#UK politics are an absolute disgrace and have been getting worse for years
salvadorbonaparte · 4 months
Moving to the US still feels surreal and there are days where I'm certainly anxious about the election and the gun violence and the general state of the country and even just the far awayness but I also know that I can't let anxiety rule my life
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amphtaminedreams · 4 years
COVID-19, Negligent Manslaughter, and a Timeline of Tory Indifference
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“I feel sorry for Boris Johnson. He is doing the best he can in the situation and I don’t think anybody else could have done a better job.”
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[exhibit A: a gem somebody that I’m Facebook friends with reposted earlier]
It’s a sentiment that I cannot quite wrap my head around. I sit here hopeless and furious and trying to hold back tears because it’s been almost a year since England first went into lockdown and yet here we are, almost 100,000 dead, in an even worse position than we were before whilst other countries begin to slowly return to normality. It is clear to me who is to blame for this, however there are a large proportion of people who don’t want to “politicise” the actions of the PRIME MINISTER with regards to his approach towards handling a virus sweeping the country he GOVERNS. 
Typically, these kind of posts making the rounds on social media will be accompanied by some kind of photo of Boris Johnson looking somber as if to suggest that the way things have played out were beyond his control and that he is some kind of broken man beleaguered by the suffering he has, despite good intentions, inadvertently caused.
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This one in particular of Johnson with his head in his hands is a staple. In reality, this is a photo taken back in 2018 whilst he was receiving flack from party members for comparing Theresa May to a suicide bomber (for her handling of Brexit, ironically) as well as from the papers due to his rumoured (now also proven, in a completely non-surprising turn of events, to be true) affair with his former aide, Carrie Symonds. 
So let’s shut this narrative-where we should feel for Boris because he’s doing his best, and apparently a better job than anybody else could’ve done in his situation- down right here. In a supposedly developed country with one of the world’s largest economies, if we’re talking by proportion, our COVID-19 death toll is up there with the worst of them. It seems that every other state figurehead (bar a small handful), and I mean almost every single one of them, is doing a better job. People love to throw figures out there about how densely populated we are to combat damning statistics as if we haven’t got just as many factors playing to our advantage, as if it’s unfair to compare our response to Germany’s or Japan’s or Singapore’s (both of which are far more densely populated) or New Zealand’s or Vietnam’s, but we are an ISLAND with world-leading technology and infrastructure and healthcare equipment and professionals and a relatively high standard of living. In what world is almost 70,000 dead in a country with abundant time and means to prepare a response reflective of said country’s leaders doing a good job?
Apparently we’re supposed to believe that Johnson feels some sense of moral responsibility for this astronomical failure. A man who refuses to acknowledge the multiple children he has fathered outside of his marriages and who has had repeatedly engaged in affairs and one-night stands throughout said marriages. A man who continued to cheat whilst his most recent wife was receiving treatment for cervical cancer, for fuck’s sake. Yep, a real stand-up guy. 
So where does this idea that Johnson must feel remorseful for this catastrophe come from? We haven’t seen a second of remorse or a hint of accountability for the lives lost from him nor any members of his cabinet. That much is really no surprise; I have this hypothesis, and it’s not a stretch, that these people do not have an ounce of empathy in their bodies. These ridiculously privileged, privately-educated individuals who have had everything handed to them their entire lives simply cannot put themselves in the shoes of the average working person and that is the problem. Unable to recognise that what distinguishes them from most others is little more than the luck of being born into wealth and the abundance of recourses and connections that has entailed throughout their lives, they see us as beneath them-as less intelligent, less driven, and thus less deserving of the status and respect they enjoy. They see us as a bunch of whining, unmotivated idiots who do not recognise the chokehold they have over our media nor the fact that everything they do is a desperate grab to keep money and power within the hands of a select group of people, an exclusive members club from which most of us are barred (just take a simple Google search and watch Jacob Rees-Mogg’s opinion of the Grenfell victims or the buried Johnson speech where he talks about how inequality is essential). They know that we will squabble amongst ourselves about who is to blame rather than wising up to the truth which is that every decision they make is fuelled by cronyism and the inability to make and follow through with difficult choices, the pandemic being no exception. The supposedly self-made elite see the life of the average working class person as having far less value than their own, and their parties actions over the last 10 years have made that very clear. 
It was in December 2019 that the first case of COVID-19 was declared to the World Health Organisation and on March the 11th that they announced they considered it as a pandemic. In Wuhan, people were dying of pneumonia in their clusters. And what was Boris Johnson doing in this time? Well for starters, here in the UK we didn’t even have a pandemic committee-Johnson had scrapped it six months before. If years of benefits cuts and defunding of the NHS in favour of funding nuclear weapon programs, keeping British troops on other people’s lands, and tax breaks for the mega corporations that donate to their party didn’t convince you that the Conservatives have little regard for human life, them getting rid of this committee-whilst a pandemic has been declared year after year as the greatest threat to mankind-should have been the first sign of trouble. As if that wasn’t enough, he also skipped five of the COBRA (meetings are made up of a cross-departmental committee put together to respond to national emergencies and PMs routinely attend those pertaining to crises on the scale of COVID-19) meetings addressing the situation. Whilst other countries were closing their borders and stocking up on PPE, Johnson and his ministers were selling PPE abroad and simply telling people to wash their hands to the length of the tune of happy birthday. Their only policy was one of “herd immunity”, which was in fact not a policy but just an abandonment of their party’s public duty disguised as one, intentionally obfuscated with pseudoscientific jargon.
Even thinking the absolute worst of politicians you would hope that when it came to the point where the UK’s non-response to COVID-19 was becoming an international disgrace, Johnson and his ministers would take proper protective measures if only to save face. But when they eventually seemed to do so, it became clear that the priority was not the safety of the ordinary people affected by the virus. Outsourcing their test and traces system to companies such as Serco, Sitel, Deloitte and G4S rather than public health services, Conservative ministers could not resist attempting to line the pockets of their friends and benefactors in the process. According to the Guardian, instead of reaching out to the experts or using publicly funded services to handle COVID containment measures, the Conservative party has awarded a disgusting £1.5 BILLION WORTH of contracts to businesses with explicit connections to its MPs and donors, the majority of which lack any relative experience of the tasks they’ve been trusted to carry out. Unsurprisingly, the National Audit office found that when awarding contracts relating to the production of COVID-19 protection measures and treatment needs, there was a “high-priority lane” for suppliers referred by senior politicians and officials; companies with a political referral were 10 times more likely to end up winning a government contract than those without. On top of this, it is not hard to draw a link between the late initiation of lockdown measures and preemptive openings of pubs and restaurants against scientific advice to the interests of frequent donors such as Wetherspoons owner Tim Martin. Even if one chooses to ignore the blatantly obvious correlation between the owners of the businesses whose profits were prioritised over safety concerns and the number of those owners who donate to the Conservatives, party officials at the very least were reluctant to follow the lead of many other countries in financing furlough schemes themselves and instead avoided this responsibility by using loose lockdown measures to leave it down to the discretion of small business owners, who couldn’t themselves afford to furlough staff, whether or not to stay open. 
Time and time again, as the government flounder and fuck about, favouring personal desires to keep their powerful, high-paying jobs and to satisfy the corporate allies who make this possible, blame has been shifted from the public to care homes to NHS workers and back again whilst we, the public, make the biggest sacrifices of all under the illusion that we were being guided out of this pandemic rather than lied to and thrown under the bus. Whilst the elite continue to pick and choose what rules apply to them, it’s students and the elderly and the vulnerable paying the fines and scrabbling to afford basic living costs and hoping that they don’t lose someone dear to them.
Don’t get me wrong, a large proportion of the public have contributed to the spread too with their selfishness and entitlement and the arrogance it takes to develop a sudden refusal to acknowledge basic science from experts who have studied in the field their whole lives so that they can justify their need to go to the pub (speaking of, it’s absolutely HILARIOUS how many “mental health advocates” are suddenly coming out of the woodworks on football avi Twitter after they’ve spent years calling people on mental health Twitter attention seekers). And don't get me wrong, there were inevitably going to be casualties of this pandemic. But it didn't have to spread to this many people, and there didn’t have to be so many deaths due to a lack of preparation, and this wouldn’t have been the case if it weren’t for the inherent apathy of the Conservative party towards the lives of people of lesser status than them, the reluctance to put those lives before party interests. I wish I felt like there was an end in sight, I wish there was some positive takeaway from all of this, but even now, we continue to see corners being cut with the vaccine lauded as our saving grace and anti-maskers gathering outside hospitals to chant about how “oppressive” it is to be urged to wear a bit of cloth over their faces for the short periods of time in which they leave their houses and all I can think of is the selfishness that runs like poison through our country. It makes me sick and leaves me to question desperately where we go from here. I don’t like unanswered questions, I don’t like feeling politically directionless, and I don’t like the growing fear I have about the state of the world which seems to intensify every single day. In the UK at least, it’s starting to feel like nothing will ever change-we’re told we live in a democracy and yet mainstream media is owned by the people whose interest is to keep their Conservative friends in power. The stronghold they have over print media in particular allows them to continually get away with smearing and defaming every person who comes along and seems to want to actually help ordinary people, without being challenged, to the point where the only kind of “opposition” we’re left with promises nothing but a big boss approved tactical reshuffling of the status quo (which they call “electability”); it doesn’t feel like democracy when the majority of the country are being fed misleading information and convinced against voting in their best interests. 
This is the result of that. The state we find ourselves in is the inevitable result of being manipulated into helping the elite build their protective wall whilst the rest of us scrabble to get in and step on each others heads along the way, the people inside shouting over that it’s those even more vulnerable than ourselves that are taking our places. Outside the wall, the earth is falling from beneath our feet, and instead of throwing over the ropes to help us out, the people inside are stockpiling them so they can secure their firm place above ground and then later flog the rest. How many more people have to die before we reach some kind of widespread realisation of that? Where do we go from here and what do we do? Well for one, we can stop spreading those god-fucking-awful textposts on Facebook and get our heads out of our arses. Wear our masks over and wear them over our fucking noses. Have some fucking consideration for others. Don’t wait til an issue affects you personally to give a fuck about it. AND START HOLDING THE FUCKING PRIME MINISTER AND HIS MINISTERS AND HIS ENTIRE PARTY AS WELL AS THE OPPOSITION MPS THAT HAVE SAT BY THE SIDELINES AND ALLOWED THIS TO GO ON WITHOUT PROTEST ACCOUNTABLE. That would be a good start. 
I’m so tired. Things didn’t need to be this way, and yet because of the selfishness of the few, thousands upon thousands are dead. It’s not about “throwing around blame”, it’s not about “throwing around” anything, it’s about expecting a leader to do his best to protect lives. If that is “throwing blame”, let’s get things clear, I have no issue with hurtling it torpedo style at those who handed out a death sentence to so many in this country rather than do anything that might compromise their own privilege. Honestly, pass me the shovel after and I’ll happily bury the wreckage in the ground. Who wants to join?:-)
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shadowsoftherain · 8 years
4 years on ...
Haven’t been here in a while, used to be my escape. Yesterday was 4 years since I lost Martin. Still the toughest 4 years of my life, almost fell as deep into the 'blackhole' as he did, not only because of what happened but my own things too. The guilt one can feel from losing someone to suicide is hard. But, one thing is for certain - the act of suicide out of desperation should not be frowned upon nor be branded as cowardly. For me I don't frown upon it, and I think anyone who does isn't being honest with themselves. I don't think it's selfish at all, in fact I've heard people give many extremely selfless reasons as to why they've been contemplating suicide. As people I think we see a little bit of ourselves reflected back in us in everyone we meet. When were talking with someone who is in pain we see our own pain reflected back. We literally feel their pain, and we want to help but feel impotent. But you know, sometimes I see it as an act that is about moving away from what you don't want or can't stop happening. And tbh, what if you've never known what you want (or maybe you just don't want anything)? What if what you need is so foreign a concept you can't put it into words? What if what you're missing is something that society would pity you for having? But that's another thing I want to pick up on now. I think society is just as much to blame for the situation in which people end up committing suicide. Some may remember a meme I posted a few days ago. The male suicide rate was more than double that of female suicide rate in the UK. The suicide rate for men is now three and a half times that of women. Martin makes up one of those stats. Society has become a cancer that just like with the female counter parts where the media portrays an ideal body image, it now victimizes and forces men to conform to a certain behavioural trait. and the fact the political left and the cancer that is feminism which is an absolute disgrace to the planet and women has jumped on this "man hating" agenda is only making it worse. A man can't cry, can't seek help, can't talk about their feelings. They're simply told to "man up" or ignored or not taken seriously. Men are vulnerable, we are vulnerable. We hurt, we bleed, we suffer as badly if not more than our female counterparts at times. And the fact society just brushes men aside and leaves us to rot whether its about trying sort our feelings or even as a matter of justice where the other counterpart is usually favoured .e.g. in cases of domestic violence, divorce and custody of children. The biased and unhealthy attitude towards these things can easily be used to help explain why there are so many men in this country that feel hopeless and that they have nothing to live for and that society only looks down upon them and isn't willing to lend a hand. Despite improvements in psychiatric and emergency care medicine, a range of suicide prevention barriers and policies, it has only helped to reduce female suicide rates by half but male suicide rates are continuing to increase. Sometimes I wonder if it's actually the depression that's temporary or if it is instead the state of happiness and satisfaction thats temporary. Normally feels like that latter but hey maybe I just chose to stop kidding myself. For some people suicide is a decision that was made long ago. But for most, there are fundamental needs that are not being met that cause suicidal thoughts, and attacking the root causes will help. Some people don't understand, can't understand what it's like to have those thoughts. So you'll get some pretty senseless reactions. Others just want to help. It's a tough subject for people. Most just don't want you to be suffering like that but don't have the slightest clue what to actually do. But we have got to remove the taboo from suicide and start talking about it. I really do miss Martin. I still remember the good and bad times we've had with each other as if it was yesterday, how cruel life can be and how quickly negativity can consume someone and just make them feel like nothing. I guess I've been cautious with how I interact with other people after seeing the effect it had on you. After all, we both knew it well as we were already living in that kind of 'hell'. Maybe I made myself more distant in some ways as a result. But one thing someone told me that helped me come to terms with what happened is that no matter how hard I tried to talk him out of it or "convince him the sky was blue", his mind had already been set and for him, the sky had always been "green". So I just want to repeat something I said a couple years ago: To those who see people looking a little less talkative or down than normal - just say hello. Even just saying a simple "hi" can let them know that "hey someone cares, they spoke to me!". Personally I like that, it sometimes just completely switches my mood from negative to positive. For those who want to try and help those who need a bit of encouragement with their lives, I want you guys to remember this - telling someone with depression to "just get over it and be happy" is like telling someone with a broken leg to run to a hospital, so the best way to approach this in my eyes is to make yourself known to this person. All they need sometimes is someone to know that there is someone there who cares - but more importantly TO LISTEN. Please stay strong whoever is reading this and knows exactly the sort of feeling and desperation I'm talking about. Sometimes silence is the loudest scream so lets keep listening. Rest in peace Martin, I hope heaven is treating you so much better than life did down here xx
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gyrlversion · 6 years
Macron says Britain WILL crash out of EU if MPs block Mays deal again
Emmanuel Macron dealt a heavy blow to Theresa May’s meager hopes of a Brexit delay today, warning that a third defeat for her deal at the hands of British MPs would see the UK crash out of the EU without a deal.  
The French President spoke out against a longer Article 50 extension as Mrs May tried to woo EU leaders with a personal plea for a three-month hiatus at a showdown Brussels summit.  
Piling pressure on to MPs ahead of next week’s proposed third Commons vote Mr Macron said: ‘In the case of a negative British vote then we’d be heading to a No Deal. We all know it’, adding a longer extension would require ‘a deep political change’ in Britain – a nod to a second referendum or general election.
The Democratic Unionist Party and hardline Tory Brexiteers remain bitterly opposed to Mrs May’s deal.
And the situation may have been made worse by the PM’s Wednesday night TV address which sparked cross-party fury when she blamed them for postponing Brexit.  
Other EU leaders queued up to deliver the same No Deal warning including Luxembourg PM Xavier Bettel who said: ‘You decided to leave – you want us [the EU] to be the bad guy. But if there is no deal [at Westminster] in days there will be No Deal. We can’t extend – for me it is then over’.
While European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was asked if he was tiring of Mrs May’s political drama at home and said: ‘I didn’t even know I had this much patience’.
The No Deal threats will excite Brexiteers but will be ominous news for Remainers who are hoping that the EU will offer a long delay so they can push for the softest possible Brexit or stop it completely.
Mrs May yesterday begged the EU to stop the clock until June 30 – but arriving in Brussels today she wouldn’t rule out leaving with No Deal next week if her plan is defeated in the Commons again.
Emmanuel Macron and France have taken one of the hardest lines against Britain over Brexit in the past three years
A smiling Theresa May says hello to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Belgium’s Prime Minister Charles Michel as she asks the EU to delay Brexit until June
The Prime Minister met with Irish Taoiseach Leo Veradkar and President of the European Council Donald Tusk before addressing the 27 EU leaders to explain why they should accept a three-month Article 50 extension.
Walking into the summit – which was meant to the last one Britain would ever attend as an EU member – she said: ‘This is a matter of personal regret for me but a short extension would give Parliament time to make a final choice that delivers on the result of the referendum.’
She twice refused to rule out a No Deal Brexit on March 29 but added: ‘I still want to leave with a deal’. Mrs May added: ‘What matters is that we recognise that Brexit is the decision of the British people – we need to deliver on that. We’re nearly three years on from the original vote – it is now the time for Parliament to decide’.
If Article 50 is not extended, then the UK will crash out of the EU next Friday, in all likelihood without a deal as MPs have already rejected Mrs May’s exit plans twice. 
Any decision by the EU to accept Britain’s extension of Article 50 must be unanimous, meaning the potential Macron veto could be devastating to Mrs May’s plans.
For France, two criteria will count in a possible support for the British extension request: the likelihood that the British Parliament will end up ratifying the agreement, but also the impact of this extension on the European Union.
Theresa May arriving in Brussels today ahead of a lengthy grilling by EU leaders over her Brexit plans
Mrs May was kissed by President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, who has suggested they will demand a May 22 Brexit rather than a June 30
 A ‘cross-party majority’ of MPs believe they can force through a soft Brexit that would include freedom of movement if Theresa May loses another vote on her deal next week.
Tory former minister Oliver Letwin said he believed that a plan known as ‘Norway Plus’ or ‘Common Market 2.0’ could succeed if the PM fails get enough backing for her plan to leave in June.
This would include membership of the Single Market, which requires free movement of people.
It came as the DUP handed Mrs May a devastating blow, with Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson saying there was ‘no pressure on me or my party to vote for this deal’.
The hardline unionist and Brexiteer tore into Brussels, including European Council president Donald Tusk, accusing them of ‘arrogance’ over their offer in an interview with TalkRadio.
He said: If anything the arrogance of the EU negotiators … this arrogance is born of the fact that the EU see us as a bit of a rollover when it comes to negotiations.
But for anyone to say we’ll give you a three month extension if you accept this toxic deal – I neither want this toxic deal nor the extension so there is no pressure on me or my party to vote for this deal, and certainly not on the basis of demands from Donald Tusk.’
 It means that unless Mrs May wins a lot of rebel Labour votes a third meaningful vote looks dead in the water.
Theresa May, pictured at RAF Northolt in London today, asked EU leaders in Brussels this afternoon for a Brexit delay until June amid disarray and fury in Westminster. But she appears to have been left disappointed
A likely compromise for France accepting a relatively short delay for the London parliament to finally ratify Mrs May’s Brexit deal is Britain not taking part in key decisions during its last months in the EU.
Raging MPs today branded Theresa May a ‘f***ing disgrace’ after she used her live TV speech to scold them for not backing her Brexit deal.  
Mrs May condemned the Commons for failing to back her EU withdrawal agreement and accused them of playing ‘political games’.
The Downing Street address was meant to persuade Brexiteer Tories, Labour rebels and the DUP to back her deal when it comes back to the Commons next week, most likely on Tuesday.
But her defiant speech caused a great deal of upset among MPs who branded it ‘toxic’, ‘contemptuous’, ‘incendiary and irresponsible’ while another called it a ‘f***ing disgrace’.
Tory Remainer Sam Gymiah hit out at his party leader and said: ‘Resorting to the blame game, as the PM is doing, is a low blow’ while Tory Brexiteer Henry Smith says that Britain must now opt for No Deal 
Potential Labour ‘switcher’ Lisa Nandy claimed last night that Mrs May had blown her chance to win her and other MPs over
Tory Remainer Sam Gyimah hit out at his party leader and said: ‘Resorting to the blame game, as the PM is doing, is a low blow. Democracy loses when a Prime Minister who has set herself against the House of Commons then blames MPs for doing their job. It’s Toxic. 
‘She knows MPs are receiving hate mail. We’re repeatedly being urged to hold their noses to the stench of this deal and vote for it. That cannot be the blueprint for our great country and I cannot support it’.
Potential ‘switcher’ Lisa Nandy claimed last night that Mrs May had blown her chance and said: ‘There’s absolutely no chance she is going to win over MPs in sufficient numbers after that statement. It was an attack on liberal democracy itself. I will not support a government that takes such a reckless approach’.
But Brexit Minister Kwasi Kwarteng said today he believes more MPs will back the Prime Minister’s deal after her intervention and insisted she has a ‘good shot at landing the deal and winning a vote next week’.
The Prime Minister will travel to Brussels today to ask for an extension until the end of June to try to get her plan through, arriving at around noon. 
She is rumoured to be addressing EU leaders at around 3pm.
Jeremy Hunt: There’s no guarantee the PM can bring back her vote 
Jeremy Hunt, pictured leaving the Commons last night, suggested it is not guaranteed Mrs may will try to get her Brexit deal through parliament for a third time next week
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said he does not know if Theresa May’s Brexit deal will be brought back to Parliament next week, as he warned of ‘extreme unpredictability’ if the issue is not resolved.
He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘If we are in the same situation this time next week then only a very limited list of things could happen: Parliament could vote to revoke Article 50, which is cancelling the Brexit process – I think that’s highly unlikely…
‘There could be an EU emergency summit to offer us an extension and we don’t know what the length will be and it could have some very onerous conditions – they could say, for example, ‘We’ll give you an extension if you have a second referendum’.
‘Again, I think it’s very unlikely Parliament would vote for that. And then we have no-deal as the legal default on Friday.
‘So the choice that we have now is one of resolving this issue or extreme unpredictability.’
Mr Hunt said ‘no prime minister in living memory has been tested’ in the way that Mrs May has.
‘Let’s not forget the extraordinary pressure that she is personally under, and I think she does feel a sense of frustration,’ he told Today.
‘She is absolutely determined to deliver what people voted for and I think … the Brexit process has sapped our national confidence and we need to remember now what we’re capable of as a country.
‘And we need to remember that the economy has actually not suffered in the way many people thought it would and we have a chance now to resolve this and move on, to close this chapter, move on to the next chapter.
‘And we will be able to say, as one of the oldest parliamentary democracies in the world, that we were faced with a very difficult decision – a decision that most of the political establishment didn’t want to go ahead – and we’ve delivered it because we are a country where we do what the people say.’
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
World Cup Rewind - England v Tunisia: The story of the trouble at France 98
World Cup Rewind - England v Tunisia: The story of the trouble at France 98
World Cup Rewind – England v Tunisia: The story of the trouble at France 98
Marseille city authorities said 63 people were injured in the three days of fighting in June 1998
World Cup Rewind: England v Tunisia 1998 Date: Thursday 7 June (12:00 BST) Coverage: Watch the whole game ‘live’ on the BBC Sport website and app. Live text commentary online
Prime minister Tony Blair called it “a total disgrace”, the head of the Football Association said he was “sickened”, and the sports minister said a “moronic minority” were ruining England’s reputation abroad.
At least 32 people were injured during three days of rioting and violence when England met Tunisia in Marseille in their opening game of the World Cup in France in 1998.
Much has changed on and off the pitch in the 20 years since, but England will again play Tunisia in their first match of a major tournament when the sides meet in Volgograd on 18 June.
So what happened in Marseille? And why?
You can watch the whole match from 1998 in full on the BBC Sport website and app on Thursday from noon BST.
Marseille ‘a recipe for disaster’
After the World Cup qualifying failure of 1993, the game with Tunisia in Marseille was England’s first in the tournament since their excruciating defeat to West Germany in Turin eight years earlier.
Expectations were high, and even manager Glenn Hoddle’s decision to leave Paul Gascoigne at home did not deter thousands of fans from making the journey across the Channel.
But not everyone was happy with the decision to play the opening game at the Stade Velodrome. Sir Brian Hayes – former deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police – was recruited by the FA as a security advisor for the tournament and says they wanted the game moved.
The FA’s security advisor wanted the game moved from Marseille
“In the build up to the World Cup we tried to get the game switched to a different venue,” Hayes told BBC Sport.
“I fought personally quite hard, and the chief executive of the FA tried because of the large resident north African population in Marseille. It was going to be staged in very hot weather, there was obviously going to be a lot of drinking by the British fans and the whole climate was wrong, the venue was wrong.
“We tried to get them to switch the matches around so that the Tunisia game could be played in Lens, for example, but they couldn’t or wouldn’t bow to that at all.
“The recipe was there, from a security point of view, for a disaster. And that’s what we got.”
‘Tear gas in the air’ – the build-up
England fans had to wait five days after the start of the tournament to see their side in action, the Tunisia game scheduled for a Monday lunchtime kick-off. As millions back home booked time off work to watch, thousands poured into the Mediterranean port over the weekend.
A French paper was kind enough to supply me with passes, a car and 24,000km worth of petrol in return for a month’s reportage, and were unkind enough to call it ‘Diary of a Hooligan’
Alex GriffithsReporter
After some isolated trouble on the Saturday night, Sunday saw 400 England followers involved in pitched battles with Tunisian fans, local youths and police during seven hours of violence which left at least 32 people injured.
Police fired tear gas to break up groups of several hundred England and Tunisia supporters, there was a constant hail of bottles and missiles and as fans retreated they destroyed shops and premises.
Two Britons required operations for serious injuries, one for a slashed throat and the other for a knife wound to the stomach. There were nearly 50 arrests. Hayes’ prophecy had come to pass.
England fan Tim Rolls: “We realised Marseille could be a flashpoint and best avoided in terms of staying there.
“Our mood the night before the game was not helped by images on French TV of England supporters fighting with police and locals in Marseille and, worse, setting fire to a Tunisian flag. You didn’t need to be a diplomatic genius to realise this was going to crank up the tension a few notches.”
BBC commentator Jonathan Pearce: “There was some trepidation about the fans. Bad fighting had broken out in what is always a spiky city on the eve of the game. There was talk that England would be thrown out of the World Cup if there was a repeat.
“I was worried because I had family there who had tickets. I remember the relief when I met them outside the stadium and they were OK.”
Hayes: “The English fans didn’t start it. Some of the African population started lobbing cans of beer at England fans, and even if England fans don’t start a fight they are up for one.
“I had seen occasions where England fans started trouble but in Marseille I can say they didn’t – from what I saw. They were heavily provoked. It was not a good experience.”
BBC news correspondent Robert Hall: “I remember the Sunday very clearly. We jumped out of the van as we arrived in Marseille and saw the trouble down by the harbour and ran off towards it.
“There was tear gas in the air, it was very hot. There were a lot of young north African guys, locals, who came into town to join in with any trouble.
A Tunisian government statement expressed “profound indignation at these unacceptable acts and behaviour which are incompatible with sportsmanship and civilised values”.
“It was full on. French police in full riot gear with tear gas charging the fans. I’m always careful to use the word fans as it was the usual hardcore group of people you always find in any sort of trouble like that. We stayed at a reasonably safe distance.”
England fan Matt Stewart: “We were aware that there could be trouble due to the reputation of England fans at the time, so we decided to stay in Avignon.
“The night before the game there were hundreds of fans in Avignon but the atmosphere was good. Around 11pm a huge football match broke out in the main square. It was about 80 a side! There were locals and England fans on both sides.”
The UK’s home secretary of the time, Jack Straw, backed the actions of the French police, saying there were no excuses for hooliganism.
“I don’t want to hear any kind of examination of whether these people had bad childhoods,” he said at the time.
“I’ve seen football hooligans myself. They always have a huge amount of money, get completely drunk and then commit this kind of act and then offer excuses.
“We have to try to get a grip of it.”
Prime Minister Blair said the fighting was a “total disgrace”. He added: “It may be a small number of fans, there may be other fans that have been involved, but that is no excuse, there aren’t any excuses for it. We have to put a stop to it.
“These people have the absolute condemnation of everyone in the country.”
‘An air of bristling tension’ – game day
As the tear gas cleared overnight in Marseille city centre, it was time for action on the pitch as Hoddle’s England lined up against Tunisia live on BBC One.
How England lined up for the match at the Stade Velodrome, which they won 2-0
Thankfully – unlike during the England v Russia game in 2016 – there was no trouble inside the Velodrome itself, but scuffles were ignited down on the beach fanzone following Alan Shearer’s opening goal in a relatively comfortable 2-0 win.
During the BBC coverage of the game, FA chief executive Graham Kelly hit out at the “400 drunken English people who have come here and caused immense inconvenience and distress”.
“We have made progress but as long as people are allowed to leave the country and have the inclination to sit in bars and drink for 24 hours – there is something in the mentality of the English that they are going to cause trouble,” he said.
“Their behaviour sickened everyone connected with the England team and all the genuine supporters. It really is terrible. They are not fit to be allowed here. It was frightening, to be honest with you. The only silver lining is that it showed this must be nipped in the bud.”
At the time, Kevin Miles of the Football Supporters’ Association said England fans were caught up in tension between locals and French riot police.
“What happened was a war on the streets of Marseille between the local Arab population and the police for their own reasons about French politics, not English football,” he said.
“English fans have been caught in the middle of that with no protection from the police.”
Shearer remembers beating Tunisia in ’98
The Ref Online reporter Alex Griffiths: “Knowing demand would exceed supply, it was agreed to stage a proto-fanzone before fanzones were yet really a thing, and this was where most of the innocent day-trippers were hurt as they made their way to and from the screening of the game in the unfamiliar sunshine. The violence in the city itself was far more of a consensual affair on the Monday, and if you were able to persuade a hotel to take you in, that was the safest place to sit it out.
“The scene at the port’s front became more akin to a film set, with TV lighting paraphernalia up in one corner and extras virtually bussed in direct from Luton, in the days when budget airlines were also a relatively new phenomenon.”
Hayes: “That was another thing we advised against – having a big screen on the beach. It was relatively peaceful until England scored and then it kicked off again. England fans were being provoked all the time.”
Pearce: “There certainly was an air of bristling tension hanging over the city. My family came in by train and were quite frightened by all the reports. There had been bad clashes in the build up to the game. Marseille could then be, as it is now, quite intimidating.
Home secretary Jack Straw told the House of Commons: “The country has been betrayed by fans’ treacherous behaviour”
“I remember seeing groups hanging around on street corners waiting for something to happen. But inside the ground it was fine.
“The interesting conflict was between England’s genuine belief, and mine, that they could win the World Cup against the real fear that they could get thrown out of the competition for crowd trouble.
“The Stade Velodrome is different these days. Then it had a huge bank behind the right-hand goal. The England fans had turned the whole place into Wembley. There were flags and banners everywhere. No trouble inside the ground. Just a wonderful atmosphere. 60,000 fans. It still makes me tingle to think about it.”
Goals from Alan Shearer and Paul Scholes were enough to secure a win in Marseille
England fan Martin Cloake: “I remember being amazed at the sheer numbers who’d travelled – about 40,000 England fans in a 60,000 stadium. We met some really good people, and fans were obviously aware there had been problems, but most of the people we spoke to were fairly determined to keep out of it.
“We could see tear gas and some running about in the streets outside while we were still in the stadium, so obviously we knew there were still problems, but we didn’t know the extent of what had happened on the beach until later.
“Most of the conversations we had were with fans who were annoyed that some fans had obviously been involved in trouble and that this would take the focus away from the great support we had. The point is that plenty of fans managed to stay out of trouble, despite the very real issues there were.”
Stewart: “We saw the news reports of overnight violence in Marseille when we woke up on match day so were apprehensive when getting the train to the game. On arrival we saw lots of English supporters with cuts, bruises and bandages. Most victims reported they were attacked by locals on mopeds.
“Post-match we saw some running brawls as we headed to the metro. We got to the station to return to Avignon and a large number of English fans were there trying to leave Marseille. Some on our train stated they had nowhere to stay but a park bench was better than risking further attacks in Marseille.”
England fan Jeremy Lockley: “We were staying in an apartment about an hour from Marseille. We had heard about the trouble and a few of us considered not going to the game.
“On the morning of the game we decided quite late that we would go, but that we would travel in by car. As we tried to enter the ground we were refused as it was after kick off but eventually we were let in by two policeman who agreed with our point it was better for us to be in the ground than out.
“We ended up in the Tunisia end but inside the ground there was no trouble at all, the Tunisia fans were very friendly and the atmosphere was very relaxed. We celebrated the Paul Scholes goal forgetting where we were and, although we had some funny looks, there was no trouble.”
More than 1,000 England fans were banned from travelling to the next World Cup in Japan and South Korea in 2002
‘It was a watershed moment’ – the aftermath
England’s second group game against Romania in Toulouse was also marred by trouble – one fan was stabbed – but not on the scale of Marseille.
In the 20 years since then, England fans have been caught up in trouble again – but Hayes believes the Tunisia game was a turning point in how travelling fans are policed.
Hayes: “As a result of what happened in France there was a lot of work between the FA, the police and the Home Office to strengthen the legislation and that’s where banning orders came in.
“In the years that followed, measures were put in which pretty much knocked it on the head. Identifying the troublemakers beforehand, stopping them becoming members of the FA travel club, getting passports withdrawn on occasion – strong measures.
“We have only seen sporadic incidents since, nothing to equal what was going on in the 1990s. It was a watershed in a way, that game. It disappointed us but it led on to strong measures being taken. There was a feeling that enough is enough.”
Griffiths: “The daily French paper which invented the European Cup were kind enough to supply me with passes, a car, a list of hotels and 24,000km worth of petrol in return for a month’s reportage, and were unkind enough to call it ‘Diary of a Hooligan’, because clickbait, even then, was kind of a thing.”
Twenty years on the sides meet again in Russia. Can England manage better than their second-round exit to Argentina that followed the sides’ game in France?
Pearce: “We stayed on the air for a post match phone-in and the fans were genuinely optimistic that England could win the World Cup. This wasn’t the usual hype. The hope seemed real.
“I had commentated on all but two England games from 1987 up to that summer of 1998. But my optimism about their chances has never been as high again as it was on that June day in Marseille.”
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
A 'watershed' in hooliganism - when England last met Tunisia
World Cup Rewind: England v Tunisia 1998 Date: Thursday 7 June (12:00 BST) Coverage: Watch the whole game ‘live’ on the BBC Sport website and app. Live text commentary online
Prime minister Tony Blair called it “a total disgrace”, the head of the Football Association said he was “sickened”, and the sports minister said a “moronic minority” were ruining England’s reputation abroad.
At least 32 people were injured during three days of rioting and violence when England met Tunisia in Marseille in their opening game of the World Cup in France in 1998.
Much has changed on and off the pitch in the 20 years since, but England will again play Tunisia in their first match of a major tournament when the sides meet in Volgograd on 18 June.
So what happened in Marseille? And why?
You can watch the whole match from 1998 in full on the BBC Sport website and app on Thursday from noon BST.
Marseille ‘a recipe for disaster’
After the World Cup qualifying failure of 1993, the game with Tunisia in Marseille was England’s first in the tournament since their excruciating defeat to West Germany in Turin eight years earlier.
Expectations were high, and even manager Glenn Hoddle’s decision to leave Paul Gascoigne at home did not deter thousands of fans from making the journey across the Channel.
But not everyone was happy with the decision to play the opening game at the Stade Velodrome. Sir Brian Hayes – former deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police – was recruited by the FA as a security advisor for the tournament and says they wanted the game moved.
“In the build up to the World Cup we tried to get the game switched to a different venue,” Hayes told BBC Sport.
“I fought personally quite hard, and the chief executive of the FA tried because of the large resident north African population in Marseille. It was going to be staged in very hot weather, there was obviously going to be a lot of drinking by the British fans and the whole climate was wrong, the venue was wrong.
“We tried to get them to switch the matches around so that the Tunisia game could be played in Lens, for example, but they couldn’t or wouldn’t bow to that at all.
“The recipe was there, from a security point of view, for a disaster. And that’s what we got.”
‘Tear gas in the air’ – the build-up
England fans had to wait five days after the start of the tournament to see their side in action, the Tunisia game scheduled for a Monday lunchtime kick-off. As millions back home booked time off work to watch, thousands poured into the Mediterranean port over the weekend.
After some isolated trouble on the Saturday night, Sunday saw 400 England followers involved in pitched battles with Tunisian fans, local youths and police during seven hours of violence which left at least 32 people injured.
Police fired tear gas to break up groups of several hundred England and Tunisia supporters, there was a constant hail of bottles and missiles and as fans retreated they destroyed shops and premises.
Two Britons required operations for serious injuries, one for a slashed throat and the other for a knife wound to the stomach. There were nearly 50 arrests. Hayes’ prophecy had come to pass.
England fan Tim Rolls: “We realised Marseille could be a flashpoint and best avoided in terms of staying there.
“Our mood the night before the game was not helped by images on French TV of England supporters fighting with police and locals in Marseille and, worse, setting fire to a Tunisian flag. You didn’t need to be a diplomatic genius to realise this was going to crank up the tension a few notches.”
BBC commentator Jonathan Pearce: “There was some trepidation about the fans. Bad fighting had broken out in what is always a spiky city on the eve of the game. There was talk that England would be thrown out of the World Cup if there was a repeat.
“I was worried because I had family there who had tickets. I remember the relief when I met them outside the stadium and they were OK.”
Hayes: “The English fans didn’t start it. Some of the African population started lobbing cans of beer at England fans, and even if England fans don’t start a fight they are up for one.
“I had seen occasions where England fans started trouble but in Marseille I can say they didn’t – from what I saw. They were heavily provoked. It was not a good experience.”
BBC news correspondent Robert Hall: “I remember the Sunday very clearly. We jumped out of the van as we arrived in Marseille and saw the trouble down by the harbour and ran off towards it.
“There was tear gas in the air, it was very hot. There were a lot of young north African guys, locals, who came into town to join in with any trouble.
“It was full on. French police in full riot gear with tear gas charging the fans. I’m always careful to use the word fans as it was the usual hardcore group of people you always find in any sort of trouble like that. We stayed at a reasonably safe distance.”
England fan Matt Stewart: “We were aware that there could be trouble due to the reputation of England fans at the time, so we decided to stay in Avignon.
“The night before the game there were hundreds of fans in Avignon but the atmosphere was good. Around 11pm a huge football match broke out in the main square. It was about 80 a side! There were locals and England fans on both sides.”
The UK’s home secretary of the time, Jack Straw, backed the actions of the French police, saying there were no excuses for hooliganism.
“I don’t want to hear any kind of examination of whether these people had bad childhoods,” he said at the time.
“I’ve seen football hooligans myself. They always have a huge amount of money, get completely drunk and then commit this kind of act and then offer excuses.
“We have to try to get a grip of it.”
Prime Minister Blair said the fighting was a “total disgrace”. He added: “It may be a small number of fans, there may be other fans that have been involved, but that is no excuse, there aren’t any excuses for it. We have to put a stop to it.
“These people have the absolute condemnation of everyone in the country.”
‘An air of bristling tension’ – game day
As the tear gas cleared overnight in Marseille city centre, it was time for action on the pitch as Hoddle’s England lined up against Tunisia live on BBC One.
Thankfully – unlike during the England v Russia game in 2016 – there was no trouble inside the Velodrome itself, but scuffles were ignited down on the beach fanzone following Alan Shearer’s opening goal in a relatively comfortable 2-0 win.
During the BBC coverage of the game, FA chief executive Graham Kelly hit out at the “400 drunken English people who have come here and caused immense inconvenience and distress”.
“We have made progress but as long as people are allowed to leave the country and have the inclination to sit in bars and drink for 24 hours – there is something in the mentality of the English that they are going to cause trouble,” he said.
“Their behaviour sickened everyone connected with the England team and all the genuine supporters. It really is terrible. They are not fit to be allowed here. It was frightening, to be honest with you. The only silver lining is that it showed this must be nipped in the bud.”
At the time, Kevin Miles of the Football Supporters’ Association said England fans were caught up in tension between locals and French riot police.
“What happened was a war on the streets of Marseille between the local Arab population and the police for their own reasons about French politics, not English football,” he said.
“English fans have been caught in the middle of that with no protection from the police.”
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The Ref Online reporter Alex Griffiths: “Knowing demand would exceed supply, it was agreed to stage a proto-fanzone before fanzones were yet really a thing, and this was where most of the innocent day-trippers were hurt as they made their way to and from the screening of the game in the unfamiliar sunshine. The violence in the city itself was far more of a consensual affair on the Monday, and if you were able to persuade a hotel to take you in, that was the safest place to sit it out.
“The scene at the port’s front became more akin to a film set, with TV lighting paraphernalia up in one corner and extras virtually bussed in direct from Luton, in the days when budget airlines were also a relatively new phenomenon.”
Hayes: “That was another thing we advised against – having a big screen on the beach. It was relatively peaceful until England scored and then it kicked off again. England fans were being provoked all the time.”
Pearce: “There certainly was an air of bristling tension hanging over the city. My family came in by train and were quite frightened by all the reports. There had been bad clashes in the build up to the game. Marseille could then be, as it is now, quite intimidating.
“I remember seeing groups hanging around on street corners waiting for something to happen. But inside the ground it was fine.
“The interesting conflict was between England’s genuine belief, and mine, that they could win the World Cup against the real fear that they could get thrown out of the competition for crowd trouble.
“The Stade Velodrome is different these days. Then it had a huge bank behind the right-hand goal. The England fans had turned the whole place into Wembley. There were flags and banners everywhere. No trouble inside the ground. Just a wonderful atmosphere. 60,000 fans. It still makes me tingle to think about it.”
England fan Martin Cloake: “I remember being amazed at the sheer numbers who’d travelled – about 40,000 England fans in a 60,000 stadium. We met some really good people, and fans were obviously aware there had been problems, but most of the people we spoke to were fairly determined to keep out of it.
“We could see tear gas and some running about in the streets outside while we were still in the stadium, so obviously we knew there were still problems, but we didn’t know the extent of what had happened on the beach until later.
“Most of the conversations we had were with fans who were annoyed that some fans had obviously been involved in trouble and that this would take the focus away from the great support we had. The point is that plenty of fans managed to stay out of trouble, despite the very real issues there were.”
Stewart: “We saw the news reports of overnight violence in Marseille when we woke up on match day so were apprehensive when getting the train to the game. On arrival we saw lots of English supporters with cuts, bruises and bandages. Most victims reported they were attacked by locals on mopeds.
“Post-match we saw some running brawls as we headed to the metro. We got to the station to return to Avignon and a large number of English fans were there trying to leave Marseille. Some on our train stated they had nowhere to stay but a park bench was better than risking further attacks in Marseille.”
England fan Jeremy Lockley: “We were staying in an apartment about an hour from Marseille. We had heard about the trouble and a few of us considered not going to the game.
“On the morning of the game we decided quite late that we would go, but that we would travel in by car. As we tried to enter the ground we were refused as it was after kick off but eventually we were let in by two policeman who agreed with our point it was better for us to be in the ground than out.
“We ended up in the Tunisia end but inside the ground there was no trouble at all, the Tunisia fans were very friendly and the atmosphere was very relaxed. We celebrated the Paul Scholes goal forgetting where we were and, although we had some funny looks, there was no trouble.”
‘It was a watershed moment’ – the aftermath
England’s second group game against Romania in Toulouse was also marred by trouble – one fan was stabbed – but not on the scale of Marseille.
In the 20 years since then, England fans have been caught up in trouble again – but Hayes believes the Tunisia game was a turning point in how travelling fans are policed.
Hayes: “As a result of what happened in France there was a lot of work between the FA, the police and the Home Office to strengthen the legislation and that’s where banning orders came in.
“In the years that followed, measures were put in which pretty much knocked it on the head. Identifying the troublemakers beforehand, stopping them becoming members of the FA travel club, getting passports withdrawn on occasion – strong measures.
“We have only seen sporadic incidents since, nothing to equal what was going on in the 1990s. It was a watershed in a way, that game. It disappointed us but it led on to strong measures being taken. There was a feeling that enough is enough.”
Griffiths: “The daily French paper which invented the European Cup were kind enough to supply me with passes, a car, a list of hotels and 24,000km worth of petrol in return for a month’s reportage, and were unkind enough to call it ‘Diary of a Hooligan’, because clickbait, even then, was kind of a thing.”
Twenty years on the sides meet again in Russia. Can England manage better than their second-round exit to Argentina that followed the sides’ game in France?
Pearce: “We stayed on the air for a post match phone-in and the fans were genuinely optimistic that England could win the World Cup. This wasn’t the usual hype. The hope seemed real.
“I had commentated on all but two England games from 1987 up to that summer of 1998. But my optimism about their chances has never been as high again as it was on that June day in Marseille.”
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BBC Sport – Football
A 'watershed' in hooliganism – when England last met Tunisia was originally published on 365 Football
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robgrayofficial · 6 years
HAPPY SATURDAY ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PATRIOTS ♥HOW’S EVERYONE DOING THIS FINE MORNING?!! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here to spend another lovely Saturday with all of you TREMENDOUS ‘pedes!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS :)TIME FOR OUR WEEKLY PRESIDENTIALLY DANK RECAP!LET'S GET TO IT!!(Click here to check out any past recaps!)Sunday, April 1st:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Makes a Statement on DACAPresident Trump and the First Lady Host the White House Easter Egg RollWhite House Easter Egg Roll: Reading Nook with First Lady Melania TrumpWhite House Easter Egg Roll: Reading Nook with Press Secretary Sarah Sanders🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:HAPPY EASTER!Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. “Caravans” coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S. They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL!These big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of DACA. They want in on the act!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:google is pathetic.@PotusThump sends his Easter Greetings this morning.Easter: NYC 1956. Please Lord help us Make America Great Again.Warning to fellow T_D patriots. Posting on T_D automatically invalidates your arguments, but criticizing the Parkland survivors political viewpoints makes you a monster. I don’t care, nobody is above criticism, we have our 2nd Amendment to protect the 1st Amendment.Not an April Fool’s joke. A real NBC News headline on Easter. What. The. Fuck.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:BREAKING: Leaked photo exposes The_Donald top mods!!Happy Easter Pedes! 🐇🇺🇸In celebration of Easter, let us read a passage from Trump 20:20‘Member when Matt Furie tried to kill Pepe? Happy Easter, pedes!Monday, April 2nd:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration PostsWhite House Easter Egg Roll 2018Statement by the Press Secretary on the Extradition of Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Nikulin🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Mexico has the absolute power not to let these large “Caravans” of people enter their country. They must stop them at their Northern Border, which they can do because their border laws work, not allow them to pass through into our country, which has no effective border laws ... Congress must immediately pass Border Legislation, use Nuclear Option if necessary, to stop the massive inflow of Drugs and People. Border Patrol Agents (and ICE) are GREAT, but the weak Dem laws don’t allow them to do their job. Act now Congress, our country is being stolen!DACA is dead because the Democrats didn’t care or act, and now everyone wants to get onto the DACA bandwagon... No longer works. Must build Wall and secure our borders with proper Border legislation. Democrats want No Borders, hence drugs and crime!Mexico is making a fortune on NAFTA...They have very strong border laws - ours are pathetic. With all of the money they make from the U.S., hopefully they will stop people from coming through their country and into ours, at least until Congress changes our immigration laws!So funny to watch Fake News Networks, among the most dishonest groups of people I have ever dealt with, criticize Sinclair Broadcasting for being biased. Sinclair is far superior to CNN and even more Fake NBC, which is a total joke.Only fools, or worse, are saying that our money losing Post Office makes money with Amazon. THEY LOSE A FORTUNE, and this will be changed. Also, our fully tax paying retailers are closing stores all over the country...not a level playing field!So sad that the Department of “Justice” and the FBI are slow walking, or even not giving, the unredacted documents requested by Congress. An embarrassment to our country!An honor to host the Annual @WhiteHouse Easter Egg Roll!“President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2, 2018, World Autism Awareness Day”As ridiculous as it sounds, the laws of our country do not easily allow us to send those crossing our Southern Border back where they came from. A whole big wasted procedure must take place. Mexico & Canada have tough immigration laws, whereas ours are an Obama joke. ACT CONGRESSHonduras, Mexico and many other countries that the U.S. is very generous to, sends many of their people to our country through our WEAK IMMIGRATION POLICIES. Caravans are heading here. Must pass tough laws and build the WALL. Democrats allow open borders, drugs and crime!39% of my nominations, including Diplomats to foreign lands, have not been confirmed due to Democrat obstruction and delay. At this rate, it would take more than 7 years before I am allowed to have these great people start working. Never happened before. Disgraceful!“President Trump's approval rate among likely U.S. voters hit 50 percent on Monday, which puts him higher than former President Barack Obama's score at the same point into his first term, according to a new poll.” Via: @Anna_Giaritelli @DCExaminer#AutismAwarenessDay #LightItUpBlueSIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Trump presidential approval poll hits 50%!SESSIONS SUES CA AGAIN!!This must be an April Fools joke? Right guys...?California Commits Massive Medicaid Fraud By Illegally Insuring Illegals... Someone Needs To Go To Jail!MyPillow refuses to participate in the left's targeted harassment of Laura Ingraham. Show them some love!🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:When parody becomes reality in the UK...Democrat voters and their only platform.Reminder: Disney has a Princess who open carries.Top meme on imgflip right now.Tuesday, April 3rd:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Hosts a Joint Press Conference with the Baltic States Heads of GovernmentPresident Trump Participates in a Working Lunch with the Baltic States Heads of GovernmentPresident Donald J. Trump’s Support for Estonia, Latvia, and LithuaniaLeadership is Here to Fight OpioidsPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key Administration Posts🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:The Fake News Networks, those that knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, are worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast. The “Fakers” at CNN, NBC, ABC & CBS have done so much dishonest reporting that they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our “Weak Laws” Border, had better be stopped before it gets there. Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen. Congress MUST ACT NOW!Check out the fact that you can’t get a job at ratings challenged @CNN unless you state that you are totally anti-Trump? Little Jeff Zuker, whose job is in jeopardy, is not having much fun lately. They should clean up and strengthen CNN and get back to honest reporting!Thank you to Rasmussen for the honest polling. Just hit 50%, which is higher than Cheatin’ Obama at the same time in his Administration.I am right about Amazon costing the United States Post Office massive amounts of money for being their Delivery Boy. Amazon should pay these costs (plus) and not have them bourne by the American Taxpayer. Many billions of dollars. P.O. leaders don’t have a clue (or do they?)!Today, it was my honor to welcome Estonia President @KerstiKaljulaid, Lithuania President @Grybauskaite_LT, and Latvia President @Vejonis to the @WhiteHouse. Congratulations on your 100th anniversaries of independence! #BalticSummit: http://bit.ly/2qcziaw WILL PROTECT OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!Was just briefed on the shooting at YouTube’s HQ in San Bruno, California. Our thoughts and prayers are with everybody involved. Thank you to our phenomenal Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders that are currently on the scene.SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:TRUMP SENDS MILITARY TO PROTECT SOUTHERN BORDER!Hero who helped victims of YouTube shooting, “I didn’t have a gun on me but I wish I did”Over 1 Million illegals got California drivers license....but Democrats say none votedA conservative street artist is putting up these #ZuckSchumer posters across NYCIdiots wanted more government, so they got more government. Enjoy!🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:When the Gunman turns out to be a Woman...So true..The_Donald user calls his shot, two days later it comes trueNEW WALL PROTOTYPE! BEST ONE YET!HELLLLOOOOOO CHEATIN' OBAMA !!!!!!!!!!!Life comes at you fast (when you’re a tentacle porn-loving pedo).Wednesday, April 4th:TODAY'S ACTION:Dr. King's Legacy | 50 Years LaterA Declaration to Celebrate 100 Years of Independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and Renewed PartnershipPresident Donald J. Trump Proclaims the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Trump Infrastructure Plan Provides Skilled JobsWhat You Need To Know About Loopholes Allowing Unaccompanied Alien Children To Stay In The CountryPresident Donald J. Trump Signs H.R. 3731, S. 2030, and S. 2040 into LawPresident Donald J. Trump Signs H.R. 4851 into LawStatement by the Press Secretary on the Anniversary of the April 4, 2017 Chemical Weapons Attack on Khan ShaykhunWhat You Need to Know About the President’s Authorization for the National Guard to Deploy to the Southern Border🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Our Border Laws are very weak while those of Mexico & Canada are very strong. Congress must change these Obama era, and other, laws NOW! The Democrats stand in our way - they want people to pour into our country unchecked....CRIME! We will be taking strong action today.When you’re already $500 Billion DOWN, you can’t lose!Our thoughts and prayers are with the four U.S. Marines from the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing who lost their lives in yesterday’s Southern California helicopter crash. We pray for their families, and our great @USMC.Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the 50th anniversary of his assassination. Earlier this year I spoke about Dr. King’s legacy of justice and peace, and his impact on uniting Americans. #MLK50 Proclamation: http://45.wh.gov/DrKing50th“Still Rising: Rasmussen Poll Shows Donald Trump Approval Ratings Now at 51 Percent”SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:You think there’s any chance whatsoever that a mass shooters hateful Instagram and YouTube channels would be pulled immediately if they were NRA members as opposed to liberal Vegan PETA activists? Asking for a few million friends in the @NRA - DT Jr.Trump to sign proclamation sending National Guard to the border immediately🚨🚨BREAKING! Mueller: Trump is NOT a criminal Target at this point.TRUMP HITS 51% APPROVAL!!!After being down voted for pointing out simple consistency, I'm joining T_D. Welcome your new Pede.PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:Press Beating🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:50 years ago today this patriot died because he stood up for his right, CAN WE GET SOME LOVE FOR MLK?Logic is hate speech REEEEEEMomma made a meme...how’d I do?But they promised me it was "Meuller Time" They promised In Peach!MRW I see liberals screaming their heads off after GEOTUS orders the national guard to protect the border.Roseanne with the fully semi automatic BTFO of Kimmel when he questions why she voted Trump..Thursday, April 5th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion on Tax ReformPresident Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion on Tax ReformLoopholes in Child Trafficking Laws Put Victims—and American Citizens—At Risk“MAGAnomics” is Working and Defying CriticsStatement from President Donald J. Trump on Additional Proposed Section 301 RemediesPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key Administration Post🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:The Caravan is largely broken up thanks to the strong immigration laws of Mexico and their willingness to use them so as not to cause a giant scene at our Border. Because of the Trump Administrations actions, Border crossings are at a still UNACCEPTABLE 46 year low. Stop drugs!The Fake News Washington Post, Amazon’s “chief lobbyist,” has another (of many) phony headlines, “Trump Defiant As China Adds Trade Penalties.” WRONG! Should read, “Trump Defiant as U.S. Adds Trade Penalties, Will End Barriers And Massive I.P. Theft.” Typically bad reporting!Thanks to our historic TAX CUTS, America is open for business, and millions of American workers are seeing more take-home pay through higher wages, salaries and bonuses!Thank you @WVGovernor Jim Justice. It was my great honor to be with the amazing people of West Virginia today! #MAGASIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Students hold Second Amendment rally to counter walkout pushing for stricter gun laws7 killed within 12 hours in one Neighborhood! NO MARCHES! NO BREAKING NEWS! Why?She's a CA senatorPrepared Remarks? The MADMAN Doesn't Need Them!LEGAL Immigrant Lays Down The Law To Illegals: If I Can Do It So Can YouYoutube are increasing security at their offices, in other words they want more people with GUNS to protect them while they sit in their offices and ban gun channels.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Thank you to this based pillow merchant for standing by his principles and Making America Great Again!They Tricked Actors Reading Cold Facts on Illegal Immigration. Their responses are priceless.tfw your family starts saying things like, "maybe we should build that wall"This is 15 year old Anthony Borges who used his body to hold a door shut during the Parkland shooting. He took 5 bullets and was then visited in the hospital by Sheriff Scott Israel who should have been thanking Mr. Borges for doing his job for him.Friday, April 6th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Is Standing Up To Russia’s Malign ActivitiesWhat You Need To Know About President Donald J. Trump’s Actions Responding To China’s Unfair Trade PracticesAmerica Is Open For Business🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Despite the Aluminum Tariffs, Aluminum prices are DOWN 4%. People are surprised, I’m not! Lots of money coming into U.S. coffers and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!We are not in a trade war with China, that war was lost many years ago by the foolish, or incompetent, people who represented the U.S. Now we have a Trade Deficit of $500 Billion a year, with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion. We cannot let this continue!China, which is a great economic power, is considered a Developing Nation within the World Trade Organization. They therefore get tremendous perks and advantages, especially over the U.S. Does anybody think this is fair. We were badly represented. The WTO is unfair to U.S.Do you believe that the Fake News Media is pushing hard on a story that I am going to replace A.G. Jeff Sessions with EPA Chief Scott Pruitt, who is doing a great job but is TOTALLY under siege? Do people really believe this stuff? So much of the media is dishonest and corrupt!AMERICA IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!“BET founder: Trump's economy is bringing black workers back into the labor force"Congratulations to @bernieandsid on their new @77wabcradio morning radio show in New York City. It was an honor to join you two – good luck!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Based Patriot calls out looney left on gun controlRED LIGHT Special! Trump signs memo ordering end to 'catch and release' practicesBUILD THE WALL 🚧HO-LEE! HANNITY CALLS KIMMEL "WEINSTEIN JR." ON TWITTER-HASHTAG "PERVERT KIMMEL"Justice Department announces 'zero-tolerance' policy on illegal border crossingsPRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:Press Beating🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Mark Zuckerberg offers a heart felt apology for the recent data breaches at Facebook.Just a picture of the worst President in the history of United States.Texas National Guard Deploying 250 to Border Within Next 72 HoursHE BROWSES T_D!! (Hi, Mr. President. Please end the Fed next 😊)Saturday, April 7th:SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Yuuuuuuge: DOJ Will Allow House, Senate Intel Committees Access To Carter Page FISA DocumentsBelgian Islamic Party Announces 'Islamic State' End GoalWeekly Address: 4/7/2018🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Democrat Caravan vs Trump CaravanCountry music Trumps style.Election Night :)WEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!!As always, a couple of jams to get you grooving through this list of WINNING!!I Love You BabyGood VibrationsKodachromeMrs. RobinsonLuck Be A LadyUptown GirlMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
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rightsidenews · 7 years
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Islam, Replacement Migration & White Genocide
Ash Sharp Editor
On The Tragedy of Neoliberalism.
I do not like Islam very much. This is a dangerous thing to write these days. I do not believe that whatever benefits Islam brings outweigh the costs. I do not like that the West cannot reconcile that it too, does not like Islam very much- and pretends that it actually does, against all reason.
It is also not popular to mention that Europeans are by any measure, being slowly replaced in their own countries. Whether you wish to call it a genocide, a great replacement, or merely the natural cultural enrichment of multiculturalism, doesn't really matter now. Hard left activists openly demand the extermination of White people. This is not satire. These people want you dead.
Islam also wants you dead, or subjugated.
Our leaders bleat on about a religion of peace and diversity, all the while our newspapers avoid reporting that the Quilliam Foundation found that 84% of the perpetrators of gang rape in the United Kingdom are Pakistani.
Some of these men quite blatantly tell us that their reasoning was that they chose their white, teenage victims- who number in the many thousands- because they are white. Little white slags, they say.The British Police did nothing for many years and despite being in full awareness of these most heinous crimes. Why did the police ignore the rape of children? Because they were afraid of being called racist if they did their sworn duty and arrested these racist gangs of rapists.
This spineless mentality is now infecting most Western countries.
A failed improvised bomb attack at New York’s Port Authority Station earlier this month was yet another opportunity for a multitude of New Yorkers to prove their fabled fortitude. Ah, he didn’t stop us from going about our daily lives, this is New York. Fools!
“You got to live your life,” she said. “You got to work. You can’t stay locked up in your house all the time.” — Port Authority Bombing Witness
Yes, but what does your life mean? What is your life worth to your political masters? What is it worth to you?
The bomber, from Bangladesh, cited that the United States had recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as his motive for trying to assassinate civilians. Blue check verified Twitterati instantly took to the internet to stand in solidarity with Muslims. As we all know thanks to a decade or more of indoctrination, blowing your own testicles off while trying to murder people going to work is nothing to do with Islam.
Ah, that dastardly devil Donald J. Trump. Always at the root of everything when you look hard enough, like a Scooby-Doo Villain camped out at the old haunted White House amusement arcade.
The newspapers reported that the bomber is actually from Brooklyn. They lied.He is not from Brooklyn. He is a Muslim from Bangladesh who hates Jews.
This issue surely transcends the petty bourgeois squeals of racism that emanate from the wealthy left, who never seem to live in the areas enriched by diversity. The conflict with Islam, this centuries-old clash of civilizations- it will outlive us all.
Ignore people who say, “well, since Sept.11, it’s actually not Muslims, the far right, etc. They are liars.”
It will outlive us all because whether we like it or not, the dreaded Alt-Right has got at least one thing absolutely right. People of European descent are slowly but surely being replaced.
As we are replaced by migrants from the Islamic World, we might find ourselves asking the question; 'Why?' Why must we be replaced? Why don’t I recognize my country anymore? Why does the crescent moon of Islam rise where the Cross of Jesus stood? Where is our church? Where are our leaders? Why does the Pope lie and capitulate?
What did we do that was so wrong that we must die?
Fortunately, the advocates of unending immigration have the answers for us- Liberal elitists are here to save the day.
Communists and groups calling themselves ‘Stand Up To Racism’ (actually just Neo-Marxist activists) will tell you it is because of our colonial past. We must pay for the sins of our evil ancestors- but nobody says to the Turkish;
“Hey, Turk- your grandfather drove the Armenians into the desert. That is genocide. Hey Turk, the Ottoman Empire was an imperialist, conquering power for six hundred years. You must pay for those sins.”
The argument that people should make reparations for colonialism is only applied when the colonialists were White, or Jewish. That Israel today is accused of being imperialist and genocidal is nothing short of a disgrace to anyone who says it- and I have said it myself when I still thought in Neo-Marxist ways, a foot soldier of ideologies I refused to denounce. How sick it is to be a well-meaning leftist.
Motivated more by Stalin than Hitler, the Anti-Semitism is present nonetheless.
It is the responsibility of the West to allow all people to enter our nations and become citizens because we are liberal and everyone is equal. To question this means you are a racist. Other countries are poorer than us, so we must allow their peoples to benefit from our wealth. We should share with them. We should give in to them.
Why? With all due respect to the peoples of the world, why should the West, which has ascended through great hardship, merely hand others our spoils? If you are to respond like this, you will be called selfish. It is selfish to want to maintain your culture, it is selfish not to want to pay for others to live and contribute nothing.
It is not selfish to go to another country and demand they look after you, even though you are not a refugee. Even though you are in a multitude, even though you harbour terrorists among you, even though you are unable to comprehend that women are free people. Even though you find yourself having a sexual emergency and thus raping a child, or a mother, or a teenager, or an activist who works for your interests. Even when you murder her. Even when you lie about your age to gain sympathy and leniency from a nation that is altruistic to a fault.
That is not selfish. No, it is the Westerners who are the selfish ones. It is their duty to accept you all into their lands. To complain is racist.
Cultural enrichment has become a meme. Every time another truck of peace murders our children we joke with gallows humour about how we are culturally enriched. Proponents will argue that we have such great cuisine now. How dare you oppose unending, ceaseless, brutal, civilisation destroying migration.
You ate a curry last night so you cannot complain.
It is preposterous to think that we are unable to follow a recipe to produce food from other countries- coming to think about it, do not Neo-Marxists accuse people of cultural appropriation for doing just that? All the more reason to enliven ones’ taste buds with exotic foods, then. No, this line of reasoning makes no sense- not only this, it reveals the asinine and frankly racist belief prevalent among many that the only thing the immigrant can do is make food for us. It should not even be an argument, but here we are, discussing whether we should accept off-duty soldiers being beheaded in the street because the perpetrator comes from Nigeria, and the Nigerian migrants bring whatever food they eat in Nigeria for us to enjoy.
Don’t complain about migration. We have an international food fair.
Multiculturalism is just better.
We live in a Multiculture. This means there is no British culture. As Lauren Southern discovered, all it takes to be British is a British passport. However, it is not so that we can go to China and become Chinese. That’s ridiculous. We are told that we have always been nations of immigrants, but that is also a lie.
So prevalent is this narrative that despite not having any major immigration for nearly 900 years between 1066 and 1945, most Britons believe we are a nation of immigrants. Of course we are! Angles, Jutes, Saxons, Norse, Norman, and so on. So pervasive is the idea of an immigrant nation that the most recent article I found in the mainstream media refuting this lie is over ten years old.
The idea that a multicultural society is better than one dominated by a single culture would have merit if there was give-and-take between the cultures. Now, the leftists out there will bleat 'Ah ha! colonialism!' And I will say, no. We’ve covered colonialism. If you only care about an issue when white people do it- you are a racist bigot. In a multiculture, we have seen only that the host nation must give up parts of its culture to accommodate the interlopers. The cultures that move in have to give up nothing. We host nations will provide housing, money, education- protection. All for free.
What are we given in return? What benefit? Over 17 years, migration to the UK from outside the European Union cost the nation over £120 billion. The report that showed these statistics was effectively buried by the British Government; statistics produced in the subsequent years have been massaged to the point of irrelevancy and illegibility, to protect the only thing that matters- the narrative.
If there’s no financial benefit, no cultural benefit, no ethical or moral compulsion, and by any metric immigration from outside the West has simply made our lives worse: What argument is left?
We are getting old.
Now we come to the bones. We all know that we live in so-called ageing societies. We are told it every day, that we are getting older; so we need migrants.
“Ha ha ha ha all the whites are dead. Except this one. We keep him alive for the virtue points.”
This is a lie, brought about by an addiction to Neoliberal Capitalism. Let me explain.
Neoclassical economics -which is the underlying theory of Neoliberalism- essentially requires permanent growth. This is why we are in a Boom/Bust economy; capitalism is imperfect, and the imperfections in the economic system lead to catastrophic failures every now and then. Capitalism is still the best system we have- I contend however that Neoliberalism has outlived its purpose.
During the banking crisis of 2008, the banking cartels demanded money from nation states to pay for their mistakes. The nations, being funded by the taxes of the people, paid the ransom. That is a fundamentally socialist act. Neoliberalism was subverted to cover up the failure of neoliberalism. Under truly capitalist methods, the banks should have been allowed to fall. Yes, it would have caused chaos. Yes, it would have been hard. But we would have been freed from this sick mentality of permanent, unending expansion.
Neoliberalism cannot comprehend resources. It deals only with manpower and end product. This means that in order to deal with the demographic effects of capitalism, which are long life and low birthrate, it needs immigration. Without population growth, there will not be enough taxation raised to provide the state pensions.
The world’s governments know that the plebians will accept many things. We will not accept the disrespect of our parents, as Theresa May has found to her cost. There would be a revolution if people were taxed and worked like churls their whole lives, and then receive nothing but a raised middle finger from the tax man when it comes time for us to retire.
To avoid this eventuality, our leaders have gambled that huge migration is a better bet than fixing the system. It is better. For them. Not for you. Not for me. For them.
All that replacement migration does is kick the problem of elderly care down the line for a few years while importing the enriching qualities of the third world. The present political class cares about nothing but retaining power, right now. Not good governance or the future of the nation. Replacement migration is barely even an understood policy- it happens because these imbeciles are too dense to consider the ramifications.
But this also is not enough of an answer; if it were solely about replacing our elderly, the richer European nations could have encouraged migration from poorer ones. Spain. Greece. Poland. Italy. All of southern and central Europe suffered in the aftermath of the banking cartel’s thievery, in the form of huge youth unemployment. These people were left to rot on the workless streets of Valencia, Athens, Warsaw. The richer nations of Europe did not even think to encourage their immigration.
We could make starting families easier, through governmental policy. Most people in the West want to have children, despite being assaulted with propaganda that we are committing a planet-destroying evil if we do.
Appeals to morality from the most unethical scum of the planet. Hilarious.
Because here is a startling fact. You need money to migrate. You cannot emigrate from the ghetto while you earn a ghetto wage. So where are all these migrants coming from, and how? Money talks. Always. So the kids of Portugal did not come to London. The young Greeks did not go to Berlin.
Instead, we imported Islam.
Either our leaders did not know the consequences, or they did not care. In any case, replacement migration to prop up neoliberal capitalism is a band-aid. It can only be temporary, as the migrants, if they work and contribute, will be entitled to be cared for in their old age, just like any other citizen. So what happens then? We will need even more migrants. Every year the Germans become less German. Every year the French are less French. Every year the Britons wither. Every year the Swedes are dying out.
What number will be the tipping point for your country?
The only conclusion is that there is some other ideological reason at play, or we are being led by the most ignorant buffoons imaginable. Either we need to stop having babies to save the planet, or we need more people to support the ageing society. It cannot be both.
It is a Neo-Marxist tactic to destroy us to claim that this is so.
The betrayal of our culture by our elected leaders is why the West is lost. We can find it again. We can change the path we are on, but none of us can do it alone. It is time that we take responsibility for our future and our own minds. It is time for you to learn about what your culture is and what is happening to it. What is being done to it.
And when you see what is happening, and what is being done, will you not feel sick? Will you not feel betrayed? If you think that what is being done to Paris, to London, to New York, to Barcelona; if you think that is enriching, then we are enemies. I do not wish to live in a world where my children are slaves. I will not accept that we Europeans are worthless people who are somehow inferior to other races, and it doesn’t matter if we become extinct.
Coming soon to a city near you.
Do you see how the Alt-Right grows? It’s because people who are centrists will not engage this problem. The evidence for this to be true is insurmountable. If you want to fight the Nazis in your closet and under your bed, you have to accept that these people are not incorrect on this topic- at least in the assessment of the situation. What can you say otherwise? I await any liberal writer to prove me wrong on any of these points- to date, all I am shown are lies. No one can disprove this analysis.
I really wish someone would. I would sleep better. I would feel better about the future for our children. I wish there were some easy answers, that for whatever reason I had simply strayed down an intellectual dead end and become what the left already call me; a bigot, an Islamophobe. Still, for all the name calling, nobody can answer my question.
How are we to avoid the future certainty that we, as a civilization, are going to experience sectarian violence that will make Northern Ireland look like a street party celebrating a Royal Wedding? What kind of action we must take, I do not know. That is for all of us to decide- though time is short and getting shorter.
Slowly with time the past slips away But deep in our souls their memory stays Weapons of guilt won't conquer our minds Just strengthen our will to defy
The ignorant void ever opening wide But we keep their names and spirits alive Arrows of fear won't pierce our minds Just strengthen our will to defy ~ Rudyard Kipling
Greater bloodshed is inevitable unless we act. To save ourselves, we must Make The West Great Again.
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