#I wasn’t even really that into lsp as a kid but I was obsessed with those two games for some reason
trashcreatyre · 10 months
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The amount of time I spent as a kid playing the LPS plug and play game from 2007 was probably unhealthy.
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helihi · 6 years
The Adventure Continues...
Aventure Time wasn’t my childhood.
I was 15 when it came out, and I didn’t watch it then.
The promos at that time didn’t make it seem interesting. To me it was just a show about a boy and a magic dog saving a princess from an evil dude. It sounded boring and very uncreative, plus, like the little arrogant teen I was, I thought the lack of proportions and noodle arms/legs somehow made the show less valid.
However, one day I found out Olivia Olson, the voice of Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, played a character in the show. I love the way Olivia sings, and I could and can listen to her for hours. So, I decided to watch only the episodes where Marceline showed up.
Boy, am I glad I did that.
Two episodes in, I realized I really liked the show; the style, the characters, the comedy, everything. I fell in love with Adventure Time just after watching Evicted! and Henchman. Those aren’t even close to the best episodes of the show, and yet they captured me in such a way I had to watch AT as a whole.
There are many things I want to thank Adventure Time and its crew for: this show has made me laugh countless times (and has the only fart joke I will ever accept: the one where Jake farts at the end of an episode after spending the whole time in Finn’s shirt pocket), it made me cry (I Remember You kills me even to this day),  it had songs that got stuck in my head for years (Bacon Pancakes and I’m just your problem), it has some of the best comedic characters I’ve seen (LSP and Lemongrab steal the show), it has characters that are develop no matter how minor and secondary they might seem at first, it taught me about world building, it gave me a million reasons to why I should keep drawing and...
It also taught me about myself.
It was 2011, and I remember back then, while browsing on dA, I learned that the major ships were Fubblegum and Finnceline. Back then, I didn’t like any of them, and whenever I was forced to choose, I just shrugged it off and said “Finnceline” without feeling good about myself.
I didn’t ship Fubblegum. Finn was too immature for someone like PB, and it almost seemed too forced. Well, except for that one episode where PB is a kid.
I didn’t ship Finnceline. Marceline didn’t seem too mature for Finn, but she was clearly carrying some serious baggage, and I didn’t feel like a kid like Finn could  match that, regardless of his age.
I was raised in a catholic environment. My only interactions with anything not-straight was through Yaoi. As fetishizing as it was/is, it was/is a common discovery for any young girl who watches anime. Back then, I didn’t think there was a third option to the whole Bubblegum/Finn/Marceline discourse.
I didn’t hate Finnceline or Fubblegum. I never attacked anyone for shipping them. I just... I just felt empty... Like... Something Was Missing.
Go with Me didn’t feel out of the ordinary when it aired. It came and went, and when I finally got to watch it, I didn’t expect much: just an episode where Finn wants to ask a clearly uninterested PB out (how boring).
Then, Marceline showed up.
With an exchange of two words, two names to be exact, my whole world changed:
We learned PB’s first name. We learned that PB and Marceline knew each other. You could feel even the tension, you could see it: there was history between them, and Marceline... Marceline wasn’t being a good friend who didn’t know who Finn was trying to impress, Marceline was sabotaging Finn.
I remember, at the time, the Finnceline fans used this as proof of Marcie being jealous and purposefully ruining things so Finn would go out with her instead of PB, but that— that was completely wrong: when they actually go out, Marceline makes a joke about “no tongue” and then has fun with Finn in the most platonic way possible.
That episode opened my eyes. The third option to the discourse appeared: Bubbline, and most importantly, I became attached to something that I didn’t know meant so much to me.
Figuring out one’s sexuality is a mess, specially when you are raised in a conservative environment where “we don’t talk about those things” or “God doesn’t want that”.
Bubblegum and Marceline were, somehow, a way to learn about myself.
When What Was Missing came out, I was vibrating with excitement. What I saw on Go with Me wasn’t just a hunch, it was there! The subtext, the everything! I told my brother they were going to become canon!
Then Mathematical! got shut down... It felt horrible, and somehow it made Bubbline more valid. The subtext was really there.
7 years have passed, and I promised my brother that if they explicitly confirmed Bubbline, I would do a victory dance, and yesterday... I got to do so.
Nobody can take this from me, from us. As stupid as getting excited for a cartoon same sex couple might be, it isn’t. Bubbline means so many things to me, specially the fact that I’m valid.
I love the finale.
I love how LSP and Lemongrab continued being hysterical to the end. I love how BMO continued being so fun and cute. I love how they resolved many of the character’s arcs, specially Fern’s and PB’s. I loved how they integrated a dream sequence and made me question if I was high with how crazy and psychological it was. I loved Betty and Simon’s bitter sweet ending. I loved how Gunther turned into the new Ice King.
I love how, after years of build up, Marceline and Bubblegum get to be together again.
I’m going to miss this show. I’ll miss the mini series. I’ll miss it’s characters and themes. I’m going to miss the times I spent obsessing over the show, and watching it with my siblings.
But I’m glad it ended this way, on it’s own terms (kinda).
Thank you.
Thank you to every single crew member that was part of the Adventure Time crew, even if they weren’t there by the end.
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