#I wouldn't say furry though because it's not cartoon style and it's not just a cat head and anthro body
I'm not an anime style catgirl but I'm also not a furry. I am a secret third thing (catgirl but change more of the body than usual)
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sonicasura · 7 months
*sees Devil/Demon Anton art and the single father to a pink hedgehog canon*
Can I say Hedgehog Devil Anton?
He honestly will have non-hedgie traits like bull horns, dragon wings and a crocodile tail but primarily the namesake. Anton is a sheer creature of a man so I'm going to ramp that up for the future design. Don't really know if it'll be he is born a demon or got cursed into one. The latter situation would be ironically funnier hedgehogs are close relatives to moles and the game's Satan has a mole army.
Edit: Just remembered about a Yu-Gi-Oh card I own that gave me the extra creature features vibe for Anton's demon form: Amorphage Greed. Gremlin looking fella just like the exterminator now Demolitionist.
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Although Anton would be a big furry 12 ft fucker with a two flavored quill bush hide. You get the hundreds of thin pokers laying the foundation for six large ass Sonic style spikes to top it off nicely. His wings jut out from the sides to avoid getting pierced.
Those quills areabsolute clothes murderers as Anton will have strip down to his birthday suit if he doesn't want to walk around looking like he got mauled by an industrial shredder afterwards. Brulo had to pay bail when his nude ass got caught and tossed into jail once after a transformation. Do know magic clothes that changes alongside the wearer cost a pretty penny.
It'll take a long while for him to trigger the transformation by himself. Only choices Anton has to cause one are his anger, demonic sigils and the biggest one of all: Beetroot. When the health system betrays you as beets are a hedgehog's delicious treat. His coworker thinks it's hilarious though and has beetroot snacks to troll him with.
Anton is already destructive enough when you consider clips like this. His devil form takes it to another level. Razor sharp claws that can tear apart titanium, fangs able to shred through steel, building shattering horns, truck flattening tail and quills to shred cars. A massive spinning ball of pointy destruction.
If it's the Curse Route then here's how it would happen. Originally a special brew that will turn whoever drinks it into a hedgehog. Satan sends it to Anton as he hates the fact a random man is redder than him. Unbeknownst to him is a mole accidentally dumped an extra ingredient into the brew, Chimeric Powder which tends to cause monstrous transformations. In this case a hedgehog to hedgehog devil.
Anton does eventually find out that Satan was responsible for this monstrous curse. He wants it removed as turning into a demonic hedgehog can be quite the hassle. Although the Devil probably wouldn't since he thinks Anton deserves the hassle.
Curse or not, getting pummeled by a hedgehog devil is in Satan's future.
(Satan is always portrayed very red in classic cartoons. Anton is based on Oni which also depicted being red skinned within Japanese culture. Whole reason Antonblast starts is because the Devil stole the demolitionist booze thinking it is how he got so red in hue.)
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As what Lily would Persona/anime/JRPG fan would call it “A lonely weeb who masterb*te while binge watching anime” I’d find myself ashamed for being so. I just…don’t know what to do. I’ve watching Lily Orchard’s video for many years, even in Mikala’s video she calls people who plays visual novels perv pandering pedos (even though she’s Ace). Maybe Lily and Mikala were right, maybe I’m those perv pandering weeb trash who masturbate to Hyper sexual, faux mature fantasy action adventure anime.
It sounds like Lily and Mikaila are having a negative impact on your mental health. I won't tell you to stop watching their content, but let me give you my opinion as someone who would also be called weeb trash.
Anime comes in a variety of flavors, genres, and goals, on top of being aimed towards different demographics. It is disingenuous to try to paint it all under one brush.
To put it another way, imagine if Lily started saying things like: People who watch Netflix are all horny weirdo's who don't have a life. They don't want to hear my opinion on Helga, they just want me to talk about The Witcher, a dark violent show full of perv pandering.
Do you see how disconnected that is? Those are two shows with nothing in common, so why compare them at all?
As for the horny thing... yes, there is horny anime, slutty anime, and hyper violent anime. Same could be said of any medium on earth, anime isn't special.
But you know what else? Some of those shows are ether cash grabs, or aimed at thirteen year old's.
I don't hear anyone singing the praises of The Asterix Wars, The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter, or High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World. Those shows offer little else but wish fulfillment, and not much else.
And it doesn't mean jack if you like them. It doesn't make you a perv, a degenerate or anything else, that you want to watch a show where things are simple, and you feel good watching them.
Plus, who cares if you watch or read animated smut? Seriously, if you like that stuff, who cares?! There are millions of people out there who enjoy that stuff. The Tijuana Bible wouldn't be a thing if people didn't find cartoons sexy. Betty Boop wouldn't be a sex symbol if people didn't find her hot.
How many furry's out there had an awakening because of Sonic the Hedgehog or Zootopia? More then zero. Hell, someone had an awakening because of the Brave Little Toaster, does that make them a degenerate? NO!
Enjoying a style of animation/video game doesn't mean a single thing about your sex habits, it just means you like something. Don't let people shame you for liking something that other people also enjoy.
Self hatred is a cancer, once it gets routed it likes to bury itself deep, and it destroys a lot more then people think. Don't let Lily and Mikaila plant that seed in you for enjoying something that has just as much good in it as it does bad.
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