#I wish that Krul was allowed more of a reaction but we get what we get
bigbrainbiology · 2 years
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"Who cares? I certainly don't." </3
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keres-nyx · 13 days
Mika and Yuu Body Language Analysis
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(A conversation between me and a friend where I analyzed the image/scene where the bite scene happens, and they played off it and added more. I also go by Ker so that's me lol)
Mikaela Hyakuya
Mika's right hand being on Yuu's thigh is a sign of vulnerability. This is because he's pressing himself closer to Yuu, willingly putting them into a more intimate position to essentially convey a "I am trusting you with myself" while also sort of a "I am willing myself to trust myself for you." Now, the fact it's a tight grip and not quite relaxed just shows that he struggles to completely let go of it. Which brings us to his left hand. Clutching at the shelf. This side of him shows his hesitance. While he's given in and allowed himself to become a full vampire, it's against his wishes/will. And while he's allowed himself to become vulnerable and trust Yuu, he can't quite bring himself to trust him. Not to mention this scene specifically has Mika facing away from us, almost saying "don't look at what I've become." Going onto his body, he's trying to accommodate Yuu as best as he can. He's not pinning Yuu down or pushing against him, even though he probably has the urge/instinct to. He's resisting the instinct and restraining himself to be as gentle as possible with him. The fact Mika's injured and bleeding as well shows how much he trusts Yuu with himself.
“This side of him shows his hesitance. While he's given in and allowed himself to become a full vampire, it's against his wishes/will.” THIS PART COMES FROM THE FACT THAT THE OTHER TIMES HES SHOWN TO BE HUNGRY, HE TAKES IT. FORCEFULLY GRABBING KRUL'S ARM AND PINNING THAT RANDOM KID DOWN, FOR EXAMPLE.
Yuuichirou Hyakuya:
Oh boy there's a lot here. Especially seeing the entire scene animated. But for the sake of word limits, I'll do this still frame. Number one: his hand in Mika's hair. He's actively, most likely softly, pushing Mika's head into his neck, thereby pressing Mika's mouth and fangs into his neck more, silently reassuring "it's okay, I'm alright with this." Why? Because as stubborn and naive Yuu may appear sometimes, that boy is awfully and extremely aware of the people around him. Yuu knows Mika hates this. He knows that Mika doesn't want this. But he also knows that he must do this to keep Mika alive. So, just like Mika, he's trying to be as accommodating and gentle as possible. The blood sucking probably feels weird and violating, in a way. Especially because it's against his own nature and instinct, which would tell him to fight Mika off. But just like Mika, Yuu is fighting against his own human instinct. Not to mention his training. And not to mention his hatred for vampires. Yuu's only reaction was the initial bite, the slight wince. (FUCK IT IM TALKING ABOUT THE ANIMATED SCENE.) Immediately after getting bit, Yuu gently lifts Mika and scoots them into a more comfortable and easy position. As he does so, he gently cradles Mika. It would be human nature to squirm and hiss when a vampire is drinking your blood, since blood is your life essence. But Yuu forced himself, forced his body and breathing, to relax. This way, he would make Mika more comfortable and less guilty, even if just a little. He also gently rubs Mika's hair, creating a soothing/caring stimulation, another reassurance. Moving on to Yuu's right hand on the floor, this is also a sign of vulnerability. He could have put it on Mika's shoulder to push him off later, but he's essentially saying "I know I am safe with you, I needn't worry about it." This is also proven with the way Yuu tilts his head back, and let Mika's hand push against his thigh. Adding on: the rubbing could also be seen as a grounding agent. To keep Mika calm and mentally with him.
“This way, he would make Mika more comfortable and less guilty, even if just a little. He also gently rubs Mika's hair, creating a soothing/caring stimulation, another reassurance.” they both take care of each other so wonderfully it's amazing. i worry that i don't depict yuu taking care of mika enough as much as mika does BUT IT DEF GOES BOTH WAYS thats one of the reasons i'm feral for them. they're mutually obsessive and while it CAN be unhealthy, it's ALSO in a healthy way in particular to the way they take care of the others emotional and physical needs since the other cannot take care of themselves. or want to due to their equal self-loathing. i'm getting a lil sidetracked but these soothing gestures he did in this scene, i saw the potential of them BOTH being the caretaker of the relationship. mika just takes his to a greater scale bc like i said, he's nurturing AND his unending loyalty makes him a ferocious protector.
“they take care of the others emotional and physical needs since the other cannot take care of themselves.”
While it could be seen as an unhealthy obsession, this is still good for them. Because they themselves do not believe themselves to be worthy/good enough for comfort. But they do not reject it if it comes from one another. That is the beauty of their relationship. That is the reason Mikaela has not let himself fully die yet. Because he knows. God he knows. That Yuu would never be able to truly live without him. Not anymore. Because was Yuu living before? Even during their separation, Yuu still lived for Mika. He wanted to kill vampires to avenge Mika. For Mika. Yuu didn't truly live, he existed to fulfill something. And Mika is smart, he noticed it. Mika had probably hoped Yuu could move on and live on without him. But deep down, he's keenly aware of the fact that won't happen. Why else do you think Mika asks Yuu to let go of him? Why else do you think Mika isn't the one to leave, if he is so adamant of Yuu forgetting and giving up on him? It's the same reason he's so aware of why Yuu won't do it. Mika feels the exact same way. That's why he asks Yuu to give him up. Because Mika can't give Yuu up either.
*slams table* AHHHHHH
I think mika wanted yuu to hate him. to give up on him, so he tries to emotionally close himself off in that scene and says things that may hurt him even if he would hate to see yuu cry, but he underestimated JUST how stubborn and just how much yuu was willing to cling onto him. that broke him more man.
“you have it just as bad as he does”
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Absolutely. That's why he tried to hurt him.
They protect each other, no matter the cost. Whether it's themselves, or the world. This has been proven with actions and words from both sides.
Chrono: it's so crazy how they're so different from each other YET share so many qualities at the same time
Ker: the difference is where the desire comes from. For Mika is comes from selflessness, but for Yuu it derives from selfishness. They're opposites. And that's the point of them.
Chrono: like i love how they're both stubborn, how they had their angry phases, how they bring out the best and worst.... but in spite of it all, what really makes me happy, is to see them finally free themselves from the stresses in the life BECAUSE it's just them two. they're laughing again and say what these theorists will about demon mika simply copying a personality yuu simply wants to see... i think their banter and happiness with each other is genuine.
they're also teaching eachother to be selfish / selfless respectively. like mika telling yuu the whole world matters, not just the ones close to you... and yuu teaching mika its okay to chase his own happiness. there will be a way without comprising anyone's own happiness/life. it will simply be harder.
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Theories (14S). Seventh Theory - The difference between demon Mikaela and the black demon series (Long Theory)
Hey guys, the cowntdown starts, 5 theories left for the moment; hope everyone’s been doing well, without any other stuff to say, let’s begin!
In the previous theory, I talked about the factors that were involved in Mika’s power related to being a demon. We saw that Ashera’s natural reaction was that of fear instead of being happy for an opportunity to save Mika.
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 94
But despite giving the factors that made Mika an extremely dangerous and powerful demon, what makes him different from the other demons from the black demon series if they’re labeled as dangerous as well?
For that, let’s talk about each demon so far and how exactly their desire ended up awakening their demon selves, what do I mean?
Instead of focusing the traits they possess, there’s something more to base upon, such thing is the desire they had at its peak before they even became vampires, such thing will be stated within the next list:
1. Asuramaru - Ashera Tepes
Asuramaru is the second most dangerous demon that has ever existed, he was the one that drove Mahiru somehow out of control before she turned into a vampire; her desires grew wilder as she kept growing after she stated having nightmares:
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Image from Catastrophe at 16 - Chapter 18
Within the Catastrophe LNs and manga, Mahiru started having nightmares about a demon back when she was around 11 years old or so, such dreams started to increase with time until it was hard to resist them:
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Image from Catastrophe at 16 - Chapter 18
Mahiru ended up taking measures so she could protect Shinoa and give the option for Guren to save the world of its own madness drove by the First Progenitor.
But now, what exactly did Ashera’s desire end up revolving around?
As a demon, Asuramaru displayed the desire of power, violence, the power to be able to handle down any enemy in front of the wielder; in Mahiru’s case, Asuramaru offered the power she could have ever dreamt of; which is something that applies with Yu at the same time:
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 46
It can be said that Asuramaru’s primordial desire as a demon was to unleash its power freely, to unleash a savage destruction with the body of the wielder but then, how does this relate to the “he” that was once a vampire in the past?
If many might recall, Ashera once he along Krul and Noya discovered the corpse of Sika Madu’s son, Noya ended up killing Yu; Ashera ended up taking the responsibility of such acts:
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 94
Ashera clearly stated:
“I accidentally killed Yu. Oh! But my little sister is innocent! It’s my fault only mine! She kept telling us over and over that we shouldn’t...”
What does this imply?
Correct. It means that Ashera’s strongest desire was the safety of his sister; his sister was primordial after loss of their mother; he being the elder brother kept the oath of protecting his little sister which is why after being turned into a vampire, his main goal was to save Krul.
Then, why did Ashera look happy back in chapter 49?
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 49
Correct, it’s likely that Ashera traveled with the First not by his own but rather as a deal with the First with the sole purpose of actually protecting Krul from becoming a test subject after entering the forbbiden chamber where the corpse of his precious son.
Therefore, it can be said that Ashera’s strongest desire was the one to protect. The safety of his sister.  Then what could it be concludedd with this?
Correct. That Ahera’s strongest desire was “Protect his Sister” hence why the demon form he took was that of a violent demon able to crush down enemies if the wielder wished for but of course, everything would depend a lot with the mental strength of the wielder in order for him to really unleash his powers.
2. Noya - Noya Hienma
Noya’s often portrayed as a destructive demon who feeds from strong desires that involve a carefree life but getting rid of what ties a human from it’s pain. Which can be seen in the Catastrophe LNs, what do I mean?
Back in the Catastrophe, Noya once suggested Guren to kill his friends so he could embrace the power he required:
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Image from Catasstrophe at 16 - Chapter 32
Noya promised Guren he’d give him the power to reach Mahiru if he allowed all what he harbored free; thus included harming his friends. Of course, Guren withstood such tempting offer since his squad was and still is the most important thing for him. Something like this can be see in Vampire Reign as well:
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 83
It can be said that Noya is a demon that gives power in exchange of having the wielder set all the things that bound them free, of course, letting go could result in a worst scenario; in Guren’s case, it means seeing his friends vanish after resurrecting them.
Now, what can it be said with the human or vampire self on which his desire was at its highest?
Noya once remembered a time on which he was roaming freely back in the catastrophe:
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Image from Catastrophe at 16 - Chapter 32
It can be said that perhaps his desire was at its highest when he was roaming freely as a carefree boy back then, his looks show he was the happiest in the past, no cares no worries that could destroy his happiness; of course, once he became a vampire, some glimses of his personality displayed that Noya actually went through a hard life, it is pausible to say that perhaps he was tasked to do bad things hence why he displays no remorse when he kills Yu in the past.
3. Byakkomaru - unknown real name
Byakkomaru is Shinya’s demon, his manifestation form is that of a tiger while the vampire hiding behind such manifestation is:
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 83
Byakkomaru is displayed as a demon hiding beneath animal skin, he is rather the interesting demon, he seems rather patient compared to other demons when they aim to possess their wielders; Byakkomaru, in order to give power to Shinya, he asked his wielder to name what he desired; but why?
Byakkomaru in fact, is a demon that devours the void, what do I mean?
Shinya’s real personality is the one that stopped caring about the world, for him, it doesn’t matter if he really tries or not, it could be said that it’s technically Sloth; which is something Byakkomaru feeds from, the sloth that increases within Shinya; but, at the same time, in order to give his master power, Shinya stated his desire, which was to “have power to save Guren”.
It could be said that before Byakkomaru was turned into a demon, Byakkomaru’s personality was that of a man that never gave up, a man that was constantly battling even if the results were a complete void, if there was nothing to be achieved; it is likely that his desire was at its highest when he actually succeeded in something eventful.
4. Gekkouin - Unknown real name
Gekkouin’s first appearance was in chapter 51 after Yoichi spotted Lacus Welt; after recognizing his face, Gekkouin started to take over Yoichi due to the deep grudge Yoichi has against him.
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 51
Gekkouin is displayed as a rude demon towards his wielder, he seems like the type of guy that enjoys bullying the weak but actually, there’s something hidden beneath his physical appearance, what could it be?
Correct. Gekkouin’s demon self enjoys revengeful wielders, he insists Yoichi to take revenge upon the death of Yoichi’s sister who was taken by Lacus Welt.
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 51
Gekkouin attempts to convince Yoichi to allow him to take over him to kill Lacus which at the end results with Yoichi showing a sadist side which no one was really expecting; therefore, what could it be said about Gekkouin’s vampire side?
Who exactly was he before turning into a demon or what made his desire reach the peak?
You might ask why justice if his current self enjoys revenge.
In a way, despite the path Yoichi is taking, he’s attempting to do justice for the unfair death of his sister, it could be said that his former self was someone tied to the bounds of what was rightful or even it could be that he striked down with justice, but what exactly does justice ends up meaning?
It’s not that Gekkouin might have taken revenge as a mean of justice, but rather, law and order to make justice.
5. Kiseki-O
Kiseki-O is a demon whose background is really short, he hasn’t appeared ever since he made the pact with Kimzuki along the fact he got a better comunication with him to use his abilities for manifestation.
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 21
Kiseki-O is seen as a patient demon, he enjoys playing around but there’s actually a characteristic of him, what could it be?
Correct. Rage. He feeds from Kimizuki’s rage, back in chapter 21, Kiseki-O kept taunting Kimizuki until this one ended up losing his cool and eventually was submitted into a dream until he passed Kiseki-O’s test.
Furthermore, such statement can be reflected in chapter 84
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 93
Kiseki-O instantly got possession of Shiho since Guren killed Mirai Kimizuki in front of him; Shiho’s biggest desire is to protect his sister at any cost, even if it means betraying his friends, his biggest fear is to fail such task which is something that instead of paining him, it literally made him go beserk into a deep rage which is something Kiseki-O feeds from. What does this mean?
Shiho in fact has a deep rage within him due to the fact he doesn’t have the power to keep his sister safe, he was aware that he wasn’t able to protect her from the experiments, furthermore he ended up losing his sister in front of him after he finally retrieved her.
But now, what does this imply with Kiseki-O? What was Kiseki-O before he became a demon that fed from rage along the strong desire of Kimizuki?
It could be said that Kiseki-O might have had someone he was successful to protect, which might actually stablish as his most fulfilling desire.
6. Raimeki - Unknown real name
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Raimeki appears or makes her debut in chapter 58 after Shikama possesses Kureto or likely attempts to possess him, of course, Raimeki states that she’s trying her best to not allow Shikama Doji possess him.
With Raimeki, there’s something rather peculiar, she suggests Kureto to break two personal taboos, one of them being lust towards Aoi and the 2nd one being to let loose of himself, to be a carefree instead of being strict with himself.
But what could it be implied with Raimeki as a demon?
Correct, Raimeki is a demon that feeds on strong desires, those desires end up withing longing, and you might wonder how it might be possible, for that, let’s take a look at Kureto; ever since the LNs, Kureto has been a strict guy that has literally worked hard so his father could acknowledge him, of course, his father never looked up to him which is something Kureto kept going on and on until he learnt his father was a puppet of someone else.
Returning to the theory itself, what could it be said about Raimeki’s former self or likely where her desires were at her highest?
It’s possible that Raimeki’s highest desire or wish was with someone she deeply longed to be with, perhaps that was the part of her life that literally made her the happiest, hence it could be the reason why she feeds on what Kureto longs for.
7. Special cases, Mikaela Hyakuya and Mahiru Hiragi
Now, as I’ve stated in other theories, I don’t involve ships within theories; therefore, let’s talk about the type of love these two displayed within their respective stories.
Mahiru Hiragi
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Mahiru Hiragi as a demon has become rather more merciless and “free”, she enjoys taunting Guren but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care; in fact, she cares about his well being even knowing she left a huge burden within him.
But, if we talk about her human self, Mahiru was once a kind hearted girl, of course, the curse she had ever since she was born wasn’t going to let her live a normal life, furthermore, the fact that her fate was written in stone was something that as much as she fought, was something she couldn’t avoid.
The reason why she became a demon was “love”. She loved Guren so much and yes, I’m aware many state she didn’t due to her being the person who killed Guren’s friends but, in fact, if she didn’t kill Guren’s friends; Tenri Hiragi would have killed them afterwards. How can I state this?
It is well known that Tenri was a merciless man, he was always stepping on the Ichinose family, always mocking on them, he didn’t hesitate on executing Sakae Ichinose, nor he even considered Guren’s feelings one bit.
Returning to the theory once again, love is one of the desires that has a high meaning within the story, of course, love can be different when it comes to characters, it can be selfless love, selfish love, obssessive love, possessive love, etc.
For Mahiru, her love was something that could be denominated as selfish, her actions seemed as she was always making Guren suffer but in fact, she was guiding him to find the pieces on how to fix the world and how to actually rescue those he held dear.
The reason why her body was never lost was due to an ability she had when she was a namanari, she was able to devour demons or parts of them; which is something that happened with Noya at the end of the Catastrophe LNs; she merged with him by devouring him, hence why Guren’s cursed gear is called Mahiru-no-Yo.
Mikaela Hyakuya
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As I’ve stated in other theories, Mika’s love goes in two forms, selfless but obssessive as well; what do I mean?
Mika’s love for Yu is selfless, he cares about his well being, but at the same time, his past, the fact that Yu is the only family left he has, awoke obssession within him; he doesn’t hesitate to kill if it means to keep Yu safe, even if it goes against his wishes.
Mika’s love is pure in its own way, he always thanked that Yu became his light after the darkness surrounded him; when he stated “I love you” all the thoughts he had were transmitted in such phrase, a deep “thank you for everything you’ve done”; but then, what exactly makes Mika as a demon so dangerous?
Correct, his desire at its highest was love, when he reached the dream, his desire was at its highest, his dream only displayed what he wished and loved to have for the rest of his life; he wanted to keep the orphanage kids by himself, along Yu, all he needed was that, his family, the moment and the fact they were his only happiness.
Hence why, once he awoke as a demon, those who had knowledge about it were aware that the new demon was going to be the most dangerous and powerful that has ever existed.
To conclude, it can be said that the current demons from the black series had their desires at its highest whenever they had a goal in mind or aimed to achieve something even if it meant their lives; or simply, their happiest moments they’ve ever had along the fact that there was something that marked their lives in a positive way.
What do you think guys?
Let me know!
P.S: Theories don’t involve ships. They remain in a neutral view. 
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