#I wish she hadn’t told me that? bc now I know my boss was angry the whole day and probably told the other coworkers or
#i fucked up at work#like I know my boss was pissed because I had to take a week off because of Corona but like it’s the end of the month and we are swamped with#work and I made a mistake with my calculations and no one noticed until I high off my mind at 8 am bc of medicine#told her and she was pissed and I understand it’s my fault like I shouldn’t have made my calculations that way without consulting her and I#had a panic attack and nearly bawled#and then now one of my coworkers calls me to check up on me bless her heart and she said she heard our boss call me and how angry she was#and she said it was no an excuse for her because it was wrong for her to belite me on the phone but like#I wish she hadn’t told me that? bc now I know my boss was angry the whole day and probably told the other coworkers or#get angry with them and I cannot help but feel guilty and cry and get anxiety attacks all over again because I can’t fuck yo this job#i need this job I like this job I get PAID as I deserve and I can’t lose that I can’t go back to earn 5 dollars every two hours I can’t#i can’t lose this job and I can’t stop hyperventilating and it’s my fault and I don’t know what to do I just can’t concentrate on anything#it’s not my fault I got covid it’s not I wear my mask always I barely take it off to drink water but I still got it and it’s not my fault#my family already makes me believe it was my fault I didn’t need this today I just I can’t fuck up this job I can’t
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chibsytelford · 4 years
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Requested by anon /// Hello! I wanted to request an angst imagine with Juice, please. Where the reader and him get into a fight (over something pretty small) but the reader has been stressed over work & on top of that just found out she's pregnant, but hasn't told juice anything abt either of those bc she was once told she was a bother (or something) and she ends up frustrated crying and telling him all of it. They make up and it ends fluffy?
Authors Note - I kept this pretty short. Not sure how I feel about this but I wanted to write it. I’m currently half asleep but I hope I did this request justice anon!
Taglist - @agirllovespasta @everyhowlmarksthedead @rebel-without-cause-x @sheeshgivemeabreak @blessedboo @sadeyesgf @angelreyesgirl @thisishowdynastiesareborn @xx--day-dreamer--xx @trulysuccubus @minnicelli @gemini0410 @ottosuricato @starrynite7114 @jadesamhart @fangirlingaesthetics @thewarriorprincessxo @talicat713 @lady-pswrld​ @scuzmunkie​ @angelxshiba​ @destynelseclipsa​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ - if you would like added to my taglist just send me a message :) 
Tired was an understatement. You have had the week from hell at work. Your boss had been working you extra hard for no apparent reason other than he is a tosser. You would have left ages ago but you love your co-workers and the pay was good. The job was good too. The boss was the only downside.
You hadn’t told Juice about your boss being rude because you knew he would round the Sons up and kill the man so you decided it would be best if you kept quiet. Truthfully you hated telling Juice anything because your last boyfriend didn’t listen to a word you said and made you feel like a bother whenever you spoke. You hadn’t told Juice that either. You knew in a way you were lying to him by withholding this information but you don’t want Juice to know how insecure you are.
You also hadn’t told Juice you were pregnant. You only found out a few days ago after missing your period, but you knew he was so busy with the club that you didn’t want to distract him so you decided to keep it to yourself for now. You had planned on telling him some point soon but you were not sure when.
You were currently sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Juice to get home. He told you he would be home at 6 and it was currently 615. You knew 15 minutes late wasn’t an issue but when he walked in the door you couldn’t help but snap at him.
“Where have you been?” you stood up from the table and walked over to him.
“I’m sorry, I lost track of time for a second” he said as he took his boots and kutte off. “How was your day?”
“How do you think my fucking day was?” you snapped back at him. You instantly hated yourself for taking your bad week out on your boyfriend. He had done nothing wrong but you just needed to be angry at someone or something.
“You don’t tell me anything about your work so how am I supposed to know Y/N?” he answered as he got himself a beer from the fridge.
You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore and as soon as Juice saw you crying he ditched his beer and pulled you in for a hug.
“Shhh, what’s wrong?” Juice was panicking. He had never seen you cry before and he looked a bit out of his depth.
“It’s nothing, I’m just tired” you brushed it off and wiped the tears away. “I’m sorry for crying”
Juice’s heart broke right then. “You never have to be sorry for showing emotions or crying” he said as he stroked your hair. “Please talk to me”
You took his hand and lead him to the living room and sat down on the sofa. “Are you sure you want to hear my problems? It won’t bother you?” you wondered.
“Of course it won’t, I want you to be able to tell me everything”. Juice turned himself so he was now facing you, showing you he was interested in listening to what you had to say. He intertwined your fingers with his and urged you gently to speak.
“My boss has been giving me so much work the last week. He is only giving it to me and demands it to be finished by the end of the day no matter how long it takes me” you took a deep breath “I’m just so tired”
Juice went from being angry to upset in the space of a few seconds. He knew you were too good to be working where you do, and he secretly wished you would leave and get a better job with a boss who appreciates you.
“Why don’t you leave?” he asked you. You knew now was the right time to tell him.
“I will work up until my maternity leave and then I won’t go back” you looked up into Juice’s eyes and it took him a second to understand what you were saying.
“Maternity? You’re pregnant!?” The smile on his face was huge and very contagious and soon you were both smiling and laughing and hugging each other.
“Y/N, this is the best news ever! When did you find out?” he asked.
“A couple of days ago. I didn’t want to tell you straight away because I didn’t want you to be distracted from the club, I didn’t want to bother you” Juice’s smile soon dropped from his face.
“I swear to god whoever made you like this has a surprise coming to them” Juice made a mental note in his head to find out who it was at a later time. Right now all he wanted to do was celebrate your pregnancy together. “I love you so much Y/N, never feel like you’re bothering me. You will always come before the club, and our baby will too” Juice put one hand on your tummy and he cupped your cheek with the other. “What did I do to deserve someone like you?” he smiled.
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solalunar-eclipse · 4 years
Scars You Can’t See - Chapter 2
Chapter title: Escape (from the city)
Word count: about 3500
Some small word choice has been edited.
If you’re here from the updated first chapter, please scroll down to the bolded line! The story continues there.
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Rouge looked out the window cautiously, sliding along the wall and peering around the window frame. She snapped the curtain shut a second later, spinning to face the others. Her eyes were wide. “Crap. They’re here. G.U.N. is here. They want the file- and us, probably. Chaos...I wonder if they want to ‘disappear’ us like in those spy movies.”
“Now who isn’t helping?” Omega said snarkily, aware that Shadow seemed to be on the verge of an actual panic attack. 
Rouge glowered at him, before ignoring his comment entirely. “Alright, we probably have a few minutes, max, before they break down the door and try to get us. Omega, start packing. We need nonperishable food and water in case we can’t show ourselves in public, and we’ll want money. Hang on to our office supplies, too- we might need those. I am going to talk to Shadow and try to help him out a little. Good? Be ready to go in five.”
She sat Shadow down on the couch. His body was shaking slightly and his breathing was unsteady.
“Okay, hon, what’s got you so stressed?”
He shivered silently, refusing to speak- he could be very stubborn when he wanted to be.
Rouge rubbed his back cautiously. “Talk to me, Shadow. Just talk. We can work on solving everything later, but you’ve got to get it out there so that I can help. Please?”
Shadow gave in. Again. His friends were far too good at getting him to open up- words spilled from his mouth faster than he could say them, crashing into each other. “It- it all started when I had to carry the guns again- they were barely tolerable during the invasion, but now all they do is remind me of that day- I can’t help but remember that it was them who did it all to me…”
His voice was tight, but he fought past it. “It makes me sick thinking about it, and the idea that they could do that again. But- they have the power, I don’t want everyone to hate me...what if- what if they do it, tell the world lies about me to retaliate for outing them, and Tails, Silver, Sonic can’t look at me the same? What if they believe G.U.N.?”
Rouge kept her hand on his shoulder, not sure of what else she could do. The bat knew she had only scratched the surface of his struggles, and it was already painful for her to watch. “They won’t! They would never, I can tell you that. Right now, though, we have to focus on making sure we get the word out about this so that G.U.N. can’t do it again, alright? One step at a time. Then we’ll deal with whatever comes next. And I promise Omega and I will always be here for you, no matter what.”
“If you say so...okay.” Shadow sighed. He could deal with this more later. Right now, the agents were here, ready to hurt his friends. They had to run, and Rouge and Omega would support him through everything. That could hold him together. For now.
Omega appeared in the doorway. “Are you ready to go? I do not wish to be turned into scrap metal.”
“Yes.” Shadow said, his voice slightly stronger. “Let’s get out of here.”
------------------------------ STORY CONTINUES HERE ---------------------------------
The three jumped into the high-tech convertible from earlier- now plus two impressively packed suitcases- and peeled out of the garage at full speed. Rouge was driving, since Shadow still wasn’t at a hundred percent. They could all hear the G.U.N. agents shouting behind them as they drove wildly away, but Rouge forced herself to focus on the road despite them.
The hybrid picked up his phone, knowing what he had to do next. It didn’t make this any better, though.
He dialed the number.
“Hello. This is Shadow.”
“Hi, Shads! What’s up! You busy?” an instantly recognizable voice chirped.
“I am in fact busy at the moment. That is why I am calling.”
“Aw, really?” Sonic sounded disappointed. “I was gonna ask if you could come over and race.”
“I’m afraid I cannot. Rouge, Omega and I are currently trying our best to not be captured by about twenty angry G.U.N. agents, so racing is… not an option right now.”
He heard a gasp from the other end of the line. “What?! Wait, what happened? Is there anything you need?”
Shadow smiled faintly- that was Sonic, always looking out for others. “Omega stole some files on my sister and her death. We spoke to G.U.N. beforehand, and they refused to do anything about their actions or even admit wrongdoing, so. We’re calling them out on it by finding proof of what they did.”
“They wouldn’t apologize? For that?!” Sonic yelled. “Jerks! I can’t believe you work for them!”
“Well, I strongly suspect that we are all fired, so that solves that problem.” Shadow replied dryly.
“Good! But you should’ve quit- show them who’s boss! If you need a place to stay while you’re taking them out, you can come crash with us, y’know.”
“That is a kind offer, Sonic, but I’m afraid I must turn you down. G.U.N. is already going to come in and question both you and Tails, and I don’t want you getting in any more trouble than you need.”
Sonic groaned. “Ugh, this whole thing sounds like one of those overly complicated super-secret missions you guys always go on. Or used to go on, whatever. There isn’t any butt-kicking in any of this- wish there was some dude I could beat up and then it’d be fixed.”
Shadow’s smile grew wider. “If only.” Then it faded. “I hope you understand why I won’t be able to tell you where we’re going or what our plans are from now on. The less you know, the safer you are. Despite this, don’t let G.U.N. take you or anyone else anywhere. You might not come back.”
He heard the skepticism in Sonic’s voice. “Seriously? You think so?”
“I know so. Be careful, Sonic. These people aren’t crazy geniuses- they’re ruthless destroyers. Trust me. And...we’re all going to shut down our phones. We could be tapped or tracked at any time. We’ll only call in from public phones or the like.”
“Oh, chaos….this really is serious, isn’t it?” Sonic’s voice was small. “Hang on, put me on speaker.”
Shadow did. “You’re on now.”
“Guys?” Sonic said. “You’re all awesome- I know you’re gonna make them pay. Just don’t die on me, we need you for movie night.” he said, only half joking.
“We will do our best.” Omega replied.
“Tell Knux I love him, ‘kay?” Rouge shouted. 
“Will do!” Sonic replied, giggling. 
Shadow took him off speaker and told him so. 
“Sonic…stay safe. Please. I know you like to be the one who saves the day, but not this time, alright?”
The hero sounded tense. “Fine. But if I don’t hear from you guys for three days, I’m gonna start freaking out. You hear me?”
Shadow laughed bitterly. “I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. I’d hate to come back and find your house destroyed.”
“Yeah…” Sonic said weakly.
The hybrid sighed. “I suppose I must go now. Tell everyone else, alright? I’ll confirm what you say via text before I shut down my phone.”
“Okay. Bye, Shads- talk to ya later!” Sonic made an effort to sound cheerful.
“Talk to you soon.” Shadow said, and then he ended the call.
Rouge grinned. “Awww, that’s sweet. Done talking to your boyfriend, Shadow?”
“He is not my boyfriend!” Shadow roared, blushing. “We’re only rivals, Rouge, get that idea out of your head now!”
“Suuure~” Rouge said, laughing at Shadow’s embarrassment.
They became serious again quickly, however. Rouge hadn’t quite managed to lose the agents yet. She drove through two alleyways (“I just cleaned the car yesterday…” Omega complained), ran several red lights, and played one horrible game of chicken with a streetcar before they were able to get away.
Shadow had nearly had multiple heart attacks by the time that was over.
He heard his phone ping with a message while he was in the middle of switching off the other two. Of course Rouge had the latest iCall 11, while Omega had a 10 that Rouge had gifted him.
Shadow himself had a Candystripe (shameful, he knew, but they were easier for him to use), and that was at least partly why the group always messaged through Entropy.
He opened it up to see Sonic’s ten texts.
sanic: hey guys shads just called
he & rouge & omega are running from gun
they stole some important files about maria (sorry about the name drop shadow)
& gun got stupid mad
they wouldn’t say sorry or do anything about what they did to her either
so i really wanna beat someone up for that ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
team dark is kinda scared for their lives now bc of gun so we can’t text them for a while or anything cuz they’re turning off their phones
oh and knux rouge says she loves u
i’d make a joke but tbh i’m actually freaking out a little rn
this sounds crazy i kno but it’s true
milesperhour: Wait, what? Are you serious??
andknuckles: Rouge, stay safe, alright
Don’t get hurt
Shadow smirked. “Your boyfriend wants you to stay safe. He’s worried.”
Rouge blushed. “He’s sweet, isn’t he?”
notclairvoyantjustpsychic: WHAT 
edgehog: Yes, they did. Unfortunately. I’ve passed your message along, Knuckles. Please don’t scream, Silver.
Goodbye for now. We’ll get in touch later.
Shadow shut off his phone after that, but not before he saw one last private text.
sanic: i’m gonna miss u shads…. T-T
Shadow sighed quietly as he and his friends drove out of the city. He and Sonic had grown pretty close, and the blue hero was the only person outside of Team Dark whom he truly trusted.
He would most definitely miss Sonic as well.
Once the three had driven for the rest of the day- Omega took over once Rouge got tired- they pulled off into a small motel out in the plains of the United Federation.
A neon “Vacant” sign flickered faintly as the wind rushed through the golden fields. The sign for Cloud 9 Motel was faded and weatherbeaten, and there was only one other car in the parking lot. The sandstone-colored building was shaped like a blocky U, the front desk vaguely visible through clouded windows.
Shadow walked over to the motel doors and pushed them open, pulling out some money to pay for a room. Omega went with him- the robot needed to charge, and Rouge wanted some privacy for a minute.
The bat found an old pay phone off to the side and took a turn calling Knuckles. She stood there quietly, watching the sunset as she waited for him to pick up.
“Hi, sweetie.”
“Rouge?! It’s you?” She heard him shout away from the phone. “Sonic! Tails! It’s Rouge calling!”
She smiled quietly, but couldn’t quite bring herself to laugh. “You’re with your friends, hm?”
“Yeah- we’re figuring out what to do.”
Rouge frowned. “Don’t do anything- didn’t Sonic tell you what Shadow said? This is dangerous!”
Knuckles scoffed. “Dangerous? I led the Resistance against the Eggman Empire! Don’t talk to me about danger!”
Rouge facepalmed. She loved Knuckles so, so much, but he could be such an idiot sometimes.
“Yes, but the difference is, Eggman launched full-scale attacks that you could plan for. G.U.N. will not hesitate to shoot you in the back as you hang out with your friends.” 
“People would do that?!” Knuckles shouted. He was still awfully naive about the world, and Rouge tended to forget this occasionally.
“They absolutely would. I need you to promise me that you, Sonic, and Tails will stay out of this.”
“But what about you?” he asked. “And Omega and Shadow?”
“I see you’re even worried about him, hm? Well, don’t worry about us- we’re used to dealing with these guys.” Rouge snickered. 
Knuckles groaned. “I don’t hate Shadow, I just don’t really like him either. And he’s in danger too.”
“Thank you, hon.” she said honestly, appreciating that the echidna was starting to care about her friend. At least a little.
“I should probably go soon, but we’re currently at a motel in the middle of nowhere- I can’t tell you which one- and we’ll start planning our next move. Talk to you later, alright?”
“Talk to you later. Love you…” Knuckles said nervously. She could practically hear him blushing on the other end.
“Love you too, Knuckles. Bye!”
She hung up the phone and leaned against the glass wall of the booth, already missing him. He was really such a kind person underneath all that bluster, and that’s what she’d fallen for in the first place.
She looked up, noticing that Shadow left the building. He walked across the parking lot and opened up the door. “You’ll see him again soon, Rouge. All we have to do is get this footage and then we’ll be back home.”
“I know, it’s nothing.” she said softly.
The hybrid stood awkwardly for a moment, before quietly extending his arms. The gesture looked incredibly strange, but Rouge knew what he was trying to do and really appreciated it. She hugged him tightly and smiled. “You’re a good friend, Shadow.”
He held her a little tighter. “Take a look at yourself- you’re willing to go to Chaos-knows-where just to help me find some old video.”
She pulled back and smiled at him. “That’s what friends are for, right? Now let’s go check out that room.”
Shadow scuffed at the ground, sighing loudly. “Before you go in, you should know I used false names for all of us- the woman at the desk didn’t seem to know who any of us were, though she did say I looked like Sonic.” He didn’t seem pleased with that.
“I called Omega ‘Theta’ because it was the first idea I had. I haven’t given you a name yet because I thought you’d want your own…...less lame one.”
“Good...but what’s yours?” Rouge asked, smirking.
“I was on the spot.” Shadow couldn’t meet her eyes. “I used Apophis as my name. The ancient mythical chaos snake. It sounds so formal….”
Rouge grinned but held in her laugh for his sake. Shadow, despite his emo appearance, was definitely a nerd. 
“My name should be….Ruby. Like the gem.”
Shadow looked confused. “Why?”
“Because of my name, silly. It means ‘red’ in French, and rubies are red.” Rouge said lightly.
“Oh….I suppose that makes sense.” he muttered, looking a little bewildered.
They went up to the room and discovered that Omega had already plugged himself into the outlet in the wall. He looked up when Rouge and Shadow walked in. “This electricity is subpar, but it will suit my purposes.” he informed them.
Rouge couldn’t help teasing him a little. “What, does it taste bad or something?”
Omega would have rolled his eyes, if he could. “No. It is simply weak and limited so that you organics do not electrocute yourselves.”
The bat surveyed the room critically, noting the lack of certain furniture. “Really, Shadow? You know Knuckles is going to pound you into the ground if he finds out we shared a bed.”
“It was cheaper.” Shadow called flatly from the closet, over the noise of his attempt to put away the suitcases. “We don’t have an endless supply of money, and I can sleep in the desk chair if you have an issue with this.”
“No, no, I’m fine.” Rouge replied. “Besides, he knows that I’ve never been into that kind of thing. Or dating you, no offense.”
“Agreed, and none taken.” The hybrid came back out and sank down onto the bed. “Omega, would you mind pulling up the schematics of the G.U.N. facility we’re trying to break into? I know you were heading in that general direction, but where is it, and how would we get inside?”
“Processing. You know, you are very lucky that I downloaded all schematics early on in our work with G.U.N..”
“Very lucky that you got lost once and then refused to have it happen again, you mean,” Rouge shot back.
“We do not speak of that incident. Ever.”
“Alright, alright, now where are we breaking in?” Shadow snapped, his quills bristling. He looked tense, Rouge noticed. She sat down next to Shadow and gave him a quiet look to try and calm him down. He sighed.
“Schematic loaded. Accessing…”
Suddenly, a three-dimensional map of the facility appeared in the room, along with an address in the lower right corner of the display. Rouge patted Shadow’s back once before getting up to survey the map- as a thief, she was the most experienced and therefore the authority on breaking and entering. And stealing, of course.
“So,” she said after a moment, “we’re definitely going in through the side door. While the vents are more classic, they’re also a greater hazard and Omega wouldn’t fit. Sorry, Omega.”
“That is fine.”
“So, we’ll grab a couple of delivery uniforms- and we will return them, don’t worry-” she added, for Shadow’s benefit. She knew he didn’t like doing anything that would hurt people just trying to get by.
“-and then we can get inside through that door. We’ll navigate the halls and head straight to the video storage rooms, which are here.” Rouge pointed to a specific area of the map, which Omega helpfully enlarged. “We’re going to need to split up and search them quickly. Most likely, the video will be on a VHS tape, so that’s what we’re looking for. G.U.N. is nothing if not organized, so they’ll probably just have a box labeled ‘ARK Files’. Everyone clear?”
“Now then, there are guards on a rotating schedule that pass by the same area every fifteen minutes. We’ll need to avoid them and move quickly, because we don’t want to be seen. I know we could take out two guards if necessary, but we don’t want any of them radioing in to the security center and setting off an alarm.”
“I will remove any threat before it becomes too big to handle, no matter what.” Omega declared. 
“I’m not sure that’s the point of a stealth mission, Omega.” Shadow replied, a small smile on his face. 
Rouge noticed that this was the first time he’d smiled properly in a while.
“Alright, now let’s get some rest. We’re going to need it for the next few days.”
“The next few days?” Omega asked. “Why are we not attacking them tomorrow?”
“Because they’ll be expecting us tomorrow, Omega- all of G.U.N. is going to be on high alert.” Rouge said, exasperated. “We have to lie low for a while, make them drop their guard.”
Shadow sighed. “I can’t stand waiting, but if it means we’ll be safer, I suppose we have no choice.”
“Good.” Rouge replied, going into her “team mom” mode. “Now. Rest.”
It was strange for her sometimes, being the leader of the team. Shadow and Omega both acted younger than her, even though their ages were incredibly confusing. Shadow was either five, fifteen, or fifty-five, depending on how you counted, and Omega was essentially ageless. Yet somehow she, at eighteen, was the team leader in most situations. 
She certainly didn’t mind it, though.
As she lay in bed at night, her attempts to sleep were quickly foiled by the hedgehog next to her. Shadow could not lie still.
“Are you always like...this, Shadow?” she asked, trying her best to be polite. 
“...no…” he mumbled quietly, turning away from her. 
“This is a really stressful time for you, isn’t it?” she asked gently. 
He lay there for a moment.
“Perhaps.” he said finally, his voice flat.
Rouge thought about what to do next. 
“Omega, what’s the length of your charging cable?”
“Twelve feet. Why do you ask?”
“Get in.”
Shadow sat up quickly. “Wait- what?!”
Rouge smirked. “Get in, Omega. It’s time for a team hug session.”
Shadow attempted to protest, but Omega climbed onto the bed anyway and lay down on the hybrid’s other side. 
Rouge watched Shadow, feeling relieved when he began to relax. Omega’s computers were whirring away softly, providing a steady background hum that pushed her friend to sleep.
He sighed, murmuring quietly. “Good night, Omega. Sleep well, Rouge.”
“Night, boys.” she said.
“I will keep watch while you both sleep. Just in case.” Omega replied.
Shadow’s eyes began to close. “Heh. Thanks…. Omega……”
Rouge shut her eyes as well, pleased with herself. This was her team, and they were going to kick G.U.N. to the curb. But that could wait for tomorrow- right now, it was late, and she could rest. Finally.
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daniellesimagines · 4 years
❀❀ a list of lines from every single work-in-progress to be linked later when i actually post them just bc i’m bored ❀❀
ashton irwin
And I get that it may seem obviously to other people, but... I’m not watching this on TV and you’re not here and I don’t know what people are saying about me being my back
If she’s not back by sunset, I’m leaving camp to look for her. And if something happened to her, you’re dead
I don’t care about what everyone else will say -- I care about you and your safety, so you can either stay with me at my place until everything with him is sorted out or I can sleep on your couch, but I am not leaving you alone
She deserves better than that, Ashton! She deserves better than you!
I’m a burden on everybody! That’s why I’m here -- that’s why they threw me in a mental hospital and left!
Nothing ever means anything to you anyway
She’s still my ex! Just because she ‘needed help’ doesn’t make it less weird!
Remember how you said if I needed anything, you’d do it...? C-Can I just have a hug?
You fucking heard me. Stop the fucking car
I’m not dating your ex. I asked her out if that’s what you mean
Maybe you could argue that ‘just friends’ do that too, but it’s not ‘just friends’ when Ashton does it for you
I just... I can’t...handle losing someone right after I almost lost you
Are you tall enough to ride the merry-go-round at the fair by yourself?
I’m all for taking credit for my work, but I’m not taking credit for this because 1) I didn’t do it, and 2) it’s sloppy as hell
She clearly needs someone right now and unfortunately for me, she chose you
I’ve heard your friends talking... I know no one thinks he’s still alive
I may be desperate for money, but I’m not selling my body for some rich, entitled frat guys to jack off to!
If you want to be embarrassed, that’s fine, but I’m not going to stand here and listen to you berate yourself like this
Those spirits at the prison we investigated a couple weeks ago really liked you
awsten knight
What could possibly be so hard for her?! She’s a Princess, for Christ’s sake!
Can’t imagine keeping everything bottled up is any easier than letting someone in
calum hood
I know you don’t like her, but telling her she’s not allowed to hug me around you is fucking ridiculous
Do you make it a habit to spy on people or am I just today’s lucky winner?
You can’t lie just to get me there -- I would have gone anyway
I’m not lying to Calum; I’m just not telling him how I feel
You know how you said I should be falling in love instead of living in that house...? I’m glad it’s gonna be with you
How am I meant to have fun with him around?
You wouldn’t do the things you do if you really loved me
When you’re not here, it’s easier to pretend you still love me
I have a question -- why is that guy looking at his corn dog like that?
Please don’t make me say it again -- the first time was embarrassing enough
If he knew he was going to meet you, he never would have told her those things
I can guarantee you that baby’s not his
I never stopped wanting you either
He wouldn’t have dumped me if he was still in love with me
If you were getting tired of me, you could have just said so
Always knew I’d cry if I met you guys -- just didn’t think this would be the reason
I can’t just not pay you for watching my dog for 5 months
Will you at least let me know what it’s like to kiss you?
Do you know how weird it is to have feelings for your boss?
If they want nothing to do with you, then I want nothing to do with them
Secrets don’t stay that way forever; They all have to come out eventually
He keeps asking if he can call you Mummy
It’s heartbreaking in all the right places
I told you getting the blonde put into your hair was a bad idea
cody carson
The day you get something different from Starbucks is the day I let Pistol sleep in your bedroom
At least I’ve never lied when I told you I love you
Wait, someone tried to kidnap that little girl on your lap?
dacre montgomery
My worst nightmare is disappointing Steve Irwin
damien haas
Am I even on this show right now? Is this all just some freakishly realistic dream?
harry styles
Would you have apologized if your daughter hadn’t made you?
Daddy doesn’t love me anymore
Since when are you afraid of getting rejected? 
jamie follese
I can’t help when I disappear! The cake batter calls to me and I must answer her!
He asks if I love you all the time even though I always say yes
I think I could talk my way out of jail
louis tomlinson
Nothing’s ever scared me more than the thought of losing you
luke hemmings
If I’m feeling this bad about meeting his friends, I don’t know what I’m gonna do when he wants to tell the fans
We’re only here for a few days; You’re just going to have to deal with sharing a bed until we leave
We made a bet on which one of you would confess your feelings first
Even if it wasn’t what he wanted to hear, he still needed to
She closes the store alone tonight -- you didn’t hear it from me
How many strings did my husband have to pull for this?
She doesn’t even want him! She’s only with him because she knows I do!
You know I don’t like when you do this to yourself
I got my ass handed to me by an 11-year-old and her Pokemon master of an aunt
I have nightmares almost every night, but I only come in here when they’re about you
She’s a hostage in a bank robbery! Of course I care about her being in there!
You’re by yourself in the stables at 11pm with tears on your face. Don’t tell me nothing’s wrong
Don’t be mad just because your siblings love me more than they love you
You know that means nothing to me! Stop bragging about having colors!
Even I’m not heartless enough to leave you without a dance partner
marshall traver
Nobody is alone -- not even in this world
You’re only apologizing because I’m the Princess; You wouldn’t be if I were a nobody
maxx danziger
I told him you hate water; I told him and he decided to try and throw you in anyway
Too used to blowing me off on the phone, you forgot how to talk to me in person?
I think they deserve a teacher who wants to see them succeed
If she’s still wearing her ring, she’s clearly not ready to date other people
You’re staying even though my dad’s an idiot, right?
We’re gonna circle back to the fetish thing later because I don’t believe you don’t have one for a second
michael clifford
Wouldn’t want you to stay longer than you have to just because of me
If you never say ‘I love you’ back to me, that’s completely okay
You’ve been crying, kitten; I can tell
Is there any point when you’re not going to be useless to us?
You fired her because you’re in love with her?!
What can I say? His parents are raising him right
Don’t even think about touching my brother again
Hit me like you mean it
Last day of camp -- won’t be able to do this until next summer
I know you paid my rent
Nothing would piss off that asshole more than getting the girl he wants
Since when would he jump at the chance to defend me?
I know you’ve seen how different he is with me now
The first thing I heard when I woke up was ‘I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things’ and I did 
Unlike the girls you sleep with, I actually like being with a guy who can make me cum
It can’t possibly get worse than the hell you’re living right now
I love Michael... Oh my God... Ashton, I’m in love with Michael
Please bless us with this work of art
The only good thing about this tie is that it’s blocking some of the brightness from how pale you are
Why do you even have this song on cassette in the first place?!
She’s safe -- that’s all I’m allowed to say
How did two 11-year-olds manage to pull off the biggest switch ever?
You know they’re not going to let you marry me
I’m not a stranger to staying with people who treat me poorly
If I can handle you, I think I’m prepared for pretty much anything
You make Mumma forget about him and be happy and I like when Mumma’s happy
You said you weren’t going to let go of me
Can you write a song telling your soulmate to be less depressing? It’s really starting to worry me
I’m not stupid; I’ve seen your face -- I know I’m not getting out of this alive
I can either push past you or you can let me go, but I am going to go kiss my wife whether I have your permission or not
Not the worst injury I’ve ever had and definitely won’t be the last
This is not who I expected to be kissing when I put this dress on
ryan follese
Best of luck with your engagement to the Princess
I can’t put myself in a relationship I know won’t last
spencer reid
I didn’t marry a profiler, Spencer! I married you!
Any of us would have gone in to save your daughter -- it just happened to be me this time
tom holland
I know you love me, Tom -- I know you do... But it hurts that you don’t want other people to know it too...
trevor collins
I kinda wanted to wait and see if you were actually real before I said anything...
You may not be irreplaceable to the company, but you’re irreplaceable to me
I know you’re not sick; I know you just said it because you wanted to leave work early
zach dewall
I told you they were gonna be angry when they said it...
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if the stills are because of a jealousy issue i definitely hope it's beth who has done something majorly stupid out of jealousy for rio to react like that, because him shoving a gun under her chin because HE'S jealous? fuck nah, that's like super abusive. even if they were in a relationship (which they're not), that's grounds for a restraining order.
hmmmmm…. Valid point u have here, dear anon! I can see that happening as well. Frankly, I think things are happening so fast and the stakes are getting higher so neither of them is actually in control of their feelings here. It could be Beth doing something and that was the other way I think u could read the situation:
She did something, and the reason she did it was bc she was jealous… But what Rio could have done to make her jealous, that made Beth do something to make him that angry with her? What Beth could possible have done out of jealousy that caused Rio to act that way towards her?
It’d also be interesting to see a jealous Beth coz, in my opinion, she doesn’t let us see what she is rly feeling towards Rio, most of the time. She always keeps some kind of mask on her face and it’s not easy to see what she is thinking or feeling when he is around ( but maybe that is just me). Rio has always shown how he felt about her, his attraction to her.
Now, IF jealousy is involved here, I wouldn’t be so hard on judging his reaction if he is the one jealous.
Coz jealousy is a tricky thing indeed. And it makes ppl do some questionable things. Also, let’s not forget who Rio is. He pointed a gun at her other times too in the past, and they hadn’t crossed the line between them that kept these two separated back then. Why he wouldn’t do the same now? Coz they had sex? 
if so, we need to acknowledge that in all those times he pointed a gun at her, he was being abusive too and, in my opinion,  he actually was! He was coz he had and he still has most of the power in this complicated relationship they are in. We need to see things as they rly are here. It’s his way of establishing his position as the boss here,  to remind her who gives the cards ( that scene of him breaking those vettes.. HOLY HELL!)
And when u are in any kind of relationship where the other has most of the power and u have close to none, in my head, that is the definition of an abusive relationship too coz u don’t make the calls. It doesn’t even have to be a violent one, but there are different kinds of violence, right?
Here, we have Rio giving the cards still. And even if the power imbalance is shifting, Beth’s power is little compared to his in this relationship, in some ways.
Now, look, I understand why Rio is the one with the power here coz he is the king. HE is the boss. There are more layers to his relationship with Beth aside from the professional one. His personal relationship with her is complicated too, bc I think he wasn’t supposed to have one with her but here we are now. And I don’t think he wants to act like an abusive bastard or that it’s his intention to do so, but he is playing a part here: the part of a gang boss who needs to be a cold ass bastard if he needs to be, unforgiving and hard on his ppl, so they won’t make a mess that could ruin everything he worked so hard to build.
I just hope they find some common ground and talk more with each other so they can understand where the other is coming from. They still don’t know much about each other. HELL, we still don’t know shit about what is really relevant on Rio’s side.
For now, we just have these small glimpses of him, but I don’t think he is a cold, heartless bastard who enjoys inflicting pain on others just bc he can (he respected Beth’s wishes when she told him “don’t” about their night together). but I also believe he feels things deeply and is, in fact, an emotional guy, different from Beth who learned to control and hide her own feelings behind her lies.
That being said, I’m ok with both outcomes, coz things are way more complicated than we thought originally ( or so that is how I view things). They complicated everything when they crossed a line they shouldn’t have crossed and now they have to deal with it.
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