#I was. Tbch happy enough w the first one.
inkats · 5 months
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instead of doing scholarships I drew the same thing twice.
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okay this got long so i’m gpnna try to readmore this
character i first fell in love with: ohhh boy, hard to remember tbh? but….. probably loki? i mean it depends on whether you mean the whole avengers thing or just specifically the avengers but either way i rly liked loki and he was so specifically My Aesthetic and it’s got to have been himultimate favorite character: a tie between thor and loki after the new thor lmao.favorite female character: there's….. just the one in the avengers so that rly just leaves nat but if you mean the more encompassing narrative of the avengers then sif i love sif. peggy is very good but i really love sif.favorite male character: ^least favorite female character: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’m kind of tired of natasha but she’s fine, really, just… she’s been made so much into the Sole Female Character that we’re supposed to feel happy about that i’m just :/ some of her comics seem interesting and i’m sure i’d like them, but.least favorite male character: tony. just… it’s tony.ultimate OTP: ehhhh.favorite m/m ship: tbch i didn’t have one at the time and i still don’t have one now. since i didn’t like tony, around the time the avengers came out, it was better to just. cut off my desire to get involved in ship stuff. so i did. as a result i don’t have any emotional investment in anything involving the avengers being shipped together it’s just not something i wanna go near. stucky has good potential tho. it’s so oversaturated that when i think of it i remembering the horrifying fics i’ve stumbled across and i do not care about any of this enough to look for fic material but it’s got the basis for a good relationship and that’s respectable. also as i type this i remember a handful of nice fandral/loki fics and i thought those were well-written and explored a good dynamic bc he and thor have known sif + the warriors three for a long ass time and it was cool to read fics abt what Might Very Well Have Been in the past. i don’t think that rly counts much tho.favorite f/f ship: it’s gonna take a while for sif to get aboard the ship w/ the asgardians but when she meets valkyrie there’s gonna be Sparksfavorite m/f ship: okay i’m gonna be honest and say that the first thor movie came out right at the time for me to switch obsessions and it made me dive even deeper into norse mythology than before (i liked it before but i know some actual stories now rather than just the major players, probably because of the movie’s influence) and i read part of the lokasenna and in my mind the movie interpretations meshed w/ mythology versions and the lines “I alone know, as I think I do now, your lover beside Thor, and that was the wicked Loki” are forever burned in my mind from that particular translation of the lokasenna and anyway the answer to this is sif/loki, byeBROTP(s): sif wasn’t in the new thor bc she was hanging out on earth with jane talking abt cool science shit in the wake of thor and jane’s breakup. (but also this works as a ship too.)NOTP: anything involving tony bc i just don’t like him and i’ve just been inundated with him even when trying to stay on the outskirts of MCU fandom stuff but that’s more an eye-roll-and-an-ugh thing rather than “i actually specifically dislike this ship.” i DO dislike stony. don’t wanna see it anywhere. never saw them as being antagonistic friends, never saw anything that could be the basis for anything healthy, got real sick of seeing it anywhere. also people actually shipped thor and loki and like…. why. please stop.most aesthetically pleasing character: i mean…….. i love them but their outfits are usually all either standard fare or kinda ugly. at that time anyway, they’ve had changes since but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ valkyrie’s an exception, she looks Goodcharacter you’d totally hug: i want a thor hug, those seem crushing but good.character you’d totally date: if sif’s not an option, nobody, they’re all a huge mess and i’m absolutely better off not being involved in that. …actually comic-clint seems like a mess but datable, i’d ask him out. tho kate also exists so i’d probably shift my focus quicklyoverall opinion of the show/game/book/etc: it’s got fun bits but it’s most enjoyable when i stay the hell away from the fanfics lmao
sorry i made you wait so long anon, esp for answers like these. hopefully there was something interesting here anyway?
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