#I woulda sent this as an ask I’m sorry but they weren’t open LOL
theloveinc · 1 year
@cognacqueen666 can bakugo and I come over and have an orgy w/ u
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xxcynicalxcuriosityxx · 10 months
wym i don’t reciprocate what you do for me? what exactly is it that you do for me, i’m confused. also i’ve never once said that i didn’t want to see you, it’s just hard to, i have and have had a lot going on lately & yeah i know the saying “if they want to they will make time” unfortunately it’s not that simple, i don’t even have the time for myself dude, i can’t even remember the last time i had a moment alone to even gather my own thoughts
You talk to me anonymously lol I’m not even good enough for you to text like a normal person and I’m sorry you don’t have any time to yourself I wish you did maybe shit would be different
And tbh I think it’s that simple you ghosted me from talking to me everyday if you needed to fine but you coulda been honest
I make time for the people I love I make time for all of it visits my holiday party I’m having texts phone calls
The whole end of our relationship youbwere in another girls dms most of our relationship I guess who fucking knows anymore you made time for her no matter how much it hurt me you made time for them no matter how much it hurt me
You don’t make time for me you haven’t in over a year that’s a long time to not make time for someone
Eventually the worth you have for yourself decreases and you question everything
That’s what’s happened
Iv become a legit shell of emptiness and worthlessness and I can’t feel like that anymore
I get not having time for yourself but when people are important to you you let them know because life is short and you never know when that person won’t be around anymore
I loved you through all of it I messaged good morning I’d call you if you woulda let me I sent pictures I asked how you were I listened I was here when you weren’t and that’s on me
Like do you know what it’s like? To be in love with someone who can barley save your contact info who keeps you in a closet who only talks to you on theyre time if you do great maybe you can relate
If not it fucking sucks and I’m tired of feeling broken I need to forgive out a way to get over you I have to make that decision Iv left this door wide open for you waiting for you to walk back through it and your never gonna so it’s time to close it
On top of those feelings your legit what’s called my favorite person and you won’t understand to a full extent bc you don’t have BPD but I legit feel like I’m dying I lost a part of me I lost my future I lost my life I lost myself and it’s killing me the pain I feel is 10000 times bigger than normal because of my brain and when you lose your favorite person it feels like the world is ending
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dreamingofjoon · 7 years
You’re Special
Johnny Seo x Reader and Lee Taeyong x Reader
Word Count: 9k (WWHAATTTT)
Warnings: Stalker!AU, Sexual Content (Dirty Talk, Masturbation), Some triggering acts forced due to blackmail
A/N. There’s a lot of background info, sorry lol but YES. IT’S BEEN WEEKS BUT IT’S DONE! I’m so proud;-; I love Johhny so much you guys have no idea but this idea was just too good to pass up. Hope you enjoy it and please, please, please, make sure to provide feedback.
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This photo does not belong to me. Credit is given here
Another night, another sob story. Tonight, your reclusive tendencies returned once again. Your roommate invited you to a party in one of the frat houses of the campus. As per usual, you shut her down, wanting nothing to do with loud music, skimpy clothing and strange looks from girls you barely knew, and random men standing abreast to you in uncomfortably close proximity.
Once again, you were seated in your room, unwillingly sulking about a subject all the people you knew found trivial. Throughout all of your years, you had not been in a relationship. None that you would have claimed, that is. Your only mistake was Jaehyun yet after him, there was no one else. At least that’s what you tried to tell yourself.
In junior year of high school, he approached you randomly and asked for your number. You oddly gave him your information and began talking to him. From what you could collect, there was nothing bad about him. No venomous comments came out of others mouths about him. With all of your friends in relationships, you had been speculating as to why no one had been interested in you as of yet. His presence soothed many insecurities you held. He would reassure you with the simplest words but it turned out that his comforting words about not worrying when you gave yourself to him were merely pleasantries to get in your pants sooner. He succeeded which earned you your first heartbreak.
He tried to pull the “We can still be friends” card which only made you burrow your feelings further until a close male friend named Johnny managed to coax you into telling him what was wrong. As you told him your side of the story, his face slowly contorted in anger. His face became more sanguine as you poured the feelings you had been storing for the past two months. He comforted you and reassured you that you could do better and you would be able to find better. He allowed you to rest on his lap as his hand patted your hair gently. 
Johnny had always been there through your fits of anger, sad moments, and then, your first heartbreak. You could not have asked for a better male to associate with. You used to be the one who would watch him be confessed to as often as three times in a single month. It amazed you as to how he attracted so many people but you soon found the answer afterward. Of course, Johnny had shown no interest in you as other than a friend but after your break-up, you could not help but see him in a different, if not brighter light. Who knew if you just wanted a rebound or if you wanted Johnny for the guy he was. When you spoke to him, your stomach would act strangely. It was not exactly butterflies but the feeling certainly alerted you further of your feelings for the guy you often ranted to. You trusted him with details that you couldn’t even tell your mother at times.
All through the metastasis of becoming a junior to a senior, your feelings did not subside. If anything, they grew to the extent where you would embarrass yourself in front of him. Although you had often embarrassed yourself in front of him previously, you were new conscious of how much it affected your chances with him. You knew he wouldn’t go for a clumsy girl. His girlfriends had always been the graceful type even when doing the most menial tasks. He had only gotten even better looking which prompted further interest in your best friend. You, however, looked the same if not with deeper bags under your eyes. The only thing that really changed was that you wore your glasses less and contacts more. You had also learned a bit about makeup but found little time to do it before leaving the house.
Time was running out and Johnny was not going to be around forever. If you had something to say, you would have to say it soon. The soonest you could think of at the time was prom but you chose not to go to prom, thinking it to be both a waste of time and money. Instead, you went from museum to museum and ate at two restaurants, trying food you never thought you’d ever consume. You even met some people along the way and made a “friend”. By the time you got home at around one in the morning, you were content with what you had done and were smiling blithely to yourself as you approached the steps to your home.
It wasn’t until the next morning that you noticed the swarm of messages that you received from your friends that went to prom. You smiled at the videos, photos, and messages sent, happy that they all had fun. You were finally at the last set of messages and found them to be not what you expected.
JohnnyBoy [10:46am]: I didn’t think you would actually stay home on prom??
JohnnyBoy [11:20am]: Why didn’t you come?
JohnnyBoy [11:54am]: Bet you would of looked gorgeous…
JohnnyBoy [12:48am]: Is it because you had no date? Not everyone needs a date Y/N
JohnnyBoy [12:59am]: I woulda dropped my date for you y’know
JohnnyBoy [1:02am]: What good what I be if I didn’t for my best friend;)
His needy tone had you staring at your phone for much longer than needed. Some of the texts had actually gotten your hopes up as to the confession you were planning. That was until you read the last message. 
Best friend.
The phrase resonated in your mind as you sighed in disappointment. Of course, it lessened your prospects for a deeper relationship in future. How could it not when it literally put you in a box as to what Johnny thought of you? 
You [10:21]: I had fun. I hope you did too last night
You [10:22]: It wasn’t because I didn’t have a date. It just didn’t seem fun 
You [10:23]: Thanks for the offer though
You sat your phone down on your nightstand before returning to bed. You had to lug the covers over your head because of the bright rays of the sun. You had no school and you were planning on milking the situation the best you could. Even on regular weekends, your mother would wake you up earlier than preferred to make you complete chores before allowing you go back to bed. Knowing that you were almost done with the hell that was high school, she allowed you to sleep in as long as you wanted those days. It was the best feeling to not wake up unwillingly and so you stayed for as long as wanted in the warm blankets that contrasted from the tepid room. 
It was already two in the afternoon when you woke up and it took a while before you realized your parents had gone out. The only thing on your mind was to find food. Any other thought would have to come after. As you shuffled around the kitchen, you prepared the ingredients needed for a sandwich. As you toasted the bread, the front door rang and you briskly walked to open it. Upon its opening, you found Johnny with a broad grin on his face. Your eyes had probably widened to the extent where one would describe it as barmy.
“Hungry?” he asked as he lifted a bag with a picture of a bowl of rice on it.
You only nodded and invited him in before asking why he had visited.
“I’ve been texting you since morning but someone didn’t think it’d be right to respond, apparently.” he quipped.
“I went back to bed and just woke up. I didn’t think about my phone.”
“So, what did you do last night?” he queried as he began to empty the bag set on the kitchen island.
“I went museum hopping and ate out. Much more fun than prom and I spent about the same amount.” 
You smiled to yourself as you remembered the gallivanting of last night. What you hadn’t realized, however, was the way Johnny had looked at you when you smiled. It prompted him to do the same albeit unknowingly.
When he finally set out the food, you were not shy about digging in. No matter how much of a crush you had, that did not prevent you from being the fat ass you usually were. Johnny only continued to smile as you scarfed down as you pleased. You realized a bit too late how you may have looked considering you had woken up not too long ago and then started cramming food down your throat like you had been starving.
“ I’m sorry for eating like that Johnny. Must be the reason why you haven’t touched your food yet.” you apologized as you shied away from his gaze and started eating slower.
“Don’t be sorry. You eat well and I love watching you eat”, he smiled. “It’s very entertaining.”
“Well, I know you didn’t come here to watch me eat. Why’d you come over?”
“Well for one, you weren’t answering my texts.” he began.
“Yeah, sorry. I knocked out right after answering.”
“Can’t blame you. But anyway, second is that I had a question.” he said slight hesitation.
You had set down your food before giving him the go ahead. “Shoot.”
“Do you have a crush on me?” he queried which automatically made you choke on your saliva.
“Excuse me?” you asked as you got yourself a glass of water and coughed.
“Do you have a crush on me?” he reiterated.
You sat back down slowly, chugging the entire glass of water before you looked at the man in front of you. You held his quizzical gaze before taking a deep breath.
“Yes.” you breathed out. “Why do you ask?”
He only let a small, sad smile grace his features before he began to answer you with confidence.
“People have been telling me that they thought you liked me. I didn’t believe it at first but then I started noticing some things.” he answered.
“Guess I suck at hiding things, huh?” you awkwardly chuckled to which he nodded.
“Kind of.” he acknowledged.
“So? Is that it? Are you going to do anything about it?” you asked hopefully although your mind was filled with one answer.
“Y/N, I like you too. Hell, I love you. Just… not like that.”
Although you were expecting it, your heart still sank. You fought back tears as you acquiesced with his decision. 
“But you shouldn’t be hung up on me. You could get any guy you wanted. You just need to put some more effort-” he cajoled before you stopped him.
“It’s fine. I was expecting it. That’s why I wasn’t planning on telling you.” you admitted. “Was that your only question? Is that why you came over?” 
“Well, yeah. I thought it’d be better for you to get it off your chest face to face.”
“And what if I had said no?” 
“I would’ve known you were lying but I would’ve let it go. You would’ve gotten over me.”
“Johnny, you’re usually the smart one. The one that’s always right. So why would you think letting you see me on the brink of tears would be better?” you asked as tears began to emerge in your eyes. You tried to blink them away but that only allowed a few to escape.
“I’d like to be alone right now.” you said coldly as a means to tell him to leave.
Johnny suddenly realized that he hadn’t thought everything about this through. He thought that it was a little crush that had been on and off for a few weeks now. When you were rubbing away tears, however, he realized that this crush meant a great deal more than what he assumed. He got up from his seat on the other side of the island and made his way to the front door. You followed him on his way out but moved back a bit when he tried to hug you goodbye. At your apprehensiveness to his hug, Johnny really noticed how he had hurt you more than intended although none was ever intended.
“Call me when you feel better?” he asked as he stepped outside.
“I’ll try.” you sniffed as you wiped your face with your sweater sleeve and closed the door.
You cried nice and hard that day. Instead of binge eating, you refused to consume anything. The day that you were to go back to school was one you dreaded. It was not you to skip school for bad reasons and you did not want to end the year that way. You had avoided all contact with Johnny. At school, however, you shared half of your classes with him. There was no getting away from his acquisitive nature.
You flipped your hood over your head as you walked in the classroom. Although you were lucky you did not have to see him until third period, you did not want anyone to see how terrible you probably looked.
As the day went by, you could not help but dread the moment you would have to face him. Not only had he tried to reject you in the nicest way but you also ignored his concern after the fact. Johnny was indeed one of the most caring people you knew yet you were acting like this.
All day, you had done nothing and the same went for third period. It was so close to graduation that your professors let you do as you pleased, seeing as though there were still a few of you who came. When you walked in, you were met with Johnny. More specifically, Johnny smiling at a girl he had been talking to for a while. He had confided in you that he liked her and thought that she reciprocated his feelings. The memory only made your stomach churn even worse than before you stepped foot in the classroom. You kept your head low, wanting nothing more than to sit on your phone like you had done the past few hours and waste time instead of confronting the problem. The problem would solve itself. It would go away if you ignored it.
For the first thirty minutes of the period, it actually seemed as though your plan was working. Your earbuds were in and you were trying to take a nap when your phone vibrated in your lap. You took the phone out and looked at your screen, thinking it was a notification from social media.
Johnny [12:54pm]: Hey, do you want to meet up after school?
Johnny [12:54pm]: I’ll treat you to whatever you want
The message made your heart pound solid against your chest. You looked behind you to see Johnny looking back with an unreadable expression on his face which made you both embarrassed and confused.
You [1:00pm]: I’m not hungry. Just meet me at the park by my house
You set your phone on do not disturb and laid your head back down on your desk, not daring to look back at whatever face he was making. You just needed to get through the rest of the day. And hey, maybe talking about it would give you closure.
You sat at the park, waiting for him. As soon as school was let out, you raced for the park. Johnny probably had something to do so you thought it best to leave without him and wait. Wait for the further heartbreak and possibly a portend of closure. You waited and waited.
He never came.
You waited three hours for someone who did not plan to come.
Why not? He was the one who wanted to talk. He was the one who had been contacting you the entire weekend. He was the one who made you feel as if for once you had a chance even with someone seemingly out of your league. He was the one who gave you false hope when you thought there was still a chance for you to finish strong! To finally move on! So why didn’t he want to talk then?
You trudged home, limp. At the very least, it wasn’t raining. It wasn’t dark. I wasn’t terribly cold. Just a slight, mocking breeze. Birds chirped, children played, people happily walked. All was happy. All was normal. Except you. 
Whatever mess of feelings you felt at the time were something worse than your first breakup. Something you couldn’t compare. Yet instead of blaming him as you should have, you stuck with questioning his actions which came back to you. What had you done? Had he been fed up with asking how you were? Was he ready to move on from you? The questions hung with you until you got home. Until you sat in your bed and stared at your phone, hoping he would explain why he had done as he had.
Nothing came. No one called. Not even one text.
He ignored you. As if you had not existed. As if the two of you had not been friends. You watched as he got another girlfriend. Another stunning, picture-perfect student. Volunteer work, great grades, even a bit of commercial modeling on the side. One you would expect for him. You sat through graduation with a heavy heart as each of you were called. Instead of a graduation party, you secluded yourself in your room for a week. You came in and out of the house. You still had your fun. You heard that Johnny’s graduation party was fun. You weren’t invited though so you couldn’t have known.
Your mom had been asking about him yet all you could answer was “I’m not sure”, or “I don’t know”. You didn’t know anymore. You just breezed through the time. Your summer break was over and it was almost time for university. In freshman year, you were excited. Higher knowledge was always an exciting subject for you. By sophomore year, you were tired. You went out with your friends when you could but it was not as often. Now in your junior year once again, you barely went to those stupid parties. You missed having fun though. You had the first of a few one night stand in sophomore year and you could’ve sworn that it was one of the most exhilarating things to ever happen to you.
Now, here you were, grumbling about not having a boyfriend and remembering the hurt of the past. It was time stop being pathetic.
You took a shower and put on black, leather skirt that was a bit higher than mid-thigh. A black turtleneck bodysuit was under it. Matched with a pair of black thigh high heels, you wondered why you didn’t dress like this more often. It was certainly something that took away your insecurities. After some dark makeup, wanting to be bolder than usual, you left your shared apartment with the idea that you would definitely get someone’s attention.
You skipped the idea of the frat house party house party and automatically went to a club. You hadn’t been to one for so long that it was hard to believe you were in one at the moment. A drink or two in and you were still seated at the bar, watching people dance and have fun. Maybe you should have invited someone to come with you. You were contemplating on dancing when a cute stranger sat next to you at the bar. Under the neon lights, it was hard to inspect him thoroughly but from the big eyes to the sharp jawline, you could tell you already liked this guy.
“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked as he looked you up and down, unabashedly.
“Sure.” you nodded before ordering an Old-Fashioned to which he ordered the same.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing, sitting alone?” he questioned.
“Looking for fun, I guess.” you answered before grabbing a hold of your drink.
“I could show you a fun time if you’re up for it?” he sipped as he raised an eyebrow in challenge.
“What did you have in mind?” you asked as a handsome smirk graced his features
He only chugged the rest of his whiskey before holding out his hand to you. You did the same before delicately placing your hand in his. He led you to the dance floor and moved along with you under the flashes of red and green in the club. Close bodies became sweatier as you had a good time dancing with him. Eventually, a time came when he wanted to change up the tempo. Grabbing your hips, he slowly ground into you which prompted you to wrap your arms around his neck.
“I don’t even know your name yet, handsome.” you addressed.
“Taeyong. I would’ve thought you’d recognized me, Y/N. I’m disappointed.” he pouted a bit.
Taeyong? The name sounded familiar but you could not pinpoint where you remembered it from. You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to remember seeing the gorgeous specimen in front of you somewhere previously. Taeyong made it harder, though, when he managed to wedge his thigh in between your legs as you danced. You bit your lip, continuing to wonder where you had heard the name.
“I bet all you can remember is braces and bad hair. As you can see, however, I’ve grown.” he added when you started to tug at the hair at the nape of his neck.
“In more ways than one.” 
That was it. Taeyong from last year. During sophomore year you had a project with Taeyong. He did more than his share of work even though you told him you had everything under control. He was what you would’ve described as the cutest nerd you had ever seen. His smile showed off his braces and it always prompted you to do the same when you saw him. He wore the same style as you for the most part which consisted of hoodies and jeans. He was such a kind guy which made you feel bad when you allowed him to do more work than he needed to. You were fine with the workload and felt as if you were burdening him but he was unyielding. On the last day that you spent together, celebrating the completion of the project, you bought him coffee and sent him off with a friendly kiss on the cheek. His red face made you giggle as you said goodbye but you never got a speak afterward.
He had been working out. He got his braces taken off. He was definitely more confident which revamped him from a cutie to one of the hottest guys you had seen in your three years as of yet.
“You really did change.” you breathed out as he pulled your head back a bit by your hair and started kissing your neck.
There, on the dance floor, you were practically fucking with your clothes on. His hum reverberated in your neck which made you moan lowly at the feeling.
“You want to show me how much?” you challenged.
The man only smirked at you again before he had led you to a booth. Here, the music of the open floor was muffled, although the vibrations of the beat could still be felt. The room had an intense red light that shone all over the room. His eyes inspected your body as you stood there almost awkwardly. Were you going to have to make the first move this time? Taeyong had obviously started this interaction with the intent of claiming you for the night. Now, he sat in front of you, anticipating what you would say or do next with that cocksure smirk on his face.
Taking the chance to be more assertive, you sauntered towards his seated figure and turned around before sitting down on his lap. This surprised Taeyong a bit but he showed no signs of helping you. You took his hands and let them stay on your hips before you started slowly grinding forwards and backward. Taeyong enjoyed your teasing before he chose to move a well. His hands slowly made your way to your exposed thighs, parting them enthusiastically as you continued. You smiled to yourself as his hands moved again- one towards your chest while the other went underneath your skirt. You only allowed him one soft squeeze before closing your legs and standing up again to straddle him instead.
“Impressive so far.” you sassed as he grasped your thighs.
“Had to become impressive to earn this privilege, didn’t I?” he asked as he found the zipper on the side of your skirt and unzipped it completely. “To be able to fuck you like I’ve wanted to.” he grunted as he unsnapped the opening of your bodysuit.
“You wanted to fuck me?” you raised your eyebrows at the confession.
“And have those pretty lips on mine? Damn right.” he laughed.
“Where else did you want these lips?” you bit your lip as his hands squeezed your ass.
“Second place would have to be on my cock.” he whispered low and dangerously to which you moaned. “Maybe even while mine were tasting that pretty pussy. But we have to be quick so I can’t- not tonight.”
You nodded and complied as he pushed your panties to the side and moved his fingers up and down your slit.
“Looks like you’re ready for me, baby.” he smiled as you started pushing down his pants and boxers. You pulled his cock out and reveled in it. The head was incarnadine, making you almost salivate at the sight while each vein in it pulsated.
You licked your lips before standing up and lowering yourself on him. You basked in the feeling of being full since it had been so long. Taeyong’s groans only spurned you into moving. You looked at his expression and could not help but indulge in the sexy expression. His head was thrown back as he bit his lip in bliss. Your gaze shifted down towards his impressive jawline until it came to his strong, pristine neck. You made it a point to tarnish the untouched skin.
You began to bounce up and down, eliciting a hiss from the male under you. The rhythm started to pick up as Taeyong found purchase on your hips and helped pull you up and down. You nipped constantly at his neck before the two of you shared an ardent kiss which involved a clash of tongue and teeth. Your lipstick was probably all over him as you pulled him closer by the back of his head. You could tell that you were close. Apart from the panting in between the clashing of mouths, high whines began to recur more frequently.
Taeyong was whispering the most enticing expletives to you which only brought you closer with each new fantasy. The release of pressure was only that much greater with the descent of your orgasm. You allowed Taeyong to continue to move you, making sure that he got his as well. He pulled you off of him right before he was about to finish and you watched with heavy, lidded eyes as he pumped his cock.
His cum landed on your black body suit but you couldn’t have cared less. As he slowly finished riding out his orgasm, you giggled at his fucked out face. A smile slowly made its way onto his face as you hooked your index finger under his chin and kissed him again. This time, slower but there was still passion nonetheless. As you pulled away, you saw the slightest movement of his head following your lips.
“Better than I could have ever imagined.” he concluded in a breathy voice.
It only made me you smile like a fool as you stood up and began to fix yourself.
“Much better than I would’ve thought.” you mused. “Didn’t expect to get cum on my shirt though.” you joked.
“Oh! Sorry! I’ll get something to clean it up. Don’t move.” he said before tucking himself back into his pants and walking out of the compact room. You left your skirt off because the stain and sticky feeling was lower than the waistline of it. You looked at yourself using your phone camera and tried to wipe away the smudged parts of your lipstick. Waiting patiently, you looked around the room, now sober enough and not clouded with lust to think about your surroundings. The door finally opened, making you light up, thinking Taeyong had come back. Your smile automatically dropped when you saw another couple, stumbling in with their lips locked. They hadn’t noticed you as they staggered about, desperately devouring each other. You thought it would be better to gather your things before alerting them of your presence.
As you were about to say something, the door swung open and Taeyong came rushing in a handful of napkins.
“They only had-” Both him and the couple stared at each other before resting their eyes on you.
“Sorry. I- I was just leaving.” you stuttered.
“You were so busy, that you couldn’t tell that someone else was already in the room?” Taeyong directed towards the guy on the edge of the couch you were seated on just a few minutes ago.
“Sorry. I was too busy. She didn’t seem to mind watching though.” he sneered but you were too embarrassed to look in his direction. “Did you, sweetheart?”
“I wasn’t watching. I just wanted to get dressed and get out as soon as possible, thanks.” you muttered before moving towards Taeyong’s side.
“Don’t be a dick, Johnny.” he spat before pulling you closer by the small of your back.
You paid no mind to the name and glanced over to where a tall male with honey brown hair stood with a mischievous smile. When your eyes rested upon the male, they must have blown out of proportion at which his expression mirrored yours. There stood the guy who walked past you and paid no mind to how you felt about it. The man who allowed you to believe that you meant less than nothing after he made you feel as if you were on top of the world. Correction; the spineless, brainless, idiot that taught you not to put yourself in the same situation.
“Y/N?” he asked in disbelief, forgetting about both his date and his friend.
“Taeyong, can we go?” you asked almost desperately, tugging on his shirt.
“Sure, let’s go.” he said as he pulled you closer to him.
“Y/N.” Johnny said more firmly this time.
You only ignored him but it prompted Taeyong’s interest. He could obviously see how uncomfortable you were, however, so he just walked quicker with you in hand.
“Y/N! I know you can hear me!” he yelled as he tugged on your arm.
You only jerked it away to finally face the man right in front of the entrance of the club.
“You. I don’t want to talk to you. I certainly don’t want to see your face. Just… just leave me alone.” you firmly said as you dragged Taeyong off with you.  In the parking lot, you stood still, trying to calm your pounding heart.
“Want me to take you home?” Taeyong asked assuredly.
“That would be wonderful, yes.” you said as he led you to his car.
Once you began driving, Taeyong couldn’t help but begin the myriad amount of questions.
“So… how do you know Johnny? Ex-friend? Ex-boyfriend?”
“I guess,” you chuckled. “We just know each other from high school. It’s been a few years. Friendship kind of died off.”
“Oh. Sorry for that.” he mumbled as his eyes stayed on the road. “For both Johnny and your shirt.” he elaborated which made you laugh.
“It’s cool. I could always send you my dry-cleaning bill.”
“How about you leave it with your number of course, and I’ll call when it’s ready to pick up?”
“Sounds like a plan.” you happily complied with his flirting.
He dropped you off at your home but not before getting both your number and a good night kiss. You smiled to yourself as you walked up the stairs to your apartment complex. You were in such a stupor that you hadn’t noticed the car that had followed behind you since the club. The sleek black vehicle only drove away after ten minutes after you entered the building. You had no idea that it would be back again.
Taeyong had texted you the following morning. You hadn’t slept during the night but talking to him actually took your mind off of Johnny. You didn’t realize that he had become such an ass. His attitude was obviously a confident one. Much more so than when you knew him. People change. You knew that. You just never expected him to change so much. He wasn’t worth your time. You had to stop thinking about him and the asshat he had become.
Unknown [11:54am]: Hey, guess who?
You [11:55am]: I’m not sure. Who is this?
Unknown [11:56am]: Oh um it’s Taeyong
Taeyong [11:56am]: You gave me your number last night?
You [11:57am]: I know lol
You [11:57am]: I’m sorry for playing with you like that
Taeyong [11:57am]: You really scared me! I deserve a better apology than that!
You [11:58am]: How about coffee today? At 3?
Taeyong [11:59am]: It’s a date. I’ll pick you up:)
It surprised you to no end that Taeyong could still manage to be so sweet when just last night, his assertiveness got you wet in little to no time. Just the thought of what went down last night had you biting your lip and wondering what else he had in store for you.
As you left the confine of your room, you were met with your roommate already using the shower.
“Hey, where’d you go last night? You came home later than me,” she whined. “If you were at another party, why didn’t you invite me?”
“I just went out for a bit. Don’t worry about it.” you chuckled before beginning to brush your teeth.
You had to look decent today. In fact, you had to look great today. Seeing as how Taeyong looked, you had to raise your usual standard. Maybe it was a sign. A sign that you needed to get off your ass and start pursuing people with a positive attitude and more effort. After last night’s effort’s you were finally engaging with someone and that was what mattered. Johnny was no one to cogitate about. You didn’t have time to be hung up on him again. Taeyong would be the main priority. He would be the harbinger of good news.
It was all going well. In fact, it had gone much better than you thought it would have so far. Although you were the one who offered to buy coffee, Taeyong kept insisting that he be the one to pay for it. You talked, caught up, and laughed. There was still something that you itched to say but found it hard to bring up. Finally, you found the courage to tell him.
“Taeyong, you look… great.” you started which made his smile broaden.
“Thanks. So do you.”
“But I just want you to know that it’s not why we’re on a date today,” you continued. “I always thought you were cute it’s just… last night, you were assertive and we clicked. I really don’t want you to think I’m here for shallow reasons.” you admitted.
“Oh, I know.” he laughed.
“And how would you know?” you inquired while you took a sip of your coffee.
“You remember what I said last night, don’t you? I knew I didn’t have a chance and at first, I thought it was because I was the stereotypical nerd but I realized that you just didn’t seem to like anyone. Surprising, seeing as how many guys were after you but-”
You almost spit your coffee out at that line. “There were guys after me?”
“Well, of course…”
You began to burst into laughter.
“Wow, that’s hilarious.” you chuckled as the laughter died down and you wiped a tear from your eye.
Taeyong’s expression, however, told you that he wasn’t joking.
“Oh? You’re serious.” you frowned.
“Do you think that lowly of yourself?” he asked in true curiosity and a hint of pity.
“No… It’s just hard to believe some things. I haven’t ever really been sought after.” you sighed.
“Well I went after you last night, didn’t I?”
“Yeah. Says a lot, considering you could do better.” you sadly smiled.
“Do I have to fuck the idea that you’re sexy back into you?” he asked in a low voice that made you straighten up.
“I wouldn’t mind.” you mumbled making him playfully growl at you.
“Sexual acts and jokes aside; you’re beautiful. It’s true. If you want another opinion, I can call up a friend.” he said, while pulling his phone out.
“You’re joking,” you snickered as you watched him shake his head. “It’s ringing.”
Taeyong put the phone on speaker and it rung a few times before a deep voice on the other line picked up.
“What do you want?” he asked irritably.
“I need your opinion on something and don’t hold anything back. Do you think Y/N is hot?” he inquired casually as he grinned at you.
“What kind of question was that? Yeah, she’s hot. Aren’t going on a date with her? Why would you if she’s not hot?”
“What about her is so attractive?”
“Her legs, her eyes, her ass, wow, I could go on. She even has this tiny mole near her left collarbone and it drives me crazy.” his friend said.
Your cheeks heated up at his analysis of your body. It boosted your confidence yet also gave you a gross feeling to be spoken about in that manner. It surprised you that he knew about your mole, though. You didn’t think many of the clothes you wore would allow anyone to see such a small detail about you. You didn’t even think you allowed people to come close enough too see it. It was strange the stranger had checked you out enough to remember it’s location, much less its existence.
“A mole? Hm, didn’t notice.” Taeyong commented as he bent over the table for a closer inspection.
“How was last night, by the way? How did you fuck her? How wet was she? Did you take control?” he bombarded him with questions that only made him blush, thankful that there were no passersby who would hear this.
“None of your business.” he grunted.
“Wish it could’ve been. I’ve always wanted to do the nastiest things to her. She seems so pure, doesn’t she?”
“Hey, I don’t think you should be talking about her like that.” Taeyong firmly said, putting an end to his friend’s tirade.
“Anyway, where are you guys meeting for your date?” the stranger asked queerly.
“I’ll tell you later, bye.” he promised before hanging up. “Sorry about him. He’s very blunt.” he tried to explain which only made him even more flustered. “I’ve never spoken about you that way, don’t worry.”
“I know. You’re too sweet to.” you replied.
The date went without a hitch and so did the next one as well as the one after that. After a few more dates and great amount of your time spent texting each other, Taeyong asked you to be his girlfriend. Although your exterior was as cool, inside, you were screaming like a school girl. Taeyong brought the best out of you. He made you want to dress better and become more social. The two of you still didn’t go to parties much, knowing it wasn’t your thing.
One night, Taeyong had gone to a party that you weren’t feeling up to. You sat in your room, wondering what you should do. Boredom overtook you and you ended up doing what every bored adult does. Masturbating. Taeyong wold probably rush over as fast as he could if you had texted him and let know that you were horny but it had been a while since you were left to your thoughts with no one else to satisfy you. It was a nice change of pace, to be honest.
As you slipped out of Taeyong’s borrowed joggers, you thought back to the man you were lucky to call your own now. The idea of his warm nature quickly transformed just like he seemed to do at intimate times. His bright smile that shone at you during the day soon became the sexy smirk he wore at night. The way his brown eyes tinted black when he became lustful. Everything about him was a turn-on, especially how much of a gentleman he became once his rough, dominant nature subsided. It was wonderful. Taeyong was a beautiful mix.
You thought about your gorgeous boyfriend as you let your hand glide down your body and into your panties. You sat propped against the wall on the side of your bed as you let two of your fingers roll your clit gently. As you continued however, the feeling of your panties were too sticky against your sweaty skin. You took them off and went back to work, playing with yourself with your legs spread wide. By the time you finished, the room was entirely too hot for you. You stood up and took off your shirt, thinking that a shower was in order. Once you came back, you went to open your window and let in some fresh air but as you approached your window you were frightened when you caught a glimmer of something outside. If you moved too quick, it could have been missed completely. It took effort to even maintain sight of the position it was in. When you opened the window and reached for the object, you came to realize it was a camera.
A camera.
Someone had been filming you. In your room as you slept, changed your clothes, studied, hung out, and now, as you got off. The thought made you wretch, wondering who would have planted it by your window? The fire escape was not something you would have wanted to be on unless it was an emergency. You wanted to destroy the infernal device but could not, thinking that if you brought it to the police, it might lead you to the pervert who planted the microscopic object.
Thoughts of what the footage could be used for were running through your mind. What if someone was selling it- selling you off? What if it was a pervert who planted multiple and was using girls as porn? What if it was a stalker? Fear of whatever was going on took over and you ran out of your room while yelling your roommate’s name.
“Y/N? What is it?” she asked when you stormed in her room and alerted her of what you had found.
“Okay, first, we should call the police. I’ve heard of these things. They can send footage wirelessly or the culprit has to come back and get it. If he does, we’ll catch the bastard.” she instructed. 
You nodded frantically and called the police, frightened to no extent. You even called Taeyong after the police had come and confiscated the camera. He rushed over and comforted you the best he could as your ceaseless tears continued to flow. Of course, you were too frightened to sleep in your room so he brought blankets and pillows for you two to sleep in the living room.
“It’s okay. We’ll find who did this and when we do, I’ll make sure to kick his ass.” he promised as your tears slowly diminished into hiccups.
If Taeyong kept true to his promise, you were going to make sure to be there along side him, serving the justice you knew you deserved.
Days went by and campus police had warned of the suspected pervert. Many other females took precautionary measures including you. Covering your window and locking everything was just the minimum. It had all calmed down as two weeks went by yet the fear of being watched still stuck with you.
One night as you walked home from a gathering of friends, you could have sworn there were footsteps behind you. When you turned around, you saw a lanky man walking as well. As it was winter, their scarf covered their face as they continued walking while looking at their phone. Paying no mind to it, you continued your trek back to the apartment. As time progressed however, it seemed as though he was going in the exact same direction as you. Being a little paranoid, you took a detour. Instead of going straight, you took a left and entered a neighborhood you were not very familiar with. The stranger followed tout suite. His head was no longer staring at his phone when you turned back but was instead staring back at you. His eyes held a mischievous glimmer which only made you fearful of what he was capable of.
As you continued through the twists and turns of the neighborhood, you eventually ended in a dead end and began to panic as you saw the man slowly approaching. You contemplated Scaling the fence behind you but you were in heeled boots which seemed too large to climb with. Surprisingly, the last thought you had was to call Taeyong. He knew of all the places on and near campus. Hopefully, he would find you. As you turned and called the memorized number, you could hear the shuffling of gravel. You turned to look the stranger in the face and see his eyes turn up as if he was smiling underneath the large scarf.
Taeyong did not pick up and your frenzy only grew. You tried calling the police next but the stranger snatched your phone as you tried to make some space between you.
“You only get one call, princess. Should’ve called the cops first.”
“What do you want? Money? I don’t have any on me.” you nervously said.
“Oh, I don’t want money. I want you.” he cooed.
“I have a boyfriend. And you’e going to be sorry when he hears about this.”
“Thing is, he won’t hear about it. Not if you want me to keep that video of you from going viral.”
“What video?”
“Oh, don’t be stupid. When I went back to get my camera, you already found it. Good thing the footage was already saved. And believe me, there’s still more you don’t know about.” he hummed.
“Now,” he said as he took a step closer to which you moved back. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Which would you prefer?”
“Neither.” you finally said before kicking the man in the shin. He dropped your phone and hissed in pain. You were able to grab the device to find a small crack in it. It still worked, nonetheless.
You ran around him and out of the alley, screaming for help as you bounded. It didn’t seem as though he was following you anymore but that only made your heart race faster, not knowing where he was. No one came out to help, seeing as though it was nearly one in the morning already but you managed to make it out of the neighborhood and sprinted the best you could in your boots. You managed to make it to your apartment and ran into your room, already tearing everything up to find where he may have placed more cameras.
You found one on the lamp at your desk, another by the mirror next your closet, and one more by the window. You crushed them all under your heel then breathed deeply, looking at the mess you had made and cried hysterically. Was that it? Please, say that was it.
As you sank on your bed and continued to look around, a call came on your phone from an unknown number. You automatically declined. It called again but you declined. When the same number called a third time, you finally picked up, yelling “Yes?!”
“You missed one.” the raspy voice said on the other side as you looked witlessly around the room.
“What do you want?” you began to sob as the voice chuckled.
“Told you, princess. I want you.”
“What does that even mean?” you cried into the phone, covering your face.
“I’ve always wanted you to be mine. But then Taeyong came along. So we’re going to show him who you belong to.” he said bitterly.
“I’m not yours!” you yelled into the phone.
“Oh, but you are. Now, we’re going to have a little fun if you don’t want Taeyong to get hurt or your fellow classmates to see you having fun with yourself, okay?”
You nodded reluctantly before listening to what he had to say.
“You’re going to do a strip-tease for me. Get to it, princess.”
“I’m not getting naked for you.” you warily muttered.
“What was that? Send the video?”
You sniffed as you stood up and took off your jacket and the sweater underneath.
“Now we both know you can do better than that.” he growled, making you flinch.
You reluctantly took off your shirt and jeans after a while, leaving you in your underwear. You tried to cover yourself as much as possible with your hands.
“Now isn’t that a pretty sight? Why don’t you give me a spin?” he smugly said to which you turned in a robotical way, in place. “There’s that beautiful mole. that I love. You should show it off more. It’s one of my favorite things about you.” he complimented and you felt as if you were going to throw up.
“I guess that’s it for tonight. Not the worst thing that have happened, was it, Y/N?”
You only tried to put on your pajamas as quickly as you could before exiting the room.
“Sweet dreams.” he wished before hanging up. You sunk onto the couch, crying your eyes out at what you just been forced to do. You could have refused but he threatened to hurt Taeyong. He threatened to expose your intimate time and now he had even more for the spank bank. Your head was light and you felt weary as a strange detail of his commentary came to mind. You couldn’t sleep, knowing that someone had broken into your room to commit such horrible acts. You had been violated and no one else knew. Your roommate was gone, spending the night with her boyfriend while you still wondered about where yours was.
Ten in the morning rolled around when you chose to arise from your spot on the couch. You had slept none, wanting to nullify or finalize your suspicion against something that happened before.
You called Taeyong, hoping he would be up and you sighed in relief when it turned out that he was.
“Taeyong, I have a very important question.”
“Go ahead.” he spurned in a groggy voice.
“On our first date, who did you call to say I was hot?”
“It was… Johnny.” he replied after some thought. “Why?”
“Sorry for disturbing you. Go back to sleep.” you quickly said before hanging up and making a call to the unknown number.
“Good morning princess. Hope you slept well.” he yawned.
“Cut the shit, Johnny. You’re going to jail and then I’m going to make sure hell is next.” you threatened.
“Wow. Impressive deductive skills. How’d you find me out?”
“Why does it matter? All that matters is that I know who to get a restraining order against and who to file a police report against.”
“I still have your videos. You want them exposed?”
“Do what you want. All I care about is you being locked up now.” you iterated before hanging up.
You immediately set out for the police station, paying no mind to your disheveled appearance. As you spoke about your current case, the officer warned that they could not trace the camera back to determined IP code. You told him about the disturbing experience you had the night before and suggested that they acquire a warrant before checking it out. You allowed them to take your phone to try to trace back the phone number as well but the number was led to some old phone that seemingly had no determined names attached to the phone company.
After a while of waiting in fear and avoiding all contact with those outside of your apartment, they finally caught him. With the help of the warrant, the police were able to check out Johnny’s dorm and although he did a good job at hiding everything, he wasn’t immaculate in a clean up. When his laptop had been taken to the station, it took a while of trying to get rid of the encryption he had on a file but they finally found it. A video of you uncomfortably in your underwear, playing his game. His arrest was no small matter but it finally allowed you freedom to come out with what he had done and tried to do to you.
Taeyong blamed himself when he found out about his former friend’s horrible deeds but it was not his fault. He didn’t know what had been going on but had gotten a weird feeling when you obviously did not want to see Johnny as time went on but he constantly asked about you.
“It isn’t fair!” he yelled in court. “I had her first! She was wrapped around my little finger. I don’t know where he came in the picture but it was ridiculous that she ended up with him!”
You didn’t want to even look at him so you didn’t go to the court hearing. Your room mate had gone and told you what he had been ranting about in court.
“Thank goodness he never came.” you muttered to yourself as you reminisced about the moment he did not give you the time of day.
“Who never came?” Taeyong asked as he pulled you closer with his arm around you.
“I don’t want to even think about it,” you shivered. “I get chills. The bad kind.”
“I’ll be here to warm you up.” he whispered into your hair.
“I know.” you smiled.
He would keep you from remembering the chill of that winter. Spring was already underway and all you wanted to do was bury the past under that winter weather. The cold, the cameras, the memory; gone.
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kfawkes · 7 years
Heey, it's the anon who asked the request question! Thanks for explaining, I'm kind of new to this whole Tumblr thing. Okay, so I wanted to ask if you could do a Pre-Kingsman! Eggsy x Reader where Eggsy would go over to the reader's house to escape Dean's bullshit. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!
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[Hi there! Thanks so much for the request :D Sorry this is late ;.; As i’m assuming you know, I’ve had back to back cons and been so busy. Buuuut it’s break time so I’m gettin to it!
HOPE YOU LIKE IT MY SWEET ANON ;.; I think this is good???? but frequently when I get back form however many days off, I can’t tell because I read them so much lmao
Pairing: Eggsy x Reader – Pre Kingsman; ref to Daisy, Michelle and Dean.
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: Cursing, abuse references (its obvious Dean is abusive, so keep that in mind– nothing too bad though it’s mostly the aftermath, etc.)
—Read on Ao3!]
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.
“E-Eggsy..?” You leaned over quickly, turning on the light by your bed as you scratched your tired eyes awake. 
You fumbled around for your phone sleepily, knocking it off the bed in a loud crash. Even without seeing a name and photo across the screen- you knew it would be him. Eggsy was the only person that ever called you in the middle of the night and those calls usually meant one thing.
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.
“Fuck.” You breathed out, leaning over the bed reaching your fingers long as the buzzing phone inched slowly away with each pulse. 
You slid it closer with your fingertips, pulling it to your ear as you nearly fell out of bed hoping to answer just in time.
“H-hello? Eggsy?” When you spoke you weren’t rushed, but you weren’t exactly calm either… 
You were definitely scared though that much was clear, and as you slunk back to the bed stuffing yourself comfortably under the warmth of the covers you felt a blanket of panic surrounding you.
“Sorry, luv… Was you sleepin’?” Eggsy asked almost convincingly calm, but you could feel the duress seeping off him as he spoke. You could hear as a deep breath was released before he continued, lighter than before. “Corse you was, it’s nea–”
“Babe, it’s fine… seriously.” You pulled yourself to sit against your headboard interrupting him, unable to hold the yawn you held any longer. 
You knew the answer before you asked it, but maybe just this once Eggsy would be alright… Maybe just this once he was calling to tell you how much he loved you. But more likely, he was calling because of Dean. 
“Are you okay?” You finally asked, holding a fist of blanket between your nervous palms.
“Could use you bout now… was wonderin’ if you wanted some company?” 
“You don’t have me to keep asking me that. I gave you a key for a reason, Eggsy.” You said confidently pulling your arms into a long stretch just as you heard a key sliding into the lock, echoing throughout your flat. 
You smiled to yourself as the door creeped open, and a set of familiar footsteps grew louder.
“How’s it that sayin’ goes?” You could hear Eggsy’s voice over the phone, and in the hallway as he approached; and you felt a wave of excitement cascading your lower stomach persistently covering your anxiety in full. “What’s it… ‘old habits die hard’, innit?”
“I do believe that’s the one.” You whispered sarcastically into the phone one last time just as he pushed opened your bedroom door. 
You let your phone drop from your hand as Eggsy took a step forward, tucking his hands in his sweater pockets anxiously. Even though you expected to see him like this– it was hard. 
Really fucking hard. So hard that you didn’t even know what to say this time.
Eggsy stood there with a busted lip, a black eye and a small gash on the left side of his forehead. Your jaw hung lightly open as a sadness swept your otherwise serene face. 
You were getting pretty fucking sick of seeing Eggsy like this… There was something about seeing the man you loved broken, bruised and bloodied that sent you into an almost unchecked fury; and honestly if Dean was there you weren’t sure what you’d do to him.
Hell, you’d probably try to kill the son of a bitch if that fury wasn’t also accompanied by one of the worst pains you’d ever felt. All of that was usually followed by sadness and an almost desperate need to hug him and tell him you loved him. 
But you weren’t there yet… The anger part was still in full swing and you fucking hated Dean. He really was a special breed of asshole; truly unique in his abilities to royal fuck everything up around him and how an amazing woman like Michelle ended up with him, was beyond you. 
Fortunately for you, you’d only met the prick once, but he surely lived up to his reputation. Slimy, scummy, far too cocky for his own good and abusive beyond all else. You’d lost count of how many times you had to clean Eggsy up, and no matter how often it happened, it never got any easier.
But he needed you and he needed you to be strong; so you pushed your blankets aside with heavy eyes as you crawled towards the end of the bed. He stood there with his jaw clenched tightly with eyes dark and burdened. When you reached him you pushed to your knees, sliding your hands up his chest to rest around his neck softly. 
“What happened, baby?” Your voice was soft and light as you moved your hand to his cheek, lightly tracing the raised and reddened flesh. 
Eggsy pursed his lips painfully– more from the face you wore than anything physical he felt– then swallowed as you slid your fingertips over the cut in his lip.
“Same as always, luv. Don’t worry bout it though, yeah?” He faked a smile finally pulling his hands from his pocked, placing them around your waist. “Got you now, don’I?” 
When he smiled this time it was real, and you even though it hurt, you smiled back pulling him into a hug. You could feel the warmth of his breath as he pressed his mouth into your shoulder; hugging you just as tightly. 
“Always, babe. Now, let’s get you cleaned up.” You slid away with a smile, kissing him on the cheek before stepping from the bed. 
As you walked lazily from the room you slid your fingers between his, pulling him slightly behind you and down the hall. Your cat Nimbus jumped on the counter with a loud purr after you shoved the bathroom door open causing Eggsy to smile sweetly. 
He walked forward, sitting on the rim of the tub as he pet your roommate softly; having grown fully used to this routine. 
“You gonna make me ask you about all this again, Eggy?” Your lips curled into a soft smile as you slide your hand to his chin; lifting his face towards yours as you examine him more carefully. “And ‘the usual’ isn’t going to cut it this time, so don’t even try it.”
Right now you realize you’d gotten a little too good at cleaning him up, and that made you more than a little uneasy. But after the 5th or so time, you at least were better at hiding the shock from your face. 
Or maybe you weren’t now that you thought about it…
“Nah, know better than that by now.” Eggsy slid his bottom lip between his teeth playfully as he raised a hand to the side of your thigh, giving your leg a soft shake as he stare up at you affectionately.
You tried not to smile as you dabbed his forehead and mouth, cleaning up the dried blood and erasing any evidence you could. It wasn’t always easy to pretend this was normal, but you really did try and as much as you didn’t want to admit it… this sort of was normal, wasn’t it? 
That realization made you more sick than you wanted to show however, and right then you were glad Eggsy was distracted by the cat; because your face sure as shit wouldn’t have been believable.
“You best get talkin, Unwin. Final warning.” You were far more collected than you felt when you spoke, and for that you were thankful.
You even managed to sound a little playful this time which was reassuring. Maybe you were better at this than you thought.
“Yeah, alright.” He released a sigh, still running his hand up and down the back of your thigh slowly as he watched how intently you cared for him. “Got home. Dean was smashed… banging on an gettin’ rough with my mum– woulda hit her if I done nothin’, so I did.”
You breathed out sharply as you pulled the box of bandages from the cabinet; furrowing your brow into a fine crinkle. “Do… you know why?”
“Fuck if I do, babe… Why’s that prick do anythin’ he does, hm?” 
“Is she doing okay?” You asked reluctantly, but you knew there was no way Eggsy would be here if Daisy and his mum weren’t safe. “And the baby?”
“Course they are, don’t worry.” Eggsy squeezed just above the back of your knee as reassuringly and as sincerely as he could muster. 
Biting back the stinging at his forehead was only tolerable because you were there, and damn if you didn’t look beautiful. Eggsy didn’t think he’d ever meet someone that would love him, flaws and all; yet here you were showing him someone could, and fuck if he didn’t love you immensely.
“He could of really hurt you.” When you finished he pulled you down to his lap; holding a strong confidence behind his eyes as you placed your arms around his neck. “I can’t lose you…”
“Ain’t gonna happen, babe. Not now, not ever. Alright?” He kissed you then, finally and in that moment you believed him.
You felt the soft chuckle he released as his lips curled into a smile; still pressed against yours. A moment later he slid his hands under your legs, picking you up like you weighed nothing at all. A soft yelp released your mouth and you grabbed ahold of him tightly as he pushed the door open with his foot, carrying you to your bedroom. 
“Alright.” You said with a smile, sliding his lips to yours.
A part of you knew you should talk about this– about what happened. But that’s not what he needed. Right now what Eggsy needed was you and you were more than happy to oblige.
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