#I wanted to write about Dimitry and Natalya
deepseawritings · 6 years
*smashes and pounds that request button* You know what I want~!!
Hmmm…. you want to learn guitar? Draw our OCs? You want me to write again, huh? Is that? Well, I’m still pretty blocked because RL is a bitch, but I can do short snippets! I don’t know if this is what you wanted, but it’s what I was inspired to write, sorry :’D
Rumours and Tales
“And I swear, he stopped gnawing on the bone to smile at me and it was worse than coming face to face with a bloodsucker! Blyat, it still gives me the chills to remember. Ran away from there faster than if I had a pseudo-giant chasing me.”
The stalkers assembled around the campfire fidgeted in their spots. The night was too dark and they were too close to the place where the supposed encounter with the cannibal had occurred, but nobody wanted to appear to be scared. Although Evgenii was surrpetiously looking at the dark silhouette of the nearby copse of trees.
Shovel was sort of unimpressed by the story. After being kidnapped by crazy bandits and then the confrontation with the even crazier Monolithians, a tale about a lone creepy dude didn’t seem that threatening. And that if he existed. She knew pretty well older stalkers loved making shit up to try to scare the rookies and have a laugh at their expense. As if the usual things one could encounter around weren’t the stuff of potential nightmares. Nevertheless, Gecko looked worried.
“You believe that story?” Shovel asked to the other woman. 
Gecko had so far been the voice of experience and reason in their trek back from Red Forest. And it was only because she vouched for them that Shovel accepted to camp with this ragtag bunch of loners and Freedomers in the middle of nowhere. If it was up to her, Shovel would have stayed away from them all. Just Evegnii, Gecko and her, camping somewhere else.
“I’ve also seen The Piper. Once, from afar.” Evgenii leant forward, looking at Gecko with wide eyes. 
Shovel tamped down her initial skepticism. So far, Gecko had never lied to them, she must have seen something. “Oh?”
Looking suddenly embarrassed to have everyone’s attention on her, Gecko cleared her throat. “It was before I starterd working with the scientist. Saw a lone man in a dark parka walking around the Bloodsucker Village in Army Warehouses. He was followed by like, I don’t know, dozens of wild dogs. And further behind him, following his trail was a girl. Pale, dressed strangely, in an old fashioned way. Definitely not a stalker.”
“So The Witch is not a legend?” Evgenii screeched, hyped and terrified by this revelation. “Does she really mark people for The Piper to kill? Is she really followed by crows?”
“Don’t say their names too loud, little rookie,” one of the older loners said, “or they’ll come. And whenever they come, people disappear.”
“People disappear all the time in here,” Evgenii had the good sense to not fall for it.
“Yes. Usually because they stepped into an anomaly,” Shovel backed him up. Really, tall tales were not up to her taste. 
“I manned the sentry tower in the Dark valley base for months, me and my sniper rifle,” a Freedomer with a scar crossing his face butted in. “The scope never failed me. And once I saw that fucker set his pack of dogs against a motherfucking Spetsnaz, shot him in the head while he tried to fight off the dogs. He dragged the body away and that’s all I saw.”
A dark mood fell over the group. This did not sound like a fabrication or embellishement. The loner who had tried to spook Evgenii kept quiet this time, thank goodness. Perhaps The Piper and The Witch were not inventions. And perhaps they were cannibals, who knew. But Shovel doubted they were as ubiquitous as people claimed.
Even so, the idea of  people being so notoriously dangerous that they became fodder for fireside tales was unsettling. As if normal Zone stuff wasn’t bad enough. Shovel was still getting used to this whole people-shooting-at-her thing. And her having to shoot people. 
(She killed him)
(She was a murderer)
Her hands were already stained with blood. Maybe not innocent blood, but it weighed on her all the same. 
However, if any other crazed Monolithian, or bloodthirsy bandits, or actual cannibal creeps tried anything, she was ready to get bloody again if they didn’t back down. Shovel was going home and nothing would get in her way. And she wouldn’t allow he friends to be harmed if there was anything she could do about it.
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waitingisms · 4 years
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i believe that is elita krol, the lady in waiting of iilyria. they are twenty-five years old and are known to be very zealous & forthright, though they can also be very disputatious & eccentric. they remind me of dresses left in heaps on banks away from splashes from a secret swim, summer wildflowers and winterberry branches tangled in braids and long waves, and poems and quotes committed to memory while being read late under candlelight. written by : ophelia, 25, cst, she/her
tw: familial death mention
hi everyone! i’m so excited to be here and to get to know all of you! my inbox/messages are always open and i’m always here to plot! a bit about me: i am a bit of a nerd and love pretty much everything between marvel, disney, star wars, crime shows, period dramas, and really anything else i can get nostalgic about. right now, as with a lot of people, i’m obsessed with animal crossing and making my island all nice and pretty. recently i’ve been on a period drama kick and found this rp as if it was fate and i’m really excited to get writing! also i will probably bring in another character because i can’t help myself.
age: twenty-five
gender: cis female
sexuality: heterosexual
title: lady in waiting to natalya ryback
kingdom: iilyria
positive: zealous, forthright, honest, loyal, caring, passionate
negative: disputatious, eccentric, bold, outspoken
star sign: pisces
hogwarts house: gryffindor
season: summer
element: air
father: nobleman in court
mother: noblewoman, deceased
maternal cousins: live in gydina
elita’s mother died when she was very young and all she has left to remember her with is memories told to her by her father and her reflection in the mirror because she’s often told she looks just like her. because of her father’s place in court, she grew up there, often being told to be quiet and act ladylike even though she worked her way into obtaining books and reading what she could when she had the chance, reading beyond what is common for ladies of court to learn.
through minor arrangements and pushing of her father, she made acquaintance and quick friendship with natalya who she’s fiercely loyal to above anything that her father had wished. it ultimately became natural that she would become nat’s lady as they got older.
when it comes to war and politics of the land, she’s often voicing an opinion in favor of peace, sometimes out of turn in some opinions ( and much to the despair of her father who wanted to keep in good favor ). she often believes in an ideal world and one that she believes is possible in spite of what anything around her would have her believe otherwise. she felt relief when king dimitri didn’t want to continue in his father’s footsteps.
she’s hopeful now that everyone gathers for peace, even if there may be whispers about how it won’t work or last.
wanted connections.
sutor: they haven’t been formally introduced as such yet, but she knows it’s inevitable with her place in court and as a lady. she just worries about what that will mean from her place and her voice.
family connections in gydina: they would be from her mother’s side. someone she’s written to throughout her life, potentially has stories about her mother to share too.
other connections in iilyria court: other friends she has, people she shares thoughts with, some that disagree with her, some that often talk about her outspokenness in distaste.
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