#did you come here because of the trans genocide video? you did didn’t you.
aria-greenhoodie · 11 months
pretending to be a boy won't make society accept you. embrace yourself for who you've always been, don't change because others tell you that's the solution.
???? HELLO? LMFAO This is a ridiculously insulting and ignorant ask. “Ohhh embrace what you’ve always been” That’s really funny because “what I’ve always been” IS a Boy. I was never a Girl. I’m not “changing because others tell me that’s the solution” I’m just embracing who I’ve always been (a boy) instead of being what others expect and want me to (a girl). How backwards it is to suggest this at me. Dude no one is TELLING ME I’m trans, in fact, MOST people in my life are telling me I’m NOT trans or that I SHOULDN’T be trans (as if I have a choice) so you my good friend are WAY the fuck off.
And…. DO YOU THINK IM TRANS BECAUSE I THINK SOCIETY WILL ACCEPT ME?? NO! BEING TRANS MEANS SOCIETY FUCKING HATES ME LMAOOOOOO bro please do your research and stop annoying random ass trans people in their inboxes 💀 and while you’re at it, get off anonymous so I can block your ass, I don’t want you here if you thing I’m “pretending to be a boy” lol. Why not show yourself, you fucking coward. That way I can properly remove you from my internet feed 😂
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frostyreturns · 2 years
Super Fucked Up
This post is about the depopulation agenda, genocide, hypnosis, satanism and porn (no pornographic images though) so if that’s not for you stop here.
I worked with this gay dude I used to talk conspiracies with a lot, and at first it was just in the context of him liking them the same way people like a bigfoot documentary he didn’t actually believe any of what I was saying...but has been starting to come around lately and the video this post is based on is partially why. He’s chill in that I can tell him I think the rise in gay/trans stuff is a depopulation conspiracy and he wont freak out and get upset. He never agreed but he told me about there being gay porn centered around hypnosis and encouraging people to turn gay or trans by using video hypnosis, and he recently told me there is a kink subset to it that surrounds “extinction.” Asked him if he could send me any screenshots without sex or nudity so I could make a post about it. Below is what I was sent and was told there was a lot more and a lot worse but it all had mostly gay sex in the background. The main idea seems to be not just encouraging men to be gay or trans so that humanity goes extinct...and turning that into a sexual fetish...but also in encouraging the genocide of white people by encouraging white women to exclusively breed with black men. Men (specifically low value men) are encouraged to become women to attract men so that those men waste their time and their reproductive energy on them instead of on real women and getting them pregnant and propagating the species. And it tells these men who can’t get laid that the key is to become women instead, that women don’t value them and will never have sex with them...but men will if they ‘become women.’ It encourages general homosexuality for the same reason. The key factor is that it’s not just about a trans fetish, it’s not just about a gay fetish or a race fetish but it’s all three combining to fetishize or at least try to make people fetishize the concept of their own eradication. There’s nothing overtly graphic or pornographic in the images but they are still disturbing.
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These are some of the other phrases from the video I don’t have images for, keep in mind these phrases are using subliminal and hypnosis techniques like flashing lights and images and use porn as a delivery system. The idea is that the ideas are subconsciously implanted because you’re not fully aware of seeing or hearing them in order to reject them with your conscious thinking mind.  
“You have a biological imperative to be bred into extinction”
“compromise everything”
“This is your heritage” (alongside images of black men with white women)
“Damn your lineage”
“your sisters are doing it, join in you failed as a man”
“submission makes you easy to control”
“It’s natures course, enjoy it, play your role”
“Your ancestors are watching, make them proud”
“breeding status revoked” (images of white people)
There’s also a bunch of just graphic gay porn terms I’m not going to repeat.
He also says there are a lot of weird symbols he doesn’t understand but some of them look occult, I didn’t see these and don’t know for sure because he said he couldn’t get any images without gay porn in them but if someone who doesn’t believe in satanic conspiracies thinks they look satanic I believe him. Especially since one of the images he did send me was the eye of providence. One of the symbols he did recognize was of a seahorse...I’m guessing that has something to do with weird gender shit since I think male seahorses get pregnant or at least thats what I’ve been told... that could be bullshit.
Now to be fair I don’t know how many people are actually consuming content like this. I expect it has to be a very small niche and for all I know gay and trans people in general are not into this. For all I know this was uploaded and everyone hated it...however the fact that it exists as a genre of porn at all is concerning. For all we know also it was not ulpoaded even by someone who was gay or trans but simply someone who is using that for their agenda. It communicates that there is some kind of concerted effort to use duplicitous and non consensual means to alter peoples sexualities online as part of a satanic agenda to depopulate the world. This is the sort of thing I knew was going on to a certain degree but to see it presented in this way so overtly and unapologetically is still shocking. I asked him where he found the video because this seems like dark web shit but it’s not. He says it’s not even from a gay porn site but it is from the gay section of a normal porn site. If this is the kind of porn some peopel are watching...who’s to say it’s not directly responsible for their gender and sexuality confusion. This is the kind of thing people like me have been called crazy for even suggesting exists but it’s just there for anyone with an internet connection to stumble on. I would even bet these kinds of videos are aggressively served to people who google decides would be vulnerable to it.
Now some will argue stuff like this does not work, that this sort of hypnosis is ineffective, that’s an argument I’ve always heard but don’t really trust that that is true. However there is the argument that hypnosis only works if you want it to and you can’t alter someone sexuality in this way. I think that’s bullshit but it’s certain to be a counter argument. The point however is not whether it’s effective or not, even assuming it is not..this is still a huge problem. The point is that it was attempted, the point is that it’s being disseminated online in the attempt to push this agenda. The point is there are people who are searching for and attempting ways to alter peoples minds and sexualities for the purpose of causing extinction and genocide. Who knows what other attempts they are making, what they are putting in your food, in your water. Who is making and releasing content like this and are they involved in anything else the public consumes.
Now I want to have like 15 kids out of spite.
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fivefootab1tch · 5 years
allllllrighty~ here’s my tHING~<3 i recognize that i talk pretty fast (and i was also trying to be hushhush so i probably didn’t come out as clear as i wanted to) so i’m including a script under the cut~
Tagged by @momtaku, @laffitine, & @dirtylevi ~ ♡ //thank y'all smmmmm// Tagging @shuuhuu @madcapraccoon @matcha-castella @starry-raven​ & everyone else on here who needs an excuse to do it and wants to. i’ll share the love and peer pressure asdkjfnak
'Aight, so here's my stab at Mamataku's SnK Voice Meme 4.0! I wrote a script to try and keep myself on track, but... the fuck if I ever know how to play right, so here we go~
State your name and username. 『sal, fivefootab-i-tch』 Is there a story behind your user name that you’d like to share? 『it's from an o.g. fandom video called "More Sassy Levi (Ezekieru Outtakes)". this was way before i was more or less tumblr savvy and i've gone through variations of it before settling on this one to mimic Ezekieru's pronunciation of BITCH. i'd wanna have a completely hyphenless version of this url to make my presence easier for the tumblr system to SWALLOW, kkkk but it's taken. the version of it with a 1 instead of the i isn't though... so maybe i'll switch to that one, i dunno. what's a brand?』 Where are you from? 『i'm from the states, southern california, bordertown asscrack of the U.S. you might get that lazy, high as balls, surfer feel from my voice since i've been here all my life』 How long have you been a fan of the series? 『i'm about two years late from the anime release, and i only know this because i immediately started writing fanfiction after binging the series in summer 2015. so... coming on 4 years? damn.』 What is your favorite and least favorite Arc? 『my favorite arc is the uprising arc, a pretty popular opinion, for a lot of reasons: the sudden turn of events, levi's collarbones, levi as a kid, KENNY, the characters all having their own unique identity crisis as their morals are suddenly taking turns, historia reclaiming her identity... (which was something that hits a little too close to home for comfort, but what's a good series that doesn't rip your personal feelings to shreds?)』 『i'm not a big fan of the marley side of things, another pretty popular opinion. for me, suddenly switching to a new cast of characters and setting after so much was accomplished in the uprising arc and return to shiganshina felt like betrayal. i mean... they get to the basement, which was the whole ass goal of the entire series up to that point, then we suddenly screech to a halt to tell someone elses' story. i can understand it... theoretically? i guess? bbut the whole time i was still like "wait a minute, what happened with the main cast?" bits and pieces of it have grown on me since, but i still have a ways to go to invest myself. politically, i just realized... marley really grinds my gears. why did i have to realize this? i'm shook. i can't believe this. i'll process it later.』 Do you have a favorite moment in the story thus far? 『eren screaming "the world outside the walls is my birthright" for... reasons. historia reclaiming her identity for... reasons... i've found myself hyperinvested in this series for immensely personal reasons i hope to eventually see through in my own life. i wanna be free, too. i also liked the moment in the uprising arc when levi thanked armin for saving jean. it was rough, but something he needed to hear. also any moment levi praises people. it's really cute.』 If you could resurrect one dead character who would it be and why? 『kuchel, because not only does levi deserve his mother but i would've loved to see more of her and how she raised levi into the compassionate kind of guy he is now. that side of him survived the tough love kenny put him through, so she must've breathed hella life into her kid and that's something i'd love to have seen more of』 Who is your favorite character and why? 『levi, for a lot of obvious as well as not so obvious reasons.』 『obvious reasons: he's pretty fucking cute. his sass and one liners are hilarious. his sense of humor's a clusterfuck of bad shit jokes and dark takes the people around him don't understand half the time and that's pretty funny in itself. he's o.p. as hell but the way the story makes it not matter when it comes down to it (because the universe is just THAT fucked up) is really something. he's in a league of his own but the depth of his characterization and development shows that's only a small part of who he is. the story demands so much more of him and the ways he rises (and sometimes falls) to the occasion makes me really like him. he's showcased as Humanity's Strongest but he's still human and flawed as fuck.』 『not so obvious reasons: he says fuck gender roles. he's short and makes the trans guy side of me feel pretty good. that particular character trait isn't just a gag for me. he started from the bottom now he's here. he always sides with the powerless, the helpless. he (to his own personal moral code) uses the strength he has for good as opposed to using it to keep people below him, something he could very well do if he uncritically internalized everything kenny spoonfed him, and wanted to. he doesn't sit on a moral high horse. he's open minded and accepting of letting people decide things for themselves. he's humble. if he doesn't understand something, he'll look to other people and he does all that while remaining confident and assertive in his own abilities. he doesn't hold himself above doing the dirty work if he feels he's best suited to do it. he genuinely cares about people and does his best to talk them through their issues when they need it, even if he's clumsy while doing it. it's really inspirational and personally validating .』 Any OTPs? 『erejean hits me a certain way. they're everything "boys will be boys" is SUPPOSED to mean, and i still can't get over jean calling eren cool. they're just so funny and i love their dynamic. hange and petra hits too for a reason i don't really understand yet. i don't get super invested in pairings, but i do like seeing character dynamics being explored in different lights and stuff. **** i bonded with my partner over roleplaying an au ereri thread, so that pairing's pretty special too. i didn't ship it at first, but being open to it has led me to getting to know this amazing person, so... yeah.』 You are able to transport to the SnK Universe for a day. How do you spend it? 『helping out. i don't know what i'd be able to contribute, but i'd want to be doing something to make the lives of the main cast easier. they have it really hard, and so many times i wanted to be able to do something for them. so i write my original characters into fanfiction. on the other hand, if it's a world where i'm independent and free to live whatever life i wanna live, i'd wanna go absolutely apeshit first. see everything there is to see and live all the life there is to live. ****perform a strip tease at a scout party and have the officers stick bills into my boobs.**** THEN commit myself to some sort of social or military work for the scouting legion. ****be their comfort... if yaknoe what i mean. it's good honest work~♡****』 Eren Jaeger did nothing wrong or Eren Jaeger did everything wrong? 『eren jaeger is what eren jaeger does. i can't vouch for whether or not he's right or wrong because there's no way i can really put myself in the situation he's in. mass genocide is very wrong, without a doubt, but something tells me there's something else going on and his real intentions are more complicated. a pivotal point in the series for him was his tribunal, where levi played the role of the arrogant wank to save his life and beat his ass before the whole military court. i think there's something similar going on here. he could be playing a role too, but it still stands that i have no idea. i'm not so invested in condemning or glorifying him, because the things i enjoy about his character aren't really going to be influenced.』 What is your favorite song in the series? Feel free to sing an extract 『i love them all. hiroyuki sawano makes such amazing soundtracks and all the vocals are powerful and chilling as fuckall hell. some favorites i do have are red swan, Vogel im Käfig, Bauklötze, call your name, it's answer song call of silence, youseeBIGGIRL, the spanish version of so ist es immer. so uh... even though i'm not very good at it, i do really love singing, so... i'm gonna try and sing some for y'all. i know a lot more english, japanese, and spanish than i do german so... i'm sorry!』 ****『Like the scarlet night veiling the dark You can hide your fear Can lie, my dear Kono mama yume wo mite Chi darake no tsubasa Hirogete』**** 『Las sillas ya juntas están Charlamos toda la noche  Este lugar no esta nada mal  Y creo que nos llevamos bien ****Solo estamos nosotros  Siempre es nuestra luz  Cantando y bebiendo, puedes estar tu Bajo el cielo azul  Siempre estamos asi  Y largas son las noches aqui』 『Ist das der Zerstörer oder der Schöpfer?』**** 『one of these days, when i feel more bearable to listen to, i'll... try and do some full ass covers, if y'all would be down for that ♡』 Bonus: What would Erwin do? 『about... what? everything going down now? i dunno. all i can offer is a dream daddy reference. he's chilling in Margaritaville somewhere... 』 Say the following: Wall Maria, Jean Kirschstein, Reiner Braun, Ymir, Theo Magath, Onyankopon, Kiyomi Azumabito, Hajime Isayama, Shiganshina Trio, Shingeki no Kyojin, Shinzou wo Sasageyo
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bublp0pr · 7 years
UT time rant
i realised that i never actually discussed my rantings about undertale’s time vagueness, did i? Ohhhhh yessss. This is going to be a fun waste of an hour (insane and evil laughter with conveniently timed thunderstorm in the distance)
Where do i even start?
Ok. How about i start with something obvious? 201X. What the hell does that even MEAN? It’s genius on Toby’s part. Having released the game in a year whose first 3 digits are 201, we can interpret it to just mean some year within the decade beginning in 2010 and ending before 2020. But if someone was dedicated enough to the game to still be playing it all those years later in say 2021, then there’s a whole plethora of choices available to you to justify how you intend on interpreting it. How about i break some of them down? 
Well, the most simple view would be to just assume that the date is still maintains that meaning - that Chara fell into Mt Ebott within the previous decade under my hypothetical example. But if we’re letting this date exist in a time other than the present then why stop there? Everything that occurs within the game to give us some sort of indication of a time reference is circumstantial because the game is set some indefinite time AFTER 201X with Chara falling. 
Now, that being said there are likely some arguments to be made for certain objects we know existed at the same time as Chara - such as a video camera. BUT- and here’s another BIG THING we need to consider here, how do you know that monsters weren’t just more technologically advanced than humans? Look at the technology introduced in the game! The ramifications of a trans-dimensional box in your PHONE! A mass geothermal power system placed directly in the CORE of everyone’s city but that is SO SAFE that no one even worries about it! Technology that literally operates in tandem with MAGIC -by which i mean THE ESSENCE MANIPULATED BY THE SOUL ITSLEF- in some circumstances! This is startlingly advanced stuff. If we assume that monsters WERE more advanced than humans, then do we really have ANY reference to what time era Chara existed in on the surface? My opinion is no. You could argue that were it the case that Chara existed in a time that significantly predated certain concepts than integration with a society who did have this stuff would be difficult but- and again, TIME STUFF TOBY! TIMEEEEE- we have no idea how long Chara stayed with the Dreemurs before they died. So things like the video camera could have been completely foreign to them BEFORE they fell and they just slowly learnt about them down in the mountain. 
‘But wait!’ I hear myself saying because i’m not presumptuous enough to assume anyone is actually going to read this and ask this question lol. ‘The 201 still needs to mean SOMETHING though right? That narrows down possible dates a little...’ Ohoho I’d be wrong. First: the date could be set in the past, in like the year 201 AD, 201 BC or any year within the decade 2020-2010 BC. OR it could be set in the past/present/future of 2010-2020 AD. Second: the X is a vague substitution that, without context can mean ANYTHING. That means it can mean more than one digit which makes the possible date as infinite as the possible values of X (i’m tempted to say more infinite because obviously there’s an AD and BC version for each value but that’s not how infinity works. Figured i’d say so for perspective anyway). Third: since when was 201X a year???? Take another look at that moment in the opening menu flashback, because i assure you that the vague number below the picture of a mountain has NO OTHER INDICATION TOWARDS ITS MEANING WHATSOEVER. 201X could be a day and month, it could be a month and year, heck 201X could just as easily be the geographical location of the mountain by some reference standard. X stand to mean ANYTHING AT ALL. It doesn’t have to be a number.
Is your mind sufficiently blown yet? Because there’s a few other possibilities i haven’t even dared to go into yet. We can’t say with 100% accuracy haha but it’s a good bet that Undertale isn’t actually the reality of our history. Which makes the game a work of FICTION within a FICTIONAL universe. With that comes creative freedom in how time works in general! How society came to agree to understand, measure and interpret time; how history uses time as a reference to the present etc. And even worse, there isn’t even enough evidence to say that it’s set in a real world setting either in terms of humanity. History could be completely different! So would having a date really mean anything to us?! Ok, ridiculous stuff aside, let’s assume that this is the real world again. So what if the date was how monsters measured time instead of us? Do they measure time the same way? Maybe they’re measuring from when they were trapped underground. How would we know?! 
Final conundrum (and this one was actually brought to my attention by a really good web comic actually) : what if the use of determination to reset time didn’t apply to the outside world? The interpretations of this piece of information alone are vast, like the underground exisiting in a closed time loop or having a separate line of time running parallel to the surface that becomes more delayed with each reload or reset. However you consider it, it makes using time from one world not relatively correct to using time in another. (We are not given evidence that Chara actually ever does use determination to alter time within their life underground but there is evidence to suggest use of resetting occurring because of the 6 souls which sufficiently messes us up if we want to use the date as any sort of reference for anything)
So basically, giving us the 4 characters 201X at the start of the game might as well mean nothing to us.
Lengths of time between events
Ok. I want to say now that 201X is the ONLY time we’re ever given any date. So the fact we can’t even use that means we have no idea exactly when anything happened. But that doesn’t matter so much right? I mean, who cares as long as you can follow the stretch of time the game actually does exist in. Right? Hahahahahahaha. 
I’m just going to list all the lengths of time we DON’T know in the game. Take a minute to think over each one.
How long was the war between humans and monsters?
How long did monsters exist underground before the first human came?
How long did Chara stay underground before they decided on the plan with Asriel?
How long after Chara made plan with Asriel did they actually go through with it? For all we know they could’ve been older when they actually carried it out. (not that OLDER means anything when we don’t know how old they were when they made the plan lol. But atleast we knew they were kids then)
How did it take after Asriel died for Toriel to leave Asgore and go to the ruins? Or, to pose a better question, how long had Toriel been in the ruins when Frisk eventually came around?
How long after Asriel’s death did the next human arrive in the underground?
What sort of lengths of time were there between each human falling underground?
How long did each human spend in the underground before Asgore eventually killed them?
How long after Asriel’s death did Alphys inject enough determination into his flower to awaken Flowey?
Depending on the answer to that last question, did Flowey actually exist as the same time as any of the humans who fell? Or was Frisk the first they met? (i’m not counting Chara obviously)
As a rough estimate, how many resets do you reckon Flowey went through before Frisk came in and messed with that?
Unless you think about one of the theories about surface time and underground time not occurring exactly simultaneously because of determination tampering with things, obviously waiting for Frisk had been the longest run Flowey had ever done. How long had he had to wait in that run before they fell? [This one i find really interesting because it gives me an idea of how long he spent playing in each run normally before he would reset too]
How long did it take for Frisk to go through the underground? Is that length of time the same between pacifist and genocide timelines? Can we use real game time as a reference or not?
How long had Napstablook been abandoned by Mettaton for when frisk fell?
How long did it take for Alphys to conduct the amalgamate research?
For how long had Alphys been keeping the amalgamates secret from their families when Frisk fell?
For how long has Papyrus been training under Undyne?
How long has Undyne been head of the Royal Guard?
Are you thoroughly concerned about how little you know about the game yet? These are all things that would give more meaning to the storyline as well. Now, on some of these points you might think, well obviously we can use lifespan as a reference. BUT WE CAN’T. Because
We don’t know a damn about monster life spans
The only info we’re given is based on boss monsters. And that conveniently tells us that THEY DON’T AGE WHEN THEY DON’T HAVE LIVING CHILDREN. And since Asriel is dead, well we have nothing to work with. What really messes me up though is that the only constants we know for sure about across the two points in time, Chara’s and Frisk falling, is Asgore, Toriel and Gerson. Asgore and Toriel teach us nothing because THEY DON’T AGE. With Gerson aswell you might think haha i’ve got this cracked until you realise you have no idea how long a monster’s life span is, how long it takes a monster to reach old age and exactly what stage of aging Gerson is at. May i point out that NONE of the other monsters were mentioned?! That means that for all we know they weren’t born yet. But we have no idea. Were most of the monsters we know alive during the war? I’d have to say probably not but at the same time i have no substantial evidence either way. Another down side of this is that we don’t know how old any monster is in the game, how old the monsters are relative to eachother (like, is sans older than papyrus for example? we don’t know) and how old monsters are relative to Frisk. Because it puts an entirely new spin on everything if the only reason Frisk was called kid and my child was because they were younger than 100, for example, which was the age bracket of a child in their eyes. But we also don’t know Frisk’s age so who the hell knows anything? 
Let’s sum this up
The point of this game is that we don’t have reference for ANYTHING so that we can fill in the details our self. It gives a fan infinite freedom to customise the experience however they want. What this has resulted in is a large community of differing opinions about everything, with everything being technically valid which some consider bad but i just consider fascinating. It’s the best of all worlds really. I hate how vague things are at times when i want a canonically pure origin point for an argument, but i really shouldn’t complain. It’s beautifully done to be honest. And if you never asked these questions you’d never even know how sneaky it is. That’s how good it is. 
So yeah. Time. Undertale seems to have an issue with it. 
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the-rainbow-robot · 7 years
Dragon Age Companions, Part 1
I recently read a post (originally from Weresquirrel, sorry I don't know how to tag), about the criticisms characters from the Bioware fandom face. So I guess I'm just feeling the need to lay out my feelings for the characters, after so long of playing (I'm only doing dragon age here, I loved all the Mass Effect characters so much I don't really need to explain it further) Vivienne: In my first playthrough of Inquisition, I LOVED Viv. Aside from her fabulous nature, I was glad to see a black woman in a position of power, who is both elegant and demanding of your respect. I still to this day respect her a great deal, but I now agree with Sera, she's a bitch. I respect her achievements, she has accomplished more in her life than I probably ever will, but her schemes and manipulations make her difficult for me to trust and make me question her motivations. When you first meet her, she uses your presence to publicly shame a rival, which at first I thought was awesome but now I think was quite rude. But she also showed that, under her Orlesian Noble veneer, she is a deeply caring person, as can be seen if you give her the snowy wyvern heart. I lover her as a character, she is interesting and has fantastic depth, but as a person I just don't know if I could trust her. Sera: My brother still hates her, and initially I thought she was annoying but I trusted bioware enough to give her a chance. And boy was I glad! She may be a bit naive as less well-educated than our other friends, but she is intuitive and clever. When I learned about her past, I wanted to build a pillow fort and share cookies with her in it to make her feel better, but I guess the roof will suffice. Her wit and humor helps make the Inquisition's leadership more approachable and human to the commoners and soldiers that make up the body of the organization. And while I wish she was more open-minded, she is right; a lot of the stuff that happened in Inquisition is fuckin wierd. The Iron Bull: Personally, my view of him is a bit colored. I love big burly, lumberjack like males and he was a cookie I couldn't wait to eat. I find his humor raunchy and his manners lacking (not as much as Cassandra, close the damned door people!), but he was genuinely sweet at times during the romance. I wish he wasn't such a womanizer, but if he said that barmaid was a man instead, I would have cheered him on so I guess double standards can go both ways. My first play of Trespasser he was Qun-loyal, and I had to stop the game for a bit to cry (Alicia Key's song, "No One" coming on exactly then did NOT HELP FUCK ME), so I vowed to save the Chargers in every future playthrough. Krem: I can't remember his full name but I felt so embarrassed when I found out they were trans. I thought, at first, "great, it's that dumb Eowyn cliché, she dressed like a man so she could fight" thing but no. Krem really was trans and I felt stupid for not even considering that. Otherwise, Krem is my fave I wish we could chat more!! Varric: I guess I should have mentioned the lying thing with Iron Bull too, but I don't think either of them is untrustworthy. They both admit that they lie a lot, but I honestly don't believe that they ever lie to you, at least not on anything big, or at least something you wouldn't understand (obvi, lying about Hawke was pretty big). Varric is practically the embodiment of what I want my video-game self to be; witty, charming, devilishly handsome, imaginitive, and quite capable and smart. He isn't as intellectual as others, but that doesn't mean shit to me here. I love him, from one fellow little brother to another. Cassandra: OMFG DID YOU SEE THOSE EMBOSSED HEARTS ON HER ARMOR SHE IS SO PRECIOUS!!!!! I honest to god hated Cassandra in DA2, for kidnapping Varric. But she is just so god damned awesome! She's strong, capable, determined, inquisitive, has an awesome scar, and holds little back. And with an accent like that, how could she NOT be a hopeless romantic? She's literally perfect, I just wiSH SHE DIDNT INTERUPT BULL AND ME though to be fair, she didn't start it, she just... was the most blunt about it. OF COURSE ITS MORE THAN JUST A FLING HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE MAN?! Josephine: jesus christ I feel like a fangirl just thinking about her. She is so cute and silly and innocent, but then she just turns around and steels the pot at Wicked Grace and is the calmest person I've ever seen considering she JUSt learned an organization of assassins is gunning for her. She is perfect as a diplomat, and I would be proud to call her a friend. Solas: he makes me angry. At first, and I guess even still, I find him intriguing. The fade interests me a great deal, and Solas has so much cool info about it! And then I saw how racist he was. And hypocritical. And genocidal. Honestly, Solas, I thought you were better than this! I am very disappointed in you, bad boy! Blackwall: I wish he was gay, he is sooo adorbs! I think he is incredibly courageous, and while I try to follow a Retributive philosophy regarding justice, I think his guilt was enough punishment And he is genuinely a good man now. Dorian: totally fab. He is very sarcastic, which I love, but I do think Dorian legit has some kind of anger issue. He doesn't get angry often, but when he does he says very hurtful things that he later regrets, and sometimes I worry whether he might actually mean them. That is understandable, your dad trying to make you straight by using blood magic is fucked up. But he's a bit of a spoiled brat, and while he jokes about it I think he still doesn't quite get it. But his goals of wanting to bring change to the Imperium are noble, and I think I could call him a friend. Romancing him is on my to-do list. Cole: Since Cole is a spirit, things get a bit wierd about him. I definitely love his character, I always go the more human route because the spirit route is just too... idk, it just feels wrong. Lile he's actually less compassionate than before. But I think he has a good heart and thats what counts
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