#Tara and Karma are gonna do a thing
auras-moonstone · 1 year
how you get the girl — ethan landry
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word count: 3,654
pairing: hockey player!ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: because of ethan’s reputation as a man-whore, y/n doesn’t believe he wants a serious relationship with her. so, ethan and chad make a list so that he can get the girl.
warnings: fluff.
author’s note: i’ve been reading lots of hockey rom-coms, so i needed to write about it. i’m obsessed with ethan as a hockey player😫
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ETHAN DIDN’T KNOW HOW BADLY HIS ACTIONS WOULD COME BACK IN THE FUTURE TO BITE HIM IN THE ASS. Being captain of the Blackmore hockey team and certified pretty boy, girls were practically—and quite literally sometimes—throwing themselves at him, and he would lie if he said he didn’t love the attention. It would be easier and shorter to name the girls he hadn’t hooked up with than naming the ones he had. That gained him the reputation of being a playboy, and he didn’t mind being called that, to be completely honest. Or at least, he didn’t until Y/N came into his life.
She was Tara’s best friend, and since said girl started dating Ethan’s best friend, Chad, the four of them began spending lots of time together. At first, the boy flirted with Y/N because hitting on attractive girls was like second nature to him, but then he got to know her better and the unexpected thing happened—Ethan was swept off his feet. But his reputation was his karma, and Y/N didn’t think he was being serious with her. She would laugh and brush it off because no matter how gorgeous Ethan was, playboys weren’t Y/N’s type, so she would decline every attempt of him to make her go out with him.
“Why not? Just one date” Ethan said on his fifth attempt of the day. They were on the Blackmore hockey rink, and instead of using his break to drink water and rest, Ethan went to talk to Y/N.
“Exactly. You want just one date, get me inside your bed and tomorrow you’ll move onto some other girl. I really like you” she said, and before he could smirk in victory she added. “But why ruin the friendship we have for sex? Besides, one night stands aren’t my cup of tea.”
“Then let’s make it an every day thing” Ethan said.
“Nice try, Eth. We know you don’t do repeats” she stated.
“I could!” he argued. “And besides, I’m not asking for sex—I mean, at the end of the date, if you want to, I’m not gonna reject the offer—, I’m done with hook ups, I want something more.”
Y/N laughed “Okay, try it, but not with me. I’m sorry, Eth”
The girl stood up and made her way towards the exit of the rink, leaving a disappointed Ethan behind. She would lie if she said she didn’t want to try things with him, but the truth also was that she didn’t trust him when it came to relationships and she didn’t want to get her heart broken by him.
Chad got off the ice to find his best friend sitting on the bleachers, gaze fixed on the stairs, looking like a sad kicked puppy. It’s not a sight seen often, Ethan was usually an over-energetic puppy, always happy and with a smile on his face.
“Hey, man. What’s wrong?”
“Y/N rejected me.” Ethan played with his hockey stick, not wanting to meet his best friend’s eyes.
“I’ve never seen you like this after a rejection” Chad frowned.
“Well, not to brag, but it doesn’t usually happen.” he said, making Chad chuckle. “But it’s different this time. Y/N is not someone I want for one night, or for something casual. I want everything with her.”
“Wow” Chad took a breath, shocked by the confession. “And she said no?”
“She says she doesn’t want to ruin our friendship” Ethan said.
Chad scoffed “Why would that happen?”
“She doesn’t trust me and thinks I’m not boyfriend material. I really am serious about her, Chad. I swear. I would never hurt her. I wish she could read my mind”
“Don’t you dare give up, then. Words aren’t enough, show her you really like her”
Chad smirked. “Grab a pen and a napkin, we are going to make a list so you can get the girl.”
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one: get her favourite coffee
ETHAN WOKE UP A BIT EARLIER THE FOLLOWING DAY TO GO TO Y/N’S FAVOURITE COFFEE SHOP AND GET HER ORDER. He convinced Tara to drag Y/N straight to class, not letting her get the coffee, and to text him once they were in the classroom. Once he got the text, Ethan entered the class, all eyes on him, and set the cup in front of Y/N with an adorable grin.
“Good morning. You look gorgeous as always” he kissed her cheek and simply left the room.
Y/N stared at the drink completely astonished, ignoring the glares coming from the female population and the smirk her best friend was giving her. There was something scribbled with black sharpie—it was simple, but it made her stomach combust. Have a great day, beautiful! Love, Ethan. And three hearts poorly made—which she thought was utterly adorable—next to his name.
“You got him in a leash” Tara laughed.
“Don’t be silly, we know what he wants” Y/N brushed it off.
“Come on, Ethan doesn’t do romantic stuff for anyone, not even to get laid.”
“It’s just one coffee, Tara. Let’s not be dramatic.”
But Tara knew, and Y/N too, that the little gesture was a lot when it came to Ethan Landry. Yet, a coffee cup wasn’t enough to gain the girl’s trust.
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two: show her you’re interested in her interests
WHAT IS THE THING Y/N ENJOYED THE MOST? EASY: BOOKS. Ethan knew exactly which one he should start with. In fact, he had bought it the first time Y/N mentioned it. He didn’t know what it was about, but he was sure it was a rom-com that referenced other rom-com movies.
“Ethan!” Chad said in a loud voice, startling his friend. Ethan looked up to find his best friend, Tara and Y/N staring at him. The latter had her mouth wide open.
“What?” he asked absentmindedly. He had been so immersed in the book he hadn’t heard them arrive.
“We called your name countless times, man.” Chad laughed.
“Sorry” Ethan closed the book and looked at Y/N. “Um, I may have a man-crush on Wes Bennett.”
Y/N chuckled, sitting in front of him and ignoring the way her heart was beating rapidly. She wanted to take a picture of Ethan with the book and set it as her lock screen “Welcome to the club.”
“I can’t stand it anymore, I need them to kiss. I need Wes to get the girl” he groaned.
A grin took over her features “Which part are you at?”
“They are going to hang out at Michael’s house” Ethan replied, which made her smile wider. “What’s that smile for? Oh god, what is going to happen?”
“I’m not going to spoil it! Just want to say… buckle up”
“You can’t say that! I can’t continue reading until tomorrow, I have a test!” Ethan panicked.
“Look at you, invested in a rom-com” Chad bumped his shoulder.
“I just wanted to see if it lived up to Y/N’s hype” Ethan said, making her turn into a blushing mess. “It does.”
“You aren’t even finished” Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. “Did you know there’s a sequel coming? And its playlist isn’t very optimistic”
“What?! You just ruined my day. I don’t want to read it anymore” he crossed his arms.
Wanting to mess with him, Tara grabbed the book. “So you wouldn’t mind if I-“ she stopped talking when the boy took the book from her hands.
“Yes, I would mind”
“Wait, are you annotating it?” Y/N said when she saw the colourful post-its.
“Yeah, it’s pretty fun. Anyways, I have to go to class, see you later at practice?”
“See you” Chad said. Before leaving, Ethan kissed Y/N’s forehead.
“What is going on with him?” Y/N asked.
“Showing you he’s serious about you. What are you waiting for, Y/N/N? I thought you liked him” Chad said.
“I do, a lot. But I’m not sure I’m really what he wants. What if he’s just interested because I’m the only girl who has rejected him? What if I finally say yes and then that interest is gone? How am I supposed to recover from that?”
“There’s nothing I’d like more than to call him mine, Chad. Trust me. But being just another girl on his list would kill me. I don’t want to lose him, okay? I don’t know if I’m willing to risk our friendship.”
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three: woo her with your hockey skills.
WHEN PRACTICE WAS OVER AND CHAD AND ETHAN DIDN’T LEAVE THE RINK, Y/N WAS CONFUSED. The boys skated towards the bleachers Tara and her were sitting in and smirked at them. Chad grabbed a bag from a corner and gave it to them.
“Put the skates on, ladies”
Y/N wanted to laugh when Ethan grabbed her hands and guided her around the ice, but she thought it was so cute that she didn’t have the heart to tell him she knew how to skate perfectly well.
“Okay, I think you’re ready to do it on your own, but go slowly” Ethan said as he finished explaining her how to slide in the ice.
“Losers don’t do it slowly, Landry.” Y/N scoffed.
“You will hurt yourself, Y/N/N. Don’t be stubborn, it’s dangerous.” Ethan sighed.
Y/N smirked “Oh yeah?” she skated flawlessly towards a corner, and came back with a winning smile. She even did a little spin to show off.
“H-how?” he asked breathlessly, frozen in place with a look of shock.
“Took skating classes when I was little” she explained.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I was blabbering instructions like a fool”
Y/N shrugged “I couldn’t, you looked so excited”
“You’re evil” he shook his head as he let out the cutest laugh Y/N had ever heard. God, her infuriation was just getting worse with every little action he did. She didn’t know how much longer she would be able to contain herself. She needed him to stop.
So her face turned serious “Ethan…”
Ethan fluttered his eyes close and then looked at her with pleading eyes. “Please don’t. I know what you’re going to say. Just hear me out. I know that my reputation is horrible, and I get why you don’t trust me. But I have never been more serious about something the way I am about you. I really wish I could erase every hook up, but I can’t and I don’t want my past to define my future. I know it’s hard to believe, but I haven’t been with anyone since I fell for you. I haven’t even thought about anyone else since I fell for you. I want to keep showing you how much I like you.”
Y/N was speechless. He had known Ethan long enough to know he was being serious and completely honest with his words. Maybe she had judged him too much, maybe he had truly changed. And now that she thought about it, she hadn’t seen him with a girl in ages. Maybe diving into a relationship wasn’t the safest option, but it was worth the try.
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four: get her flowers
DURING HER LUNCH BREAK, Y/N WAS SURPRISED BY THE HOCKEY PLAYER, who on one hand was holding red tulips and on the other one food. Like always, his presence brought attention and whispers, but none of them cared. Something had shifted between them since that afternoon at the rink, and they both could feel it.
“Thank you, Eth” she smiled gratefully. “You know, I had a feeling you would bring me lunch, so instead of bringing mine, I brought yours. I owe you flowers, though.”
“Thanks” he laughed. “Do you like them?”
“They are beautiful” she nodded, her cheeks the same colour as her flowers.
“When you get home, you should look for the meaning of red tulips” he winked.
For the rest of the day, Y/N had been in a haze. Every time Ethan crossed her mind, blush appeared on her cheeks and the corners of her mouth lifted up.
“My god, was I that annoying when Chad and I started talking?” Tara asked when they entered their dorm.
“Yes, you were, T.” Y/N chuckled, remembering her best friend’s love-sick smile every time Chad texted her. “You still are, by the way.”
“Anyways, I love seeing you like this. And I’m glad you’re willing to give Ethan a chance.”
“Me too. I’m not going to lie, I’m a bit scared that he’ll get bored of me, but I’m really determined to risk it.”
“He’s not going to get bored of you, Y/N/N. He doesn’t like you because he’s into the whole ‘Only girl who had ever rejected him’ thing. He’s into you because you don’t see him only as a hot hockey player, but you also see how sweet and caring he is. You’re not interested in using him to become popular, you see that he is much more than his popularity. And that is why he likes you.”
“Well, shit. Now I feel bad for rejecting him multiple times.” Y/N slumped to the couch.
Tara laughed “Don’t. It’s understandable why you were cautious with your feelings. He knows that he isn’t a saint. By the way, did you know that Chad and him made this list with things to do to win you over?”
“Really?” Y/N laughed. “That makes sense, he’s being really sweet this week. Well, more than usual, because he’s always super sweet.”
“I found it on their fridge, they are so silly. It’s called ‘Ethan and Chad’s infallible list on how to get the girl’. I took a picture”
Y/N took Tara’s phone and laughed at the list. There were a couple of items crossed out and with a tick, and the one that said ‘Woo her with your hockey skills’ had a little note to the side that said ‘Backfired. My girl is a skating genius, made me look like a fool’, which made her laugh. Then, on the ‘Give her flowers’ there was an explanation note that said ‘My pick: red tulips. Means declaration of love’.
“Fucking hell, he’s so… ugh! I really want to kiss him”
“Lucky for you, that’s item six” Tara said over her shoulder.
“The thought of them brainstorming and writing this down is adorable” Y/N laughed.
“It really is” Tara nodded. “You should wear Ethan’s jersey to the game tomorrow. You don’t know how many times he told us he has dreamt about it.”
Y/N smiled, her heart fluttering. Ethan had shown her how much he liked her, and she thought it was time to show him how much she liked him. “You know? That’s an excellent idea.”
five: publicly state you’re only into her.
ETHAN KNEW THE BEST TIME TO EXECUTE ITEM FIVE WOULD BE THE NIGHT OF THE GAME. The ideal scenario would be to get that puck on the net and dedicate it to Y/N, and if he wasn’t that lucky, he would settle with blowing kisses and winks at her. Though when he went out on the ice rink and he caught sight of her, his mind went blank, his body stopped working for a couple of seconds and if it weren’t for Chad steadying him, he would’ve collapsed to the ice.
He quickly skated towards her seat, which was in the first row, right behind the glass. “Beautiful, you can’t just come here in my jersey without any warnings. You want me to have a heart attack?”
A sweet laugh bursted out of her “Sorry. Red tulips are your way of declaring your love, I thought wearing your jersey could be mine.”
Ethan’s breath hitched “Um, I’m about to jump up this glass so that I can kiss you.”
The girl shook her head and laughed “After the game, pretty boy. If you win, you might get an extra reward.”
And hell if those words didn’t encourage Ethan to play his best. The game was brutal, both teams were acing it and the match was about to end in a tie, until Ethan scored the winning goal a few seconds before time was over. The Blackmore bleachers erupted in screams of triumph, and the players united for a group hug.
Tara and Y/N instantly went looking for their boys. The last one scowled as she saw a puck bunny making sexy eyes at Ethan and she clung to his arm. The boy couldn’t have looked more uncomfortable, he pulled his arm away, only for the girl to find another way of touching him.
“You have been acting so hard to get lately. Don’t you think a winner deserves a kiss?” Y/N heard the girl say.
“You’re absolutely right. Now, back away so I can kiss the hell out of him.” Y/N said, throwing daggers at the girl, who looked at her in a mix of surprise and annoyance. “And can’t you get a hint? He’s uncomfortable.”
Ethan gaped at her. She had never looked so hot—standing there with his number on the back of the jersey that fitted her like a dress, knee-length boots that weirdly turned him on, and with a scowl on her face as she got all territorial on him.
“And who are you?” the puck bunny scanned her up and down with a frown.
“His girlfriend. Now, can you leave? I have to congratulate my man” she said harshly. As soon as she said that, Ethan was sure he was about to drop onto his knees and let her do whatever she wanted to him.
“Girlfriend?” Ethan smirked as the puck bunny left. “I like the sound of that.”
“Good” Y/N smirked back, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Now, are you ready to cross out items five and six? You know, one bird two stones.”
“Hell yes”
Their lips moved hungrily, and the kiss was way too heated and inappropriate considering their surroundings. But they couldn’t stop it, their desire was diesel and they had been playing with fire for months.
“I promised you a reward if you won, right?” Y/N said against his lips.
“Isn’t this the reward? This is more than I could’ve asked for. You, finally being my girlfriend and kissing me while wearing my jersey.” his eyes were dark and lips swollen. His beauty was out of this world.
“You scored the winning goal, babe. You deserve a special reward” she licked her lips. “Let’s go to your car.”
He nodded eagerly, and as they reached the car, he dared to ask “What do you have in mind?”
She opened the back door. “One kiss isn’t enough. How much time do you have until you have to go to the bar with the guys?”
“What guys? What bar? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he acted clueless and she let out a giggle. “In fifteen, but they’ll survive if I arrive a bit late. I want to be with my girl for a while.”
“Okay, then get in the car so we can make out.” Y/N bursted out laughing as Ethan carelessly threw himself on the backseat of his car. “You need to learn about the art of subtlety, Eth.”
“Oh that’s rich coming from the girl who attacked me in the middle of the arena.” he said grabbing her waist to guide her to his lap.
“Attack you? That’s not what I did” she scoffed.
“Yes you did. You attacked me with a kiss and then you led me to my car to corrupt me” Ethan said in a fake innocent tone.
“Corrupting the former man-whore?” Y/N arched an eyebrow.
Ethan’s eyes darkened “You’re right. Maybe I am the one corrupting you. I mean, you couldn’t even wait for us to get home to attack me again?”
“You’re insufferable. You’re so lucky you’re hot.”
“I am hot?”
Y/N nodded, looking at him. His muscled arms were spread on the top of the seats, grin plastered on his face and cheeks still rosy from the cold temperature of the arena.
“The hottest. And the best thing? That you’re mine.”
“Just yours, love.” he smiled sweetly, resting his forehead on hers.
“That list of yours is pretty… infallible, right?” Y/N joked.
“I can’t believe you know about the list” Ethan hid his face on her neck.
“You sticked it on the fridge and Tara took a picture” Y/N replied.
“Fucking Chad” Ethan groaned. “So, what do you think?”
“Well, it worked, right? You got the girl.”
“Yes, I did” he smiled hugging her tightly. “Should I do one on how to keep the girl?”
Y/N laughed “I don’t think you need that. Rumour has it, she’s totally in love with you.”
“Oh yeah? Lucky me, because I’m totally in love with her too.”
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corpsebasil · 1 year
Karma Part 4 aka the FINALE
with his life in your hands, it’s up to you to be with the masked killer you’ve grown to love
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He held onto you, glaring with a ferocity you’d never seen before at Detective Bailey and Quinn.
Quinn, who was back from the dead, and Bailey, who was… You glanced up at Ethan’s face, examining his features for any resemblance. Ethan’s father. Ethan stood between you and the others, Sam and Tara both armed with bricks. They’d been stunned to realize Ethan was a Ghostface—more so when they realized you knew. But in your hurried explanations, that he’d defended you, hadn’t killed anyone else, their hate turned into uncomfortable apprehension.
“That bitch,” Quinn was saying, pointing her knife at you. “should’ve been my kill. I had her, E. Where the hell do you get off attacking me?”
“I told you to leave her alone.” He argued, still keeping one arm around you as he glared at his sister. He hadn’t worn the costume; he’d burned it, actually, right after the two of you had… “She’s mine. You can’t take her away from me. Not this one, one thing in my life that’s worth a damn.”
“She’s a girl, Ethan.” Quinn growled, still glaring at you. “What did that little slut do to change your mind? Did she spread her—”
“Shut up, Quinn.” Ethan’s tone was lethal. “You want her, you can go through me.”
Tara was backing away, passing a brick into your hand as you stood stock still, watching the two siblings trade verbal blows. You had goosebumps across your skin; Quinn, the girl you’d done makeup with before school, the girl with whom you’d had a Dunkin tradition on Sunday mornings, had tried to kill you? You two weren’t extremely close, but you thought that she’d liked you, at a minimum.
“Why Quinn?” You asked, voice raw as you stared at the ginger. “What did I ever do to you?”
“You were never supposed to be involved.” Detective Bailey cut his daughter off, casting his steely gaze to your own. You shrank underneath the weight of his stare. “Here’s the deal, young lady. Get out now, leave Ethan to us, and you can live. Doesn’t that sound fair?”
Your eyes cut to Ethan’s. His gaze was pained as he looked at you; when he slowly nodded his head, you balked.
“They can do whatever they want to me.” He murmured, brown eyes scanning your face. “As long as you’re safe.”
“No,” you shook your head, eyes widening. “no, E, I’m not gonna—”
“Let them have him.” Sam ordered you, and you glanced over, horror filling your expression. “He deserves it. Get out of here, Y/N.”
“I won’t.” You snapped, staring at your friend. “How could you ask me that? What if I asked you to leave Danny?” You spun to Tara, her own expression twisted. “Or Chad?”
“Chad is dead.” She said, voice tight.
“We don’t both have to lose people today.” You pleaded, looping your arms tighter around Ethan. “You can fuck yourself.” You told Quinn, and her expression promised violence. “And you.” You looked to Bailey, glaring harder. “You’re the most pathetic excuse for a father I’ve ever met.”
“You had your chance.” Bailey said, and nodded to Quinn, who lunged.
Sam and Tara swung with their bricks as Ethan hauled you away, your breath hitching as he tugged you back, back, back, your heart rate spiking to a dangerous level. And then Quinn, god knows how, was there, having had escaped Sam and Tara, and shouted a curse at the two of you.
“Join your bitch in hell.” Quinn snarled and slashed out.
Your world shrank to pinpoint.
You screamed, screamed, as the blade tore through Ethan’s abdomen. He staggered backwards, choking on a gasp, and dropped to the floor. You couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t breathe as the boy you were in love with clutched as his middle, blood seeping rapidly out of the wound.
“Fuck you.” Quinn said, pointing her knife at you.
“Fuck you.” You spat back, and swung your brick.
You barely felt the impact.
She fell to the ground, teeth knocked out, but you didn’t stop. You felt insane—utterly insane as you slammed the makeshift weapon home over and over and over. You didn’t realize you were keening, tears running hot down your face, until someone grabbed your collar and yanked you away.
“No!” You gasped, the brick falling from your bloodied fingers, and Sam smacked you across the face so fast and violent your teeth cut into your cheek.
“Calm down.” She ordered, shaking you by the shoulders when she faced you. “Calm the fuck down. She’s dead. Christ.”
“Ethan—” You choked out, pointing, and Sam’s concerned stare turned hateful as she looked at him. “Sam please.” You begged, fighting her grasp so you could move towards him. He was laying flat on his back now, face screwed up with pain, his hand trembling against his wound. “Please please. I won’t ask you for anything else. Just help me.” She followed your eyes to the closest exit. If you could just get him to the hallway, maybe you could somehow break out. “Please I cant live without—”
“God, fine.” She snapped, letting go of you to help lift him. You had no idea where Bailey or Tara was but, based on the fact that you’d just bashed his daughter’s skull in with a brick and his son had betrayed him, you weren’t sure if he was going to stick around.
The two of you moved to Ethan, lifting him by the shoulders and tugging him towards the hall. A moan of pain left his lips and you choked back a sob, tears filling your eyes as you looked down at him. You were muttering reassurances, trying to convince the both of you it was okay, when Sam left to find her sister.
You kept him tucked in the corner of the hall, as far away from the fight as you could manage, as you slowly peeled up his shirt. You almost gagged. Short of his guts hanging out the wound was devastating, and you saw the tears in his eyes as he trembled.
“Baby,” you touched his face, his sleepy eyes moving to your own. “baby what do I do? I don’t know how to—”
“Duct tape.” He hissed through clenched teeth. “My backpack. Use the—the duct tape.”
You dove for his backpack, rummaging through it until you found the desired material. You yanked off a strip and began taping his abdomen shut, trying not to retch when his cries of pain met your ears. You were crying steadily now, your hands shaking, when there was finally nothing left to tape up.
“Can you—” Ethan swallowed, his speech slurring as he panted. “Just, stay with me? I just…want to be with you when..”
“No.” You shook your head, sliding onto the ground beside him and looping an arm over his chest. You pressed your face against his neck, squeezing your eyes shut. “I’m not leaving you. I cant.”
“You know I love you, Y/N.” He murmured, and you choked back a sob, your lips pressing kisses against his neck and shoulder. And then you tensed, hearing the click of a gun, and turned.
“Isn’t this a pretty picture.” Detective Bailey mused, gun at his side. “A real Romeo and Juliet story.” He pointed the gun at Ethan and you practically snarled at the man, shielding his body the best you could with your own. “You threw it all away on some girl.” He sneered, glaring at his son, who gripped your arm as hard as he could.
“Y/N, go.” Ethan breathed, wincing as he fought to prop himself up.
“You wanna kill him?” You asked, glaring at his father. How such an amazing boy came out of him, you had no idea. “Shoot me first.”
“Whatever the lady wants.” He replied, aiming for your head, and you stared with defiance as Ethan gasped, your ears vaguely picking up his begging protests.
The gunshot went off.
Bailey lurched to the side, dropping to the ground, as Sam stood before you, a gun of her own pointed at the bastard’s head. You were panting, heart racing, sure you were seconds away from following your boyfriend into death.
“He talks too much.” Sam muttered, and looked to you, concern filling her eyes. “Y/N, get up.”
“Y/N, he’s not going to make it we need to—”
You felt feral. Absolutely wild as you glared at her, your grip on his hand, the hand that had reached out to hold yours during your execution, tightening.
“Help him. Help him and I’ll come with you.” You felt miserable as you laid your head back on his shoulder, your mouth quivering as you held him as tight as you dared with his injuries. “Ethan, come on. Stay awake for me.”
He grunted in response, turning his head to kiss your own, and Sam made a sound of both annoyance and defeat.
“Seriously? We need to—”
Doors burst open somewhere and you tensed, watching as officers entered the room led by Danny. You could’ve sobbed in relief as you saw medics entering, Sam immediately directing them your way. You murmured the updates to Ethan, whose eyes were closed, before you stilled. He was completely cold.
“E?” You whispered, sitting up. Without your presence his head lolled to the side; Ethan’s skin had gone pale and, when you picked up his hand, it felt limp in your own. “Ethan?” Your vision went white.
You were vaguely aware of the medics moving around you as you stared, ears ringing, at the boy that you loved. The boy that was dead.
“Sweetheart?” Fingers snapped in front of your face and you blinked slowly. “Sweetheart, come on. Let’s get you out of here.”
You pointed at Ethan—no, tried to point, because your body refused to move. You just stared. Stared and stared, as hands gripped you under the arms and lifted you. And then Danny was scooping you up, your eyes never leaving Ethan as the medic closest to him pressed her fingers to his neck, another examining the duct tape.
You turned away.
It had been four months since the theater attack.
Four months since you’d had to fight for anything—since you’d needed to fight. But now you stood in your apartment, breathing deeply, the weapon at your side clenched tight in your hand.
Your enemy stood hardly ten feet away, glaring back at you with just as much ferocity. His dark eyes never left your own as you spoke, forcing as much bravado as you could into your tone.
“I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire.”
The boy snorted, his eyes lighting up with wry amusement.
“Your new empire?”
“Don’t make me kill you.”
“Y/N, my allegiance is to the Republic. To Democracy!
You clicked the button on your battery-operated lightsaber at the same time as Ethan, and tried not to laugh.
“If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy.”
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.” He snapped back, taking a step forward. “I will do what I must—”
“AHHH!” You shrieked, charging, before Ethan had hardly gotten the last word out. He yelped as you tossed away your lightsaber and jumped on him, toppling the both of you to the ground.
“Hey, hey!” He protested, rolling you onto the living-room floor. He pinned your arms with his hands and shook his head, staring at you with disbelief. “You had another line. One more line. You always do that.”
“Next time I’ll be Obi-Wan.” You giggled, squirming around in his grasp.
“You’re a mess, you know that?” He asked, rolling his eyes, and moved off. “Can we watch the trilogy next? I wanna see Kylo Ren.”
“Ugh.” You groaned, reluctantly moving to your feet as he went to make popcorn in your kitchen. “Can we watch something else? What about a Barbie movie?”
“Absolutely not.” Ethan scoffed, turning to give you a comically disturbed look. “You tortured me last week with that marathon.”
“It was only, like, the best ones.”
“It was seven hours. Seven hours of singing and dresses and—”
“Ethaaan.” You whined, dashing over to wrap your arms around his waist. “Don’t you love me?”
“Then what’s one more Barbie movie?”
“Dear God.” He rubbed his eyes as you hugged him tighter, turning your head to press kisses to his chest. “Fine. Fine. But I’m picking it out.”
“You always give in.”
“I cant resist you.”
You smiled as he ran his hand over your cheek and kissed you, his other hand slipping into your hair to tug your head back. You let out a sigh as you sank into him, your fingers moving to run along his waist, then under his shirt and— You stiffened and he moved back.
“What’s wrong?”
You blinked a few times. Then you lifted the material of his shirt up, eyes running across the long, slightly raised scar on his abdomen. You ran a hand over your mouth and dropped his shirt, avoiding his eyes when he tugged you straight back into his arms.
“I’m fine, now. Remember?” He jostled you a tiny bit, a calm smile still on his face. “I’m fine, Y/N.”
It had taken weeks of therapy. Many, many times where you forced yourself to hang out with your friends. And way too many nights sleeping in a hospital chair, waiting for Ethan to recover.
The doctors said that it was a miracle he’d survived. That he must’ve been holding on to something—that he was a fighter. And now that he was healed physically, the both of you were doing your best to heal mentally, as well.
“Y/N?” Ethan cupped your face and looked at you, eyes scanning your own. “Together, remember? We get through this together?”
“Yeah.” You swallowed, ignoring the tightness in your chest. “Always.”
“Then let’s go watch a damn princess movie.” He smirked at you as you let out a trembling laugh, then you squeaked as he planted aggressive kisses all over your face, not freeing you until you were wiggling away from him. “Love you.” Ethan said, pulling you close, and kissed you again.
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m34gs · 1 year
Ranking the Saw VI victims based on how sorry I felt for them...
...because why not. This is 100% subjective and 1000% unprompted.
Saw VI spoilers, and Saw-appropriate levels of carnage discussion ahead.
Hank the Janitor comes in at number one because I felt so bad for him. Dude didn't stand a chance, and all he did was clean the office and mop floors at the insurance company. I get that the purpose was for Mr. Executive of the company to learn how bullshit and stupid his "formula" for insurance eligibility/coverage is, but I also hated how that trap pitted them against each other, unlike the other scenarios in the movie. I mean, I feel like partly it was just bad luck for the custodian. If he'd been swapped with the secretary, would he have been allowed to live and would she have died? Because there's no way William is going to die for someone, even if he does come to realize how cruel his "formula" is.
Tara and Brent are tied for second place. I know they technically weren't victims of the trap in that they were not forced to do tests and were not harmed, but I think being trapped in a cage for hours watching one man work through various traps where at least one person always died would be traumatizing enough on its own. Then, to find out the man you were watching the entire time is the reason your husband/father is not still alive? That's some emotional damage. I also think Brent is gonna have need some serious therapy because I don't think he was prepared for how gruesome William's death would be when he made the choice to pull that lever.
Addy the secretary. Again, this was another person who was just doing her job. She wasn't the one making decisions, she probably didn't even fully understand William's formula. Most places that deal with sensitive information such as health care or finances operate on a "need to know" basis. You only get the knowledge you need to do your job. She did survive, which is why she's lower than Hank on this list, but she's gotta be traumatized as fuck (I was thrilled to see her in the support group in Saw VII, felt like some good world-building).
Allen is next. Lower than Addy but not by much. I felt sorry for him because he was alone. He had no one to even miss him when he died and that hurts to think about. Also, I did appreciate how William tried hard to save them both and only gave in when he realized that if he didn't choose between them, he would save neither of them. It was a shitty situation all around. Also a barbed wire noose is fucked up.
Pamela comes in at 5. I don't like her. I think she's annoying as fuck and I hate how she acts through the entire movie. But it's a bit sickening to think she was forced to watch her brother's (William) body get eaten away and split in two by acid while he was still alive and screaming. Like, that's just brutal, and whether or not I hate her I think that is just something so horrible to make her watch. I honestly think that they could have done the trap without kidnapping her, but adding her to that mix just added another layer of trauma and desperation and horror to the entire scenario.
Debbie the lawyer and the shotgun merry-go-round are tied here. I really didn't feel much sympathy for any of them. Honestly, I felt like they were all rather shitty people in the movie. They all knew the way things were run in the insurance company, they were all in it together and yet they were all ready to throw others under the bus at the first sign of trouble. The only reason I feel a little bad for them is because they were put in the trap to test William, and so it makes me wonder that if it wasn't for him perhaps none of them would have ended up in a trap at all. Maybe they all would've also been better people without his influence on them at work.
William. He's last. I really didn't feel sorry for him and his suffering during the movie. I think it was a big karma moment, based on how he treated his clients. He had the power to make changes and to work for the people instead of basically robbing them, and he didn't. (and yeah, I think if people pay for insurance and then you deny them coverage for treatments they need, that's fucking robbery. They're paying for a service and then the service isn't delivered? Appalling. Disgusting. I hate that it's real, too. It's so unfair.) People were denied life-saving medications and treatments because of him. Their blood is on his hands. Anyway, out of everyone who died or suffered in that trap, he did deserve it the most in my opinion. No sympathy for him from me.
So, yeah. That's my thoughts. My personal list.
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symbiote-siblings · 2 years
Operation: Save Goop Parasite
Tara had to take Furby with her and Karma again because Teddy was in no state of mind to take care of such a majestic creature at the moment. The chihuahua was under her arm with her harness on. Tara was already making her way down the sidewalks as fast as she could and into the apartment building.
She had to slow down because of the stairs…. Stairs are her enemy.
Karma let out a low growl. She hasn’t been talking much after the incident with Teddy. Not out of frustration, but anger at whoever captured the other symbiote that she has considered her brother. Tara couldn’t blame her, she herself was just as angry. Right now, they need to focus.
Furby was making those weird strangled noises again, waving her paws around, not entirely understanding what was going on but just happy to be included.
Before Tara and Karma knew it, they were bursting through Athena’s apartment door and stomping inside. Nikos standing there like a stiff board with a mug and a flabbergasted expression at the now probably broken door. The girl then rammed open the door to Athena’s room, breaking it in the process,
The vibrations of her bedroom door being thrown off its hinges caused Athena to sit upright on her bed, her eyes widening as she turned her head and slipped off her new noise canceling headphones Donnie had made for her. Her eyes widened and mouth fell open as she processed the sight in front of her.
“Tara?!? What the FUCK?!?”
From behind the symbiote host, Athena could see Thalia and Nikos gathering nearby, looking on with matching expressions of confusion and alarm.
Furby let out a strangled bark.
Tara waved her free hand in the air, “OSCORP- RAVAGE-“
She raised her hand over her head, then forward, taking in a breath and closing her eyes for a moment.
Then she opened her eyes abruptly, “OSCORP TOOK RAVAGE!”
Athena brought a hand up to the side of her head as she swung her legs over the side of her bed.
“Woah woah, slow down! Ugh.”
She stood up, putting her free hand on her waist.
“Okay. Let’s start over. Hey Tara, why’d you break into my apartment?”
Tara pursed her lips and frowned, furrowing her brows,
“Uh, because OsCorp took Ravage, did you not hear what the FUCK I said?!”
Furby let out another bark, Tara set a hand on the chihuahua’s face, “Language, Furby,”
Athena took in a deep breath to calm herself down.
“Fuck, okay. Do you know where they took Ravage?”
She strided over to her closet as she spoke, pulling out a box from the bottom.
Tara realized she was still holding Furby and leaned down and plopped her on the floor before standing straight again, taking a deep breath and running her hand through her hair,
“Well, probably at the OsCorp lab, dipshit! Where else?”
Furby stood standing for a few seconds before plopping onto her side and not moving, still with eyes wide and still breathing. So she ain’t dead.
Athena closed her eyes as she opened the lid to reveal the red diamond shape symbol of the spider on her stealth suit.
“Which OsCorp lab dipshit! There’s several across the city!”
Tara pulled out her phone from her jacket pocket and violently typed a few things on it, pulling up something and shoving it into Athena’s face,
It was a google map to one of the OsCorp labs, “This was the one I took those gnarly photos at, it has to be here!”
Athena pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Oh it has to be huh? You have no idea, do you?”
She pulled out the suit and stood up to lay it on her bed, grabbing the belt and restocking it with darts and smoke bombs.
Tara gritted her teeth and pulled her phone back, “Well? Are you gonna help us or not?!”
She glanced at Furby who was still plopped on her side on the ground, then lifted her head back up,
“And can your sister and uncle make sure Furby doesn’t die until we get back?”
“Why the fuck do you think I’m pulling out my suit? That I’m fucking getting it ready for the dry cleaners?”
Athena snapped, a soft hiss escaping her mouth as she turned to face Tara.
“And seriously? You break into our apartment to ask for help then dump your pet on us? What gives!”
Thalia and Nikos were staring down at the dog in question as it laid on the ground with its eyes wide and trembling.
“Uh… is it even alive?”
Thalia muttered.
“She does that sometimes, she’s fine!” Tara answered Thalia’s question, still staring at Athena with hands on her hips,
“I couldn’t leave her with Teddy, he’s getting weaker without Ravage being able to heal him,” she explained whilst gritting her teeth, staring at the floor,
“And no way I’m gonna make him take care of Furby while he believes he can hear colors,”
Karma came out and hovered over her shoulder, “It must be this lab,” she growled, “it is where me and Ravage were last kept before we escaped. If not there, they must have some information on their computers on where his location may be,”
Athena looked back down at her hands holding her utility belt. When she spoke up again her voice was calmer.
“Okay. Then we start there. But, this is a stealth mission. We can’t just break in and wreck the place. We get in, get info on where Ravage is and get out.”
Thalia raised her hand awkwardly before finally just speaking.
“Uh. So do we have to watch the dog then?”
Athena dragged a palm down her face.
“Just make sure Olive doesn’t eat it.”
Karma glanced back at Tara, “You said if we move fast, we may be able to get to him before they do anything?”
“If they do anything,” Tara countered, “I ain’t gonna let some old hags in lab coats turn a parasitic goop into a parasitic goop pancake on my watch,”
“They turn us into PANCAKES?”
Tara shrugged, “I dunno! Maybe that’s how they’re making that weird medicine stuff outta you-“ she shook her head, “whatever! We’ll figure it out later, let’s just get Ravage out and back to Teddy before Ted tries to grab a cigarette without Ravage to heal his lungs,”
Shit, Tara almost forgot about that… not that Teddy didn’t have self control, but when he was sleep deprived and stressed… she shook that thought out of her head, he was way more responsible than she was. The addiction can wait for now.
What mattered now was saving Ravage.
[Collab w/ @ask-spidersisters ]
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Room For Dessert
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anon requested- Can you do a smut where rossi has a dinner party but also has his Niece staying with him because her apartment is being fumigated. Her and Spencer hit it off and go at it.
anon requested- smut 54: you better be quiet or everyone is going to know what a naughty little slut you are. and 59: such a needy little thing, aren't you? with Spencer
Contains: fingering (female receiving), hand job (male receiving), mention of pregnancy/breeding kink, name calling, slight degradation, unprotected sex, swearing, sexual acts in a public setting
I had never met my uncle David's co-workers before. He had always talked about introducing us, but it just never seemed to be the right time. It seems that today though, the world decided it was the right time.
He was having a dinner party tonight and my apartment needed to be fumigated. What luck!
I figured I would be staying with him for a couple days, so I packed my things after work yesterday. Now it was Saturday, the day of the party, and time to head over.
I had to admit I was nervous. A dinner party with people I didn't know? Talk about awkward. But I decided to make the most of it.
Once I was at his house, he took me to a spare room that would be mine for the next few days and showed me where everything was. Not that I would remember since we're in a mansion.
A few hours passed and it was time for people to start arriving. As I was getting my party clothes on, I could hear voices downstairs. Guess I should hurry.
Once I was done with my hair, makeup, and clothes, I made my way slowly down the stairs. The voices got progressively louder as I got closer.
A few people were scattered around the immediate area. A dark-haired woman stood talking to a blonde woman over near the far side of the room. Uncle David was talking with an Asian man and a dark-skinned woman by the entrance to the kitchen. And lastly, a well-built Hispanic man sat talking to a blonde woman in colorful clothing and a tall, slightly unkempt man.
I wasn't sure where to go first so I just kind of stood on the bottom step without saying anything. Then Uncle David noticed me.
"Ah there she is! We've been waiting for you. Come on and mingle while the food is finishing up."
At his words, the room full of people all turned their heads toward me.
Slightly taken aback by all the eyes on me, I gave a small wave and a smile before making my way down to them.
"It's nice to meet you guys! I'm (Y/N). Uncle David has told me about all of you."
The woman wearing bright colors made her way over to me first, a glass of champagne in hand.
"It's so nice to meet you! Your dress is to die for!"
She then enveloped me in a one arm hug. I hugged her back and accidentally made eye contact with the tall guy in the back. He quickly looked away. What was he staring at me for?
"I'm Penelope by the way!"
She pulled away and smiled at me once more before making room for the next person.
Emily, JJ, Luke, Tara, and Matt all introduced themselves. The last guy must be...
"Dr. Spencer Reid," he said as he stuck his hand out to shake.
Oh. Oh wow.
Now that I got a closer look at him, I could see why his nickname was "Pretty Boy." If we hadn't been in front of so many people, I would've had to jump his bones right then.
I shook his hand shyly.
"It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. Aren't you a little too attractive to be in the FBI? How does anyone get their work done?"
Spencer cleared his throat and glanced around the room to see people start walking to the kitchen. The food must be almost done.
"Well, why don’t you sit next to me at the dinner table? I’ll make sure to tell you all about my...work,” he murmured as he made no attempts to hide his eyes roaming my body.
Did-did he just...?
Before I could think anything coherent, he began walking away. He was probably just messing with me. I’m just being stupid.
Still, my legs felt a bit weak as I made my way into the kitchen. They were all sitting down and the only empty seat was next to Spencer. As I approached, he jumped up and pulled out the chair.
“Here let me.”
He gave me a bashful look, not at all like the look he gave my body moments ago in the living room. What is this guy’s deal?
I gave him a small smile and took a seat. He pushed me towards the table and sat down next to me.
Uncle David did his toast thing to be thankful for everyone being here, and then we started dishing up our food. There was so much to choose from that my plate became full almost immediately.
“So tell me,” I said to the man next to me, “What’s it like to be the BAU’s resident genius?”
Spencer glanced at me as he gathered food onto his plate.
“Well, I wouldn’t say that an IQ score or any amount of knowledge makes someone a genius. Not that both of those aren’t high for me, but I don’t like to quantify the term genius.”
He paused for a moment before continuing.
“But between you and me, it feels pretty good.”
I giggled and he smiled at me. He has a nice smile.
“Hey I made you laugh and it wasn’t at me. Maybe I’m getting somewhere with women.”
I traced the rim of my champagne glass before looking at him. I know I’d like to go somewhere with him...
“I don’t see how women aren’t all over you, Doctor. I mean. Have you looked in a mirror?”
Spencer chuckled and smiled, almost nervously.
“I’d rather look at you.”
My cheeks got hot and I blinked rapidly. Oh no. This is it. It’s happening.
But I hadn’t forgotten that look he gave me before we sat down. I hadn’t forgotten the way he undressed me with his eyes. If he wanted to mess with me then I would mess with him too.
I leaned over slowly so no one would notice and began talking in a low voice in his ear.
“What parts of me would you like to look at, Doctor?”
Spencer choked on his drink when I finished speaking. I leaned away feeling accomplished and with a painful twitch in my chest from trying not to lose my shit at him sputtering like an idiot.
But it would seem that karma is, in fact, a bitch.
“How about I start with those pretty tits of yours?”
It was my turn to choke on my drink this time. This earned me a few glances from the people across from me at the table.
“You two okay over there?” Emily asked us, having no clue what was really happening on our side of the table.
Spencer gave me a fake confused glance and then met Emily’s eyes.
“Of course, why wouldn’t we be?”
She shrugged and seemed to leave it at that, turning back to her conversation with JJ.
“How about...,” Spencer began next to me in a low voice so that no one would hear, “We have a little fun?”
I raised an eyebrow at him, not really sure what he meant by that.
He widened his eyes and looked me up and down in response as if to say, “You know exactly what I mean.”
I tried not to smile as big as I wanted to, so I settled on a sly grin in his direction to let him know I was game.
His body seemed to relax in relief almost, something I wasn’t expecting. Was he genuinely interested in me or was he just messing with me because I happened to be here?
I tried distracting myself from these thoughts and started actually eating, since we were at a dinner party after all.
A few minutes went by of idle conversation, although I wasn’t really listening. I responded in short sentences and nods in between bites of food, but my mind was elsewhere.
It wasn’t too long though, until my mind went straight to my thigh, where a hand could be felt slowly making its way up.
Trying not to make it obvious, I turned towards Spencer with a shocked look on my face. He wasn’t even looking at me, he was looking ahead and having a full conversation with Matt and Luke. How is he multitasking this well?
His hand- his very large and warm hand- made its way even farther up, snaking towards my center with a painfully slow pace.
I knew what he was planning, and I was ready for it. At least, I think I am.
His finger brushed against the edge of my panties and he paused. When I looked over at him, he had his chin casually resting on his other hand and was looking at me sideways. He raised an eyebrow to ask me if it was okay.
In response, I took his hand that was so close to where I wanted it to be, and brought it down so that he could feel the wet spot forming just from thinking about what he was getting ready to do.
I think this shocked him a little, so he cleared his throat and looked ahead, picking up another conversation with Tara.
He made his way back to where he was and began slipping fingers past the hem of my panties. They were warm and soft, but still, I shivered.
I tried my best to continue on as normal while people talked to me, but as soon as I felt the pad of his pointer finger stroking my folds, I choked on my words.
No one seemed to notice, so I continued on like nothing happened.
He was teasing me now, touching around my entrance but never going in it. How irritating.
I’m sure he sensed my frustration, since he chuckled under his breath and immediately shoved a finger inside me.
I inhaled sharply, not expecting the force or suddenness. This seemed to please him; at least I’m assuming he was pleased based on the grin that graced his features.
He continued working while he talked, never stopping the motions of going in and out of me. He even began rubbing my clit with another finger while he fingered me. He must be really good at piano. And guitar, for that matter.
It was starting to get a little warm, and my body began reacting to the way he was relentlessly rubbing my clit in hurried circles.
“Spencer,” I hissed so that no one else could hear.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“I believe I’m trying to make you cum on my fingers.”
My breath hitched in my throat as I felt my core tighten. I looked around to make sure no one had heard us. The coast seemed to be clear.
“You’re gonna pay for this, asshole,” I choked out.
This seemed to only fuel him. His fingers began relentlessly attacking my swollen bundle of nerves and they did not stop. Not even close. He only got faster and faster, and I have no idea how that was even possible to begin with.
I wanted to smack the smirk that appeared when I tightened around his fingers right off his stupid face.
His eyes roamed my sweaty, slightly red face and he slowly pulled his hand from my panties.
Spencer then turned back to his plate and picked up the last bit of his dinner roll that was left. He placed it in his mouth, along with the tips of his fingers that were just in my panties. He pushed the roll farther in his mouth so that his fingers were halfway in. Then he slowly withdrew them, his lips never leaving those damn fingers.
“Mmm Rossi,” Spencer began, turning away from me and to the man he called, “These rolls are really good. Did you make them yourself? I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything like it.”
This time I choked on my own saliva. So of course, I had a coughing fit that drew everyone’s attention to me.
“Oh my gosh, (Y/N) are you okay? Take a sip of water!” Penelope told me in honest concern for my well being.
I finished coughing and took a long gulp from my glass. I only wished it was whiskey instead of water right now.
“I’m okay, really,” I said, holding my hands up in front of me, “Just... swallowed my food too fast.”
This seemed to satisfy everyone so they all turned back to each other, Spencer’s comment about the rolls forgotten.
“That’s what you get for calling me those mean names, princess,” Spencer murmured next to me.
I stayed silent in response. Two could play at this game.
Without hesitation, I placed my hand against his crotch. And it was... something. I’m not sure if he was that hard or just- that big. Either way, my heart skipped a beat. But I didn’t let that stop me.
I slipped my hand beneath the waistband of his pants and made contact with what I was looking for. I felt him twitch under my touch, but his face gave nothing away to the others at the table.
So I started working. Tracing the length of what I could reach, and rubbing along his shaft with precision.
He took in a sharp breath as I made my way closer to the tip, and he quickly cut a glance my way.
I paid him no mind as I continued, making sure to eat off my plate like normal so as not to draw suspicion. Looking around, I could see that most people were finishing up their food, so I didn’t really have a lot of time left. I started going faster, putting more pressure onto his dick as I went. 
When I looked up to check the scene, I saw Spencer gripping his fork with white knuckles. He was holding on for dear life. Good. 
It was then that a few people began to excuse themselves from the table to go mingle some more before dessert. Shit. I had to hurry. 
I kept picking up speed, probably too much to be honest. But it worked. Spencer stiffened under my touch and a warm, wet spot was now forming in his pants, coating my fingers. He cleared his throat to try and drown out the noise he wanted so badly to make instead. 
I took a deep breath, satisfied with my work, and slowly removed my hand from his pants. It was just us, Penelope, and my uncle left at the table. They were in the middle of a conversation anyway. Luck was on my side tonight.
Spencer excused himself in a hurry, and I waited a few minutes before doing the same. I had no idea where he went, so I just had to walk around and find him somehow. We had unfinished business. 
A few minutes went by of me searching the halls, hopefully not drawing attention to myself. And then I found him, leaning against a wall and looking out the window in front of him. 
When I approached him, I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could get any words out, he grabbed my wrist roughly and pulled me into a closet. Spencer shut the door quietly behind us, though I could tell that he wanted to slam it. Uh oh.
“What the hell was that?” he hissed through gritted teeth.
“I was just playing along! Isn’t that what we wanted to do from the beginning?”
Spencer ran a hand through his hair. Oh, how I wanted to do the same thing.
“Obviously. I’ve been wanting to fuck you senseless since I laid eyes on you.”
My heart skipped a beat and the pulse suddenly went down into my core instead.
“Well do it then,” I murmured while gripping onto his forearms. There was enough space in this closet for many different positions. I just wanted to be as close to him as possible.
“I don’t know if you know what you’re getting yourself into,” Spencer groaned while palming my ass roughly.
“Mmm, I don’t care. I’m on the pill, by the way. So I wanna feel you. All of you. Although I have a pretty strong feeling you’d get off on putting a baby in me, Doctor,” I whispered into his ear before pressing my chest against his. I felt his breathing stop for a split second.
“Shut up,” he growled. It seems I pushed a button.
“Make me.”
Without a word and without hesitation, Spencer shoved me against the wall behind me and locked his mouth onto mine.
It was better than I could’ve imagined. And I had imagined it a lot over the course of tonight.
His tongue immediately shoved past the barrier of my lips and teeth, finding shelter in my mouth. The groans that came from him could have undone me right there, so I held onto his shoulders for dear life. His hands found his way to my ass, and he pushed me against his erection. His very large, very intimidating erection. And then all too soon, he pulled away, a string of saliva and swollen lips the only evidence of what had just happened.
“Who said you were allowed to tease me, huh? You've been pushing my buttons all night, and now look at you. A writhing mess underneath me. Such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
I shivered as his words reached my ears. So he had noticed I was already falling apart once again.
“God,” he moaned into my neck as he pushed me against his dick.
I couldn’t help myself- I moaned with him. The friction of him against my pulsing core was almost too much to handle.
“You sound so good,” he growled in my ear.
We stopped suddenly when footsteps could be heard nearby. I glanced at Spencer in a panic and started to move away from him. But before I could, he hastily shoved his hand over my mouth.
"Oh no, we're not stopping. Not when it’s getting this good. So you better be quiet or else everyone will know what a naughty little slut you are. Understand?"
I whimpered against his fingers and nodded at him. He gave me a wicked smile in return.
"Good girl. Now take off your panties and wrap your legs around me so I can feel just how tight your cunt really is. I have a feeling my dick will feel a lot better inside you rather than my fingers.”
With shaking hands, I slid my panties off and kicked them away.
Spencer must have enjoyed what I did because he licked his lips eagerly, never breaking his gaze towards me. Before I made my way back over to him, I couldn’t help but notice how hard he already was. This wouldn’t take long. Less of a chance we would get caught, thankfully. 
He pulled down his pants and boxers roughly, quickly stepping out of them like I had done moments ago. He made no motion to remove the clothes on his top half, solidifying the thought that this would be over quickly. How bittersweet. 
Without another word, I practically jumped into his arms, our mouths meeting immediately and moving against the other ferociously. But all of a sudden, he pulled away, and it pissed me off more than it should have. 
When I saw why he did though, I wasn’t angry anymore. 
He had picked up the belt he had been wearing from the floor, and was holding it in front of me with a dangerous look in his eye. 
“I don’t trust you to be quiet. Open,” Spencer said in a gravelly huff. 
I did as he asked without hesitation, and he roughly shoved the leather belt into my mouth, commanding me to bite down on it. 
Oh shit.
Without missing a beat, he picked me up and laid me down on the floor, extremely gently compared to how he had previously put the belt in my mouth. 
“Good thing you’re already so wet,” Spencer purred, looking down at my exposed core. “Otherwise, this might hurt a little. We don’t have a lot of time.”
Unfortunately, it did still hurt. But God, did it hurt so good. 
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Stark Spangled Banner One Shot: Arrows, Gods and Dogs
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Intro: Thor is intrigued about these little things called Urban Legends, but after a night spent with the rest of the Avengers discussing them, one of them in particular becomes a little too real…
Pairings. Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language.A bit of very light smut, if you squint hard enough…no under 18s.
A/N: This takes place in the SSB universe in early 2015 just before the events of AOU. You don’t have to have read that series to understand or enjoy this but feel free to check it out: Stark Spangle Banner Masterlist
This is written for @waiting4inspiration ‘s Myths and Legends Writing Challenge.
My prompt was no.6- The Licked Hand- urban legend of a killer who spends the night under a girl’s bed pretending to be her dog.
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“What the fuck…” Tony mumbled as he walked into the common room, glancing around. 3 faces peered back at him, one of which was dark green, from the chairs and sofas that surrounded the coffee table.
“Hey Tone…” his sister grinned up at him. “Nat and I were giving Thor a Seaweed Mask…”
Tony looked at the God who was sat in the chair, the dark green slop slapped all over his face. “It is stupendously beneficial Stark.” he said, grinning at him, his teeth sparkled white against the dark colour of the mask on his face “Anti-inflammatory, moisturises, increases skin metabolism and is anti-aging.” “Well considering you’re over a thousand years old that could be useful…” he said, and as he spoke Steve walked into the room “Oh, and speaking of old, you got any left for Spangles?”
“You ever gonna get tired of that joke?” Steve said, not even looking at Tony or Thor as he passed.
Tony shook his head “No.”
With a sigh Steve dropped onto the floor in between Katie’s legs, his back resting against the sofa. 
“Hey…” she said softly, her hands reaching to his shoulders, as her lips softly kissed his cheek. He let out a soft noise of acknowledgement as his eyes closed and he simply let her hands work out some of the tension he was feeling, her fingers expertly dancing across his muscles. “You’re really knotty.” she mused.
He cracked his head side to side, still not opening his eyes “Feels good…” he said softly and she smiled, looking up as Clint walked into the room.
“You giving out massages to anyone Nova?” he looked over as he dropped onto the sofa, swinging his legs over the arm. “Because my back is killing me.” “Book an appointment with a chiropractor then.” she said, her hands still working at Steve’s shoulders. He was blissed out, she could tell from his body language now. His head was hanging forward slightly and his breathing was even. 
“C’mon don’t be mean!” Clint pouted.
“Sorry, only Stevie gets my hands all over him.” she winked back. Steve let out a soft huff of a laugh as Tony groaned from across the room where he was stood behind the bar placing several types of snacks into bowls.
The elevator opened again and Bruce stepped out, completing the Friday Night Film Club assembly, something the Avengers did weekly providing their search for the sceptre permitted. Bruce headed over to the seating and stopped as he saw Natasha now wiping the mask from Thor’s face with cotton pads.
“Ok so this is weird…” He said.
“Aren’t you the one that turns green when you get angry?” Tony looked at him, dropping a bowl of popcorn onto the table in the middle of the seats “Because some people might say that’s a little strange too.”
“Touche…” Bruce shrugged, sitting down. 
“He has a point though…” Clint said, “I mean he reminds me of that Pittsburgh Green Man dude…the Urban Legend…what was his name?”
“Charlie No-Face” Tony said. 
“Charlie No-Face?” Steve asked, opening his eyes and fixing Tony with a sceptical stare.
“Yeah, the tale has it he was disfigured in an accident and could be seen at night, blowing cigarette smoke through the holes in his cheek, lurking by the roadside, trying to stay out of sight. Classic boogie man story”
“Total load of bullshit.” Banner shook his head.
“Actually, there’s some truth to it.” Katie said, her hands still working on Steve’s shoulders “It was a guy called Raymond Robinson who was so severely disfigured as a kid in an electrical accident that he couldn’t go out in public without creating panic. Instead he took to taking long walks at night. Local tourists would drive along the roads hoping to catch sight of him.”
Steve paused, how the fuck did she know that? She was a font of utter useless knowledge, his time at SHIELD with her had shown him that, but still… 
“What?” she asked, suddenly aware everyone was looking at her, including Steve “It was part of my degree…” “What, Urban Legends?” Clint frowned.
“I did English Lit and Mythology.” she said, her hands laying still on Steve’s shoulders. “One of my papers was on Urban Legends and the true stories that inspired them.”
“Wait, what is an Urban Legend?” Thor asked, sitting forward, curiosity piqued.
“Exactly what they say on the tin Thunder God.” Katie looked at him “It’s a modern genre of folklore and consists of fictional stories associated with the macabre, superstitions blab la bla. and more often than not rooted in local history and popular culture.”
“But they have elements of truth?” The God asked.
“Some do.” she nodded “But some of them are total myth.”
“So some are Urban Myths, some are Urban Legends?” Thor pressed, eagerly.
“Aint that the same thing?” Clint asked “A myth and a legend? At least that’s what I heard.” Thor and Katie both shook their heads.
“You heard wrong.” Katie looked at him “A legend is a collection of stories about a person or significant event and whilst unverifiable they are handed down and accepted as historical. So, things like King Arthur. It’s accepted there WAS a King called Arthur and he had a set of Knights, but the stories about his Wizard friend, Merlin, Excalibur… no way of proving.”
“And a Myth is bullshit?” Clint asked.
“It’s a made up story, an idea or a concept. Sometimes an imaginary thing, or person. Mythical stories often contain heroes or deities and explain a practice, rite or natural phenomenon.” Katie said, “Mind you, until Thor arrived on Earth Norse Gods were a Myth in themselves so who knows…” “Well that’s not confusing.” Clint mumbled, snatching a handful of popcorn. 
“I had this exact conversation with Fury a few years back” Katie chuckled “You re-wrote our entire History books Thor.” The God grinned. “I would very much like to hear some of these Urban Legends or Myths.” he said eagerly.
“Or we could go one better.” Natasha suggested “It is movie night and there’s a film called Urban Legend…” Tony groaned “I was gonna suggest watching Point Break.” “Watch me do what?” Thor asked, puzzled.
“No, the film.” Tony sighed. “It’s about surfers who rob a bank.”
“Why would surfers want to rob a bank?” Thor asked. “Same reason anyone wants to rob a bank I suppose.” Steve said, pushing himself up off the floor and reaching for the beer Tony had placed on the table, before settling next to Katie on the sofa “Money.” “It’s quite a good film actually.” Katie mused “Plus Keanu Reeves looks hot in it…” “Yeah well I belive it is my turn to choose so…” Thor clapped his hands together. “I would very much like to see this Urban Legends…”
“Alright…” Tony sighed, settling down “Prepare to have your mind rotted into nothingness…JARVIS, play the movie…”
***** “God I forgot how crap that film is.” Natasha grumbled as the credits started rolling. 
“It’s not so bad.” Clint said.
“Only because you fancy Tara Reid.” she shot back.
Clint shrugged and Katie glanced up from where she was snuggled under Steve’s arm to see her fiancé had fallen asleep, his head lolling against the back of the sofa. She smiled and took a second to just watch how relaxed he looked. It had taken him a while to get this comfortable around the other members of their team, but over the last few months especially, it was as if something had just twigged within him. And the relaxed, tactile, cheeky boy from Brooklyn she knew and loved seemed to bust free more often in front of everyone else. She reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek and he stirred slightly, blinking down at her and gave a sheepish grin. “Sorry.”
“It’s ok.” she chuckled, rubbing his chest “You weren’t snoring. How much did you see?”
“Erm…” he pondered, his hand curling round the one that was rubbing over his T-shirt, fingers gently playing with hers. “The bit where the girl was strangled in her bed when her room mate thinks she’s having sex.”
“I thought that was the best bit.” Tony said, wiping his face “Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the lights…”
“Yes.” Thor agreed eagerly “A real legend, something that could easily be true.” “You know, I remember when I was a kid, some guy in Oklahoma got arrested for trying to enact the whole headlight one.” Banner mused “He pursued the first guy who flashed him for not having his lights on but ended up crashing into a tree. Suppose that’s Karma.” 
“But he re-enacted that legend…” Natasha said, “He wasn’t the cause of it, surely?”
Bruce shrugged “I assume so, isn’t that the point though? You can’t trace half of these stories to an origin?”
“I was always convinced that the crazy cat lady who lived next door to us killed one of her kittens in the microwave when she tried to dry it after it fell into our swimming pool” Katie said, looking at Tony and raising her eyebrow “Mind you, that’s because you told me she did.” Tony laughed. “You were so gullible.” “I was 6.” she shook her head before she snorted, “Dad kicked your ass because you gave me nightmares for a week.”
“There is one that wasn’t in the film that I know for a FACT is true.” Clint said, and everyone turned to face him. Katie moved so she was sat up and looked at him, frowning and he gave her a soft wink. Steve gave a little whine at the fact she had moved and she turned to look at him as he held his arms out. She smiled, he was always clingy when he was tired, like a giant, oversized baby. She shuffled over onto his lap and he wrapped his left arm around her waist, laying his head against her chest as she looped her right arm over his shoulder. He loved snuggling up to her. The normality of being able to do and enjoy these type of moments was something he adored. His right hand dropped to her thigh, thumb gently skating over her leggings. 
“Truly?” Thor sat forward, listening intently. 
Clint nodded. “It happened in one of the towns I visited when I was part of the circus. There was a young girl, left home alone for the first time with only her dog for company. She’s sat watching the news and there’s an urgent report of a killer on the loose in her neighbourhood.”
Tony and Banner exchanged a look, the pair of them rolling their eyes. Katie glanced down at Steve who was listening intently. Biting her lip she looked back at Clint as he continued.
“Terrified, she locks all the doors and windows, but she forgets about the basement window…”
Thor gave a gasp and at that point Katie had to look away as the God’s face was utterly horrified. Natasha was suddenly focusing on her beer bottle, trying not to laugh. But Clint carried on, deadly serious, and Katie had to hand it to him. His poker face was impeccable.
“So she goes to bed, taking her dog to her room with her and letting it sleep under her bed, coz you know, she’s scared. Anyway, she wakes in the night to hear a dripping sound coming from the bathroom. It’s disturbing her a little but she’s too scared to get out of bed and find out what it is. Instead, for comfort, she reaches a hand toward the floor for the dog and is rewarded by a reassuring lick on her hand.”
“Good, good…” Thor said, nodding along “Man’s best friend after all.” “Exactly” Clint said, and in the corner of her eye Katie could see Tony and Banner both shaking with silent laughter. Looking at Steve again, she suppressed a snort of her own as the Soldier was frowning slightly, his eyes focused on Clint as he sat up.
“Anyway, the next morning when she wakes, she goes to the bathroom for a drink of water only to find her dead, mutilated dog hanging in the shower with his blood slowly dripping onto the tiles. On the shower wall, written in the dog’s blood, are the words “HUMANS CAN LICK, TOO.”
There was a pause for a beat before Steve let out a snort “What a load of crap.”
Tony and Banner began to laugh and Natasha grinned, but Thor was completely and utterly serious when he looked at Clint.
“So there was a killer, in her house…under her bed?” Clint nodded, a small smile on his face.
“Hey Thor…” Tony quipped, “Did you know they’re taking the word gullible out of the dictionary?”
Thor looked at him, frowning “Why?” ***** “Want me check under the bed for any serial killers?” Steve asked as he emerged from the en-suite in his boxers, top half bare. 
Katie grinned “I’m sure if there’s one hiding you’ll keep me safe Soldier…” He frowned playfully as he pulled back the duvet and crawled onto the bed so he was hovering over her “Does that make me your dog?”
“Down boy.” she smirked as grabbed her wrist and licked her palm. She shrieked, laughing as she wiped it on his back “That’s disgusting…” “You don’t usually complain when I’m using my tongue.” he quipped cheekily.
“Steven Grant Rogers…” she said in a mock tone of shock. He chuckled slightly, pressing his lips to hers. The kiss quickly grew heated and his hands dropped to her hips, clutching at the hem of his shirt she was wearing, as ever.
“I don’t know why you bother wearing anything to bed…” he grinned as he pulled it over her head “It always comes off…” “That’s because you’re a sex fiend.” she smirked as he kissed her again, his hands tracing up her ribs. She tipped her pelvis up to meet his and he let out a soft groan as she pressed against his groin, his arousal becoming more and more evident as he took over, grinding up against her spot, his lips moving across her jawline and to her neck.
Then, all at once there was a huge crash of what sounded like thunder, and the alarm began to ring out through their apartment.
Steve stilled, and he glanced at Katie for a second.
“Are you fucking kidding me…” She groaned as he jumped off her, pulling on a pair of sweats, tossing her the shirt she had been in. She pulled it on and grabbed a pair of shorts to cover her underwear clad bottom half before she reached under the dresser for her gun and they darted into the living room.
“JARVIS?” Steve spoke as he grabbed his shield which, ever since the whole incident with Hydra the previous year stayed in their apartment. 
“Disturbance detected on residential floor 29.” The AI offered as called the elevator. 
“That’s Clint and Thor’s floor…” Katie muttered as the elevator doors opened and Tony was already in there, his iron man gauntlets on his hand. 
“Precaution…”he muttered as Steve looked at him. “There’s no way anyone could get in here…”
The elevator stopped and the doors opened onto the floor. The three of them stepped out to see Clint sprawled on the floor surrounded by bits of plaster and breezeblock, groaning, Natasha bent over him. Thor stood a few feet away by a huge hole in the wall to their right. The door to the stairs flew open and Banner emerged, frowning as he took in the scene in front of him.
“What the fuck?” he asked as Katie’s eyes diverted to Thor who was panting, hammer in his hand, his bare chest heaving. 
“I’m sorry…” Thor said, bending over to help Clint to his feet “But you scared me Barton.” “Scared you?” Steve looked at him, frowning. “How did he scare you so much that you put him through the wall?
“He’s done A Barton” Nat smirked as Clint doubled over, groaning, clutching at his side whilst the rest of the team smirked or let out a chuckle. A Barton was a term Nat had coined ages ago for when Clint did something utterly stupid, like taking out a full horde of hostiles only to then go and knock himself out by colliding with a tree branch when running back to the jet, or managing to spill boiling hot coffee all down his front when the lid to his cup wasn’t on properly.
“So what did he do this time?” Steve asked as the arm holding his shield dropped to his side.
“He led under my bed.” Thor said, “And licked my hand.” There was a pause before Katie and Tony both let out huge snorts of laughter, as Steve rolled his eyes, a smile tugging on his face. 
“I think you broke my ribs.” Clint groaned, and Thor looked devastated. 
“Serves you right.” Tony said, glancing at the hole in the wall, shaking his head. “JARVIS, arrange someone to fix this in the morning. I’m going back to bed…”
“Do you need medical?” Steve asked, looking at Clint. He shook his head. “Well looks like you just made an Urban Legend of your own Hawkeye.” Katie said, grinning.  “The story of the dumbass Archer who thought it was a good idea to scare the shit out of the God of Thunder.”
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66 notes · View notes
shield-sheafson · 4 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Teen Titans (Comics), Teen Titans - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Raven/Tara Markov, past Tara Markov/Slade Wilson, Background Dick Grayson/Koriand'r Characters: Tara Markov, Raven (DCU), Donna Troy, Koriand'r (DCU), Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Romance, Past Underage, Past Abuse, Flirting, Weddings, sexually charged lipstick application, Slade doesn’t show up in the present timeline he’s just in the flashbacks, Flashbacks Summary:
Even normal things feel like they’ve been ruined: it’s been years, but sometimes Tara feels like she’s still with Slade. As everybody prepares for Dick and Kory’s wedding, all kinds of miserable feelings begin bubbling up inside of her even as she tries to have fun. To add to the stress, Raven has been acting awfully cute lately…
“So what’s the dress situation here?” Tara asks casually.  “Donna had bridesmaid dresses picked out by this time.  Are you slacking?”  To be perfectly fair, Tara had never worn the ruffly monstrosity Donna had given her.  She’d been too busy wandering the streets as an amnesiac.
“Tamaranians usually do not have bridesmaids,” Kory says.  She’s carefully weaving together circlets of dried flowers.  She has a pile of completed ones in the middle of the dining room table.  “Everybody participates, not just a few people.  I can not pick out matching dresses for the entire Justice League.”
“Just let Gar take care of it.”
“Do you want Gar dressing you?” Kory asks, quirking an eyebrow.
“…Good call. You seem pretty calm about all this.  Donna is going crazy.”
“Donna will relax in time.  She seems to think I want an Earth wedding.  With the DJ.”
“What do you want?”
“On Tamaran, we sing, we dance, and we burn things.  That is all I want; it would be nice to have G'larbac feathers and a torba bowl, but I do not need them to be happy.  Oh, and Dick is not allowed to speak.”
Kory puts down her flowers. “It is not as if I am not participating in the human traditions myself!  He is not allowed to look at me and everybody will throw grain.  We will do the bouquet and the garter.  I respect humans!”
“It’s– I wasn’t saying you didn’t!”  Tara isn’t ready to fight.  “…Wait, who said you didn’t?”
“I know that it is selfish to want to bring Tamaran to Earth,” Kory says, looking down at the table.  “I try to be respectful of human behavior, even when it makes me a little uncomfortable.  I do not kiss on the lips to do greeting and I laugh at the sarcasm.  But my wedding is special.  Earth is my home now, but Tamaran is where I was born.  I went to weddings when I was a little girl, and I played at them with my friends.  I want to at least have a little of that here.”  She keeps her chin high and proud, but there’s a hurt look in her eyes.
Tara isn’t sure what to say.  She’s never been any good at comforting people; if anything, she usually makes things worse.  Does Kory even need comfort right now?  She just nods her head awkwardly.
“That’s fair,” she says.  “I don’t think it’s selfish to miss where you grew up. I mean, it’s not like this is someone else’s wedding, so it’s nobody’s business how you do it, right?”
“But the guests will all be human.  Dick’s father will be there.”
“He’s rich, he doesn’t care.”
“What does that have to do with…?”
“Shh.  He’s rich.”
“I met him, he seemed to think…”
Tara leans forward and puts a finger on Kory’s lips.  “Shh.  Wealthy.”
Kory seems to accept.
“Fast or slow?” Gar asks, resting his chin on his hands and leaning over the table.
“Both,” Donna says.  
“Song decade?”
“Well, Kory wants Tamaranian folk music, and Dick wants pop from the ‘70s, so multiple.”
“How many dances are we going to have?  Parents’ dances, bridal party dances, anniversary dances?”
“This is complicated enough without all that stuff,” Vic says.
“Aww, embarrassed?” Tara asks.  “Scared of the boogie man?”
“That’s lame,” Gar says.  “Even I think that’s lame.”
“Kory’s parents can’t make the voyage,” Donna says.  “And Dick’s father is single, so the parents’ dance might be awkward.  I’m thinking we can arrange it so that Dick and Kory dance first.  I’ll hire a choreographer.  Then the brides’ and grooms’ parties can go, and then maybe the couple that’s been together the longest, so I’ll check the guest list and–”
Tara coughs. “That’s stupid,” she says, thinking back to her earlier conversation.  “Maybe everyone can just dance.”
“She’s one of my best friends, and I want it to be perfect,” Donna says.  “She and Dick have helped me so much all these years, so I want to help them back.”
“Still sounds like too much,” Vic says.
“Come on, it sounds fun!” Gar says.  He punches Vic in the shoulder with a clanging noise.  “We can teach you if you don’t know how.”
“I know how to dance,” Vic says, but his expression says more.  He presses his lips tightly together.
“Okay,” Gar says, standing up.  “Prove yourself.”
Tara snorts.
“You too,” Donna says, joining Gar.  “If we make Vic do it, we all have to.”
Suddenly, it doesn’t seem as funny.  While the idea of Vic being a bad dancer is amazing and wonderful, Tara isn’t able to dance either.  She’s been coasting.  This is karma.
“I’ll pair off with Vic, so it’s you and Gar,” Donna says, switching on the radio on the counter.  It’s Lionel Richie.
“Is this okay?” Gar asks quietly as he takes her hand.  “I’m not being weird, right?”
Tara rolls her eyes.  “We’re not sixteen anymore.  I think you’ve got your teen horniness under control.”
Off to the side, Donna and Vic are swaying awkwardly.  He looks terrified.
“Okay, do you remember how to do a box step?” Gar asks, nervously resting his hand on Tara’s back.
“Yeah,” she says, even though she’s not sure what a box step is.  She carefully mirrors his feet.
“You don’t remember,” Gar says.  “Okay, put your right foot back.”
Which foot is the right foot?  Tara makes a wild guess.  Gar shakes his head sadly.
“Hey, Raven!” Donna calls.  Tara looks over Gar’s shoulder and sees Raven shuffling sleepily into the kitchenette with messy hair and her blanket dragging behind her.
Raven looks up groggily.  “What are you doing?” she asks.
“Dancing,” Gar says.  “Vic’s low self-esteem is getting in the way of his social skills.  Tara, you aren’t supposed–”
“Hey!” Vic interjects.  “My self-esteem is fine!”
“Join the party!” Donna says.  “I think we need to switch up anyway.”
Raven squints at her, takes the kettle off the stove, and pours some hot water into a mug.
“I’m going with Gar next,” Vic says, letting go of Donna and stepping off to the side.  “Tara’s gonna be unpartnered.”
“But I’m right–” Donna begins.
“Unpartnered,” Vic repeats, looking meaningfully at Raven.  Raven presses her lips together and looks away.  
“This is stupid,” she says.  “I’m not playing.”  Tara feels a twinge of sympathy. She’s not entirely sure what’s going on, but Raven is embarrassed and Vic’s making it worse.
“Donna knows how to lead, right?” Tara asks.  “Because I only know how to… The thing that isn’t leading.”
“I’d better know,” Donna says.  “If I don’t know how to lead, then Kory’s going to be in trouble, because we’ve been practicing for weeks.”
Weird.  Kory always struck Tara as the type who would lead in a dance.  Maybe it’s just because she’s tall.
“Wait,” Raven says.  “I’ll try.”
“Man, talk about wishy-washy,” Tara says, but Raven, with unprecedented confidence, steps up to her and grabs her hand.
“You’re wishy-washy,” Raven mumbles, resting her hand on Tara’s back (electricity shoots up her spine).  
The music changes– something poppy and banal.  Raven swallows and moves carefully, and Tara, somehow impressed by her determination, follows as well as she can.
It feels very different from dancing with Gar– when she was younger, Gar excited a kind of nervousness in her that he doesn’t now (even though it wasn’t really a good feeling, it was a tangible one).  Being close to Raven is a whole new experience.  From the slender fingers that clutch Tara’s hand to the light sway of Raven’s dark hair to the smell of bitter black tea that lingers over her, Tara is oddly entranced.
Step in one direction, reverse, reverse again.  It should be so boring.  Tara can feel her heart pounding against the inside of her chest, either faster or slower than it should be.  She’s sure her hand is sweating.
“We’re going to turn in a circle now,” Raven says stiffly.
“Taking charge, I see.  Yay,” Tara says, bracing herself to either step on Raven’s foot or be stepped on.
“You’re doing a good job!”  Donna says.  Vic shoots her a look just as Tara loses focus and stomps Raven’s slipper, throwing her off balance.  They let go of each other, falling backwards a little.  
Raven takes a deep breath and turns around.  “Sorry!” she says, scurrying away before anybody else can interrupt.
After a few seconds of silence, Gar offers his opinion.  “That was kinda weird.”
“Freaky,” Tara says, still catching her breath.
“Fashion, fashion,” Gar chants.  He has one arm around Raven’s shoulder and one arm around Tara’s.
“It looks like you have a broken leg and we’re carrying you off the battlefield,” Raven says.
“He will have a broken leg if he doesn’t let go,” Tara says.
Gar lets go. “Can I still dress you up?”
“I’m not sure I could forgive you for doing something like that,” Raven says.  “You can dress Tara.”
The consignment store is a small brick building in a strip mall alongside a drugstore and a Vietnamese restaurant.  It’s got a worn exterior and a variety of outdated clothes displayed in its streaky front window.
“Chic!” Announces the light-up sign by the glass door.  A bell rings as they open it and the sleepy clerk looks up from her counter.
“Welco– oh!” Her droopy eyes widen when she sees Gar.  “You’re one of the Titans, right?”
“Guilty as charged,” Gar says.  “Any heroes’ discounts available?”
“No,” Raven says before the clerk can answer.  “Let’s look at the books.”
“But you don’t even–”
Raven gently steers him away.  Tara follows.  She gives the clerk a little wave.
Gar stands around inattentively while Raven looks at something thick with a dusty cover.
“Wanna play the romance novel game?” Tara asks.  “You look at the ones on display and you count how many man-nipples you can spot.”
“Cowboy,” Gar says, pointing. “Upper-left corner.  Two nipples.”
“Kilt guy, bottom middle.  One nipple– maybe one and a half.”
“What are you doing?” Raven asks.
“Nothing wrong,” Tara says.  “Let’s go to the hats.”
They’re probably going to get lice, honestly.  If they just let anybody try on all these cloches, then chances are somebody covered in bugs has tried them on at some point.
“Hey, Gar,” she says.
“Mm?” He looks up from below the brim of a rhinestone-encrusted cowboy hat.
“Do you get lice, or do you get fleas?”
Just as Raven opens her mouth to deliver a scolding, Gar says, “Both.”
“Let’s go somewhere else,” Raven says, gingerly lifting the hat from Gar’s head.
Tara and Gar feel their way through the menswear section (they pet the faux-fur lining of a large and intimidating coat).  Gar’s eyes widen in excitement and he pulls out a shabby pink jacket with patches on the elbows.  He ducks down and begins covertly putting it on.
“There are dressing rooms,” Raven says.
“I look like a professor,” Gar says, standing.  His wrists poke out for a few inches and its bottom is well above his hips.
“Professor of being a bastard,” Tara says.
“It doesn’t fit,” Raven says.  “Also, Tara, stop being awful.”  Tara shrugs.
“I think it fits.”  Gar stretches his arms, pushing his wrists out further. “I’m gonna buy it.”
“I can’t control you,” Raven says.
“You know, that’s a really healthy way to approach your relationships with others,” Gar says thoughtfully as he takes the jacket off.  “Time to dress up Tara!”  He slaps a hand on her shoulder.
“I never agreed to this!  Ask Kory, she knows!”  Tara looks pleadingly at Raven, who just blinks at her like a cat.
They make their death march to the women’s section, Gar in high spirits, Tara in poor spirits, and Raven in some sort of spirits.  Tara drags behind, carefully examining every pointless thing she spots.
“Let’s get the Teen Bible,” she says.  “I really want that plush dragon.  Hey, we should…”
A silly, stupid thing.  There’s a pair of high-heeled slippers in the discount shoe bin.  The puffy feathers on the upper are clumped and ragged, and the color on the insole is worn down.
Tara stops dragging and walks a little faster.
A pair of pink mules with puffy faux feathers on the upper.  Tara bought them for ten bucks at the costume store (she’d also kind of wanted a Reagan mask, but she had no excuse).  She had an awkward, mincing walk when she tried them on. There was no strap around the back, so they were always on the verge of falling off.
They were another part of her grown-up costume.  She practiced walking in them in circles around her room for two hours, and hid them carefully when Gar knocked on her door looking for his rubber lizard.  She was determined to come off as mature that night.
“What do you think?” she’d asked, pointing to them proudly.
“You look cheap,” Slade said bluntly.  
Her stomach plummeted.
“It suits you,” he said.
She laughed.
Gar is in the dressing room.  He found a blouse, immediately labeled it as “bisexual” and scampered off.  Tara is staring at a pair of overalls, twisting the buttons of the left strap again and again. She wants it to come loose, even though Raven will probably make her take responsibility and buy the whole thing.
“What are you doing?” Raven asks from behind her.  Tara jumps.
“I’m ruining these overalls,” Tara says, turning to face her.  “I’ve almost got the thread worn down, see?”
“No,” Raven says, taking them from her.  “You suddenly got quiet and you’re making that face.”
“What face?”
“I know you, Tara.”
“I know you better than anyone. Don’t lie to me.”  He cradled her face gently as he said it, but all she could think of was how close his hands were to her neck.
“No, you don’t,” Tara says, reaching to take the overalls back.  “Stop acting like you can read my mind.”
Raven steps back, clutching them to her chest.  “You’re upset,” she says.
“I’m not.” Tara’s voice cracks a little.  “And even if I am, aren’t I allowed to be?”
Raven opens her mouth as if to say something, but she closes it again.  She looks down at the overalls.  The button is hanging down awkwardly.  “You’re allowed to be upset,” she says.  “But I hate it.”
Tara stretches her face into a sarcastic grin.  “All better!” she says.
Raven hands back the overalls without making eye contact.
“Come in and have a look!” Gar calls.
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swordbending · 5 years
Tag Meme
RULES: simply answer the following 22 questions and then tag 22 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
Thanks to @zutaralesbian for tagging me!! ily
name/nickname: nicole
zodiac sign: taurus (i just turned 21!)
height: 5'6
hogwarts house: i used to get hufflepuff when i took the pottermore test, but then they changed the test and now i get slytherin 
last thing I googled: i looked up a gif for my main blog’s desktop sidebar lol
favorite musician/s: i’ll listen to anything that’s not country, but i particularly love marina, the frights, sza, king princess, hayley kiyoko, fleetwood mac, and fidlar
last song I listened to: wake bake skate by fidlar
song stuck in my head: nothing right now, but i’ve consistently gotten white winter hymnal by the fleet foxes stuck in my head since my choir sang it in high school (literally THREE YEARS ago - this song has been haunting me) 
followers: 819 (love y’all sm)
following: 525
amount of sleep: depends on when i have to work bc i don’t go to sleep early for anything asdkjfhs but generally i get a good 7-8 hours (i smoke before bed and that shit puts me out lmao)
lucky number: I don’t have one
what I’m wearing: a black tank top & that’s it lol, i try to wear as little clothes as possible when i’m home lmao i will put pants on only if i have to & most of my wardrobe consists of dresses 
dream job: i’d like to be able to say realistically that what i’m gonna end up doing is my dream job but i have no idea what i’m doing with my life so 🤷 i’d like to do something either with entertainment or politics (or both which would be cool)
dream trip: i love going any place tropical, i love the beach and also the fruity cocktails you get at the beach lmao 
favorite food: tacos (the real ones tho - i love me some store bought taco mix but i’m privileged with knowing a lot of people from mexico who make bomb ass tacos) 
instruments: i play piano and saxophone mostly, but i know a little bit of flute, cello, and bass guitar lol before i yeeted out of school bc i have no idea what i’m doing w my life i was majoring in music
languages: sadly, i only know english fluently but i know intermediate french and very very basic spanish, i’d really like to learn spanish and asl though i’m absolutely awful with languages
favorite song/s: such a hard question lol, right now it would be karma by marina and no waves by fidlar
random fact: i have a twin sister!
aesthetic: just go look at my main blog bc that’s my shit lmao shameless plug 
i think this is probably the most i’ve talked about myself on this blog, so here’s a little get to know me lol thanks again @zutaralesbian for tagging me!! i don’t have 22 people to tag but i’m tagging: 
@ka-tara @avatarkorrras @s0kk4 @lightningbenders @smellerbeee @justthenshefell @zukostrans and also anyone else that wants to do this!
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birthshidden-blog · 5 years
   Name: Tara   Age: 24+
   Name: Hunter & Veronica Bellows    FC:  Freddie Stroma & Allie Gonino
NO GODMODDING: A little bit is okay here and there but please. Nothing big. If it moves the story along and your muse is simply flowing, go for it. But these are my characters and I would prefer to play them how I see fit. That sound fair right?
MUTUALS ONLY: I really hate to say it, but as it tends to make me uncomfortable when people jump into my inbox or IM’s with things when I’m not following them, its gotta be said? I usually look through my followers every so often though so if I’m going to follow you back, it should be fairly quickly.
REBLOG KARMA: I do not participate in this. If you do not want to send something in, by no means do you have to. That being said, I will also not re-read rules each and every time I see a meme on the dash just to check for this in other peoples rules. I’m sorry but? That’s a lot of extra steps? If I do it and it bugs you, feel free to softblock me unless we have threads together or something and then just tell me. I’m not gonna lie. I’m more likely to remember the rule if I actually know you, otherwise telling me once isn’t gonna do any good. It’s stupid I know, but so am I.
VERSES: Unless otherwise requested, I will place my muses in whichever verse I deem fitting. I would be more than willing to plot something out before hand with you though so all you need to do is slip me a message and we will figure something out! You have no idea how much I love to plot things. That goes for AU’s as well. I love them to pieces.
SHIPS: I ship Chemistry. I will not force a ship on you and if you are feeling as though I am, please come and tell me. I will change whatever it is that is making you uncomfortable though I do expect the same from you. And as for smut, I am of legal age (as listed above) so I am able/willing to participate, though I will not be engaging in any such threads if you are under 18. Sorry! That’s the general rule though so, I’m sure you’re all used to it by now ha.
SHIPS CONTINUED: Just in case this ever comes up, I am more than willing to discuss ships with the other 43 children whether they be adopted into the Academy or not. As they never grew up with any of them and therefore is in no way related by any bond. This should be obvious, but … like I said, just in case!
FORMATTING: I do not mind how you format to be honest. Although I DO prefer small text paired with icons (gif icons are okay as well, though just know I ONLY use icons), if that isn’t something you do, it’s okay! You CAN copy my formatting if you wish, but it is unnecessary, as I will NOT do the same in return. I’ve grown used to my formatting. I realize that this seems to be a large topic of discussion around here, but it’s all good to me haha.
OC’s: I’m open to the idea of OC’s as long as they make sense. Though I usually love all OC’s as long as there is some obvious effort in the creation process.
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elsalapizza · 6 years
Buffy rewatch: I Was Made to Love You (5.15)
all the hurt xander feels after buffy unleashed her spike-related rage on him is karma for the way he treated women back in early seasons. i find it quite poetic really
"was his shirt all shiny" dawn really was the gift we were all waiting for
anya wants to buy an antelope. i love that. i also love her bonding with tara :))
buffy is so smooth: placing herself strategically in ben's eyesight, laughing exaggeratedly at ben's bad joke.... she should be giving lessons
look at that warren douchebag doing his first appearance. if only it also were his last
willow's "definitely not" is the gayest thing she's ever said
buffy was complaining earlier that her boyfriends all left town and though she's unhappy spike didn't...
charlie webber  looks like such a baby. can't wait for him to grow a beard and to go on htgawm
i would give a lot to know exactly what spike suggested to the robot
it's only probably not warren beatty who built a robot. but it *could* be....
i also feel cheated not being able to witness giles babysitting dawn.
it feels so weird thinling those are the last scenes we'll ever see joyce alive... it makes me already preemptively sad
joyce is joking, can't you see the dress she's wearing doesn't allow for a bra
here is one thing i can wholly agree with xander: giles is funny and charming
buffy is comparing herself in her head to warren. this is the saddest. you are nothing like him, buffy
now imagine frank from htgawm in glory's strapless dress. you're welcome
warren is also such an asshole to katrina. i really hate that guy
how weird that this already is the 2nd btvs episode with a robot in it
giles being a badass is my jam. also can you see spike being slightly aroused by this
the fact that katrina ever liked warren enough to want him to be her boyfriend is mindblowing
i really love that scene of buffy bonding with april the robot. 
"when things are sad you just have to be patient" this is so depressing foreshadowing for the great sadness to come... :((((
it's a bit melancholic, but a bullet was dodged when buffy decided not to go out with ben-who-actually-is-also-glory
spike asking a robot from warren is gross and creepy, though it is a Good Thing because 1) the buffy robot episode is gonna be hilarious but also terribly warm on my spike/buffy shipping heart and 2) the buffybot is actually very relevant to the end-battle plot as well as the beginning of s6!!!
i prepared myself still i was *not* ready for this last scene. i'll never ever ever be
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kimtotes · 3 years
I’m so tired of some Gemma stans giving Theo shit for everything he says and also acting as if Gemma was a feminist icon and comparing her to Tara saying she was sexist because she treated sex workers poorly😒🤔🙄Let’s not talk about how Gemma treated sex workers as shit but ok!Anyways,that’s not being feminist guys,Gemma lived her whole life through men,her status and value as a person and as a woman was defined by her relationship with jT,Clay and Jax,and she hoped by Abel later on,that was all she cared about,being the matriarch the most important woman in their lives!Tara was the opposite of that,she made a life for herself,she was independent and she didn’t need Jax to be valued,still she loved him and wanted to be with him,and Tara believe Jax was his equal she didn’t think he was better because he was a man,she held him accountable!I ranted a bit sorry,I can’t with the Gemma was a feminist posts😩I want to die,someone show me a tweet Sutter wrote after Tara died,he answered what Jax was gonna do without Tara and he literally said”getting guilt-free pussy”what a troll omg,he enjoyed tormenting fans,I’m so glad he was fired,karma bitch😑🙅🏾‍♀️His tone has changed so much lately though😒
I can’t imagine what type of shit Theo gets from the Gemma stans 🙄!! It’s only going to get worse too because Gemma just gets more problematic throughout the series and Theo is definitely not going to hold back 😂. I physically cringe whenever someone calls her a feminist, she’s the opposite of a feminist. She literally hates women!! Does everyone forget how she literally said “this is why mother’s should drown baby girls??” She was so horrible to sex workers, she was always so quick to call them whores. It’s fucked up to because people shit all over Tara for the argument she had with Lyla at dinner, the “serving hand jobs for desert?” line. Meanwhile Gemma has said so much worse and has physically abused them, like she literally beat the hell out of Ashley Tisdale and Ima. Also one of the shittiest things she’s ever said is how she wouldn’t have helped Tara through her rape if the roles were reversed?? Like what woman says that?? She also wished rape on her!! Exactly!! Her life revolved around the men in her life and she sought so much validation from them! She felt worthless without the position of matriarch. You’re right!! Tara was the complete opposite of Gemma and she’s more of a feminist 🤷‍♀️. Hell she put herself first and got the hell out of Charming to make a life for herself, even if it meant leaving Jax behind. She was more than just Jax and the club! She also called the club out on a lot of their bullshit, like how they treat women! He was such an asshole after S6 😑!! Like he’s still an asshole lol, but he was so much worse when the last two seasons were airing! He was a big troll, like none of what he said even held up 🙄. Yup!! SOA’s popularity made his ego bigger and he thought he was invincible, but that bit him in the ass ☺️. It really has! You can tell he probably regrets the shut he did and he’s trying to kiss Disney’s ass
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weapon13whitefang · 7 years
Beth: You have to stay who you are, not who you were (S4E12)
Gareth: Can’t go back, Bob (S5E1)
Gareth: Can’t go back, Bob (S5E2)
Rick: Can’t go back, Bob (S5E8)
Eastman : You saw it happen, that’s how this started, right? It’s all happening right in front of your eyes, over and over again. Your body’s here, but your mind is still there. There’s a door and you want to go through it, to get away from it, so you do, and leads you right back to that moment. And you see that door again, you know it won’t work but hell, maybe it’ll work, so you step through that door and you’re right back in that horrible moment every time. You still feel it every time, so you just want to stop opening that door, so you just sit in it. But I assure you, one of those doors leads out, my friend. (S6E4)
Carl : We can go back to how it was. We can go back. And you saw it. What it did. How-How easy it got... That's why you changed why you brought those people from Woodbury in You brought them in, and we all lived together. We were enemies. You put away your gun. You did it so I could change, so I could be who I am now. What you did then How you How you stopped fighting it was right. It still is. It can be like that again.You can still be like that again. Rick : I can't be who I was. It's different now. Carl : You can't kill all of 'em, Dad. There's gotta be something after. For you and for them. There's gotta be something after. (S8E9)
This doesn’t account for every time this kind of mentality has been brought up on the show, but these are the ones that stick out to me.
Since season 2, everyone has been saying that things aren’t the way they were and that you can’t be like you were in the old world. Shane was constantly telling Rick “it ain’t like it was before”.
I find this concept interesting because, while agree it can’t be like it was and you can’t be like you were… You can be better. No, you can’t go back. Team Family can not go back. They can not be who they were when the outbreak started, who they were when they were at the prison, who they were when they first entered Alexandria.
But they can be better.
Rick can’t be sheriff Rick anymore. At least not the one he was. Not the one that was shot and left in a coma... But yet he can put on the hat again. He can be the Sheriff. But he can be better. You can come back from things. You just can’t be who you were ever again.
That’s what I feel like Carl is trying to tell his dad as he’s dying. Rick can’t be the Sheriff he was, but he can be a Sheriff. People can come back to something. They won’t be the same. They’ll be better or worse, but they’re back. If they have people that they care about – that they love – with them, then they can be more than they were. They can find who they're meant to be.
Recently, @twdmusicboxmystery made a post about the magazines seen at the end of S5E8 [Coda]. In that Meta, they talked about a specific magazine that was seen by Morgan as he came across the school that Father Gabriel had stirred the walkers from. The same walkers that he lead to the church and almost got everyone freaking killed over but also the same church that Morgan finds the map in that has Rick's name on it.
That magazine was this thing
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Kinda hard to make out, right? Well @frangipanilove found a clearer image of it.
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Okay, awesome. In the past I did a HUGE and obnoxious Meta on the magazines that Skybound had posted. Here.
I was kind of fascinated by some of the things that musicboxmystery talked about in their META. Keep in mind, they lean more on connecting pretty much everything to Beth (I myself do not). This is more of a simple observatory thought I had after reading the META.
First off, I'm gonna focus on the giant red box that was placed on the image for me. The word “Palendrome” is supposed to be the word “Palindrome”. It's been spelled wrong. If you try to look up the word as it's spelled above, the real spelling for the word – I instead of an E – constantly comes up and a suggested word search is given. So there's been a spelling error.
What is a palindrome? A palindrome is “a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward.” Examples: madam, nurses run, race car, Dammit, I'm mad, mom, dad.... Bob or Hannah. The word palindrome comes from the Greek word “palin” which means “again” and the Greek word “dramein” (or drom / dromos) which means “to run”. Together they become “palindromos” which means “running back again”.
So while the word is meant to describe words that can be played backwards and forward, it can also be related to the saying “running back again” or “going back again” or “to return to the beginning”. Because a palindrome can return to it's beginning. The word starts where it ends. Hannah will be the same if you flip it backwards or read it backwards in a mirror.
So what is the palindrome of Hannah Fairlight? Why use that word to describe Hanna? (Besides her name being backwards, there's no sense to the stitle then). Well I tried to do some digging into Ms Fairlight to get a feel about who she is and why this particular word was used for her. The title states “The Palendrome of Hannah Fairlight : Turning Heartbreak into Gold”.
I couldn't find anything that would explain why they would sentence it like that... Buuuut I did find something else kinda fun.
Hannah is from the midwest and she has a few EP's out, she's had a few roles in television, and she's currently known for being in Pitch Perfect 3 as one of the Veracity members. Coda was released in 2014. Filming for S5 began in 2014... There's no record of Hannah doing ANYTHING in 2014. In 2013 she was doing sound work for Double Divas, Love & Hip Hop, Jersey String, and Say Yes to the Dress. She's listed for the music department of the series The Adventures of Ben & Sarah in 2014. Otherwise... She hasn't had anything “big” until 2017 with Pitch Perfect 3... So why use Hannah in the magazine?
Because she does bare some similarities to Emily Kinney's career. Both are self promoted musicians, both are from the Midwest (EK in Nebraska and Hannah is from Tennessee), and both have a very unique type of voice. Also, I think because Hannah's Album “Creatures of Habit” was also being released in March of 2014. The album includes a variety of love songs. Sad love songs. Emily also has a habit of posting love songs. Hers sometimes are more lovesick and sugary. But she has the occasional naughty undertone or angry love or love is a battle feel to them. Like “Mermaid Song”; it's a broken heart song.... But in 2015 Hannah was releasing an album called “Bright Future”; which is music about things will get better. This Is War from EK was about love but also fighting to keep together or accepting the fall or just angry love. Hanna went from sad love to things can go on and get better. So both have shown that they use what relates to them or use heavy inspirations of life to express their music. Finally, both are under-appreciated in their music because Hannah has some pretty great songs from what I've listened to and EK deserves. If I knew more about Hanna, I bet I could find more similarities between her and EK.
So we have a self-promoted musician from the midwest singing about lost love and sad love being shown on a magazine in an after scene of an episode where a character who sings and was lost to loved ones after being shot... My head is VERY tilted to the side like “HMMMMMMM” because even I – who really doesn't like to get into relating everything to Beth and Emily – can not help but notice the simple but glaring similarities there.
While I'm still perplexed about using palindrome to describe Hannah... If they're using Hannah as a sort of representation to EK/Beth, then using that word could mean that the beginning is the end. Morgan said everything comes around; karma / life works in circles. What you do onto others will come back onto you. So if everything comes around... How does Beth come back to the beginning? Well that could mean a lot of things. It could mean we go back to the beginning of where this whole mess began for Beth; Grady. We might be able to go back to the prison or the farm, but there really isn't much left for anything there besides maybe triggering memories. The whole thing of “we can't go back” started with Terminus, so we could go back to what remains of Terminus, though Carol and everyone kinda left that place to burn to the ground... Or perhaps just going back to Gerogia in general is what could happen. Georgia is where everything is; the farm, the prison, burnt remains of Woodbury, burnt up Terminus, and Grady... There's all kinds of things left behind in Georgia and that's where a lot of these characters stories began; Rick, Morgan, Michonne, Carol, Daryl, and Tara all started in Georgia. Maybe it means to turn back to what happened in Georgia; what made them change and what changed. Who they lost and what they lost.
I'm wondering if this magazine cover is meant for Morgan. He's the one that stumbled upon it. He's the one who Eastman gave the door analogy to. Morgan's the one who wrote the infamous wall of CLEAR. Morgan may be the one who needs to go back to the beginning to reach the end. Or it could be about Beth because of the similarities we see in her and Hannah... Or it could be both and they're connected in a way that we the audience have yet to see. Hell maybe they don't realize they're connected yet... It's possible.
Either way, I am a bit fascinated by this magazine here. I'm not sure it's what musicboxmystery thought it was, but I can see why they got excited about it.
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corpsebasil · 1 year
I’m just dabbling in this because I saw Scream 6 so do not judge me
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He’d thrown you.
So hard that when your head cracked against the wall you dropped to the floor, the world spinning like a top. He’d stabbed Anika. Stabbed her. And he was banging his way into the bedroom as you watched from the hall, eyes gaping as you took in the sight of the Ghostface costume.
But then your chest seized up—they had left you. They had gone into the bedroom without you, trapping you outside with—
“Stop.” You mumbled, voice a strained whisper out of your mouth. The killer either didn’t hear you or didn’t care, not as he slammed his shoulder against the door so hard it almost popped off it’s hinges, and he was inside. “Wait, don’t—”
You pushed yourself onto shaky hands and knees and began to crawl, lurching to the left almost immediately. Your balance was completely off; you reached up to touch your head and your fingers came away wet with blood.
“Hey..” you mumbled again, still dragging yourself across the floor.
Maybe if you could just get the door, just get to the…No. You forced your eyes open wide, refusing to fall into unconsciousness as your arms almost gave out. A pained groan left your mouth as you continued to press onward. You didn’t know what the fuck you were going to do when you got to the room. You could hear screaming, panicked sobbing, and that was the only thing that bent your sanity enough to crawl to the doorframe.
“Don’t do anything..” you forced out, but you sank down onto an elbow as you took in the sight before you.
Ghostface was standing in front of the window, shaking a ladder that had been connected between this and the opposite apartment’s window. You watched with blurry vision, mouth dry, as one final shake threw a body off the side.
Your stomach dropped.
Your ears rang as the screams began to dull, your vision and hearing both draining from reality. But you had enough sense to try and scoot away as the killer turned, finally ready for you, and you heard shouts of your name from the opposite window.
“I cant fight you.” You breathed, staring up at the opposing figure. Frightened tears began to well up in your eyes, your bottom lip trembling as you looked away. “Please make it quick.” The last whisper was the words of a coward but fuck it, you couldn’t even hold yourself up anymore. So you closed your eyes, squeezing them shut against the terror and awaiting pain.
Nothing. Just stillness.
You cracked a single eye open and almost bashed your head against the door frame as you lurched away. Ghostface had crouched beside you, head tilting, peering at you almost curiously. You squinted your eyes at him as you moved to position yourself as best you could on your elbow again, noticing the very surprising, very unexpected, lack of a knife in his hands.
“You gonna…throw me out the window too?” You asked, feeling slightly drunk as his mask began to double in your wavering vision.
“No.” He replied, and you grimaced at the voice that came out of the mask. But he didn’t seem to be leaping to slaughter you yet, so you dragged up every last ounce of sass you had in your system and threw it at him.
“Quite the…killer huh?” You half laughed, almost hysterical, but still flinched when he reached out to touch where you’d hit your head. “If I were you I would’ve—” you swallowed, blinking hard against the blackness creeping on the edges of your vision. “—finished me off in the hallway.”
You could’ve sworn a dark chuckle left the figure, especially when he pulled his hand back and studied the blood on his gloved fingers. You grimaced at the sight. What a damn sadist.
“Are you even going to kill me? You’re really… dragging this out.”
He only shook his head, and you heard one last shriek from someone, maybe Tara, you didn’t know, before you closed your eyes and slumped down onto the floor.
You woke in the hospital.
You had no idea how you’d gotten there, or what had happened. But then you remembered—remembered him touching you, sparing you, and—
You jolted upright in bed, a headache immediately raging war against your temples as your vision spun.
“Easy, easy,” a familiar voice said, moving to your side. “you’ve got a concussion. Chill.”
“How did I—?” You blinked at Chad, one of your friends, and searched the room for any other guests.
“Sam and Tara went to get you something to eat. This hospital food is garbage lemme tell you—”
“Chad how did I get here?” Your voice sounded strained, and you immediately didn’t like the wary expression on his face.
“That’s the uh, thing.” He said, moving to the hospital chair beside you. He gestured to your IV, then at your entire body, as if that explained anything. “Well you um, so you passed out right? And the others were already out? Yeah, so—”
“Ghostface carried you.” An accusatory tone informed you, entering the room with a cup of something steaming in her hand. Mindy gave you an obvious up down. “Carried you allll the way to the hospital. And left you. Set you right down on the front steps and dipped.” Your heart rate began to increase as her words sank in, the ridiculousness of the statement muddling your already concussed head. “Wanna explain that, Y/N? Why he didn’t kill you when he wanted to kill everyone else?”
“I don’t know I—” you swallowed, still blinking. “He threw me against the wall, he—”
“Convenient right? For you to be out of the way while the rest of us get butchered?”
“Mindy, come on.” Chad scoffed, gesturing to you. “She’s been through this before. She’s not new.”
“She doesn’t have to be new. Maybe she got so traumatized the last time this happened that now she’s working with—”
“Stop, stop.” You snapped, closing your eyes against the pain in your head and the frustration running through you. “I don’t know why he didn’t kill me, okay? I even offered him different ways of doing it and he just said no.”
“You offered him different—” Chad started, incredulously, but you cut him off.
“You think I don’t remember what it’s like?” You asked Mindy, glaring with a ferocity that usually had no place in your typically bubbly personality. You held up your arm, showing her the long, curved scars that ran along your forearm and bicep. “That bitch took her time with me. The only reason I’m not dead is thanks to Sam. So don’t come in with a big swinging dick accusing me of—”
“Can we deescalate the situation?” Chad begged, in the same moment Mindy raised her hands in a placating gesture and said, “Okay, okay. I’m just—on edge.”
“Clearly.” You mumbled, but still accepted the paper cup of tea she offered to you. Your hands were shaking, just a bit, as you took a sip.
An hour passed. An hour in which the hand on the clock moved to four in the morning, and you’d been allowed off your IV. You’d be discharged later, but for now, after a dinner of fruit cups, Turkey and cheese sandwiches, and bottles of water from the gas station, Tara and Sam had left, promising to pick you up later, and Mindy and Chad hung out in the waiting room.
You fiddled with your nails, picking at the skin around them, as you stared absentmindedly out the window. All you could see was his face—that mask—and the one word that still haunted you. No. He had the opportunity and he didn’t—he’d taken you to the hospital. The only question was why.
You heard voices and looked to the door, surprised to hear some yelling and footsteps moving loudly on the linoleum outside. You sat up, eyebrows knitting together as you heard someone being slammed against the wall outside your door, the sound recognizable due to you having had it done to yourself hours before.
And then you stared in surprise as the door opened, a pissed looking Chad dragging a startled looking Ethan, your friend and study-partner, inside the room. Mindy followed, glaring even as she rubbed at her tired eyes.
“This one,” Chad said, by way of introduction, “tried sneaking past us. What were you gonna do, math boy? Kill her?”
“What the—no. Tara said you guys got attacked and I wanted to see her.” His brown eyes slid to yours, giving you that look of his that meant help.
You couldn’t stop the tiny smile that somehow wound its way onto your face, and you looked to Chad, shaking your head at him.
“Are you going to interrogate every single one of us?” You asked, crossing your arms. Chad grumbled something under his breath, muttering about Econ and whatever, before Mindy followed him out the door so they could resume their lobby vigil.
“What happened?” Ethan asked, the moment the door shut. He moved to your side and crouched beside you, making himself eye-level, and your skin itched with the urge to lurch away from him. With him crouching like that he— “Y/N?”
“Sorry.” You said, blinking away the horrific images in your mind. “I’m currently concussed. I might be a little out of it.”
“I don’t mind.” He urged, tilting his curly head to the side. You swallowed as he stared at you, face so filled with concern, and glanced away.
“Well, he uh, the killer, came to the apartment and he—he almost knocked me out while the others locked themselves in the bedroom, and then he was banging on the door while I was watching in the hallway, and—”
“They left you?” He demanded, and his surprising flash of anger made your words stumble momentarily.
“They—I’m sure they didn’t mean to but—”
“Bullshit.” Ethan scoffed scooting closer and lowering his voice as if he could be overheard. “I would never have left you. Never. He could’ve killed you right there.”
“He didn’t, though.” You whispered, glancing down to grip your blanket with both hands. Your knuckles went white as you took a steadying breath, but you couldn’t ignore the rush of something like butterflies that occurred when he reached out to lace his fingers with one of your hands. “He didn’t kill me he just—”
“He just what?” Ethan asked. He sounded almost breathless.
“He just. Stared.” You turned to look at him, the confusion written all over your face. “I asked if he would—if he would kill me and—” you were embarrassed to realize you were tearing up, but allowed him to stand and slip cautiously into the hospital bed beside you, resting your back against his chest.
Ethan mumbled a curse when he saw the wound at the back of your head and, very carefully, ran his fingers over your hair. He didn’t touch the sore spot—the bleeding had long been stopped, and you were desperate for a shower—but you still felt a tremor run through your system at the touch.
He didn’t know about Ghostface touching you. He wouldn’t know how doing the same would effect you. But he stopped, sighing and looping his arms around your middle and allowed you to sink further into his chest.
“Then what happened?” He asked, calm enough as if you cuddled like this all the time, and it eased you enough to speak.
“He took me to the hospital.”
The laugh that left Ethan jostled you and you tensed, turning a glare onto your friend. He quickly mashed his lips together and forced a half-hearted frown, but you could still see the amusement in those doe-like eyes of his.
“Sorry. Very terrifying. How evil of him.”
“Oh, shut up. I don’t get it either.” You rolled your eyes, snuggling farther into him, as you brought your hands up to rest on the arms he had around your waist. Your thumbs brushed against his skin contemplatively as you thought. “Neither does anyone else. I woke up to a full interrogation.”
“Respectively, Y/N,” Ethan muttered, voice close to your ear. “I cant stand Mindy.”
You snorted.
“She’s my friend, but. Sometimes I cant either.” You sighed, sleepily, and turned your cheek to rest against his arm, your eyes closing. “How come—” you yawned. “—you trust me?”
Ethan’s reply took long enough for you to feel a twinge of hurt, but his answer made your heart drop into your stomach.
“I care about you too much to ever not trust you.” He admitted, not able to see the pink beginning to rush into your cheeks. “And I’m sure it’s safe to say that if Ghostface spared you, he might do it again. Maybe you’re not on his shit-list.”
You snorted, but you’d been hoping for that to be true. That maybe you had some sort of immunity card in your pocket that you hadn’t known about. Like maybe this was Karma, the universe’s gift to you for suffering so long under the knife in Amber’s skilled hand.
So you sighed, breathing him in, and allowed yourself to fall into a hesitant, jumbled sleep.
“We’ll isnt this freaking adorable.”
Your eyes opened and you groaned, your headache back, as you adjusted yourself against the body behind you. And then you tensed as you remembered. It was Ethan behind you, his arms still snug around your body, every single inch of you tugged up against him. You slowly moved to sit up, locking eyes with Mindy, who had an eyebrow raised as she watched you.
“He was just trying to comfort me.” You said, running a hand down his arm in an attempt to wake him up. But you squeaked when he tugged you harder against him, grumbling in his sleep, as if he wasn’t willing to let you go.
“Uh huh.” Mindy deadpanned you, glaring at the boy behind you. “And I have three tits. Tara and Sam are waiting for you. Can you get yourself up?”
“As soon as I wake him, yes.”
Mindy grumbled something under her breath and left the room, leaving you alone with Ethan. So you squeezed his arms, turning in his grip to look at him, as he slowly roused himself from sleep. When he lifted his head, hardly a few inches in between you, the immediate glance between your mouth and your eyes made your face warm.
“We gotta go.” You said, attempting to shift away, but he held you fast. “E, we need to—”
And then he kissed you.
It wasn’t harsh, or intense by any means, just a soft kiss that made your blood run hot. And then he was pulling away, running his hand down your cheek, before shifting away from you.
“Then we’d better go.” He said, leaving you winded as he scooted out of bed and picked up his backpack. “What?” He asked, noticing your surprised expression.
You moved from the bed, still in your outfit from the night before, and crossed the small space over to him, tugging his mouth down to your own.
Part 2
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iasmelaion · 7 years
2017 music
I am an Old now and don’t listen to much new music because there’s...so much of it? all the time? let me instead listen to CHVRCHES for the 500th time. But here is a brief and very idiosyncratic list of my favorite songs of 2017 that were released in 2017. There is no genre through line, here. none.
The National - Walk It Back: lol obvsly. I love it despite how it makes me clench my jaw all too fuckin real, Matt.
I’m always thinking about useless things
I’m always checking out
Depeche Mode - Scum: lotta fucking shitbag pieces of scum filling the news this year! this song was great catharsis for that!
hey scum, what’re you gonna do when karma comes?
Ninet - Child: she’s got a hell of a voice. I also enjoyed singing along to this one in my car a lot. Runner up: Elinor, which goes pretty damn hard. Have mercy on me, girl indeed.
Bargou 08 - Roddih: Tunisian folk music + moog synths. I was very into this, I remain very into this. It is a legit banger.
Algiers - The Underside of Power: very catchy, very 2017 appropriate, #resist etc. Gospel + soul + punk.
I’ve seen the underside of power
It’s a game that can’t go on
Jlin - Holy Child: do you like Burial? you’ll like this. marginally less ghostly than Burial. a glitchy dance party in a cyber church.
Ex Eye - Anaitis Hymnal; the Arkose Disc: okay, yes, this is metal. But it’s post-metal, no screaming except for Colin Stetson howling into his saxophone (i am biased, i LOVE colin stetson howling into a saxophone). I think it’s astonishingly beautiful in an obliterative kind of way. Also, this is a Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier song. I would evangelize about that to Sebastian Stan himself if I could.
Tara Carosielli - Holloway Road: Apple Music stuck this on one of my weekly playlists, and Apple Music was very correct. A jam.
baby you’re the wave and I’m ready for the crash
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symbiote-siblings · 2 years
Tara was lying down on the couch, flipping through the TV channels with the remote, “Whatever it is I did, I didn’t do it.” She called back.
“No,” Teddy came from around the corner, “where’s my school bag?” He looked exhausted despite Tara, and other multiverse acquaintances, came and forced him to take a day off and sleep.
“Ted, you’re taking the week off, I already called in saying you were sick and I was taking care of ya. Break is only a week away anyways, might as well take the week before then off.”
Teddy rolled his eyes, “I know that already, but all my college prep books are in there and I need them!”
Tara groaned, “You still with the college prep? Bro, just take a break, you’re exhausted.”
“Fine! I won’t, can I just know where my bag is?” Teddy tightened his hands into fists against his sides. God damnit, Tara always taking his shit.
The girl sat up and looked behind herself to raise a brow at her brother, “You’re so tired that not even Ravage can come out and say anything because he needs rest to.”
Teddy ran a stiff hand through his hair, “Give me my bag.”
Tara huffed, “Fine,” she said through gritted teeth, turning back to the TV and lying down again. “Karma, give the dude his bag back.”
“Told you it wouldn’t work,” the symbiote hissed, a tendril emerging from the girl’s back and reaching over to the far corner. Hidden under tons of junk and coats was Teddy’s back. Karma threw it over to the boy before the tendril retreated back and hidden out of sight.
Teddy caught the back, staggering back a bit because of the weight and swung it over his shoulder, walking back upstairs, muttering something under his breath.
Tara waited a few moments, hearing her brother’s footsteps get quieter as they went up the stairs. She rolled onto her back and shoved a pillow on her face, sighing.
“Have you tried calling those spider girls yet?”
“I have,” a muffled voice said under the pillow, “but they clearly don’t wanna talk to me over a phone after I outed them to their uncle.”
“So what do we plan on doing?”
A pause
Tara flung the pillow off of her face. “Get ready girl, we’re breaking and entering tonight.”
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Ep. 1 - “Karma is a Nasty Old Woman”  - JG
This season began the night of December 8th with a cast reveal, but the game was already afoot before that. Players had the opportunity to earn an extra trip to hunt for the idol by reading the rules. Heather, August, Aundra, JG, Rebecka, Tara, and Vi all took advantage of this opportunity!
The pre-merge buffs were also revealed, with the tribes called Iolaire and Saorsa.
And then the game began.
The first immunity challenge was posted, which you can check out here:
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Introductions have been made, and everyone seems nice so far!
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Consider me the f*%# overwhelmed. I’m trying to make personal connections but clearly that isn’t going too well. The challenge seems scary. I’m dying. Someone help!
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I am SCARED. I have to establish all new relationships and I’m pretty shook about it.
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Everyone seems so nice. I can deal with the challenges but I'm a bit scared. I don't want to mess up so early in the game.
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Man, I forgot how the start of orgs are so busy. Everyone seems pretty nice so far but I swear I won't learn their names until at least merge. If we have merge that is. After that I'll have to relearn. Hopefully we all make it to merge so I don't have to relearn anything. This challenge is pretty bad though. Slow internet will make this a pain
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Ok so I love my Tribe so far! The first immunity challenge came so fast but I'm glad that our team came together to figure out who's doing what. Also JG is coming in clutch with that advantage.
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So I’m not sure how to feel about being on a tribe with Rebecka, she might be bitter, or she might be happy to have someone she knows. As for me if I can’t find anyone else ill try that connection, for now I just need to keep communicating.
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This game is so different from azores (shout to everyone from that game) the vibes are completely different. probably because im completely different but yah im really enjoying this tribe rn we have team work down and dont seem like a bad group of people. only thing is i signed up to do the logic puzzle thing and im not that smart 
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omg this seems like a nice little tribe, its interesting be surrounded by new players to this like myself :') im not outta place, also it seems like being the oldest i hope everyone will be able to rely on me and my knowledge :D on the flip side with everyone being new it's sure to lead to some confusion in challenges hopefully i'll be able to give them some guidance and lead us to some wins :) also i fully expect to have bad luck doing the moors crap but yolo and may as well try right? 
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So the LoIaire tribe decided to do a call but it turned into me, Stephen and JD talking about videogames fjksskskd. I hope people don't think we're an alliance already! Fingers crossed.
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my tribe is full of nerds
but i'm a fan of it
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So the em peeps - me, Tara and august - made an alliance right off the back. I'm already lying to them like I did my previous org. Who said I was gonna do random voting this time again? O well, time to play a wolf in sheep's clothing and hope not to get picked to shear. That would be terrible. It's really cold and this wool is really warm. We're basically ignoring the other chat since they're in a group call and geeking out about stuff. I don't know. I zoned out bc I didn't understand what they were saying. Hopefully I'll be able to start my plan of seducing them with pictures of my pets soon.
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I'm not sure if it will be an advantage or disadvantage but while searching the Moors, I found a twist that will be revealed at merge! Now I just have to do is survive until then... tune in nextime kids
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Cool tribe.  Trying to prove my crappy helpfulness in this collecting challenge since i'm godawful at puzzles. Also, tara went ahead an made a stupid fast f3 with me and infinity, and i told them my searches which sealed the deal. Also like JG and Ain, seem like pretty cool dudes, hoping to work with em'. This moor twist is really neat, but i also feel like everything already found already, but whatever. 
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Tara is pretty cool. She's nice and I think we can work together
An alliance of Heather, Lukas, Madison, and Olivia called “Future Final 4″ was created on Saorsa.
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We love early alliances YES WE DO.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8Vto9iHwVY&t=2s hope this works haha
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kay so the tea is that I’m aligning with Madison and Olivia. Olivia is super sweet and super trustworthy, so I am aiming to keep her close for awhile. Madison vibes with me but she seems very intelligent and very much so willing to stab me in the back. I’ll keep an eye on her. I am hoping these two allies will be able to at least get me through the first few votes. Who knows? {note: I’ll be submitting video confessionals soon after more happens}
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haven't talked to rebecka at all yet but love her video calling me late at night to show n complain about her broken tooth! an icon! can't wait to see more of her this season. hope her medical bills aren't too expensive
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So Luke and I have been skyping for 3 1/2 hours and I am so glad we have chosen each other! We have plans of who we each are going to talk to and who we want in our alliance. He is going to try and get close to Madison and AnnMarie and I am going to try and get close to Skip, and Dr. Mike Jake. Sarah at this point is a big question mark and Heather is in between and we'll keep her close enough but we both think that she will either be a good meat shield or a threat that we should take out pre merge. The other Jake we are both going to try to get close to as well. Hopefully we can have the majority no matter how it goes. Maddy told us that she is close with Rebecca on the other tribe which was probably a big mistake so we have to keep an eye out for that. She also told Luke about a secret map that she found at the moors! She lied when I asked if she found anything about it. Luke said there was a phrase that you could send to the hosts about this secret map so we both sent it in. Sarah, Heather, Luke, and I formed an alliance that they think will go all the way but I think Luke and I may have other plans. I trust Luke implicitly and I know he trusts me! Hopefully our plan works out.
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3 and a half hours later, Olivia and I are going strong on Skype planning and scheming for the whole game. I exposed Madison after learning she is also close with Jake (* ^w^*). We are definitely targeting Heather at some point, for she is the least trustworthy of them all. I’m planning on trying to win over AnnaMarie and Madison’s votes and Olivia is going to win over Jake (* ^w^*) and Trip. Hopefully by controlling two people each, we will have the majority in any potential vote. Needless to say- I will trust and advocate for Olivia until the end. I believe in our ability to take out the rest of our tribe and come merge time lay low. She’s writing a confessional right now as well, I hope it’s not about how she’s going to eliminate me lmao.
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Also- Heather said in her intro video that she isn't afraid to backstab people and she kept going on about how much she loves acting! She also wouldn't really say anything when we talking about future plans so HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TRUST HER! I know I've already made two so this is the last one lol.
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Things seem to be going well, I have talked to everyone, excluding Rebecka, and get along well, so far there are few people talking strategy, but that suits me fine for now.
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I am so happy that the game finally started. The Saorsa tribe gives off really great vibes to me and I hope that is a good thing. I feel like I've made connections with almost everyone, but it is really nerve wracking because you never know who felt a connection with you. I feel I got pretty close to Madison, Lukas, Olivia and a few others. I just hope we can win Immunity so I dont have to send anybody home
I am very nervous for the competition. None of us really know Sarah and if she doesn't  show up, it's going to suck for the tribe. I don't want to be known as the weakest link for the tribe because my partner for the challenge didn't work. 
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So I reveled I have a 10% advantage, hopefully that doesn't kill me off but oh well. So far so good. Tara and I have been bonding over BTS and I think I'm gonna try getting us to f2 since I like her the best out of everyone so far. Maybe she'll back stab me but that's okay too as long as she gets into f3 ^-^. I hope not though, that would be completely and utterly sad. (I do think she knows what I'm playing at since she watched my first org and I'm basically redoing that. She's trying to help me right now at least)
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So I went to the moors for the first time and I’m really excited to be playing. This game going to be good and I know it going to have plenty of twist in it. Also I’m really liking Tara form like day one we vibes and we started talking and she’s pretty cool. Another also I feel like one of those older wise people because a lot of the peopel on my tribe are newbies and that makes me feel somewhat more safe in this game. 
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So I misread my hidden advantage/disadvantage. What it actually says is that it will be revealed at a tribe swap and not merge. Also, Ive been mapping out all the locations and places explored in The Moors and concluded that Ain has the idol that was in the pit she fell in. For now I'm going to try and befriend her more so that we can be allies or have her reveal and flush an idol. My crossword chellenge is upcoming and I've been studying Survivor terminology so I don't flop!
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I really like Jake and Maddie. I really want to start having a good strong alliance with them later on in the game. I love everyone's dogs as well.
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Trip is sure he blew the logic puzzle. I feel bad for the kid and I definitely don't want to target him or anything over it and I want to make sure other people don't do that as well. I've been reading up battleship strategies online and about how to read people and poker tells and whatnot and that either makes me the biggest dumbass in the world to think that any of the advice might help or it makes me more prepared than my opponent. Can't tell at this point. He says he can't do the challenge today so we have to wait all the way until tomorrow. That'll either give me more time to be prepared or it'll give me just enough time to overthink and freak myself out. Either is likely at this point. I tried talking to AnnMarie some like Luke and I planned and she seemed pretty receptive until I suggested videochatting and she didn't respond but I'm not sure if she is doing her puzzle right now or if I just scared her off.
oh also Trip and I talked this morning which was great. Hopefully people don't talk to one another and say "oh hey has Olivia been talking to you" because if they do then they may think I'm playing too hard which at this point I'm probably over-doing it but I am just so excited
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So Tim has told me that he has an advantage from the moors that will be reveal at the tribe swap. I believe him because even if hes lying it means he wants me to trust him so we work together. Looking ahead I think Tim, Tara, and I would make a good team, of course we’d need more numbers but it all depends on the connections we make, people’s performance in the challenge, and how people act if we go to tribal.
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Found a special path in the moors, but even though I’m not getting anything from it, I’m getting a bunch of friends by telling other people. I told the alliance of me/infinity/ and Tara about it and I’m pretty sure that was the mortar that’s holding the house together. Also gave the info to Tim, hoping to work close with him, seems to be a pretty straightforward guy. He asked who else I gave the info to which I replied a solid “sorry can’t say” but I think it’ll go fine as long as that stuff doesn’t come up any longer.
Madison found a special path in the Moors, where she could receive a vote revealing advantage if she created an alliance with the two players she trusted the least, who she ranked as Jake S. and Sarah.
To do this, she opted to tell the tribe that she had to make an alliance with “random” players for a potential trial advantage. She succeeded, and was given a necklace which would reveal all votes cast at a tribal council, to be played until the final 7.
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Hopefully honesty is the best policy. 
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Ok so its Day 2 and i completed my immunity challenge pretty fast in my opinion... but this is whats happening... August told me about the third path in Moors but he said that i wasn't the only one that knew about it. Later Tara got caught searching in The Neist and August said that he told Tara about it but Tara said that's not true... Im on to you August.. lets just wait for the immunity results...👀
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So Tim has told me even more information about the Moors, and a secret location called the Neist that August found. This makes me trust him more and feel more comfortable working with him, but it also means I have to work on my connection with August if the three of us are going to work together TimHoly shit things are going downnn. So August and Tara are actually allies and Im the third. And originally, we were the only 3 that knew about the Neist. But I rushed and thought I was getting played so I told Stephen... EVERYTHING about the Neist including the locations already searched... I messed up big time! ( Or maybe not? 👀)
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omg so i hate august!!! first thing he messages me in the game is that we shouldn't tell ppl that we know eachother and we should try to seem distant because we know eachother from epicmafia n then he goes blabbing his mouth n telling ppl that he told me all this info! like where and when is that a smart thing to do august?? before i even knew he did that tim confronts me n is like hey do u know august, did august tell u this, and me trying to b a good friend to august is like yaa no sorry! but like ugh! august needs better communication bcos if the first thing he messages me is "HAHAHA SHHH SHHH WE DON'T KNOW EACHOTHER" i'm gonna expect that hes gonna try keep distant! then he goes blabbing some more n tells tim about drama that happened in our last org like hmm interesting... um but ya august is gonna b first boot! bye girl! 
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So today in the Moor I came across a skeleton that “had a ring of bones unmarked from where a necklace once was”. This to me is a mess. Who on earth has already gone down this exact path and #snatched the necklace from me? Anyway, I messaged my main sis Olivia and devised a plan, then ran it by Madison as well. In the tribe chat, I openly said I have a “gem that could boost the power of a necklace that once rested there” which is complete BS. I am hoping someone takes the bait and messages me about having a necklace of such, and then I can expose them. 
Also- Madison entrusted me with the knowledge that she has a power that can reveal everyone’s votes at a certain tribal. I may just keep this to myself, because up until now all info I’ve received in the game I’ve shared. 
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Tara came to me freaking out. I had told both her and Tim about the special path and Tim was like “ I bet they’re aligned” so Tara made up a lie saying I didn’t tell her. I tried to solve the problem by just being outright honest, but I’m still annoyed. Tim is far too paranoid to work with. 
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ok so it seems as though as suspected some areas of our challenges were a bit rushed in decision and now i think it could be a big fat L but sometimes you win sometimes u lose, that said i hope the effort i put into my part shows im here to win, outside of that i've made more social connections with olivia and some others :) that open alliance announcement was a shock to me kinda made me laugh, looks like the 3 may be working together to get the moors solved so i'll have to keep on it
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I'm a comp flop and i hope that doesnt make me a target. I havent talked to a few people and I'm going to get on that. 
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Ok so everyone sucked today at the challenges (I still love them) and it is kinda looking like I am our last hope. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Also it turns out the whole tribe is gonna watch?! what???!!! Feeling better every second out the firm alliance between Luke and I though. At the Moors I took a harness and hid it in a place where another harness already was so I am gonna try and be first when it comes to going to the Moors tomorrow. Luke found a skeleton without a necklace there meaning someone has the necklace. He told the tribe and AnnMarie just told him privately she had to tell him something about the moors AND NEVER RESPONDED. The second (not Canadian) Jake seemed like he might pull through and be an active participant but its not looking too likely. Sarah is still inactive so unless the other tribe sucked more than us she will probably go home Monday. Also I am supposed to talk to the Canadian Jake but idk how to talk to that guy! and trip too! Like I never know what to say but I am going to keep trying because Luke is making good progress with Maddi and with AnnMarie. We both gotta be careful and include Heather because if not that could be dangerous. 
JUST GOT SOME MAJOR TEA FROM CANADIAN JAKE WOOOHOOO!!! I was asking him about Canada and he told me that if I take the harness back to camp it leads to more paths. I told him this made me trust him a lot. Not exactly true but not false either. He could be playing me but hopefully this is securing a bond.
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Hi I’m Aundra and I’m stupid af. I picked to do the logic challenge knowing I’m stupid af. then announced to the tribe that I’m thinking about quiting being stipid af. now I’m stuck looking stupid af
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4 hours and 20 min later I finally finish my part of the challenge I’d like to thank Ali for helping me through when I was about to quit and Kermit I’d also like to say if we lose it won’t be my fault fully because people have gotten 10% disadvantages on the team so our odds are low but the grave I’ve dug for my self is bigger than the possible 20% I think we have agonist us 
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LukasJust a lil update for the girls. Madison told me about her magnifying glass, but apparently she hasn’t told anyone else. I’m going to keep this to myself from Olivia otherwise I will have nothing to keep secret for myself, and that just seems wrong. I staged a text conversation with my boyfriend and sent it to Heather about her dog and how it’s totally the next big meme. Heather ate it up as expected, and now I feel like I have an in with her. Aside from my core 4 alliance, I really don’t know where anyone else’s head is at and they all are lackluster communicators. 
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Ok so Maddi, Heather, and myself had about an hour long chat (mostly) about the game tonight. We agreed that the four of us (us 3 + Luke) should definitely stick together and although it’s definitely possible, it’s probably unlikely that the other four players have their own alliance. My fears about heather were mostly assuaged because when Maddi left she voiced her concerns about Maddi and her connections to the other side and she revealed to me that she trusts me the most (which is obviously great). Now I have two people that trust me the most out of anyone. (Only one I feel the same about) As long as I’m in this game I won’t forget heather’s intro video and her statement about how she is more than willing to backstab. The relationship between trip and I seems to be going well (albeit a little slow) while my relationship with AnnMarie is kind of nonexistent but it’s only been two days. I don’t trust Jake S. At all. He said he hadn’t been to the moors yet?? Fishy to me. The battleship showdown is tomorrow. Survivor gods be kind, let it go well. 
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The idol is already out there on day THREE. Im assuming either Vi or August has it but I'm leaning towards August.. If we lose immunity then I may have to spark up the game and vote out the idol holder either that or have thr idol work in my favor. I'm on to you August and Vi and your friend Ain too! You may have had us do your dirty work of finding the idol but I'll get the last laugh. Know That. StephenSo Tim thinks someone has found the idol based on what he found in the moors and I’m inclined to agree, but it worries me how fast things are moving, im hoping we win immunity so theres time for things to settle down and for people to relax. At the same time chaos is a good way to find out who you can trust.
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I'd be very very surprised if we win immunity, especially since our tribe has members with a 5% and 10% disadvantage, and some members of our tribe who have yet to complete their challenge or never will? InfiniVi has a 10% advantage so maybe that will help balance it all out. Regardless, I think I'm in a safe spot on my tribe and I am confident in my challenge time and Im hope Stephen and JG does well so cheers to that?? 
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I didn't notice a small wording difference which  changes my time in logic puzzle from very low to over 3 hours and 40 minutes. I am worried if we lose this challenge I could be sent home, but hopefully if so Sarah is thrown under the bus. I mean they haven't even been here! Everybody else is so nice and cool, I love my tribe!
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Well I had a very nice conversation with Vi and Tara (seperately) and August your game is donezo. We know about your idol/advantage and you lost your potential allies' trust in the process. If only you'd kept Neist point a secret. Fear not, we can still use you as a number and you can be one of the many strings I pull as I become Sole Survivor. Ciao!
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Hour and a half before battleship. The tribe seems excited to cheer me on. They all seem to think it rests solely on me. But if they all lost then we’re already fated to go to tribal, no? Irregardless, it would be a good moral victory. I’m trying to decide how to come across when I go head to head with the other tribe. Strategic? If so he may figure out that my ship placement strategy wasn’t just random. Wholesome and nonthreatening? It may help out now but they may think I’m not quite smart should I make it to the merge. Maybe that’s a good thing idk. I’m only certain of one thing however and that is that I’m definitely overthinking this. I watched my opponent’s intro video. He is into Star Wars and humanitarianism. Maybe I can pander to that so he doesn’t feel threatened. Battleship is mostly a game of luck but anything I can do that might be an advantage is worth it.
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So so so, so much has happened I don't know where to start. The alliance between Tara, August and I basically is down to Tara and I and August as the third wheeler. He has betrayed our trust and so we're going to pretend to be nice to him. Also there is a 85% chance of him having the idol. Tim accused me of having it but jokes on him, I would have screamed it in the main chat since it's rare for me to get lucky with anything. Anyways I think I'm gonna go place some tension between a couple people and see how that blows up in my face. I know it will bc that's my luck also
I got more updates on the drama. Tim is a bas-cough- sneaky little no legged lizard. Can't believe he told Tara to go to the cauldron even tho Ain told him that it held a disadvantage right before that. Hehehe the boys - August, Tim and Stephen - are gonna regret it the moment the girls line up too.
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Im not sur if im allowed to curse but where in the world are these ships!!! Hello????
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My fav player won their challenge I am so proud of her. She will win first for sure calling it now.
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JG seems like a fun guy, but we havent talked much. In his challenge he kept changing his pattern, which I’m not sure was a good idea, but that might just be hindsight.
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We are going to lose because I suck at puzzles 
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HOLY SHITBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just won the battleship challenge and I feel OH so relieved. So much has happened today I hope I don't forget to write it here. Ok so I was included into the one viewing lounge which was cool as shit but I didn't know anyone but hopefully I can be included in this community going forward because everyone seems so cool. Trip and Canada jake both told me their moor experience which hopefully shows trust. And after I won the challenge Trip said I should be captain. It was sweet, but hopefully no one takes that to mean I am the leader because I sure as shit do not want that. Even though I feel like I am in a bit of a power position with Luke right now, I do not want anyone else to know and I certainly don't want people to think I am the captain because those people always get targeted (see: ben this current tv season). Apparently I mentioned that Luke was the only one that knew the coordinates for battleship and when Luke told me I did that I about shit myself because we don't want people finding out how close we are. Hopefully none of the players caught on. Luke told me that Heather told him that she got a 10% advantage in the first individual immunity challenge, and she didn't tell me that until she told the fab four collectively which concerns me because yesterday she told me she trusts me the most. I started individually messaging her so hopefully I can keep that trust. We get the tribal results tonight and hopefully we won so we can keep the Sarah buffer going forward. People were calling me an icon today and I don't really agree but it made me like so happy I could do something for the tribe and everyone was so nice after I won like I was so emotional reading the messages. I know this is a game but I like everyone so much and I'm so grateful I got this tribe. oh also Jake S. hasn't been responding (like usual) and I am just overall concerned about him and whether or not he has an idol. Besides that, I am just so happy with how today played out. Sorry for the long ass confessional lol.
Oh and also I love Heather but with the individual messaging I wasn't sure how to start it so I mentioned the walking dead, her favorite show, which I have literally never seen except for when people reblog stuff about it on my tumblr. I literally only had my tumblr knowledge to go on to carry that convo but it seemed to work and she seemed to buy it. I feel bad lying but like I need to talk to her more and I needed an ice breaker lol.
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I’m currently trying to secure my alliance with Madison. Whilst I don’t 100% trust her and would like to see her gone before the merge, I want her to think she is my #1. To do this, I’m asking her if I should branch out to Annamarie. She agreed, so I made a group chat with them. This is not so much to control Annamarie but more to let Madison think I’m hopeless without having her in my convos. Hopefully I’m not coming on too strong. 
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holy shit that was the worst puzzle i've ever had the misfortune of trying to piece together im so happy its over
Iolaire won the first immunity challenge, sending Saorsa to tribal council
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Im literally shakingggg. We won the first immunity so no first boots from our tribe! I think we were lucky that someone from the other tribe got a strike, otherwise, im uncertain how things would have ended up. There was a plan to blindside August and the idol but we'll have to put it on hold!
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So glad we won, there has been a little drama and while I was confident I wouldn't be going home I'm glad we get time to settle down and talk more. I want to make sure I can get Tara, JG, and Rebecka on side, if we can flush or blindside August's idol I'll feel mch better.
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omg, close ass challenge it seems like this was alot closer than i anticapated, i expected a loss in the logic but holy we almost wonf if not for sarah thats crazy, but i mean its hard to win with an afk, at least its an easy vote, another loss may not result in so, so we gotta get that motivation and grab the bull by the horns and win !!!
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I'm so proud of Trip and Olivia for winning but I am also soooo pissed. If Sarah would have tried I truly think we would have had a chance.
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Honestly I'm kinda pissed that Sarah never submitted cause we had it in the bag. I failed pretty hard with the puzzle, but I'm hoping to do better next time. I found a freaking path in the moors, no advantage, no hint. I'm trying to get around, trying to talk to everyone, especially madison, lucas, and olivia. I'm very comfortable with them and I feel that we'd be a good alliance once the game gets SERIOUS. I got drafted twice and I'm gonna cry I'm so happy
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DAMNNN we have to go to tribal. Whilst I am sad about this, it won't be too sad seeing Sarah go (hopefully). After seeing the draft results as well, I think I am going to make Madison my #1 considering how liked she is by the VL. She must be a good person. Also, since she has history of the game- it would make sense to align with her over Olivia.
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So Rebecka has finally communicated, was worried she had a grudge from Athena, but I know she's going through some things, hopefully she is better now. I do want to work with her, but I would be worried that she is more inclined to work against me than with me, hopefully I can work with her, she's a loyal person and I can use that.
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Aye it’s my first confessional!! I’ve kinda been laying low from the start cuz I’ve been very busy in real life but I think everyone on my tribe is cool! I think this rounds tribal should be easy considering we have a 100% inactive but in survivor who knows what’ll happen.. I’m also not aligned with anyone at this point. I’m just chillin. But it’s a bummer we lost so hopefully someone reaches out to me soon! 
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Jake just told me we are meant to be allies. I asked for his advise and he said he is there to help me, which is good for any future plans. I'm not sure if Heather trusts me the most anymore, but I know she thinks I'm right. I still have Luke 100% and hopefully tomorrow I can secure Trip more. Tomorrow is an easy vote day and Luke and I are going to use this opportunity to lay low and just trust build. Hopefully all goes to plan. Should we lose another immunity, we have a tentative plan in place. But hopefully, we won't get there.
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I cant believe I somehow won my challenge even though I made a horribly dumb mistake! If my original assumption was right since we both won me and Olivia should have nothing to worry about. We all know who is going this tribal though. It would surprise me if it was not unanimous.
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I’m glad I’m not going to be the first boot! A personal achievement. MadisonI’m super concerned about the advantage possibilities NOT GONNA LIE. And Jake S is sketchy. And Trip is playing hard wtf? Also I’m concerned that i was DRAFTED SO MUCH WTF. Like I’m happy but also I’m v concerned that people think I’m way more of a threat than I am. 
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Honestly from yesterday to rn I read every single message over 3 times and  I still don't understand anything that people messaged me. I had to write this over 3 times since I'm so dizzy and brain dead from not sleeping and finals. I feel absolutely nothing atm and so  I can't tell if people are trying to screw me over or not. O well. I'm not that sad that we won, I don't know the other tribe so whatever.
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Wow. So tribal's tonight and I'm mega excited. I can't wait to see how it goes and what question the judges ask and see who people voted for. I feel that this is an easy vote, but it's impossible to know what everyone is thinking. I'm excited for the next round and see what challenges the judges come up with. Overall, this first round has been incredible, especially since this is my first time playing, and I'm ecstatic to see what's next.
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Well tribal is not too far away. I voted for Sarah, I'm hoping and guessing everyone else did too. Canada Jake's nickname for me is Moose, how freaking adorable is that. I love that guy. Today was supposed to be just a simple trust building day and then Trip blew that up lmao. I wonder if I tell Canada Jake that Trip excluded him if he would maybe get on board with what we need him to. I'm finding myself thinking way too far in advance when I just need to focus on what is happening now. With every move I imagine 1,000,000 different repercussions and how it could lead to me getting voted out. I want to go far so badly but I worry I won't make it past episode two. Just gotta take it one step at a time I guess.
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This is probably my 100th confessional of the season (It's day 4), but Im totally enjoying my day off! We don't have to worry about going to tribal and losing a member of our team! What worries me though is that once the other tribe eliminates their inactive player, we'll be doomed at the next immunity.
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Dang k9trip is salty at the moment. Rushing tribal to the extreme.
An alliance of Heather, Lukas, Madison, and Olivia called “Future Final 4″ was created on Saorsa.
An alliance of Vi, Tara, and August was created on Iolaire.
An alliance called “Secret Tribe F5″ between Heather, Trip, Lukas, and Olivia was created on Saorsa.
An all-girls alliance between Heather, AnnMarie, and Olivia was created on Saorsa.
At tribal council, Sarah was eliminated in a unanimous vote:
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