#and I will eventually make a praying mantis. idk when! but it will happen eventually
tj-crochets · 8 months
should I get one of those super realistic crochet flower patterns and make it with worsted weight yarn instead of crochet thread to make a giant flower? and if so, what flower?
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leobashi · 2 years
I’m gonna infodump about some of my AUs because I don’t actually plan on doing careful buildup with these and I wanna talk about my AUs
In the fairy AU, I wanted it to follow Bing and Google as brothers as they discover the world of fairies through Chase and Chase’s capture by hunters or whatever. Bing meets Chase, a ladybug fairy disguised as a human when they meet. They get sorta close as friends, but Chase always seemed to be wary of something. He was always looking over his shoulders and wary of people.
One day, he finds Chase running away from a group of people chasing him down. Bing gets ready to take off to help, but Google holds him back, not wanting Bing to get involved in things that they shouldn’t be involved in. Bing shakes him off, Chase was a friend of his and he didn’t want to stand by if he’s in danger.
Chase runs and runs until he reaches the forest and dives through the trees. The hunters try to follow, but Chase wove in and out of the foliage with ease. Bing tries to follow and he manages to find Chase before the hunters do without getting caught. He wants to know what’s going on to help, but Chase won’t tell him anything, wary of Bing now too. Google comes onto the scene and approaches the hunters, wanting to protect his little brother. He makes a deal with them
Eventually the hunters do find them and Chase is forced to reveal what he is. He bursts into a bunch of lady bugs and scatters, trying to get away. Bing is thrown to the ground in shock and the hunters use him as a hostage. Google is forced to help and he draws Chase out, pretending to be on his side.
Chase is shot at with a device before he can scatter again and it forces him to keep his full form. More ladybugs shoot from the trees and bushes and form his wings and antennas. He collapses in pain and the hunters are quick to get to him and tie him up. Bing is released and Google runs over to protect him. The hunters thank them for their cooperation and Bing angrily tries to help, but is held back by Google. Google tells them to go and leave them out of whatever trouble they has planned and the hunters or more than happy to.
Later, Bing decides to head out to try and help Chase, whether or not Google approved. Google tries to convince him to stay where they are and forget Chase altogether. They were just regular humans with their boring regular lives. Whatever happened was none of their business. Google was also his older brother, his job was to keep Bing safe.
Bing refused, guilt hanging heavy over him. He was tired of sitting around and doing nothing. He wanted to do things, he wanted to meet people and he wanted to help Chase. Google can stay home and continue his boring life without him. Bing left to look for Chase
Meanwhile, Chase meets Henrik and the Host in the hands of the hunters. Henrik is a praying mantis (I think I can’t actually remember) with the device laches onto his ankle. He cant walk well anymore and sits in his cell most days. The Host is an atlas moth and had been unlucky. The device latched onto his face. He had ripped it off desperately and damaged his eyes, but he scattered and hasn’t returned to his human form since
Anti is a dragonfly and Dark is a butterfly. They are authority figures and are investigating the disappearance of fairies and the dismantling of fairy hunter organizations. Jackie is a firefly and Marvin is a bee. They were friends of Chase’s and usually kept in touch with Chase who preferred to live in the human world. When they find that he disappeared, they ask around and find out through Google that he had been taken. They choose to go looking for him and Google decides to join them to look for Bing
I’ve thought about making Bim the bad guy business man trafficking fairies but idk. I don’t really like the plot that much and I’ve sat on it for years
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Lay these trash kid ships on me Roddy.
-pulls out extremely large and far too heavy scrapbook-
me: Mahariel is going to be my token straight dude.Zevran: -exists-me: I mean I guess we could always use more bisexual representation don’t romance him again don’t romance him again
Cata of course romances Alistair but Cata’s Obligatory Angst AU is the one where she refuses Morrigan’s offer and Alistair dies killing the archdemon rather than let Cata sacrifice herself. The main version of this AU has Cata say “fuck the wardens” after this and disappear from Ferelden. She goes to Antiva with Zevran, they eventually fall in love, get married, and continue to systematically dismantle the entire hierarchy of the Crows, as you do. I drew a thing of this once
The alternative of this AU has her stay with the wardens, and she and Nathaniel eventually get together, like, several years down the road post-Awakening.
also in the dark shameful caverns in my brain I ship her with Anders don’t look at me don’t talk to me about this
Gretchen’s canon romance is Anders, but for an AU I had with a friend where all of our Hawkes existed at once, we had two Hawkes who had romanced Anders and none with Isabela, and her Andersmancing Hawke was gay and Fenris and Sebastian were already taken so I was like “eh, Gretchen and Isabela, I can go with that”. I like the contrast of Gretchen, who doesn’t know how not to take responsibility for everything, with Isabela, desperately trying not to be tied down in one place, and them somehow figuring out how to meet in the middle.
Also one day randomly I went “Gretchen and Merrill would be cute” because I don’t know why, I guess something about “cute girls who will murder the shit out of you with fucked up blood-magicky stuff” is fun. (with Gretchen being a Reaver.)
Ra I can’t fucking see with anyone but Josephine. I can’t. Can’t do it.
Avrian is with Morrigan, as the sole reason I first created him, but there is definitely some AU where he learns to let go - it has to be a non-Dark Ritual worldstate because there’s no way in hell Avrian wouldn’t go chasing after his kid, idk maybe he kept Loghain alive and threw him at the archdemon, who knows - and he and Zevran get together, because Zevran, and also because canonically Avrian and Zev took a six-month vacation together between Origins and Awakening. This clearly writes itself.
There’s also some concept that exists in my brain of Avrian getting together with Velanna. Because something about “grumpy bitter world-hating mage girl” is Avrian’s type.
Also, canonically, I have decided that Avrian and my Essa Lavellan had a fling when they were teenagers. They met at the every-decade meeting of the clans and then after it, Clan Sabrae and Clan Lavellan were heading the same way for a while, so they had a casual summer romance and moved on. (The AU where Avrian is an Inquisition Advisor to Essa’s Inquisitor is.... I need to consider that. Consider that. It’s hilarious.)
Iveta is with Zevran, but I could see her, for whatever reason I dunno, with Leliana. I like the way their character arcs work together - Lel’s personal quest being her trying to figure out whether she can be more than what Marjolene made her into, about if you can choose, is something that I thought about a lot as part of Iveta’s character arc. Like Howe had a line in their confrontation, “the monster I helped create,” referring to Iveta. I like the parallel a lot.
Also lowkey, her and Nathaniel, because what better way to spit on Rendon’s grave than that.
Essa romances Solas, and then probably, like a female praying mantis, murders him. She had a fling with Avrian when they were young, like I said, but otherwise I haven’t fleshed out Essa’s character enough to figure out who else she would click with.
Esti had a bunch of increasingly out-there ideas I toyed with while trying to lock in what her actual romance would be. In-game, she romanced Cullen, because I wanted to play that romance. I’d thought about Sera, but didn’t think it would work considering the disparities in their levels of “elfiness”. I enjoyed how awkward a lot of the flirting with Cullen was but otherwise wasn’t super sure that it fit Esti. 
I considered Josephine, but I didn’t like the idea of two of my Trash Kids having the same love interest in their canon worldstate. (AUs, as you see, I have no issues with. But main canon.) I considered tossing game possibilities out the window and pairing her with Cole. I completely tossed game possibilities out the window and put her and Carver together in my Warden Contact Carver AU. I still like that idea a lot.
But Esti’s character developed differently than how I thought at the beginning and I came back around to Sera and said, yeah, I like this.
(also super lowkey Brennan but them going on double-dates killing Venatori when he’s with Dorian and she’s with Sera is so much better. Also them giving each other shit over those relationships. like. so much better that way. but still a little.)
and Genevieve and god just lay me in my grave because she and Fenris might be canon and might be super cute with Gen being flighty and commitment-averse finally finding something worth waiting for, but god do I fucking love her and Sebastian together. Like, everything that I love about their friendship and Gen’s character arc in relation to their friendship gets even better and more of a mess as a romance and this post is long enough and if I don’t cut myself off now I’ll double the length banshee-shrieking about Gen/Seb. I might have to make a separate post about them because I started thinking about them and have so many thoughts and feelings that I cannot contain I want to die this was never meant to happen they were supposed to be strictly platonic the most bro of bros AND THEN I GOT TO THE END OF THE GAME and Seb just had this one line that made me stop and go “fuck that sounds like he’s been quietly in love with her since forever and can’t even manage to make the confession when they’re lined up about to fight a battle they might not win” and that killed me and I went to hell and hell is GenSeb FUCK I have a lot of feelings about these two
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