils flare. Cracking his neck to the left, to the right, he turned his death glare back on his wife. “Food and water are limited for Grisha as well.”
“I saw them eat grapes”, Y/N deadpans. “You have enough, so share. If the First army dies out, who will protect your precious Grisha?”
Folding her hands in her lap, she maintained eye contact with the general who refused to blink. He stared back at her, aghast. The woman was impossible! She made every word that passed her lips a contest of wills.
His jaw set, he moved closer to stand before her. He looked formidable with the relentless, firm pools of black ink for eyes devouring her with intensity, too hard in comparison to what she had seen in the tent. He looked like he could kill her without even putting a hand on her…something she still expected him to do.
What was stopping him? She was far behind enemy lines, no reinforcements and she saw what he can do – he could kill everyone who stood in his way.
“Fine”, he huffs. “Under one condition.”
Rolling her eyes, she nods, “What is it?”
“I want a kiss.”
Her eyes flashed to his. Ringed with golden bruises, she was still alluring – like a wildfire or a storm. No…she is wildfire, a storm. She is deadly and uncontrollable and slightly out of her wits and he’s asking her to be his ruination. It isn’t love, he tells himself, it’s obsession.
Raising her eyebrows, Y/N didn’t bother hiding her surprise. A kiss? Of all the things he could have asked, the big bad general who can summon shadows is asking for a kiss?
A part of her trusted Aleksander and that trust demanded intimacy. She wanted his hands on her – in her hair, his lips on her neck. She longed to be vulnerable and that’s what worried her. Trusting him, needing him, it’s bound to breed love and self-inflicted madness. If it were anything else, she would outright refuse him, but she has so many lives dependent on her answer.
“Tonight”, she decided. If her own sanity is the price to pay, she will do what she has to do.
Nodding, the Darkling retreated. Leaving the room, he opened the door for the healer to enter. Sparing her a quick look, he swallowed thickly as the thought of her willingly kissing him made his heart slam into the rib cage. Even his heart wanted to escape him as it too longed for her hands’ touch.
He didn’t make more than two steps outside the room when a Grisha joined him - one of his many spies.
“What do you have for me?”
The spy beckons him to the side, looking around wildly. “This could change everything.”
“What is it?” The Darkling speaks through gritted teeth, demanding an answer.
“There is talk”, the spy pauses, “Of a Sun Summoner.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Healed, bathed and properly fed, Y/N had paced their room in anticipation of his arrival. She had seen the look in his eyes earlier that day – something between them has changed.
As the door opens, her breath halts inside her throat.
“I thought you were lost”, Genya admitted. “When they found your mare, I lost hope.”
Smiling, Y/N cupped her cheek. “I did too”, she sniffled.
The Darkling felt, more than saw, her presence as he entered the room. He turned slowly, his breath held. Her hair looked darker in the candlelight, its rich color gleaming against the green velvet of fresh sheets on the bed she leaned against. He could hardly speak. The nearness of her, the quiet room, the candlelight made him question the reality of what he was looking at.
“You look better”, Aleksander managed a curt smile, looking at Y/N and her attire. The sheer nightdress she wore was back, perfectly outlining her figure.
“Why did they take you?” Genya asked, unshead tears weighing heavily on her eyes. “Did they know?”
“No”, Y/N shakes her head, “But they found out.”
“It doesn’t matter. Kirigan killed them all.” Y/N glanced at the door where she expected her husband to appear later on.
Chewing on her bottom lip, Y/N felt her heart flip. “It helped me realize something.”
Frowning, Genya waited for Y/N to explain.
“Your General does have a heart”, she states. His request for a kiss lingered in every thought her mind could concoct.
She stared at him then slowly untied the belt of her robe and it glided languidly over her smooth skin, falling to her feet.
His gaze roamed over her as if he is unable to fully comprehend her beauty. Only when he looked back at her eyes did he see she was troubled. 
“Of course he does”, Genya chuckles, “He was most worried when you were taken. He promised he’d kill them all and bathe in their blood.”
“I think I can use that.”
Knitting her eyebrows, Genya’s frown deepened. “How?”
Pressing her lips, Y/N sighed. “In order for me to win”, she paused, “He needs to believe he did.”
“Husband”, she spoke clearly. She feigned confidence, but inside she quivered.
She had barely finished the syllable when she was in his arms, being carried to their bed, his lips already fastened to hers. She felt his lips hit hers like a tornado, his admission of burning the world in her name spinning in her head. It could have been a fever dream, but she would bet her life it wasn’t.
Holding her chin in place, he rested his forehead on hers, heaving from the kiss. She couldn’t open her eyes, clinging to him for dear life, but even with eyes closed, Y/N could hear the emotions thick in his voice.
“I don’t want to do anything you’re not willing.” He whispered against his lips, all too prepared for his hands to roam her body now.
Y/N was afraid of herself as well as of him. He could sense it as he kissed her. He’d waited a long time for her to come to him and now it seems she was more than ready to give herself to him without his talk of her marital duty.
He expected anything but to find her with her arms wide open.  But even now, as he held her, he felt no great sense of triumph.
Pulling the sheet over her, he stood. “I can wait.”
The sheet accented her shoulders and the full swelling of her breasts. The candlelight deepened the shadow above the sheet. Her bare throat pulsed with life. Her face was set in a firm, serious expression that caused her eyes to darken. Her lips were hard, as if carved of marble and he ached to part them into a smile.
Turning away, he began undressing himself for bed, wondering how he could survive a night beside her if she remains as she is now.
She averts her gaze, whispering under her breath in confusion, “Wait?”
He laid beside her, barely dressed at all. She found herself achingly aware of his presence. The only light in the room was from the flames of candles she placed across the room. The light danced on her hair, played with the shadows of her delicate collarbones. At this moment, he remembered nothing of the arrangement their marriage was meant to be. He knew only that he was in bed with a desirable woman, one he never expected to claim. She seemed too headstrong to ever give into his charm, yet she bared herself before him and he couldn’t take advantage of her.
“Why don’t you want me?” She sat up, glaring at him. She let the sheet fall as his eyes met hers, bravely fixing him with her fiery gaze.
Rolling his eyes, he looks away. How can she torment him like this with no shame?
If anything, he felt like she’s attacking him. “I don’t want to hear about how a demon took you by force for the rest of my life.”
“It’s not force if I’m giving myself willingly, is it?” She raised an eyebrow, deciding on a tactic finally. Aleksander is a general, a conqueror at heart and she saw the desire in his eyes. If there was any hope of her plan to work, she had to harness his desire to convince him he won.
Licking his lips as he cracked a smile, Aleksander nodded in surprise, unable to keep his eyes from wandering lower to her breasts. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” He wanted to possess her, to claim this difficult, headstrong woman for himself. His mouth came down brutally hard on hers, claiming them, nearly bruising them.
Y/N fumbled with the sheet that wrapped around her, making Aleksander chuckle into the kiss.
“Let me help you,” Aleksander purred and tore the sheet away, pulling it from under the mattress.
Wrapping his hand around Y/N’s neck, his grip was oddly weak, gentle even. She laid nude before him, his gaze fixed on her. He stared at her in wonder; her full breasts, curvy waist, round hips. Then he looked back at her face, her eyes blazing. Her lips were reddened from his kiss, and suddenly there was no power on earth that could stop him from taking her.
“You make me feel”, he pauses in anguish, “You make me feel”, he said quietly, fiercely, “And I don’t like it. I want it to stop. Now.”
He pushed her into the mattress and Y/N saw the ruthless general in his eyes and for a moment she feared it. A general isn’t gentle at all, not like Aleksander could be. She feared the pain he’d cause and the tears that would follow. She feared what he’d do to her, but then the fear she felt dissipated as he spoke against her lips.
“I’ll go slowly.” Aleksander stopped himself, remembering she’s never had a man in her bed before and once he saw the fear in her eyes extinguish the flame he already adored, he reeled himself in.
“Your hands are bloody from murder”, she paused, “But I trust them completely.” Her voice had never been smaller, her hands never as desperate as she clung to him. She wanted to trust the sudden, overwhelming warmth in his unrelentingly tender gaze, but she still awaited the pain that was yet to come. He moved on top of her, his lips attaching to her neck gently as he pressed a kiss above her pulsating carotid, knowing she’s nervous as he felt the pace of her pulse.
With one thigh, Aleksander parted hers. He kissed her again, passionate and slow, distracting her as his hand moves lower, down to the intimate parts she never allowed another only man to see, to feel. Slipping his finger between her folds, he found if applied enough pressure a desperate moan escapes her without a fail. He feels her breathing change as he begins to rub circles, her thighs trying to push against his in a need of more friction. And that’s when control escapes her and she closes her eyes completely, letting the pleasure take over.
Unable to wait any longer, Aleksander pushed the head of his hardened length between the folds, feeling her wetness pooling over as nature’s lubricant. Feeling the membrane, he stops for a moment. Looking at her carefully for any signs of distress, he wonders if she even realizes what is about to happen.
“Do you want this?” He asks again, fearing she may change her mind.
Gripping his arm, she nods. “Yes”, she replies, breathless.
Pressing himself inside, he bows his head in the crook of her neck, growling lowly in pleasure. It’s not the first virgin he had, but it’s the first one that made him want to come on the first thrust.
“Go on.” She encourages him, surprising them both. Swallowing thickly, she sinks her nails into his back, anticipating the next thrust. It would be a lie if she said she wasn’t in pain, but she knew it would get easier as he moves again and she would feel the pleasure again – and she wanted the pleasure more than the pain.
Nodding, Aleksander starts moving in and out slowly, refusing to risk her pain for a little more pleasure he’d find in speed and his untimely release. Instead, he’s using deep, slow strokes with a relentless care for the nerve bundle between her folds. Every passing second draws louder moans from her until he feels her clench around him, his own mind blackening as he feels himself nearing the edge. She’s holding him so tightly to her body, so desperately as she unravels beneath him. Picking up pace, he finally loses control, jerking his hips to meet hers in a deep thrust only to finish deep inside her, allowing them both to breathe.
Rolling off her, Aleksander decided to stay quiet, allowing her to have control of the moment. If she wants his embrace, he’d do it for her and if she wants to talk, he’d talk to her, otherwise, he’d just sleep. It’s been so long since he truly slept – since the day they went for that ride.
He placed an arm around her for comfort alone, not pressing himself closer than necessary, closing his eyes once he realizes she’s not interested in him at all after she came down from her high.
Waiting for a few minutes, Y/N pretended to sleep. After the hurricane of emotions he’d given her, Y/N didn’t know how to feel. She wanted to relax, to sleep in bliss, but a part of her ached. She ached for who she used to be. Would her father hate her for what she just did? Would her people denounce her for sleeping with the enemy?
Her eyes opened wide, finding his are still closed. Lips quivering, she felt herself crumble as tears fled her eyes. She watched his sleeping figure and sighed deeply, telling herself to stop crying. She was supposed to be in control of him, to make him want her and crave her, yet she found it was the opposite. She didn’t love him, but she did feel a connection…perhaps it’s the kindness he showed her when he rescued her or the pleasure he had given her, but something inside her changed and the heart she hardened on purpose found a soft spot for the general.
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart @xceafh @sanna2020 @tarkanelima-blog @takethee @mellifluous-cosmos @marvel-ousnesss @tea-effect @starlightofsolaria @p3nny4urth0ught5 @blackbirddaredevil23 @sarcastic-and-cool @slytherinsbiggestproblem @within-thehollowcrown @notthatchhavi @musicconversedance @freakytillthemoon  @lgkoval @honeyofthegods @queenmalhinewahine @misselsbells06  @whatthefluffrichard @aami98 @britriestbr @itsfangirlmendes @padme-parker @readingsssssssss @runawayolives @thehighladyofasgard @emlynblack @keithseabrook27 @dailydoseofchoices @deceivedeer​
Part 8
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helnjk · 4 years
A Brief Glimpse - C.W.
Charlie Weasley x fem!reader
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Word count: 2.5k
Summary: there’s nothing like the rumors that students can come up with about their favorite teachers. especially when one of them is adamant on keeping her private life, well, private. 
Warnings: brief mentions of meals, one curse word but that’s it
A/N: a purely self-indulgent, fluffy fic inspired by this ask from kendall ( @lupinsclassroom ) who said that if i taught at hogwarts, i’d be the COMC professor! and i love me some good charlie content. this is also kind of a different style that i’m used to, i hope you guys like it! x
The top three favorite professors at Hogwarts were as follows: Headmistress McGonagall, Professor Longbottom, and Professor L/N. 
While most students would argue that Professor L/N could potentially overtake Professor Longbottom on that list, there was just so much they didn’t know about her. She was practically the perfect professor; she loved what she taught (Care of Magical Creatures), she was considerate and understanding with students who were struggling with the subject, and her office doors were always open to anyone who wanted to chat. 
Still, she kept her personal life very private and of course, the more she refused to answer their prying questions, the more intrigued the students became. All they knew was that she was one of the top students of her year, she was a Ravenclaw, and she fought at the Battle of Hogwarts years prior. 
There were many rumors going around the student body of Hogwarts about who Y/N L/N was. The most popular ones were that she was actually Headmistress McGonagall’s secret daughter, because of how close the two seemed to be. In reality, Y/N was just one of Minnie’s favorite students. The headmistress often joked how she should’ve been in her house instead of Filius’. 
Meanwhile, Neville was always open with the students, answering whatever questions they had for him, as long as they weren’t crossing the line between professional and personal. They often loved to ask him questions about his friendship with the Golden Trio or his stories of the war. 
“They’re getting more creative with the questions they ask me,” he shook his head, smiling slightly one dinner, “They’re trying to see if I’ll slip up and mention anything juicy about you.”
Y/N laughed slightly, eyes glimmering, “What sort of questions have they come up with now?” 
“Today Chapman asked me if I’d ever spent the holidays with other professors around my age,” Neville mused, “Or if Hannah was ever jealous that I was working with a girl so close to my age.”  
“Oh please, Longbottom,” Minerva tutted, and the two younger professors turned their heads in her direction, “At least your questions still have some sort of delicacy. Griffiths has actually asked me, point blank, if Y/N’s spent her summers with me.” 
The collective guffaw of the professors at the head table caused the majority of the student body to shift their attention to them. Of course, the authoritative looks that they sent at the house tables were able to convince them to get back to their own conversations, but now the Great Hall was abuzz with trying to figure out what made the professors laugh so loud. 
“I wonder when they’ll stop trying,” Y/N mused as the crowd of students began to slowly shuffle out of the Hall.
“Don’t count on it, L/N,” Minerva smirked. 
“Professor L/N?” a meek voice sounded from the door to Y/N’s office on Wednesday afternoon. 
The middle of the week was rather free for her, therefore she used it to catch up on grading and, if she had time, a little light reading. This afternoon, though, she was in the middle of writing an important letter. 
Her owl, Athena, perched at the edge of her desk and her scrutinizing eyes darted towards the fourth year Hufflepuff who stood by the door. Eloise Abbott, a shy young thing with a penchant for Care of Magical Creatures and one of Y/N’s best students, sent the intimidating owl an uneasy glance.
“Come on in, Eloise,” Y/N smiled as she slipped the ink and parchment she was using into one of the empty drawers of her table, “Don’t mind Athena, she’s just impatient to get this letter out.” 
The young girl shuffled towards the professor as Y/N asked, “Is there anything you needed?” 
“Erm, I was just wondering if you could check my Defense paper,” she mumbled, pulling out a parchment from her school bag, “It’s on Grindylows and other creatures we could encounter in the Forbidden Forest, and I know it’s not really part of your syllabus, but I just wanted to make sure I didn’t get anything very wrong.” 
Y/N smiled and held her hand out for Eloise to place the essay. It was silent as she read over what was written, that silence only broken when Athena let out soft hoots or ruffled her feathers. 
“Erm, professor,” muttered Eloise after a while, Y/N’s eyes glanced up from the parchment, “I don’t mean to pry, but why does your owl want so badly for you to finish that letter?” 
A soft chuckle came from Y/N’s mouth before she answered, “She just loves the person I’m writing to, and I honestly think she would rather be in his care than mine. Even if it were just for a few nights.” 
“But you’re wonderful with animals!”
“And he is too, I assure you. Maybe even more so than me.” 
Eloise nodded her head slowly, and Y/N could see the gears turning in her head. It perplexed the young student, who could ever be better with animals than her professor? She knew it couldn’t have been Hagrid, as he still lived on the grounds and Athena could visit him any time she wished. 
Maybe her favorite professor was friends with the Scamander family. Rolf Scamander definitely had ties to Hogwarts and seemed about her age. 
Before her thoughts could go any further with hypothesizing, Professor L/N handed her essay back, “It looks great, Eloise. I have no doubt you’ll get high marks on this essay.” 
Eloise could spot a professor’s dismissal anywhere, so she merely nodded as she took the parchment back. As she hurried out the room, she expressed her gratitude over her shoulder, catching Y/N pull out the letter she was writing with a soft smile on her face. 
The end of the school week came with a surprise visitor to the castle. The students could not stop discussing the presence of a dragon tamer on the school grounds. He had arrived later in the morning, trudging up the pathway from Hogsmeade and making his rounds around the school.
Headmistress McGonagall greeted him at the gates with a smile and a hug before she took his arm and the two of them had tea in her office. Of course, as the students weren’t used to seeing an adult that wasn’t the faculty or the staff in the castle, his presence sparked many conversations.  
“I saw him knock on Hagrid’s door!” said Neil Chapman to anyone who would listen to him at lunch, “He had some burn scars all over his arms and really bright red hair. He seemed really cool.” 
It was as if the whole Gryffindor table was gathered around him as he told and retold how Hagrid’s booming voice announced that Hogwarts’ resident dragon tamer was back. Rumors floated around the school for the rest of the day, each student having something to say about the mysterious man. 
“He’s gorgeous though, isn’t he?” sighed Daphne Griffiths, as she and her best friend roamed the hallways on the way to their next class, “All rugged and handsome. I caught sight of him walking towards the quidditch pitch after Transfiguration.” 
All the professors had to stop themselves from full-on grinning at the different things they had heard about Charlie Weasley gallivanting around the grounds, but none of them as amused as Professor L/N. 
“Hurry along then!” 
Y/N stood next to a small paddock at the edge of the forest, next to its open gate. At the center of it, a cluster of fluffy creatures rolled around and play fought with each other. 
“Alright class,” she clapped her hands together, “We’re having a little bit more of a relaxed class to end the week. A crup of one of the Hogsmeade villagers just gave birth about a month ago and her owner’s graciously allowed us to spend an afternoon with the puppies.”
The second year students cooed at the litter of small dog-like creatures with two tails. As soon as she finished her sentence, the group of them rushed to get inside the paddock, each one wanting a turn with the small puppy-like things. Once all the students were inside, she shut the gate and joined them as they congregated around the tiny crups. 
Y/N was grateful that her last class of the week was with younger students. They were much easier to please and sometimes more eager to learn. Of course, almost anyone would be enamoured by the litter of puppies running around.
With her wand pointed at her jugular, she began the small spiel she had prepared for the lesson, “Now, as most of you might know, crups are basically magical dogs…” 
Most students weren’t really paying any attention to her little lecture, but she told herself that at least she tried. She understood the need to coo over cute little puppies, she could let it slide just this once. 
From where she stood towards the other end of the paddock from the gate, she had a panoramic view of the class, just in case anything happened. She doubted anything would, but at least that way she could keep everyone in sight. 
“Of all the magical creatures in the world, you chose to teach about crups?” 
A strong voice rang through the open space and caused many of the students to turn their heads at the sound. Somehow, Charlie Weasley had made it to the gate of the paddock without Y/N noticing. Upon seeing the redheaded dragon tamer so close to them, murmurs spread among the young students.
Y/N rolled her eyes, taking in the sight of him with his arms crossed and a smug smile on his face. 
“Oh wipe that smile off your face, Weasley, you try teaching these kids all week,” she replied, raising her voice slightly so that he could hear what she had said. 
“I guess they are quite adorable,” he caved, leaning his forearms against the paddock and seeming as if he was going to observe them their whole class. 
The students observed their playful and easy banter, in awe that their professor knew the ever mysterious man. 
As her wards were still distracted by him, she said, “Pay him no mind class, he’s harmless. The crup puppies need your undivided attention!” 
As soon as the prying eyes were off of him, Charlie sent Y/N a cheeky wink. She couldn’t stop a smile from growing on her face at the gesture, but she shook her head to indicate that they could talk after her class was over. 
“Professor L/N?” a young girl walked up to her, sending a furtive glance over her shoulder to where her friends were gathered. 
The group of them gestured to her to carry on and Y/N’s eyes lit with amusement, “What’s up?” 
“I-er, we wanted to know how you know the dragon tamer guy? The other professors haven’t said much about him when asked.” 
The young student fidgeted nervously, picking at the hem of her sweater as she glanced up at Y/N. Despite being in the rather early years of her journey at Hogwarts, she knew that Professor L/N enjoyed her privacy. She didn’t want to overstep. 
Y/N sensed this apprehension and gave her a soft smile, “We were in the same year at Hogwarts. He was a Gryffindor and I was a Ravenclaw, but we managed to have a few common classes.” 
Before anything else could be said, the girl scurried off to meet her friends with the small tidbit of information she was able to gather from the otherwise close-lipped professor. 
Thankfully, the rest of the hour passed by rather quickly. 
As soon as the bell rang, it was obvious to Y/N that the students were stalling. She had dismissed them fairly quickly and had already begun her process of cleaning up. Meanwhile, the majority of the class was still situated inside the paddock, shuffling around in groups. 
Inwardly, she sighed, knowing that there was nothing she could do about it, it was the end of the school week and they were free to roam (or stay) in any part of the grounds and the castle they wanted. 
Inevitably, Charlie had gotten impatient waiting for them to clear out. Instead, he strode confidently through the gate and towards where Y/N was directing the puppies to stay. 
“Charlie? What are you–”
The remaining students, who had been not-so slyly watching the redhead stride through the paddock, all collectively gasped as he pressed his lips firmly on their professor’s. 
Y/N began to weakly protest, the logical side of her brain screaming at her that this was definitely unprofessional, but the emotional side took over as she was surrounded by the scent and the presence of her boyfriend. Her boyfriend whom she hadn’t seen in months and made a special trip to Hogwarts just to see her in her element. 
Thankfully, Charlie pulled away fairly quickly, his arms still firmly wrapped around her body, a dopey smile on his face. 
Once Y/N gained her bearings, she slapped his chest, “Charles Weasley!” 
“What?” he grinned. 
“You’ve just kissed me in front of my students!” 
Despite the–shall we say scandalous?–first encounter between the couple, the rest of the afternoon was quite lovely. Y/N showed him all of the creatures under her care and in the section of the forest that was relatively safe. They also borrowed some old brooms from the shed and raced each other out on the pitch until their cheeks were painful from laughter and their noses were red from the cold. 
By the time dinner rolled around, of course the whole student body was aware of what transpired between the handsome dragon tamer and their favorite Care of Magical Creatures professor. 
This was the first piece of juicy information that they had gotten on Professor L/N, and while they were highly amused at what had happened, they were also not surprised that she was dating someone who worked with dragons on a daily basis. 
They also couldn’t deny the fact that she practically lit up in his presence. They had never seen her so at peace and so happy as when she was with Charlie. Anyone with eyes could tell that the pair of them were in love. 
Minerva had also graciously allowed Charlie to sit at the Head Table with the rest of the faculty at dinner, which caused quite the stir. 
Practically all sets of eyes were trained towards the couple as they ate their dinner fairly normally. 
“You two seem to be the talk of the whole school,” the headmistress teased. 
Charlie sent his favorite teacher a shit-eating grin, “Must be my dashing looks that’s got them all interested.” 
“Please, Weasley,” Y/N tutted, “They’ve just gotten a huge piece of information about me. This is basically their Christmas.” 
“Maybe they’ll finally stop hounding me with insane questions now!” Neville chirped happily, and the table erupted in laughter. 
General taglist: @expectoevans​ @george-fabian-weasley​ @gxthsanrio​ @slytherinscribbles​ @harpyloon​ @nuttytani​ @mesmerisedangel​ @amourtentiaa​ @sarcasticallywitty15​ 
Charlie taglist: @pinkypurplemagic​
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Tamaki, Todoroki and Shinsou  in a secret relationship....and how they got caught.
Request: Hello I love your blog and since your requests are open I would like to request Tamaki Todoroki and Shinsou being in a secret relationship for a long time and how they got outed. If you could write something similar for Semi, Akaashi, Kenma and Sakusa from Haikyuu you would be a blessing. I love you!!!! - anonymous
Awww of course I’ll write for the Haikyuu boys as well. I’ll write later this week or the next and since its almost midnight here HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHINSOU!!!! I have a special soulmate au as I usually do for my husband!!!! I’m sorry I’m not getting to those soulmate aus quicker 😣😣😣😣. Love yaa.💖💖💖💖
warnings: fluff
Amajiki Tamaki 
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-He’s so shy omggg.
-How did you manage to get him into a relationship???
-He loves you to the moon and back. 
-Would do anything for you. 
-You two were in the same class all through out high school and during your second year he asked you out. 
-Okay not exactly. 
-You were studying in the library together during a really bad storm when the lights went out. 
-Loud lightning followed and you jumped out of your skin. 
-You were terrified of lightning and being paired with complete darkness you were petrified. 
-Now Tamaki had had a crush on you since early last year and seeing you so terrified and vulnerable he pushed through his anxiety for a split moment and wrapped you in a hug, stroking your hair soothingly as he tried to calm you down. 
- “I-I’ll p-protect you. I-I w-won’t let a-anything h-hurt you..... ever.”
-That’s how your relationship began basically. 
-He comforted you and kept you safe, shielding you from your fears. 
-Everything else is history. 
-Now you are both third years in your respective hero studies with a bright future in front of you. 
-Your relationship has been kept a secret mainly because both of you don’t like making your private lives public. 
-Only Nejire and Mirio know. 
-Surprisingly they have kept it a secret. 
-Fatgum has a suspicion that Tamaki has someone in his life, someone really important. 
-So important he had called in one time claiming that he had an emergency and wouldn’t make it to the agency. 
-When Fatgum asked, Tamaki began stuttering and mumbling about someone really close to him being sick and needing help. 
-In reality you were on your period and had awful cramps.
-You were feeling like death, curled up in a ball on Tamaki’s bed and refusing to move. 
-You had begged him to go to his hero study but he claimed that you were more important, not going to the agency for an evening wouldn’t mark the end of the world. 
-Then Chisaki happened and Tamaki was badly injured. 
-Your agency was stationed outside so you couldn’t help him or know what had happened. 
-You had a broken arm after the fight and was being escorted to the ambulances when you saw Tamaki being carried on a stretcher blood running down his cheek as his arms and whole body was covered in bruises, cuts and so much blood. 
-Your feet moved on their own accord, sprinted through the crowd ignoring the calls of the medic until you reached your boyfriend. 
- “Tama? T-Tamaki baby wake up.”
-Fatgum saw you touch Tamaki’s cheek with your good hand and how, when the boy weakly opened his eyes, he placed his own hand over yours. 
-Tears were running down your cheeks as you looked at him, following the medics as they placed the stretcher in the ambulance. 
-They told you that he would be fine and that you should find another medical team that could take care of your arm. 
-Everything fell apart though when you saw Mirio and Sir Nighteye. 
-Everything was a mess but Fatgum noticed how you would always look back to Tamaki’s ambulance as it drove off. 
-In the hospital you didn’t leave Tamaki’s room, insisting on getting your bandages changed in his room refusing to get your own and leave his side. 
-Fatgum was happy for him. 
-Especially when he went to visit and found Tamaki holding you close to him. 
-Your head was over his heart as he gently massaged your back, tears falling down your cheeks once again. 
-Then he kissed your forehead and Fatgum knew that this wasn’t a moment he wanted to interrupt. 
-When he did visit along side Kirishima he didn’t lose a bit before he asked about you. 
-You were surprisingly not beside him deciding to visit Mirio again to see how he was coping. 
- “So... what’s her name hm?”
- “W-Who?”
- “Your girlfriend!!”
-Tamaki burst into a deep blush as he tried hiding his face in his hands. 
- “Come one I’ve seen how she looks at you and how you kissed her OH so lovingly on the forehead the other day was the cut-”
- “Y/N! H-her n-name is Y-Y/N.”
-Kirishima is standing there, jaw almost touching the floor when you open the door and peek inside. 
- “Oh! I’m sorry.... I-I’ll come back later....”
-Okay now Kirishima is already kind losing it because he didn’t expect his shy senpai to have a girlfriend. 
-So when Tamaki lets out a very low, slightly above a whisper, “But bunny....” he freaking snaps. 
- “WHAT!!!!”
- “Kirishima we’re in a hospital!”
-Get ready to be bombarded with questions....poor you.
-At least you get to sit next to Tamaki while you are being interrogated. 
-They insisted on that saying that they wouldn’t keep Tamaki away from his girl...Tamaki is burying his face in your hair....shy baby.
Todoroki Shouto
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-Okay so your relationship is a secret because of his dad. 
-He wanted to shield you from his toxicity. 
-Plus Shouto knew that his dad would force you two apart and he couldn’t let that happen. 
-So you are his little secret. 
-Only his mom knows about you.
-Shouto took you to meet her after your one year anniversary.
-He loves you so damn much he could die. 
-So seeing the two most important women in his life interact and get along he melts. 
-As you say your goodbye to Rei she hugs you, thanking you for taking care of her baby and that your secret will be safe with her. 
-Then she moves on to Shouto as you wait in the hallway. 
- “I like her Shouto. She really loves you. Please take good care of her.”
-Boy falls in love with you all over again I swear to god. 
-Now you spend a lot of time in his dorm. 
-When I say a lot I mean it. 
-You remember how Shouto managed to remodel his room in an afternoon during their first day in the dorms. 
-Yeah that’s what he does for your dates. 
-Since you can’t risk going to outdoor dates very often since it’s very easy for a paparazzi to spot the son of Endeavor.
-Especially if he is holding hands with someone else. 
-Natsuo actually warned you about that and he was the one to suggest dorm dates. 
-He had taken his girlfriend out on a diner date and the next day they were all over multiple tabloids accompanied by multiple calls from Endeavor. 
-All Todoroki children hide their s/o’s......even Fuyumi. 
-Anyways back to Shouto. 
-You spend so much time in his room that you tend to leave some of your clothes there. 
-You change into his hoodies in his room so forgetting your shirt there is a usual phenomenon.
-Plus you do the dirty so.... scattered clothes.
-Now Todoroki is friends with Momo.
-And Momo is friends with you. 
-And she has seen your closet on multiple occasions. 
-She knows your clothes.....you see where I’m going with this?
-Todoroki was struggling with some chemistry problems and you were out doing your hero studies. 
-You had apologized to him multiple times and had suggested Momo as the perfect tutor. 
-That’s why Momo is now alone in his room as he is making tea in the kitchen, looking at what seems to be like one of your favorite sweaters. 
-You had gotten it during Christmas and wouldn’t take it off for a week straight. 
-You had basically brainwashed them by how often you wear it. 
-Why was it in Todoroki’s room though?
- “Todoroki-kun why do you have L/N-san’s sweater?”
-He froze.
-You had stayed the night last Monday and you had been wearing that sweater. 
-He remembers it vividly since he was the one who took it off.....along with your bra.......that he threw somewhere in the room.....AND MOMO COULD FIND AT ANY MOMENT.
-Momo was starting to get worried because well....he had been standing at the same spot for a solid minute staring at absolutely nothing. 
-Standing up she went to shake his shoulder when her eyes caught a bright red fabric peeking out from under the desk.
-Brushing past him she crouched down and grabbed the fabric revealing the red bra. 
-Todoroki snapped out of his shock state the moment Momo reached for the bra strap. 
-He couldn’t stop her though....
- “T-Todoroki-kun.....” 
-And as if things couldn’t get any worse, his phone started to ring as your photo appeared on the screen your name replaced by a heart surrounded ‘babygirl’.
-Todoroki groaned at well everything. 
-Momo was blushing like crazy STILL holding your bra. 
-You two had a lot of things to explain. 
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-I’ve said this before. 
-You never meant your relationship to be a secret. 
-At least not in the beginning. 
-You two just never acted like a couple and people assumed that you were just good friends.
-Then you heard Aizawa scaring a boy who had made Mina cry so.........dating his special trainee while you were one of his FEMALE students?
-A secret it is.
-Aizawa is a protective dad and you can’t change my mind. 
-You have a collection of hoodies you have ‘borrowed’ that you wear only inside your or his dorm. 
-And while you sleep. 
-Falling asleep surrounded by his scent is heaven. 
-Aizawa has caught you twice wearing his hoodies.
-Once when Shinsou got turned into a baby and once when you went to get water and he scared you shitless. 
-Aizawa knows about yalls relationship. 
-You can run but you cannot hide child. 
-You had a box full of Polaroids from your dates. 
-He knew how happy you were when you two took photos that’s why he bought you a Polaroid. 
-Now you can print your photos and decorate your room. 
-Shinsou is an insomniac.
-We’ve been knew. 
-So on the rare days when he feels kinda sleepy but he misses you so badly he can’t really fall asleep he’ll sneak in your dorm and have an impromptu sleepover. 
-You don’t complain of course. 
-You love to snuggle up to him.
-Also this boy loves wrapping you up in his arms.
-Snuggles snuggles snuggles. 
-Irrelevant information: he has you saved on his phone as kitten and your contact photo is you hanging upside down from the ceiling wrapped up in his capture tool. 
-He had tried teaching you to use it and you somehow managed to climb on the bookcase trying to remake that scene from Tarzan but the cloth got caught on the ceiling fan resulting in this hilarious photo. 
-Back to your sleepover.
-He falls asleep like in the blink of an eye.
-Your sleep that night is the best both of you have had in a fat while. 
-Plus the fact that its the weekend lets you enjoy each others warmth for as long as you like. 
-Being friends with Mina and Kaminari is a ride. 
-Sero and Bakubro and maybe Kiri in some occasions are damage control but they get tired and let you take care of the children. 
-You had promised to go out shopping that morning, a plan you totally forgot when Shinsou tapped your window last night. 
-Giving Mina a spare key to your room was the worst decision you could have made considering you were in a secret relationship. 
-When you didn’t show up on time the two idiots waited for an hour before they made their way to your room.
-Using the spare key she pushed the door open letting out a long “Y/N-CHAAAAN!!!” which scared the soul out of your bodies. 
-You let out a startled scream that woke Hitoshi up who without missing a bit pulled you under him shielding you from whatever made you scream. 
-It was purely on instinct to save and protect you hfqpirhfhsod so cute!!!!
-Mina was left staring at the scene in front of her while Kaminari was calling Sero begging him to come to your room. 
-I don’t know how they didn’t attract dadzawa.
-You would get your ass whooped. 
-Shopping was long forgotten as the whole Bakusquad came one by one in your room waiting for the tea to be spilled. 
-Mina and Sero were angry since they have tried time and time again to hook you up with multiple of their friends, Bakugou didn’t care but he approved, Kaminari and Kirishima were threatening Shisnou if he ever were to break your heart. 
- “I love her you dumbasses I’m not going to hurt her!!!”
@iwaqchan​  @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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for-ests · 4 years
Dosage: Gojo Satoru x Reader
summary: you finally gain the courage to tell Gojo what you are craving. (some requested Gojo smut for me and my simps)
Wc: 4, 587
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Few people had seen the mystifying colors that you theorized were present in Gojo’s eyes. You had known him for months now and had yet to intimately glimpse his irises. It was strange to not know what awaited you under the fabric, as eyes were one of the first features another would compliment.
It was a feature that made up a face, that many people needed to see to find someone attractive. You had developed immensely strong feelings, falling for every inch of his body, strength, and personality, without even knowing what color his eyes were.
It had all started after you were paired up on a project with him to train the boy who had consumed Sukuna’s fingers. You were a renowned sorcerer in your own right, yet you knew your power could not compare to what Gojo displayed every time you were thrown into battle beside him.
That was another reason you fell so deeply in love with him. He was there to save you each time. Like today, for instance. After battling and exorcizing until your body was completely out of stamina, Gojo swooped in at the last minute and cleaned up the rest of them as you laughed on the sidelines.
Now he had brought you back to his house, a place where you could always relax. You felt so safe around him, never having a care in the world when you were in his presence.
You sprawled across his bed, a bed you had grown so accustomed to, letting yourself become surrounded by his scent and everything that made him who he was. Normally, you would have immediately drifted off into a peaceful slumber, but the mood that hung low around the two of you felt different this time around.
Though you had been dating for quite some time, there was one action you and Gojo had not participated in--which was sex. There were multiple reasons for not taking pleasure in the wonders his body could provide, yet what it came down to was time management, which was something the two of you were terrible at.
Time management was hard when your livelihood depended on calls of distress.
Yet right then, coming down from the high of combat, after watching him in his element, there was only one thing on your mind. You wanted him. You wanted him in the most intimate way possible.
“Are you going to take a nap?” Gojo closed the door behind him, immediately slipping out of his coat and tossing it onto his desk chair.
Truthfully, a nap did sound wonderful. It was just nice to receive some peace and quiet with him, yet, your urges could not be suppressed again. You at least had to say something about it, let him know what you were craving. “I want something…” You sat up, gaining the courage to face him head-on with the need that was pooling in the pit of your stomach from his unfiltered proximity alone.
Gojo turned, already chuckling from your outburst. “Let me guess… You wanna see me with it off?” he pointed at his blindfold, lips upturned with a smirk.
“I mean…” You trailed off, trying to express your words as nonchalantly as possible. Your boyfriend had only guessed one of the two things you wanted. “If you want to… I’d also like more than that.”
“And what would that be?” Gojo questioned, snaking his way between your legs, towering over you with a playful intensity that was absent before. It was clear that he enjoyed your perturbation, as it was something you rarely expressed, you were always calm and collected.
Your relationship had never gone further than heated make-out sessions, your hands never reaching past the hem of his pants, never gaining the confidence to run across his abs and along his biceps, biceps you constantly eyed every time he was in battle. It was as if he was a life-saving drug that you could never get the proper dosage of.
The sight of him alone turned you on, and you were sick and tired of suppressing those wishes.
“I want you.” Your words came out sheepish, quiet.
Because of your sudden timidness, Gojo’s movements became tender, a far contrast from what you were used to, he was always giddy, cracking jokes left and right. He was rarely serious, even in battle, even in life or death situations.
He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, signaling that he intended to grant your wish.
“It’s about time isn’t it?” Gojo whispered in your ear, resting his knee between your legs, leaning down until you were almost embracing. “I was just waiting for you to ask, I’m surprised you held out for so long.”
You blushed, trying to look at anything else besides the smug expression he was wearing. Your stomach flipped with butterflies under the touch of your boyfriend, best friend, and mentor—a touch that felt familiar, yet so foreign in its unexplored way. He had never touched you like this before, so compassionate;  laced with hunger in its purest form.
Without another word, Gojo gently grasped your wrists. He guided you to his blindfold, waiting for you to reach out. Your fingers curled excitedly around the silky fabric. What color would his eyes be? Would they be green, or brown, or blue? What if he didn’t have any eyes at all?
Your breath hitched as you tugged it away.
“Gojo-” You whispered, at a loss for words. His eyes were a mystifying glacier blue, a blue that could only be mimicked in the deep crevices of northern hemisphere icebergs. They reminded you of the ocean, of light blue water that stretched to the horizon.
Your hand came to cup his cheek, and at the contact, he tilted his head into your touch.
“I love you,” Gojo confessed, a confession that tore you away from your study. It was strange, viewing him in his entirety, an entirety you knew was a rarity among your pupils and superiors, your underlings, everyone except you and the few he held close to his heart.
The sorcerer was handsome, utterly breathtaking. You held his affectionate gaze for what seemed like minutes, enjoying the silence of his beauty, wanting to engrave the sight of his eyes forever into your memory, cherishing the view as if it could be your last.
I love you.
Then, as you finally processed what he had confessed, your eyes widened. “What?—” You were cut off by his lips connecting with yours, engulfing your thoughts in complete and utter bliss. For a brief moment, your eyes stayed open.
He had never said that to you before. Did he mean it? Did he really love you?
As if he could read your mind, Gojo mumbled against your lips, “I mean it.” The tone in his voice had a faint smirk to it as if he was teasing you for believing he could be anything but serious, teasing you for believing that he would lie about something as important as his affections for you.
You kissed him first, melting against his towering frame, succumbing to your desires. His lips mended perfectly with yours in motions that were so passionate you could hardly focus on breathing.
You clutched onto Gojo’s arm to steady yourself. His kisses became rougher, hungrier, more intense with each passing moment. You became drunk on the lips that you had waited so long for.
“I love…” You gasped, trying to pull away and accept his confession. “I love you too.”
“Good.” Gojo chuckled, curling his arm securely around your waist. You shivered at the contact, prepared to accept whatever he had in mind. You wanted to submit, you wanted everything he would give you.
Steadily, Gojo leaned into you, beckoning you backward until you were flattened against the mattress. In any other situation, with any other person, you would have fought for dominance, you would have resisted such compromising positions. Yet safety radiated off of him, as it always had. Your eyes flickered back down to his reddening lips, your helpless position inviting him for more.
You had months of kissing to cover. And with each movement your lips made, your emotions heightened, begging for more, begging for all of him. Time was finally something the both of you had enough of.
Because of that reason, and only that reason, you sat up the second he pulled away to breathe and pushed him onto his back.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Gojo laughed, letting the back of his head rest against the headboard. You didn’t answer, only crawled on top of him in response, your actions the perfect answer. You wanted to please him just as badly as he wanted you.
You shifted positions until you were straddling him, placing your lips back against his. Gojo groaned into your mouth, the slightest movement from you causing him to grow hard. Instinctively, his hands moved from your face and latched onto your hips. The man grasped them tightly, almost pawing in hopes that your clothes would fall away that easily. He wanted to take you as soon as he could, infatuated with every move you made, every sound that he managed to etch from your lips.
Your hips bucked naturally, desperate for pressure, desperate for contact, the position you had put yourself in granted you access you had only ever thought to dream of before.
“Baby…” You whined, feeling that same spot in your stomach flipping as his movements followed yours. You kissed him again, and again, hands reaching out and grasping his shoulders, trailing down his biceps, hurting for skin to skin contact.
You needed him. Every fiber in your being was pulsating for the urge to become one. The way he moved his hips in response to your contact relayed that he felt the same. You felt his hardness underneath, pressing against your cunt, tempting to be released, tempting for release.
Refusing to contemplate if you should for another minute, you broke away from the kiss, saliva connecting your lips to his. Blushing, you gained a moment to breathe, cheeks tainted with evidence of your current, sinful state. You wanted more. But was now the right time?
Staring into your own pair of mystifying eyes was enough to give Gojo his answer. Yes, the right time was now. “Only if you want to.” He whispered.
You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. There was no way you could leave his bedroom without satisfying the sensual urge that filled every sense. You ran your hands through Gojo’s hair, pulling him as close as you could.
“Please fuck me.” You whispered, suddenly becoming shy enough from the desperation in your tone. It wasn’t like you hadn’t had sex before, it was more that you wanted it so badly from him, it was the fact that he had been sweet enough to never ask, sweet enough to not need such an act to want to be with you.
It seemed like he had been trying his best to hold back, and now that you were finally ready, he was not going to hold back. Now that you could see his eyes clearly, you could fully understand the emotions he was feeling.
“I’ll do much more than that, sweetheart,” Gojo whispered, proceeding to push you out of his lap and into your back. Recognizing the glint in his eye to be one of animalistic lust, you obediently laid on your back, trying to avert your eyes in embarrassment as the man you loved helped you out of your shirt. As both top garments slipped off your body, you felt the heat creep back into your core, stimulated by the simplest action.
Having your chest exposed for the first time, Gojo ravished the touch, letting his hands linger and brush against all the places you had never let him before. Even if he had always fantasized about doing so, nothing could compare to the reality.
Feeling the hotness of Gojo’s mouth against your breasts caused you to moan out loud.
“Oh… ho...ho…” the man whispered against your skin, grinding his hips into your core for another distraction. He was enjoying himself as much as you were. “Let it out, sweetheart, you can be as loud as you want.”
The hardness in his pants ignited something deep within you. It felt heavenly, the sexual contact so foreign from his hands, something you had wished for just as hard as he had.
But your breaths soon become muffled mewls of erotic pleasure as Gojo bruised the sensitive spot on your neck. He moved his hands down to your thighs, drawing circles softly and sensually, inching closer and closer to your core.
"I want to see all of you..." He groaned against your skin, pulling his head away to stare into your own lust-filled eyes, searching for any sort of confirmation.
You were flustered, pressed entirely against his chest as he continued to play with your body. You didn’t know it was possible for every action to be so pleasurable, to be so intense that you were already growing wet from only being touched and kissed.
That’s what was racing through your mind as Gojo’s hands snaked down your sides and over your panties. Before you could process his actions, you felt his fingers against your clit, fingers rubbing in soft, slow circles.
"Gojo..." You pleaded in short quick whimpers, not wanting him to stop grinding against the incredibly sensitive spot. No man had ever teased you with such tenderness and care.
Confidence surged through your veins at his touch, exciting you and sending waves of passion across your body. With the newfound feeling, you decided to please him back, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling his face into your exposed chest.
"I want you inside me..."You whimpered, grinding against his fingers to display just how badly you were wishing.
"Fuck.. Y/N... don't say that..." Gojo grunted, grasping hold of your chin to bring your lips back together with his.
Despite the heated tongue locking, Gojo continued to massage between your thighs, trailing under your shorts and past your underwear, until he quickly inserted his fingers. You moaned loudly, tears gathering on your eyelids from how blissful it felt. Just his fingers could be enough to satisfy, if you weren’t so hungry for all of him. "P-please..." You whined, hands moving from his shoulders to the sheets, kneading your palms against them as your clit pulsed with heat.
The man’s body was trembling just as much, the nerves finally setting in. All Gojo wanted to do was please you, he wanted to do such a wonderful job that you were unable to think of anyone else. Though no matter what happened, you would always think he was handsome, especially with how apparent he made his emotions known, the sexual and the physical, his own composure coming undone against you.
You tugged on his shirt, beckoning him to take it off. Gojo obeyed quickly, wanting to strip off all his clothing because of how electrified you made him feel.
Your eyes widened, gaze lingering on every curve, everything that made him the masterpiece he was. Moving your hands forward, you touched his toned chest, your fingers exploring and caressing every muscle you could get your hands on. The sorcerer relaxed at the desperation laced within your actions, his breathing faltering for a moment before he grabbed your hands and forced them above your head, against the bed.
You stared deeply into his eyes, him doing the same. Take me. You pleaded silently.  Do it now.
Gojo pinned you down, hovering over on one knee, not wasting another second to finally slide your panties down your legs until you were completely naked. You threw your head back at the coldness of his hands, pressing against your most sensitive parts, inserting one, then two, then three fingers. His own lips parted as he watched you take him gladly, trying to prepare yourself for what you knew was growing in his pants. Goosebumps spread across your entire body as you met his suddenly crazed eyes, no longer composed.
"You're so beautiful," The man whispered huskily. “And you are all for me.” Astounded, he began to slip out of his pants. With every movement he made in between, he made sure to leave a hot, wet kiss on your thigh. Gojo stepped out of his boxers, his staggering length bouncing in front of your face. His cock poked against your entrance within the next moment, hungry for action.
He loved you. Gojo couldn’t fight the attraction any longer. He also couldn’t pretend that he hadn’t been pinning over a moment like this for the entirety of your relationship.
Without another second to pass, Gojo abruptly pulled your naked body to the edge of the bed and smiled down at your flustered cheeks. All this for him and he couldn’t be luckier.
Though every subconscious thought throughout the time he had grown to know you had undoubtedly prepared him for this moment, he was still awestruck. Despite his own strength, you had your own overwhelming amount. You had the wits, you had the beauty. You had everything he could ever want and he could only ever think about protecting you, cherishing you, loving you to his fullest extent.
“Gojo…” You whimpered, tone evidently conveying embarrassment. He had been staring at you for a while, something you weren’t used to because of his covering. Though you had only whimpered his name, it had prompted action. The man leaned down over your womanhood and promptly stuck his tongue inside of you.  
You gripped the sheets in panic, never imagining how incredible the feeling could be. "Oh my god..." You whimpered, throwing your head back at the sensation. It felt better than his fingers, hot and wet, and compromising.
Gojo was simulated by your sounds, due to the speed his tongue licked and massaged against your clit. You grabbed his hair and pushed his face down harder, completely satisfied with how it felt.  Yet you couldn’t stop with just this-- you needed more. You needed all of him. All your worries faded into the background noise along with the crinkling sheets and low groan of your lover’s baritone.
You closed your eyes for a moment, only feeling, only touching, only relishing in him. Your mind was filled with his bliss, his passion, his love.
"Make love with me..." You panted, eyes pleading for the high only he could give you. A high that had not been reached with him, though one that had remained in the back of your mind since the day you laid your eyes on him. “Stop teasing me.”
Gojo gazed up at you through your parted legs, a smirk carving into his features. A fervent need suddenly passed between the two of you.
"As you wish..." The sorcerer whispered, standing back up, stroking his length as he eyed your region that was now dripping with his spit and your precum. You knew he was toying with you, moving painfully slow, eyes flickering back to yours with every moment, getting off on the way your face contorted with pleasure.
And at that moment, it was the first time you and Gojo came together as one.
"Gojo!" You cried softly, gasping in pain as his length penetrated your most sensitive spot, pushing in slowly, letting your insides adjust to his massive size. "Shit..." You cursed, squeezing his biceps for support as you felt him slide in farther, bottoming out in the next breath.
Through desperation of a high, you pulled him closer, desperate to hold onto something to ease the pain of his gigantic shaft, burying your face into the crook of his neck. At your moans, Gojo began to thurst, relishing in the sensation of your walls tightening around him. He couldn’t seem to catch his breath, feeling on top of the world, feeling like he was in the dream he had always wanted to be in.
"Y/N..." He whispered your name in a strained voice, the veins in his neck defining as he resisted the darker urges threatening to creep into reality.
Your hands moved to snarl into his hair, bringing his face next to yours, flattening his body against yours. “Gojo…” You whimpered his name desperately,  breasts bouncing up and down from his sensual movements, his ravishing desire threatening to push you over the edge. Allowing yourself to be consumed by it, you could hardly feel him paw at your chest, tilting your head back as your body became limp.
"Say my name again..." Gojo groaned, his thrusts sliding deeper and his breath becoming heavier. "Nobody will hear you but me sweetheart..."
The man began to pound into you, shaking your entire body, shaking the entire bed. You were so flustered that you couldn't seem to focus on anything except the sound of his skin slapping against yours, your moans and whimpers for more echoing in his ear, pushing him to continue his lethal pace.
Gojo slid fully out and then back in, and with one swift motion, you felt your body convulse. "Ah!" You gasped, nails digging into his bulging arms wildly. "Gojo... Fuck!"
"Yeah..." The man moaned, leaning down and resting his head back in the crook of your neck. "Just like that baby..." He mumbled, the nickname sounding so dirty upon his lips, everything he said sounded as if he was casting a spell to make you fall deeper in love with him, if that was even possible.  
"Gojo...” you repeated his name as if it was a dream, as if he might leave you at any moment. “I love you…” You choked out between gasps, the pleasurable feeling building stronger and stronger below your abdomen. You couldn’t take the heat any longer, especially when he called you baby, when you opened your eyes and looked into his own. “I’m gonna cum…”
"Cum on me..." Your boyfriend encouraged, looping his arms under your waist and hoisting you up into his arms. Your lips met him in a kiss, one that was sloppy and rough, but one that sent a wave of burning passion down your spine.
“I love you…” You whimpered with each gasp. “I love you Gojo, only you can make me feel…”
“I know.” He grunted, shifting your weight completely into his grip. Your body left the bed, and for support, you looped your arms around his neck, your legs wrapping around his waist.
Gojo leaned forward, providing him the perfect angle to let himself slide back in. You gasped, your eyes squeezing shut from the intense amount of pressure. "Oh my god.." you lamented, grasping his shoulders for support. You sunk down on him until it was painful, until you were full with his twitching length once again.
You were dripping, making it easy for Gojo to thrust as softly as he could. He gripped your ass, cursing loudly as you bounced against his cock. You moaned his name over and over again, a stream of curses following as your body began to tremble on the verge of your inevitable orgasm.
“That’s it.” Gojo encouraged, burying his face into the crook of your neck. “Come all over me like I know you want to.”
His pace gradually gained speed, causing you to lose yourself completely. For support, your arms reached up to curl around his neck, one hand finding basis in his hair and the other digging into his shoulder blade.
"Gojo!" You whimpered loudly, on the verge of screaming out in pleasure, the motion and the length of his cock sheathed inside you becoming too much to handle in the helpless position. “I’m cumming…” You threw your head back, choking out the confession as your thighs twitched in response.
"That’s it… you’re so fucking tight." Gojo grunted through clenched teeth, sweat beginning to gather on his forehead from his erratic, yet rhythmic movements. Though you had become limp from your orgasm, he continued his pace, his thrusts became harder and faster, both of your moans mixing in with the others as Gojo started to reach his high. "Say my name.." The baritone in his voice sent shivers down your spine.
"Gojo..." You whined at the feeling of him so deep inside you, each plunge causing your entire body to bounce violently against him. Barely having time to recover from your last orgasm, you felt yourself climbing higher and higher, your walls tightening. "Gojo...oh my god!!" You finally yelled, unable to control yourself from the quick pace, causing you to orgasm once again all over his cock.
“Yeah…Fuck yeah.” The sorcerer groaned in ecstasy.
You moaned loudly, squeezing onto Gojo with all your might as you released yourself onto his thick cock. "Oh my god..." You whined, the pressure finally fading away so you could catch your breath, despite your climax he refused to stop.
He wasn’t finished with you yet. The two of you fell back against the bed, your legs being thrown back over his shoulders.
"Fuck," He moaned, his forehead beating with sweat. "Keep moaning my name, I'll make you cum again."
"Gojo..." You drew him closer, bodies moving together in sync.
Your face displayed the sexiest, most alluring expression he had ever seen. Gojo was breathless as he pumped in and out of you. He grit his teeth as the indulgence became unbearable, your walls contracting all around him for one final time.
Gojo loved you... he was lost in your beauty. He wanted to marry you, he wanted you all for himself. Was this what love felt like? He could really get used to it...
"P-Please..!" Your moans snapped him back fully. You were scratching his skin, wanting to burst at the feeling he gave you. "Baby..." You bit your lip, gripping his wrists as he reached forward to pinch your nipples.
Your breath hitched and you locked eyes for the final moment, the same stunning pair of blue, a pair you felt you would always get lost in, eyes that held and promised a fascinating future. His gaze held yours as he pounded over and over, jolting your body in tune. Gojo twitched inside of you, his thrusts becoming sloppier and sloppier. Your eyes widened, your back arching against the bed as you climaxed together. "Pull out!" You begged.
You didn’t want the penetration to end, but Gojo pulled out at the last possible second, moaning as he coated your breasts with his cum.
"Fuck..." He drawled, watching your chest rise and fall slowly, his juices glistening against your skin, your hair fanning out above your shoulders, eyes dazed and entranced.
Gojo could tell you were exhausted, so he took the liberty of reaching over to the bedside table and plucking a tissue from the box. After he wiped himself off of your chest, he collapsed on the bed right next to you, eyes closed, but a faint smile upon his face.
He leaned over to kiss you gently. You were trembling but kissed him back just as passionately as the first. "That was amazing..."
Gojo exhaled in agreement, wishing this moment would never end. A moment that was so blissful, so self-serving that he had temporarily forgotten the list of responsibilities that was waiting for him the second his left the bedroom.
But for now, he would lose himself in all that you had to offer. And what you offered was forever commitment, what you offered was something he would never be able to find anywhere else.
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taechaos · 3 years
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from Textbook Love drabbles
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble(?), smut, college au
synopsis: “She’s too sweet,” Taehyung begins, “too kind, too nice, everything you’re not. You wouldn’t be trying to keep me away from her if you didn’t know that. Are you afraid she’ll like me better?”
warnings: slight angst, arguing, dubcon, mild violence
word count: 4.7k
a/n: ima need yall to submit jk gifs cuz it is taking me TOO long to find a good one 👺 not proofread.
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The weekend is fun: students’ two days of temporary rest and catching up on their assignments. Jungkook doesn’t concern himself with the latter, but he does enjoy waking up later in the day and lying down on the grass with his arms crossed under his head, bathing in the sun without any worries. It’s peaceful, thinking thoughts of you with dimmed eyes while the breeze gently wafts past him.
But of course, Taehyung wouldn’t let him just enjoy his day without a hint of irritation. Good things never last anyway. He’s sitting in the middle of the field, a hot spot for relaxation, and feels the soil under his palms while observing his surroundings. Yoongi is with them, munching on a few snacks while scrolling through his phone as it quietly plays music.
“The girl at the party,” Taehyung begins before glancing at Jungkook through his sunglasses, “she was alone when I came back. You weren’t around either; did you cum too soon or something? I saw you two kiss.”
“I left,” Jungkook mumbles without opening his eyes.
“I was bored.”
“And where did you go?” he pries.
“None of your business.”
Taehyung scoffs at his dismissal before averting his gaze elsewhere. “I do have a guess.”
“Don’t start,” Yoongi warns him without looking up. The two best friends usually get into arguments in a matter of seconds daily, and Yoongi just wants to spend his day without having to break up a fight. Just this once, he hopes… but hope doesn’t save him.
“I’m just wondering if you actually went all the way back to campus to fuck another girl, who coincidentally also does your homework.” His tone is cool and collected, but it borders on mocking that usually goes unnoticed. He’s been around these two too long for them to miss, however. Yoongi sighs, dreading the response already.
Jungkook sits up on his elbows with a glare directed towards Taehyung. “How’s your ex holding up, Tae? You think she cheated on another guy yet?”
Neither of the two friends have a filter around them, no consideration for their words as they apathetically insult one another; but Jungkook can go too far, especially by bringing up old wounds. 
Taehyung was in a toxic relationship with his first girlfriend of two years, which took a huge toll on his mindset. Constant infidelity, endless forgiving, make up sex and catching her with another man after: a cycle that went on for over 24 months. The concept of love became tainted in his eyes, no longer interacting with the opposite gender if not to get laid, and Jungkook’s commensalistic - rather parasitic - relationship doesn’t disprove his hateful ideology. Love only consists of two people: a host who provides, and the parasite that selfishly takes it all. 
But he isn’t over the pain that lasted a year after the break up, which was shamelessly executed by the parasite: his former girlfriend. It took a lot of trust to open up about it to his friends, and it lifted a heavy weight off of his chest. Only this year did he stop thinking about her, until Jungkook asked about her so casually. It stings his heart only for a second, and he scoffs as Yoongi intervenes, “Both of you need to shut the fuck up.”
“If you guys want to talk about my relationships, then don’t get all whiny when I talk about yours.”
Taehyung swallows his pride and confidently answers, “I don’t know, Jungkook. I hear she’s doing well, but no information on her boyfriends. Your turn: what’s going on with that nerd?”
“Are you two dating?” Yoongi asks exhaustedly. They just keep taking every opportunity to annoy each other, and it’s even overwhelming him at this point. 
Rolling his neck side to side in thought, Jungkook takes a moment to answer, “No.”
“Bullshit,” Taehyung spits. “You know what? Let’s just move on. I’m sure I could get proper answers from someone else.”
“If you have a death wish, that is,” he warns with a slight seethe before lying back down.
He doesn’t respond and hides a smirk, a couple having a romantic picnic ahead of him from a distance. He watches them for a few seconds before muttering to himself, “It’s not going to be my death.”
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Yoongi and Jungkook chill on their own after Taehyung leaves. He’s roaming the campus in hopes of finding that one girl who is always wearing some school skirt and working 24/7 to find out what is so special about her. Jungkook might think he doesn’t notice them interacting, but behind that airhead facade, he’s observant. It’s not that big of a fucking secret either, they’re not deliberately hiding their strangely beneficial friendship or whatever. You stick out like a sore thumb in the yard, though there’s not many people to tell you apart from anyway.
He approaches you rather slowly, inspecting your figure first before meeting you. Your posture is straight and composed, fingers quickly typing away on your keyboard without even looking at them. You look so serious to him, a contrast to the radiant butterflies flying past you in such a bright environment. He wonders if you ever procrastinate or take breaks, and most importantly, how someone that appears so smart has fallen into such an obvious trap set by his best friend of all people. 
His hands are in his pockets as he speaks his first words to you. “Hi, I’m Taehyung.”
Your reaction is instant: a quick look at him and you’re already frowning. “I’m Jungkook’s best friend,” he adds in case you’ve seen him around before. 
“I don’t know you.” And with that distant reply, you return to your essay. If meeting Jimin has taught you anything, it’s that you can’t trust anyone who claims to know your lover. They are just using it against you… 
“Well, shit,” he laughs, “I didn’t realize you were so cold.” Your eyes don’t waver from your screen, so he tries another approach: “Are you the girl Jungkook left the party a few days back for?”
Your ears perk up in his direction, but you don’t show it. But he notices the pause in your taps before you continue typing, and he holds that against you. He takes a seat across from you, and your laptop covers your face from him. “I just wanted to meet the person that’s got him whipped enough to get high and run off to them.” You bite down on a smile and prolong your silence. “I guess I’ll talk to you when you’re not busy.” 
He stands up just as you tell him, “Wait, no, I’m not busy.” You close your laptop mid-way before hesitating, but slam it shut nonetheless. “Sorry.”
“You’re good.” He sits back down and clasps his hands on the table. “So what’s going on between you and him? He refuses to tell me, as if you’re his little secret.”
You shyly look down at your flats and twiddle your fingers on your lap. “We’re together… but he is very mysterious.”
It’s a good thing you don’t glance at him to hide your blush, because he’s a little skeptical. He puckers his lips and furrows his brows but controls his expression when you look up. He mentally curses for taking longer than a few seconds to respond; it’s suspicious. “I know right? I don’t know why he’s so reluctant to talk about you. You’re a total sweetheart.”
Approval from Jungkook’s friend: check. Will he like you more if you get along with his friends? The thought excites you, because at least this is someone he likes, unlike Jimin. “Thank you,” you shy a smile. “Um…”
You’re awkward: not Jungkook’s type, Taehyung notes. You’re obviously the host... “So is this a fling, or are you two serious?”
“We’re serious!” you immediately answer. “I love him, and he recently told me he loves me too. He used to kiss me for doing his homework, but now he does it out of nowhere.”
Wow… romantic. He suppresses a chuckle because he doesn’t want to laugh in your face, not when you’re so cute when you talk about him. Your eyes light up with a gleam, a lovesick smile gracing your face and now desperate to befriend him. You look like him when he was supposedly in love. You’re serious about Jungkook, but for how long? Especially when the other side of the relationship is not so committed. It should be mutual: with two hosts.
“Yeah?” he acts interested and raises his sunglasses up to his hair. “How does he act around you?”
“Well,” you start gushing, “he is a little closed off with his emotions.” True. “He doesn’t like me talking to other guys.” Ooh, interesting. “He can’t stand being ignored,” you chuckle. Can he now? “And… he is so cute when he’s jealous. He has this glare whenever I don’t give him enough attention, but he would never admit it. He likes being intimate with me, likes it when I reassure him. He never says it out loud though, I can just tell by looking at him. I’ve never felt this way for anyone, never fell in love with someone until I met Jungkook. I just want to make him happy because he used to look so sad when I watched him from afar.” A hopeless romantic.
Maybe if you didn’t sound so genuine and innocent, he would’ve made fun of you. But he just feels pity for someone who is so giving to someone who gives back so little. You don’t deserve it; don’t deserve to stay up working on so many assignments; don’t deserve to not have any hobbies; don’t deserve to be so unloved. You are pathetic, but it doesn’t turn him off.
Taehyung is a host too.
He clears his throat at the unexpected stirring emotions in his heart, “What do you love about him? Do you like being treated like shit or something?”
“He doesn’t treat me badly! He is like a light switch, you know? He doesn’t know how to act, sometimes sweet and sometimes… a little mean. I love him for his pure heart, and I believe that we are similar in a lot of ways.”
Taehyung can’t contain his snort. Similar? You are opposites. You are similar to him, not Jungkook. He feels… jealous. The pairing is just so ridiculous and flawed, but you’re neither of the two; you are just good. Taehyung can be good too. “So, what’s your Instagram user?”
The lack of commentary and escalation of the topic catches you off guard. It’s a distraction. “I don’t have an account,” you reply in confusion.
“Wow, I’d expect you to cyberstalk Jungkook on there,” he jokes with a laugh.
“He has an Instagram?”
He purses his lips, his grin faltering as he nods. He takes out his phone from his pocket to show you the account, and holds it in your face. Your lips part as you gently take it from him, curiously inspecting the collage of images. 
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“He plays the guitar?” you ask in awe. You click on each picture to zoom in on them, and your heart jumps upon seeing his selfies while Taehyung hums. He is gorgeous in your eyes, and you want to keep up with his posts in hopes of seeing another selfie. These are hidden gems that Taehyung had the courtesy of providing to you.
“He’s learning,” Taehyung says, “you should sign up and post some pictures as well. You’re really cute.” His cheeky compliment makes you happy; he is basically giving you his blessing! 
“Thank you, and you’re right,” you chirp, “I will make an account after I finish this essay. Want to take a picture with me?”
It’s safe to assume that Jungkook wouldn’t mind you talking to his best friend, so why not expand your social circle? You’ll be more involved with his life this way. Taehyung stammers slightly before agreeing. He switches benches to sit next to you while you rummage through your backpack to find your phone. He finds it strangely endearing how you hold it, using your index finger to swipe between apps to find the camera. It almost stings his heart that you’re so old-schooled in a cute way. Once you angle it above you with your arm stretched out to your left, Taehyung appears to be behind you as he lowers his glasses. You smile brightly into the lens while he cutely puckers his lips. 
“Are you wearing perfume?” he asks before he can stop himself. Your scent tickles his nostrils sweetly, and he doesn’t know why he’s noticing so much about you or holding a conversation with a woman without being naked. It’s been a hot minute since Taehyung’s had such a platonic interaction, and it shouldn’t feel this nice. He shouldn’t want to continue it through social media either.
“Yes! Do you smell strawberries? I noticed Jungkook eating them before, so I use just about anything strawberry scented. Lotion, shampoo, shower gel…”
He tunes you out as you gush and focuses on the smooth movement of your lips. You’re too good, and Taehyung knows he isn’t the best person but at least he’s not as bad as Jungkook. I shouldn’t think like this… but am I wrong? He will break your heart. What if it’s the right time to intervene to save you from that misery, and be a friend to both of you? He doesn’t want you to fall apart and be completely crushed right in front of his eyes, not when he just witnessed how childishly happy and naive you are. It wouldn’t be fair to you, nor to the life lesson he was taught years ago.
And he then notices that you're wearing strawberry lip balm. 
“Jungkook kis-” -sed someone else before coming to you. You hum and tilt your head at his interruption, waiting for him to finish his sentence. “Jungkook… does love strawberries.”
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Though your work ethics are questionable for how exhausting they are, it gets the job done sooner. The moment you’re assigned a task, you do it, regardless of if it’s yours or Jungkook's. Saturday evening and Sunday are free for you, so you spend your time outside after leaving your backpack in your dorm. You think you look silly, taking pictures of anything you find interesting to post on Instagram. You made an account, but it appears like a bot with its empty feed. Jungkook enjoys doing this, so you want to try it as well. 
You don’t stray far from campus because you’d easily get lost, and your gallery looks boring to you. The only decent photo you have is with Taehyung, but you want to post a picture with Jungkook before anyone else. You grumble under your breath while walking back to the dormitory building. You look through Jungkook’s posts again as you do so with a smile. 
A heavy arm slings over your shoulder and hitches your breath just as the culprit says, “What’s the rush?” He doesn’t even look at you, and you wonder if he recognized you from your clothes after coming up from behind you. 
“Jungkookie!” you cheer excitedly. He glances at you and quirks a brow at the nickname. His eyes then trail to your lit up phone and snatches it from you, which you don’t fight against.
“You’re stalking me?” He scrolls through his profile from your phone and smirks before stating, “I didn’t know you had an Insta.” The both of you enter the building with his arm still wrapped around you, which flutters your heart.
“I made one today, since you use it.” He exits his profile to look at yours. You’re in the elevator as you inform, “Taehyung told me.”
A pause, then a click. Jungkook snapped a photo of you when you pressed the button of your floor. “Pretty,” he comments while looking at your candid shot. You’re flattered and also happy that he’s joining your trip to your dorm. He hasn’t said a word of protest and takes the lead in going to your room. “What else?”
“What else did he tell you?”
You rack your brain to remember anything significant to tell him. It was a long conversation: getting to know each other and more about Jungkook. “He told me you have an Instagram, then asked for my perfume, and then we talked about your love for strawberries-”
“Your perfume? Why was Instagram even brought up?” he presses, stopping in front of your door. 
You take out your keycard and shrug while swiping, “He asked for mine.”
The dorm is empty when you enter and sit on the edge of your bed. It’s very hard to not grin when you’re around Jungkook, but he doesn’t seem to care as he looks through your gallery. “Can we take a picture together?” you peep hopefully. 
“Of course,” he murmurs absentmindedly, intently staring at your phone. “We’ll take many pictures,” he looks up at you before leveling with the camera, “pose.”
You aren’t very educated on the art of posing per se, so you imitate the peace sign you saw him do with a wide smile and a hand on the bed. He is neutral when he snaps a picture with a shutter. 
“I want you to be in it.”
He drags his eyes away from the screen and his blank expression intimidates you. “Whose idea was it for you to make an account?”
“Um… Taehyung, why?” You lay your hands on your lap at the growing tension.
Taehyung went to this extent to get a reaction out of him? Is it possible that he’s this obnoxious? Or perhaps another motive…?
“I-Is he not your friend?”
Jungkook breaks his silence of thoughts with a scoff, “Oh, only the best.” You sigh in relief, though he says it with menace. Taehyung was curious about his relationship, not about your social media. He forcefully pushes you down on the bed and you hold back a gasp as he wraps his finger around your neck in a light chokehold with a thumb on your nether lip. Click. He then lowers his hand to your thigh, hiding half of it under your skirt with a gentle grap. Click.
Your cheeks flush at the compromising photos he’s taking and you nervously ask, “A-Am I going to post these?”
“Shut up.”
You seal your lips shut and he flips you on your stomach, palming your covered ass with your side profile in the frame, and another shutter resounds in the room. “Sit up.” You follow his command and turn around to face him. He pushes your hair to your back and his mouth latches onto your neck. He’s biting you while sucking on your flesh, and you release a breathy moan at the feeling of his tongue swirling on the sensitive skin. It hurts, but you don’t complain and try to make sense of the growing arousal in your lower region. He only pulls away after half a minute and you’re confused by the satisfied smirk on his face while eyeing the result. He angles your jaw to expose your neck better and snaps another photo. “These are all going on your account.”
At your nod of submission, he starts unbuttoning your shirt. “You’re prettier with a mark. My mark.” Your body tingles at the compliment and you help him undress yourself by unbuttoning the ends. “Take off your skirt,” he demands as he slips off his shirt with ease. All of your clothes go off one by one as he does the same, and you don’t have the time to feel shy as his lips collide so roughly with yours that you’re pressed down against the mattress again. You still haven’t gotten the hang of making out, but it doesn’t matter with Jungkook because although it flows naturally, he also takes complete control over you. He’s not gentle, not with the way his teeth clash against yours and tongue leaving trails of saliva all over your mouth. Your toes curl with desire and anticipation, and you tug at his briefs that outline his erection. The feeling of his warm breath on you silences all your thoughts and you can only react on primal instincts. 
His crotch brushes against your bare folds, slick with your leaking wetness. Kissing him this passionately always leaves you feeling needy, and it embarrasses you that you get turned on so easily. But you don’t realize that is his intention as he glides his fingers all over your labia, making sure you’re ready to take all of him. 
Kissing you this passionately always leaves him feeling horny, and it’s apparent with his cock begging to be taken out of the restraints of his underwear. You don’t know how long you’ve been kissing, but your lips are numb when he pulls away to position himself in your entrance. He doesn’t prepare you, but he doesn’t rush himself either as he painfully slowly enters you. You hold your breath and gawn on your swollen lip, moans catching in your throat and leaving as high-pitched hums. He sighs at the feeling of your pulsating walls. “God… always so tight. Don’t you ever touch yourself?”
He bottoms out and you whimper shakily at how full you are. The fact that he fits you like a puzzle piece convinces you that he’s your forever, your meant to be. Even with your lack of experience with other men, you believe no one can make you feel this dreamy. And to think he’s all yours now… “I-I don’t. I only want to do it with you.”
The atmosphere is so fragile, so romantic. It’s not your delusion this time, because he feels it too and it makes his heartbeat sync with yours: unsteady and rapid. And in the heat of the moment, he reveals, “I think I’m in love with you.”
A whine leaves you, so loud that it can’t be achieved with touch but with his words. It’s the utmost pleasure, and when he realizes what he said, he sets a rushed pace to distract himself from the embarrassment of pouring his feelings. You don’t allow him to forget as you echo, “I’m in love with you too.”
“No, no,” he denies with a shake of his head and it emits more love confessions out of you in a chain of ‘I love you’s, and he grunts, “Stop. Shut up!” He pins your forearms on either side of your head in a bruisening grip and thrusts into you harder. You have no choice but to scream in pleasure, unable to form coherent words when he’s practically fucking your brains out. 
His feelings of humiliation translate to his actions: he pushes himself down to the hilt, throbbing with lust but doesn’t chase his high. He doesn’t want you to talk, not when he’s blushing for more than one reason, so he ignores the contraction of his muscles and just fucks you until he can’t anymore, hypnotized by the bounce of your tits.
Maybe it’s a good thing that he’s so desperate, hitting your most sensitive spot with every thrust and making your eyes screw back. Neither of you can think, so loud and reckless until you reach your climax. It’s core shaking, as you cry out his name and tremble with stimulation. He’s never seen this expression on your face, one so twisted in pleasure and looking so erotic. It comes as a surprise and in the form of a punch in the gut as he savours your appearance before cumming inside you with a groan. A slip-up, a mistake, but he doesn’t care as he paints your walls in white, his load filling you up.
And he can’t regret it when he pulls out, because the drizzle of his cum spilling out of your pussy easily becomes his favorite sight. “Shit,” he whispers as more and more drips while you twitch and spasm from your orgasm. You don’t even realize what he’s done, and that makes his chest swell with pride; the most level-headed woman he knows is leaking with his release and stupidly doesn’t spare it a thought. And with that hickey on your neck? “You look fucking gorgeous,” he exhales. A bashful smile stretches across your face with eyes still tightly shut, and you don’t notice him grab your phone on the other side of the bed to take a picture of your stained pussy. 
“This one is for me,” he mutters to himself. Click.
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After posting the softcore photos on your account and tagging himself in them, as well as a note of a pharmacy’s address across campus with a label written for you to get two separate contraceptives as an emergency and for your next creampie, he leaves your dorm. You fell asleep on him, and though he had wanted to join you, he decided to collect his scrambled thoughts and go to Taehyung’s dorm first. He isn’t livid, but he has a few questions to ask.
He’s playing cards with Yoongi, Taehyung’s roommate, as he patiently waits for his arrival. “What’s wrong about asking for her Instagram, though?” Yoongi asks before drawing out a card of ace. “Isn’t she our friend by association anyway?”
“It’s suspicious,” Jungkook murmurs while inspecting his deck. “Have you ever seen Taehyung with a girl before? As friends? He’s clearly trying to fuck her.”
Yoongi stifles a laugh, “That’s a reach. Besides, you two have shared a girl before. Are you actually dating her?”
Shuffling is heard behind the door until it swings open as Taehyung enters. “Kookie! What are you doing here?” He throws his keycard on his bed before hopping on Yoongi’s to watch their game.
It’s strained, Jungkook notices. His excitement is forced; why? “I came here for you,” he states bluntly. “A little birdie told me you’ve been talking to someone who belongs to me.”
“I didn’t realize she was your diary,” he tries to lighten the mood with a joke. “What’s the deal anyway? You said you weren’t dating her.”
Yoongi collects the deck of cards after Jungkook drops them, and shuffles them while eavesdropping. He’s sitting cross-legged across from Jungkook, and Taehyung is sitting on the edge of the bed next to him with his body turned sideways.
“I also said that unless you have a death wish, don’t talk to her,” he grits. “And asking for her social media? Are you into her now?”
Taehyung merely shrugs. “I thought she was pretty chill. I don’t know why you’re so mad.”
“She obviously means something to him, so I think you should just respect that, Taehyung,” Yoongi voices his thoughts while leafing the cards. Jungkook looks to the side and pokes the inner cheek of his mouth with his tongue but doesn’t argue.
“I think he’s just using her.” Jungkook’s reaction is instant as Taehyung’s nose instantly starts to bleed from the impact of his fist. Yoongi doesn’t look up. He holds a hand over his injury with a hiss and continues, “Really, Kook? A little too much, don’t you think?”
“Less than enough,” Jungkook fumes, “I like her, and she likes me. Just fucking leave it at that.”
“Couple of the year,” Taehyung chuckles mockingly, “I give it two days.” He stands up before Jungkook can hit him again. “Can’t wait to console her after your break-up, maybe she’ll fall in love with me next.”
Jungkook starts chasing him around the room as Taehyung runs without stopping his provocation. “Why so upset Jungkook? Do you see it happening too? I’m already imagining how tight-”
“You should leave, Jungkook.” Neither of them listen to Yoongi, so he yells, “Jungkook, leave!”
A moment of deafening silence passes as both of them pause to catch their breaths. “She’s too sweet,” Taehyung begins, “too kind, too nice, everything you’re not. You wouldn’t be trying to keep me away from her if you didn’t know that. Are you afraid she’ll like me better?”
“Go fuck yourself,” Jungkook spits with a heaving chest. “She’s loyal to me, but I’m sure you’re not familiar with that concept. No wonder your relationships only last one night.” With a final glare, he leaves as told to return to you. The only thing he needs right now is one more ‘I love you’ from you, as much as he hates it. Maybe he’s cruel, but he doesn’t know anyone who isn’t aside from you. 
Maybe Taehyung is just as cruel, fantasizing about all the ways he could be better for you before drifting off to sleep with a bandage over his wounded nose. He can just be a friend to both of you… he can be good too… 
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