#but also me: how fuckING DARE YOU 😠
bigbrainbiology · 2 years
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"Who cares? I certainly don't." </3
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breckstonevailskier · 10 months
This will always be my favorite scene from The Boys
I mean, it's a really great scene, it's the scene that got me interested in the show, and worthy of me trying to do some breakdowns.
The scene opens with Stan Edgar watching Victoria Neuman talking on CNN NNC about the Supe-Terrorist threat. An innocuous thing, at first, but there's a few things going on that are apparent with the hindsight of later episodes:
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It actually tells us that Victoria herself is the head exploder supe long before the reveal in the season 2 finale, given that this scene immediately follows her having remotely exploded Raynor's head.
Stan is watching intently because he understand the importance of knowing what the opposition is saying about you. Doubly so considering that Victoria is meant to function as a puppet opposition of sorts to Vought. (Though I imagine that this is changing in light of recent events like Homelander threatening her daughter to get her to betray Stan, her injecting her daughter with Compound V, and Gen V ending with her having obtained Dr. Edison Cardosa's Supe-killing virus.)
With the later reveal in season 3 that Victoria is Stan's adopted daughter, he's also watching her because he's proud of the life and reputation she's made for herself as a politician, and it's a good thing she's ended up doing this instead of rotting away in one of Vought's other secret Supe labs. That might actually explain some of Stan's annoyance when Homelander walks in.
Homelander walks in, having barged past Stan's secretary.
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Homelander: Morning. Samantha: Mr. Edgar, I'm sorry- Stan Edgar: It's all right, Samantha. Homelander: Busy day?
Stan brushes off his receptionist's apology because well, he doesn't blame her. Saying "no" to Homelander's probably one of the most difficult jobs in the world.
Now, at this point, as Homelander starts to complain about the whole thing with Stan appointing Stormfront. Stan plays along with appealing to Homelander's ego. Homelander's obviously frustrated that Stan isn't intimidated or scared by his threats. In fact, Stan seems amused by Homelander trying to throw his weight around.
Stan Edgar: Good morning, Homelander. To what do I owe the pleasure? 🤔 Homelander: Well, you never come up to 99. So, I figured I'd pay you a visit. 😊 Stan Edgar: What a lovely idea. 😂
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Homelander: Right? 😂 After all, you run a superhero company, and, uh, you never check in with your superheroes, do you? 🤔 Like, uh... oh, I don't know...around the hiring of that girl, for example. 🤨 Stan Edgar: You wished to be consulted on Stormfront? 🤔
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Homelander: Well, why not? I signed off on all the rest. I'm the leader of the Seven. 🙎‍♂️
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Stan Edgar: For which you have my undying respect. 😉
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Homelander: See, I don't think I do. 🤨 No. Not even Madelyn would've dared to try and pull this kind of shit. 😠
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Stan Edgar: Well of course, you know how important you are to everyone at Vought! 😂😂
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Homelander: No, no. Stan. I am Vought. You show my photo to some illiterate fucking camel jockey in the middle of the Sahara, he's gonna turn around and say, "Homelander," in perfect American. 🇺🇸
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Homelander: You know what? My contract's up at the end of this year. Maybe it's time I, uh, move on. How do you think your shareholders would feel about that? 🤔
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It's at this point that Stan stares down Homelander for a solid ten seconds. There's no words, but you can practically see what each is thinking:
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Stan Edgar: Your significance to this company is actually less than you think it is. And I'm about to give you the rundown on how that is.
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Homelander: 😳 Fuck.
Now it's Stan's turn to assert his power over Homelander in this conversation.
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Stan Edgar: What do you know about Frederick Vought? Homelander: Excuse me?
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Stan Edgar: Frederick. Vought. Our esteemed founder. Homelander: Well, I don't know, um, not a lot, probably. I only read his autobiography...five times? 🤔 Stan Edgar: Not the self-serving bullshit that we peddle to the shareholders. The real story. 🤨
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Homelander: Enlighten me. 🤨
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Stan Edgar: Got his doctorate from Munich. 🇩🇪 Ahead of his time in genetics. Such the rising young star that in '39, Hitler appointed him chief physician at Dachau, where he enjoyed a ready supply of human subjects on which to test his earliest iterations of Compound V. For which we condemn in the strongest of possible terms. Early in '44, he felt the winds change, got spirited away to the Allies. When Oppenheimer was flailing with the bomb, Dr. Vought already had practical applications of Compound V tested in the field. Heroes like Soldier Boy, killing Germans by the dozen. So, Roosevelt pardoned him, and he became as "Wonder Bread American" 🇺🇸 as Disney and Edison.
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Homelander: Well, this is a truly fascinating, if not slightly condescending lecture, but, um... I don't think I see the point, Stan. 🤨
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Stan Edgar: The point is... that you are under a misconception that we are a "superhero company". We are not. What we are, really, is a pharmaceutical company. And you are NOT our most valuable asset. That would be our CONFIDENTIAL formula for Compound V. Which you, manchild that you are, released into the wild. 😒😠
Stan has effectively outlined how insignifcant Homelander is to him and Vought as a whole. Homelander's just a product to him. Moreover, as we'll learn in season 3, this has been Stan's line of thinking for decades, since he was the one who gave the green light to Payback betraying Soldier Boy so he could be replaced with Homelander. He believes that "real power... is the ability to bend the world to your will," and he's doing that here to lecture Homelander.
Homelander tries to bluff his way out, but Stan has that bluff covered.
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Homelander: 😳 I don't know what you're talking about. 🤥
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Stan Edgar: Well, let me remind you. You slipped Compound V to terrorists all over the globe to get you and your cronies into national defense. But maybe at the cost of destroying the whole company. 😂
At this, Homelander has enough of Stan and tries to get in his face to threaten him, but Stan stays perfectly unfazed and has no hesitation emphasizing that really, Homelander has no power in this conversation.
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Homelander: I don't think I appreciate your tone, sir. 😡 Not much at all. 😠
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Stan Edgar: And I don't appreciate that the FDA now knows about Compound V, or... that it's only a matter of time before the public finds out. While you're preening at the Golden Globes, we're busy running around like maniacs trying to clean up the mess you made. I don't have to consult you about Stormfront or anything else. 😠 Now... I believe you have a premiere of Tek Knight Lives to go to? 🤨
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As you can see, this has clearly left Homelander knocked down a peg or three. He's blocked the whole world out and there's a clear buzzing in our ears as he leaves the office and he decides to go pay Ryan a visit.
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Other Notes:
I feel in hindsight that Stan Edgar actually directly was hinting at Stormfront's true identity right here. I mean, Homelander barges into his office to complain about not getting to oversee Stormfront's appointment to the Seven, and the first thing Stan does is lecture him about Stormfront's husband, the founder of Vought?
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I don't know when the writers decided to make Soldier Boy be Homelander's father, but that twist does in hindsight inform Stan's way of managing Homelander here. Stan was, after all, the one to sanction Homelander's creation using sperm procured from Soldier Boy, and he also is the one who authorized Payback to betray Soldier Boy to the Russians in 1984.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I love how akademiya! dottore is basically just a pouty lil guy with his partner but to everyone else he's scary and dangerous. like imagine while he's in the middle of glaring at the idiot student who dared to bump shoulders with you, you tap his shoulder and he goes from 😠 to 😐 instantly (internally he's going 🥰 but he doesn't want you you know that)
THE EMOJIS 😭😭 Dottore, in general, is like having scary dog privileges, no one who knows would ever fuck with you unless they have a death wish. I think it's also very satisfying to reader because you had to deal with him being scary and dangerous to you for a very long time before he became soft 😅 Hard work pays off though! (And seeing him be scary to other people is kinda hot. Just me? Sorry, please ignore that.)
You two would be just walking, and you're chattering away while Zandik is just listening, and you bump shoulders with someone - nothing bad, a normal occurrence in life - but all of a sudden Zandik just comes to life and sends them the meanest glare which physically makes the guy recoil 😭 But you just smile and wave them off while pulling Zandik in the opposite direction, and his face goes from mega irritated to his usual irritated expression. You love being in control 😍
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ghosts-bandwagon · 2 years
Your latina Reader x Ghost headcanons are giving me life. Not a request, I just wanted to share these thoughts with you specifically: imagine if Reader is actually good at dancing and likes to perrear hasta el piso ✨ My man would be like 🧍‍♂️ while watching you give it your all in sweatpants on a Saturday morning while blasting Guatauba at full volume, but also horny on main and already planning on how to ask you if it's possible hacer el sinrespeto with a reggaeton playlist playing lmaooo
Also, imagine if Reader cursed A LOT in Spanish, and he asked Alejandro or Rudy what something meant in English and they're both like 😬 Ghost, te tenemos noticias, your wife curses like a sailor
If Reader happens to be on the TF141 or happens to ever meet Alejandro and Rudy, those three would be talking shit and chisme upon meeting and meanwhile Ghost and Soap would be trying to understand everything with their basic Spanish, while listening to Reader give Ghost weirder and weirder pet names every time she mentions him (my esposo, mi vato, mi amorcito, mi fantasmita, and then she refers to him as mi chikistrikis)
Finally, she sometimes calls him Gasparín as a joke pet name (and it kinda grew on him)
Also, imagine if latina Reader and Simon had a kid, trying for the baby to grow bilingual
Take care y espero que tengas bonita noche 😘✨
This made my night no cap 😭 I fucking love this!!!! I can totally imagine TF141 reader making a group chat with Rudy and Ale, and renaming it “Los Tres Pendejos” and it’s all chisme with selfies, recipes, and song recs all mixed in. Soap and Ghost try to make sense of it as they peek over your shoulder but fuck if they can even catch a single sentence they can understand lmaooo
I DARE you to try and tell me that Ghost doesn’t pick up on your curse words and winds up accidentally peppering them in when his gun jams, or he’s struggling to finish up a set, or the maldito pen ran out of ink 😠
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aleksanderscult · 8 months
Bagrah could be a great, fascinating character if Leigh Bardugo didn't try so hard to victimize her and portray her as some sort of hero... Seriously wtf ? The narration in relation to Bagrah always made me cringe. In another version of events, I would have liked a less ignorant Alina to tell her the truth about being a bad teacher, a bad mother (now I want a fanfiction where Alina defends Aleksander of Bagrah) and just a bad person.
⚠️TW: Suicide mention at some point⚠️
Bestie, you just decided to touch one of the most problematic things in that universe. The matter of "We consider toxic, problematic women innocent and heroic".
Just like Baghra, just like Ana Kuya. A world where if you're a woman and you're toxic, then you're okay!
My own feelings of Baghra is that I just can't help but find her interesting. I can't help but wanna re-read her scenes sometimes. I don't like her but she's intriguing. There are times when I remember how fucked up her life was. Her father neglected her and her mother despised her. And then they abandoned her. Which makes me feel sorry for her. But then I remember how she had numerous kids from loveless matches and abandoned them all except one. Because this boy was special like her: immortal and powerful. She willingly condemned another human being to the pain and loneliness of immortality (and it's very possible that she condemned her other children to immortality as well, just like Ulla). She raised Aleksander with no displays of love, didn't allow him to form bonds with others and used emotional, verbal (and, very possibly, physical) abuse on him. Taught him how to be prideful, to abandon love, to value power. But when Aleksander became prideful and valued power, she turned her back on him. When he found a potential match on Alina, she took her away from him. Because Baghra always wanted him to depend on her for company and love. All these make me feel disgust for her.
But still Baghra was a product of the fucked up life Grisha had that made her value self-preservation, just like Aleksander was. The only difference is that Aleksander cared about the fate of their people.
And when Aleksander entrusted her with the training of his Grisha, she used violent means to teach them how to develop and control their powers. Even used their own phobias against them ffs.
And despite all this, we have the good guys not only remembering her fondly but also defend her:
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This whole paragraph makes me sick.
Look, I naturally didn't expect the good gang remember the Darkling with love. No way that. But why on God's green earth do they make him seem like a lunatic with no feelings that was at fault for literally EVERYTHING?
“Did he love the girl he forced to commit those murders?”
Ah, yes, of course. Because if a person is a murderer then he's also incapable of feeling love. When you're a villain, you can't love. You can't have both. It's impossible, Aleksander! 😠🫵
“What about the girl he tossed into the old king's bed for his own purposes?”
Oh right. Because Aleksander gave Genya to the King not to the Queen's care. Jesus, I forgot that.
Oh yes! I also forgot how Genya decided to stay because she wanted to take revenge.
“then mutilated when she dared to challenge him”
Me if I was the editor of the book, saw that line and correcting it: "then punished when she dared to commit treason against him?"
Because isn't that what she did? She was his soldier and let the Sun Summoner escape. What do you think he would do to her? Give her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and say: "I understand. She's your friend. Fuck Ravka."
“Or the woman he blinded for failing to offer him unswerving devotion?”
Didn't Baghra commit treason as well? Didn't she let the Sun Summoner go? Does Zoya realize that if the King had found out, he would behead Baghra on the spot?
Also why is she talking about him like he didn't regret what he did to his mother?
And am I the only one in this goddamn fandom that thinks that Baghra got away with it lightly?
So Zoya in a few words:
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‘Who would speak for Liliyana, for Genya and Alina and Baghra if she did not?’
In other words Zoya: "I'm the LAWYER IN HERE!!"
Instead of wanting to feel love for the good characters and side with them, I want to slap them across the face. The amount of stupidity and arrogance they have is truly admirable. Congratulations for being douchebags, my friends!!👌👌
This duology has me like:
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Instead of admitting that Baghra was problematic and made many serious mistakes (which I would much prefer to see from them) they're glorifying her. They're painting her as a frail, weak and innocent woman that did nothing wrong in her life. And being abusive is not against her! Of course not. Because she's a woman so we have to let her go of any charges and forgive her. ❤️
She was neither frail nor weak. She could easily use her powers if she could but Baghra loooved to play the victim. And she was definitely not innocent. She was one of the reasons Aleksander came out this way and contributed to his eventual downfall in R&R. Since her suicide made him lose his mind and become even more unhinged.
And, finally, yes I would have liked someone to tell her how shit of a mother she was to her son and how she sucks in general. But I don't think it would mind her much. She would be apathetic and sarcastic.
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aleksa-sims · 10 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
CW: Cheating
The next morning I went shopping with Sandra. S. will soon actually move. We went to that damn IKEA. Every time I enter an IKEA, I buy TRASH, that I don't need!! Anyway! Sandra and I were busy unpacking all those bits & bobs we bought. My Mom also came into my room, to ask where Nico was? She noticed that he left in the middle of the night and she probably heard us arguing.
N.'s Mom called him last night. She wanted Nico to pick up his fiancée. Yesterday before Nico came to me, he droped Stephanie at his Mother's house. Someone had to take care of his crazy ex- fiancee... Stephanie started that pity shit again and she also told N.'s Mom about me. She meant Nico was cheating on her. And of course his Mom didn’t feel like taking care of his fiancee, while he was shaking up with someone. (me) So yea, she's pretty mad! And I was mad at him because he didn’t come back to me, but stayed there. I told him, if he didn’t finally send Stephanie to hell, I’d date someone else, too! But N. didn’t take me seriously. He was just making silly jokes. That's why.... I called Dennis!! He accompanied Sandra & me today and we had a really nice day with him.🤷‍♀️
Mom: There you are!... Where's Nico? Why isn’t he with you? I thought you two never wanted to be apart again. 🤨
Me: His Mom called him. He had to leave.
Mom: I heard you two fighting! Did he change his mind about your Baby?
Me: N-no!... Agh, pls get off me.
Mom: Sandra! Who is that guy who accompanied you two?
Sandra: Um-....
Me: How-...How do you know??
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Mom: I saw him outside with you two. You know, my "spy-window". That one in the kitchen! I could observe absolutely everything! So don’t you dare lie to me and tell me he’s Sandra's bf or something. That boy's clearly after you, A.! 😠
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Me: Really? 👉👈 You think he likes me? ... No, JK!! 😉 He and I met at Ana’s College. Dorm!! He lives there too and... yea that's all. We're friends.
Mom: Since you mentioned this, what’s wrong with you and Ana? She told me it was a mistake to take you to her college . It's bcs of that boy??
Me: NO! It was Adam's fault! He made trouble for Ana and me. But Ana and I made up.... Idk why she's avoiding me?? I guess it has something to do with her new bestie Claudia. 💁‍♀️😒
Mom: Why don’t you ask her?
Me: I was busy with my own shit!!! But well, I'm gonna talk to her.
Mom: And now tell me what’s wrong with N. Did-....did he ask you to see other men? That's a familiar road for you two, isn't it?
Me: You nuts? I can't believe you actually think that!! 😲😠
Mom: I don’t know what to think or believe? You are pregnant A.! Second, you’re married to Daniel. And I just saw you outside with another guy. And it’s no secret that Nico does strange things to you.
Me: What kind of strange things? This thing with Philip and him last year was a fucking mistake! An experiment that went totally wrong for ALL of us! Especially for N.! However, it won’t happen again!
Mom: Your Dad knows! I told him last night. He wants to talk to Nico, so..... where is he?
Me: You already told him?? 😲 But-... ugh, idk if Nico will come by today? That stupid Stephanie!.............. Who knows if he’ll ever come back to me.😫
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I told my Mom the truth that Nico had a fiancée. He broke up with her, but Stephanie just won’t let go of him. My Mom was so mad at me for getting involved in something like this. She accused me of being........... a bitch. She didn’t say "bitch"!! !My mother doesn’t use such.... bad words. 😇 (😒) I just can’t think of the right word in English rn, but it means the same.
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Mom: How many times have I told you and your sister, never, to fall in love with a man who is taken or married! It's a really low blow, A.!
Me: You’re just saying that because of you and Dad! But-....I love him, I loved him before! So, he belongs to me! Not to her!
Mom: Then why did you marry Daniel? If... you’ve always loved Nico? You knew he had a fiancée. You deliberately decided to ruin their relationship! Just because your marriage didn’t work. The right thing would have been to ignore Nico’s messages. You never know what or WHO you want?... It’s like a curse on you. 🤦‍♀️
Me: You’re on her side, not mine! I hate you! And I didn’t ruin anything! He wanted to break up with her anyway!!
Mom: Sure, that’s why he’s with her now, not here with you. 🤷‍♀️
Shit, I think she was right. I have to stop this. I have to stop Stephanie! I'm going to have his Baby! Sandra said the same to me. I have to make it clear to N., that he’s gonna lose me, if he doesn’t do the right thing!!!! But Nico thought now that I’m pregnant, he’d be safe. I mean, I’m not sure he really thought that, but that’s how it felt to me.
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imhereformr · 1 year
S1 E26 The Phoenix Revealed
Codatorta only Helps Griffin stand. Even he knows she's the superior heasmistress
Helia's stings just electrocuted those monsters... What? Since when could they do that?
Aisha doesn't want to leave her girlfriend but Flora's all like you've fought Darkar before (and ended up unconscious in a river but ok)
How convenient that they've got copies of the codex
Brandon asking if Helia taught Flora the paper crane thing
Stella casually solving the puzzle cause the colours were off 😂😂😂😂
Lord Dork-ar 😂😂😂 oh it's so bad 😂😂😂😂
Why did he knock everyone except Musa and Flora to the ground 🤨
Codatorta is so delusional. I love him.
ThEy MiGhT nEeD oUr HeLp. Shut up Faragonda.
I love the combined Trix. There's something so satisfying about the design.
Musa is paying zero attention to anything other than Riven (as she should be). When everyone else talks about the Trix helping them she's gonna be so confused
But also how did Riven break Darkar's spell? Was it love? Magic? A plot hole?
Here comes Prince Charming to save Bloom 🤢🤮
I agree with Darkar. Sky is pathetic.
I love Dark Bloom's makeup
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Okay there's literally 2 of the most powerful women in the dimension standing there but sure let's let fucking teenagers save the dimension. I love Griffin, but ffs.
Oh the trix are conscious again
And they've been abandoned in a collapsing underworld
Mirta and Lucy 🥰🥰🥰
Aisha admits that she never would've made it through season 2 without Musa in particular but they're still trying to convince us that Flora is her bestie
Codatorta got a massive ego boost from "beating" that monster so he's decided to challenge Knut. That's the most continuity this show has ever had 😂😂😂
Oh but he actually beats Knut. Good for you Codatorta 🎉
I know that it's never shown, but I want to imagine they have like a whispered confession while they were dancing that results in a lot more smiles and a lot more blushing (on Riven's end in particular)
Tune ruins it by not meaning to be rude but absolutely bring rude. She's one of those people that say no offence and then proceed to say something outrageously offensive
Why does Sky force his way between those guys' hips? 🤨 People on the right have got the right expression 😠
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Oh look Bloom and Sky's apparent actual first kiss
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I love Aisha and Riven's surprised face when she gets between him and Musa, but also I hate Aisha for depriving us of a picture where they look as couply as this
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Side note: what's with the way Rivens standing? And what the fuck is Brandon's pose? And what happened to the rest of Helia's hair???
Also how DARE Brandon step in front of Stella so that you can't even see her outfit???
Riven: wha...? He's so cute 😂🥰
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Leverage ep 10 :3
once again, no pre-game thoughts! diving straight in
[edit: it seems I forgot to put the reaction under the cut lol (also spoilers :3) ]
Le Reaction
it just auto played to the next episode so idk what this one’s called 😔
nice music tho
gross part 7
ooooooooooh 👀 what’s he do 👀
i was about to be so mad at Ford lmao got me in the first half ngl
Ford, did you seriously compare your drinking problem to this new heist 🤨 “we have bigger issues,” uh huh, okay sure buddy
Oh this is LA? I thought this was New York lol
“In singles,” he said that with his whole chest 😂😂 my dude
sign off the strip club says “we support our troops” and I fucking died 😂
Eliot, babe lmao, sorry about your car
CARTEL??????? I am literally guessing lmao
Eliot snatched the gun so aggressively lol
Ford what is with that look 🤨 why did you make this decision
Sophie what is that accent???? I am so confused
Parker, I love you
Sophie, what a wonderful time to “indirectly” talk to Ford about his issues
i now love Marcy
i am….so stressed
why am i surprised that Hardison knows how to jump start a car lol
same Hardison lol
ah shit. wait, hold up, is it really—IS IT REALLY THE FUCKING CARTEL?????
jfc prime subs covered the show’s subs 😠😠😠 BRO LET ME READ
gangs???? Latino gang???? And now a different gang???
oh ok, so Chilean gang and Korean gang I think
this B plot confuses me
lmao Eliot you funny man
wait North Korea?????
lmao Hurley sort of getting invested in Parker’s story
Oop, product placement!
Ford, I am concerned
oooooh the projection 👀
sophie literally went “the call is coming from inside the house” when Ford admitted to having a family history of addiction
okay for a second, I did think he was was real
i am….nervous. soooooooo nervous
Hurley confuses me, but he’s very adorable. In like a pathetic wet cat way
Parker: *says something deep and adorable about Ford and his issues with attachments* Me: …oh my god🥺
Ford: *immediately uses a gun to shoot the fucking window* me: OH MY GOD
awwwwww Parker’s sad pout :(
yes Hardison, you’re anger is valid
ok so I checked the time stamp rn bc it sounds like we are hitting act 3 portion and my goodness I have less than 10 minutes left?????
ah yes, the classic garage roof showdown 😎
ngl Hurley, i would be confused too
awwwww he didn’t get a hug :(
did they give him a fucking witness protection????? no hugs for Hurley :((((
lmao Parker’s was still in there?????
awwwww that hi was so cute!!!!!
next time, Sophie 😔
General Thoughts
OKAY SO! Damn, what an episode. Really delved into Ford’s issues there 👀 got some bits of Sterling (cannot wait to see more of him ngl. he’s seems like the devil on Ford’s shoulder) Hardison and Eliot duo was iconic. Just two dudes trying to heist but panic horribly together lol. Parker was absolutely adorable (no notes, just me). It will be interesting to see how Sophie and Ford’s dynamic continues throughout this season bc they are in a rough patch 🤧 But I have high hopes
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toournextadventure · 9 months
Finally read the last 3 chapters and how dare you do that to Ash?! 🥺 I swear if she dies, I'm gona fly to USA and slap your eyebrows off 😠 but uh also, what kinda shifters are Casey and Devan? Because those two are suss as fuck!
It's like y'all have no faith in me at all. When have I ever led y'all astray 🙄
As for Casey and Devan, we'll just have to wait and see what they're up to
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
alright yo!! I gotta do this while it’s hot and fresh! I just read ch 11 and BRO, I didn’t know what was gonna happen cause I don’t think lmao but GOD was this ch soooooo good. (and yes good, i’m a it hurts so good type of BITCH so believe me when I say youve MASTERED THAT FUCKING GENRE AND I WOULD EAT YOUR WRITING IF I COULD 🥹🥹)
i could genuinely go on for days and days about how good— no fuck it, GREAT, your writing is but for times sake i’ll say this, it AMAZES me how fucking ughhhh, on the nail your writing is for each of these characters,,, like like richie??? oh you’ve got richie down!! and carmen (meanie carmen who hurt tony’s feelings and possibly broke her heart just now 🥹) i mean of course you got carmen down, but syd?? you both make her possible to envision saying and acting these ways while also showing her in this new light, a best friend type of light like how would she ride for the ones she loves type of light? and a i’m just a girlllll in the worldddddd with my bestie type of light like you ATE TS ALLLLLL THE WAY UP 😭
anyways i’ll give you my play by play notes i took while reading cause they speak for themselves lmao:
- fuckkkkk their writing is so fucking good
- they got richie’s character down so fucking OMG
- and don’t you DARE say that to chippie!!!!!!! 😠🔪🔪
- how tf have they mastered the art of making not only real characters but REAL moving relationships in their writing and omg i’m gonna fucking cry bro
- also why’s tony’s character like me?? but also someone i want to be ?? but also someone i want to deeply tend and care for?? ugh the COMPLEXITIES 😭😭
- lowkey so much more interested in tony’s character and how it interacts with carmys (and truly everyone’s but syd n richie r my fav) versus his character on his own and its not cause his character writing isn’t good, MY GOD ITS IMMACULATE and feels so RIGHT but they really put their foot in the curation of tony’s character and world that im so HOOKED
- and don’t get me fucking sSTARTED on syd and tony’s relationship like????
- inky?????
- squid????
- we are just two girlssssss living in this worlddddd
- wowwwww i wish i had real life versions of richie n syd as my friends cause it’s giving we are girlbosses but also tender hearts club?? iykyk🤞🏽
- i would quite literally cry and die over this series a million times over and probably already do when i think about it but i wish i didn’t just finish that chapter cause i so so so SO selfishly NEED MOREEEEE 😖😖
ANYWAYSSSSS this series is quite literally the cake frosting and cherry on top to my fucking life rn and your world building is so great i live in it even when it’s being built still and we’re all waiting for you to drop another one of your deliciously written chaps. i’m so grateful to have found this lil side of the internet you exist in and thank you for supplying us with this consistent dose of yumminess!!
thanks for listening to me absolutely YAP and just know if voice memos was a thing you’d probably be receiving 15 minutes worth of me yapping so count your blessings todayyyy!!!
luv uuuuuuuu n keep being great 💐
THANK YOU FOR SAYING I'VE MASTERED THE HURT GENRE-- I also like the hurt, I was worried i didn't get the hurty enough. I'm glad everyone went "i'm so hurt" after reading 10/11, I did hurty all of you. my bad.
This is just gonna be a lot of me saying thank you over and over, but THANK YOU! I try very hard to nail these characters. I think there's fully notes in my drafts saying "HE HAS TO DO THAT. IT'S GONNA FUCKING SUCK TO WRITE BUT IT'S WHAT HE'D DO SO HE HAS TO DO THAT" Everyone that thinks I'm a cool good writer would throw up if they saw what the draft looks like LMAO.
Syd's been very fun for me to write, because with Richie/Carmen I think in canon we've seen enough of them handling friendships/partners to understand how they work in those dynamics-- But Syd does not have girlfriends. Like that bitch has no one. I'm so broken about this. So envisioning how she'd work in that dynamic while still being herself has been very fun for me. Based on the way she acts in Season 3, I think I got it p down. She's a witty fun gworl who's also a bad bitch who also has anxiety. I love her.
IN YOUR NOTES, I REALLY AM SO HAPPY TO HEAR YOU WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT TONY IN THIS UNIVERSE. I really did stick my fucking foot in implementing her in everything lmao. She's SO carved in. Which I love-- Apparently Carmen hates that but i love. I could smooch tony so much better frfr.
Richie/Syd/Chip have been genuinely my favourite trio dynamic to write for. Everytime it's been Carmen/Syd/Chip he has a tendency to just shut the fuck up because he's very wallflowery-- I love that Richie will interject without even a percent of hesitation. I love my yapping father. I love how he just be talkin.
I HOPE YOU LIKED THE CHAPTER AFTER THIS ONE TOO!! Something to Do was a doozy and this next one is . i'm not gonna say anything except i. am . sorry....
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Sick Boyfriend roasts Demon Lila Sky and Immortal Cherry Rose
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Demon Lila Sky: So Sick Boyfriend, how does it feel to lose another baby, meaning you won’t be able to give birth to your future kid huh? 😈
Sick BF: Jeez, idk how does it feel to be still single? 😏
Demon Lila Sky: *scoffs*
Immortal Cherry Rose: Did he just?
Shirozu: *trying not to laugh*
Sick BF: You’re like 26 and you’re still single, damn I almost feel bad for you, like those clothes you wearing right now 😏
Demon Lila Sky: Hey!
Immortal Cherry Rose: Pfff-
Shirozu: *snickering*
Demon Lila Sky: *grabs Sick Boyfriend by the shirt collar* WHY YOU LITTLE-
Sick BF: *gags* BLEH! When was the last time you brushed your teeth, Lila Sky?! It smells like 10 year expired taco bell bean burritos after you stuffed them into a microwave! 🤢
Demon Lila Sky: *scoffs*
Shirozu: Pfffffffff-
Sick BF: And seriously, when was the last time you took a shower too? You smell like the hell outhouse! 😏
Demon Lila Sky: *offended gasps*
Demon Lila Sky: HOW DARE YOU?!😡
Sick BF: Hey, Don't blame me for being honest, you been hanging on with too many guys that you can't even keep one yourself~😏
Immortal Cherry Rose: Heh Heh, now that's funny 😏
Sick BF: Oh, Don't think I forgot about you Cherry, the only reason why you couldn't keep your legs closed to other people is because you've been dumped so many times I've lost count😏
Immortal Cherry Rose: *gasps* HOW DARE YOU?! 😠
Shirozu: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA- Mama, You're too funny, I-I can't breathe-AHAHAHAHAHAHAH🤣
Sick BF: Awww did I hurt you guys feelings🥹, Cry about it 😏
Sick BF: Heh Heh, *to Shirozu* Sorry honey, did I almost made you pee on your self?
Shirozu: Hehehe No mama, it's fine you didn't. You so cool at roasting those two
Sick BF: I know I am😊
Demon Lila Sky: Grrrrrr normally, I would just kill the both of you right now but I want to save it for if someone comes to rescue you!
Sick BF: Aww you still mad I insulted you? 😏
Demon Lila Sky: UGH!
Immortal Cherry Rose: You know what, let's just put them back into the cell!
Demon Lila Sky: Fine.
Immortal Cherry Rose picked up Sick Boyfriend and Shirozu and send them back into the cell.
Meanwhile with Lila Sky:
Demon Lila Sky: Grrr I can't believe Sick Boyfriend had the audcity to insult me and Cherry Rose like that! Ugh! As if this day can't get any worse.....
Evil Guard: Uh Miss Lila Sky, we have a problem.....
Demon Lila Sky: *mind* I stand corrected....*sighs* What now.....
Evil Guard: W-Well the heroes are coming to r-rescue them and they found out where you two took them....
Demon Lila Sky: WHAT?!
Evil Guard: A-And they also took down Cursed Layla Miller
This angered Demon Lila Sky even more.
Demon Lila Sky: *pulls out Crystal ball and sees the others heading to their next destination* THOSE FUCKERS TOOK DOWN CURSED LAYLA MILLER?!
Evil Guard: Y-Yeah, M-Maybe they have a better chance of taking you two down?
Demon Lila Sky: Uhhhhh FUCK YOU!
Evil Guard: M-My apologises ma'am....
Demon Lila Sky: Grrrrr, you know what, they think they can take down one of my minions, fine, let's see if they can take down Demon Sick Girlfriend! Guard! Tell Demon Sick Girlfriend I have a mission for her!
Evil Guard: B-But ma'am, she scares me-
Demon Lila Sky: THAT'S AN ORDER!
Evil Guard: Yes ma'am! *flies to go to Demon Sick Girlfriend*
Demon Lila Sky: Hehehehe Let's see if they can take down an ex-pride demon~😈
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TBB Ep 10 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
Today on The Bad Batch, child slavery!
Let's get into it.
The way Wrecker stares at the part that fell off the speeder for a second and then falls back. 🤣
The timing of that cracked me up.
They're gonna try and fit all 4 of them on one speeder???
Omega being a smart bean. 🥰
Honestly, the amount of Gonky in this episode makes me so happy!!!
Excuse me, but Mokko is not the metal-handed guy that I wanted to see.
"That's our defective power droid"
Fuck yeah it is!
Don't mess with Gonky. The dads will come after you. 😠
Wrecker activated Intimidation Mode ™️
Okay, yeah, cool, we're all just gonna abseil down a chimney, sure.
That seems totally safe. 😐
"Plenty of time". Omega's so one of them omg. 😭 She's grown so much. 🥲
That brief slow-mo when Hunter falls forward. 😍
Than animation this season is so good!!!
Ngl, them all sticking their faces over the chimney stresses me out.
Smooth take-down from Hunter, there!
Mokko is a dick. 😡
Omega's head poking out from the oversized coat! 🤣🥰
Bitch, you did not just press that button. YOU DID NOT JUST PRESS THAT BUTTON!
Omega giving Benni her ration even though The Batch don't have much food. 😭
Wrecker hanging upside from the ship is one of my new favourite things.
Okay, I understand why Benni did what he did. I'm still pissed though. 😤
All the stuff about kids not being able to just be kids in this galaxy is so sad. 😭
Sorry, did Mokko really expect his "let's make the Batch work in the mines for a decade" plan was gonna work???
Although, he does say something about if they survive that long, so best bet is he was just gonna leave them to die.
Like I said. He's a dick.
He's actually lying to the kids and keeping the ipsium for himself? How surprising (note strong sarcasm).🤨
That scene might be my favourite of the episode. Especially with the altered Bad Batch theme over the top.
Ngl, the fight with Mokko was underwhelming.
The guy literally fell over a railing by himself. 😭
Although he was also a pathetic dickhead so a pathetic end is kind of what he deserves.
Even though they were all in competition with one another, when it comes down to it, the kids actually do all care about each other. That's sweet.
Wrecker is reunited with Lula! 🥲
Was hoping the Echo and Crosshair convo would carry on this episode but oh well.
Also, we never saw Tech and Wrecker apologise to each other. 🥲
Overall feeling about this episode is that I think it might be one of my least favourites of the season. I didn't dislike it but with how good the others have been, this episode didn't stand out a whole lot to me.
There were specific moments that I absolutely love though! Wholesome Batch moments just hit me right in the feels. 🥲
And Wrecker's "I'm working on it" reminded me of Echo in Season 1. 😭 I still miss that man.
Weirdly, I don't feel like I have much to say about this episode right now. There's some more stuff delving into the idea of kids not being able to just be kids in this galaxy, so I'm happy they're continuing on that narrative. I maybe would've liked to have seen a little bit more from the other miners? I don't know.
Normally when I watch an episode, one or two particular things sticks out to me as something I want to talk about more but I didn't really get that much from this episode. Think I may just have to sit on it for a few days and see what comes to mind.
Still liked the episode, but I definitely think that the first half of this two-parter was much stronger. Very excited to see what Metamorphosis is going to be about though! My hope is to see Echo and Rex again, but that's more wishful thinking than me believing it's actually going to happen. 😅
Edit: This was supposedly a breather episode, so that may explain why it fell a little flat for me. I think I got really hooked up in the more high-stakes episodes and that swayed my judgement on this one. 🤔
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theskywaslookingback · 6 months
🍉 Are you a planner, or are you more of a “eh we’ll see how this one goes” -type of crafter?
I’m more of a “how hard can it be” type of crafter. I think of something and go “well, how hard could that be?” and then I either crush it or learn “much harder than expected, actually”. I have done that for literally EVERYTHING I currently make. Cricut? How hard can it be? Punch needle? How hard can it be? Resin? How hard can it be? Polymer clay? How hard can it be? Stained glass? [I am forcibly yanked off the stage]
💖 Which one of your creations are you the proudest of? Show off!
This fucking shadow box from hell that took like 20 working hours to make and STILL hasn’t sold but is one of THE most gorgeous pieces I’ve ever made in my entire life
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❄️ Do you have any crafting (either craft or community related) pet peeves?
(Saving the best because im a petty bitch and have Many)
- This is really vendor specific but I HATE event vendor group chats So Fucking Much. They are full of the absolute dumbest people on God’s green earth made specifically to annoy ME. Just a laundry list of “your reading comprehension is piss poor / how dare you say I piss on the poor” ass people. I have so many examples but the worst most recent one was the day before Easter we had an event in town that had been discussed for MONTHS beforehand. The event coordinator had sent us the set up info on multiple occasions, like I’ve actually never done a more organized event. So we’ve been told many times the set up time was 9am, show time was 11am, okay? The night before the event coordinator sends a message saying basically “hey yall I need you to park on x side of the building and at 10:30am we’re gonna lock the x side entrance doors” and people fucking LOST IT. Like there were IMMEDIATELY ten messages being like “so we only have thirty minutes of set up??????” I hate vendor chats. These people are so fucking stupid.
- I’m in a bunch of Facebook groups for beginners to ask questions in and the thing that just drives me insane is when people are like “hey I bought x thing at the store, how do i decorate it?” like????? However you want?? It’s for you?? What are you even talking about
- Also Facebook related but anyone who can’t read directions on shit and then asks why their resin piece fucked up make me so annoyed
- Also also people who just post a picture and then say “what’d i do wrong” with no further elaboration?? Idk man, what am I looking at??
- craft specific: pet peeve when I get poked by wire when making ribbon wreaths
- also when I misjudge where my finger is when deburring resin and nick my finger 😠
- when fabric won’t lay flat for a fucking iron on
- when the transfer tape gets a crinkle on top of a decal and makes the decal go a little wonky is my fucking 9/11
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becauseicantdecide · 2 years
I have also fallen into the Aegon brainrot
Just thinking about him fucking me in nothing but that thick chain that he always has on his clothes, and grabbing that with my teeth as he fucks me😩😩
He's still a pathetic wet cat but i want to fuck him
How dare you call my little meow a pathetic wet cat. I mean, okay sure you're right but 😠
Honestly, Tom's hair blonde is good... but he looks so unbelievably good as a brunette.
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I just- siiiiggghhhhh
I just finished part one of that enemies to lovers fic I was writing with Aemond and Aegon and boy oh boy..... I think it's gonna make your head spin.
I'm releasing part 1 on Christmas as a little gift to you all 😘😘😘
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raamitsu · 2 years
watched the last of us on HBO yesterday and the way my jaw fucking dropped when i saw the entire set… ???? I WAS LIKE “OMG WHA-????” how dare these people made me speechless 😠 why so? because they actually brought everything that was in the game - to life! 😭
you know the last of us was originally a video game available on playstation 4 (if im not mistaken) and it was one of the top tier games ever. unlike how that one studio production treated uncharted (2022) - which also originally a video game that was brought to life as a movie, rather than as a series, which imo was quite disappointing ngl - i’m so glad they decided to bring tlou into life by series instead cuz it would be so horrible to make a movie out of it - considering the whole thing about the game is amazing and it would be a total waste to scratch some of the plots out. i forgot what year did the entertainment news outlets started to release an article about the making of live action tlou but it was enough to make me jumped 😭
used to watch one of my local youtube gamers, purchasing the game and played it, and that’s how i knew about tlou. please… ngl to you, i kinda jealous of the fact that i won’t be able to play it for free 😩😭 but now that the live-action is here, i’m looking forward to it !
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I’m just gonna start by saying that I’ve already typed this whole thing out then my old as time computer died again! Anywho there’s tears in my eyes rn but I just hope I remember what I wrote in the first place😂
Hi Пчёлка! Which apparently translates into bee/little bee affectionate??? Bees are cute and you’re cute so I though I’d give it a try!
I’ve seen painted denim jackets before and every one of them looks so cool. I’ve always wanted a denim jacket though I do have quite a few cool jackets already.
How dare tumblr be homophobic against my half-assed flower paintings 😠 (Although I did see you were able to post I normally which is weird)
Fustercluck is stolen directly from my favourite sci-fi book.
Do you have a favourite book? Doesn’t even have to be for the plot it could be just for the aesthetic.
Love, just because just because it’s isn’t it my cup of tea doesn’t mean it can’t be yours! I’d never judge you for it, plus you’re not the first person to like it after I gave them a recommendation (you’re the second one but that’s not the point lol)
AS for Wild West Ronance all I’m saying is that for a brief period the Victorian era and the Wild West existed at the same time. Imagine... Nancy goes with her father who is attending to business across sea Canada/America doesn’t matter, they get there and he leaves Nancy alone for a bit so she’s decides to take a walk (bringing a shot gun in case) so she like sitting somewhere in a full Victorian dress reading and holding a shot gun, enter stage left COWBOY Robin!!! Hat, boots, and horse, who sees this beautiful lady readin AND HOLDING A GUN! That’s all I have to say thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Ah yes, Alvvays, my sweet, sweet Canadian band WHO STILL HASN’T RELEASED CANADIAN TOUR DATES(I may be a bit salty about that)
All three of those music recs are lovely!
99 Luftballons will always be bright red and childhood memories, Twinkle Lights is giving electric purple and sleepovers at your friend house in summer without A/C but also driving around in the middle of summer, Atom is bright orange (like max’s hair, or cheese) and also jumping on the trampoline.
YES! I am a Paramore fan they’re my second favourite band. This Is Why sounds like the colour maroon but with a bit of blue added in, not enough for it to be purple but enough the darken and mute the red.
One last thing about music but both Paramore and Alvvays are releasing new music for the first time since 2017 (Very Online Guy has been stuck in my head since it came out and I may be going a bit crazy) but all that with MOSS just being released means I’m being very musically fed. Blue rev comes out in 12 days and I am HYPED!
I actually had to look at up what a bradford pear was, here we have so many cottonwood trees I always feel so bad for people with a cotton allergy.
I guess that is a bit gay of me, speaking of gay I need more piercings! Yeah, I have decided on the hair I just have to go pick up the dye!
Do you have any pets? I have many but I also don’t want to be the weird one
As for the mutual thing, that’s for me to know and for you to (possibly) figure out.
A bit of a Victorian sign off today!
Sincerely and entirely yours
Hello sweetheart! I’m so sorry your computer is being homophobic. Damn those Boomers and old people 🤪
I think I’m going to melt at that nickname. Little bee? 🥺 I love bees so much. That just made my brain go ahdjskjdkeksk. You think I’m cute? Yet again I say lord have mercy on my poor gay heart. I just know you are adorable as hell.
They’re so much fun to paint! Maybe one day I could paint one for you, if you’d like. Jackets are the coolest! Maybe it’s just because I’m bisexual, but layers!!! Jackets, button ups, flannels my beloved. I have a particular love for denim jackets tho
Oh, what book? I fucking love sci-fi dude
Oh lord, I love a lot of books, it’s hard to pick favorites. Ask me to pick a favorite child, why don’t you? You’ve found another subject I don’t know how to shut up about. But in all seriousness, The Hunger Games and The Hobbit were both very important to middle school me and I love them still very much. Also The Giver. I haven’t read as much recently because school gets in the way, but I loved “Leah On the Offbeat” by Becky Albertalli (god I related so much to Leah it’s not even funny) and “Crier’s War” by Nina Varela (enemies to lovers my beloved) are both recentish reads that I adored! How about you? Any favorite books?
Oh I’m aware! I say it all in jest, I swear <33
OH OH OH YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I see your cowboy Robin and I raise you: Outlaw Robin. Featuring Victorian Nancy with her gun seeing this swaggering cowgirl who speaks multiple languages and has a Secret Backstory roll into town, then seeing her wanted poster and deciding to try a little bounty hunting while also being hopelessly intrigued by her 👀 Is this AU sitting in my WIPs? I will confirm nothing—
El, darlin’, I could listen to you describe music in colors all day. That is so cool, and they sound so accurate!!! Atom is so orange, yes, and your imagery for Twinkle Lights? Astounding.
That makes so much sense! I love it so much already and I legitimately cannot wait for an album from them. I have been obsessed since I first heard The Only Exception. Last Hope remains one of my favorite songs in the history of ever and I WILL belt it full volume any chance I get.
!!!!! I’m so excited!!! I will have to listen to it all. We really are being musically spoiled this year and I am loving every second of it.
They look pretty, smell terrible, and are my worst seasonal allergy 💔 My parents both have trouble with the cottonwoods but thus far I’ve somehow ended up lucky enough not to inherit that one lol
Piercings YES, those are so hot and cool. I don’t have any yet, but I’ve been dying to finally get my ears pierced. I’m hoping to have a good chance to do it over fall break or something
Oh gosh, if you count with me now, I would say no because college, but back home is a farm so we have MANY. Dogs, cats, horses, goats, donkeys, you name it. No cows tho. I’ve always wanted a fluffy cow 😂 Do you have pets? I’m happy to hear about them <33
Darn, but incredibly fair! The mystery makes it fun, I am simply curious. Tell me one thing, perhaps? Are you from the US? If you’re not comfortable sharing/want to keep the mystery, that’s cool too of course!
Affectionately yours,
- Max/Lo
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