#I want to pring this blog back
heirscrchd · 4 months
🐭 (but also im an anxious idiot soooooo)
How Intimidating Am I?
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
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okay I'm joking 100%, I totally feel you and because of you being open and honest I'm going to be open and honest back
you fucking terrified me when I first made this blog. I legit was so scared cuz im like "they have connections. they have graphics. they have really cool-looking icons. im a derp who is trying to RP being a good blog PRing azula. how do i make myself look cool enough to follow and interact with???"
because a lot of people i feel are already pre-established with friends and companions but im new here. ive never been in this fandom, i know nothing and im like 15 years late to the party-- I don't want to force myself into places but i also can be really passionate and excited to do stuff!!
especially considering our muses, you having Zuko and Ty Lee both characters that im like more than hyper to write with and bash Azula into with threads so I'm trying not to like jump everyone i see hfjkwehfwk but yeah.
You're not the only anxious one, its literally spider man meme of being anxious of one another i guess?? maybe??? listen my DMs are open, my discord open, if you just want to break the ice by sending me some memes i got a few locked and loaded to share if it helps the anxiety.
i do hope you have a good day tho dude <3 <3 and im glad you weren't so anxious as to send this in too <3 <3 <3 <3
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
Taylor and Travis won’t be thing that long regardless of whether it’s real or not. As far as the article goes, this more than just the NFL and that player getting promo, all of her celeb pals, the 2 Deadpool actors and producer was there, Promo for Sabrina and Taylor in everyone’s face. She’s getting paid for this. I realize some believe it’s real, but no one prominent does. Travis had a curfew this weekend and they aren’t allowed to mingle with their wives much less with new GFs. The idea that he snuck out Saturday night and then went back to the hotel is fake. It being in the news, he would have been benched and fined. They are hard core and have strict rules. The players don’t even get to stay with their wives during away games. They sleep two to a room.
If Taylor was too big for PR collabs like this she wouldn’t do them. She didn’t want to be out of sight for two months and this is the perfect way to do it.
My uncle used to date a Chief’s player and you can only imagine the PRing that went on with that. He laughed when he watched the games and knew it was PR on many levels.
"some believe it's real but no one prominent does" bitch i'm the most prominent person at this blog.
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icharchivist · 1 year
I think a sieg centered event could also go the Naoise way, since he got an awakened draconian form it's likely that sooner or later it will happen to Siegfried, Stan and probably Ferdia too.. but unlike the others siegfried being unstable can bring in a very interesting plot, i would LOVE to know more about Fafnir himself so maybe it could be centered more on Fafnir's past thanSiegfried, maybe they'll find a way to resonate without going berserk? idk i'm curious to see the path they'll take Iagree that a kishi 10th anni feels out of place, but at the same time i wonder what they'll come out with after cbslbs and and you, like this years anni was PERFECT for a 10 year so i wonder how they will outdo themselves (controverial opinion but some believe it might concern lucifer whith the whole subplot of reviving a dead primal, the playable luci tease in the previous one....still i don't know if pringing him back is the right thing...yet idk idk we'll see)
Yess agreed completely!!
I think that, in recent years the 4kishi stories have been trying to recontextualize old lore points into the new, more complex lore. Like for Sylph, which was barely mentioned again after the second kishi event, who now got more time to shine, with a deeper explanation on how her magic work, + a connection to the fairies that deepens the lore in general.
So with the fact that Fafnir hasn't been mentioned much in recent years aside from SIEGFRIED, and the fact we've learn a whole lot more about dragons ever since, especially draconians, i feel like there should be a Kishi event that properly reestablish Fafnir in the lore, with the explanation of why he's important, his connection to Sylph, his connection to the others dragons, and hopefully, an answer to how to save Siegfried (though i'd love Siegfried to keep it unstable and not have everything fixed for him bc i do like him being like that, and considering his kits are all about sacrificing his health by using the dragon blood, it would be nice to carry the tradition, just not having his life threatened by it anymore yaknow?)
So I could see an event focusing on Fafnir, having Siegfried as the second focus in a sense, like say, Siegfried trying to understand Fafnir's past to find a solution for himself (which also i think has been teased anyway? That he must connect with Fafnir and understands him if he wants to survive? So yeah i honestly believe it's a step we'll need to take in Siegfried's storyline. And his Grand being on the horizon can make it something that's addressed sooner than later, the question is, will it be Event worthy, or just FE worthy.)
(also the fact SIEGFRIED is joining the sidestory now is probably a good reason to have a story finally about Fafnir as an event, the same way we needed to wait for Divergent Knighthood to join the sidestory to have Strength to Wield. Giving fans the ability to see the event that kicked it all into motion right before a new event deepens some stuff about it)
as for the 10th anni, 🤝, yeah i think it will be hard to top the latest two events in the sense that they were really wrapping up major lore points.
I can imagine eventually bringing Lucifer back but i also kinda wish they don't make the 10Th event reliant on just Lucifer. Like, i love Lucifer, and of course i love talking headcanons about bringing him back.... but it's also mostly bc it's fan ramblings on my blog. I don't really know what i want in canon. On one hand having him back would be nice, on the other, I think it would be a shame to undercut one of the most powerful death of the story as well.
Personally i've been gunning for a few years in thinking the 10th event might be a Speaker centric event. Finally Sahar and Shalem being unveiled for what they are (especially since the Art of Mercy teased in its ending that Altair has been doing researches on the Speaker and has already been connecting Shalem to them). especially with the set up in the latest event that Lu Woh is definitely down to rebel against Bahamut, having Sahar and Shalem finally address their place regarding Bahamut could work out imo.
Perhaps a story more directly talking about Bahamut could be welcomed on top of that.
Alternatively, the 10th anni could be about the Boundary, considering how much it has been set up in the past few years and how ominous it was last year, especially with the Fake!Seofon (or Sieten't like i saw people call him)
But i'm a bit concerned because aside from wmtsb being a trilogy and all, the anni events usually take at least two years between their set up and their anni conclusion, in order to make sure people have had the time to read the previous story. And i worry that an event on the Boundary now may be a little too reliant on "... and you", and would be harder to bring up otherwise.
so yeah, personally I believe more in a Speaker OR a Boundary centric event for the 10Th anni, something that will actually give us major answers about Bahamut.
Idk about Lucifer's revival at all, and i don't even know how i would feel about it. Could be the major surprise to the fans, but mhmmmm. I mean i adore wmtsb but there's an over-reliance on it (and especially on Sandalphon/Lucifer/Lucilius/Belial) from the fanbase that I think kinda overshadows more elements that would really deserve to actually have a deep dive on.
As is, i just try to keep my expectations low because i don't really want to set myself up for disappointment. (granblue never actually did that to me because for the high expectations stuff i had they usually filled it (forever thrilled about how the Lamorak story went), or i didn't have expectations to start with, but i've seen so many fans genuinely trash events i either liked or "found fine" just because it didn't live up to the hype they hyped themselves about, and it kinda makes me want to not let my hype blind me to the actual product we're getting).
I guess we'll see when we get there!
but yeah i feel like, while the Kishi COULD have an anni story like the Society..... it's not 10th anni worthy, i know people want it to be bc it's the longest running saga, but imo a 10Th anni is too big for it not to be about the creation lore in some shape or form.
in an 11th year perhaps, and at a point, imo, where the plot would definitely mention the fairies rather than just focusing on Merlin's revenge? I feel like just Merlin's revenge could be a major event that would deserve a lot of spotlight, but even HSM was an opportunity to genuinely bring up Moon Lore. the 4kishi saga could get away with it if they used it as a way to bring up the Fairy Lore we've been teased for a while. But as it is, i think it's not the right time in the Kishi saga for that, and even if we get a Fairy lore dump in the next event, i don't think it'll prepare us for a possible 10th anni deep dive on it.
Obviously my reasoning could be completely off base, but that's the way i'm thinking about all of this at least, more than just "would it be cool if-" yaknow.
anyway 🤝
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hungrytundras · 6 years
Doin this since @emordnilap-fr tagged me. Not gonna tag anyone back because I wouldn’t know who if I tried. Do it if you want... or...
Rules: answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 other people you’d like to know better.
name: Yep. I have one
nickname: Llan, Sky... I’m not one for nicknames...
zodiac sign: Aquarius. Recently discovered I’m a Rat not an Ox because I was born before the lunar new year and this information has shaken me to the core I’m so upset
height: 5′8″ ish? 
languages spoken: english, traces of spanish and german
nationality: american
favourite fruit: Blueberries probably
favourite season: S...pring? Spring or fall. Used to be winter but god I get cold too easy
favourite scent: No answer. How can you pick a favorite smell they’re either good or not or unremarkable but no one scent stands out as best.
favourite colour: Purble. Green looks really good on me.
favourite animal: impossible question
favourite fictional character: No answer
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: what kind of tea?
number of blankets you sleep with: Between 2 and 4
when was your blog created: May 2015
favourite subject: They’re all good. I like to learn
currently watching: Not technically watching but I’m currently slamming my way through TAZ
stopped watching by accident and need to finish soon what are you doing: Game of thrones and also every piece of media I’ve ever encountered
favourite band: Hard to say. Phoenix is good
instruments played: I can “play” a lot of instruments. Given enough time I could probably toot something out on an accordion. Pretty good on the piano. I also sing. 
favourite book: Bad question OP. All books are good.
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Ya know, I wasn’t quite the active or actually active at all on this blog given the fact that I lost the interest in PRing within the Naruto fandom since most of the people I wrote with went offline/hiatus what happened to me as well for half a year because I have a very big problem with focussing on writing right now.
Nonetheless, I seriously appreciated being part of this blog though as said before didn’t do much. However in these past weeks I noticed that there has been beeswax with some other RPer about their artwork and us reblogging their art etc. etc. seriously I don’t care that much ‘cause I did not saw what happened in that period.
And now I see that this blog is about to be closed (as far as it looks like) because a bunch of people went to the active admins and harrassed them over DMs because of the beeswax they had with someone else which as far as I can tell got solved?
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From personal experience in 2017, I had the same party of being insulted and harrassed by strangers who were in solidarity with another RPer who literally ordered me to block them because they didn’t want to see my quote “bullshit on their dash” instead of just doing it by themselves. I had a whole SJW-Party back then which killed my RP-drive for quite a while. Which is also a reason why I deactived both anon and the possibility of being messaged by people who’re not mutual-following with me.
One and a half year later I’m sitting here with the same shit happening again because some of you twats thought it’ll be a good idea to come in their DMs and bullshit them for something you’re not part of?
Seriously people, what the shit heaven is your problem? The admins of this blog except me had problem with an RPer and seemed to got the conflict solved before it further escalated and your best idea then was “Oh let’s go to their DMs and Inbox and shit in it.”???
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Aaand I am done.
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rebeccahpedersen · 6 years
Is Financial Literacy At An All-Time Low?
Many of you need read no further.  You’re already shaking your head and telling your computer screen, “Yes.”
Some of you might be intrigued by the topic, and want to know where this is all going.
Others will vehemently disagree with the stance I’m going to take in the following story about two potential renters I encountered last month who were completely, utterly unqualified to submit an offer to lease.
Let me begin today with a personal anecdote…
Oh, the irony of that photo.  Am I right?
Here I am, about to lecture “young people” on financial literacy, and I’m so old that I think people still read books!
And they use “spectacles” too.
Well, I don’t own a Kindle, and I never will.  There’s something about running my fingers down the page of a fresh book (not to mention inhaling that “new book smell”) that I love so much, as well as the bizarre sense of pride I feel when I put a finished book up on my shelf as some sort of trophy, as if to say, “I read that!”
I ran out of bookshelf space a long time ago.  In fact, all of my books are in storage, because I have this other bizarre idea that when I move into a house with room, I’ll display them once again.
Now before I dive into today’s story, I want to ask a cynical, and seemingly-rhetorical question:
Do ‘kids today’ read anymore?
I’m serious.  Does it happen?  Or is every book turned into a movie with an actor named “Zach” or “Blake,” and kids just watch a reenactment of whatever high school textbook they’re supposed to be learning from?
When I was 19-years-old and had just finished my first year of undergraduate business school, I was working out at the old Dunfield Club on Eglinton Avenue, and I knew a guy there who I called “Big Mike.”  He was actually short, but thick.  You gym rats know what I mean.
Big Mike was old-school, both in terms of how he worked out, as well as how he perceived the financial markets, and personal finance.
Big Mike wore an inside-out, XXXL sweatshirt, cut off at the bottom.  Gym rats – can you picture it?  He wore a ragged ballcap with a leather strap at the back, and pants with a stripe.  He was a throwback to the old days of weightlifting, when Lee Haney was young.
I was an up-and-commer, and by that I mean was a university kid who had so much time on his hands, he spent 2 1/2 hours per day in the gym.  Some people throw a frisbee, right?
I’d see Big Mike at the gym in the afternoons, and we would only talk about two things: weightlifting, and finance.
In between sets – back when you took five minutes before your “big lift,” Big Mike would give me advice on schooling, career paths, investing, and personal finance.
One day he asked me, “What book are you reading right now?”  I think I told him I was reading a fantasy football magazine to prepare for my upcoming draft, and he said, “You mean you don’t read?”
I told him that I read a lot, actually.  More than most kids my age outside of school.  That year I had read biographies on Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee, Ken Shamrock, Arnold Shwarzenegger, and a few books on the human body, and health and nutrition.
Big Mike laughed and said, “Okay, well you seem to have a one-track mind.  But why don’t you mix in some reading about the financial markets, investing, and personal finance?”
The thought had honestly never occurred to me.  Even though I knew nothing, for some reason, I thought that was par for the course.
Over the course of the summer, Big Mike continued to quote books, over and over again.  He’d tell me something about bollinger bands or exponential moving averages, and say, “Pring, have you read Pring?” even though he knew that I had not.
By the end of August, as I prepared to head back for second-year, I found Big Mike in the gym and said, “Okay, give it to me.  Give me a list.  You name a book, I’ll read it.”
And name them, he did…
Big Mike gave me the names of ten books to read, and I read every single one of them.
I can only remember nine of them off-hand, the last one escapes me.  But here’s the list, as I’m sure many of you have read some of these as well:
The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham (1939) Technical Analysis Explained, Martin J. Pring, (1985) A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Burton Malkiel (1973) The Wealthy Barber, David Chilton (1989) Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki (1997) Creating Wealth, Robert G Allen (1983) Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill (1937) How To Be Rich, J. Paul Getty (1965) Financial Peace Planner, Dave Ramsey (1998)
I can honestly say that I didn’t understand Benjamin Graham, and that I had to read Martin J. Pring’s book twice to even comprehend the subject matter.  But I remember this book came with a “CD-ROM,” which was a big deal back in 1999!
Books like “Creating Wealth” were old and out of date, and you’d laugh if you read it now and compared it to the Toronto real estate market.  I loved this guy – talking about flying to Dallas in the morning, buying a house that was cash-flow positive by a thousand dollars per month in 1980’s dollars, and then flying home in the evening.
But the takeaways from these books were phenomenal.  And even if the subject matter is dated – like Napoleon Hill on personal finance in the 30’s, the ideas still make sense.
So what is my point to all of this?
I think many of you know where this is going…
Back in January, I started the 2018 year on T.R.B. by talking about debt.
In fact, I wrote two blogs on the subject:
“What Is The Government Doing To Tackle Consumer Debt?”
“Household Debt Vs. Mortgage Debt”
One of the themes presented in the 200-something comments from TRB readers was that, perhaps, financial literacy is at an all-time low.
If you haven’t read the blogs, I encourage you to read them.  Not just for my stories about personally witnessing consumers and how they handle debt in 2018, but also because of the readers and their observations and opinions.
The one mistake that I made in both those blogs was having the assumption that every man, woman and child out there today is financially literate.
As the readers pointed out, there is no “Personal Finance” course in school.
And as others argued, and as I would agree, the public education system in Ontario has been bastardized to the point where kids aren’t taught any true responsibility or accountability, nor do they suffer any repercussions for their actions (or inactions).
And it’s getting worse, folks!  Don’t believe anything to the contrary.
Here’s an excerpt from an internal high school memo that I recently read:
….among the recommendations is to phase out the Grade 9 math test, as well as the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, which is currently one of the requirements to earn a high-school diploma.
Instead, the report recommended implementing a new Grade 10 assessment that is not a graduation requirement to assess literacy, numeracy and other skills.
Set the bar even lower now.
I mean, why would we want kids to be literate?
Just implement an “assessment” that is not a requirement for graduation.  If they all score zeros, we still drink fruit punch and eat cookies!
On the same day I read that internal memo from a Toronto high school, my brother told me that his 8-year-old child had five upcoming exams at her private school in England.
How in the world do we expect today’s young adults to be financially literate, and responsible, if we never teach it to them?
I had a recent listing for a King West condominium, listed at $2,400 per month.
Sadly, this is now what a 1-bed, den, 2-bath unit costs, but the market is the market, and it’s not my job to play social worker to the tenant-pool.
One of the offers that I received on the condo just blew my mind, and not in a good way.
Not to be overly dramatic here, but it made me wonder how the next generation is going to survive on their own.
The application was from a young couple, who were offering the full $2,400/month list price.
And they were so far from being “qualified,” I just didn’t know what to make of it.
She worked for minimum wage.  No exaggeration – it was in her job letter.  Assuming $14 per hour, over 40 hours, and 52 weeks, that’s $29,120 per year.
He was self-employed, but showed no income.  That’s right – no job letter, no income verification, no pay stubs, no bank statement.  Nothing.
He had $486 per month in student loans payable.
She had a credit score of 634.
He had a balance of $1,900 on his $2,000 credit card, $8,000 on his $10,000 line of credit, and $9,000 on his $15,000 line of credit.
And here they were, trying to tie up a $2,400 per month rental.
Folks, tell me I’m unsympathetic, but why in the world are these two trying to lease a condo for $2,400 per month, plus hydro?
That’s $30,000 per year in rent and utilities, for two people who, by all accounts, make a combined $29,120 per year.
I know, I know – he is self-employed, and likely makes something.  But it’s curious that he chose not to show any proof of income.  The application said $3,000 per month, so even if we take him at his word, that’s $36,000, plus her $29,120.
$65,120 of combined gross income, trying to rent for $30,000 per year.
These guys are going to spend 46.1% of their gross income on rent?
Let’s assume that the self-employed gentleman is making $25,000, since anybody that says they’re making $36,000 and provides no proof of income would be lucky to be making $25,000.
Now they’re looking to spend 55.4% of their gross income on rent.
An acceptable GDS ratio is in the 32% range, so what in the world are these two thinking?
I know the answer – they’re not thinking.
They found a pretty condo in a cool area that they like, and despite having a GDS ratio of 55.4%, and paying back $486 per month in student loans, and having almost $20,000 in combined credit card and line of credit debt, they felt this was a solid move.
And this line of thinking, I do not understand.
You can tell me I’m a cold-hearted capitalist, or that I’m an asshole real estate agent that doesn’t know what people in this city go through, or something else, and something else after that.
But I’ve always maintained that I am a realist.
And realistically, these two should be looking for a 1-bed, 1-bath basement apartment for $1,200 per month, so they can get out of debt, pay down their student loans, and save some money.
They should not be looking at a $2,400 per month King West condo.
Wow, I feel like I’m parenting these two.  I might be far closer to 20 than I am to 60, but it sure doesn’t feel that way.
Is this really the future of this generation?
You want what you want, and you’re just going to go for it?  Balls-to-the-wall, Y-O-L-O and all that?
Forget financial responsibility, let alone financial reality.
Financial literacy is a thing of the past.
I understand that this city is expensive, but unfortunately not everybody gets to rent a King West condo.
Perhaps this is a generational thing.  Perhaps these two represent a small segment of a maturing part of the population.
But what if it’s not?
Will we ever look back and admit that taking accountability and responsibility (not to mention the times tables) out of the public education system was a recipe for disaster?
Honestly, folks, when did it become uncool to be financially literate in today’s society?
The post Is Financial Literacy At An All-Time Low? appeared first on Toronto Real Estate Property Sales & Investments | Toronto Realty Blog by David Fleming.
Originated from https://ift.tt/2r9MFK1
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phatjosh180 · 7 years
Running in 2018 ...
A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about my road to 180 races. My 180th race will be July 24th — pretty much SMACK in the middle of the year. So that means I’ve got January through July pretty much covered — but, what about the last half?
What’s after my 180th race?
That’s a good question.
While I am trying to figure out my 2018 race schedule, I’ve had a couple focuses — one, my 100 mile run and, two, not doing as many back-to-back race weekends of a half marathon or longer. I know that if I am going to faster, especially during my half marathons, I am going to have to scale back on the long races.
I don’t anticipate myself PRing next year. But, I am wanting to use 2018 to set the foundation to PR in 2019. Well, I shouldn’t just say PR, but to break my long time goal of sub-two’ing a half marathon. That’s the goal.
To work on that fountain, I plan on not just scaling back on the races — but, focusing on doing two races a month. Ideally, a half marathon and a trail race, a month. This would be on top of shorter training runs on the other weekends. Runs that I want to vary between a canyon downhill run, trail run and challenge run (a mentally challenging run — run uphill, midnight all night run, etc) — but, I’ll blog about that later.
I just want to challenge myself, get faster and mentally stronger in order to attempt and achieve my goal. A goal I’d love to meet at either the Nebo Half or Revel Big Cottonwood Half in 2019. Something that seems rather doable for me.
But, 2018 will have to set that kind of success up for me. So, while I am scanning UltraSignUp, UtahRunning.com, Running in the USA, RaceEntry.com and other registration websites I’ve come up with tentative schedule for 2018.
Remember these are only races 13.1 miles or longer. I am sure I’ll have a few 10Ks and 5Ks planned throughout the year. Also, races in bold are ones that I am registered for already. And, there are a few in the later months that are planned on a projected date.
So, yeah, here’s my schedule …
1 — Revolution Run, January 1, 2018 2 — Sun Marathon, February 3, 2018 3 — Jackpot Running Festival, February 16-18, 2018 4 — Strider’s Winter Circuit Half Marathon, April 7, 2018 5 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon, April 21, 2018 6 — Provo City Half Marathon, May 5, 2018 7 — Vigor Big Cottonwood Half Marathon, May 12, 2018 8 — Drop 13 Big Cottonwood Half Marathon, June 9, 2018 9 — AF Canyon Race Against Cancer, June 23, 2018 10 — Canyon to Canyon Half Marathon, July 14, 2018 11 — Bountiful Handcart Days Half Marathon, July 24, 2018 12 — Elephant Rock Trail Half Marathon, August 11, 2018 13 — Mt. Nebo Half, August 25, 2018 14 — Revel Big Cottonwood Half Marathon, September 8, 2018 15 — Park City Trail Half Marathon, September 15, 2018 16 — Corner Canyon 25K; October 13, 2018 17 — The Haunted Half – Provo, October 28, 2018 18 — Mt. View Trail Half Marathon; November 10, 2018 19 — Thankful 13, November 22, 2018 20 — The Bakers Dozen Half Marathon, December 8, 2018
If you are planning on running any of these races or would love to suggest other races for me to do, please comment below! I love discovering new races!
A post shared by The Runcast (@theruncast) on Oct 20, 2017 at 5:46am PDT
Running in 2018 … was originally published on PhatJosh | My Life Running.
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junker-town · 7 years
10 super important things to watch in sports this weekend
What to watch and read this weekend if you want to be your best sports self.
Oh, hey, sports fans! Didn’t see ya there. But now that I have you, let me just offer up a few suggestions for what to do if you want to get the most out of #sports this weekend.
Photo by Andrew Redington/Getty Images
1. THE MASTERS! Friday, 3-7 p.m. on ESPN Saturday, 3-7 p.m. EST, Sunday, 2-7 p.m. EST on CBS
This is arguably the weekend’s biggest deal — or at least what most people will be talking about around the water cooler (are those still a thing?) on Monday — so get your pimento cheese sandwiches ready. Augusta is already rockin’, and you can watch the tournament on CBS all weekend.
The final two rounds are on Saturday and Sunday — but we’re also providing you with live updates on our delightful sports website. (Here’s ALL of our Masters coverage).
2. There’s NBA happening: Russell Westbrook goes for the triple-double record, Clippers vs. Spurs, Saturday at 8:30 p.m. EST on ABC
None of the games this week is absolutely can’t miss, though it is the last week of the regular season. Saturday’s national game is the Clippers vs. Spurs, if you’re interested. But the real thing to keep an eye on when it comes to basketball is the playoff standings, which we have assembled RIGHT HERE for your very own convenience.
Oh, also: You might want to watch the Thunder play the Suns on Friday night at 10 p.m. EST, because Russell Westbrook is going for the triple-double record. If he doesn’t do it on Friday, he has another chance when OKC plays the Nuggets on Sunday at 5 p.m. EST. (He also only needs six more assists to officially average a triple-double on the season.)
3. USA vs. Canada in the Women’s World Championship, Friday, 7:35 p.m. EST, on NHL network or NHL.com
“Canada and the USA have met in every single gold medal game in the history of the Women’s World Championship, dating back to 1990, with Canada winning 10 gold and the United States winning seven overall,” says SB Nation hockey dude Travis Hughes. “There’s a bit more on the line for the Americans this year after their much-publicized threat to boycott this tournament before finally winning their demands in negotiations with USA Hockey. Canada, meanwhile, has dropped the last three WWC gold medal games to the U.S. — including two on Canadian soil — so they will definitely be looking to spoil the party in Michigan.”
Here’s everything you need to know about the game.
4. Frozen Four National Championship Game, Minnesota Duluth vs. Denver: Saturday at 8 p.m. EST, ESPN
The top two seeds in the NCAA tournament have made it to the Finals: Denver beat Notre Dame, and Minnesota Duluth beat Harvard to advance to what I like to call the BIG DANCE of college hockey. THIS IS APRIL!!!
Here are the GAMES TO WATCH: The Penguins play in Toronto on Saturday (7 p.m. ET, NHL Network), Buffalo plays at Tampa Bay on Sunday (5 p.m. ET, MSG/Fox Sports), and Columbus plays at Toronto on Sunday (6 p.m. ET, Sportsnet/Fox Sports Ohio). Tampa’s three points back of the Leafs in the wild card after beating them on Thursday. They’ll battle for the final wild card spot all weekend.
6. Dodgers vs. Rockies, Saturday, 5:10 p.m. EST on SportsNet L.A., MLB TV
Watching Clayton Kershaw pitch is never, ever, ever a waste of time.
7. Well, we’ve got Patriots vs. Steele — hah, PSYCH! It’s spring; there’s no NFL.
Related to NFL, however: Rex Ryan will be calling the Florida State game when he makes his ESPN debut after getting fired by the Bills last season. RIP Rex Ryan’s Bills-themed pickup truck.
8. College football spring games!
Speaking of spring games, if you just can’t live without college football, here are some more:
Florida, 7:30 p.m. ET Friday, SEC Network
Auburn, 2 p.m. ET Saturday, SEC Network
Oklahoma, 2 p.m. ET Saturday, Fox Sports Net
Texas A&M, 2 p.m. ET Saturday, ESPNU
Clemson, 2:30 p.m. ET Saturday, ACC Extra
Florida State, 3 p.m. ET Saturday, ESPN
9. Bayern Munich vs Borussia Dortmund, 12:30 p.m. EST, Saturday on FS1
“Bayern Munich already has the German championship in the bag,” says our soccer editor Kevin McCauley. “But Dortmund is really good, so this game will be fun. American Christian Pulisic also might play for Dortmund.”
Listen, I don’t know much about soccer, but I do know that Pulisic is a sensation — if this happens, you should watch.
10. Cycling? Yes, cycling! Paris-Roubaix 2017, live at 4:35 a.m. ET on NBC Sports Gold, finishing around 8 a.m. (This will re-air on NBCSN at 7 p.m. ET on Monday)
“Cycling isn't a popular sport outside of the Tour de France, which is a shame because it's one of the most dangerous, silly, and thrilling sports on Earth,” says SB Nation’s very own Louis Bien. “Paris-Roubaix, which will take place on Sunday, is as dangerous, silly, and thrilling as it gets. The one-day classic takes place north of Paris across bad terrain and cobblestones, and it's nicknamed "the Hell of the North." Like golf, nothing happens for most of the event. Unlike golf, when something does happen it's chaos.”
Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images
Brendan Porath talked to Masters legend Gary Player about Augusta without Arnie (heart breaks all over again).
Jessica Luther and Avital Norman Nathman on Quinnipiac’s women’s rugby team’s fight for equality.
Here’s a wacked-out live blog of WrestleMania I wrote.
Tom Ziller on how Russell Westbrook is an inspiration.
Zito Madu on LeBron being turbo-mode LeBron.
Tyler Tynes on NFL players righting for criminal justice reform.
Ricky O’Donnell on the stories behind UNC's redemption tour.
Louis Bien on Tony Romo’s career now that he’s leaving football to replace Phil Simms as an announcer on CBS.
Adam Stites on how Marshawn Lynch would be the perfect person to send the Raiders out of Oakland.
Kevin McCauley on what the U.S. Women’s National Team got in its collective bargaining deal.
Richard Johnson on the Kick Six.
Matt Ufford on the problem the NBA has with resting players:
Anya Alvarez on how golf is ready for a women’s Masters for The Guardian.
Chris Ballard on Monty Williams for Sports Illustrated.
Gabriella Levine on UConn’s dynasty for The Hartford Courant.
Bill Barnwell on the four versions of Tony Romo for ESPN.
Rodger Sherman on Oscar Robertson’s triple-doubles for The Ringer.
Kate Cimini for Sports Illustrated on North Dakota’s women’s hockey program getting cut.
May the sports be with you.
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