#I want to make a little mini woodland corner in my room eventually
tj-crochets · 8 months
should I get one of those super realistic crochet flower patterns and make it with worsted weight yarn instead of crochet thread to make a giant flower? and if so, what flower?
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strangest-loser · 4 years
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Twilight Rewrite
Fire in my Blood ~ Jasper Hale X OC ~ Book Two - Chapter Two
Book One // Chapter One 
This chapter is for @whattheheckisevengoingon​ because babe gets all my references. Also there is smut so if that makes you uncomfortable then read down to the barrier, skipping that part of the story wont affect the rest of the plot.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Contrary to what the government wants you to believe faking your death and moving across the country with a new identity is not as hard as you might think, especially when you are an immortal vampire and your new adoptive father knows a guy. Alessia had always wanted to live in New York, and even though it wasn’t the city... Ithaca was beautiful.
Ever since she was a little girl she had wanted to audition for the New York City Ballet and even though she couldn’t live out that dream anymore the view from the small house she found with Jasper still made her extremely happy every time she saw it. As much as the two of them loved their family the decision to move into their own place was an obvious one. The only place the two wanted to be was in each others arms.  Beams of sunlight crept up the bedsheets and reflected thousands of shimmering flecks around the room when it met the bare skin peeking out from the covers. Quiet strings of conversation laced the air as the two talked about anything that came to mind. Jasper would often spend afternoons reading to Alessia, or sometimes Alessia would softly sing to him, and sometimes the only sounds to be heard in the room were the songs playing through the small speaker on the windowsill accompanied with the sighs and laughs that came from a night full of love. It was like they had managed to construct their own piece of heaven for their own damned souls. This is how every day has been spent since the two moved into their small house that was more like a cottage, with one attic/loft bedroom a small kitchen and living room, a study and a big garden and mini greenhouse. It was far removed, on the edge of the woodland, and if you followed the path far enough you would find the much bigger home where the rest of the Cullens resided. To be completely honest it was perfect.
It took about a month before the two were able to pull themselves away from their nest enough to throw on Jackets and boots and step out into the crisp November air. Walking the trail towards the Cullen home Alessia kept her hand tightly laced in Jasper’s own, recounting Halloween night a few days ago when she managed to convince Jasper to wear a cloak and travel into the town square to see the decorations and children's costumes. While being around so many mortals wasn't the easiest thing in the world it was easier when she was there, and he wanted so desperately to get used to it. Having Alessia around made withholding his own urges much easier on Jasper and the two actually managed to enjoy their night. 
One of the harder things about her new life was trying to get used to her new name. Keeping Alessia Cullen would have been too obvious and anyone who knew her in her past life would immediately recognize the two names and her cover would be blown. And so the obvious choice was made and Alessia was shortened to Aleah, that’s the name that was printed on a stack of documents in a folder handed to Carlisle by a family friend the day they left Forks, Alessia didn’t know much about him only that Jasper had worked with him before. By far the best thing about the move however, in Alessia’s opinion, was that Edward Cullen was no where to be found.
Nightfall was quickly approaching but the forest was already dark, the trees blocking out any light the sunset was still casting over the town. Alessia smiled dragging a laughing Jasper behind her as she pulled him deeper down the trail that lead to the patch of meadow on the Cullen’s land that Alice told her was the location of the small celebration that she was forcing everyone to attend to spend time as a family. Clingy didn’t even begin to sum up how Jasper and Alessia had been acting since she woke up in her new state, it was so bad they almost didn’t make it but the tree-line gave way to the beautiful sight of candle jars hanging in the surrounding trees and littering the ground to bask the clearing in a beautiful glow, illuminating the wildflowers that laid under their feet.
“Subtle really isn’t in your vocabulary is it”, Jasper called to his sister as the mates walked to the group of the rest of the Cullens standing next to a fire pit, they were clearly the last to arrive. His comment didn’t go unnoticed by his love who elbowed him in the side and gave him a warning gaze to behave, and although he knew it was all playful he found himself following her command without hesitation.
The night was wonderful and it slowly bled into the morning, filled with stories and laughter and love. Alessia began to really feel like she was becoming one of the family. Day broke to Japer and Emmet roughhousing while Carlisle spoke in hushed tones to Esme, loving smiles etches onto both of their porcelain faces, and all three Cullen girls lay in the grass chatting about funny things that they had noticed about their new home, well Alice and Rosalie were talking, Alessia was staring at her man and making it extremely obvious much to the partial awe and mostly disgust of the two girls sitting with her, but she couldn’t help it, her soldier boy had a nice ass.
Later into the morning the family decided to retreat up to the larger house at the end of the trail, far away from the hiking trails and further still from the nearby town. the sunlight reflected Alessia’s cheeks as she stepped onto the front porch swiveling around to wrap her arms around the column of the front steps, letting the sun illuminate her face the warmth soaking into her stone cold skin. It felt amazing and it comforted her when her racing mind brought her thoughts back to home. Letting her feet carry her into the living room she fell onto the couch and into Jaspers arms as Emmet and Rosalie fought over weather to watch Psycho or Pride and Prejudice, they both lost when Alice slid Dead Poets Society into the DVD player and all arguments ceased as the Cullen children settled down to exhaust their movie collection.
That’s how the winter months drifted by for Alessia, any time spent away from the cottage where she lived with Jasper was spent with the Cullens. By the time Christmas time rolled around Alessia managed to get everyone to get into the spirit. Emmet and Carlisle opened the front door lugging a christmas tree into the living room where Esme and Alice were sitting watching Home Alone. An hour later Emmet’s jeep pulled up to the house and Rosalie, Alessia and Jasper began unloading boxes upon boxes of decorations into the room, they made an early morning trip into the city to get enough decorations to properly fill the house with christmas cheer. That night everyone in the family had fun wrapping their tree in white lights with red and gold baubles. Alessia couldn’t keep the massive smile off her lips when she was hoisted onto Jaspers shoulders to place the star on top of the tree. As soon as her feet hit the floor she spun in his arms and kissed him hard. Christmas was special to Alessia because it was a time for family and friends, her Christmases as a child with Charlie were some of the happiest times of her life. She wanted to cry when Carlisle switched on the lights and their golden glow twinkled in her amber eyes. Their happy moment was interrupted when a chime sounded from Alice’s laptop  in the corner making Alessia stiffen and pull away from her mate, heartbreak staining her happy emotions as she faded from the room, walking out into the woods ignoring the sympathetic stares from her family. Emails from Bella were extremely painful for Alessia because knowing that her sister was in pain and constantly trying to reach out to them trying to know where they were or if they were ok. The empty woods allowed Alessia’s temper to flare and before she could stop herself she began to lay into a steady old tree, punches splintering the bark until eventually the tall tree was ripped from its stump and thrown across the meadow landing fifty feet away with a crash. She sank to her knees dry heaving and sobs began to wrack her small body while her eyes remained stubbornly bone dry. The fact that Alessia had her family and mortality ripped away from her hit her like a train and she mourned the loss of her old life for the first time since she woke up. An hour passed and snow began to fall catching in her doll like lashes and her chocolate curls as the crunching sound approaching her creeped to a halt. Alessia let Jasper lift her body into his arms and carry her to their small cottage.
The couple laid together while Jasper waited for Alessia to speak, she didn’t. She seemed to deflate before letting her body gravitate towards her love, slotting her body perfectly against his own. Jaspers fingers immediately carded through her hair sending a shiver straight down her spine, no matter how many times they found themselves wrapped around each other the position they were in only got comfier and more natural every time. The stress melted from Alessia’s body with every stroke of Jaspers hand down her back, snuggling her face into her boyfriends neck and locking her arms around his waist fully content to stay where she was until January 30th. Hours past with the couple laying in each others hold before anything was said, Alessia’s soft voice sent soft vibrations against Jaspers neck, “Never leave me... I don’t think my heart could take it.” Her voice was small letting the small 18 year old girl shine through the front of a confident, self assured vampire. Jasper laid small kisses on her head before sliding two fingers under her chin to meet her sad gaze. 
“Even death cant take you away from me Darling.”
─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─ Smut Ahead ─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─
Warmth flooded Alessia’s un-beating heart as she crashed her lips onto Jaspers, the soft cold skin of her fingers sliding along his scar covered arms while Jasper pulled her effortlessly into his lap. The lack of oxygen needed by their lungs allowed them to get completely lost in each other, their lips only separating to allow Jasper to pull her shirt over her head, his lips immediately latching onto her neck forcing a moan to bubble out of her lips. A lot of the first few months of their relationship was spent just like this, mapping out each others bodies and branding every single inch of skin into their minds. Jaspers lips trailed to nip just behind Alessia’s ear, abusing the spot before slowly letting his mouth trail its way down her neck and littering her collarbones with hickeys that would disappear in minutes. Purely pleasured sounds were ripped out of Alessia while she tried to focus long enough to rid herself of the bra that was way too expensive for her liking. Inches of perfect pale skin exposed were soon met with feral kisses from the ex soldier before he slid a hand up to cradle the back of her head and flipped her on her back, leaving her at his mercy before resuming his mission to cover her chest with imperfections, painting his mate with his mark.
This wasn’t how it always went, nothing was ever routine for the two of them. Whenever Jasper stressed himself with nightmares and memories of a past that haunted him nothing felt better to him than handing complete control over to his love and letting her play with him until his muscles felt like jelly and his brain was pumped full of endorphins without having any responsibilities in the moment that didn’t involve following Alessia’s orders, something in his base instincts made it easy to follow her commands, his body following her words without his minds input. “Shit” fell from Alessia’s lips as Jaspers lips closed around her breast, arching her back into his hold while her mind began to cloud over with pleasure. Jasper took over her senses, he was all she could register at that moment, nothing existed outside that bedroom door and nothing else mattered other than the two of them and whatever the hell Jasper was doing with his tongue because sweet jesus!
Alessia’s fingers screwed up in the cotton of the bedsheets beneath her the sensation of her nails scratching the cotton was loud in her overwhelmed mind and her involuntary mewls turned to whimpers as her mate dragged his teeth against the bruises littering her tummy, his fingers fighting with the buttons of her jeans and a frustrated growl escaped his throat when he couldn’t get them open fast enough. Giggles filled the room at his struggle and with Alessia’s assistance and a few more stolen kisses Jasper moved his assault to the bottom of her legs, his kisses following the decent of her jeans before they were tossed into the void. “Jasper I swear of you don’t get a move on-” Alessia’s breathy protest was cut off by a loud moan. Jaspers lips abandoned her legs to lick a stripe up her core through her lacy panties. Golden eyes rolled into the back of Alessia’s head as strong fingers ripped through blood red lace and Jasper launched into his feast like a man starved. Not even able to conjure words in her mushy brain anymore the symphony of sounds that escaped Alessia’s lips was answered with Jaspers own groans of pleasure, sending vibrations rocketing through her core. The cotton bedspread was released from Alessia’s iron grip and her slim fingers entangled themselves in the blonde locks pulling them impossibly closer to her heat, her soul may be damned now but by god if this wasn’t what heaven felt like. The ever familiar knot began to tighten in her core and Alessia knew if the was still human tears would be falling from her eyes as Jasper’s skilled lips wrapped around her clit and sucked, she fell from her high legs shaking and mind foggy pulling herself up to slam Jasper to her previous position attacking his lips tasting herself. Alessia climbed into his lap watching the awe on his face as she lowered herself onto his length, her eyes rolling slightly before kissing Jasper again trying to ground her overstimulated mind. The pace was punishing and had she still been human her mind would be broken and fuck drunk and she probably would have passed out from just how perfectly he filled her. Her hands roamed the bed searching for his own, their fingers interlocking like puzzle pieces and nothing could have been more perfect than in the next few moments, ecstacy filling their minds and bodies as the look of complete adoration filled their faces. Alessia thought soulmates was a bullshit concept and for the longest time she just couldn’t grasp the idea that there was a person in the world who was your other half but everything about the love between Alessia and Jasper didn’t need explanation, it was biological obsession, psychological adoration, they clicked and their vampiric instincts saw the other and screamed ‘MINE’. 
Love didn’t even begin to explain what they felt, but they had eternity to find as many words as they could.
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Phew! Sorry this is out much later than I expected it to be but here we are the filler episode we were all looking for.
The official movie storyline will continue next chapter and we will see more feisty Alessia because she’s hot when she’s angry.
Have any of you guessed her power yet??
Aoife xx  
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