#I was anxious before going to England and Spain and Ireland too
salvadorbonaparte · 4 months
Moving to the US still feels surreal and there are days where I'm certainly anxious about the election and the gun violence and the general state of the country and even just the far awayness but I also know that I can't let anxiety rule my life
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houseofkirklands · 25 days
Ireland headcanons cause I'm bored
P.D: Mention of mental health problems (depression, anxiety....)
1. He took the role of oldest brother even though he is aware there might be a possibility Wales could be older than him but since they don't know, the brothers just decided to go in a certain order
2. Ireland influenced a lot in Scotland, his younger brother used to look up for him a lot when they were only the two of them and the parents figures they had dissapeared. Ireland tried to teach him everything he knee from basic survival tips to how to shot arrows, personal development and culturally influenced as well. However, Ireland hasn't forgotten Scotland for what he did to him during the plantation of Ulster.
Ireland just though that Scotland among all the brothers, he could be the one who could listen and understand Ireland then to realize Scotland agreed with some things England did
3. He has every reason and right to hate England. He is aware England isn't like it was before, that he has changed, their relationship is quote good comapred with the past and he knows many things England couldn't really control them but he can't forget neither forgive, the few things England had in his control, he didn't do anything to help Ireland
4. There was a time he hated all his brothers, all of them, even North at some point. He just felt..left out...lfor him it was clear none of his brothers wanted him just tk follow England shake
5. The last 200 years have been very difficult for him, very, very difficult, starting from the famine, where he just wanted to dissapear, it was too late when the brothers helped him, consequence of that and the fact the population of Ireland hasn't recovered yet. He really struggles with food...it causes him so much anxiety, there were times he just couldn't even eat....The brothers noticed this...how little he ate, how he would suddenly have panic attacks, even thought his people are doing well nowadays but the trauma and the PSTD still lingers in him and he really struggles with it. Sometimes he could eat without any problem but when his thoughts go back in the past....
He just thinks, the less he ates, the more his people could be feed, his brothers specially Scotland and Wales try to talk with him and assure him, the famine has ended now and his people nowadays live in good conditions overall, that he deserves too eat but for Ireland it's difficult, it's very difficult...is still there and it still haunts him...
When he is in the UK house visiting the brothers, he would really try to think "it's okay, I should eat" but he sees the amount of food that are in the table and he just can't help it.... England knows that he can't talk to him when Ireland suddenly get so anxious cause it would make the things worse, given he fact Ireland in that moment, thinks he is still in 1847 not in the 21st century, and if he looks at England, he will see the Empire, not modern England.
He has really tried not to be like this, not in front of the brothers and specially not in front of North, he knew North knew about the famine but he didn't know the details of what Ireland went through both physically and mentally during that time. It didn't help to Ireland when North was a young child and he would be very picky with the food. Scotland would get very angry at him telling him that if he wasn't angry, then don't eat but the food wasn't going to go on waste and North with time learned the lesson and stopped being picky. Even England sometimes would tell North to shut up and eat knowing thay if Ireland was there, the fact England told North those words made some impact of Ireland
6. He likes to be alone but he hates feel alone, he knows he has been alone most of the time, nobody listened, nobody cared, he felt like he wasn't important, not even in his family but with time he has noticed he is important and he is loved
7. He is best friends with Spain, Belgium and France, specially Spain and Belgium, Spain was both Catholic and hated England and Belgium was Catholic and understands Ireland even it comes the division of brothers between religious beliefs (Belgium being catholic and The Netherlands being protestant)
8. Despite of his Catholic belief, he is still pagan and hasn't forgotten about his Paganims beliefs when he was very young
9. Wales and Scotland agreed back then when Ireland was just not okay to call him once per week to ask him how was he doing and if he was doing alright? Sometimes Ireland will try to dismiss his own feelings but they will encourage him to open up and that it was okay, he deep inside appreciates this gesture from both of them and thanks to them, he is accepting a side of him, he has always refused to acknowledge
10. Related with the previous one, Wales and Scotland agreed also that becasue of all the damage mentally and physically England has caused to him, as a "punishment" and to make Ireland get better, England was and still is forced to pay for all the medications Ireland needs, Engkand wasn't aware on how much badly Ireland was until he went to the pharmacy and bought all the aspirins Ireland needed cause yeah he needed quite a lot but like Scotland said "If you really feel bad and wanna help him, pay for those medications he needs cause most of them he needs to take them because of your actions"
11. Despite of everything, Ireland and England are now on good terms, there are times when Ireland would be very hesitant with him but they actually have learned to not to be at each other throats for more than 5 minutes
12. Despite of living separately, Ireland has been a huge influence when it comes to North raising. He had always tried to be there on special occasions when it was important to North like a performance in school or when he celebrates his birthday and North wanted him to be there or even when North couldn't stand the other brothers and called Ireland to some comfort and talking. Also he has helped him financially,since North lives with England in London, Ireland send money to England just for the raise of North such as basic needs he needs like clothes, school books or anything related to his education, another activities like swimming and ofc when Christmas arrives and he knows North waits for that moment every year, he always tries to be there
There have been sometimes when Ireland couldn't attend a special day for North and he had always sent him a little present, might be a book or a toy he wanted and apologise for not being there but wishing him the best and always reminding North that he was very proud of him.
13. He and Scotland talk to each other in Irish/Scottish gaelic always because both of them are scared to wake up one day and completely forget their native language due to the lack of people they have nowadays speaking it.
They kinda envy Wales because Wales has managed to save Welsh but due to the fact North was to learn and speak the language, both are very happy he wants to learn it, England doesn't like it but he also understands why North woukd want to learn it
14. For me as the oldest brother, he is the one who has more knowledge of magic and spells but due to the fact magic requires so much concentration and strength, Ireland for a very long time couldn't use most of the magic he knew since he was constantly feeling ill and tired enough for not even trying
15. Sometimes he keeps wondering what would have happened if he had stayed in the UK instead of going for independence? The question of maybe North wouldn't even be alive its very disturbing for him, he loves that boy so much
16. North many times call him a boomer but its his boomer
17. Despite of everything, Ireland and North are very close, there are some conversations they prefer to avoid (and know they need to be talked about) but North time to time is understanding so much better Ireland and his positions, his own past and is trying to be more fairer with him. Ireland always tries to reassure him that he understands he is not easy to deal with but he doesn't want to cause any harm to him and that North can trust him with anything, Ireland won't force him to speak up if North doesn't want to but if he ever needs someone...he is there, he is always there for him.
18. He plays Hurling and Gaelic football, sometimes the rest of the brothers join him specially Scotland and North
19. He speaks French and Spanish to some degree and has very basic knowledge of Danish and Norwegian
20. Wales might be the less closer brother to Ireland but is the only one who has always listened to him to some degree. Wales has always shown him so much respect and have tried to speak with England and make him considerate his choices when it came to Ireland or when something about North is around. He has always hated the way England treated Ireland, Wales couldn't do more than he actually did but he regrets not have pressured England way more to make him relaxing Ireland was in a very bad condition
21. Despite of their history, Ireland would never change his brothers for nothing, nowadays they are fine, even though there is still so much going on but they have never been more in peace than they are nowadays and that's everything he has ever wanted
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[MS] Chang Mai missing
(Okay it’s unfinished so looking for some feed back please readers)
For two years now, Shaun Connelly had been saving up for a trip of a lifetime. He had always dreamed of travelling around south east-Asia. He had first got the idea whilst working offshore in the north-sea, where some of the men he worked with, would spend maybe six months offshore then travel around the world for six months. Shaun really loved the idea of that. Shaun returned to his home city of Liverpool for his rest time. He was determined to book his trip, and proceeded to plan it. First of all he would fly to Bangkok, he wanted to spend a week in Bangkok, and so he could arrange a trip to the south islands. He would get a train down to Chumphon where he could catch the ferry out to Ko Tao, where he could learn to deep-sea dive. Then he would catch another ferry to Ko Pha-ngan, where he could experience the famous full moon party. After that he would move on to KO samui, then back to the mainland where he would catch a train back to Bangkok to plan his next move. Shaun was once told that he should experience trekking in the north of Thailand, and go to visit the tribes and smoke opium with the tribe leaders. This was an idea that Shaun definitely wanted to experience. Shaun booked the trip he had another month of work on the rigs to complete before he jetted off on his trip of a lifetime. It was the day of Shaun’s flight; he was flying from London Heathrow to Dubai for a 10 hour stop over, then the following morning he would fly direct to Bangkok. Shaun caught a taxi from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport to the Sukhumvit area of the city. He had been told of a good sports bar, where a lot of ex-pats hung out, and was a cool bar to meet people. Shaun had already booked his room that night online, it was on soi 11 just around the corner from Sharkers sports bar. He got checked into his hotel around 6pm, had a shower and got ready start his Thai adventure. Shaun’s first impressions when he was walking out onto the streets, was that of the smell, it was a sort of rotten egg smell, warm and sweaty, very humid and he had a sudden sense of claustrophobia. Now Shaun had never suffered from this phobia but the streets are so full of people, walking in all different directions, mopeds speeding past and beeping constantly, the roads were poor and without signage and the noise of traffic, barking dogs, drunken tourist and Thai market traders arguing over a couple of baht was very overwhelming. Shaun started to feel a bit anxious, his heart started racing faster and faster and now he was walking and banging into people, the heat was making him drip with sweat, and then people started approaching him. Prostitutes were stopping him in his tracks and feeling his balls. “You want fuck, fuck long time….come with me….nice place…sucky sucky.” Shaun was pushing the whores out of the way, even people were trying to help him as he looked in distress, but he couldn’t focus he just kept walking and shoving people asides, until he tripped up and sort of passed out for a second. When he came too, there were people surrounding him offering water and asking him if he was okay. When he looked next to him there was old Thai man at floor level with him, looking at him, the man looked dishevelled, had no teeth, he had scars all over his face and he smiled at Shaun, whilst screeching some Thai words in Shaun’s face, spitting and slurring all over him. When Shaun came around a bit more he realised the Thai man had no arms or legs, he was just sort of crawling around on the pavement, begging for anything, and Shaun even realised that the man was also blind, He jumped up freaked out and started running until he seen something he recognised from a photo one of his old rigger mates had shown him. It has a large shark in bright lights with a pool table and the words read SHARKERS SPORTS BAR.
Shaun walked into the busy bar expecting people to harass him straight away, but people were too busy laughing, and playing pool, watching sports on the big screens. There seemed to be some sort of competition going on too. Shaun just sat at the bar and ordered a beer. “Kor beer nueng Krap.” Shaun had been learning his essentials on the flight over. “You know Thai language?” a soft voice whispered into Shaun’s ear. “Ha no, not really just a few simple sentences, and not very well either. “You speak well, for western man” “Don’t be silly, anyway what’s your name?” Shaun whispered back. “My name is Gamon, it means from the heart” she replied. “Ha that’s funny coz in England we eat gammon” Shaun giggles immaturely. “Do you want play pool competition? Its 200 baht and you can win 5000 baht” “Okay, what’s the game? Shaun asks. Gamon quickly replies “Killer pool you know? You win you buy me drink yep?” A few singha beers later, and after losing around 800 baht, Shaun went and sat back at the bar and ordered a whiskey and coke. He started to talk to a Australian bloke, called himself Clancy, he was a typical backpacker sort, stood about 6ft 2, had the long Dredd-locked hair, and long scruffy beard to match. He seemed to know people in the bar, but sat alone watching aussie-rules football on one of the screens. “So where ya from bro?” said Clancy Shaun was distracted by an argument between some Thai girls about a pool match. “I’m from England mate, and you?” “Born in OZ, but moved to New Zealand when I was about 10, and been moving ever since, Bali, Vietnam, spent some time in Europe too, my parents did a lot of humanitarian work.” “That Sounds cool, I aint done much myself, I mean a few holidays to Spain and I’ve travelled throughout the UK and Ireland with work but that’s about it mate.” “Aww yeah bro, well don’t worry, it aint all it’s cracked up to be, ya can end up an old beach bum like me bro.” Laughs Clancy. Shaun and Clancy continued to chat when the subject of travelling up to Chang-Mai came up. Clancy told Shaun that he used to run a guided tour up to the tribes in the north, until his mini-bus ended up in the Ping River, and with no insurance or disposable money it still remains there. The bar was coming to a close about 3am and Shaun and Clancy were pretty drunk by now. Gamon and her friend, who called herself Gloria (I guess her Thai name was too hard to pronounce), had offered to take us for some street food. Clancy took a rain-check and carried on home where as Shaun had been looking forward to tasting the local cuisine. “Be careful, Mr Clancy man, he no good man hey…” said Gamon, with a gentle smirk towards Gloria. “You no trust Mr Shaun” announced Gloria, sucking on a chilli crab claw. “He seems a nice enough fella too me, what’s the problem?” Shaun coughs; he is finding the chilli crab far too hot. The two girls are now uncontrollably laughing at his inability to handle the heat of the spicy food. “He steel, you be-careful Mr Shaun” Gamon and Gloria walked Shaun back to his apartment and said goodnight.
The next day Shaun didn’t wake until 1pm, he had woken in a pool of sweat as the air conditioning wasn’t working, he opened the blinds expecting bright sunshine, but the sky was a dark grey with spots of sun shining through on top of some of the buildings, the heat and humidity was over whelming, and at this point Shaun shut the blinds, took a large drink of water and climbed back into bed. It was 8pm when Shaun had come back round, and after a shower and a difficult conversation with the receptionist about the air conditioning, Shaun set out on another stroll, only to end up in Sharkers bar again. The same faces were disputing pool matches, the ex-pat owner and his wife either sides of the bar were chatting to folks. At the end of the bar sat Clancy watching Aussie rules football. Gamon greeted Shaun with a kind whisper of “you very sexy man tonight Mr Shaun”, Shaun’s shy blushes hard to disguise. “So you play pool tonight? You win you buy me drink yes?” “I buy you drink anyway, what’ll it be?” Shaun asks, still blushing from the attention off Gamon. “Canadian dry and ginger Korp Kun” Clancy spotted Shaun at the bar and walked over. “So you wanna go trekking yer bro…?” Clancy leaning over the bar, Shaun looks uncomfortable, as Clancy proceeds to invade his personal space. “Well yeah mate, you recommend any good tour companies?” “Sure bro, you’re looking at one, I got some good contacts up north, and you pay me small fee and I will be your personal guide, just a small fee bro…” Clancy sat back on his stool and Shaun took a swig of his singha beer and leaned back, feeling more at ease , as Clancy has sat up and got his head in the television again. “So how much do you think? Can you give me some sort of itinerary, I’m a bit fickle to a plan, you see mate.” “Yer bro, no worries mate, I shall work it all out bro, meet ya in here same time tomorrow bro.” Clancy shook Shaun’s hand and left. Shaun carried on drinking till late, and then he and Gamon went back to his hotel.
submitted by /u/Jack-mutated-offal [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3cR6xGW
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