#I would find it hard to believe that she was written in 1818/19
the-busy-ghost · 2 years
"You have much too nice a conscience," said Lady Emily (...) "What a pity it is you and I cannot change places. Here am I languishing for a little opposition to my love. My marriage will be quite an insipid, every-day affair: I yawn already to think of it. Can any thing be more disheartening to a young couple, anxious to signalize their attachment in the face of the whole world, than to be allowed to take their own way? Conceive my vexation at being told by papa this morning, that he had not the least objection to Edward and me marrying whenever we pleased, although he thought we might both have done better; but that was our own affair, not his. That he thought Edward a fine, good humoured fellow- excessively amusing- hoped he would get a ship some day, although he had no interest whatever in the admiralty- was sorry he could not give us any money, but hoped we should remain at Beech Park as long as we liked. I really feel quite flat with all these dull affirmations." "What! you had rather been locked up in a tower- wringing your hands at the height of the windows, the thickness of the walls, and so forth," said Mary. "No: I should never have done any thing so like a washerwoman, as to wring my hands; though I might, like some heroines, have fallen to work in a regular blacksmith-way, by examining the lock of the door, and, perhaps, have succeeded in picking it; but, alas! I live in degenerate days. Oh! that I had been born the persecuted daughter of some ancient Baron bold, instead of the spoiled child of a good natured modern Earl! Heavens! to think that I must tamely, abjectly submit to be married in the presence of all my family, even in the very parish church! Oh, what detractions from the brilliancy of my star!"
Lady Emily, being 100% herself as usual, in “Marriage”, by Susan Ferrier (1819 edition as edited by Dorothy McMillan)
#Honestly if it weren't for one instance of casual antisemitism in her speech and the fact that she wants to marry her first cousin#I would find it hard to believe that she was written in 1818/19#And yet at the same time she is such a thoroughly Regency character#It's just a pity that so far we haven't seen her go head to head with Lady MacLaughlin#I do get the impression that Ferrier (and Charlotte Clavering) had a lot more fun writing funny or downright strange women characters#than they did plotting the actual marriage/romance plots and to be honest I can totally sympathise with that#Other than Dr Redgill the men mostly seem to read newspapers or propose marriage in manly emotional fashion off-screen#Though they have their own foibles too- see Mr Douglas' umbrage at the aspersions cast upon his venison by Mrs Macshake#But it's the women who steal the show#And ok so far Aunts Grizzy Jacky and Nicky and many other female characters haven't actually played a huge role in the plot development#But damn me if they aren't hugely entertaining and interesting figures#So I'm willing to plod through hundreds of pages just for these- admittedly fictionalised- pictures of late 18th/early 19th century women#Scotland's Jane Austen? Eh maybe#But there's also a comparison to be made with Wodehouse I feel#A Regency-era female Wodehouse to be sure but nevertheless#A little bit racier than either Wodehouse or Austen tho#Well for the time period anyway#Ach what do I know I'm just here to enjoy myself#Quotes#Reading log#Books
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heysnowflake · 5 years
20 Questions Book Tag
1. How many books are too many for a series? 
Honestly, if you’re really invested in the story, the universe and the characters, you can never have enough. However, I would say that J.K. Rowling- for example- got it right with 7 books. Going from one book to the next, it didn’t feel dragged out at all. I mean my favourite trilogy of all time, The Dark Elements trilogy, whilst I was left wanting more, I also felt that Jennifer L. Armentrout spaced out the entire plot satisfactorily; keeping it well paced. However, I am bloody excited to dive back into the world again with her new book Storm and Fury. So, all in all, it does vary depending on the quality of the series and the story being told, but I’d say 7 is a good number. 
2. How do you feel about cliffhangers? 
Whilst they can be BLOODY PAINFUL AT TIMES, I love when a book has me on edge like that- just throw my lifeless body off that cliff baby and let me dangle. But yeah, I would need to read the next book soon or lest my peers feel my wrath. 
3. Hardcover or Paperback? 
Whilst I do really love the look and aesthetic of a hardcover, especially in my flatlays, I prefer reading from a paperback. I find a book bounding in hardback too constricting and I can’t bend the book as much as I’d like. Plus, paperback are softer to hold in the hand and lighter in weight. If I really love a book, I’ll have them in both paperback and hardback, if available. 
4. Favourite Book? 
Oh for fuck sake, I knew this was coming! Let me at least give you a list: 
- Goblet of Fire by J.K . Rowling (probs my favourite of all time as I’ve read it 17 times and still want to read it again) 
- Twilight by Stephanie Meyer (read it 7 times and still thinking about reading it again, what a damn book) 
- The entire Dark Elements trilogy (White Hot Kiss, Stone Cold Touch and Every Last Breath) by Jennifer L. Armentrout (read the whole trilogy twice and will be re-reading now to prepare for Storm and Fury)
- A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (I’ve read it every Christmas for 6 years now) 
- Catching Fire by Susanne Collins (favourite from the trilogy, it built up so much from The Hunger Games)
- Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (Jaaaaaaaaamie, my god! But also Claire is one of the strongest characters I’ve ever read in any book) 
- Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardobe (a childhood fave, love me some Aslan)
5. Least Favourite Book? 
Easily Vampire Diaries 1. LOOK, I absolutely bloody love The Vampire Diaries television series, it’s in my top 5 favourite TV shows of all time. However, the show really took all the potential that the story had from the books and made it 1000 x better. This is one of the rare cases when the book/books are far worse than their screen adaptation. I mean, no spoilers for anyone interested in reading the books still but, Elena in the books is just so unlikable which is hard to think of when you see her in the show. Nina Dobrev’s portrayal of Elena is the complete opposite of the written word and thank god it is, and she does it brilliantly. Major respect for all the actors, writers, producers, etc. in the show, they did a wonderful job. 
6. Love Triangles, yes or no? 
When done well, abso-bloody-lutely! Most of my favourite books have a love triangle in them and they always keep me turning the page (and no Twilight does not technically count because it’s very obvious in the books that Edward was always the choice for Bella, the movies only changed it slightly to sell the story and strengthen the fanbase which, to be fair to them, worked and I went along with it xD). I would like to see a new version of the trope being done though, like the two fighting for the protagonist’s affection end up falling in love with each other or something, not THAT would be interesting. 
7. The most recent book you couldn’t finish? 
Probably Vampire Diaries actually, I just... I don’t like wasting time on books that I’m not enjoying. 
8. A book you’re currently reading? 
Literally just started reading 13 Reasons Why because I’m hungover from the series on Netflix. I am one of those idiots that actually like to watch the movie first (if available) before the book as I can visualize it better that way (other than that, I love dream-casting when reading a new book). Additionally, the Netflix series... oh my god. I have never physically and emotionally reacted to a show more. That season 2 finale, my jaw was LITERALLY to my chest and i had to pause at certain moments because I couldn’t believe what happened. Wow. 
9. Last book you recommended to someone? 
I think it was A Court of Thorns and Roses to my mother, she absolutely loves all the YAs, it’s a great thing to share with her. She’s now read all of the Court books so far. The bitch is further ahead than me! 
10. Oldest book you’ve read by publication date? 
Does the Bible count? xD I kid- kinda. I used to be slightly religious when I was younger, didn’t help that I was brought up in a primary church school. Now that I’m 22 going on 57, I label myself as more of an agnostic. I believe everything has the possibility to exist until proven otherwise, and I fully respect everyone’s opinions and beliefs on the matter (though people who deny the existence of aliens and ghosts perplex me). Anyway, to actually answer the question (I’m not a concise person), probably Frankenstein published in 1818. 
11. Newest book you’ve read by publication date? 
Probably When The Curtain Falls by Carrie Hope Fletcher, released in 2018. 
12. Favourite Author? 
Ugggh it’s between Cassandra Clare, J. K. Rowling and Jennifer L. Armentrout. Don’t make me choose. 
13. Buying or borrowing books? 
Buying always buying, I want to own my own library, which I’m starting off well now with around 400 and odd books. 
14. A book you dislike that everyone seems to love? 
The only book I’ve ever disliked is Vampire Diaries and I think a few people are obsessed with them so I’ll say that. 
15. Bookmarks or Dog Ears? 
Are... are you kidding me? Please tell me other people are using bookmarks? PLEASE!!
16. A book you can always re-read? 
Goblet of Fire, and I know I can re-read it because I’ve read that beautiful bugger 17 times! Still not bored of it. 
17. Can you read while listening to music? 
Oh hell no, I have to read in complete silence so that I can fully focus and enjoy each word. 
18. One POV or multiple? 
I personally prefer one POV, however one of my favourite fan fictions is written in a couple or more POV’s and it really added to the story and suspense and mystery. But, generally speaking, I prefer POV. 
19. Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days? 
Over multiple weeks more like xD I mean, it depends on my mood and how much I’m enjoying the book. The quickest I’ve read a book is in two days. The longest I’ve ever taken to read a book is three months. 
20. Book boyfriend? 
Multiple... but my main man has to be Roth from Dark Elements trilogy. 
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