#I wish they talked more as Ganondorf in general like what are his hobbies I know for a fact he likes music and horses
flaskuwu · 6 months
I like when people make head canons of Ganondorf just being some guy or like working with Link and Zelda because there’s a bigger threat. I think there was something like the in Smash Bros brawl too
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Into the Dark and Unknown: Ch 1. Seeking Passage.
Malik finished rocking Donoma to sleep while he read a bedtime story to Revan, watching the boy fall asleep. He kissed his son on the head after he fell into his slumber, and softly made his way to his wife’s side. “All sound asleep.”
Asakonigei was still recovering from the birth of her daughter. Donoma's untimely arrival had really thrown off the Kovina's schedule as well as her ability to bounce back to her usual self. While Asakonigei was annoyed at Doctor Boveir's orders for three weeks of bedrest, she understood why. She nearly died. It frightened her to think she was so close to death, leaving behind her husband and children.
"Thank you," Asakonigei was grateful that Malik had taken most of the daughters concerning their daughter for the last week. She truly did not have the energy. Shifting on the stacked pillows, the Kovina smiled at her husband. "At least she sleeps better than Revan did."
“She sleeps like a Gerudo. Revan takes after you.” Malik lightly jested. He knew he could get away with it in her condition. Carefully, he placed his little girl in between his wife and him.
"Oh, shut up." Asakonigei snorted. "At least I don't snore like a war boar."
“Me? A war boar is more suited to the King. Trust me, I should know.” Malik relaxed, softly kissing Asakonigei’s lips.
"Oh? So should I say you snore like a dragon instead?" Asakonigei smirked. She could jest too, even in this condition. "Definitely fart like one."
“Least you have your humour back.” Malik sighed, thinking how he wanted to stay like this forever. Him by his wife. “You alright holding her? I have some paper work to look over before going to bed.”
"Yes, I'll be fine." Asakonigei gently traced his cheek. "Don't work too late, please? You'll be tired tomorrow if you don't rest."
“You can’t use my stamina for a while. Why worry about it?”
Malik went to office, going through the specially inked documents he needed to address as Lord of Hyrule. Turned out that being the highest rank under the direct Royal Family held more responsibility at times than High General. Grabbing a letter addressed from Al-Daida, he carefully read its contents. His eyebrows raised in alarm. The country was requesting for border security to Omisha. Reports of monsters tearing apart inhabitants. Malik took this most seriously. He often wondered how the most eastern of the continents were like. Did they hold allies? Or enemies? Malik wanted to know the answer himself. Walking back out, he took a seat beside his wife. “Asa?”
Asakonigei jolted awake. She was still a bit on edge since her near death experience. Donoma was still snoozing away, peacefully dreaming. Usually, her husband did not wake her unless it was an important matter. Yawning, the Kovina tried to clear her thoughts.
"Hmm... what is it, Malik?"
“I want your blessing to leave the country to conduct some business for the kingdom.”
"... leave?" Asakonigei looked at him like he had two heads. "Now?"
“Not immediately. But soon.”
"To where?" Asakonigei frowned slightly. "And for how long? You know I hate it when you leave..."
“Omisha. A month at most I hope for travel.”
"WHAT?!" Asakonigei cringed, thinking she'd wake Donoma. But the child still slept. "Are you crazy?! You know the stories that surround that place!?”
“I do not. Besides rumours of monsters. That’s why I wish to go. To learn what relationship Hyrule can have with these eastern countries. What do we truly know of Omisha? Of Malus? Or further beyond? If they are threats, I need to know.”
"Threats that someone else can deal with now, not you!" Asakonigei insisted. "You know as well as I do that monsters exist. Look at Vul'kar! I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of demon wandering around those parts!"
“A lord should not but others at risk that he wouldn’t take himself. And was Ganondorf and I not monsters to Lorleidi until you knew us better?”
"You know there's a difference." Asakonigei scowled at him. "This isn't a risk, Malik, it's suicide. You have no guide, no knowledge, and no idea how these creatures fight or they even use magic. You're walking into this situation blind!"
“That is why I will find means of a proper guide. Trust my judgement.”
"I trust your judgement," Asakonigei poked him in the chest. "I don't trust what's out there."
“Then trust my will to live.”
"... you're trying to get me to agree when you know I don't want to."
“I know... but I feel this is something I must do.” Malik lowered his head. “I have my duty to my kingdom. But also, my duty to you. In matters such as these, your word is final. So... what is your command?”
"... I don't want you to go," Asakonigei admitted with a defeated sigh. "But I know why you feel like you should." The Kovina knew how her husband was. He always wanted to keep everyone safe.
“I’ll be safe.”
"... how long will you be gone?"
“A month to two months at most.” Malik gave his wife another kiss. “I will return to you.”
“Leere? How are you feeling?”
“Better doctor.”
Leere’s psychologist jotted down her notes. “Have you been finding a hobby like we talked about?”
“Yes. I picked up learning to strum the guitar. It’s been rather peaceful, but...”
“But what?”
“Ever since the removal of one of my marks... I can’t shake questions poking my brain.”
“Questions such as?”
“Who I am.”
“And what do you know about yourself.”
“All I know is that I’m something known as a Mortuus.”
“You’re curious about your origin.”
“And I do not know why. I’ve never cared till recently. It’s maddening...”
“You were adopted into a loving family, but it is not unnaturally to wonder where you come from. These are normal questions to have. Would you like my recommendation?”
It’s why I’m here, is it not? “Yes?”
“Seek the answers that are hidden. Once you have them, you will know where to place your past.”
Leaving the office, Leere took a deep breath. Her next destination was the royal library. She investigated what she could about the eastern countries. The Princess was told information on Malus was nearly non-existent. That geography based, that only the safest way into the country was through the nearly identical country in terms of no information was through Omisha. Frowning, Leere decided to find help.
Her journey brought her to Ralnor’s office. “Brother? Are you here?”
"Come in," Ralnor had papers everywhere and was pacing with a book of trading law in his hand. There was ink smudged on his cheek, and he was sipping tea. The second prince was clearly working hard, but in a chaotic sort of way. "Please mind the mess."
“I see you’re busy, so I’ll be quick. What do you know of Omisha?”
Ralnor stopped pacing and nearly dropped his book at the question.
"... and why does my elder sister wish to know of a place that holds nothing but monsters?"
Leere braced herself because she had a feeling her follow up question would hold a similar reaction. “I heard it’s the safest route into the country of Malus.”
"No, no, no," Ralnor shook a finger. "Al-Daida and the Mabirye Desert border Malus. If you're going to go gallivanting off on another one of your adventures, you can take a Sand Ray across the desert."
“I also researched Malus has an impenetrable mountain that only opens up in Omisha.”
"Good goddesses, Leere, why in the world would you want to go to Malus?" Ralnor set down his book and tea. "I understand that the Mortuus are from there, yet... it's not exactly somewhere that I'd consider visiting."
“I want to learn more about myself. Where I come from.” She had a light smile, cleaning the ink off her brother’s cheek.
"Why don't you just ask your ghost friends? Or better yet, just forget the matter." Ralnor cleared his throat when Leere tried to get the ink off his check. "I am not particularly fond of the idea of you going to such a dangerous place."
“That’s not how necromancy works. And I’ve seen more danger than you have brother.” Leere smiled lightly.
It was then that they heard arguing outside. Malik, wearing his armour from top to bottom, barged in first. Captain Kelly was right behind him, trying to have Malik drop the topic he was about to ask Ralnor.
“Sir! You’re a lord now! You can’t go gallivanting to such a dangerous place!”
“Prince Ralnor. I need your assistance in providing me a guide to Omisha.”
"... the whole castle has gone mad." Ralnor muttered under his breath, rubbing his forehead. "And pray tell, why do you want to go to Omisha?"
“Al-Daida requests troops from Hyrule to assist its border patrols. I wish to investigate myself if such force is required. I also wish to judge for myself if this country is worth our friendship, or our scorn.”
Kelly shook her head. “I have to report you to the Queen.”
Malik snapped his finger immediately at her. “Do that, and you and Tulilad both are fired.”
"Al-Daida?" Ralnor knew of this country from Tebanam's travels. His brother always elaborated on the history there. Not to mention, Faris was the unfortunate victim of the gladiator ring. "You know either way that my brother's wife will find out about this. However, I know from experience if you're insistent upon going, then there is no way I can stop you." The prince sat down at his desk. "As far as a guide, you're out of luck."
Kelly shook her head. “I tried. I’ll take my leave my lord. A good day to you too Prince Ralnor And Princess Leere.”
Malik finally acknowledged Leere was in the room. She held a puzzling look at him. “What?”
“Funny is all. We both have similar goals.”
“You wish to see Omisha?”
“And Malus.”
The Gerudo tilted his head at the woman. Most curious behaviour on her part. “Fascinating. That has been another country I’ve been curious about. Especially ever since members of your race once tried to assassinate the Queen.”
Leere took a seat, knowing better than to ‘fix’ Ralnor’s mess. “Ralnor, what kind of monsters does Omisha hold?”
“I wish to know this as well? Monsters like those of Hyrule, Vul’kar, or even the Calamity?”
"... and why are you looking at me like I'm a monster encyclopedia?" Ralnor asked, feigning innocence. "I've not the slightest idea what you're talking about."
Malik picked up on the sarcasm first. And he was clever enough to know what Ralnor referred to. “No... not him.”
“Not who? Who are-” Leere quickly picked up on it too. Both of them looked at Ralnor, one more annoyed than the other being disgusted.
"It's him or nothing at all." Ralnor then picked up his tea cup and sipped. Loudly. Then he set it back on the dish. "Take your pick."
Malik paced the room. Was this need to investigate Omisha worth risking his life by associating with that monster? Stubborn, a drive burned in Malik. If Klinge wasn’t afraid of that freak, then why should he? “Then he will finally have a use in serving his country.”
Leere watched as Malik left Ralnor’s office to head to the castle’s underground entrance. Oh boy. He wasn’t. Oh god. He was. “Klinge! Wait a second!”
As she walked to pick up her pace, her mind raced at going to see her old pals underneath Hyrule again. It had been at least a year since she saw them all.
"Remember, he serves no one but her." Ralnor decided it was best for him to stay out of this situation. His stress levels were already high enough. Anymore, and he was surely to go gray prematurely. "Good luck!"
“We’ll be careful.” Leere called after him. To be truthful, ever since he became human, Leere found Klinge to be so much more unpredictable.
The two of them made their way to the underground. Malik took a deep breath once he felt the feeling of eyes upon him. “Master of the Hive. Show yourself.”
White and Blue were the ever-faithful scouts. No soul explored the endless catacombs without one of the sisters knowing. This time, however, the sisters were unsure. Leere never brought friends down in the tunnels. She knew better. Exchanging a glance, White slowly descended from the ceiling... and snatched Leere, then zipped back to the top.
"Leere!" The half-spider woman whispered to the princess. "Who has followed you?! Bonegrinder will be most displeased!"
Leere’s instincts were to attack before realizing it was simply the twins. At least White was gentle with her. “Don’t. Scare me like that. It’s just Klinge and I. Well, he goes by Lord Malik now.”
"Sorry, I had to snatch you without him noticing." White then carefully handed the princess to her sister. "And Klinge? You mean the one that Bonegrinder fought? He was undead, don't be silly."
"He smells familiar but..." Blue scrunched her nose. "Different."
“He’s human again.” Leere gave light blush as White pushed her into Blue’s bussom. “Please let me down gently.”
"Aww, do I have to?" Blue nuzzled Leere's neck. "We could always go for another threesome..."
"You did seem to enjoy yourself." White purred at the princess. "Pleasure is addictive."
“I’m here on business. Not pleasure.” Crap, they did feel good though.
“Leere?” Klinge looked around. She wasn’t next to him anymore. Scowling, looked upwards.
“You two need to put me down and ask Bonegrinder to come out before he starts a fight.”
The sisters easily blended into the darkness, but Leere's fair skin made her visible.
"Play later then?" White gave her a deep kiss as he lowered the princess by her web. "I'll do that thing with my tongue you like."
"We'll take you to Bonegrinder." Blue told her, "He has been occupied lately..."
Leere blushed crimson red, a little dazed from the kiss. Did she slip in tongue? “I-I’ll think about it.”
Malik saw Leere descend from the darkness on a web. “I suppose you sought invitation.”
“They like me more.” Leere watched the web move as it was still in her grasp. “Follow me.”
White led Leere by the web, leading her down the maze of endless tunnels. Soon enough, there were people in view. Some were human, others were various species, but all of them were rejects of society. Disabled, mentally or physically, criminals, prostitutes, orphans, or simply those who had nowhere else to go lived in the cocoon of the Hive's operations.
Malik and Leere knew these people both. Leere gave a light smile, while Malik was glad his helmet covered his sadness at seeing the state of the most poor. He wished he could do more for them.
It was only when Malik and Leere were in the heart of the area that White and Blue crawled down from the ceiling. The sisters were massive, but nowhere near the size of the Hive's leader. Both circled around Malik in opposite directions, passing each other a few times, inspecting him.
"Familiar but different."
"Different but familiar."
"Smells like him."
"But is alive, not dead."
“You have the beauty of an angel, yet the disgusting vulgarity of a demon.” He put his arms on his hips, unamused.
“Klinge, be more fair. They’re just stating facts.”
“And I’m not?”
"Tsk, we're not demons, far from it."
"We are Echidnans."
"We are many dwelling in the dark."
"We are the children of Mother."
"We are the descendants."
The way the sisters spoke in unison almost made it appear they shared one mind.
“I know what you are. And I know that you merely speak like that to commit to a bit. We have business with your master. Summon him. Now.”
Leere cleared her throat, almost wishing she done this alone. “I’m sure Bonegrinder is busy, but this wouldn’t be brought to his attention if we felt that it wasn’t necessary of his attention.”
“And trust me, I really don’t want to be here.”
"If you do not wish to be here, then why come here?"
"Contradictory, this one."
"Bonegrinder will see the princess first."
"Ladies first."
"Rude gents must wait."
"Didn't even say please."
"This is why I like women."
"Come, Leere, we will take you to Bonegrinder."
"You stay here, the queen's watchdog.” Blue offered the princess her hand.
Malik looked to Leere. Had he not had a family to go back to, he’d have objected. “Will you be fine?”
“I will. Just... don’t let them get under your skin.” Leere walked with the twins, taking Blue’s hand.
Bonegrinder was occupied... in a way. The giant snake was... sleeping. Soundly. Deeply. And snoring to boot. There were only a few reasons of why he would sleep. The first was after a big battle. The second was a lack of magic. And last but not least, if he had a long, draining vision.
Leere softly placed her hand on his chest. “Bonegrinder? Are you well?”
"He has been having many visions of late." White told Leere as the princess examined her sleeping friend. "He's been exhausted."
"And muttering that silly song about the prophecy over and over." Blue added to her sister's comment. "He swears something big is going to happen soon."
"Yet, we still have no clue how the Mother Goddess is talking to him."
"Or even if it is the Mother Goddess."
"Balance finds her unique way to speak to us all."
"For Bonegrinder, it is either a dream or a nightmare."
"Rambling in a language we do not understand."
"It predates history."
"We hope this will cease soon."
"Even Sheer-Kahn has been worried for him."
“Is he to sleep for a while then?”
"If you'd like to wait, you can sit with him." Blue suggested. "We've been taking turns. Red was supposed to be in here, though something tells me he saw a piece of ass he couldn't resist."
"... wait." White stopped and looked at her sister. "You don't think..."
Then they both cringed.
Meanwhile, Red was trying his best to get Malik to undress.
"You're the finest piece of testosterone I've seen down here in a while." The incubus winked at the Gerudo. "How about you show me that six-pack? I have to inspect everything and everyone that comes down here, so that's the first order of business, handsome."
Malik tolerated the succubi touching his armour up until he reached to pull his helmet off. The Gerudo grabbed the demon’s arm with his robotic hand and squeezed. “Don’t. Even. Think about it.”
With a rough throw, he pushed him away.
Leere eases herself by laying against Bonegrinder. “I’m sure he’ll wake up if I keep contact with him.”
"Oooh, you're the type who likes do to it rough, huh?" Red took to floating around Malik. He rested his chin on his hands, seemingly lying in mid air. "Let me guess, you got a thing for bondage? Spanking?"
"Will you leave him alone?" Blue approached the pair with an exasperated sigh.
"This one is married."
"And your point is?"
"I don't think he'd cheat on his wife with you."
"Oh, but there's a way he can do it without feeling guilty." Red then shifted into an exact copy of Asakonigei and winked at Malik. "See? What's your taste, handsome?" The clothes swapped to leather. "This? Or perhaps this?" Then lace appeared. "Or maybe even this?" Last but not least, spandex covered the incubus.
Malik took out a piece of holy silver, and slapped it against the palm of the succubus. “Leave the image of my wife alone demon. And leave me. Use this to buy yourself a drink.”
"Ow! Stingy, stingy there, muscles." Red shifted back into his usual appearance.
"Stubborn, this one."
"Oh, I could have told you that ages ago."
While Blue and Red were keeping Malik occupied, Bonegrinder started to rouse from his deep slumber. He felt so drained, so tired... when would these visions end? He was not sure if what he saw were memories of another life or the Mother Goddess speaking to him. Sometimes, he swore he heard her voice. It was confusing and only a few pieces made sense to him. Yet, he could never tell the others that. Surely they would think he was crazy... but then again, they already thought that. "Tiny princess..." Bonegrinder smelled her. "This old snake was not expecting your company. If he forgot a previous scheduled date, he apologizes."
“I came to you.” Leere felt content being next to Bonegrinder, like an ex she left on good terms with. Her hand held his, giving him a soft smile. “Are you well?”
"He is tired, Leere, his magic helps him and exhausts him." Bonegrinder shifted his large coils, using his tail to gently stroke her hair. "It has been a while, tiny princess. He trusts you are better?"
“I am. Thank you for your part in helping me with that.” She patted his chest. “I’ve come to ask your help with something. A thing I think only you can do.”
"Oh?" Bonegrinder was curious about this request. Leere was not the type to generally ask for help with a task. He then asked dryly, "This old snake can smell your friend outside, and knows it's him, though he's not undead no longer. Does it pertain to Commander Arsehole?"
“I have my own reasons for what I seek. As it turns out, he has a similar objective. We need passage into Omisha.”
"HAHAHAHA!!!" Bonegrinder laughed at Leere's statement. "Oh, that is a good jest, tiny princess."
Leere frowned, hating when others laughed at her plans. “I’m serious Bonegrinder.”
"... serious?" Bonegrinder stared at her in disbelief. "Tiny princess, forgive this old snake, but passage into Omisha? Whatever for? Mother is not too keen on having humans in her land. You know the stories of what happens to those who trespass."
“I want to see my homeland. I want answers for myself.” She tried to crack a light smile. “There’s no reason to fear Omisha. I mean, if they’re like you, what’s to fear?”
"Trust Bonegrinder, tiny princess, they are all not like him. Some are much worse." He booped her nose with a clawed finger. "And no one goes into Mother's lands without her knowing. Bonegrinder's kind have always been wary of humans. Long ago, they tried to cage us, sell us, make clothes and jewelry out of us. If you are insistent upon doing so, then you will have to pay tribute to Mother. You and the commander."
“Very well. You come with us then.”
"Now that is laughable, you know that the commander is not necessarily fond of Bonegrinder after our fight." The Anagari flicked his tail back and forth. "Didn't like the fact that he could not win."
“I think he’s more cautious with his life now. He won’t pick a fight with you.” She gave his tail tip a grab. “We’re both going, for our own reasons. I’d prefer if I had a friend rather than someone I’m indifferent to by my side.”
"Hmm... Bonegrinder will admit, he does not like this idea of yours. It was more appealing when he had to take your pompous blondie brother." He snorted in amusement. "Mother thought he was pretty and it was funny to see him squirm." He then relented. "If you wish to go, you must know that if Mother reacts poorly to your presence, there is nothing he can do against her. She is strong and ancient, even more so than Bonegrinder."
“I understand. Will you guide us?”
"He will guide you on one condition." Bonegrinder held up a single claw. "You must promise to do what he says, no matter how strange or revolting it may seem. Omisha has different customs than here."
“... I promise.”
"The commander must too, tiny princess. You have to convince him." Bonegrinder slowly rose from his comfortable position, stretching. "He is the one who will cause more strife. And this old snake does not want to inform the wife and little ones that their father died due to sheer stupidity."
“He’s not stupid. Just brash.” Leere shook his hand. “So we have a deal?”
"Brashness is usually due to stupidity." Bonegrinder still appeared hesitant. So he added one more stipulation. "If he says we need to leave. We leave. No objections."
“No objections.”
"Then agreed, tiny princess." Bonegrinder slithered forward, having grown more over the years. "He will need some time to prepare. Until then you are welcome to explore the Hive, yet something tells him that your commander will..." The Anagari snickered when he saw Red pestering Malik. "Will prefer to wait in the castle."
“Very well. We’ll await your word.”
Malik made his way into Bonegrinders chambers, not longer being able to tolerate Red. “Bonegrinder. I’m sure Leere has made you aware of our desire.”
"He has discussed the terms with the tiny princess." The Anagari told Malik as he went in the direction of the underground library where he kept his magical texts. "She will inform you. Shall Bonegrinder have beautiful Blue and White escort you back?"
“I will escort the Princess back myself.”
"Very well." Bonegrinder then told the two of them. "Meet here in three days. He will be ready then."
“As you wish.” Malik gave him a small bow of the head, then extended an arm for the Princess to lead. He’d have his answers of Omisha soon enough.
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190050527306/into-the-dark-and-unknown-ch-2-sweet-mother
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