#I was trying to do a big floppy hat but I couldn't get it to work with the frog head
curiosityschild · 1 year
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Amphibiuary Day 8: Poisonous
She did not kill her husband. Definitely not.
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bapydemonprincess · 30 days
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Picrew used: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/41329
Based on this idea I got a bit ago.
Birth name Winifred but you certainly best not make the mistake of callin' them that
both names are both funni irony btw
Though this lad/lass seems unable to show you their official papers at this time... rest assured they have traveled far and wide across Great Britain, hearing about all the strange and mysterious circumstances of dark, shadowy figures, empty husks of human corpses, ritual set ups uncovered and books of unholy words for summonings found, and have vowed to hunt down the described beasts of hell that have been set free!
......To study and observe them though- of course -first before doing anything rash like trying to exorcise them! After all it's better to know your enemy and all that...
And so, a lot of the more recent rumors and gossip tell of a very specific location. An Earl's Manor, out of the way in the English countryside. Where the stories say that one can hear so many screams at night coming from exactly that location.
Of course there's the matter that the whole picture is there's enemies coming at night to attack this Earl in particular because he seems to be a very important fellow.
And yet the locals claim some of the screams they hear cried those nights are specific things like "WHAT IS THAT??" "WHERE'D HE COME FROM??" and "DEMON!!!"
But of course, this is going on the tails told by the near by farmers, not looking to get involved or anything...
So Wynn must do their own official investigation on this Earl Ciel Phantomhive.. and his supposed "servants".
Oh and Wynn has a cool big floppy hat I couldn't find a good ref to so I had to try doodling myself in mspaint
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dogandponygal · 9 months
Institutions for Failed Persons Part 10
Once Doctor Veronika had moved you into Lunas room your new life felt nothing short of idyllic. It was hard to adjust to your new life as a pup before the good doctor introduced you to Luna, but now everything felt so natural. Luna began to feel like a big sister to you.
Sure she was also a dog, and she would regularly try in vain to impregnate you, and you never actually had an older sibling, but you couldn't think of a better description. She showed you how to be a good pup by example. You followed her around were ever she went.
She would cuddle you on the large doggy bed that Dr. Veronika had put in your room to replace the two smaller separate ones that your room originally held. When the other pups would fuck you at play time, she always knew when you couldn't take anymore, and protect you.
As time passed, language slipped away from your brain. You remembered plenty of words, but sentences became hard to form.
One thought you could muster was that you were always meant to be a puppy, and now you had found your purpose in life. For the first time you felt content.
One day during free time a group of visitors entered the unit that had become home for you.
A short woman dressed in all black anachronistic attire led them. Her clothes looked as if they may have been in style a hundred years ago, but not like anything you've seen in your life.
You couldn't seem to make out her face from under the brim of her large floppy witches hat, but she emanated an aura of control and confidence that was entirely singular.
She was holding hands with a woman dressed as if she had just come from an emo concert circa 2010.
The two were followed by four women in a line equally spaced from one another. There muted yet cheerful expressions brought a word to mind, "Doll".
You heard of witches and dolls, but always wrote them off as an urban legend. The arrival of the group conjured so many questions.
Your head began to ache with all of the thoughts you were experiencing. Sentences and memories barged into your previously empty mind. You hadn't thought this much in a dogs age.
Just as you felt like you couldn't be more confused, Dr. Veronika joyfully greeted the group.
"It is so good to see you again Mistress Willow! Do you have any time to catch up or should we get straight to business?" The Doctors reaction brought even more unwelcome thoughts to your head.
Luna thankfully rescued you from your thoughts by giving you a gentle bite.
You sheepishly followed behind her as she cheerfully approached the group of strangers. The dolls had been dismissed by their witch, and they were eager to play with all the pets on the unit. One of the dolls came over to you and gave you gentle scritches behind your ears.
It was surprising how smooth and cold her touch was, it was if she was actually made of porcelain. As she mechanically patted your head she called you a pretty puppy in an airy, dream like voice. A wave of comfort overcame you and washed all those nasty thoughts away.
One of the dolls began to curiously inspect a drone on the unit, who examined the doll in the same manner. It was if the two were mirroring one another. They seemed to be trapped by their own reflection of one another. Perhaps they were two sides of the same coin.
Dr. Veronika snapped her fingers twice and immediately gained your attention, as well as Lunas. That was a command that elicited a reflexive response from the two of you, and you instantly sat attentively before her.
"Awe what good little pets the two of you are!"
"Mistress Willow has been a wonderful client to work with in the past, as well as a personal friend of mine. Her dolls make the most wonderful tea I've ever tasted. I digress, she is here to adopt some new pets, isn't that exciting?" Dr. Veronika said enthusiastically.
"You see, Mistress Willow is looking for a pup to play with the dolls while she is spending alone time with her new girlfriend, and I think you would be the perfect candidate Luna." Luna moved her hips back and forth wagging the tail attached to her via a leather belt.
"Unfortunately she only needs one dog. However I just couldn't stand to see the two of you separated. Luckily she is also looking for a new pony to replace one of her cart horses. Her pony Proletariat was one I personally trained and he is getting to old for the job."
"She is going to retire him and let him happily live out his days in the pasture. While her other pony Shimmer is quite strong she cant pull her cart all by herself. Since I don't have any cart ponies that available for sale, it occurred to me I could just train you to be a pony"
Dr. Veronika had tilted your chin up to meet her beautiful and terrifying eyes as she told you about your new fate. She was so imbued with energy whenever she came up with an idea
"Honestly I think you would make a better pony than a puppy" Veronika said while tussling your hair
"That should've been obvious considering how well you responded to ketamine therapy, but hey, I may be a doctor but I'm only human. Even I make mistakes every once in a while." You let out a whimper at the news. Your formally cherished certainty about life had vanished.
You didn't know the first thing about horses, how on earth would you become one? Would you be able to stay with Luna while you trained? How long would the training take? Would you even make a good pony? Were you strong enough to pull a cart even with the help of someone else?
"Awe don't whine dear, I'll still be your doctor! I'll also have it arranged that Luna can stay in the stables with you while you train. Mistress Willow is fine with waiting for the two of you so you can stay together. I told her all about how adorably close you two are."
"I'll even have your favorite drone #4134 transferred so you'll feel even more comfortable as I train you to be the perfect push button pony. Besides, you seemed to hit a wall in your puppy training. Its like you can only function as a pup in Lunas presence."
"Once I get a bit in your pretty mouth and some blinders on your bridle you'll be able to be a wonderful pony even when Luna isn't by your side. You haven't disappointed me yet, I'm sure you wont start now." You could sense the doctors sadistic side in her tone voice.
"Besides, its not like you have any choice in the matter." She was right as always. You would have to put aside any trepidation about your new training. After all, pets like you aren't meant to make decisions. You are simply made to submit to your betters.
Institutes for failed persons: Experiments in Equine Excellence, Part 1
#medfet #petplay #drones #emptyspaces #ponyplay #puppyplay
You couldn't sleep as anxiety surged across your brain. The news you would be transferred to the pony training program did not sit well with you.
You thought your training as a puppy was going so well. At long last you felt a stability in your life that you thought was mere fantasy before you gave away your rights to the Institute of Human Animals. You believed that you had gained a never before experienced. 
You laid awake snuggling against Luna, the pup you had become so close to here. The good Doctor Veronika was starting your pony training so the two of you could be kept together and adopted by the same witch. Your memories of past fuck ups made you think this would be one of them
You did something you hadn't done in months, speak.
"Luna, I'm scared." Luna groggily tilted her head as she woke up to an entirely novel sound.
"I'm scared I wont make a good pony. I'm so scared we will be separated. Just tell me everything will be ok" Luna growled at you.
Then after a long silence, Luna spoke in a gravely and entirely singular manner
"Don't be. Veronika is good. Veronika has never lied to Luna. Luna will be by your side. Veronika loves us. Luna is not going anywhere." It was the first time you heard her speak
"Thank you Luna, I love you so much. You've been so good to me I don't know what I would do without you. As long as your with me I know I'll be safe."
Another long pause came before Lunas response. It dawned on you she was looking for words she hasn't used in so so long.
"Luna never wants you to speak again. Veronika would be mad. Luna will protect you. Luna loves you." She licked your face before snuggling back in to the dog bed you two shared. You let out a gentle whine, licked her back, and were finally able to fall asleep. 
In the morning you awoke to the sound of Doctor Veronika's energetic voice.
"Good morning my little pups! I guess I should say pets now because of our newest pony girl! Isn't this so exciting. I can't wait to show you two your new home. Since I cant wait, lets do it now!"
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 21 - Fishing Trip
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"So what do you wanna do this weekend?" Hiro asked Varian.
The other boy only shrugged his shoulders as he had no idea.
It was Friday and they were both walking home from school while trying to make plans for the weekend. All of their other friends were either away or busy due to Father's Day coming up. Fred was going to accompany his dad on a mission. Gogo was driving down to her father's for a few days. Wasabi had bought plane tickets to fly back to his hometown of Seattle. Karmi went back upstate for the weekend with her parents, and Megan was still grounded, but had a full day planned to butter up her dad. Even Honey Lemon was going home to spend time with her abuelo.
This left Varian feeling a little awkward. In Corona they had a Guardians Day, which was meant for both parents or caretakers in general, but for Varian it was always a day for just him and his dad to spend time together. One of the few times in the year when his father wouldn't work in the field, or go to market, or have business at court.
Varian knew precisely what a day like Father's Day meant and how special time spent with the man who raised you could be. He envied his friends, but mostly, knowing this would be the second year without his dad pained him.
In a way, he was thankful that Hiro shared his delima. Though he certainly wouldn't have wished his predicament upon anyone, it was still somewhat comforting to know that he wasn't alone.
They were a less than a block away from the Lucky Cat, still discussing things to do, when a sleek car pulled to a stop beside them. The window rolled down to reveal a man with blonde hair, a large nose, and a wide smile. He was wearing a plaid shirt and a tan floppy hat.
"Hey Hiro! Go grab your overnight bag and some sunscreen!" He joyously ordered. "Your new brother, cousin, thingy too. We're going fishing!"
Varian could only look on confused, he didn't know this man nor why he wanted to him and Hiro to go on a fishing trip with him. However, Hiro apparently did know him and was also apparently not onboard with this idea at all. He stood with his mouth a gape with a look of horror in his eyes.
After processing this terrible news, Hiro could only sputter out, "But.. but why?"
The man in the vehicle began to offhandedly list his reasons. "Because fishing by oneself isn't any fun unless there's someone else around to show off to. Because I had an awful childhood, whose own father would never take fishing, and now I'm living vicariously through you. Also, you're still my intern and for the rest of the year, I still own you."
The man flashed another wide grin and Varian began to put the pieces together. This must be Krei. Owner of Krei Tech, the man in charge of the portals that brought him here, and also Hiro's boss. Though, this new revelation did nothing to stem the confusion in his mind. He couldn't for life of him see why he was being invited along on the trip nor did he understand Hiro's objections.
"But...but...b, but…" Hiro suttered desperately trying to think of way out of going.
"No buts! I've already talk with your aunt and got her permission, reserved the campsite, and I even bought you both fishing poles!" Still grinning, he reached down beside him and lifted the new poles up for Hiro and Varian to see.
Hiro let out a wordless half groan, half whine in defeat, before turning around and slumping towards the cafe. Varian blinked and looked back and forth between the two of them unsure what to do. Krei waved to him cheerfully, clearly excited for the upcoming trip, and Varian numbly waved back before deciding to follow Hiro and pack his own bag.
Varian found himself enjoying the fishing trip more than he had expected. The first day was spent mainly getting there and setting up the campsite. The second day was spent fishing, exploring, and just taking in the scenery.
Varian had been allowed to bring Ruddiger along, as Hiro had also brought Baymax. His pet was overjoyed to be back in his natural environment and Varian had to admit that he felt more at home here in the great outdoors than in the crowded streets of San Fansokyo. The big city was fascinating but he'd always be a simple farm boy at heart.
Krei felt much the same way. The businessman hadn't been raised in the countryside the way Varian had, but he had a great love of camping, fishing, and being out in nature. His passion stemmed from childhood summers spent on vacation at something called 'summer camp'.
Varian found he got along with older man well. They spent the ride up chatting about science and it's more practical applications, spent the trip sharing wilderness tips, and fishing out in Krei's boat. Fishing had never been Varian's favorite activity, but he now found a new sense of nostalgia for it and the praise Krei would send his way whenever he caught one helped to fuel his enjoyment of the sport even more. Plus he got a chance to show off his cooking skills after they had cleaned their catch. Not the most pleasant task ever, but Varian could stomach it much better than butchering other kinds of meat.
Hiro however did not enjoy fishing, or camping, or anything to do with the outdoors really. The other teen mostly sulked the whole trip. When he wasn't busy gagging at the worms used for bait or getting scared by the unfamiliar sounds of the local wildlife that is. Mainly he stuck close to Baymax and the tent, bored out his mind and annoyed he had been forced to come long. Varian's enthusiasm only aggravated him further and, if he was being honest with himself, he was a little jealous by how easy things came to the other boy. He'd spent half a year trying to get on Krei's good side and impress him, while Varian had managed it in mere minutes of meeting the CEO.
The only time Hiro came out of his grumpy shell was at night, when they built a campfire and roasted marshmallows. Varian had never had smores before, but they were tasty, if also sticky and a little too sweet. Ruddiger however went nuts over the fluffy sweets and had to be kept from stealing the whole bag of them. Hiro didn't really care one way or the other about the traditional treat, but was more than eager to share ghost stories with the rest of the group. Gleefully recalling with gory detail about the spirit of an ax murderer who apparently stalked the woods. Perhaps it was a little vindictive of him, to try his best and scare the other teen, but Hiro couldn't help filling a little thrill whenever Varian gave a little jump or clutched his pet raccoon even tighter in comfort.
Keri was only amused by the story. He'd heard similar ones growing up at camp. He laughed at the end of Hiro's tale.
"Ha! Kids are still telling that one? Let me tell you a real horror story."
It was about tax audits.
Both boys could only shrug at each other.
"I do not understand the purpose of a 'ghost story'." Baymax observed.
"It's suppose to be for fun." Hiro informed him.
"I see; an adrenaline rush within a safe and controlled environment can be considered a pleasant feeling for some people. However I do not understand how taxes figure into that."
"Uuuuh, neither do we." Hiro admitted, "but I guess fear is subjective. Do you have any stories to share, Varian?"
Varian had to rack his brain on that one. His own life was more of a horror story then most ghost tales he knew, but he didn't want to devel into that. Instead he told a folk legend that his dad had once told him. It had been an old story from his home country; a parable about a rich man who was so greedy that he hoarded a well from the poor townspeople during a drought. Forcing them to pay him tribute lest they die of thirst, but he made the mistake of refusing water to a witch and so was cursed to become a vampire. To spend an eternity in thirst himself and to be forever alone, because he could no longer get close to other people without risking harm to them.
"And so a leader must care for his people, son," he remembered his father instructing him at the end of the tale, "He must share and give back to the community. He who sacrifices love for his fellow man in exchanged for selfish possessions, forfeits his right to live among mankind and to even be called a 'man' himself."
If only his father's words had been true. If real life had been as simple as stories, then Corona would have sided with him and not the evil king who kept the wondrous healing flower hidden away and who turned his back upon people need. But Varian conveniently left out this more personal anecdote.
"Wow." Hiro said flatly. "That's deep."
He wasn't used to horror stories having explicit morals attached to them and didn't know how else to respond. The tale hadn't been scary so much as eerie with an unnerving ending. Unlike his serial killer story, it wasn't anything you could be afraid of happening to you, yet questioning your place in the world was somehow more off putting than simple dismemberment.
The mood was broken however, by Ruddiger stealing Hiro's marshmallow off his roasting stick. It turned out to be last one as Krei had spent the majority of Varian's story battling the gluttonous raccoon over their food stores.
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"I know racoons aren't 'mankind', but does this mean he's doomed to be a marshmallow vampire now?" Hiro joked as Varian got onto his pet.
"I don't know. Your robot looks like a walking marshmallow though." Varian shot back good naturedly.
Now out of food, save for leftover fish, they all decided to tuck in for the night.
Hiro hated the woods. He hated how unfamiliar everything was, how inconvenient it was, and most of all he hated how gross it was. He woke up irritated and sore from sleeping on the thin sleeping bag inside the tent. He couldn't find anything decent to eat for breakfast. He never stopped grumbling while he was forced to use the bathroom outside. To make an awful morning even worst, he couldn't shake the feeling of being stalked as strange animals hooted and howled. One bush in particular shook right when he pasted it. He nearly jumped out of skin when Ruddiger pop out of it holding the last of the fish in its mouth.
He groaned as he watched the raccoon scurry away and climb up a tree a little ways off from the campsite. He didn't much care for the creature, or for wild animals in general, but he knew how important the pet was to Varian and so had tried to be polite about having it around. Still Hiro's patience was wearing thin. The walking bottomless pit had eaten practically everything in the camp.
Hiro reluctantly followed after, debating if it was worth trying to get the fish back. Probably not, he didn't even like the taste of fish all that much to begin with. He stopped in surprise when an apple core fell from tree and nearly hit him. He looked up and found Varian sitting in one of the top branches, raccoon by his side, and reaching up to pick another apple off the tree.
The other teen paused when he saw Hiro. "Hey! Morning! You wanna an apple for breakfast?"
Hiro's stomach growled in response but all he actually said was, "How did you get up there?"
Varian laughed, "Climbed up here. How else you do think? Fly?"
Hiro looked up at him blankly. It was an obvious answer, of course, and he felt silly for having asked it.  
"Come on up!" Varian encouraged. "There's plenty of apples to go around."
"I..I can't." Hiro admitted sheepishly.
"Why not?"
"I don't know how to climb a tree." He mumbled.
Varian looked surprised by this revelation and before Hiro could do anything else, the other boy quickly climbed back down to join him.
“You never climb a tree before?”
‘Well, I did once, with Baymax’s help.” He rubbed the back of his neck self consciously.  
“It’s not like there’s a whole lot of trees in San Fransokyo to climb.”
“Oh, well, it’s easy. Here, I’ll show you. Just put your foot there, in that knot, and place your hand here on this bump in the bark.” Varian instructed, helping Hiro find the footholds. “Now you see that groove up here, place your other foot there, and as you hoist yourself up grab that lowest branch with your other hand, like climbing a really uneven ladder.”
Hiro did so, though not without some struggling, but eventually he pulled himself up onto the lowest branch.      
“Great!” Varian cheered and followed after with practiced ease. “The hardest parts done. Now all you gotta do is swing up the rest of the branches, like so.”
Varian took off, showing Hiro the best way to navigate the tree top. Hiro followed him, mimicking the other boys actions. With great effort he hauled himself up onto the final branch and heaved a ‘wooooph’ in relief of having made it up.
His sigh quickly turned to awe though when he caught sight of the view. The early morning sun sparkled on the lake. Further out a misty fog was beginning to disperse and you could see the opposite shoreline reflected in the water like glass. Beyond that giant redwoods poked out of the canopy of trees and way, way off in the distance you just about make out the tips of blue mountains.
“Woah.” He breathed. Hiro had to admit, you didn’t get scenery like this in the city.
‘Here.” Varian handed him an apple. It was smaller than the ones you’d buy in the store, with pink and yellow skin. Hiro tentatively took a bite. It was crunchy and very tart, but edible. Not to mention it was practically the only food they had left in the camp, so Hiro wound up eating it all and started in on a second one.
“So, where did you learn to climb?” Hiro asked taking another large bite of the wild fruit.
“Oh, I’ve been climbing trees since I could walk.” Varian laughed. “We owned an apple orchard along with the farm. Also the forest is right next to my village.”
Ruddiger joined them, procuring his own apple and sitting right on Varian’s lap to enjoy his meal. Varian scratched his pet’s ear.
“Does he ever get full?” Hiro asked.
“Nope.” Varian replied, and then they both broke into giggles.
Once the laughter had subsided Hiro commented, “I guess that’s why you’re so good at this outdoors stuff. This is the first time I ever been fishing, and with any luck, it’ll be my last.”
“My dad taught me.” Varian quitely confessed. “He’d take me on trips like this sometimes. Try to teach me how to hunt and fish. The fishing is a lot better than the hunting, let me tell you. I never could fire an arrow right and I can’t stand the sight of blood.” He cringed as if recalling a gruesome memory. “But, I guess he was just looking out for me. He taught me the skills he had to live on to survive. Apparently there were no farms where he grew up, the land was always baren. I guess that’s why he prefered gardening to being a knight.”
“Wait, your dad was an actual for real knight?”
Varian nodded, “Yeah, I found his armor after...after the accident. Along with a bunch of other important stuff he never told me about.” He added bitterly.
Hiro didn’t know how to respond to that. So he stayed quiet and let Varian dictate the conversation.
“Anyways, it worked. The fishing did come in handy. I had to do a lot of that, when.. when I was on my own.” He worked his jaw as he mulled over that last confession, his eyes gazing out to into the distance, clearly not seeing the breathtaking view before them.
Hiro’s heart dropped. He had a vague idea of what happened to Varian, but this was the first time it really hit home just how messed up the other’s teen’s life had been before now. He could empathize with losing a loved one, but he had always had his aunt and his friends to depend upon. If nothing else to be there and take of him as he sank into depression. But Varian had to do everything for himself, even while battling that same depression. The idea of having to catch or scavenge for your own food on top caring for you ill father was a nightmare that Hiro could barely comprehend. A nightmare that only somehow got worse.
“Fortunately, there’s a river that runs through my village, and I could set up lines overnight and just go check them in the morning, and we had food stored up for winter. Like oats, bacon, dried peas, that sort of thing. That is, until spring rolled around and the king's guards run me out of my house.” He said irritably.”Then I just had to forage or steal to survive.”
“Be...because you stole medicine?” Hiro asked disquietly. He couldn’t imagine a world so cruel and yet to his surprise the story got even worse.
“Oh no, this was before I stole the flower.” Varian said matter of factly and Hiro just stared at him in horror. Varian heaved a heavy sigh and went on to explain. “My father was the only other person who knew about the sundrop. The king kept it hidden from everyone. I guess when he found out that my dad, was, was ‘gone’, he decided to try and remove me from the picture, so as to keep his secret safe. He made a bunch of false charges about me ‘attacking the princess’ so that no one would believe me when I asked for help or told them the truth about the flower. Then he sent his elite guard to arrest me and I had to run.”
Varian gave a little shrug and added, “I guess after that, ‘treason’ didn’t seem like that big of deal. I mean they were going to throw me in jail either way, and not many people leave those dungeons alive.”
Hiro could barely process what was being told to him. He didn’t know what to say. His stomach churned and his breath shallowed. Varian’s past was far scarier than any ghost story.
Then suddenly he felt guilty. He’d been so caught up in his own grief and his own struggles with readjusting, that he hadn’t actually stopped to think about things from Varian’s perspective. He had thus far grinned and bared the discomfort of having his life turned upside down, because, well because that's what he thought he needed to do in order to be a mature decent person. And while that was true in part, it never occurred to him that this move was yet another upset in Varian’s life, in a long, long string of seemingly never ending upsets.  
Hiro found himself so easily annoyed by the other teen, yet he really had no right to be. Varian was readjusting to whole new culture and way of life in addition to struggling with his grief and trauma. So what if he cooked weird food sometimes, didn’t always know the appropriate conduct to certain situations, or was so super confident in nearly everything he did that it made Hiro self conscious and a little jealous at times. Deep down, Varian was suffering through something that no one in Hiro’s little corner of the globe could fully understand, and the least that Hiro could do was try to be a little more patient and a little more open about letting Varian into his life.
“You know,” Hiro slowly said, trying to ease the conversation and offer a little understanding, “I never really knew my dad. I was just four when he and my mom died. It was always Tadashi who taught me things, like how to ride a bike or how to hotwire a robot. Though he never taught me to climb to tree, so I guess that’s one I owe you.”
He smiled encouragingly at Varian, who nervously returned it. Once again Varian wasn’t used to praise or acknowledgement that he anything ‘right’.
“Maybe, you could teach me more outdoorsy stuff.” Hiro offered. “And I can teach you more about more modern stuff, like how to play Mind Smith II Turbo .”
“That..that’s that video game you like, isn’t it?” Varian asked as he tried to remember what Hiro even talking about.
“Yeah!” and with that Hiro eagerly launched into a detailed description of the game.
Soon the boys were interrupted by Krei emerging from the tent. He stretched sore back and tried to reheat the leftover instant coffee he’d brought. He then promptly spit it back out in disgust. The boys tried their best to suppress their snickers. Keri spotted them anyways.
“How ‘bout we pack it up and go get tacos instead?” He asked them.
“Yeeesss!” Yelled Hiro, who was more than ready to go.
“Sounds great!” Agreed Varian. “We’ll be right down!”
Keri went back in the tent to start packing and Ruddigger scurried down after him, hoping to maybe steal another treat from the camp.
Varian stood up and started to also make his way down when Hiro’s voice stopped him.
“Ummm...Sooo how do you get down exactly?”
The day ended with a trip to Yaki Taco and a huge feast of fast food nachos and deep fried burritos. Rudiger was once again confined to his carrying cage, but was allowed a cup of some cheese sauce to snack on. Baymax was let out of his charger case to kept an eye on the mischievous raccoon. All agreed it was actually the best part of the camping trip.
“Say, ‘cheese’.” The robot said, as he took a photograph with his internal camera.  
The three guys sing songed the the word even as actual cheese dripped off the burritos they held in their hands, plastering on dopey grins for the camera. Then a few more pictures with silly faces to complete the set.
“Fantastic!” Krei said. “I want copies for the office.”
“Why?” Hiro asked.
“So if any clients come in I show off ‘my family’ to them instead just the photo of my mother. I love the woman but she doesn’t necessarily impress the image of ‘family friendly company’.”
“I knew there was a catch.” Hiro scoffed.
Keri looked wounded. “Hey, I told you, my employees are my family.”
Hiro rolled his eyes but he couldn’t help giving a little smile at that. He knew Krei well enough by now to know that, underneath his seemingly conviving self-serving self, he had a heart, and he wouldn’t have invited Hiro and Varian along if he didn’t care.
“Aunt Cass put you up to this, didn’t she?” He prodded.
“I’m sworn to secrecy.” Krei insisted and they gave Hiro a knowing wink. Then more seriously he said, “I know what it’s like not having your dad around on Father’s Day. So, I figured, why not a fishing trip? It’s better than being stuck at home while your father’s away on a business trip to Tahiti that weekend.”
Hiro raised in eyebrow. Keri had a tendency of oversharing at times.  
“Buuut, enough about me. Who wants dessert!?”
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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Atsumu Miya x F!Reader
Song - Fallin' For you by R5.
Word Count - 2.5k
Genre ~ SFW Fluff 
Posted ~ 15/07/20
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Atsumu had begun to realise that he was slowly falling for his team captains younger sister. She had quickly become one of the team. Then the current manager discovered that she wanted to become a manager herself and took (Y/N) under his wing and to teach her everything he knew about the career while she was studying at the same university as Atsumu.
He had always respected the girl as had gotten to grips with the job and all the rowdy boys on the team pretty quickly, she seemed to have some kind of influence over Bokuto, managing to stop him from having the meltdowns on the court. She manages to explain to Hinata in a way that only he can understand, using the sound effects and everything.
The moment he realised he liked her was the time they had a pool party after a win at Shugo house with more Pizza than a whole team of hyper volley players could eat. He noticed she was wearing a orange with white Polkadot bikini with a coupled with a pair of white shorts, a large floppy straw hat perched on top of her currently pink coloured hair. He loved the fact she was always changing her hair colour, a month ago it was blue. He had once asked why she changed the colour so often, and her reply was once she became the full-time manager should have to go back to her natural coloured hair for professionalism so she wanted to go as many colours as she could while she still could.
She was playful and always having a laugh, and she didn't get angry when her brother pushes her in the pool even with her phone and drink in hand, she just laughed. Atsumu, who had a panic about the phone, he knew that a lot of valuable information about the teams and her university course on it had later discovered that her phone was waterproof.
Once everyone had gone to bed that night, Atsumu couldn't sleep and went downstairs to grab a glass of water when he looked out the window to find someone swimming in the pool under the full moon.
"You're out pretty late," Atsumu said in a quiet voice as if he was scared to ruin the peaceful atmosphere of the garden this late at night, as he sat on the edge of the pool, the water reaching up to just below his knees.
"I love to swim at night when there is a full moon." (Y/N) replied as she leaned her arms on the wall next to him, giving him a smile. "Come on in, bet you will fall asleep after you do" She tugged on his hand, noticing he was in his swim shorts still.
He was mesmerised by her joyous smile, he put his glass down as he let her tug him into the pool.
"Just lie on your back and look up at the moon." He followed what she said and copied her movement as she floated on her back staring up at the sky, the moon and star were so visible against the blackish-blue, cloudless sky, Shugo house was in the countryside a good hour and a half outside Tokyo where the city lights didn't block out the stunning night sky. Atsumu couldn't deny that it wasn't a beautiful sight.
"You all seem to take life so quick on the team but sometimes just lying in a pool and staring at the cosmos is just what you need." (Y/N) said, they were now sat on the edge, leaning back on her hand she continued to stare up at the bright yellow moon.
Atsumu, on the other hand, was staring at her, the moonlight was reflecting off of the water droplets on her sink giving (Y/N) a kind of illuminated look. Her hair in a messy ponytail, a few strands had become lose falling on the back of her neck, and around her face, he could see her natural (H/C) in patches around the roots and through the rest of hair where the semi-permanent dye had faded over the last four weeks.
"What colour are you going to dye your hair next?" His brown eyes watched as her eyebrows frowned in thought, as she was tried to work out what colour she hadn't gone yet.
"Huh, maybe green, I don't think I have done green yet." She laughed, it was like music to his ears, her eyes creased up at the side with a smile that reached them as she laughed.
That was when he realised that he was falling for her.
The next morning just made it more apparent when she slid into the kitchen in a pair of cotton pyjama shorts, an oversized t-shirt or her favourite movie logo on the front and knee-high mismatch polka dot socks, half of her hair had fallen out the bun she tied it in before going to sleep, opening the fridge she grabbed one of the left over pizza boxes out and leaned against the counter munching on the stone-cold Pizza. While the ones who had been on the team a while shook their heads used to how (Y/N) was with cold Pizza, Bokuto and Hinata just watched frowning, wondering what cold Pizza was like, while Atsumu had a gentle look of adoration for this quirky girl.
"Kou, Sho, stop staring at me like I'm crazy just try some." She shoved the box towards the two boys. "When I was studying abroad, after nights out we would get pizza, it was the worst pizza you had ever had if you were sober but drunk and hungover it was the best thing ever, one of the girls used to eat it the next morning cold when we woke up, and I tried it and never turned back, I have never reheated it since."
The two boys picked up a slice each dubious of whether they should be eating this for breakfast. All eyes were on them as they took a bite, their eyes lit up and suddenly demolished the whole slice. "Pizza is always better the next day and cold! 'Tsumu, try some too," She had a goofy grin on her face. Yep, Atsumu was falling hard and fast for this quirky, sweet girl.
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It was a few weeks later before he finally got the confidence up to ask her out to grab some coffee just the two of them, she gladly agreed. He couldn't believe how cute she looked sat opposite him in the booth, wearing a pair of pale yellow shorts and a red tank top, she had dyed her hair green earlier in the week, and she still looked beautiful and somehow managed to pull it of with the clothes she was wearing. They were talking just about anything that came to mind, from the fact that kola's fingerprints often get confused at crime sense for humans to how they felt about Avengers infinity war.
When they had decided to take a walk in the park together, it suddenly began to rain, the weatherman had not forecast this, it was meant to be in the high 20's today. While Atsumu looked for the nearest tree to take shelter under, (Y/N) had spread her arms out wide and chucked her head back in laughter as she spun around on the spot in the tracheal down poor of rain.
"'Tsumu! Dance with me" Grabbing his hand, attempting to pull the boy out from under the tree where the raindrops are still falling on him ever so slightly from the leaves. She was the only person like this, and he loved her, he had completely and utterly fallen head over heels for her. She might be crazy, he never wanted her to change the way she loved life. He smiled and let her pull him out into the rain. (Y/N) she was drenched head to toe, her hair plaster to her face and neck. She linked one hand with his and placed the other on his shoulder, his other hand on the small of her back, while they waltz around the open area. People who had taken shelter nearby were watching the pair, the older couples smiled at pair of them, others looked at them like they're crazy. Children had started to jump in the puddle that were forming.
In a split second, he had decided he want to spend the rest for his life with this girl, he wanted to dance in the rain with her whenever it poured, see her in mismatch sock, she happened to be wearing an odd pair of footsie today, he had noticed them creeping out from under her ballet pumps. He wanted to lay on the grass or float in the pool, staring up at the stars with her.
"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to kiss you." He mumbled, resting his forehead against hers. She caught her lower lip between her teeth grinning at him.
He stopped them moving, as he pushed her wet hair that was plastered to her face behind her ear before cupping her face in both his hands while his chocolate brown one's stared deeply into her (E/C) ones, looking for any hint of fear or panic before leaning down, placing a delicate kiss, scared that she was run away, when he felt her kiss him back and her arms weave around his neck, her fingers threaded through his drenched dyed blond hair, he couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
"Be mine?" Going up on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips against his again. That was all he needed for his question to be answered. His arms enveloped her waist as he picked her up, spinning her around, drops of water flew off the pair of them as they span around laughing together.
Hand in hand they ran back to Atsumu's apartment, seeing as it was the closest to the park they were at, just getting them more soaked at they ran, but they just laughed far too happy to care or even think about how waterlogged they were at this point. Finally, on arrival at his apartment, they kicked off their wet shoes and sock before Atsumu went and found some towels for the pair of them while showing (Y/N) to the bathroom where she could take a shower to warm up.
"'Tsumu? I don't have anything else to wear, so I'm just going to head home" She told him when he said she could have a shower and change. His eyes widen, as a blush formed over his cheeks.
"I may have something, you can't walk home that drenched." He ran in the direction of what she assumed was his room and watched him reappeared with one of his t-shirts, that was clearly going to be too big for the shorter girl.
"Thanks" Her own blush forming over her cheeks as she took the t-shirt.
"If you change out of your clothes and put them outside the door I'll throw them in the drier for you." She nodded closing the door, quickly changing out of there clothes and bit her lip when she realised her underwear was just as soaked. She folded her clothes hiding her bra and panties in between her t-shirt and shorts, wrapped the towel around herself and opened the door before placing them on the floor outside the door, hoping that Atsumu will just put them in the drier like that.
"I put them outside the door." She called out to him.
Atsumu walked over at picked up the pile before throwing them in the drier, out the corner of his eye, he saw something lacey and (F/C) as he closed the door to the drier causing the blush to erupt all over his face and up to his ears, he instantly knew what that was. He was known as a player, but he wasn't it was just the vibe he gave off, what he really wanted was to just find that girl he could spend his life with. He had actually only slept with girls he had been in relationships with but it was totally different when he noticed that girl he wanted to spend his life with underwear, matching he added, was in his drier and she was in the shower right now about to walk out in just his shirt with nothing under it. That was doing things and making him think some stuff that he really wishes wasn't on the first date. Calming himself down, he turned on the drier before heading towards his room grabbing a change of clothes for himself, trying to get the picture of her in that matching set out of his head before (Y/N) came out of the shower. He heard the water turn off and not long after to the lock on the clicked and the door opened. His eyes flicked to door to see her stood there, rubbing her hair with a smaller towel looking a little bashful, while he was definitely sure that t-shirt looked better on her than it ever did on him.
"I'm going to have a quick shower, make yourself comfortable." He got up off the couch, he grabbed the tv remote and passed it to her as he headed towards the bathroom for his own shower. Seeing (Y/N) in his t-shirt didn't help all the thoughts going through his mind, he turns on the shower, letting the water roll over him as he sighed he placed his hands against the wall trying so hard to get the thought out of his head, he'd been having these thoughts for weeks, but now that she was here it was different, she was right there, and now she was his girl. 'Atsumu, no, get your thoughts in check, you don't want to scare her off.'
(Y/N) sat in the sitting room, she stood up from the sofa and headed for the room where she assumed where the drier was, opening it she found her matching undie in there, they had dried off, she quickly pulled on her panties up and under the shirt and slipped on her bra before heading back to the sofa. Grinning she grabbed the blanket from the back off to couch before settling into the sofa and flicking through the tv channels till she finally landed on Disney movies, Brother bear was playing it was at the part where Koda had found Kenai hanging by his foot from a tree.
Opening the door to the bathroom, Atsumu leaned against the door frame watching his girl cuddled up in a blanket, watching a Disney movie. Quietly sneaking up behind her, leaning on the back of the couch, placing a kiss on her cheek.
"Brother bear, really baby?"
"Yep! I haven't watched it in years, it's a great movie, and all about brotherly love." grabbing his hand; she tugged him around on to the sofa, when he finally sat down she snuggled into his side and pulled the blanket over him. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer than she already was.
This was just where he wanted to be, snuggled on the sofa with the girl of his dreams watching Disney movies, eating takeout, or dancing in the rain, whatever it was if that's what makes her happy then he was delighted to do that with her.
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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