#I was originally considering Son of Aphrodite for Josh
professorlegaspi · 4 months
The characters in a PJO AU
Celia: Daughter of Cronos. This is a Big Deal and is the source of conflict in this universe. She arrives at Camp at around the same age as in The Book in the Attic
Maddie: Daughter of Tyche. She’s on the weaker side, but able to balance odds really well. She and Celia met at the Hermes table since neither of their parents have a cabin.
Josh: Son of Ares. Love is war.
Kitt: Centaur and camp storyteller. He’s pretty young so he’s not a leader but he supervises during campfire and Capture the Flag
Heath: Son of Hephaestus, he mans the forge and is the second oldest in his cabin. He comes across as laid back but he’s really good about making sure no one gets hurt in such a fire-prone environment
Audra: clear-sighted mortal and Hunter of Artemis. She arrives in camp later on, effectively as their liaison. Her role among the Hunters is diplomacy
Doxa: Also a Hunter of Artemis, and is Artemis’s representative amongst the council of the Gods. A bit of a bully early on, but she lets up on Celia when she realizes they both want to protect those who are powerless
Quiroz: Son of Hermes, the God of travellers, messengers, thieves, and Psychopomp
Lyerly: Daughter of Apollo, specializes in truth and prophecy, eventually becomes the Oracle of Camp when they let the attic mummy pass on
Casimir: Son of Zeus, and feels entitled because of it
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yanderedbh-moved · 5 years
The DBH characters as Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses
Consider this part one, as I plan to make a part two to this post, which represents the characters as ancient heroes and heroines if this post gets a good response. And as always, requests are open if you would like to see me expand on anything I’ve written here, hope you enjoy the read!
Connor: Poseidon
While Poseidon was fated to and is primarily known as the ruler of the sea, this is an understatement of his abilities. As there isn’t a material, Poseidon can’t master, and his power is only matched by his versatility. Similarly to how Connor was created to serve as a deviant hunter, this single purpose alone. He is capable of growing to so much more than this.
In one of his endings, his place in the DPD is uprooted by his “updated model,” effectively rendering him obsolete, and costing him his job. Even though Connor was perfectly content to remain in this position, it was through human's will, which resulted in this loss of power. One of the most well-known myths regarding Poseidon en-counts the story of him countering Athena for the right to become the patron god of Athens. The story ending with him losing this challenge, and forfeiting the city to the rightful god.
He is a fighter equally as beneficial to his allies as he is lethal to his enemies. While Poseidon may not be unique in this regard, he has a reputation for punishing mortals that fail to provide proper offerings or sacrifices when passing through his oceans. This loss of his favor leading to the painful demise of man an unfortunate sailor.
Markus: Apollo
A lover of the arts as well as his people. Apollo is well known for defending mortals, just as well as he can serve as their muse. He is the god of medicine, and it was through his blessing and guidance that mortals would go on to discover many innovations in healing. Markus, as the leader of Jericho, delivers a very similar role here for his people, as their functioning leader, as well as a symbol of exceptionalism.
Apollo would be known as a “voice for the people.” Many of the most famous prophets at this time were devoted to him. And he would, in turn, present them with glimpses into the future and the ability to act as a mediator between gods and humans. A lightning rod-Esque position where one must delve into both the divine and human.
Though primarily remembered as a positive figure, Apollo was also equally as capable of enacting great plagues and suffering upon mortals, which failed to honor him, or who acted immorally. Though only against the truly immortal would Apollo punish, or seek to harm.
Kara: Artemis
Kara is exceptional in the way she can hold her own against capable opponents (like Connor) but still is more the type to chose flight over fight in times of conflict. Kara doesn’t seek to hurt anyone; her only motive is to provide for herself, and those who depend on her. 
Artemis, if she chose, could bring down even the most fearsome and brutish of beasts. However, she chooses not to embrace senseless violence. She respects her prey, and only takes the lives of those which she needs. In this way, Kara and Artemis are very humble, and less likely to “show off” their abilities in this sense.
Even though she may not live all by herself, the two of them live out a fiercely independent lifestyle. Refusing to live their life, bowing to anyone’s wills but their own. They are very aware of what they value and how they want to go about protecting this. Artemis swearing a virginal vow, Kara freeing herself, as well as Alice from their oppressive home life.
Hank: Demeter
While we don’t exactly get a first-person view of this dynamic, before the events of the game, Hank had the reputation of the youngest police lieutenant with several notable accomplishments. (Even if this included his “larger than average” disciplinary folder.) Likewise, Demeter, among mortals, is celebrated for her guidance and blessings.
The two of them share an iconography with alcohol. While Demeter is the one who produces the grains and barley, which is eventually brewed and refined into alcohol, Hank is basically just the consumer here.
But far and away, the most apparent connection between the two of them is the way a loss of a child forever changed their lives. Unfortunately for Hank, he isn’t so lucky as to see his son again six months out of the year. As he is forced to live his life in a purgatory of winter without the warmth and light of his loved one. 
Luther: Aesculapius
The two of them share an immensely transformative life story, from creation to adulthood. While Aesculapius was born to be a regular demigod son of Apollo, his mother offered her child up to Chiron, where he transcended what he was born as and became what he was meant to be.
When Luther left his old household with Kara, he left behind the life of living under the thumb of his former master and found true freedom. A real reason to live for and people who genuinely cared about him, who he cared about in turn. As for Aesculapius with Chiron, he learned the secrets of healing and discovered abilities far beyond typical human capabilities.
(This is a bit of a stretch but hear me out) One of his most famous legends involves learning the cure for death, bringing people back from the dead, and seriously angering Hades in the process. By toppling Zlatko from his position of control over all the lost androids of his estate, he freed them from the awful torment they endured and were likewise released from their own kind of hell.
North: Hera
Literally, the queen of the gods, maybe one of the most ancient symbols of feminine power. But most importantly, not one to ever be taken lightly, or to ever just sit back on the sidelines and not interview when she sees fit.
Hera is known as the protector of women as North is equally the protector of androids. And additionally, they go about enforcing this protection by punishing either the unfaithful husbands in their lives or punishing the abusive humans who ministered their suffering.
It’s also fair to mention the fact that she is a remarkably powerful ally. To the extent that even those who were on the same side as her were afraid of her and the power of her vengeance.
Simon: Hephaestus
Hephaestus, when compared purely aesthetically to the other gods, would not give the impression of one so powerful as the others. Likewise, Simon was only created to serve a domestic purpose, yet still can stand on equal footing as the other leaders of Jericho.
Simon represents the option of neutrality or forgoing to really commit to either peace or violence. Hephaestus embodies this by having the versatility and ability to either create things of beauty or war.
Both foster some form of resentment towards those which cast them from grace. Hephaestus never truly forgiving Hera for casting him out, and Simon only wanting to avoid conflict with humans in the name of other androids’ safety and not out of genuine compassion for the humans themselves.
Josh: Eirene
She is known as the goddess of peace and is one of the few of the gods and goddesses who are viewed by humans, almost unequivocally positively. Similarly, if Markus follows Josh’s lead and works to deliver peace to humans and androids, then humans will react with nearly unanimous praise.
While not too much is known about her origin, or where she came from, what is known is what she represents, and what she stands for. Very similar to Josh, and the two of them are far better regarded for what they work for as adults, rather than what they stood for before now.
Eirene is functionally, more a metaphor than she is a character like many of the other gods. Seemingly, she was created in her legends and fables to depict the beauty and abundance which occur as a result of seeking peace with fellow men and turning from violence. The same really could be said for Josh and his overall rather small role in the game’s overall narrative.
Kamski: Zeus
A necessary evil. While Zeus is notorious, to say the least for having little to no regard for the children he has with mortals and has little care for helping to protect his godly siblings if there’s nothing in it for him. Kamski as well does about fuck all to stop the race war he all but created in his own city, but without him, there would be no androids at all.
Again share a certain level of infamy for needing more than one lover to keep their “interest.” It’s probably for the best that Kamski can just create more models of his companion to keep his interest, unfortunately for Zeus, he does not share this luxury.
Stubborn. Zeus refused to leave mortals alone until he had his way with them, very few could hope to escape once he’d taken an interest in them. Less so in Kamski, but it should be noted that he refused to relent from Connor until he acclimated to his test.
Chloe: Aphrodite
Aphrodite is so beautiful in her origin story the winds and the nymphs of the sea were said to bow to her. In the game, Chloe is described as a kind of eternal beauty, “a flower forever in bloom.”
Well Known as the partners of renowned creators, though Chloe is easily far more faithful to her partner. Even she longs for more than the life she lives, much like Aphrodite, she merely lacks the access to live out this life.
Even the typically reserved and unemotional Connor comments on her appearance when he first meets with her and sees humanity and fragility within her.
Gavin: Hermes
Known as a trickster figure, to some extent, or at the very least a most individualistic kind of god. He holds no intense loyalties to any, be they, god or mortal. Gavin refuses to work with those he doesn’t want to, even if they are essentially on the same side.
Both have a “looking out for number one” kind of way of going about life, for better or worse.
Accounting for both of their lack of loyalty (and additionally Gavin’s rather dark sense of humor), it’s very tough to say if you really can trust them for sure. But when it comes to Hermes, he’s usually reliable to protect those who live out a lifestyle like his, such as thieves or messengers.
Zlatko: Dionysus
Zlatko embodies a perversion of Dionysus’ notoriously free spirit. Namely in the way, he’s made a life for himself by taking away the free will and lives of androids. (Of course, until this backfires.)
Again, in a dark sense, the two are similar because Dionysus is depicted in arts and legend surrounded by satyrs and nymphs, other human-like creatures. Zlatko mirrors this by surrounding himself with twisted and mangled androids, which he’s twisted into creatures entirely different.
In some of Dionysus’ legends, there are recounts of beautiful, joyous parties turning dark and violent. Stories which include beautiful nymphs tricking humans into joining sick rituals only to offer their bodies and blood to Dionysus. In Kara’s story, she seeks out Zlatko, thinking his house marks a safe haven, only to discover the brutal reality of the place too late.
Ralph: Hades
Hades is the eldest of the “big three” gods, but on account of his fate was forced to become the ruler of hell. Ralph, once a promising and capable worker, lost his ability to work when his fate took a grizzly turn.
Even though neither of them are necessarily violent of their own accord per se, though their outward appearances, and dwelling places this repels humans. Resulting in their sub-par reputations.
Hades took the goddess of springtime as his wife and made her into the queen of hell. When Kara is spending the night in Ralph’s home, he has a throwaway line where he refers to himself as father, and her as mother.
Daniel: Hestia
Hestia is known as the guardian of the home front, and the protector of the hearth and Daniel is basically programmed to live out this exact purpose.
Before he fell from grace and threatened to take his entire family down with him, Daniel was actually happy to live out his life with his family and worked to keep them safe in this humble life.
Hestia never bothered to involve herself in the conflicts of the gods, and in Daniel’s final scene, when Connor tries to question him, to see if he knows how to find Jericho, he doesn’t know. Not only that, but he has basically no connection to any other androids but Connor.
Nines: Athena
The two of them represent the pinnacle of what it means to be either a god or an android. They are just as renowned for their intellect, as well as physical might, well-known by mortals and gods alike.
Athena is said to have sprung forth into being fully armored and ready for battle, in the same way, Nines came into being fully uniformed, and with his exact purpose and meaning in life figured out.
Fandom Nines is usually represented as the most capable fighter in the room, yet still, even when challenged, isn’t the type to resort to physical fighting, or would ever just scrap a brawl without just cause.
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