#I wanted to also mention swanqueen fandom managing to keep creating sapphic fanart but that is a tad different compared to supercorp
touchoffleece · 1 year
We've heard this song and seen this dance before
With season 2 of Wednesday confirmed, and all the promo interviews being said, older sapphic fans are hearing the beginnings of a tune and dance we've seen before. "Not writing out the possibility of (x female ship)" all the while giving more promo to the het ship; personally reminding me of Supergirl using queer fans for views all the while having a good majority of air time be spent dragging Lena and Kara's relationship through the ringer. And yet despite that, Supercorp fans who were there from the start managing to keep creating wonderful works of fanart to keep the ship alive, despite the show itself desperately trying to make heterosexual relationships the ship(s) to "root" for despite the people making the show knowing people wanted the sapphic ship over a hetero ship. Wednesday and Enid's relationship may follow along like Kara and Lena's or maybe in an unexpected twist Netflix allows the showrunners to make it happen; regardless I think that as long as fans don't let questionable decisions about the show and their characters kill the want to create fan-works for WenClair, Wenclair shippers and the ship will be fine. (once again look at Supercorp as an example, it might not have been canon, but the fan-works are still happening, and it's hard to deny how close Lena and Kara were at the end of the series.) Canon may be one thing, but it's not like Fanon is less valid now a days. So whatever is headed towards Sapphic Wednesday fans, keep creating that good sapphic juice.
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