#I will be honesty I forgot about the WIP until you brought this up
waywardstation · 2 years
All joking aside a fic about Akari having a slip of the tongue in front of Ingo would be interesting. For their reactions alone and especially Ingo trying to process the situation. They both care for each other but I think it would still crash his brain a little realizing how much she cares for him. And Akari being embarrassed since she’s worried about overstepping a line.
(OR if we take the Uncle route he might have a brief memory of Drayden and/or Emmet and him spending time with him on top of his brain crashing)
I do have a WIP that actually focuses on this same thing; it involves Ingo and Akari at the Jubilife Festival at the end of the game. (And it’s either going to explain why Ingo’s not in the photo, or ignore it and say he’s in there. I haven’t decided yet)
It came from a few requests, and I’ve been sitting on it for a while because I’m struggling with the dialogue, but it does deal with Akari initially calling him an uncle (a few times) at the festival, before admitting to seeing him like a very close family member in private. Lots of hugs to follow haha
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I can’t remember when I started the WIP initially, but I know this drawing I did influenced it a lot!
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fountainpenguin · 6 years
Can we see more pictures of your sims game? It looks so fun! Anything you’ve built that you want to share?
*Slides you the goods*
The houses will also be on the sideblog shown from several angles, but here are some basic previews. All the items are things I’ve saved up for and bought, or obtained in events, so it’s… very rewarding to complete these, heh heh.
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Timmy’s house - Main floor
Please notice Dad’s trophy (“Father Time”) in Dad’s sewing room (“Mice Capades”) and the fact that the laundry room is on the main floor (“Dust Busters”). The kitchen appliances move around in canon, but you get the idea.
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Timmy’s house - Upper floor
I turned the space above the garage into the attic (modeled after “I Dream of Cosmo”) instead of building a third floor for it. I’m extremely proud of that mezzanine. Timmy’s bathroom changes colors throughout the series, but I went with pink because of “Fairly Odd Baby.”
His parents have the green bathroom and the blue one is downstairs. His parents’ bedroom is modeled after “Dread and Breakfast.” That purple room over there is for Tommy and Tammy, since they’re in my game. In Riddleverse canon they live in the basement, but I haven’t built it yet. In canon, that’s probably where the entrance to the attic is.
Timmy’s parents’ bedroom is seen in the episodes “Dread and Breakfast” and “Dog Gone,” though I wasn’t able to place the door across from the bed as it is in the show. They also have lamps on the nightstands, but I took them out to move things and forgot to put them back when I took this picture. The lamp at the end of the upper hall is also a “Dread and Breakfast” ref.
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Chloe’s house - Main floor
Chloe’s canon house is quite interesting… All the floors are wood, even in her bedroom and the kitchen. Interesting choice considering her family. The green kitchen was based off the glimpse we saw in “Which Is Wish?”
Hands-down my favorite part of Chloe’s house is the fact that instead of a TV across from the couch, there’s just an elaborate painting of a unicorn.
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Chloe’s house - Upper floor
I haven’t figured out what to do with that brick room in the back yet (Probably make it a laundry room), and her parents’ bedroom is still bare, but this is pretty nice overall. I like how Chloe’s room takes up 50% of the whole floor.
I didn’t place Chloe’s bathroom along the same wall as the hallway like it’s shown in canon (which doesn’t even make sense anyway), so I went with the next best thing.
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Blue Castle - Main floor
You can see Foop over there sitting in the camarilla court’s dining room (“Fairly Odd Baby”). The TV room with the big red couch was mentioned in my one-shot “Not All the Same.” There’s a smaller reading room nearby that was mentioned in the one-shot as well. 
The great hall is here with all its tables, as well as the head tables for the High Count, High Countess, their heir, and the First General to sit (with mirrors behind them to symbolize transparency and honesty). You can see some statues in the hallway by the stairs. I’m very proud of the kitchen and the secret passages. You can’t see it well from this angle, but there’s a potion cauldron in there that represents the bottomless cauldron of the Dagda before Anti-Cosmo lost it.
In the back, you can glimpse Anti-Wanda in the High Countess office, with the High Count office beyond it. It cost me around 6 million Simoleons to build the entire Castle (which is three floors at the moment) and I’m very pleased.
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Crocker household - Main floor
Pretty self-explanatory! Building it was a lot of fun, and my one complaint is that I couldn’t put the basement stairs where I imagine them, so they’re kind of just… over there in the corner. I built this house before I started writing Come What May, so that fanfic is accurate to this house design.
The cat by Kevin’s feet is Smokey (“Timmy’s Secret Wish”). Girlfriend is a siamese and she lives here too.
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Crocker household - Upper floor
SPOILERS! Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in the mystery room in Come What May… Imagine it being absolutely cluttered, but it basically looks like that. The flying broom closet is in there, as well as a gaming system, a desk, and a bed that looks like a coffin because I couldn’t resist. Let’s say Foop brought that in.
The only reason the mystery room exists in Come What May is because when you build a second floor, you can’t get rid of the blank rooms that get built above the main floor… so I put it to good use. The one on the other side of the house isn’t really there.
I went with the canon from “Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker” that Denzel’s room is above the garage. In the back corner of the house is the room where Kevin is currently staying. It was Denzel’s bedroom when he was a kid, and became Kevin’s mom’s bedroom after Denzel moved out.
You can see the creepy grandfather clock at the end of the hall, with its one light hanging above it. That’s the clock from “The Old Man and the C-”
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Crocker household - Crocker Cave
This is as far as I got before I started working on the castle, and I haven’t gone back and expanded it (Basements are really expensive). Still, you get the idea. The laundry area was based on the episode “Crock Talk.”
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Ambassador cabin - Exterior
Goldie’s ambassador cabin from the one-shot “All I Ever Wanted” (though it should be in the woods, not the beach).
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Ambassador cabin - Main floor
I’m not a big fan of the island villa because it’s super cramped, but I remodeled it from the default A LOT and I’m pretty pleased with how it came out. Goldie’s office is worth noting, as well as that lovely lounge area. Must be a nice place to hang out.
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Ambrosine’s house
One of our important locations in Origin of the Pixies. Emery’s room used to be H.P.’s room until he moved out. Please appreciate my entrance hall, diagonal chair by the fireplace, wooden bathtub, and pet rabbit out back. Also, forgive the high-tech fridge… I put it in there to feed someone and forgot to take it out, whoops. The black cupboard in the kitchen is supposed to be the fridge.
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China’s house - Main floor; still a WIP
Still working on this one, but it’s coming along nicely. H.P.’s office is up front on the right, China’s on the left. The trellis in the back is where they were married, and I included the shed they took their wedding photos in front of.
I’d like to turn one of my apartments into Pixies Inc. headquarters… I drew a floorplan on paper, but I’m not sure how well I can make it work. We’ll see. The other apartment might be turned into the Spellementary School dorm. I have the Water Temple partially built as well.
And yeah, it is really fun! It’s completely free to play, but it’s the kind of app I’d be willing to spend a small amount of money on if there was something that I really, really wanted, because the gameplay and graphics delight me. The quests are lots of fun and the create-a-sim customization options are plentiful enough to keep me happy. I’ve put a LOT of effort into obtaining all the pajamas and collecting all the special event hairstyles, let me tell you.
Sims Freeplay was my first entrance into the Sims, so I’m not sure how it compares to the main Sims games, but I enjoy it on a daily basis and I highly recommend it. I’ve maxed out to the highest possible level at the moment (55) so I can’t earn any more XP unless they come out with a new update that lets me, but I still enjoy earning the moneys so I can build some fun buildings.
I chose not to complete the Seniors quest because I didn’t want to progress to the quest that forces aging and death, so my one complaint is that the automatic aging feature can’t be turned off once you obtain it. However, if you don’t complete the quest, you don’t have to worry about your Sims ever dying. I want to live in my fantasy town for a while longer.
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