#I went down a wormhole and found a tardis
randompenname · 1 year
*ahem* Just a funny tidbit to share
Muriel: I don't have clearance. You'd have to be a throne or a dominion, or above.
(Crowley opens file)
Muriel: How did you do that?
Crowley: I haven’t always been a demon, and they never change their passwords.
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fardell24b · 2 years
12th January 2023 Writings
Excerpt from: The Lane Confusion
It seemed to be an ordinary day in Casa Lane. Trent Lane had slept most of the day, so he was sure that it was. He went into the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. “Nothing,” he said.
 His sister, Jane, also came up. “Nothing,” she also said.
 However, a third person unexpectedly came there. “Nothing,” their mother, Amanda, said.
 “Oh! Hi, Mom!” Jane said. It was rare that their mother was there.
 “What’s that?” Amanda asked, looking at a reddish stain on the otherwise spotless refrigerator shelf. “Cranberry juice?”
 “Cherry Soda?” Jane asked.
 “Strawberry syrup?” Trent wondered.
 Words: 98
  Excerpt from: Future Excerpt 4
“It would be quite difficult otherwise.”
 “I agree with Daria,” Sandi said.
 “I’m sure there are,” Jenna added.
  Tori was still looking for the emerald. She didn’t care that Samara didn’t like her that much or that Marlene had her precious timeline to keep. ‘I’ll find the emerald! Then they’ll see that I have good intentions.’
 Words: 56
  Excerpt from: Down the Wormhole
However, the people who settled the other side are more than willing to help Robin and his men in combating Gisbourne’s forces. Thus there is a stalemate until the portal closes.
 Gisbourne sees the portal close and knows he’s stuck and has to lead the loyalist forces himself. He doesn’t declare himself King, just Sherrif of New Nottingham. Later that day he decides to inform Robin of the change of circumstances.
 There is disbelief at first, but with less people arriving, Robin is inclinced to believe it by the end of that year.
 The County of New Nottingham is established, lead by Gisbourn as Sheriff. The rebels lead by the Merry Men establish the Republic of Sherwood.
 Words: 117
  Excerpt from: Chasing Time
“The TARDIS will continue to parse the data I collected,” the Doctor answered.
 “But what are we going to do?” Lauren asked.
 “I haven’t thought about that yet,” the Doctor admitted.
 Words: 31
  Excerpt from: Berk in Time
He pulled a lever nearby.
 A trapdoor opened and Hiccup, Spitelout and Snotlout fell down to a lower deck.
 “What happened?” Nefertiti asked.
 “Oh, great!” Astrid responded.
 “Oops!” Tuffnut said.
  Hiccup and the Jorgensons found themselves in a large space filled with large tank-like objects. “We’re on a lower deck,” Spitelout pointed.
 “Trap doors! I hate trap doors!” Hiccup said. “But what is this ship? Are there dragons down here too?”
 “There’s a strange sound, like a cats purr,” Snotlout said.
 “I hear it too,” Hiccup said. “Some dragons make such a sound too. Fishlegs would know more. But it seems to regular to be a dragon. It could be some of these machine.” He gestured to the devices around him.
 “Any idea what they could be?” Spitelout asked.
 “Forges, probably,” Hiccup considered.
 Words: 133
  Excerpt from: Party at 111 Howard
“Come in.”
 Jen entered the room and looked around. “They're all outside?”
 “Yes,” Andrea answered.
 “I'll come out.”
  Daria looked around. The number of people was growing. “This is getting out of control,” she said as she looked near the Gazebo to find Dani talking with a slightly familiar blonde. “I'll join them,” she decided.
  “Oh, Daria's coming,” Dani said.
 “I see that,” Anna said.
 “Hi,” Daria said as she came up.
 “How are you doing?” Dani asked, seeing that Daria seemed to be looking around stressfully.
 “Better than I expected,” Daria said.
 “That's good,” Anna said with a smile.
 “And you are?” Daria asked.
 “Anna, Anna Coultard.”
 “Now I remember,” Daria murmured. “You have a reputation for smiling a lot.”
 “I guesss so,” Anna murmured. “As you have a reputation for being antisocial and cutting people up for various reasons.”
 “I tell it like I see it,” Daria responded. “But you'll note that I'm not doing it at the moment.”
 “That's true,” Anna said. “I thought I would try to befriend Jane and yourself.”
 “I'm sure you've also heard that I'm hard to befriend,” Daria said.
 Words: 187
 Total: 622
0 notes
blankdblank · 5 years
Loki Baby Pt 9
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special thanks to inca for helping me brainstorm ideas for this. More of the ideas to come :D
@sdavid09​, @theincaprincess​, @himoverflowers​
Nearly a week Thor had been in and out of the apartment while you focused on your repairs and in the lull of your being needed at work you took to cuddling up and reading through your old stack of unread books. It truly was odd for you to have to spend every day at work and you were glad to be back to your reclusive state to ease the travels you hoped to have when your Tardis was repaired. Staring up at the stars had begun too painful to bear since being grounded here. And in this new timeline you had managed to catch up on their varied history since the wormhole you had led Gallifrey and the Time Lords through after stealing your Tardis to help change the Time War had spat you all out in this altered dimension.
Creatures mainly were the same with only in this timeline the three Starks to die in that car crash now was dropped to two leaving a son in a very dangerous situation. True there were worse than Stark in the old dimension you had to stave off and in place of a few invasions you knew of these Avengers and Mutants had risen to fill the void with equally as devastating effects now making your existence here a tad bit more believable. Time travel truly wasn’t that unbelievable anymore, especially not now that Steve Rogers had launched himself into the past in hopes of finally getting the girl.
All the same between bouts with Thor when he would get called back to the Tower to aid Stark in some unspoken diagrams the snuggle prone Prince would slip into your apartment to crawl into your reading nest and enjoy the peaceful breaks sharing all you had been studying. Yet today you were off to another event, a simple garden party for a high up General’s daughter who you had helped to protect her new penthouse apartment and the building around it, somehow meaning she felt indebted to invite you and a guest along to her party for the pompous to mingle.
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“Why History?” The question jolted you from your thoughts on how today was meant to go and you flashed the Prince a grin catching his gaze when his chin propped up on your shoulder.
“If you don’t know the past you’re doomed to repeat it. Plus it is interesting to see how the public history matches HYDRA and SHIELD’s records.”
“What does it say about you?” He asked playfully with a goading smirk.
“Nothing. What did you expect it to say? Decades of me facing off against Starks?”
Making Loki chuckle and ask, “Something, anything after how Pietro spoke about you.”
“Little hands Loki, little hands and little names make the world go round,” spreading his smirk curiously as you brushed a stray strip of hair out of his face, admiring the gentle spirals his hair twisted in proving he was slowly showing you more of his hidden self. The thought in private leading you to assume he had a natural poof of hair similar to yours he straightened explaining his usual slicked back style most likely to fit the styles of his homeland. “We don’t all get to be Alexanders the Great and Einsteins. However, to pass nameless through the fabric of it all,” your head tilted a moment making his shift in an adoring glance over your face, “You can see it all, feel it all, and even change and Alexander, Einstein, or even a Stark.”
“Fascinating,” he hummed out absolutely enamored with the notion of your idea, traveling the world and possibly universe nameless to see everything and change the world. None of this without you however, inside his heart swelled imagining all the places he could show you, all the incredible things to have you in awe of what he alone had discovered expanding the world he had grown in from what little his people had taken the time to see. Mostly he wanted you. Floating through all of space, holding you while you soared between the stars, kissing you on the ruins of civilizations who had abandoned their homes to explore the stars once you had discovered all the secrets they had to tell. He wanted you, and maybe, just maybe, if you never stopped exploring and learning, and he never stopped discovering new adventures time would be kind, just this once, and let him keep you. Let you stay. Let him be yours always.
Fingers raked through his hair and again his grin deepened in your giggling, “What?”
He shook his head, “Nothing.”
Out you giggled again, “It is a tad ridiculous of an idea, however most discoveries are half mad notions to begin with. So if you are coming up with something to tease me,”
Tightening his arms around your sides your voice broke off in his head resting on your shoulder burying his forehead against the side of your neck, “No teasing. Go on, tell me what secrets that book holds.”
Shifting your leg he held his position hoping you wouldn’t move him and all you did was slide one leg farther under his hips while your other leg went over his to draw it out more to line him up as your arms draped across his back you covered to help prop up the book making him close his eyes at the position. To the sound of your voice and the sound of his own slowing heartbeat he drifted off holding you closer, and if he hadn’t dreamed it he could have sworn when you set the book down to wrap more around him for another nap in return, a kiss was left on his forehead. Something simple, innocent and fast where his lips planting drowsily in return on the end of your collar bone did nothing but swell up a surge of dreams making it near impossibly difficult to remain just snuggling with the drowsy Prince you now ached to wake up to break every rule you had set for yourself.
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Fixing his tie Tony passed through his office again, “Now Vision, we are heading for the exhibit today and I have a special task for you. I would like you to keep an eye on Miss Pear, find out something, anything. You’re more observant for small ticks and clues we might be missing.”
Vision flatly stated, “I promised Wanda we would tour together.”
Tony, “Well you can do both. Not be right hovering behind her, but check in, you know, subtle.”
Vision, “I am many things Tony, subtle is not one of them.”
Tony turned and patted his shoulder, “I have faith in you.”
Then strolled away for Vision to mumble, “Your ill gotten faith will land me in another argument with Wanda.” Turning to fix his cape over his suit in the mirror.
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Mint green shirt for Loki and a peach flowing dress for you settling around your knees making him imagine some sort of flower blended in his place in the car, out of your days of snuggling his place at your side had leapt forward. Out of habit his arm had extended and with a hint of a dopey grin you leaned against his side with his fingers sweetly tracing shapes into your skin just under the layered sheer strip of fabric stitched to the thin shoulder strap miming a sleeve. He didn’t have to come today, you had told him, this would probably be the dullest event yet possibly flooding you with more questions possibly taking you from his attentions for a time but he insisted, he lied, said Thor would be there to distract him, the whole Avengers team would, he had people to talk to, people he barely knew even after living together for so long, but people none the less.
The arrival of your car didn’t go unnoticed and in your slide out he got to take in each detail of you cast in sunlight to find his feet and take your hand for the walk inside. Subtle and not to subtle glances were cast as in a sea of whispers and flashes you entered the building and handed over your purse to be scanned and chatted with the awed man behind the xray arch you passed through that in his distraction flashed as your pen was being scanned from your scan to a doctored one leaving only one with such acute eyesight and neurological speed to have caught it. Sure as day Vision had seen what he could not believe, the woman Tony had set him after had two hearts.
Loki was next exposing etchings on his bones and ridges across his scalp and  shoulder blades, signs that jotuns like certain animals used to have spikes there to help deter predators in the youth of their people. Straight to mingling you went and seeing a flood of people in a whisper by your ear Loki excused himself to fetch your drinks. Up to the bar he went and that was where he found Sam, “You seem cozy.” He said halfway leaned back against the bar holding the base of his sparkling water refusing to drink at one of these events after having seen how rowdy Bucky would get trying to correct every piece’s history as if he was the expert for having been in the 40’s, even if the subject piece was far from that time period.
“Miss Pear and I are getting along famously, yes.”
Sam chuckled, “Oh you’re famous alright. Can’t switch on the tv without seeing some update on your coupleyness. Now they’re sketching possible babies since you guys holed up in your place all week.”
“Hmm,” he turned to the now attentive bartender who had recognized him and jumped to service and turned to fix the order he was given, “Well I suppose if there is nothing to gossip over people will create it.”
Sam smirked, “So no baby making going on?”
“There are tradition and ceremonies to be had before children will be brought into this world.”
Sam, “No, I mean-,”
Loki said, “I know what you meant.” Locking his eyes on Sam’s, “However alluring Miss Pear is to the masses of this planet I would never betray her trust by discussing our trysts.”
That had Sam smirking as Loki raised the colored mixed drinks in martini glasses he strolled off with to smirk to himself as Sam said, “So there are trysts?” In a shake of his head the smirk dropped and Sam hurried of to pull Bucky away from the curator of the event seeing the tell tale signs he was about to start arguing.
From your side even to Peter Parker’s he strode after handing off your drink casually greeting the slightly wide eyed teen at his side, “It is a lovely day, Parker.”
Peter nodded, “Yes,” in a quick sip of his drink his mind reeled and he asked, “So, you like Mayan art? I have a project due on it, Tony thought it would help to bring me.”
Loki shrugged, “I suppose, this however is not Mayan.” That made the teen peer up at him wide eyed only to listen and join him to a small table where he grabbed a stack of unused napkins to start sketching proper symbols and even hinted that he knew just where the Mayans had gone to leaving the teen on the edge of his seat as he brought up information from books available from the database on the phone you had given him.
In a relieved sigh you found your way out onto the balcony thankful for the breeze and allowed slip away. Finishing off your drink you eyed the glass almost pitifully wishing you knew what concoction Loki had chosen for you so you might order another. A passing waiter took your glass with a grin and you strolled to the edge of the balcony to look out into the distance only to glance back at the sound of a billowing cape. Grinning softly you eyed Vision and turned to face him on his approach, “Hello Vision.”
“Miss Pear. It has come to my attention a question I must ask you.”
“Sounds serious.” You said holding your pleasant grin.
“It is, rather, a life and death question,” that had your head tilting slightly wondering what he could mean, “From my research it is most common for humans to in fact have one heart to power their bodies.”
“And yet for a millisecond on your scan it revealed you have two. I have been scouring my databases and I have not found any records of humans surviving with two hearts.”
“No, you wouldn’t,”
“I do not understand then-,”
In a sigh you started your bold faced half truth, appealing to his logic and notions of fear, “My parents did what they could to keep my condition hidden. People with two hearts don’t survive once discovered because there is often a good chance those who find them take one to donate them to others in need of a heart.” That parted his lips, “I hide my past not because I have an ulterior motive or some evil plan, but because if some heartless scientist discovers my secret they will cut me open and it will kill me. My body cannot survive on one heart, and no matter how selfish that may seem when there are those in need of one, I deserve my full lifespan as much as they deserve theirs.”
His eyes looked you over, “You have been hunted in the past for your heart?”
“All my life people have been trying to work me out. The only reason SHEILD isn’t all over you is because Stark has showed them everything, down to the last bolt. They’ve tested each of the team, even Wanda, only Thor and Loki are able to skip the tests because Asgardians are deemed allies. One of the few examples of other races landing here where they didn’t end up on an autopsy table. I’m alone here, I understand your curiosity, but I can’t imagine what Stark would do-,”
“I will not tell him.” Your eyes looked over his, “You have my word, I will not betray your trust. I did not realize how much danger you felt yourself in.” Somehow he straightened up a bit more saying, “This is what I will research, a way to create artificial organs, so butchers will not attack innocents.” In a nod of his head he said, “Do enjoy your day, I must return to find Wanda.”
Turned around he scanned the crowds and strolled off leaving you to glance at the door seeing Loki stroll through with a refill in hand. “Everything alright?”
You nodded accepting the drink with a grin saying, “You have to tell me what this is.”
In a smirk he replied in a purr, “Ah, but then I wouldn’t be able to fetch them for you now would I?” Making you smirk in return lifting your glass as he did for a sip.
Two more days of hiding and burrowing away again you dolled up for Thor’s birthday party. A simple sundress was in store for the poolside affair where the golden haired Prince took the chance to bring you in closer to get to know you better. Loki however was a bit more preoccupied with the odd heartbeat he heard waking with his head on your chest. While you showered and he changed for the party he had a double scouring the internet for heart condition in mortals leaving him only grim outlooks for each the more he dug meaning he would have to find some way to get you to Asgard to have his healers look you over and hopefully find a way to repair the illness you were hiding.
Lounging by the pool you answered questions and shared in the conversation the Princes were holding with Peter about the show they had been binging on brightening his mood as his friends from before the snap were off at colleges across the country while he studied at NYU.
Even Sam and Bucky came closer to join in the conversation only to break into an argument with Loki about his comments on the Mayan Empire. A trip to the bath and when you exited you found Vision floating outside the door, “Miss Pear, I would like to show you my models.” With a nod you joined him to the sitting room where he pulled up on his tablet the holographic designs yet when Wanda asked for help with the drinks you agreed to talk later and returned just in time for Bucky to turn and face you still confused about your father.
Bucky, “Any word from your father?”
“He’s around, why?”
Bucky, “There’s a funeral and a sort of reunion after for one of our poker buddies.”
You nodded, “Yes, Timothy, good lad.”
Bucky’s head tilted, “You knew him?”
“I’ve met a lot of my dad’s friends. Heard all the stories. Even the ones about you and your buddy Steve.”
Bucky, “Your dad never met Steve past that once.”
“No, but my friend Pietro went to basic with him. Determined little thing. Wonder why you lot ever let him go back there.”
Tony, “How do you know about that?”
You looked at him with a smirk, “You mean how did I notice that five years ago that Stevie boy ceased to exist then one day shows up in the States again reusing his information and decides to settle down and have a family saying screw the fabric of time?”
Tony’s eyes narrowed, “What is that supposed to mean?”
Bucky, “No, what makes you think Steve would do anything wrong by settling down?”
Your brow arched up, “You know Steve a great deal better than I do. So you don’t need to take my word for just how stupid your fella can be.”
Sam’s lips pursed and he said, “She’s got a point.”
Tony, “Oh and I assume you might do better if you went back in time?”
After a quick giggle you said, “Well I certainly wouldn’t do anything for my own gain past curiosity. Certainly wouldn’t be bringing people back from the dead and taking other people’s children.”
Tony, “Other people’s children?”
You nodded, “Unless you forget your old goduncle George before Steve took the place.”
Tony’s eyes narrowed, “George?”
“Exactly my point.” You looked to Bucky, “You remember Georgie, climbed that tower to help take out a sniper trap, that was how he met Peggy, fell broke his collarbone and got saddled to a desk. Spent days together just talking, commiserating. Waited two years for her to be ready to date, and because of Steve Georgie never got to meet Peggy, cuz Steve took her dancing and moved her back to the Brooklyn with him. Very, big, hole.”
His eyes narrowed again and Bucky said, “I remember Georgie, always tried to chat her up. Always flopped.” Looking you over he asked, “What else has changed?”
“You could fill up fifty encyclopedias with the drama your fella’s stirred up.”
Bucky, “I’m gonna have to talk to your dad when he gets here.”
That had Loki stealing a glance at you wondering what your father would be like while hoping that they came soon so he might get to know your family as well. Wishing he might make a good impression on them.
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With a giggle you turned from your kitchen looking at the teas you had your head turned at the knock at the door making Loki glance at you asking, “I thought guests had to be buzzed in?”
The smile spreading across your face had him grinning curiously, “That would not be a guest.” Following after you to the door he watched you excitedly approach it to open it wide and squeak at the man smiling just as brightly on the other side of it.
“There you are Pumpkin.” Tightly engulfing you in his arms chuckling as you giggled clutching you tightly, “You didn’t think I was going to leave you stranded here, now did you?” When you pulled back you nipped at your lip watching him reach into the satchel at his waist and pulled out a curious looking knob making you squeak again, “Can’t leave everything to the usual routes and leave our Bluejay on the ground. Need you up in the air.” In a twitch of his brows he said, “Got you a whole bag. Now, grab your shoes and we can get to tinkering.”
After another squeak you turned around glancing between your father and Loki and said, “Oh, Daddy, this is Prince Loki. He lives across the hall.”
“Jack Harkness.” When you strolled around him their hands clasped and your father grinned widely looking him over, “Anyone tell you that you have stunning eyes? Glad someone finally earned the apartment.” His eyes followed you and while you were still in earshot he asked, “You two look ready for a party.”
Loki nodded and their hands released, “My brother’s birthday, just got back.”
Nodding again and seeing you were out of earshot your father said, “Prince Loki, I’ll make this simple, you break my little girl’s heart and I’ll tear you in half.” With a pat on his shoulder Loki couldn’t help but smirk in his step back when he stepped through the door in your return closing it behind him to join you in the sitting room where he pulled on the top of the spine on a book and said “Sasquatch,” the password signaling the bookshelf to sink into the floor.
Joining the group Loki couldn’t help but admire the man who had threatened him, well deserved for how incredible you are. Slowly the bookshelf sank and he looked between you two trying to gauge your ages only to see you step on top of the bookshelf your father joined you on then smirked at Loki, “Going down Handsome?”
Rolling your eyes you nodded your head, “Come on, show you how we get to the Swan Club.”
Your father smirked at you, “Ooh, Swan Club, fun times, fun times. Do I get to come?”
When Loki stepped onto the shelf by your father he eyed the cylinders the otter bots were sleeping in pulsing with lights recharging them and keeping them afloat while they held their tiny cubs on their bellies in a sharing of programming for the new batch while their personality chips melded randomly to form each cub to their own quirks based around their basic jobs they were formed to do. The sight making him grin as your father said, “Aww, you found out the coding to get them to reproduce. How cute.”
“Well they kept turning on the discovery channel and bringing me to it. They wanted the fuller families to completely embody otters and their social lives. Besides, they are adorable. Couldn’t resist.”
Past those Loki’s lips parted as the bookshelf came to a stop in a bare stretch of wall and a rolling staircase from the bookshelf to the right rolled over to stop in front of you. Down the steps you led the way with Loki curiously looking over the shelves of books and trinkets parting his lips at the Asgardian globe and the tip of a spear supposedly lost by his grandfather. Down behind your father he trotted and drew closer to that section of shelves.
“Here you go Pumpkin.” The sound of a lock shifting had his head tilting slightly in a reluctant turn, “First, we get your girl off the ground then you can help me with my vortex manipulator.”
“Bout time you let me get my hands on it. Bouncing around like a ping pong ball.”
At that Loki turned his head and his mouth fell open seeing your Tardis surrounded by boards with Gallifreyan symbols and notes with racks of tools far beyond this planet’s capabilities. Inhaling sharply he crossed the room following your giggle through the open door of the box in the rising of the bookshelf again and ceiling closing when it had passed through.
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Stepping inside the doorway he peered upwards at the thirty foot tall entrance hall to your Tardis with hardwood floors and walls randomly spotted with round lit cutouts lighting the room. His view ahead leading up to a pyramid of stairs right in the center of the hall topped by the power and steering center. Tall pillars stood going through the balcony above showing more bookshelves reached by a spiral staircase. Arched beams up above met in an observation deck above under an amber colored dome. Five halls were closed by doors etched in differing scenes of Gallifreyan tales.
Around the control panel you and your father stood with tools at your feet while you opened the top panel to remove the worn knob using your sonic screwdriver you had brought from upstairs. A swipe around the tip and you saw the wires from inside you trailed the crystal tip of your screwdriver across for them to release you quickly secured and pressed down to swipe again to lock it in place. Grinning up at the rising column of light from the center console you said, “There you are, Precious.”
Turning your head you saw Loki and his smirk asking, “You’re a Frey.” Inhaling again it clicked in his head what he knew of the Frey, time travelers whose past were entangled with the Asgardians, very old Guardians who were a key role in stopping Hella and the path his people were on before him and Thor were even born. A race with two hearts known to live centuries and blessed with regenerations. Instantly all his worries of losing you to the mortal coil faded away and everything you had joked about with Pietro started to make sense, how you had known him and saved his life when he was in the war.
Looking up at him you smirked asking, “Where did you hear that name? Haven’t heard that in ages.”
Stepping up the steps to you looking over the open panel while your father replaced a few more singed out components clearly fried in a battle saying, “That’s the name my mother taught me belonged to your race.”
In a giggle you said, “We’re Gallifreyan, from Gallifrey.”
Smirking himself your father said, “Though most people call them Time Lords.”
Loki looked at him, “Them?”
Jack grinned saying, “Oh I’m human, well, sort of.”
Loki looked to you and you clarified, “Dad got,  regenerated by a human entangled with a Tardis core before I was born and is immortal now.”
Jack, “The Frey side comes from, her mother.” The last two words nearly were growled making Loki glance between you.
Leaning n you whispered, “Dad and Mum don’t really talk. She never mentioned him she was the one behind trying to take over the universe that one time and he never really got over it.”
Jack, “73 years!” he shouted and you closed your eyes a moment, “We set up house for 73 years, raise our baby girl and one day over coffee starts giggling and is all blasé about the time she kept the Doctor in a dog house!” In a huff he goes to grab another tool a few feet away grumbling to himself.
Looking down at you Loki smirked again and you said, “The Doctor, my Godfather, another, Frey. Mum’s long time nemesis, though she used to be the Master, no Mistress back then.”
In a glance around he said, “Hmm, so it is true, you can change genders.”
“Gender is a subjective notion.” Following his gaze to one of the hallways you said, “Feel free to look around. Repairs shouldn’t take long.”
He nodded and like a kid in a candy store he hurried off to the hall, turning around you heard the creak of the door and went to join your father only to hear a second making you shout out, “Careful of the po-…” A distant splash and pants between the sound of water shifting had you finish, “-ol.” A chuckle from your father had you turning around trotting to the door and off to the open door on the right with a puddle in the doorway you entered with a quick grin seeing Loki brushing his curling hair out of his face as he stood after his climb out. “Sorry, I really should put a sign up but I rarely have guests.”
Loki shrugged lowering his hands saying, “No, I should have anticipated the pool starting three inches from the door.”
In a soft giggle you offered him your hand saying, “Come on, let’s get you dry.” Resting his hand on yours you lowered them and turned to guide him down the hall naming each room you passed until you got to a guest bath you led him into and pointed, “Up on the tiles,” he looked you over and you giggled again, “It’s a dryer. Takes three seconds.”
Up he stepped and then he turned his head and pressed the blue button you pointed to with the hand he let go of yours with and his lips parted at the warm gust of wind rippling around him drying him completely. Though in his step down his hands rose to his hair at your smirk up at his poof of curls you turned to pull a comb out of the medicine cabinet you brought back to him handing it over with a giggle. “I’ll let you fix it, the other doors are safe, just mind the pink cabinet in the card room, it tends to scream on occasion if anyone but me opens it.” His brow inched up, “It was a gift from the fourth Doctor.”
“There’s more than one?” In your smirk he nodded, “Right, fourth life.” He wet his lips, “How many is that, for the Doctor?”
“Well, I’ve met 12, though the council mentioned 13 few months back in a conference call.”
When you reached the door he asked, “What about you?”
Turning back you smiled saying, “Just the one so far. And I’m only 1200, one of the oldest first lives for traveling Frey on record.”
“How’d you manage that?”
“Easy, I’m far too stubborn to die.” You said with a giggle stepping out of the doorway to return to the repairs. In a chuckle he turned to the mirror and began to comb his curls back while you exited the hall and grinned at your father.
Chuckling to himself he asked, “First time down here?”
“Well you have to keep a bit of mystery up front, don’t you?”
Looking you over he asked in passing you another part you would be helping him swap while he unhooked the connectors and lifted the floor panel and shifted the backing for it, “How did you meet this Prince Loki?”
“First time, he saved me from being snatched by a SHEILD agent, but I don’t think he remembers that.” His eyes looked at you for a moment seeing you using your screwdriver to loosen the part and wiring attached to it retracting the completely fried circuit sheet. “Couple months back I talked to him at a party at Stark Tower, offered him the apartment.”
“And the watch?” He asked with a smirk making you smile again, “You never make just anyone a watch.”
“He has a kind heart and a troubled past.”
“Ooh, knew it. So tempting.” Making you giggle in his chuckle, “Certainly has eyes for you.”
In a sigh you replied, “He is fantastic.”
“I can imagine he is.” Looking at the panel he lifted again he added, “Nice ass too,” making you giggle again. “So, Asgardian, what are they like?”
“Well I’ve only met the two Princes, ooh and apparently he’s a Jotun raised by Queen Frigga.”
“Jotun.. Where have I heard that?”
“Also called Frost Giants,”
You giggled again, “Mhmm, bright red eyes, though Loki can shape shift and make doubles and levitate things and can shoot these odd green energy blasts out of his hands.” You secured the wires for the new circuit plate, “Oh, and he has this trick, he can call his daggers from home, something about enchanted sheaths or something.”
“Love a man with an endless arsenal.” He said lowering the panel you sealed again and he said when Loki reentered the hall, “Ah the living arsenal himself.”
Loki glanced between you and you giggled saying, “I mentioned your dagger trick.”
Loki nodded and flicked his hands when he got closer making your father stand and inspect the daggers he offered him hilt first, “Here you are.” After wetting his lips he pointed at the door he had passed through, asking, “I am curious, there is a door marked ‘Keep Out’ you put a sign on that but not the pool?”
Your father glanced at you as you said, “Oh, that, ya, few decades back there was something growling in there, just decided to wait it out.” Both of them ticked a brow up at you and you said, “Hey, that back end of the wormhole saving Gallifrey fried my control panel, I was a bit distracted trying to steer for a safe landing than worrying about what’s hiding in that room. Couldn’t be Dalek or it’d break the door down. Cyber Men are fairly patient, but even they would get bored. Can’t be biological or I would have gotten a warning. I wanted to check it out, my favorite scarf is in there, Doctor gave it to me.”
With a nod your father looked to Loki lifting the daggers, “Gonna borrow these.” He glanced at you, “Keep working. I’ll call if I need my plasma ray.”
Up the steps Loki timidly inched closer and crouched beside you eyeing the lever you were calibrating listening as you shared what you were doing with him. Down the hall however your father pressed his ear against the door hearing a soft growl making him tentatively grab and turn the knob easing the door open.
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A quick flip of the switch and the room lit up bringing the silver robotic dog rolling out from under a chair to his attention. In a pleased chuckle he entered the room, “Oh! K9! There you are!”
Moving to crouch greeting the singed and dented metal dog hurrying over to him, “This is where you got to. We’ve been looking for you. Left a nasty mess back on, oh, well doesn’t matter now. Tried to dig you out but I guess they weren’t lying. Whoops. Well, come on then, sorry bout that Jaqi didn’t know it was you in here.”
At his feet K9 happily rolled with him out of the room wobbling every few feet making Jack look down at him saying, “Just through here, Jaqi will see you right.”
Into the main hall he wobbled and his ears wiggled seeing you look up and smile, “K9!” Loki’s head tilted seeing the clearly damaged robot you scooted to the edge of the stairs in his hurried roll over to you.
“I have missed you, Bluejay.”
When he reached you, you asked gently patting his side, “How did you get in here?”
K9, “Doctor ordered me here when I took fire.”
“I am so sorry you’ve waited so long in there.”
K9 slurred out, “That is alright, I have been relaying my chess memory grid.”
Crouching down more you eased the panel off his side and drew your head back at the waft of smoke you fanned away then you said, “No wonder you’ve got the wobbles, you must have taken a phase blast. All this circuitry will need to be replaced.”
K9, “If repairs are beyond completion I might initiate my self destruct sequence, Mistress.”
After a nip at your lip, “No! None of that now. Just curious, I’ve come up with some designs for an upgrade if you would like to run through them?”
K9, “Affirmative.” With a grin you brought over a tablet from the control panel you brought up the plans on that he flipped through the diagrams for as you and Jack went back to finish the adjustments on the console allowing the Tardis to run through its usual checks and sweeps before being able to travel. Softly it began to hum when you moved to K9’s side hearing his eager humming.
“Do you approve of the schematics?”
Excitedly he replied, “Affirmative!”
Widely grinning you led the men back upstairs and helped Jack carry him up to the office in your apartment where you began to remove his casings and to his delight Loki set up a chess game on a tablet for the pair to play while you began to assemble the parts you had already forged for his skeleton. Here with those you had lost and the one you so painfully hoped would remain part of your tattered family your mind wandered back to your precious box. More trapped than you had been for all these years. Finally soon she could finally be free again, she had reborn hope and again her song began to grow dreaming of what was to come when she could take flight again. It was a word she thought she would say again. “Home.”
Pt 10
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mca-attack21 · 5 years
The Parting of Ways
This imagine is based off of Episode 13 of season 1 with the 9th Doctor and the reader. It can be read as part two of “Bad Wolf” or as a stand alone imagine. Enjoy! Word Count: 1920  This is my Masterlist!
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You were still trapped on the Dalek ship. But you didn’t lose hope, after all the Doctor had told you he was coming for you. And to date he had given you every reason to believed him. This however did not mean that you were not scared. On the contrary, you were terrified. You had already seen one Dalek kill hundred’s of trained soldiers and now you were in a room with thousands of them. They questioned you about the Doctor, asking you to predict his next move. And then they made you watch as they bombed the TARDIS. You watched it disappear into nothing. 
You started to lose hope when you found yourself inside the TARDIS. One of the Daleks had been beside you and aimed his ray at the Doctor. “Get Down!” you yelled and he ducked just in time. Jack quickly fired at the Dalek killing it instantly.
After the shot, the Doctor rushed towards you, hugging you tightly. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in years.” you breathed taking in his familiar scent.
“I told you I’d come for you” he whispered.
“Never doubted it” you assured.
“ I did. You alright?” he asked pulling away to look you over.
“Yeah. And you?” you asked.
“Not bad, I’ve been better.” he said as he stepped towards the Dalek remembering that this whole thing was far from over.
“Hey, don’t I get a hug?” Jack said from the console.
“Oh come here” you answered, arms open.
“I was talking to him,” Jack joked before pulling you close. “Welcome home”
“I thought I was never going to see you again” you replied.
“You were lucky, that was just a one shot wonder. I drained the gun of all its’ power supply. Now it’s just a piece of junk,” he said referring to the shot that took out the Dalek as his tossed the gun aside.
“So what do we do now Doctor? There are thousands of them out there and we could barely take down one?” you asked.
“We go see what they want” he said before exiting the TARDIS,
“Doctor they’ll kill you,” you screamed running after him.
And they tried, all blasting at him simultaneously. But it was of no use. He had a force field around him. After a long conversation the doctor had discovered that the emperor of Daleks had survived the Time War and used humans off of earth to create a new line of Daleks. The Doctor summoned you and Jack and went back into the TARDIS. He needed a plan. There were so many Daleks and so little time. The Doctor was trying to create a Delta Wave to destroy all of them at once. But the problem was that they were already headed to the ship and these things take time.
Jack had created a defense plan and was preparing to put it in action. He went over to the Doctor saying “This has been fun,” he said.
You caught him off guard, cutting him off with- “Don’t do that! Don’t act like this is goodbye we are with the Doctor. He’ll figure it out in the end.”
He put his hands on your face and looked into your eyes, “You, Y/f/n Y/l/n, are worth fighting for” and then he kissed you.
He went back to the doctor, “I wish I never met you, Doctor I was much better off as a coward,” he said before kissing him. “See you in hell then,” he replied before running off.
As you and the Doctor were finishing off the wiring for the wave, you spoke up, “Suppose-”, but then you stopped. You knew if there was any other way out of this the Doctor would have already came up with it.
“Suppose what?” he asked.
“Oh nothing, I was just thinking that it would be nice if we could just go back in time and prevent this from happening. But I know that isn’t how it works” you answer.  
“There is something the TARDIS could do. It could take us away. We could leave. Let history run its course. We could go somewhere else. Marbella in 1989?” he said avoiding your eyes.
“Yeah, but you’d never do that. You couldn’t leave all of these innocent people here to die. That’s not who you are.” you answered with certainty.
“No, but you could ask. It never even occurred to you, did it? “ he replied
You were silent for a moment, “I choose this. I choose you. Always have, always will. I know what I signed up for, saving the universe comes with risks. And I wouldn’t change any of it.”
Just then buzzing went off. The delta wave was officially online. It was just a matter of time before it was ready. The Doctor rushed over to the computer to see how long it needed. All hope vanished from his face.
“It’s bad isn’t it?” you questioned.
“It is bad, but if we go in the TARDIS I can use that energy to speed up the process,” he said excitedly as he ran inside you right behind him, “stay here and hold this down, I’m going to go restart the connection,” he said before leaving.
As soon as he exited the TARDIS he dropped his façade. The truth was that there was no way out on this one. Which is why he had to send you home, he had to know you were safe. That way his life would not end in vein.
When the TARDIS started moving you realized what he had done. You ran towards the door trying to open it. You didn’t know how to stop it. You were pounding on the door when a hologram popped up.
It was the Doctor:
“Y/n. If you are seeing this message we must be in danger. And I mean fatal. I am dead or about to be in a second’s time. And that’s okay. I hope it is a good death. I made a promise to keep you safe and that is what I am doing. The TARDIS is taking you home. I bet you are fussing and moaning now. Typical. But hold on and just listen a bit more. The TARDIS can never return for me. Emergency Program One means I’m facing an enemy that should never get their hands on this machine. So this is what you should do. Let the TARDIS die. Let the old box gather dust. No one other that you can open it, no one will ever notice it. Let her become a strange little thing on a street corner. And if you want to remember me you can do one thing, just one. Have a good life. Do that for me Y/n”
The TARDIS stopped and he was gone. You peeked outside to see that you were in fact home. But that was the thing, the doctor had never asked you about your family. He hadn’t known that he was the closest thing to family you had had in a long time.
You started to walk away trying to clear your head and figure out what you could do. That was when you saw it. The words BAD WOLF. They had been everywhere, you had thought the were a warning but maybe not. They were in the future too, with the Doctor 200,000 years in the future. That is when it hit you. When the Slitheen tried to open the the wormhole that would collapse the earth. The Doctor had hit a button that opened a panel into the heart of the TARDIS. The TARDIS was telepathic, she could hear you and take you to him. There is no way she would want her Doctor to suffer.
After hours of trying different buttons and levers and every possible combination of the two (okay maybe not every combination). You finally figured it out. The door slammed shut and the panel opened you looked into her and willed her to return to him. The light overtook all of your senses. All of time and space was coursing through your veins. You didn’t even hear the TARDIS lift off.
Everything was ready, all the Doctor had to do was pull down the lever and there would be no more Daleks. He would be killing billions of innocent humans, but if he didn’t every race would be in danger. He had no choice.
“You really want to think about this,” he urged the emperor as the room started to fill with Daleks, “I pull this trigger and no more Daleks.”
“I want to see you become like me. The Doctor  the great exterminator. What are you coward or killer?” the emperor snapped.
The Doctor hesitated. When did he become so much like the things he was fighting against? “Coward. Coward any day” he answered preparing himself for what he was sure would follow.
“Then you will be exterminated,” the Emperor spoke.
Just then the TARDIS started to materialize. The Doctor didn’t understand. He turned to look at it and was taken aback when the doors open. He had to shield his eyes from the light. It was blinding.
“What have you done?” he demanded as the light faded ever so slightly.
“I did what I had to do. It was the only way to save you,” you answered
“You looked into the time vortex. Y/n- no one is meant to see that. Not even me.” he cried realizing how dire the situation was.
“This-Is-An-Abomination” on of the Daleks screeched.
“Exterminate” another one said as it tried to blast you. You merely returned the energy and looked at your Doctor.
“This is what was meant to happen. It is always what happens. I know that now. This is how I become Bad Wolf, I’ve lead myself here. To this. To save you.”
“Y/n you have to stop this now! You’ve got the entire vortex running through your head. You’re going to burn!” he pleaded with you.
“It will all be worth it as long as you are safe. I can end this, the Dalek’s can be stopped once and for all.”
“You cannot hurt me I am immortal” the Emperor exclaimed
“Nothing can ever truly be immortal. Everything has a weakness. I can see the whole of time and space. I can see every atom of you existence of your essence and I can divide them. Ending the time war once and for all,” you say as the Daleks begin to disappear around you.
The Doctor took a cautious step towards you, “Okay Y/n, you’ve done it, I’m safe now. The Daleks are gone. Now let go of the vortex energy.”
“How can I let go of this? I can save him. I can-” you resurrected Jack before gripping your head, “but why does it hurt?”
“Nobody is meant to harness that much power. You have to let go or it will kill you,” he pleaded.
“I can see everything. All that is, all that was. All that ever could be. It’s beautiful and terrifying” you whimpered starting to lose control.
“That is what I see all the time. Doesn’t it drive you mad?” he asked steadying you.
“I’m sorry, i’m so sorry,” you struggled.
“It’s okay, come here” he said kissing you and extrapolating the Vortex power until your body went limp in his arms. He returned the power to the TARDIS and then carried you to the Med-bay. He had no idea if you were going to be okay or not. Nothing like this had ever happened before. And just to make things worse he could start to feel the regeneration energy coursing through him. So he tapped into your mind.
“Y/n when you wake up. I will be different. You see- timelords have this little trick we do to escape death. I’ll still be the same doctor just different. And I just wanted to say that you and me we were fantastic. Truly fantastic!”
And then it happened he screamed as every cell in his body died. And he morphed into the new doctor just before passing out on the ground beside you.
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companionjones · 6 years
The Journey for the Juice
Requested by: Anon
Request: Can I pleaseee get a 11 th doctor x reader where they’ve been travelling for a while and they go back to her house to get some things and the doctor finds a watch like the one 10 used to become a human and when confronted about it she has no idea and it turns out her parents used it to hide her from the time war as a child and just fluff <3
Fandom: Doctor Who, Eleventh Doctor
Pairing: Eleventh!Doctor x F!TimeLord!Adopted!Reader
Warnings: One kind of curse word; Reader has a mother and a father; and my apologies to the requester, but I don’t think this is very fluffy. I tried my best, but on the contrary to the fluffy sound of the title, I’m pretty sure this gets a good amount of angsty. Again, very sorry Anon. It’s just the way it turned out with the request you gave me. If you have a problem with this, please message me and maybe we can figure something out.
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    Traveling with the Doctor had been a dream you didn’t know you that had come true. You’d been with him for a few regenerations. It wasn’t until his last face that you two admitted your feelings for one another. You were beyond happy when his regeneration process didn’t change the way he felt about you.
    Since the TARDIS had everything anyone would need to be happy, you rarely had to go back home for anything else than to see your loved ones. However, you were picky, and you only knew of one place that perfectly made your favorite juice: the farmers market in your home town.
    Before a run back home for your drink, you realized the Doctor was just as nervous as he had been in his first couple to see your parents. “Would you calm down?” you chuckled, “My parents love you. I actually might think they love you more than they love me.”
    The Doctor gave you a look that told you he was not a fan of your joke.
    “Hey,” again, you chuckled. You carefully placed your hands on the sides of his face. “Everything is going to be fine. It’s just another trip, alright? It’s actually going to be much more boring than our usual adventures,” you added, trying to make once more to him smile.
    That time, it worked.
    “Now, come on. I miss my juice.” You kissed your Time Lord, took his had, and led him our of his space ship.
    Both of your parents were more excited than you expected to see you and the Doctor. You could barely pull yourself and the Doctor away to go to the farmers market. When you got back, your parents had the two of you wrapped up in their little web yet again.
    Once their seemingly endless questions ran out, your father offered to make dinner. Your mother went with him to pick up the needed groceries. The Doctor and you were alone in your childhood home.
    The Doctor was puzzled as his eyes roamed the shelves of your family room. “All these pictures...they only seem to go back to when you were seventeen. Why is that?”
    “Oh. That was about when they got me. I was adopted.” Your words were matter-of-fact.
    He looked to you as your eyes remained on the photos. “You never told me that.”
    “It never needed to be said, Doctor. My parents, they’re my parents. I never had any interest in finding out who my birth mother and father are.”
    The Doctor wasn’t saddened by your words, but as he always was, the Doctor was curious. “If you don’t mind me asking...were you in an orphanage or the foster system?”
    You fell silent.
    When the Doctor looked over, he saw a dreadfully confused expression painted on your face. He suddenly had the feeling he usually had when he was on an adventure with you: a feeling that something was terribly wrong. The Doctor repeated the question, “Y/n, were you in an orphanage or the foster system?”
    “I...I don’t know, Doctor,” you struggled to admit after you turned to him to search for some kind of solace. “I can’t remember.”
    Just then, your parents entered through the front door. Your mom had a smile on her face, until she saw your expression. “Y/n, Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
    “Mom, Dad? I can’t remember what happened before you got me. What’s happening?”
    Immediately, both your mother and father were on red-alert. “Y/n, Darling, sit down, please,” your father urged, “We’ll explain everything. Just don’t think too much, okay?”
    “What?” you asked, taking a seat on your couch. “What’s going on?”
    Suddenly, the Doctor reentered the conversation. “I think I know, Y/n.” He looked down at what he was holding, and thought long and hard about what he was about to say. “Can you tell me what you know about this watch?”
    Your mother was angry. “You put that down. That is a family heirloom.”
    “No, Mom. Leave him alone,” you demanded as you stood up and moved between the Doctor and your parents. You turned to your significant other. “Where are you going with this, Doctor? That-that watch has always just been there.”
    The Doctor then glared at your parents, pocket-watch still in hand. “How long did you plan on keeping this from her?” He barely gave them time to answer. “Is this why you were fine with Y/n traveling with me? Is this why?”
    “Doctor! What the hell is going on?” You stepped in front of the Time Lord, and the desperation in your eyes broke him.
    For a few moments, the Doctor remained silent. Then, an almost unreadable emotion took over his features. The best you could describe it was a sentiment of awe and understanding. “Of course it would be you.”
    “Doctor, please. I don’t know what’s happening,” you were practically begging at that point.
    He still couldn’t break eye contact with you. “Just...breathe, alright? Breathe for me.”
    Definitively not for the first time that day, you quirked your eyebrows in confusion. Then, you heard a click from the watch, and you looked down as the Doctor opened it.
    What you experienced when that watch was opened was completely unexplainable. Out of no where, you could remember your whole life. Your whole, real life. You were a Time Lord. You had fought in the Time War, at the Gallifreyan equivalent of sixteen. You fought with the Doctor, and completely understood his decision to destroy both the Daleks and the Time Lords. You were there to see everything burn. However, at the last second, you fell through an extremely rare type of wormhole, and had ended up on Earth. You had regenerated due to the hard journey. You were taken in by the couple you later called your parents, but you couldn’t find a way to be happy. You tried relentlessly to get back to the Doctor, and you would have unbearable dreams about what you had witnessed. A few objects you had on you fell through the wormhole with you. In teaching your parents of your old life, you had also told them what that pocket-watch did. It was their decision to take it and use it against you.
    Once you came out of whatever that vision sequence was called, you nearly fell to your knees. The Doctor caught you.
    “You...,” you breathed, and looked up at the raggedy man. “You found me.”
    Just as you did, the Doctor had tears in his eyes. “Of course I did. Would you ever doubt me?”
    Launching forward, you shared a kiss with the Doctor that surpassed any kiss you had ever shared with that man, memories of your past life or no.
    He admitted, “Whether Gallifreyan memories or not, I have always loved you.”
    “I love you too, Doctor. No matter what’s going on in my head,” you sincerely replied with a bit of humor in your smile.
    The rest of the day was full of a lot of emotion. There were tears as you had it out with your parents over what they did to you, but you forgave them after you understood that they just wanted your horrible nightmares to end. It also helped to finally know the true reason they loved the Doctor so much: they had recognized him from your stories, and were ecstatic that you and the Doctor had found each other despite everything that had happened.
    In the end, you left your parents’ home with a sense of reinforced love for your Mom, your Dad, and the Doctor. You were also very excited for the future adventures you would have with your newly re-found knowledge.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! If you would like to read more, I have more fics Doctor Who over on my page, along with other fics on other fandoms. You should go check it out. Also, REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I take requests for one-shots, multi-chapters, headcannons, and preferences. No smut, please. I write for a variety of fandoms. If you’re wondering if I write for a specific fandom, please ask me. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you.<3
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singledarkshade · 6 years
Another New Life
The TARDIS brings an old friend back onboard to the Doctor's surprise especially as he believes the former companion to be long dead
Author's Note - This was my first foray into Doctor Who.
Part One
The TARDIS landed back home within his office at the University and the Doctor leaned against the console.
“So?” he asked.
Bill shrugged, “It was...nice?”
“Nice?” he asked confused, “Is that all you can come up with?”
She shrugged again, “What else do you want?”
Letting out a long sigh the Doctor pushed himself off the console, “Think about it and we’ll talk tomorrow.”
“Is Bill leaving?” Nardole asked, wandering out from the back of the TARDIS with a few large books.
The Doctor rolled his eyes while Bill opened the door stopping when the TARDIS made a loud clanging noise.
“What was that?” Bill asked worriedly stepping slightly back inside.
The Doctor frowned, “Not sure,” he murmured spinning when the door slammed and the TARDIS suddenly went into flight mode.
“What are you doing?” Nardole demanded of the Doctor, the same time the Doctor yelled it at the TARDIS.
“Doctor?” Bill called.
“Just hold on,” the Time Lord called to her as the room shook throwing them from side to side.
Finally they slammed to a halt and the Doctor started hitting switches as Bill and Nardole scrambled to his side.
“Where are we?” they asked in unison.
The Doctor grimaced turning the screen to them. Bill gasped as she saw soldiers attacking one man who appeared to be defending people scrambling into a small ship using a sword of all things. Before they could do anything the TARDIS started moving again.
They watched as the man began to appear just inside the doors, sword in his hand blood covering him. The moment he became solid the man took a small step back before he spun to look up at the console.
The Doctor stared pushing Nardole slightly out of the way gasping, “Rory?”
Bill watched the man the Doctor had named as Rory take in the room before he looked up at the trio standing at the console once more. His sword came up defensively.
“Rory,” the Doctor said holding his hands up walking towards the new arrival, “You’re safe. You’re in the TARDIS.”
“I know where I am,” Rory snarled, “What I want to know is where the Doctor is.”
Bill glanced at Nardole who winced as the Doctor stopped for a moment. He carefully began to take a few more steps towards Rory who brought his sword up again.
“I am the Doctor,” the Doctor stated softly continuing his journey.
Rory frowned at him.
“You know about regeneration,” the Doctor reminded the other man, “You know I can change my appearance.”
Rory pointed the sword at one of the Doctor’s heart, “Doesn’t mean you are who you say you are.”
Using two fingers the Doctor gently pushed the sword to one side and stepped closer, “I am the Doctor, Rory. I promise.”
“Prove it.”
Bill heard the plea in those two words, the desperate need for it to be the truth.
The Doctor took one more step forward and smiled, “Fish fingers and custard.”
Relief covered Rory’s face at the bizarre phrase, the sword clattered to the ground and he closed the gap hugging the Doctor who, to Bill’s amazement, hugged him back.
“Nardole,” the Doctor called suddenly when the other man became a dead weight against him.
The bald-headed assistant quickly ran down to help and between them they lay the now unconscious man on the floor. Bill reached them just as they were resting Rory down and saw he was young, probably not much older than she was. She jumped when the engines started again and stared in astonishment when the unconscious man disappeared.
“What happened?” Bill demanded.
The Doctor sighed, “Medical bay,” before he started off through the corridors.
“There’s a medical bay?”
  The Doctor wondered what had happened to his friend as he hurried through the corridors to the Medical Bay. He missed Rory, the compassionate nurse who had reluctantly come onboard with the woman he loved. Rory, who had become a Roman Centurion after being erased from time and remembered two thousand years which haunted him in a way Amy couldn’t understand.
He wondered when in Rory’s timeline this occurred because the last time he’d seen the other man was just before the Angel threw him back in time. Rory had never mentioned running into one of his future incarnations but the Doctor also knew that the other man could keep a secret if required.
Reaching the Medical Bay he found that the TARDIS had placed Rory on the main bed, the sword sitting on the bench across the room. The Doctor looked down on the patient and checked the scan for any injuries, only half-surprised to find barely a scratch.
“Is he alright?” Bill’s voice came from behind him.
The Doctor turned, “Just exhausted.”
Nardole appeared with a damp cloth to clean Rory but the moment he touched Rory’s face the younger man grabbed Nardole, a dagger appearing from nowhere pressed against Nardole’s throat.
“Sir,” the cry came as Bill called out.
“Rory,” the Doctor moved to him quickly, “It’s okay. You’re safe. The TARDIS brought you to the med bay. Look around.”
Slowly Rory focussed on the room around him and he drew the weapon back from Nardole’s throat.
“Doctor?” Rory asked passing the dagger to the Time Lord.
“It’s okay, Rory. Do you think you can stay upright to have a shower?” the Doctor asked as the door to the right opened to a shower room.
Rory tilted his head defiantly, “I’m not letting anyone else wash me.”
Offering his hand the Doctor helped the other man stand before Rory pulled away and headed to the other room himself.
“Rory,” the Doctor called after him, “Nardole will be here if you need any help.”
  The water cascaded down on Rory at the perfect temperature the way it always was making him smile.
The TARDIS had always looked after him.
He’d known from the start that the vessel they travelled in had a personality but after meeting the TARDIS in person he became much more conscientious in the way he treated her. Making sure he tidied up after himself, he would on occasion talk to her and in return she always looked after him.
Grabbing the bottle of shower gel he started to wash the blood away, the blood of the soldiers he had fought to save innocents because no one else would. After five minutes he was clean and after twenty-five more he felt it.
Switching the water off Rory wrapped the large towel around his body drying quickly before pulling on the clothes that were sitting waiting for him. They were his clothes, ones that had been left in the TARDIS when he was thrown back in time.
Rory stood and stared at himself in the mirror wondering where the boy from Leadworth had gone, that innocent kid who just wanted to help people and love the girl with red hair.
He rested his hand on the wall and felt the gentle thrum go through it, “Thank you. I missed you too.”
Opening the door Rory found the bald-headed man, Nardole, standing waiting for him.
“The Doctor asks that you join him in his office once you’re ready,” he said.
Rory frowned slightly, “He has an office in the TARDIS now?”
“Not exactly.”
Confused Rory followed the strange man out of the medical bay, reluctantly leaving his sword, and out of the TARDIS into an office where the new version of the Doctor sat waiting for him.
  The Doctor assured Bill that it would be fine, she could leave and he would see her tomorrow. His newest companion hesitated but in the end agreed to leave although she did mutter something about keeping the knives hidden on her way out the door.
After another ten minutes the doors to the TARDIS opened and Nardole led Rory out. The Doctor couldn’t help the smile that touched his face seeing Rory before him looking the way he always remembered him. Comfortable denims with a checked shirt, although it did look a little big for him right now, this was Rory once more.
“Nardole, can you get us some tea,” the Doctor said as he motioned the seat across from him to the new arrival.
Nardole nodded and disappeared.
Rory sat down and leaned back studying him for several minutes before saying, “At least you don’t look twelve anymore.”
The Doctor chuckled, “It’s good to see you, Rory.”
“And you’re Scottish,” Rory added, “Interesting. So how long has it been since we travelled together?”
“I think you better answer that one first,” the Doctor noted.
Rory let out a harsh laugh before answering, “The Angels in New York. Amy and I jumped off a building to kill me so I couldn’t be taken but it got me anyway.”
The Doctor stared at him confusion covering his face.
“Amy arrived in the past not long afterwards and we lived a good life together,” Rory continued, “We adopted a son who married a nice woman and we had grandchildren. One night we went to bed, Amy didn’t wake up and then I was sure I had died.”
“Rory,” the Doctor started when the other man trailed off.
“I woke up, in a coffin, the same age I was the first time I met you. I went travelling for a few years. One day while avoiding UNIT I got sucked through a wormhole and ended up where you found me,” Rory finished.
The Doctor stared at him astonished but Nardole choose that moment to arrive with the tea for them. Dismissing Nardole the Doctor quickly poured two cups, automatically fixing Rory’s tea the way he liked it making the other man smile that the Doctor remembered.
  Rory hugged the hot mug to himself watching this new version of his friend watch him over his mug. As he drank Rory began to feel the same comfort he would around the Doctor and found himself asking.
“What am I this time, Doctor?”
“The last time I was a Nestene Duplicate,” he continued, “I seem to keep dying but not dying and I don’t understand.”
“I wish I had some answers for you,” the Doctor replied softly.
Rory pushed his hand through his hair, “How about telling me how you found me because I don’t expect that you came looking for me. I wouldn’t make that mistake twice.”
“The TARDIS brought us to you,” the Doctor told him, “She protected you bringing you inside.”
Rory smiled slightly.
“She has always liked you,” the Doctor chuckled softly.
Rory gave a slight nervous shrug, “That’s good to know,” he bounced off his chair and moved to the window, “So where and when are we?”
“Bristol University, 2017,” the Doctor told him, “But it has been much longer for me since I last saw you and Amy.”
Rory’s head dropped slightly, exhaustion filling him.
“Why don’t you go get some sleep,” the Doctor suggested, “We can talk more in the morning.”
Rory ran his hand through his hair not sure how to voice his fears.
“The TARDIS will keep you safe,” the Doctor read him, “And I promise we won’t move from that spot.”
Rory smiled in relief, “Thank you, Doctor.”
  The Doctor watched Rory as he headed back into the TARDIS, standing he rested his hand on the box.
“Take care of him,” he said smiling as the TARDIS gently hummed in response.
Turning he found Nardole standing there, “Yes.”
“Is he staying?”
“Rory will be here as long as he wants,” the Doctor replied, “He is a friend and the TARDIS itself went to rescue him. He is also the father of River Song, so yes he is staying but...”
“Sir?” the question came as the Doctor trailed off for a moment.
The Doctor grimaced, “I want you to go over all the medical data the TARDIS has on Rory. I want to be able to find out what happened to him.”
Nardole nodded and disappeared again leaving the Doctor sitting at his desk staring at the picture sitting there.
“I’ll look after him, River,” he whispered, “I promise.”
  To his surprise Rory slept deeply from the moment his head hit the pillow in the room the TARDIS guided him to. Thankfully it wasn’t the same one he had shared with Amy.
When he woke the next morning he lay staring at the ceiling wondering what he would do now. Reaching out he placed his hand on the wall, feeling the comforting thrum once more.
“Why did you come and save me?” he whispered to the room, “Why didn’t you come before?”
As he expected there was no answer.
Pulling himself out of bed he had a quick shower and dressed in the clothes he found in the wardrobe, more of his own, before he headed to find the kitchen. Opening the door he found the strange bald man cooking breakfast.
“Hi,” Rory said softly when the man turned to him, “Nardole, right?”
Nardole nodded.
Rory winced at the silent reply, he took another few steps inside, “I’m sorry about...the...em...the knife to the throat yesterday.”
“It’s fine,” Nardole told him, “Do you want something to eat?”
“Please,” Rory smiled slightly.
Taking a seat Rory ate everything put in front of him, amazed how hungry he was.
“The Doctor asked to see you once you’re ready,” Nardole told him.
Rory nodded, “Sure.”
  “Is it safe?”
The Doctor looked up to find Bill standing in the doorway, “Come in, Bill.”
His student walked in and took her usual seat picking up the pen sitting there she idly tapped it off her hand.
“So,” Bill said, “Is everything...okay?”
The Doctor chuckled softly, “Yes, everything is fine.”
“And the guy with the sword?”
“Rory is getting some rest,” the Doctor told her.
Bill leaned back in her seat and frowned, “So, who is he exactly?”
“Rory travelled with me for a while,” the Doctor told her.
“Did he come after you with the sword often?” Bill asked receiving a frown.
“Rory Williams is one of the gentlest people you will ever meet,” he told her, “The sword is unusual but on occasion he has to pick it up to protect people.”
The Doctor stood and started to pace.
“Is he safe then?” Bill asked.
A disapproving frown covered the Doctor’s face but before he could say anything the door to the TARDIS opened and Rory appeared.
“Sorry,” he said nervously, “Am I interrupting something?”
  Rory gripped the door of the TARDIS as he looked out into the small office where the Doctor stood with the young woman he recognised from the day before sitting at the desk.
“How do you feel?” the Doctor asked drawing him out of the TARDIS.
Rory nodded softly, “Better.”
The Doctor rested his hand on his arm, “Good. I’d like you to meet Bill. I’m tutoring her.”
“In what?” Rory couldn’t stop himself asking.
Bill chuckled, “It depends what day it is.”
Rory smiled offering his hand to her, “I know the feeling. It’s nice to meet you.”
“And you,” Bill replied shaking his hand although he could see she was a little nervous about it.
He grimaced realising this was another apology he needed to give, “Sorry if I scared you yesterday. I honestly don’t run around with a sword very often.”
“But this was a special occasion?” Bill smiled slightly making him relax a little more.
“It only seems to happen around the Doctor,” Rory smiled back flashing his friend an amused look.
“And on that note,” the Doctor frowned at him, but Rory could see it was just for show, “We have class. Let’s go, Bill.”
Bill bounced to her feet before turning back, “Do you want to come?” she asked, “Never know what topic he’s going to land on.”
Rory shook his head, “Another time. I have some things to do.”
“I’ll catch up, Bill,” the Doctor told her waiting for the young woman to leave before turning to Rory once more, “The TARDIS stored it in its usual place. Get Nardole to give you a key to the office if you feel like going wandering.”
With a nod he disappeared leaving Rory alone once more.
Heading back into the TARDIS Rory found the room his sword was kept by the TARDIS, it was still covered in blood and he could see nicks in the steel from the other weapons it had clashed with. Taking a seat he began to clean the weapon before sharpening it until it was ready for use. Finally finished he placed it back in the case the TARDIS had created for it and put the equipment away once more.
He was safe in the TARDIS with the Doctor and didn’t need it attached to him at all times anymore.
He just wondered why she’d saved him and what he would do now.
Part Two
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flighty37-blog · 7 years
We’ll Never Survive
Summary: Thanks to the vortex that has followed them from the Manchester flat, and to their newest flat, complete with a universe inside, their female characters, and their scripts and rejected ideas, along with props thrown into it, Dan and Phil discover Dragon Age. What? No Internet? How will they survive? How far does a raven fly? It’d better not be illegal to use so many ravens to carry a lot of scrolls....
Summary 2: This is dedicated to my best friend across the pond, England. Suze....She loves Dragon Age, REALLY LOVES Dragon Age. I love Dan And Phil. Decided to mash fandoms.
Warnings: Swearing.
Rating PG-R
Deaths: None.
Incomplete Fic. Just testing the waters.
Somewhere In London (maybe more central, maybe not) Present Day:
Two nerds, one with dyed black hair and very pale skin, and the other with dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes were synchronised browsing on the sofa.
Each sipping their mugs of coffees respectively, and not even giving a damn about the outside world. As the sun went across their windows, and whittled down the time, they both looked up and over at each other. 
“I’m hungry,” Dan said.
“I’ll go make dinner,” Phil answered.
“I’ll help. God knows what can happen in there. Besides I’ve procrastinated enough for one day,” Dan said.
Phil reached over and felt his friend’s forehead. Dan gave him a look, and pushed his hand off.
“I was just seeing if you were ill; you said you ˜procrastinated enough for one day’. Are you alright? Do I need to ring a physician?” Phil asked.
“The Doctor?,” Dan was slightly hopeful.
“Well, ‘a doctor’....” Phil got up from the sofa, put aside his laptop, remembering to close the lid, and went into the kitchen.  
Glad for the fact they didn’t have a glass door to hit their faces, or heads, on.  Dan came inside and started pawing through the fridge.  
“No they wouldn’t be as fun. I need someone with a TARDIS. You know, because it’s ‘bigger on the inside’™?” Dan said, as he gathered the ingredients together, and started lubricating various pans, and a metal cookie sheet.
They were going to have spaghetti, and Dan liked making the garlic bread.
“That’s what 'she’said,” Phil joked.
“That’s a dead meme,” Dan corrected him.
“I am allowed to say what I want to say,” Phil sniffed.
“Ok,” Dan shrugged and Phil set the water to boil.
Just then a blue shimmering light cascaded from the wormhole that had taken up residence between their fridge and the doorway.
“Uhhh, Phil?” Dan started.
“Yeah?” Phil was browning the meat.
“We’re being summoned,” Dan walked over and tapped Phil’s shoulder, and he turned to face the glowing blue light, as it reached out and sucked them inside its depths.
“This Is Not How I Wanted To Travel Through Time And SPAAAACCCCEEEEE!!!!” Dan’s cries were swallowed in the thin air.
“How Are We Eeeevveennnn Stillll Breeeaattthhhiiinnnnggggggg?” Phil’s voice floated beside him, as their bodies twisted and turned in the swirling vortex of blue, green, gold, brown, red....*THUMP!* they landed. One on top of the other, face down.
“OUCH!” Phil grimaced.
“Get off of me you arse!” Dan reacted, casually pushing Phil off of him.
“Where the hell are we?” Dan asked, as they looked at the barren landscape, that had paper thin snow falling from the sky.
“I dunno. But I’m co-cold,” Phil’s teeth chattered.  
“It was 30C in England!” Dan put his arms around himself, to seal in some warmth.
“Halt! Are you friend or foe!” A new voice rang out, stilling their conversation.
“Hello, we’re....” Dan started.
“I asked if you were friend or foe,” the intimidating voice said, the silhouette cleared, and it was a man coming out of the shadows, brandishing a sword and wearing a fur cloak of some kind. He had blond hair, and very impressive cheekbones.
“WHOA!!” Both guys breathed out.
“He’s so pretty,” Phil whispered.
“SHHH!!!! Don’t let him hear you. He might not like that statement,” Dan hissed at Phil.
“Well he is,” Phil said.
“Maybe you should say handsome? Good looking? Any one of those terms?” Dan asked.
“But we’re all inclusive, non-gender, pro activists,” Phil said.
“Yeah, but I have a feeling that being politically correct will be frowned on,” Dan answered.
“Okay,” Phil said.
“Ahem, we’re friends.” Dan put out a hand, as the tall, broad shouldered man, well he was about their same height, but he was quite intimidating.
The cloak or what have you, made him look taller, and, was he muscular? Dan’s throat caught, and he gulped.
“He’s definitely not Evan Peters,” Phil whispered. 
“Who?” The blond asked, just as a pretty red haired woman in a skin tight shirt, and matching skin tight trousers, greenish grey eyes and a slight willowy, tall build came into view.
The blond man’s face softened.
“Trevelyn, these strangers have just dropped in,” The blond looked confused.
“Have they now? From the Breach? I thought we fixed that?” She mused.
“Uh I’m Dan, and this is Phil,” Dan interrupted, he still had his hand out to shake hands should anyone desire to do so.
“Right, yes, where are our manners?” The redhead answered, shaking Dan’s hand, and Phil’s as well, respectively.
“I’m Inquisitor Trevelyn, and this is Commander Cullen Rutherford, we’re scouting out new fissures, and well it seems we’ve come across one,” She scrutinised them closely.
“Your clothes are odd,” The Commander spoke up.
“Commander Rutherford!” Trevelyn gave him a shake of her head.
“My apologies,” Cullen looked anything but apologetic. If anything, he still looked quite intimidating.
“I wonder how buff he is under that armour and cloak?” Phil wondered.
“Pretty muscular,” Dan concurred.
“They are odd,” the Commander said.
“Not as odd as you are, my love,” Trevelyn tried to whisper, but apparently the Commander’s statement was heard.
“Not as odd as you are dressing like you’re in medieval times, Dan said.
“Dan!” Phil gave him a sharp look of rebuke.
“What are you on about?” Cullen was on the defencive making the two jump back.
“N-Nothing,” Dan managed.
“We’ll bring you back to camp,” Trevelyn decided.
“Is that wise Inquisitor?” Cullen asked.
“We’re not leaving them to freeze Commander,” Trevelyn answered.
“I guess we’re going to camp?” Phil shrugged.
“Do you have internet?” Dan asked.
“What is this ‘internet’ that you speak of? Is it a new way to spy?” Cullen asked, his brows furrowing, and he looked even more intimidating.
“Uhhh some people spy with it,” Dan managed.
Phil looked quite scared, and had put his hands over his mouth.
“Whatever this ‘internet’ is, we do not have it,” Commander Cullen said quite fiercely.
“Oh god, I’m gonna faint,” Dan said, as he started shivering.
“No internet? No Twitter? No Tumblr?” Phil whispered, panicking a bit.
“Catch me!” Dan said.
“What about our phones?” Phil asked.
The two pulled out their phones, checking for a signal.
“What are those? Are those miniature swords?” Cullen plucked the phones out of their hands.
“Dammit! Now I feel naked,” Dan said.
"He-He too-took our ph-phones," Phil said.
“What are phones? Trevelyn was curious.
“They.... Well we talk to other people with them; if you please?” Dan held out his hand, and Trevelyn got them from Commander Cullen, and gave them back to Dan.
“Here, like this,” Dan put the phone up to his ear. Phil mimed dialing, and put his up to his own ear, “Then you talk....” The two mimed talking into a phone with lots of hand gestures.
“Useless,” Cullen scoffed.
“If they worked, which they don’t.... They wouldn’t be useless,” Dan huffed. 
“Come along,” Trevelyn said, as they walked back with the two, and came upon some horses.
“Oh no!” Phil said.
“Not horses,” Dan said.
“What is wrong with horses? They are quite useful in the snow, and getting us back to camp,” Cullen spoke up, as he assessed the two young men before him.
He assumed they were male, as they had strange haircuts and even stranger clothing. They reminded him, a bit, of Cole. Cole was odd, but he was harmless. Let him just hope that these two were harmless as well. They could be demons in disguise. Cole would know. He was a spirit.  
“One behind the Inquisitor, one behind me, hold on tight,” Commander Cullen said, as the two got situated on the backs of the steeds.
“How tightly do I need to hold?” Phil asked, as he gently put his arms around the man’s waist to stay on.
“Tight, but not too tight. Enough to hold yourself to the equine steed. I will let you know if you start to slip off,” Cullen answered, and glanced over at the Inquisitor.
She was gently guiding Dan’s hands to her waist, and wrapped them just so. He knew there wasn’t anything romantic in what she did. She saved her romance for him, only for him, and he returned the favour. They were just ensconcing these two into the camp, where they would be closely watched. And should danger arise, he knew that Cole, or Varric, or even Iron Bull would alert him to the trouble.
Firstly thus they must be outfitted in armour and overlying layers of cloth. Not his coat. For his coat was what made him a commander. No, perhaps they could be runners? He needed some more. His runners were becoming short of supply.
This damned War. He shook his head, as they trotted off. But his passenger started making gurgling sounds.
“I’m not very good with motion,” the person, Phil? What an odd name; spoke up as a disgusting sound filled the Commander’s ears.
“Maker’s Breath! Please tell me that, that was a figment of my imagination?” Cullen asked, as he turned his head sideways and found a green faced man, with a hand over his mouth. Surely his stomach could not be that weak.
“I’ve got trouble with motion sickness,˜Phil’ said. Just as the Inquisitor cantered alongside him and gave Cullen a quizzical look.
‘Dan’ spoke, “Phil are you okay?”
“No! Motion sick, and I didn’t even bring my pillow, and I.... chunks,” Phil finished lamely.
“We’ll be at camp soon. You can have a lie down,” Dan said.
“I-I hope I can survive the ride,” Phil chuckled nervously.  
Both the Inquisitor and Commander shook their heads at each other. They, all four, arrived at the camp in more or less one piece. Someone took their horses, the Inquisitor went off to do something, and it was up to Cullen to outfit the two in something more proper
“You will want to dress,” Cullen said in what was his ’offhanded manner’.
“What’s wrong with my black jeans and black shirt?” Dan asked.
“For one it’s unnatural, for two, you are shivering,” Cullen looked in askance.
“But black makes him feel safe,” the other spoke up.
“Shhh Phil. If we’re here we might as well blend in,” Dan suggested.
“Ah yes, and you will be free to walk about. Do Not touch anything, or it will be upon your heads,” Cullen advised.
They mutely nodded, and Cullen walked them to the outfitters’ station.
“We need two runners’ uniforms,” Cullen ordered.
“Where did you find these two?” The outfitter was trying not to snicker.
“They were lost, the Inquisitor and I thought it best that they be brought here. However, they need other clothes,” Cullen answered.
“Of course,” The outfitter nodded, and left the three to themselves.
Things were awkward to say the least.
“What do ‘runners’ look like?” Phil wondered.
How should I know? I hope that whatever they’re putting us in, is aesthetically pleasing,” Dan answered.
“Me too. I like to match,” Phil replied as they waited.
“What about my jeans? They’d better not burn them!” Dan was suddenly in panic mode.
“Our jeans!” Phil put a hand over his mouth in shock.
“Maybe we can hide them? Or wear them underneath our new clothes?” Dan was now in planning mode. 
The person came back with flappy looking robes and some armour.
“Oh....No!” Dan said, and shook his head vigorously.
“It can’t be that bad,” Phil said.
“Can’t....be... That...BAD?! Why the hell do you have to be so optimistic?” Dan held the fabric between his thumb and forefinger.
“I suggest you put the metal shoulder on first, and then fold the robe a bit, and fit it over....You’re the tallest runners we’ve ever had. I do hope you’re fast,” the outfitter said.
“Running?” Phil gulped.
“I am not running....Exercise, is evil!” Dan stated.
“How are we going to run anyway?” Phil asked.
“The best way we know how. Without falling over and dying,” Dan replied.
“How?” Phil asked.
“I don’t know!” Dan sighed. This was not something he was looking forward to at all.
Meantime in the Inquisitor’s tent:
Everyone was milling about. The Inquisitor and Cullen were shooting meaningful glances at each other, and though the whole of them; Josephine, Cassandra, Varric, and Iron Bull knew about them, they were very anxious to know what had happened during their scouting.
“Well?” Cassandra asked, and folded her arms across her chest.
“More fissures have opened,” Trevelyn answered.
“I thought the problem was taken care of?” Cassandra said, and looked between both Cullen and Trevelyn.
“As did I. But apparently not, and two strangers fell through. Though I believe, they are from a different time,” Cullen started pacing.
“Strangers?” Iron Bull was on the alert now, he and Varric exchanged glances.
“Harmless to be sure, but just in case, we’ll have Cole befriend them,” Cullen answered.
“Cole would be excellent. He has a nose for these things. He can read their minds,” Cassandra nodded.  
“Where is he? Cassandra asked.
“He was sniffing about the food carts,” Varric said.
“I am here, though you do not notice me, I still watch. I still observe,” Cole stepped out from the shadows.
“Right. Uh, Cole, we have an important assignment for you. If you will take it,” Trevelyn kindly said.
“Of course, Inquisitor. I have seen those two men you are thinking about . They are odd. Like me. I am glad they are odd,” Cole said unexpectedly, making the Inquisitor smile.
“Just make friends with them,” Cullen said, a bit impatiently.
“I would very much like to be their friend,” Cole answered, and disappeared.
“Well that’s them sorted. I would like to see them,” Iron Bull said, his muscles rippling.
“They assessed my handsomeness,” Cullen sniffed, and looked quite disapproving.
“Well Commander, they are not wrong. You are a fine specimen. It’s a shame I can not hold your affections, nor the Inquisitor’s. Though I have tried,” Iron Bull smirked.
“I am sorry, Bull I prefer...” Trevelyn smiled ever so slightly at Cullen, who returned it with an imperceptible nod, and continued pacing.
“Yes, your preferences have been duly noted,” Bull grinned and was silent. He continued to smirk however.
“You will find them in....” The Inquisitor stilled her voice, as Cole had disappeared in a puff of smoke.
“Are they to be given free rein?” Josephine asked.
“Only so far. Like with Cole. We’ll have to keep an eye on them at all times. We need some new runners,” the Inquisitor spoke up.
“Ahh yes, runners, we’ve been going through a lot of them lately.
“Seems the opposition does not like our meddling,” Cassandra smirked a bit.
“They are efficient,” Trevelyn put in.
“Of course they’re efficient, and they bring and send messages. But can these two be trained in the right way? Will they prove their salt?” Josephine mused.
“If they are trained by the correct people. Varric, The Iron Bull, and I, will train them,” Cullen said.
“But you have got so many under your command, Cullen; is that wise of you?” Varric asked.
“I am the best at my chosen profession,” Cullen answered without preamble.  
“Nobody doubts your proficiency Cullen. Just do not take on more than you can handle,” Trevelyn said, as she began pacing as well.
In the Runner’s Station:
Cole reappeared, but he didn’t let the clothier see him. He sneaked behind some boxes, until he came upon the two out of timers. He looked up at them from under his wide brimmed hat with a metal overlay. He was quiet, he wouldn’t let them see him for a while. He needed to read their thoughts, he needed to say the thoughts out loud.
He was looking forward to helping them. They did need help. This was not their time. Their minds were racing with, ‘computers’, and ˜laptops’, and ‘web cameras’, and something called ‘The Internet’. Whatever ‘phones’ were, and ‘Audience’, ˜Phans’, and ‘Community’.
He was curious. His interest was piqued. He was trying to formulate how to work out the words, and draw their interest, then make them forget.
He smiled at himself, emitting a low chuckle. He made it so that they could see him.
“The fuck?!” Dan jumped, and placed a hand over his heart.
Phil covered his face with his hands and his eyes widened.
“Oh God! Your hat! It’s...” Dan tried to think of something nice to say.
“Your hat is wide brimmed and cloth and metal, and fabulous,” Phil helped.
“Yeah, thanks Phil,” Dan said.
“You’re welcome,” Phil said, and circled Cole.
“Why are you going in circles? Shouldn’t you stand still? Won’t you fall?” Cole asked.
“I don’t feel dizzy,” Phil answered.
“You are an odd one, like me. You’ve got a way with words, making them spiral up and down like a delightful snowfall,” Cole’s eyes sparkled.
“I make poems on accident,” Phil confirmed.  
Cole turned to Dan furrowing his brows,
“And, you, you feel as if you’ve not got a soul. But your soul flickers like a torch; and you are very kind. But you think you are an awful human, but you are not. If you were awful, he would not be your friend. He would have thrown you out of the....What is a ‘flat’? Is it truly flat? Do you stand in a corner? Are you not cold?” Cole started doing his thinking/reading minds thing.
It was what he did.
“May I ask you more questions?” Cole asked almost without preamble, as the two side glanced at each other.
“Of course,” Phil said, a bit too brightly.
“I reckon," Dan was much more cautious, but they had both ‘agreed’ through one of their ‘eye conversations’ that he was allowed. Cole seemed safe.  
“What is the ‘Inter-net’?” Cole made the word into two syllables. ”Also, what are phones? What are Phans? What...” He stopped as they started chuckling.
“Are they jokes?” Cole was thoroughly confused.
“It all depends on how full you think the glass is. Some are jokes, some are serious,” Dan tried to explain.
“But you see the internet....” Phil put a finger to his chin in a thinking pose.
“I see waves of something that will give you a right shock,  and black and white snow,” Cole, suddenly, announced.
“You see waves?” Dan was intrigued.
“The black and white snow is called static,” Phil put in.
“Static? I like that,” Cole nodded, and he smiled a little.
“We have a question,” Dan started.
“Yes?” Cole furrowed his brows.  
“What are runners?” Phil asked.
“And why are they important?” Dan asked right after. 
“Runners carry secret messages back and forth,”�� Cole said. “And they use ravens,” Cole added.
“Ravens?” Dan asked.
“Probably like Twitter,” Phil answered.
“Twitter?” Cole looked confused again.
“Part of the waves and the black and white snow,” Phil answered, as he and Cole seemed to be on equal, lateral thinking ground.
“Ahhh,” Cole still looked quite confused, but he was trying to understand.
“See we use a thing called ‘Twitter’ that gives you small messages back and forth,” Dan started.
“And it’s got a blue square with a white bird as a mascot,” Phil replied.
“Ahhh, and the bird...One moment..” Cole closed his eyes and nodded. “Ahhh yes, it looks a bit like a raven,” Cole picked up his sentence and looked deep into Dan and Phil’s eyes.
“But these are going to be real live birds that we have to handle, and I don’t think they have latex gloves here Phil!” Dan started getting panicky again.
“Calm down, if I can tame the pigeons at our flat, then I can handle a raven,” Phil said, looking absolutely delighted at the prospect of using a raven.
Dan breathed in and out of his nose, his heart was racing and he felt the flight or fight instinct start kicking in. “I am not going near medieval disease ridden birds!” Dan spluttered out.
“Abidda badda....Shhhhhh....Calm Down!” Phil put a hand towards Dan’s mouth to silence his friend. Dan went cross eyed, and glared at Phil. His eyebrows giving his face a dark look
“Don’t you pout at me. I’m saying if we’re ever separated, and I’m sure we will be, we will be able to still communicate. Using a quill and ink will be horrible. But it’ll be fun! Think of it like an adventure!” Phil looked absolutely giddy.
“You’re so full of fucking joy I could hurl chunks right now!” But even Dan was sort of starting to warm up to the idea.
Cole looked back and forth between the two friends, the arguing was almost, if not, quite as entertaining as when the Commander and the Inquisitor argued. He could tell that though these two were arguing, they were so close that they were not really angry with each other.
“The birds are quite tame,” Cole offered.
“Seeeeee!” Phil gestured.
“Seeeeeeee....What?!” Dan bit out.
“The birds are tame, and we won’t have any trouble tying on the messages to their legs,” Phil answered.
“Oh no, our ravens carry the messages between their beaks,” Cole spoke again.
“I’ll get bit, but I’ll learn,” Phil nodded.
“I’m not getting bit by diseased medieval birds!” Dan yelped out again.
“They are gentled, they will not bite,” Cole tried to assuage the youngling’s fear, and patted Dan’s shoulder, a bit roughly, for Dan lurched forward.
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