#I was totally not inactive for like a few months nooooo
symbiote-siblings · 2 years
Tara was lying down on the couch, flipping through the TV channels with the remote, “Whatever it is I did, I didn’t do it.” She called back.
“No,” Teddy came from around the corner, “where’s my school bag?” He looked exhausted despite Tara, and other multiverse acquaintances, came and forced him to take a day off and sleep.
“Ted, you’re taking the week off, I already called in saying you were sick and I was taking care of ya. Break is only a week away anyways, might as well take the week before then off.”
Teddy rolled his eyes, “I know that already, but all my college prep books are in there and I need them!”
Tara groaned, “You still with the college prep? Bro, just take a break, you’re exhausted.”
“Fine! I won’t, can I just know where my bag is?” Teddy tightened his hands into fists against his sides. God damnit, Tara always taking his shit.
The girl sat up and looked behind herself to raise a brow at her brother, “You’re so tired that not even Ravage can come out and say anything because he needs rest to.”
Teddy ran a stiff hand through his hair, “Give me my bag.”
Tara huffed, “Fine,” she said through gritted teeth, turning back to the TV and lying down again. “Karma, give the dude his bag back.”
“Told you it wouldn’t work,” the symbiote hissed, a tendril emerging from the girl’s back and reaching over to the far corner. Hidden under tons of junk and coats was Teddy’s back. Karma threw it over to the boy before the tendril retreated back and hidden out of sight.
Teddy caught the back, staggering back a bit because of the weight and swung it over his shoulder, walking back upstairs, muttering something under his breath.
Tara waited a few moments, hearing her brother’s footsteps get quieter as they went up the stairs. She rolled onto her back and shoved a pillow on her face, sighing.
“Have you tried calling those spider girls yet?”
“I have,” a muffled voice said under the pillow, “but they clearly don’t wanna talk to me over a phone after I outed them to their uncle.”
“So what do we plan on doing?”
A pause
Tara flung the pillow off of her face. “Get ready girl, we’re breaking and entering tonight.”
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