#as all good scientists should XD
bigbrainbiology · 2 years
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"Who cares? I certainly don't." </3
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desultory-novice · 3 months
(He's cheerful! We need to make the most of it!) Noir! Think fast!
*Yeets a bunch of comic books at him*
I didn't know which genre you would like so... I just grabbed a bunch of em! A lot of them are action though, some involving mechs, thieves, and super heroes. I even grabbed a few slice of life ones as a nice cool down!
A pile of comic books, in English, French, and Japanese, appear from his phone...just like MAGIC! (...Or like a comic book. ^_-)
"W-whoa?! What?!"
"...That's..! WOW! I had NO idea I could get gifts out of this thing?! Technology is amazing! Maybe I should grow up to be a scientist?"
"I keep having these weird images of a lab in the back of my mind, but I don't know that I've ever been in one? What if it was a sign of what I'm meant to be when I grow up?" (I never thought of what I was gonna be when I grew up before. That's kinda funny, isn't it?)
"Anyway, let's get to reading! I can't wait!"
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>Noir read a bunch of comics! >He gained 205 EXP! (Not that it matters.) >Passion went up by 3! >Inspiration went up by 1! >Spiky Hair went up by 2! >Nerdiness went up by 4! >Unlocked ability: "Replication Cosplay"
A Silly Little Bonus again borrowing @starflungwaddledee's Starstruck Dee (She should really be cosplaying as Mitsuri but... XD)
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AN: So THAT's what that memory-based duplication of his is good for! Forget becoming a scientist, Noir! You could start your own business like this!
BTW, I'm sure there's a ton of different comics Noir would love, but with him having Tanjiro's same hair color (on accident!) and the protective brother thing, I couldn't help but make the really obvious Demon Slayer joke. ^_-
Oh, and given he's half (?) French in ancestry, I wanted to include a nod to Valerian and Laureline (one of my favorite comics and 1000% more enjoyable than that mess of a movie...) but I also wrote and drew this with a fever so that's all you get ^^;;
Noir's Field Trip Masterpost @kirbyoctournament
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lets-try-some-writing · 5 months
Had another funny (tho this one might be a bit unhinged) thought for the Earth and Unicron AU: what if all the rocky planets, dwarf planets and some bigger moons were also titans? (Or at least those with proper names and not numbers)
That would give us: Mercury, Venus, Earths Moon, Mars, Ceres, Pluto and Charon, Haumea, Makemake, Eris, Ganimedes, Calisto, Europa, Io, Titan (Unicron would 100% mock him for that name XD), and Triton. That is way to much titans for one solar system XD (tho as far as I know, we, and Kepler- 90 are the biggest known, followed by TRAPPIST-1, at least in the planet number category, in the planet-star distance we are tiny)
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Side note, someone should tell Pluto that some humans do consider him the 9th planet
(And now i want to do something with all the other rocky planets that is the whole TRAPPIST-1 system and the two (or four, scientists don't have enough data) from the Kepler-90, and some other confirmed rocky exoplanets only because they are uniqe -- and my space nerd brain has been activated i need to stop XD)
Good heavens that a LOT of potential Titans.
I will not say this is canon for the sake of my sanity, but I do imagine that when the time comes that Earth can break from her maker and join her dear Moon, they will probably end up making quite a few lifeforms together. Who is to say they won't end up populating the place Earth called home for so long with their little ones?
Dozens of young Titans, too small to house any citizens for the time being, all trailing behind their parents as they traverse the stars. One day they shall scatter to take up their design and carry it onward, but for a while, Earth and Moon will have their family.
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travellingwiththedead · 4 months
Ok, watching iwtv s2e2 again and taking notes because everything happening too much:
(Spoilers under read more)
Louis and Armand arguing about who should have made contact first sounds a bit like Louis and his mum arguing about who should have kept in touch, but less angry.
Also Daniel absolutely not buying their domestic bliss charade is hilarious. "Keep selling it"
Ok, on Louis and his photography: How are all your pictures turning out so well? You're taking them at night, free hand, no flash light. I guess for less hurried ones he can, because he's a vampire, just stand very very still, but we see him and Claudia move the camera while taking pictures (or use a way too short exposure time), he's taking pictures on a moving bike. They should all be underexposed or blurry as hell xD
Louis getting nasty when Daniel's questions go places he doesn't like is so good. Three grumpy old men in a penthouse, trying to one up each other.
Love how Claudia is all indecisive about going into Madeleine's shop until someone tells her not to do it, then she immediately goes in. Lestat's daughter, absolutely. They both hear someone say "Lestat/Claudia, no!" and immediately go "Lestat/Claudia yes!" xD
Aaaand now Daniel's hand is shaking again. Guess it's time for another visit from Fareed (give me my mad scientist husbands)
Love Daniel gleefully correcting Rashid (and indirectly Armand) that you're not supposed to be using gloves with old books and documents. Have the writers stolen this from tumblr posts after s1? ;)
Armand, give poor Real Rashid ('it's just Rashid') a raise already xD
Armand, you dramatic shit, making the lights flicker like that when meeting Louis
The whole Theatre part is just so good. Ben Daniels gave his all and he's stealing the show. Standing ovations for this man. (and also wishing him so much strength after the loss of his husband, so sad for him)
The whole Annika scene was so intense, the actress is fantastic.
KP (the MVP of production crumbs) and his little knitted hat ^.^
The whole theatre troop looks so good. And the set is great.
Celeste's "Do American vampiresses all wear pastels?" is giving Morticia Addams xD
Daniel calling it all a telenovela, and making sure to have the fitting background music, is hilarious xD he's right and he should say it
Delainey is so pretty when she smiles. And also once again doing so well.
Roget, what do you know? Also I wanna know what else was in that box, apart from the letter (looks like some kind of deeds or other official documents? maybe money?).
And there Louis goes lashing out again. Vicious.
Hm, not sure where this whole scenes puts the Armand-is-Alice-theory (which I don't subscribe to). Because Louis clearly thinks Alice as an actual person and that he could find her in present day.
Personally I think Daniel remembering 70s Armand here has less to do with Alice and more with Louis now and Armand then using his memories as weapons against him.
I bet Daniel will make them pay for this in the future, he's not just gonna take that. I mean, he sees nothing wrong with slapping a vampire so collecting himself and then striking back even harder would definitely be something he'd do.
the preview for next episode is confusing me. 1576??? But yay for past-Lestat and Nicki ^^
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teecupangel · 7 months
What if the assassins were in Doom Eternal?
I was contemplating if this should be a case of the Assassins meeting Doom Guy during the start of Doom Eternal or go for the Assassins having a very bad time in Mars all by themselves.
I think a full AU would be fun so Imma go with that XD
So, in this case, we’re going for the whole the main ‘past’ protagonists is integrated in the story.
Since we’re going for Doom Eternal instead of Doom (2016), we’re setting this up in Earth that is in the process of being overrun by the demons.
The Brotherhood would be a distant ally of the ARC with the Templars have, surprised, surprised, actually has NOT joined the Union Aerospace Corporation.
Because the Templars do not like the whole ‘yeah, we’re bowing down to demons’ bit.
But the Order of the Ancients does.
They believe they can gain power and the secret of the universe by siding with the demons.
So this is more of a case of the Brotherhood and the Templars having a bit of a… tense alliance to protect what remains of mankind.
And the funny part?
The Templars are the ones in power in ARC.
The story would be focused on Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton. Of course, if this was multichaptered, there would be chapters that focused on other POVs. Anyway, Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton would be part of a three-man squad and focuses on infiltration, sabotaging and assassination. Their main focus is getting as much information as possible to have an idea on what the demons would be planning next (or targeting next).
It’s during one of their missions that they find a sarcophagus that seemed to have been guarded tightly by demons. It opened during the fight and-
We’re bullying Desmond once more because Desmond is the one inside the sarcophagus. And he remembers his life before as Desmond Miles so he recognized the three who ‘saved’ him.
They escort him to Leonardo Da Vinci who is working as a scientist and doctor for the Brotherhood, fascinating by his tales of the Animus and his ancestors. Desmond is surprised to see that Shaun is actually Leonardo’s assistant and he doesn’t recognize Desmond. Nobody does.
The mentor of the Brotherhood who goes by the name Amunet tells the three to keep Desmond with them because he’s good (maybe even better) at freerunning and stealth. Desmond stresses that he’s only good because of his Bleeding Effect and he realized that Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton have a lot of room to grow. It seemed like he had met them during the time when they haven’t yet mastered being an Assassin.
So there’s bonding there and maybe Desmond acting like the unofficial ‘mentor’ of the three (not that anyone acknowledges it)
For the rest of the AC characters…:
Edward is one of the high ranking members of the Brotherhood and serves as a liaison between the Brotherhood and the Templars. He travels using a reinforced light tank called Jackdaw together with his second in command Adéwalé. Adéwalé is more or less the only thing keeping Edward from doing crazy shit that could get them killed.
Aveline is one of the leaders of the Brotherhood’s largest headquarters and is a member of the council together that directly takes orders from the mentor. She’s focused on making sure the Brotherhood has all the supplies they need to fight and survive and she mostly contact other surviving ‘organizations’ to trade with them. She’s close to her stepmother but learning she was a Templar has strained that relationship. They still keep in touch but they don’t talk about anything ‘work related’.
Shao Jun is an Assassin under her instructor, Wang Yangming, and seemed to be friends with Claudia Auditore. Whenever they meet, Ezio acts more like an older brother to her.
Nikolai is actually more of a rogue Assassin with his son and his nephew, Daniel Cross. They don’t talk to the Templars but they would assist the Brotherhood… for a price (usually food and supplies. The Brotherhood keeps telling them they always have a place with them but there are rumors that Nikolai had done something that the Russian Brotherhood didn’t like and had run away with his family before the whole demon invasion happened and that’s why he’s keeping to himself)
Arbaaz has gotten roped in becoming the Frye twins and Jayadeep’s supervisor. He’s part of the council as well and he has no idea how that happened. The death of his close friend Ethan Frye during the invasion has made him a bit protective of the twins.
Speaking of, the twins do not like Arbaaz’s overprotectiveness so they tend to go… their own way whenever they have a mission. Jayadeep gets roped into all of these because he’s worried about them………. Jacob may or may not have some kind of ‘it’s complicated’ romantic entanglement with the leader of the mercenary group known as the Blighters hired by the Templars, Captain Roth.
Arno… well… Arno has his own squad under Bellec’s command (the Assassins in the Unity trailer) and he’s one of the best Assassin in the field. Unfortunately, his relationship with the Templar Élise de la Serre makes some Assassins distrustful of him. The fact that Élise’s father died during the initial wave of the demon invasion because Arno was not able to give him an important report that could have saved his life has complicated their relationship, driving a wedge between them. Some believe Arno became an Assassin to ‘make it up’ to Élise who don’t want to see him. Some believe Arno became an Assassin to spy on the Brotherhood for her. Bellec’s support is one of the few things keeping him safe from those rumors.
Bayek is an Assassin who prefers to check the headquarters and help out. More like a nomad and it’s rumored that the mentor gave him free rein to do whatever he wanted. It seemed he lost his son during the second wave of demon invasion.
Kassandra and Eivor are in charge of their own mercenary group who is more or less allied with both the Templars and the Brotherhood. Alexios is Kassandra’s younger brother who she needs to keep an eye on because he gets to all sort of trouble.
Haytham Kenway is the Grand Master of the Templar Rites and everyone knows he’s Edward Kenway’s prodigal son. The Brotherhood doesn’t like him and his rise in the Order is the main reason why Edward left his seat as a council member of the Brotherhood (his seat is taken by Benedictor who commands two squads led by Aguilar (with María and Mateo) and Callum Lynch (with Lin and Mousa))
Shay Cormac is an Assassin turned Templar who is part of the main force. He works directly for Haytham Kenway and has his own tank named Morrigan. His secretary (sorta) goes by the codename Numbskull.
Maria Thorpe is part of the squad under Robert de Sablé and they serve as the main force against the demon invasion. She doesn’t like the mercenary group the Blighters and think Cesare should not be a leader at all but she keeps her mouth shut because it’s not her place. Robert de Sablé and Altaïr have an ‘if we didn’t have a truce, I would have killed you already’ thing going on.
Basim is… Basim. They know he’s an Assassin but he’s gone dark since before the demons invaded. Some believed he got his hands on a forbidden ‘artifact’ that makes him dangerous. Basim definitely has some kind of connections with the Sentinels and he called Desmond ‘Reader’ when they met. Desmond has no idea what he means by that and Basim seemed both interested in him and disappointed in him.
(Of course, the twist could be that, while we’re focusing on the AC characters here, Doom Guy is actually doing the Doom Eternal canon at the same time and the ending would be about him meeting up with the survivors after taking care of the Icon of Sin to help wipe out the remaining demons)
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disaster-j · 2 months
okay bestie here you go take your pick (or don't 👀): 👑 😈🔮☣️
(because the royal bucktommie au has a corner in my mind and i will NEVER not go 👀👀👀 at any mention of the labrats OR the demon white au <3)
I had the most fun with yours negl just kept hopping from au to au xD
👑 magical royalty au 
It’s hard for them both to look the other in the eyes after the things that were done in the library. 
Buck, for one, cannot look at the king’s thick, calloused hands without the heat rising inside him yet again. But he must not let his earlier mistakes recur. The carriage is far too tight a space to hide anything from anyone. 
He doesn’t even have a coat to cover himself up, for heaven’s sake!
Buck catches the king staring at his neck yet again, at the bruises he’d carefully drawn across Buck’s skin. His gaze lingers long enough for Buck to feel the purpling patches tingle under it. 
He shivers, tries not to look directly at his majesty, so as not to imagine up the hunger he’d misinterpreted from the man earlier tonight. 
Without notice, the gaze drops down to his wrist. Or, more correctly, to the cursed iron wrapped around them.
😈 Demon!White (this one is funnier if you read the snippet from this ask first hehe)
White pats himself on the back for his choice in men when Sean sends him the location pin for where they should meet. It’s a place he knows extremely well. Sean must have done his research, asked around to find out what White loved best and now he was gonna give it to him.
10/10 what a date!
He shadow hops his way to the cafe-lined street by the canal that he spends most of his free evenings strolling through and sees Sean is already waiting for him, right in front of the best place in the world. 
There’s a little skip in his step as he makes his way to Sean, ignoring the annoying shrieks that tend to follow him every time he shadow hops to crowded places. Sean is smiling at him as he takes his hand, drops a quick hello kiss on his cheek and-
Pulls him away from the restaurant. What?
“There’s this cute cafe just down the road,” Sean says cheerily as the distance between White and his favourite McDonald’s outlet grows and grows.
A mountain of despair weighs him down as he mourns the McSpicy Chicken he already had his heart set on devouring. But then he catches a glimpse of the nervous smile on Sean’s face and the doom and gloom fades away. 
The cloud chasing them shrinks into nothing before Sean even notices it's there. 
It’s fine. It’s all good. He can always get McDonald’s after the date.
🔮 psychic!Buck
“That was how I knew it worked,” Eddie could have spent a lifetime watching that smile take over Buck’s gorgeous face. “Because after I told you, I started seeing you instead of her. You were talking to your son, slurring really, but I just knew you’d be okay.”
Eddie didn’t remember talking to Christopher that day. He never did get those memories back. But there’s a sense of comfort in knowing that moment is safely buried somewhere in Buck’s incredible mind. A piece of Eddie only Buck will ever truly have. 
No one had wanted any part of him in a long, long time.
☣️ Labrats!
“Nope, I’m good,” Black says, pushing the plate of omelette and rice away from him. The fish sauce smell alone makes him feel all weird. 
“Aren’t you hungry?” Yok asks, mouth already so full of rice that some of it flies out and lands grossly onto the table they’re all gathered around. “You haven’t eaten all day.”
And he’s the freak here?
“Correction,” Todd yells from somewhere in the back. “He hasn’t eaten since Tuesday.”
As if summoned by that fucker’s inflammatory words, hia Kumpha appears behind him. 
“Eat your rice.”
“I’m not hungry. I don’t need to eat!”
“Everyone needs to eat!”
“Not me!” he says, “The scientists didn’t feed me all the time and I was fine!”
Everyone stills. He gets the sense that he has, once again, said the wrong thing. Fuck.
(make me write!)
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altraviolet · 10 months
Got another ask not-anon, not sure if they meant it to be anon, so putting it here just in case! Here was the ask:
Ask box open early for Ireland time let’s gooo Have you had any thoughts on what original stories you’d like to write once TEG comes to a close? As much as I adore Soundwave and company, I’m eager to get to know new characters through your mesmerising writing style in a world of your own making~
Wooo hello Ireland :D
I have several original stories I started ~15 years ago. A few hundred pages written for one of them, even. But I always get stuck on plot. (Plot is the hardest thing for me) Just in case I ever do finish these, I won't get super into detail, but here's a few things I used to poke at:
-YA-ish fantasy story set years after the fall of a terrible queen who destroyed her country. nearly a post apocalyptic thing, done by her magic. story follows a young adult who travels through the kingdom. she's running away/hiding from wizards set on murdering all kids her age. this is the story with hundreds of pages written. I'm happy with several aspects of it, but I could never figure out how to marry the two magic systems in a cogent way. I would like to return to this story someday
-sci fi story about 2 characters, a jackass lizard guy (kinda like Rodimus) and a scientist human girl. human works in like, an incubation room, where the lizards keep their eggs (there's world building and stuff here, what's she's doing is more like menial labor, she's not testing or experimenting on the eggs or anything). jackass guy drives a truck into the wall of the incubator room (because he said he could drive when he can't), grabs girl in the ensuing chaos and panic, and they run off. story starts! but where does it go from there? I have no idea xD I have a glimmer of an idea. but that's where that one is. I think this would be a good novella sized story
-sci fi story about a robot, a girl (who's actually dead), and two aliens. plot? I dunno. they're on a space station. I really wanted to explore concepts of gender with the aliens. one is meant to be gender without sex, the other is sex without gender. but I'm not sure if this concept would be hurtful to anyone??¿¿ the excerpts I have for this story are from the robot's point of view and they're hilarious (to me). I would like to get this written correctly and submit it to a sci fi magazine someday :) short story format
asks are piling up, that's all I'll say for now, but thank you so much for your interest in my original work! I have a feeling I should start completely new and only revisit these older ideas after more practice with writing. we'll see :) <3
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trying to plot the story so thought I'd ask my first question now XD since you know more about this kind of forensic stuff, if you were Ricki what would your next steps be? :)
Oooh, good question!
(fair warning, this got LONG)
(and again take all this with a grain of salt since I'm not a professional forensic scientist, it was just my major before I dropped out of college. If you plan on going deep into the science/technical side of things, I'd definitely suggest asking people who are active in the industry)
So I think there are two sides of this: how the case will proceed, and how Ricki will proceed. Those are two different things, since Ricki absolutely defied crime scene protocol in that first chapter and the forensic scientists will have a different protocol. But let's get into this!
The case: At this point, further law enforcement will be called to secure the scene. Extensive photos of the scene will be take both before any changes are made and after the evidence is identified and labeled, and these photos will include close-ups, mid-range shots, and shots that encompass the whole scene from various angles. They also will investigate well around the scene in order to identify any further evidence or directional clues. Because the scene is outdoors, they don't necessarily have a set size to make the active scene (it's a little simpler with indoor scenes, since they'll close off the room, floor, or whole building), so it'll depend on the size of the event and where potential evidence may be found. Sketches may also be drawn of the scene, as a second measure to identify interacts between pieces of evidence.
Anyway. Since Ricki and her partner were first on the scene, they should be the first to call it in as a crime scene, and should stay to keep watch over the crime scene until other enforcements arrive and the scene is closed. Technically, they should have avoided tampering with the scene entirely upon discovering it, since they aren't forensic scientists (the one exception would be if they were able to save the victim's life - medicine can supercede preserving the crime scene if it's time-sensitive), but since they haven't...
Ricki and her partner will both be fingerprinted (they should already have prints on file, but a new set will probably also be taken in case of temporary changes such as cuts or calluses), and will likely have DNA samples taken (so their DNA can be ruled out when other evidence from the scene is sampled).
Assuming it's known that Ricki entered the crime scene herself and came in close contact with the victim, she will absolutely have her DNA and prints taken, and her clothing may be confiscated as evidence for analysis (especially if there's visible blood, toxin, or other evidence staining her clothing). She will be questioned about her role in the scene, and will likely be reprimanded for diving right into the scene the way she did. She may also be given a physical exam - those are typically given to victims, witnesses, and potential suspects present at the scene when the crime occurred, but since Ricki entered the scene before it was closed and the age of the scene could not be fully determined when she did, they may choose to give her an exam as well.
As for the scene itself, all points of potential evidence will be identified and assigned a specific number. Photographs will be taken, using numbered plastic "tents" to label them as well as small rulers placed near (but not touching) the evidence to get an approximation of size. Small pieces of evidence, such as hairs or clothing fibers, will be given a number and a written description, and will be placed into a bindle. Liquid evidence will be swabbed and placed in a sealed container, which will also be labeled. Wet or bloodstained clothing will be wrapped in paper, taking care not to touch or wipe off the evidence any more than is necessary - liquids that are still wet are easier to identify than dried liquids, especially when it comes to blood or other biological substances. Evidence that cannot be transported, such as footprints or those claw marks at the scene, will be extensively photographed and logged, and will be left as intact as possible for the forensic scientists to examine more thoroughly at the scene. If possible, a small portion of the sample may be removed for lab testing (i.e. a bloodstained patch of carpet from a carpeted floor), but this depends on the substance.
Everyone who enters and leaves the scene will have to clock in with an assigned manager (someone whose only job is to record everyone who enters and leaves, and when). There is no food, drink, or smoking allowed on the crime scene for risk of cross-contamination, and all who are in the crime scene are to avoid coughing, sneezing, or even talking more than is necessary to avoid biological contamination. All evidence will also have custody forms, detailing who had the evidence at what time - you want as few different people handling the evidence as possible, to reduce the risk of loss or cross-contamination. Evidence will be given to lab technicians as needed for analysis, and the scene will remain sealed until all analysis is complete (it's important that more samples can be collected as needed without the risk of cross-contamination).
The body will be strictly photographed, verbally described, and labelled before it is removed from the scene, but once it is removed it will be sent to a coroner or medical examiner. Those two are NOT the same: medical examiners have a medical degree and extensive training and are the ones you WANT to have examining the body, while coroners are elected positions that require minimal to no training.
In a city like Gotham, I'd expect MEs rather than coroners. They will determine the identity of the victim, assess any damage done to the body and label all injuries, and assess the age of the body based on rigor mortis, livor mortis, forensic entomology (for example, blowflies can colonize a corpse in as little as 5-10 minutes when undisturbed!), and other means. They will almost certainly bring in a toxicologist to examine the poison on the knives. The victim's clothing, as well as the knives themselves, will be taken as evidence for analysis as well.
Particularly if it's a large crime scene or will draw a lot of attention (this would qualify), a defined area for journalists will be assigned OUTSIDE the active scene. The information released about the case will be extremely limited at first, but news personnel are still given their own area for whatever information they are allowed to gather.
It's a PROCESS, and you can see how long this got even when I'm trying to simplify it. And of course, this is the best-case scenario as well - even with these guidelines, evidence may be missed or cross-contaminated, detectives may bring food or drink into the scene, and other fallacies may happen. Hell- one already did, with Ricki jumping into the scene, and that's bound to have some repercussions both for her and for the analysis of the scene. But that brings me to the second part:
For Ricki: She has her own piece of evidence, doesn't she? Now, technically speaking she SHOULD NOT have done that, for a variety of reasons. For one, that wasn't standard collection or identification procedure, and it could make that substance harder to identify (due to cross-contamination, age, being stored improperly, etc.). And on top of that, depending on how observant the other technicians on the scene are, they might notice that the blade was tampered with after the crime was committed, which is a wrench thrown in the plans. Either Ricki needs to fess up and face the consequences of tampering with the scene, or she could be sending the other scientists on a red herring. And it's not just the knife - her footprints, her fingerprints, lost hairs, fibers from her clothing that got caught on the scene, and any accidental nudges to other pieces of evidence could also throw off the analysis.
She needs to get this chemical identified. Forensics labs are not standardized, which is a problem with the system as a whole but benefits Ricki individually here. The Gotham City Police Department likely uses a city-wise, state-wide, or federally-sponsored forensics lab, but Ricki could take her sample to a private lab and have it analyzed... well, not off the record, but at least without the police department getting involved. There may still be contact between labs, and having analysis done on the same chemical from the crime scene could still stir up some trouble for her, but she reduces that risk by going to an independent lab.
I'm honestly not sure where she should go from there. It depends on what she wants to get out of this - is she trying to solve the case, or just get a lead on who did it so she can Nightwing up and take them down? There's only so much information she can get from having that chemical analyzed, even if the analysis turns out to be successful. I'd say from here, her best bet is to try and lay low, follow the forensic examiner's lead, and get her story cleared - being reprimanded or written up is still better than having her cross-contamination misinterpreted and being seen as a potential suspect. It helps that her partner saw her interact with the scene, having that witness strengthens her alibi even if the situation is a little messy overall.
And of course... this is Gotham. It's a fictional city, and a city that's known for having superpowered crime on the regular. They may very well have differing procedures and responses to the ones we have here in the real world. Forensics as a science is constantly undergoing revisions and is subject to human error in a vast multitude of ways - it might benefit your worldbuilding to think about how analysis may differ in a science-forward, superpower-adapted world like this.
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tallaxia · 6 months
(For the ask game) - 5, 8, 12, 22 & 23, for jack, scott AND lon suder >:)
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Jack: Army of Lovers - Obsession
The lyrics, the unhinged video, the 90s trash...it's perfect.
Scott: The Prodigy - We live forever (and a lot of other 90s Prodigy Tracks like Firestarter, No Good or Timezone Bomb )
It reminds me strongly of the chase scene. Could be a perfect alternate music video imo!
Unfortunately, I can't think of anything at all for Suder... any suggestions?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Considering how little fanwork there is, it's hard to say. I really haven't read anything yet that I really despise.
Jack: Maybe Jack taking hard drugs? He's the only one of all the characters who doesn't smoke, neither weed nor cigarettes. He certainly wouldn't have a problem getting his hands on all kinds of pills, but I rather see him eating sweets and junk food all day long. (he should try weed though, dude needs to chill)
Scott: I totally go along with Scott being closeted gay or maybe bi, that fits SO well! But I absolutely can't picture him with Raimi or anyone from the Humanist Alliance. It's a fun crackship tho XD
Lon: Somehow I can't picture him in a former relationship. He gave up his place in civilized life and we know that even among outcasts, the Maquis, he's the odd quiet outsider. He's so off and consumed by his compulsions that he isolates himself and therefore can barely build a real relationship with anyone.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Jack's signet/logo on his shirt he sprayed everywhere looks very similar to the character in the cartoon loop at the beginning. His drawings, which are scattered all over the place, are quite scruffy, but his technical drawings of Warbeast were very clean and accurate, which means he can actually draw well. Maybe the loops are his own animations? So the mad cartoon scientist is basically his OC. Scott: Scott is quite young for a chief executive (I mean, Richard was 29...) He climbed the career ladder way too quickly and got power and a lot of money very fast. Maybe he didn't always have such a big ego and only became jaded by the industry and became such an asshole. When he's alone, insecurities and worries certainly come through, but he wouldn't show them to anyone.
Lon: I think he was born the way he is. Not necessarily that violent to that extent, but without any telepathic abilities. This cut him off from much communication with other Betazoids and he was also an open book to everyone else. Children his age could read his thoughts, but he couldn't read theirs, and that made him an outsider and despicable weirdo from the start.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Jack: His past and probably many years in CHAANKS basement are always an interesting theme to explore, but tbh...just put this weirdo in situations and I'll feel entertained. The strange mixture of a silly cute goofball, dangerous creep and lonely socially awkward genius is what makes him interesting to me and I just like these "wtf is wrong with him?"-moments. Besides that I see him as a switch and obviously kinky AF. He can be really mean and his kink for all kinds of weapons, preferably lethal, is so obvious, but deep down he's also a sub with a mommy kink. I really love him on both sides, but have a slight preference for needy sub-jack.
Scott: He is a slimy asshole with way too much ego and I love it when someone makes him shut up. Verbally, maybe literally. He definitely needs a lesson and I just love the scenes where he's really scared: not a trace of his arrogant attitude left. A bit of backstory and stuff that happened at Chaank pre-canon is also always appreciated!
Lon: Probably the character with the most lost potential. I particularly like stories where he survives and tries to fight his demons. His death was an easy way out of a moral dilemma and I love to read about a possible future on the ship. And of course I like the twisted psychosexual dynamic with Tuvok. I don't see them in a classic romantic relationship, but they both have a very strong fascination for each other and Suder definitely has a crush. After the meld he would do literally -anything- for him. And I'm sure Tuvok is always there to help him control his remaining violent tendencies.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
It's a pity that there are no really good official pictures of any of the three... all potato quality ;_; so some nice screenshots instead~
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walkingstackofbooks · 11 months
SNW 2x07 Those Old Scientists thought-stream
[24 July]
Ayyyyy! Boimler!!
"Yeah, Uhura was cool as hell. Probably because she had a life outside of work." Hah, nooope, not if last week was any indication!
You should listen to Tendi on this one... don't partcipate in Orion erasure, Boims 😬
Boimler's Spock impression was actually better than the crew's Vulcan ones from a few weeks ago!
"I wish I could disappoint Uhura." XD
"You guys look.... very realistic." Oh, you
Oooooh! Animated opening scene! Oooooh!
Directed by Jonathan Frakes?! Nice!
"But flipping it open's the best part." I mean you're not wrong
"Worf's honour" oh my goodness I cannot with this show
"Don't make any attachments" ohhhhhh, La'aaan 💔 "It's advice from personal experience." MY HEART CANNOT
"They never improved on these. I mean, yeah, they got smaller and more powerful and arguably less likely to explode, but design-wise?" "Explode, you said?" BOIMLER STOP
"Well, it's kind of considered offensive in my time to assume all Orions are pirates." Goodie <3
"I feel like I'm trying to stop a toddler from knocking over the furniture." XD
"Do you have jetpacks or what?" "We have jetpacks now."
"How do you know Pike's birthday?" "Well, I mean, in the future, his birthday's a holiday.... Crap! Crap. Crap." Hehehehehe
Close up on Spock's smile XD Yeah, you're damn right it's weird. Every time it happened in TOS it was deeply strange
"He'll get back to his, like, real serious self soon?" Oh Christine....
"We can't just not look!" I love this episode, really a lot
"Patience, forgiveness, benevolence... really great hair." XD
"Five to beam back." Pike's so done with this who thing, isn't he?
If Boimler is bad, Mariner will be even worse XD Boimler's just incompetent - Mariner won't care about flaunting time travel laws
"Stuck in San Fransisco in middle of a riot." Very specific. Do people now know Sisko pretended to be Gabriel Bell?
"I really want to say no, but how much more damage can you do at this point?"
"Are you familiar with Starfleet break codes?"
"Erica, you're brilliant!" "I am true why?"
"They had a Trelane thing." TOS REFERENCE
"And I never get caught." "What are you doing?" The comedic timing of this episode is so on point.
The fact the the two are being reprimanded by Pike while he's cooking cooking XD
"I love grapplers."
It's so cute everyone freaking out about the NX-01 :3
"Are we sounding like.. them?"
"Ad Astra per Aspera." "They put that on the poster?" My heart!!! Una you deserve this! "Your flagrant disregard for temporal protocols by telling me this is deeply troubling" Hah! Of course she has to cover up her emotions like that :3
"Live long and prosper." :o :o :o
The Orion scientist saying "That's all I've ever wanted" is everything.
The animated SNW crew is a real nice touch at the end :3
That was so much fun, guys. So funny too, I really loved it!
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asexualreptile · 7 months
For @ashcroft-writes (who else at this point <3)
You might have seen me yelling at you in your comments in ao3 already but if not:
Have an illustration of the absolute beast of an image of Bane eating planet-shaped sweets. Ever since that chapter came out last year, this image has refused to leave me alone until I finally sat down to draw it. And then in the latest chapter it came back?! If I tell you I nearly started screaming at my screen ...! The red planet at the front is Coruscant as the image search suggested, I hadn't expected it to be so vividly red and yellow but I'm sure that made for a tasty looking candy. The colour for the other two planets was determined by what I thought looked nice lol.
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If you're looking at this and think 'hold in, Bane is blue though', true.
I don't do realism or accurate copies well and I've seen depictions of Bane floating around that were more concerned with vibes than sticking close to the character design we see in the show, so I let myself be loosely inspired. There was one drawing in particular that used a hmm (body) horror approach with really strong colours and distortion but I can't find it anymore else I'd tag the artist :/
What I used as basis for this design was the skull of my favourite reptile since I can remember: the Komodo Dragon. There really wasn't a ton of thought behind that decision, I just thought it would be sick xD
If you've never heard of these friends, here a link:
Some facts about the Komodo Dragon that floated around in my head as I was drawing:
They're the coolest and I love them <3
I'm wearing a necklace from the protected area of the Komodo island with a Komodo Dragon's tooth right now because they're endangered and the nature park needs money to keep protecting them.
That's it.
Just kidding^^
The way that Komodo Dragon's hunt is really fascinating; they're the defintion of 'Work smart Not hard' and only need to get one bite in to kill: For a long time it was believed that the bacteria in their saliva turned the bite wound gangrenous and slowly killed prey but scientists found actual venom glans in their lower jaws that distribute really complex venom. To my knowledge there is no anti venom and unlike most snake who only really attack humans when they feel threatened, K Ds regularly hunt Prey Like horses and water buffalos, they are /not/ scared of humans and though they're somewhat used to our presence, you should keep a very respectful distance at all times.
They reach a length of 10.3 feet (3.13 meters) and even though they look pretty heavy, they can absolutely sprint short distances and hunt a human down.
They're cannibals and young K Ds need to be fast and good climbers to stay alive.
They're covered in body armour. That a reptile is scaly is no real surprise but K Ds are covered in osteoderms which are bone fragments (how metal is that??). Other lizards have them as well but usually only patches K Ds simply have more. And they only get them once they're adults and get out of the trees again. Another link because this is really turning into an Info dump lmao:
Still here? :P
K D have serrated, backwards-facing teeth; what are they for? Cutting really well and leaving gaping wounds; the serration means that snatches of meat are torn out of the wound even when the prey initially gets away. And if I'm getting it right, the wounds themselves aren't cleanly cut which creates an ideal foundation for infection over the next days. The teeth also break off pretty often and grow right back.
Like snakes they have forked tongues and a really keen sense of smell. They also lay eggs and females can apparently reproduce via parthogenesis which is a type of asexual reproduction (diversity win! Haha)
If it hasn't been clear yet, K Ds are apex predators and apart from adult animals they have no known predators in their natural habitat; even humans can't really do anything with their dead bodies as their skin is unsuitable to being turned into leather.
So why have I told you all of this? Yes, because I got excited about an animal that I first learned about when I must have been maybe six at most and have loved ever since. But also because I do think it's a pretty cool spirit animal for our friend Cad Bane. not in every aspect maybe; I do think overall they look a little to heavy for him but the hunting strategy? Once this animal has its eyes (or vomeronasal organ) on you, there is no escaping. A K D paired with actual sapience and a more stable body temperature would be stupidly terrifying. They don't have to run you down, why would they when both you and it know that you can't outrun it. One bite and it's game over and I think that's how being hunted by Cad Bane would feel like.
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starrosea · 25 days
About me?
uh so I see people pin posts based on stuff about them and things they’ve made so uh here it goes!
Hi guys I’m Rose! (Rosie can be said too if we are mutuals)
I live in the US and I’m an adolescent. I like to draw, play clarinet and play video games. I read when I have time. I think of painting, drawing, music, and writing all of forms of art, that’s why I like to do all of it!
I’m a supporter of LGBTQ+ and I identify as aroace and gender apathetic (you can use any pronouns for me because I don’t care)! I also LOVEEE chemistry, anatomy, biology, math, and solving puzzles, so I want to be a forensic scientist when I’m older!!
Now onto my artwork!
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Sherlock (TV Series) Works:
Duality of Mind (made in CSP) you probably know me from this one A Study In Blue (made learning CSP)
Sherlock Smiling (animation study made in CSP)
IbisPaint X on my phone
Sherlock Doodle
Meme drawing XD
Digital Charcoal
John Expressions 1 (CSP)
Sherlock (CSP)
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Good Omens Works:
Crowley hehehehehe (CSP)
Aziraphale yeyeeyeyeyeyey (CSP)
Frame 446 for Every Frame While We Dance (ibis PaintX)!
Only drawing prompt I have done (I’m sorry guys I suck so much I couldn’t get these all done 😭)
Thank you, here’s Sherlock!
one day I might open a shop for any of my work so anyone can buy it if they want! Don’t worry it’ll probably be cheap until I need a job lol
Getting a bit autobiographical here, but I live in a kind small town with a single mom and I have a twin brother. My mom sings and plays guitar, my brother plays French horn and might get a job via the music theory route, and I love both of them sm. Mom’s a teacher who hopes to soon retire and she has made many fanfics on Star Trek and other TV shows she’s watched (I take after her a lot in these aspects!).
Speaking of fanfic, I’m currently working on a Sherlock fanfiction with the help of my mother!!
General Requests/Rules
I don’t think it has to be said since those who are older should have more common sense than me, but just in case, don’t be a bully on my page, don’t be homophobic, racist, sexist etc. pretty basic. If you can’t do that then leave, please. Also try to keep politics to a minimum, I won’t talk about them much until I’m old enough to definitively decide on a standpoint.
Also proshippers and pedos DNI please god.
Please, please please.
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cutekittenlady · 8 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 8
((So i actually had to go back and fight a bunch of trainers to get money for more pokeballs to try and catch pokemon with.))
Well hanging out in the lot was a lot of fun but now I think I'll head back down into the sewers and get to the pokemon center. I need to prepare.
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Yeah I think he's feeling a little... frustrated. Look its this whole revenge thing, I don't really wanna get into it.
Iris then asks what I'm going to do now, and honestly? While I'm aiming to fight in the gym I think I need to train some first. Get a gas mask, complete a bit more of the pokdedex. Yada yada.
Also I'm actually nearly out of the pokeballs. I've only got, like, four. And three of those I dont wanna use yet.
Guess that means one thing. I gotta fight some trainers for cash.
I start in the sewers. I opt to not use healing items like potions. I'd rather not spend money trying to buy more so instead my team and I are just going to have the train the difficult way by healing at the pokemon center for free. Once we have enough money and balls saved up we can try to fill out more of the pokedex.
Besides I wanna make sure I'm strong enough to beat Burgh and this as good of an excuse as any to train up.
I actually try to avoid most of the wild pokemon, saving up our energy for the trianers.
Turns out one of the trainers I beat is a doctor so i was able to get my pokemon healed up! And immediately after that I found a scientist who gave me a super potion! Dang things are looking up! I found a few items in the sewer I might be able use or sell as well.
Place still reeks though.
Getting curious I choose to check out that gaping hole in the sewers and find myself in a cave system (relic passage) rather than explore further I opt to leave it alone for now and return later.
((I actually completely forgot about Relic passage when making the poll. XD I think I'll include it amongst the potential places to catch mons after we get our eevee encounter once we get enough money for more pokeballs.))
AAAnd that rare bone I found in the sewer sold for fifty bucks
And I spend ALL my money on great balls. I decide it'll be a good idea to head to that little hidden park to start some training.
I wonder around in the grass a bit and run into an Eevee. A friggin EEVEE! A wild one! I can't believe this! Those are insanely rare in Unova!
EVERY trainer wants an eevee!
Bentley! Aries! Do NOT screw this up!
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I swap Bentley out for Molly both to take down Petilil sooner, and to avoid Bentleys old habits from kicking in.
Don't look at me like that Bentley you know what you did!
After that it was a matter of being insanely cautious with the damage.
Once I got eevee down to a reasonable health level I decided that now, now was the time to use that Ultra ball I was given back in Aspertia.
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Ultra ball dont fail me now!
I select.
I throw.
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Eevee on the team!!!
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Ohhhhh he is just so CUTE!
What shall I name him? I mean he was the first pokemon in this whole thing to win, more or less, by a massive landslide. So I feel like I should incorporate that in the name.
I asked my sister what I should name this Eevee and she suggest Pollemachus in reference to him winning the poll. That sounded werid so I was considering Champ but while we were discussing it and even seeing if Pollemachus would fit into the pokemon nickname section (it did not) we wound up coming across the name Pollux. Which apparently means "very sweet" some sources claimed it also meant "crown"? I'm not sure but given this pokemon by a Poll that was absolutely no contest I think it only seems right to give him a name in reference to it.
So after a LOT of debate the little Eevees name became Polux.
And now for the moment of truth.
The nature check.
I spent so much time looking for this Eevee. I can only hope the pokmeon challenge gods look favorably upon me.
Bentley. Quiet Nature.
Aries. Hasty Nature.
Molly. Hardy Nature.
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Now of course Polux is gonna need training but I think I may be okay to challenge the bug type gym!
There will be a set of new polls soon!
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 5 months
for the 'bored fanfic writer' ask game
25, 27, 29
Thanks for sending these questions! :) (Link to the ask game)
29) Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
Found this paragraph floating in isolation at the bottom of the doc for a random Sloanshir idea that never really got going. But this random paragraph definitely slaps:
He rolled over and stared at the armchair by the porthole. Empty, but for the pall cast on it by a memory. It was funny how many years of pleasant memories—how many books from Garak he’d read while curled up there, how many lovers in his lap—had been overshadowed by a single interaction. But getting rid of the chair, or even moving it elsewhere, would have meant giving Sloan the power to destroy any part of his life simply by touching it.
25) Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Haha yeah... T_T Usually I'm fine if I know the fic is gonna work out okay (or if I can at least picture a happier potential post-fic future), but if I know that the ending of the fic or projected future is also a big bummer then I run a very high risk of upsetting myself so much that I don't finish the fic lollll.
So, I don't actually upset myself at all while writing horrible creepy sloanshir hurt/no comfort or whatever, because even if the comfort's not in the scope of the fic, I so strongly believe in Garashir ending up together in any given scenario that I just extrapolate in my mind that it'll be fine eventually. XD
The only real problem comes in when I attempt to write Garashir bad endings (for the ship or for either person involved). Like... I REALLY wanted to finish writing my wip about the events of "The Quickening" making Julian slowly go full mad scientist once he's back on the station, but writing it made me too sad because it was important to the concept that it needed to have a devastatingly tragic ending. T_T
27) Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Literally every single fic I've ever written. XD But that's not a helpful answer lol.
I always feel extra nervous posting rarepair fics. With Garashir, there are TONS of canon interactions to model their behavior after, and I've also read soooo much fic about them, which means I have a very good understanding of their dynamic at various points in the timeline of canon, and I know what characterization choices work for me and what doesn't. With Siskarak, there are not that many eps that show the two of them interacting so there's more extrapolation involved in figuring out their dynamic and how to translate that into a sexual relationship, and in terms of fic I have written a solid chunk of what's even out there so I usually put tons of pressure on myself to make sure it's good. And not only good, but like, meshes well with canon and actually follows from what we know about the characters, because I want people to understand how I got from point A to point B.
In addition to that, the longer the fic (or the longer I've spent on the fic), the more nervous I feel when I post. More words, more potential to write something unclear or OOC. XD More time spent, more critical I am of it by the time I post it, because I feel like it should be better than it is given the amount of effort spent. In all honesty drabbles (100 word fics) or other very short ficlets (anything <1000 words) don't make me all that nervous to post anymore, purely due to the time spent writing being so low, which is why I've been posting so many short fics lately lmaooo. If I can bang something out all at once and post without thinking, that's ideal, because then I agonize over it waaaay less beforehand and I don't feel bad if it doesn't get many readers. XD
Posting explicit fics also always makes me a lil nervous, due to the potential embarrassment of what if I've gotten something so wrong that it takes the reader out of the steaminess of the moment.
All that said, my "Second Skin" Siskarak fic, you're a criminal as long as you're mine, recently made me very nervous to post, because it's rarepair smut and it's the second longest thing I've written all year, haha. (Everyone PLEASE go tell me I did a good job, I worked so hard on it.)
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Kakashi’s Story- Chapter Three
Nanara knowing that him and those in power are the one’s to blame for a young girls injuries and not the starving person who hit her to steal the jewel. This kid’s more grown up than most adults.
Nanara’s struggle to understand the war is so beautiful to see. How he’s trying to figure out what he should do and how he genuinely struggles between following orders and doing the right thing. It’s a nice call back to some of Kakashi’s struggles and I love that it’s Kakashi who gets to see him through this.
Blaming Kakashi for making his life difficult for teaching him 😭😭😭 Boy no he’s helping you I swear.
‘If you want to protect people around you, your only choice is to become strong.’ How many times did kakashi tell himself this? How often did he push himself through missions and training chanting this to himself? I need answers!
‘I’m not as capable as you think i am’ Kakashi STFU yes you are!
‘I honestly don’t deserve the blessings i have’ i’m going to fist fight you. I’m going to fist fight you and make you see how much you deserve all the love you have.
There’s a difference between ‘i didn’t make the best choices’ and ‘i pissed people off so bad they wanted to kill me’ boy please, i beg of you. Get some therapy!
An old lady spitting at him because she lost her son to a Konoha nin, and Kakashi understanding and not being at all upset. He understands that even if a war ends it doesn’t mean the pain does. He understands that all too well.
‘It’s not like Kakashi couldn’t knock fifty or one hundred average ninja flying if he set his mind to it’ yes!!! Be confident in your skills i love it!!! Also can fandom please learn to understand this? Pleeeaaassseee
‘Give a starving person bread or teach them how to grow wheat. As Hokage, Kakashi had always chosen the later’ but there’s so much more than that. Kakashi probably also provided resources and supplies to get them through to be able to wait out the cycle of growth and harvest.
Nanara making his choice and telling Kakashi first is o wholesome. I love that as soon as he knew what he wanted to do he went to Kakashi.
And Kakashi shooting down his original idea of going to the Land of fire with the prime minister and giving really good reason’s not to do that, and then immediately providing him a better idea.
I love that Kakashi found and kept a letter that he sent to Nanara’s father, and then showed it to him when he really needed to see it. And the way Nanara stares at the letter and even sort of recognizes the writing as being similar to Kakashi’s. So close kiddo, so close.
‘My beloved Sixth Hokage’ He’s standing right behind you Nanara XD Kakashi must be suffering right now he hates being praised.
The army arrives early!? And with MORE PEOPLE
Kakashi getting to see his first real canons!!!
I love how Kakashi knows the Prime Ministers plan just from seeing the cannons. We get to see more of that beautiful tactical mind in action and i’m loving every second of it.
Margo trying to provide comfort but she’s already feeling so defeated and lost. Someone please give this girl a hug.
Nanara standing up to the Prime Minister and Saying no!!! Wooo!!!
Kakashi deciding to help and immediately putting hp the mud wall to surround the entire village. This man is amazing.
‘Kakashi…you… you can’t be…’ say it. Say it Nanara!
‘A shinobi like the sixth hokage!’ *flips table*
Even Kakashi seemed a little disappointed by those words XD nanara you were SO CLOSE.
‘I’ll tell you right now i’m not going to apologize for hiding who i am’ and we would expect nothing else, king.
Prime minsister: Fire cannons at the wall!
Kakashi: Lol ok.
Did some random ass just try to use chidori??? Against KAKASHI!?!?
‘My lightning blade’ your WHAT!?
Kakashi calculating where the enemy will hit and focusing onto that spot for extra defence.
‘He’ll wear himself down in half a day and the jutsu will be released’ b*** you wish.
Kakashi took a scientists idea to change earth to glass to counter lightning style and made it a reality. Have i said i love this man? Because i LOVE this man.
‘It would take an average person years’ and a genius half that time
Kakashi calling out a lier and seeing their move was no where near being high lighting blade lol. You didn’t even having chirping bird sounds fraud
I love how arrogant Kakashi can sometimes be about his skills. He deserves it :)
‘If it had been his student chidori attacking, he wouldn’t have been able to defend against the blow completely’ i love that 1) kakashi has confidence in Sasuke’s skills and 2) he still has enough confidence in his own skills to say On some level he could still defend against the attack, just not completely. Ya sasuke’s breaking through but kakashi ain’t making that an easy task XD
All the villagers turning on Kakashi and demanding answers from him, damn. He’s just trying to help i swear.
Kakashi grabbing Nanara and stopping him from fist fighting an adult for insulting his father. He probably wishes he could have kicked someones ass for insult his own father so he very much understands Nanara’s anger
Kakashi finally cutting the cool patient approach and pushing Nanara to answer the question of why he didn’t want to be king. They no longer have time to wait for the answer to come naturally and he knows this.
‘Just like how a thick-browed training fool faced the fact that he was not blessed with talent for Ninjitsu by building strength through his own efforts’ love the call out to Gai, but Kakashi i’m pretty sure there’s better descriptors to use for your BEST FRIEND 😂😂😂
Nanara’s so disappointed to get a letter back from the Seventh Hokage instead of the sixth, and his panic when he thinks the sixth might be dead. Damn this poor kid is going through it.
‘The sixth Hokage worked so hard, he should get some time to relax’ damn right!
‘His power has grown by leaps and bounds compared with the days when he had fought Obito and Madara’ *staples this to the fandom billboard and glares at everyone who ignores it*
I love how to this day he still measures how much chakra he has left in how many lightning blades he would be able to do XD
I’m LOVING this. Every moment i get to see more of that tactical genius and beautiful mind in Kakashi is brilliant. This is the type of ninja show i want.
No aliens or big impossible to beat bad guys. I want stealth, intelligence and actually Shinobi talent. Give me MOREEEE
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icebluecyanide · 6 months
Alex Rider S03E03 Reaction
These are my unspoiled reactions to episode three.
Time to get Alex to Scorpia!!
Aww they are really sad about Alex
Alex going with Nile!!!
So many armed guards!! MALAGOSTO
Bless, Nile is giving him nothing
Not yet??? Love how eager Nile is to kill lol
Ahsdlfhs maybe you shouldn’t have plugged in the Scorpia stick!!!
“Sorry I thought that was obvious” lmao I love how Blunt comes out looking so well in Scorpia when you put him up against incompetent and doubtful politicians
“I’ve isolated this computer entirely” yeah… maybe you should have done that before plugging in the stick…
Gosh the home secretary… the fact that Scorpia wasn’t even going to give a demonstration at first seems kind of doubtful but then I guess they never expected their demands to be met any way and this is more a way to get back at the Department, so this sort of tension between politics and the Department is good for them
Alex why are you just walking up to a random Scorpia person lol
“It’s not like he’s going to be there” ahsdfhs Kyra lmao
“To finish you, to put an end to Scorpia” it’s interesting how in the show Scorpia is so much more involved in Alex’s earlier missions & Yassen is connected to them, which means that Alex doesn’t go into this just wanting to know about his dad, but he’s actually got some grievances with them already
“You look so much like your father” eeeeek
Your father was one of us!!!
Why is the Home Secretary still involved ahsdlfdhs doesn’t she have a job
It is mildly funny to me how the Department seems to consist of exactly three people at this point. Like the data scientist really was just the fourth person in the building huh
Pizza 😂 okay i will admit that is smart, wonder if it’s also a callback to Alex infiltrating Mrs Jones’s flat in the book
Does he look like his father? xD but also !! John backstory!!
Ian walking away hitting John the hardest 😭
“He became a very close friend of mine” oh so I guess she did know him?? Then what about the file??
Lmao Tom and Kyra getting arrested
My father was a killer 😭👀
Oh are they giving Scorpia an actual motive lol
How would Alex recognise his handwriting?? I know in the book it’s somehow identical to his own but how does ahorz think handwriting inheritance works??
Three years of service?? The second letter is from the book but gosh no mention of Alex’s mother so far huh 
Ohhh the letters are addressed to W, so I guess maybe John never learned her name?? In all three years?? Despite romancing her??
It seems so silly to me how Mrs Jones and Crawley are like actually meeting people and joining excursions. Why are they so visible??
“John never changed who he was, he only changed the people he worked for” 👀
‘This could be your home’ she says about an industrial underground complex with poor lighting ahsldfhs
Is Alex going to join because of Yassen 👀 Feels like he will need an extra reason at this point, maybe she’ll tell him about the Department killing his dad tho
Is Scorpia listening to their communications??
I’m sorry this is very sad and all but like, why are Smithers and Mrs Jones so emotional at all the casualties. Surely you would need to be able to compartmentalise in a job like this
In fairness, Malagosto is probably an upgrade from the Department’s headquarters
Oh like, real Alex/Kyra ship fuel huh
Gosh Alex agreeing to help end the Department even if he has no idea how many people will be killed. But he wants to end them for what they did to his father
Yassen is Alex’s tutor which is everything I ever wanted!!!!! Loved the backstory stuff, love Blunt, love angsty Alex, can’t WAIT for the Malagosto training scenes, THEY MADE YASSEN ALEX’S TUTOR!!!
I’m fascinated at how Mrs Rothman never once mentioned Alex’s mother despite her apparently being in the picture because Alex was six months old. I feel like it’s a hint at the discrepancy in her story, how I guess maybe she didn’t know about his mother until she learned about the fake death too and that’s part of why she wants revenge. 
Not entirely sold on this John actor ngl, but I do love that we got some flashbacks and I’m desperately craving John&Yassen flashbacks which I’m pretty sure we may get next ep with Yassen back in the picture. Gosh I’m so excited.
Tom and Kyra might get in trouble with Scorpia maybe or something, I have to admit I don’t really care much about their plotline, and it looks like Jack will stay side-lined this season, or at least while stuff takes place in Malta.
Tutor Yassen!!!!!! I need him to spar with Alex omg omg they are really giving us what we want here.
What is Invisible Sword?? This scene was very close to the book, but I can’t quite imagine them going with the vaccines storyline after 2020.
How much does Yassen know about John and what really happened? Apparently John’s death/Albert bridge was super classified within Scorpia, and Yassen does seem to be decently top ranking, and it looked like he was just waiting in the next room for Julia to do her big reveal, so it’s unlikely he wasn’t aware. He can literally see the paused shot of John lying ‘dead’ on the bridge lol. But does Yassen know the truth? I have to imagine he doesn’t, or rather, I don’t want him to be lying to Alex :((
Why *does* Scorpia want to train Alex, actually? In the book his time at Malagosto was honestly more testing rather than training, but what does Julia hope to get out of it? Do they want Alex to take out Mrs Jones as part of the revenge plot? Then again, no reveal about it being Mrs Jones who gave the order, so maybe they will stick to a general ‘the Department/Alan Blunt did it’ and aim Alex at them like that.
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