#I would bet a million dollars this fucker is from TikTok
aria-greenhoodie · 1 year
pretending to be a boy won't make society accept you. embrace yourself for who you've always been, don't change because others tell you that's the solution.
???? HELLO? LMFAO This is a ridiculously insulting and ignorant ask. “Ohhh embrace what you’ve always been” That’s really funny because “what I’ve always been” IS a Boy. I was never a Girl. I’m not “changing because others tell me that’s the solution” I’m just embracing who I’ve always been (a boy) instead of being what others expect and want me to (a girl). How backwards it is to suggest this at me. Dude no one is TELLING ME I’m trans, in fact, MOST people in my life are telling me I’m NOT trans or that I SHOULDN’T be trans (as if I have a choice) so you my good friend are WAY the fuck off.
And…. DO YOU THINK IM TRANS BECAUSE I THINK SOCIETY WILL ACCEPT ME?? NO! BEING TRANS MEANS SOCIETY FUCKING HATES ME LMAOOOOOO bro please do your research and stop annoying random ass trans people in their inboxes 💀 and while you’re at it, get off anonymous so I can block your ass, I don’t want you here if you thing I’m “pretending to be a boy” lol. Why not show yourself, you fucking coward. That way I can properly remove you from my internet feed 😂
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