#less than fursonas though
I'm not an anime style catgirl but I'm also not a furry. I am a secret third thing (catgirl but change more of the body than usual)
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sashimew-the-cat · 9 months
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My fursona (and the reason for my name) Sashimew! I haven’t drawn him in so long but I had the urge to so here he is!
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foone · 3 months
I think my brain has decided to dump mind control/hypnosis into the same bucket as fursonas and TF.
Specifically the one where it's like "this would be extremely interesting if you could do it, but you can't, so why bother with something that's only fantasy?"
Which is strange that it happens here. Like, there are definitely interests/kinks that are completely fantasy but I'm still into them, still enjoy reading about and seeing art of them. (I'm not gonna specify which ones because this is not a TMI Tuesday post)
But for some things my brain decides that I'm provisionally into it but only if it can be done for real. Like... Imagine someone who is into bondage but has zero interest in bondage porn/erotica, only in doing it for real... And then imagine they're someone who can't do any bondage for partner/disability reasons. That's where my brain is at.
I'm not sure if it's that I'm not interested enough in these things, or I'm too interested.
Like the former makes sense: if I was majorly into TF, I'd be into it even though it's impossible. The fantasy would be so erotic/interesting that I'd be all over it, even knowing I'm very unlikely to ever get slowly turned into a deergirl with antlers.
But the latter might be closer: I'm too into these things. My brain is like "omg this is the best idea ever! We need to do it now!!!" and then the disappointment at realizing it's impossible just sours me on the whole damn subject.
Like I can't get the motivation to design a fursona because it keeps reminding me that I can never be the cute cow. I don't want to have a fursona that's just a thing in pictures and stories, I want to have hooves and big horizontal ears and NOT BE A FUCKING HUMAN.
It's annoying because I think in all these cases it's something I could legitimately be interested in and get a lot of enjoyment out of! Like, furries are awesome! (and I am one, even without a fursona). They have lots of fun with their fursonas. I could commission art of my fursona using old computers! I could design keyboards for use with my hooves! It could be tons of fun.
And TF? Don't get me started. I am constantly saying I need to be less human. I theoretically love the idea of turning into something else. But nope. I can't enjoy it, maybe because I'm going "why isn't that me?"
And I've read some mind-control/hypnosis stuff recently and I'm having the exact same reaction. There some parts where I'm like "this has a lot of interesting ideas! Why can't I do this?" oh yeah because it doesn't exist. Damn it.
And that "damn it" emotion is when I close the story. So I can't really enjoy the parts of it I like, I'm too dissuaded by the disappointment.
I dunno if this is an autism thing. I've known some other people on the spectrum have similar issues with just deciding subjects are zero interest to them, after only a quick glance. I don't know if that's the same or a similar thing than I'm talking about.
(also, hypnotists? Don't come saying "but hypnosis is real!" to me. I know, but it's not real in the ways I'm interested in)
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bowtiepastabitch · 2 months
Fandom Tumblr, Do Your Thing
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Mutuals, strangers, people I've force-friended by making silly fanart of your posts. Lend me your ears for like, ten seconds.
For less than the price of a cup of coffee (or for free!!) I will personally send you a custom piece of hand drawn one-of-a-kind art. So long as you give me a reference image of some kind, I will draw just about anything.* For you. At no cost. And I will send it to you in the mail, aka the coolest way to get art. All you have to do is:
1.Donate to @phoen1xr0se's mutual aid fund for housing for her and her two kids!
2.DM me a screenshot of your receipt
3.Provide me with your address** and your drawing prompt
4.Wait for your art to arrive:)
1.Reblog this post. You can literally just reblog this post. When her fundraiser is completed, I will pick 2-5 blogs from the notes (depending on how many rbs I get) to send you art completely for free. If you get picked, I will get in contact to get your information.
Full information, terms, conditions, et cetera, are further down. Please do read them before sending money.
Laura, aka PhoenixRose, is a mutual of mine and an incredible writer. She's a total sweetheart, and she's kind of adopted a lot of the Good Omens fandom and has really been a light in the community. She is unable to work due to cancer, so this fundraiser is to help ensure that her family has a safe and stable place to live. You can find out more about her lovely family and situation at the link or on her page<3
Rules and stuff: I live in the united states, so international shipping is a bit pricy. As such, the minimum to redeem a postcard is £5 for US addresses and £10 for all other addresses, in UK currency, with proof of payment in UK or your local currency. Higher donation amounts will get you more effort into your art, and for any donations over £50 I will break out the paints. You can click here to see some of the fanart I've done recently, though my higher quality original art doesn't usually end up on my blog so it may be a bit skewed as to representing my skill level. That said, I am an artist in the loosest sense of the term and really only do this for fun. Please don't expect professional results. Additionally, I am receiving no money whatsoever for this (stamps are out of my pocket), and it's important to me that you know that. I've already donated all I can afford to, so this is my broke bitch way of helping out a little more. If you get picked to get art for free, your dms will need to be turned on so I can reach you. If I am unable to get in contact with you via DMs or asks, that will be considered a forfeit.
*I really will draw just about anything, including characters, ocs, animals, your pets, your friends, your fursona, etc. No explicit NSFW please, suggestive is okay. I reserve the right to ask you to pick something different if the prompt makes me uncomfortable or is offensive in any way.
**I want to keep your information as safe as possible. As such, if you're not comfortable sending over dms I can provide you with my email address to send the information to. I am also open to sending it digital if you are in a position where you cannot currently receive physical mail or are uncomfortable doing so. All messages, emails, etc with personal information will be deleted as soon as your mail is on its way.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Saw the post about the Chain and their god domains and my greek mythos obsessed brain got scritched so here is the Chain as Greek gods/mythos:
Time: The old man gave me such a hard time. absolutely going insane over him. He’s Hades. being one of the big three (this fucker split the timeline (almost like how the underworld is split)). Ive never finished MM or OoT but i believe the lore is that all the masks are possessed to put it simply, thus the spirits granting link his power, making Time a maestro of the dead. Many interpretations of hades also depict him as cunning, a trickster, while also being stern, much like our resident little shit (affectionate). Hermes was a big contender here for that reason.
Sky: This was a toss up but im gonna have to say Zeus honestly, mister Godslayer himself. less of a connection between their personalities honestly and more just focusing on their similar dynamics, skills, and symbolism. Obviously we have our favorite lightning motif, plus the position of leadership they both share - in the sense that zeus is more or less the leader of the gods and sky being the ‘leader’ so to speak of the timeline. Plus the parallels between demise and kronos, and zeus/sky’s respective roles there. It was between the big man or persephone.
Twilight: Artemis!! Our very literal leader of the pack. Goddess of the hunt, patron of animals, domain over the moon (cough twilight cough). Though, Demeter and hestia were fighting me here, the fursona won over the country bumpkin sadge.
Warriors: You are Athena! badass in the arena! /ref. Honestly, i feel like i should be assigning them their ‘obvious’ gods and then give them one that attaches to them more symbolically. Yes, everyone’s favorite captain is THE captain goddess. Cunning, strategist, warhead, intelligent, and alot of people forget that Athena is both charismatic and incredibly physically beautiful, in most adaptations. she was in the lineup for paris and guided the trojan war. I forget who it was on here that is a big “wars = helen of troy” truther but theyre absolutely so correct.
Legend: Also a tricky toss up, but i ultimately landed on apollo. Apollo’s known for being a sort of jack of all trades god, between his dominion over the sun, medicine, music, archery, and more. With the vet’s all encompassing experience, with his multitude of instruments and proficiencies in different magical items it made sense. Me, personally, I loved the stories of apollos shape-shifting mortal ventures more than say zeus or any of the other gods. Also, depending on your characterization of the vet, their supposed personalities line up quite well, with apollo being charming and somewhat arrogant/snarky with others
Hyrule: This feels left-field but rulie gets to be Persephone! Adept with magic, goddess of fertility and the harvest and just general growth (of nature), with the double edge of being the queen of the underworld. Ugh im so obsessed with downfall duo rulie is so tragic. left with a desolate wasteland, yet (depending on characterization) ushering in and doing his damndest to nurture life and growth. I love the headcanons where rulie is a survivalist through and through, proficiencies in botany and herbology, respect for the land and its inhabitants. 
Wild: Demeter! Wild is of the land, they are one and the same. The way his world is absolutely teeming with life, and the way he is molded to adapt and live with the land to complete his adventure,,, ugh its too good. He is the most in tune with the wolves, the bees, the cows, the reeds, the flowers, the dragons, the spirits, they ARE him. he woke up with NOTHING, except a vast land full to bursting with life and lessons. 
Four: Hephaestus, obviously. dont get me wrong, I love four so much, but anything else felt blasphemous (The way i could write essays about it—). He is the god of blacksmithing, if i assigned him anything else i fear he may just manage to kill me. 
Wind: Notos! God of the east Wind, known for the bringing of summer, cyclones, and warmth. love that funky little whirlwind hes so fun and spunky. being a god of wind was so on the nose it was too good. I didnt ever consider poseidon, winds too squishy and fluid for that. this kid is bouncing around like a cat 5 hurricane he is the wind, he is free (to cause chaos).
Ugh i love yapping about the mythologies. i may do this again except with minor gods/demigods (i will get back to that legend-achilles parallel i swear). I hope this was amusing to you
(I’m a huge Wars = Helen of Troy truther, I ain’t the only one, but I’ve yapped about it a lot akdkkdk)
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ponett · 8 days
in slarpg your bfs sona has a slightly different look to him than in other art, did you ever design a reverie version of you'd own sona?
I mean really his look in the game is less of an intentional redesign and more a result of me not having drawn him as much at that point. I also don't think he had his formal ref sheet to work off of then, so I took more stylistic liberties with it. I broke his mane/beard down into separate shapes kind of like how I draw Allison's hair, which I suppose helps him fit the game's art style, but that's kinda just how I was drawing hair at the time. And the eyepatch was a detail we were going back and forth with on his fursona's design at the time. It's a reference to the fact that Anthony has a very slight lazy eye with worse vision in real life. Eventually we did away with the eyepatch on his sona's regular design, but I wanted to keep it in the game because giving him an unnecessary eyepatch gives him some Grunkle Stan energy
(Anthony always wanted me to give the fortune teller a unique wizard costume in the game, which he did a concept sketch for, but I always though it was funnier if he was just some random guy with some tarot cards.)
As for my own fursona, I've never really drawn a "Reverie version" of her. I'm not sure what I'd do with that, other than potentially giving her a more fantasy-themed outfit for fun. I don't think I'd have to change her design to fit the game, SLARPG's art style is just my regular art style but with black outlines to match the sprites.
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foxgirlintestines · 1 month
The one piece of advice I can really give to younger trans girls is that you really need to embrace the parts about you that you actually liked pre-transition. There is often that crushing weight of gloom and self loathing that comes with severe dysphoria that tells you that everything about you is wrong, but that can just your mind being clouded with negative emotions, and it becomes harder to see the positives. In the end, though, you probably aren't going to become a perfect barbie doll, and that's ok, but striving to become something like that can drive you crazy.
When I first transitioned, I just wanted to be a girl, no ambiguity, just look like a stereotype. It was never really possible, I'm almost 6 and a half feet tall, and the women in my family are not thin, when I got on estrogen I gained weight fast, and it did not go to all the right places. I wallowed in bed a lot, and I just kind of kept getting worse. Oddly enough, it was getting into fetish content where less standard body types were lusted after more than regular anime proportion waifus where I started to see some of the more positive aspects of being amab. I was tall, strong, could be threatening and having a big squishy gut was actually quite attractive. I started to remember things about me when I was younger that I kind of pushed out of my mind. I was the "guy" who would run the mile in PE then casually walk along-side my friends and keep them company so that they didn't get teased, and one time I picked up my overweight friend and just carried her the last bit of the way because she was exhausted and the teacher couldn't really do anything about it because even as a young teenager I towered over him. In theater when there were heavy props to move I just lifted them up and tossed them around when we didn't have grip present. When we were out drinking in college, I was the "safety" who intimidated people so they would not try and take advantage of the drunk girls. I am big, and even if is not very feminine, I like that about me.
I changed my transition goals, I started working out again, not just cardio exercises to lose weight, but weightlifting, squats while holing a barbell, throwing around a medicine ball, and doing laps around my backyard while holding a ~150lb dead tree I ripped out of the ground while doing yardwork on my shoulder. I got healthier, I got happier, and much to my new endocrinologist's chagrin I've been gaining more weight, though now it's muscle. There are still plenty of things that I changed to be feminine, I wear my hair long, I wear girly clothes, often cute shirts with open tops that show off my large arms shoulders and cleavage, and mini-skirts. I put on make-up, lots of bold goth get-ups with heavy eyeliner black lipstick and glittery deep grey eyeshadow. Long painted nails, jewelry, hell sometimes a sparkly rhinestone tiara when I really want to ham it up, cute open toe heels when not wearing my big stompy boots, and of course the biggest one (pun intended) my massive boobs that I got the largest implants legal to be used in the US to make me busty as hell. I don't look like a barbie, and I no longer want to. I'm to the point that people often don't know whether to call me sir or ma'am, but the fact that people say sir or ma'am meekly like they are afraid of getting it wrong is way better gender confirmation than being called "lady."
I am happy now, well, at least happy with my body, there is plenty of shit in the world that still makes me depressed as hell. At least I no longer feel that dysphoria, and it makes those other things a bit more manageable. I think even if I did achieve my original transition goals, I would not be as happy with my body as I am now. You got to find that about yourself too, sometimes you will actually miss things about who you used to be, even if those times were overall worse.
As a silly little comparison, these two pictures of my fursona (which reflect my ideal body type) were made before and after I accepted the things about my body that I didn't want to change.
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tainted-sweet-meats · 9 months
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Personal oc for my fursonas universe Rodney He is a canon best friend of both my Sona Nish, their Doppelgänger( Nishou) and eventually pretty boi ( sasha) in the end..
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Sneak peak info of him from my fursonas universe page that is not published publically
Read more under the cut to know about him vvvvvv
Full name: Rodney Ramirez Coding: Dominican/Jamaican Gender/ sexuality: cis/ bisexual (non-commitment) Pronouns: He/him Size: 6"5' Species: Rooster BirthPlace/Birthday: Jamaica/ Aug 23rd Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Age: 35
Voiceclaim: N/A
personality music
Info: Rodney is more kin with Nishou than they are Nish. He is one of Nishou's best friends and while he is aware of Nishou entirely, it does not bother him in the slightest.  However, in that same breath, Rodney can be seen interacting with Nish being flirty, or even passing his openness with them as friends. He seems to be highly interested in Nish, not fully romantic but there is obvious physical lust and curiosity. Though Nishou tells him to stay away from his original vessel for his own personal reasons. Rodney thinks good competition between men never hurt anyone. Nor will anyone stand in his way when he wants something or someone. He tends to go behind his friend's back in order to get to the original vessel. He seems haughty and aloof beyond his flirtations, and his intentions aren't really known. which in a way allures the original but also irritates them. While the original and he may romp from time to time, there is nothing too serious going on. There is a sinister air about Rodney that Nish does not fully trust, so their interactions stay solely on the fun. That sinister air is Rodney's connection to their doppel.
Rodney however does not care to be wrapped up in the drama that concerns both Nish and Nishou. He never alludes to either the original or doppel's whereabouts if they ask him. He is more of the type to enjoy how things playout for the good or dangerously bad. If challenged he will not think twice about getting rid of you. There is a reason why he and Nishou connect so well. Never challenge him or disrespect him, he will make sure you regret your actions fully.
Rodney beyond his connections to the doppel has a very dueled nature due to his cultural upbringing. He also lost his mother in his teen years due to a violent disease. As a result of his mother's passing his father took out his sadness and aggression on him. It is hard for Rodney to fully become connected to anyone due to the one person he loved the most leaving his life permanently. There was nothing for him to do, to control the said situation to keep his mother around. Rodney fears connection of any kind.. be it friendship, intimacy, or long-term relationships. He feels, in the end, you will leave him, be it your choice or something natural that he can not physically stop.
Rodney has his own issues beyond childhood trauma that even he can become mentally mudded with. While he vents to Nish about them, he will not go as far as to leave himself emotionally vulnerable. Even if he knows you will never harm him, he just won't trust anyone enough to give you that control over him. Beyond all, his life experience and his culture play a part in his mentality as well. His father stating " A man who cries is weak and is no son of his" has stuck with him throughout his life. You will never see Rodney cry or break down...instead he uses sex, drugs, and liquor as a form of escapism. At best his escapism within kink is one the original vessel will always be confused with. He believes if he consents to pain from time to time that he has some sense of control. A form of control he never had prior. Though he understands this isn't safe for him at best he could care less. Essentially he uses others as a form of self-harm.
Rodney sports a serrated switchblade he nicknamed Regina. He also refers to his blade as she/her. He uses it for fun with lovers as well as protection if anyone tries to step to him sideways. While he's a great physical fighter he enjoys the fear weaponry induces when introduced in a brawl.
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marrowhyena · 2 months
Anonymous Coward asked: Do you speak any other languages than english, and if not, considered learning any
I took three years of German in high school, then had a scheduling conflict with the only German IV class, so I became his teaching assistant in a lower German class instead because I liked my teacher a lot. I think my dumb logic as a 13 year old entering high school was that I had to choose a language and I couldn't roll my R's, or whatever. 
 It was a reoccurring novelty on my channel that I would randomly speak or understand some German. Some claimed that it was accent-less, sometimes, or whatever. A bit of a gimmick was that we all chose a German name from a list on day one and would address each other as those names throughout all four years of the class. Twitter, Youtube, and the Xbox 360 all came into existence around 2006, when I was 16 and in the middle of these classes, so a lot of my usernames became Sebastian because that was my not-my-name moniker that I already had ready. 
Yes, I was already basically a furry, but I didn't have a named fursona until 2022 and doubt I would have openly embraced it as my name all the way back then. 
 [As an aside, folks fixate on me mentioning that I was a furry when I was a minor, and then juxtapose that with me making the point that minors probably shouldn't be online. This isn't really a contradiction. First, yeah, I was an unsupervised minor online and that probably wasn't great. But second, I grew up on a very, very different internet than the one that exists today. It's not just about how Twitter makes no effort to separate minors from adult content etc, but also the upsetting way that the internet forms this secondary layer over middle and high school that further enables bullying and paranoia. We know the internet is fucking kids up nowadays. When I talk about having "usernames" in 2006, we're talking about Halo 2 and cat videos. Even when I mention websites that still exist today, they were purely chronological feeds with manually-curated front pages. There was no algorithm as we understand it today. FurAffinity is like the only website that still functions like things did in 2006, and people hate using it for that exact reason lmao]
Anyway that was a surprising amount of my identity in the early years of doing let's plays [2011-2015], insofar as having any distinguishable features whatsoever was your "identity" among a sea of nearly identical gaming channels. I was the guy who played puzzle games, took his time, rambled a lot, spoke some German, and would randomly spout off rock facts because I was also freshly graduating college with a bachelor of science degree in geology. I was surprised by how excited people would get about rock rants. I got excited when I saw basalt columns in Dragon Age Inquisition, but quickly started to notice that they were absolutely everywhere in games, so I started maintaining a gallery that listed them all: https://imgur.com/gallery/columnar-jointing-watch-Alpmz 
I didn't have a particular attraction to German or geology, though. I took German because I was asked to pick a mandatory language class as a young teen, and I took geology because I dropped out of computer science and needed to still get a degree because I was raise to go to college. So in the years since my memory of both has faded significantly. My last German class was in 2007, and my last bit of geology in 2013.
Realistically, the most useful language to learn would probably be Japanese. That might seem unintuitive since everyone in California says Spanish for obvious reasons, but understanding Japanese would actually come in handy for my job pretty regularly. It sure would have helped when I was litigating specific elements of Beastars, that's for sure. Lately I just send screenshots of stuff to Toaster with the caption "heeeeeeelllp" 
 [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@Boring_Keith/a/112854073679531772)
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mongoosefangs · 4 months
Fursuit Camp 2024: Getting Started
Welcome back to Fursuit Camp! It's time to start this thing proper! Whether you're ready to build along at home or just enjoying the ride, let's go over one of the most basic and important steps: planning our project and choosing our fabrics!
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For this demonstration I'm going to be making a coyote partial! I don't always plan my projects thoroughly in advance (I may or may not have a dragon head base from like 2017 that I'm still stumped on how to finish) but I usually like to do at least some rough doodles to figure out what kind of colors and markings I want. These details may be subject to change as the build continues, but this is a decent starting point.
I'm going with a 'yote because I've wanted to make one for a long time and they're pretty iconic in the desert Southwest where I live. It helps that I already have all the right fur fabrics on hand for this design. I also figured a canine species would be good for this demo, dogs/wolves/foxes etc. are eternally popular and common choices for fursuits, and a fine place for beginners to start.
Although you can make whatever you want if you're following along at home, I will say that if this is your very first build, you might not want to start with a beloved fursona or visually complex character. Keep it simple with less pressure to make it perfect as you get used to the building process. My first suit was a generic fox; I didn't attempt to make my mongoose 'sona until later.
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Here are the faux furs I'm going to be using for my coyote. You can see I've got a mixture of both long and short fur, and the colors don't exactly match 100%, but that's okay. Have faith! There are a lot more faux fur choices now than there used to be, but sometimes you're still limited. Depending on what you can get, you might want to start planning your project the other way around. Look at the fabrics available to you and pick an animal based on that.
You might be fortunate to live in an area where stores sell fur locally, or you might have to order online. You might even find yourself cutting up furry pillowcases and jackets from the thrift store for that perfect fur you can't find anywhere else (which is totally okay, in my opinion, as long as the fabric is clean). Regardless of where you source it, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
Always inspect fur in person. This means buying samples first if you're ordering online, but I promise it's worth the extra hassle. Make sure it's the color and texture you want before dropping $30-50 per yard on the stuff. How's the durability? Gently tug on the fibers; do they stay put or fall out? Part the fur with your fingers; does it seem flimsy or patchy? Faux fur quality can vary tremendously between styles, sellers, and even when the fabric was made. You won't know for sure until you've got it in hand.
Buy more than you think you'll need. How much that actually ends up being will depend entirely on your design. For this 'yote I probably won't need more than half a yard in any single color, but it's always better to have extra in case you make a mistake or want to add extra fursuit parts in the future. Don't assume you can just order more of the same exact fur later! It might be out of stock, discontinued, or not the same color or quality that it was in the past.
Know your terminology. What's the difference between fox fur and shag? Beaver and seal? Multiple types of furs are commonly used on fursuits and there are pros and cons to each kind. Let's go over some of them:
-Beaver, Seal, or Super Seal: very short fur, dense, soft, and kind of shiny. The short orange and cream in the photo above are beaver/seal style furs. A great choice for fursuit faces and finely detailed areas, but doesn't come in very many colors, and seams are more likely to show though the fur.
-Bunny or Teddy: short to medium length furs, up to about an inch long. Soft and fluffy, comes in a variety of colors, but some of them can be kind of thin furs in my experience. Not as dense as the shorter stuff. May need to be shaved down if used on fursuit faces.
-Lux Shag, aka Punky Muppet: a long style fur about 1.5" to 2". One of the most common choices for fursuits, widely available, comes in a huge array of colors. The long grey and orange in the photo above are examples of lux shag. Will need to be shaved if used on fursuit faces, but does not always shave down neatly. Quality varies. Can look clumpy or messy over time. Better for cartoony suits, less ideal for realistic styles.
-Fox: longer than lux shag, usually 2" or more, and a little more realistic in color and/or texture. The long cream in the photo above is an example of a fox style fur. Not as soft as lux shag, but also not as clumpy. Will need to be shaved if used on fursuit faces.
-Mongolian: a type of shag that's extra long and kind of wooly looking, with a chunky or kinked texture. Might work for some characters but probably not what you want in most cases.
-NFT/NFTech: National Fiber Tech, this is high quality faux fur used professionally for film and TV. Can be custom made to order to almost any length and color, especially good for fursuit hair tufts, but prohibitively expensive for most folks. They do sell overstock and random remnants, which can be a great value, but the selection is pretty unpredictable.
There are also other types of fabrics you may use for a fursuit, especially if you're like me and want to avoid shaving long fur at any cost (we won't be covering that in this build at all.) If you need something really, really short, but you can't find it in fur, try one of these instead:
-Fleece: just regular old anti-pill fleece can be a fantastic choice for fursuits. I always use at least some for things like inner ears and mouth linings, but I've made entire faces out of it, and some people have even used fleece for whole suits. Fleece is cheap, easy to work with, comes in a zillion colors, and hides seams surprisingly well with the right stitch. It's not fluffy like fur is, though, so it can't hide everything. Try to make your underlying structures as neat as possible if you're using fleece.
-Minky: commonly used for stuffed animals, comes in different styles, some are fluffy enough to mimic a bunny style fur. Tons of colors and prints to choose from. Can be used in a lot of the same ways as fleece, but I honestly don't like it as much. It doesn't hide seams as well and it's messy to work with. Good for making plushies, maybe good for some small details, but probably not my first choice for a fursuit.
These are just some of the fabrics you might end up using, but honestly, that's only the tip of the iceberg! I could literally spend the rest of the summer just weighing the pros and cons of every conceivable material you might use on a fursuit, but I'd rather actually make a fursuit. How about you?
If you're looking for fur online, try these sellers. I'll add to this list as I find more recommended shops!
Big Z Fabrics
Hairymann's Closet (NFTech)
Howl Fabrics
JoAnn Fabrics
Next time, we'll compile the rest of our shopping list and price out everything else we need to make this fursuit. It may be more affordable and accessible than you think!
If you're building along at home, please use the tag #fursuitcamp24 or reply directly to this post, I would love to see what you're working on! Let's do this thing!
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transpersian · 10 months
Poppy and SFW Spaces - Part 2: About that time that Poppy posted lewd furry art in a SFW channel...
The last time this came up, I didn't want to overwhelm what was already a big post, but now that this is coming up again, it's reminded me to post the follow-up conversation from the server.
Because you know that there was a follow-up conversation.
Two server members spoke up about how uncomfortable the post made them.
Poppy has a conversation where she disagrees in a troubling way, then steps aside to allow for a mod to handle the disagreement (to avoid conflicts of interest).
Saige, who Poppy has disclosed on-stream that she is an FP for, stepped in to essentially parrot whatever Poppy had said (to, you know, avoid conflicts of interest).
First off, I want to make it clear that Saige is in an entirely impossible situation. Please do not attack or judge her for her place in this situation. Instead, look at it my way: as proof of what nearly a year under Poppy's control will do to you.
I'm feeling spicy and like digging into something, so here's Poppy telling a minor that they're wrong for feeling uncomfortable over her shoving her fursona's sexually posed, barely clothed ass in their faces.
Then we're going to talk about their server rules and how the subject of minors and NSFW content is handled. I'm going to properly dig in here, so strap in [EDIT: we're at over 2100 words, so I'm serious].
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The offending post and the initial response. Note how hard both of these people are trying to not piss anyone off.
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So... a few things.
Note the immediate defensiveness and invalidation. Describing what's clearly erotic art as "cute."
"I don't find those particularly spicy." The minors do, though
"They aren't actually showing anything so to me they are mostly just risque." IF IT'S RISQUE THEN WHY ARE YOU SHOWING IT TO MINORS
"There are even more explicit versions and I didn't post those, so that makes these fine." You can use relativity to justify anything. This is not a real argument. Pro tip: always be cautious of relativity when it's being used to argue against your feelings.
"We get into stuff that's NSFW on our streams and we don't restrict that." I'm pretty sure this isn't the own you think it is, Poppy. This is you telling on yourself.
And then...
"we expect people who come there to be mature, the same is true about the server"
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I... hm.
Poppy (and Zena, #nozzerasure)...
1. Why do you expect people who come to your streams to be mature?
YOU HAVE LITERALLY NO CONTROL OVER THAT. It's a mental health political drama channel that gets suggested to people who watch similar content. If the statistics you shared a while back are still true, less than 2% of your audience is minors, but that's who marking your channel as mature is for.
Even ignoring the barely censored lewd art for now, you discuss a lot of really adult topics on your streams. These are the rules for a reason, Poppy, and you don't get to decide that they just don't apply to you. IF YOUR CHANNEL IS FOCUSED ON ADULT TOPICS YOU MARK IT AS "MATURE." FULL STOP.
You have ZERO CONTROL over who wanders into your channel. It isn't your decision as to whether your videos show up in front of minors. You are fucking wrong here.
Fix it, or leave it as more evidence of how little you actually care about protecting minors from adult content.
2. Why do you expect people who come to your server to be mature?
You explicitly position it as a place for vulnerable, traumatized, mentally ill, BPD (etc) queer people to go. You have stated that you want your community to be a safe place for the people from Lily Orchard's community to go once they're out. You know that that community contains a lot of minors, many of whom are there for content about cartoons. Why are you outright assuming that these people are mature enough to handle this content? Because if that was really a major priority for you, Poppy, I would think that the absurdly low bar of DON'T SHARE YOUR FUCKING LEWD ART IN SPACES WITH MINORS would be one you'd gladly clear to make sure that those people were entering a safe, friendly, non-sexualized space. You know, because a major problem with LO is her being unable to keep her fetishes and sexuality out of minor-inclusive spaces. I've been researching some things recently and you'd be surprised how deep the parallels go.
And on one last note about this one, I think it's really funny that Poppy tried to act like the other sections of the server are some big secret. "What separate area" come on, now. lol
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It's weird how she can't just wrap her head around the simple idea of not showing NSFW art in minor-inclusive spaces. This isn't a debate stream, Poppy. Where are you trying to take this conversation?
I do love how the other person calls out the problem with relativity right there. Hell yeah. Just because Hollywood's decided that that's okay to put on TV doesn't mean that I use it as a barometer to dictate what I think is appropriate. Poppy should know better than to use that as an excuse.
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Saige moderates!
First off, I want to reiterate and stress that Saige is in an entirely impossible situation. Note how she's basically just agreeing with Poppy. I was torn on whether to include who this mod is, but the context of her relationship with them is important to show just how much of a conflict of interest this is. Having your BPD partner, who you are an FP for, be a mod for situations like this?
What was that about conflicts of interest, Poppy? Why is Saige moderating your conflicts on the server, as a mod?
Can you imagine, as a person with BPD, being put in the position to moderate disagreements over your FP's inappropriate posts in the server that she owns?
Looking at these as Poppy's talking points because I don't trust that they didn't discuss this behind the scenes before Saige posted her "verdict."
1. "This isn't harmful for minors to see."
According to who?
2. "On this server, we don't shy away from difficult interactions."
This is pure, basic Foundation propaganda (Poppaganda, heh). They say this, but all you have to do is look at the receipts for my interactions with them to see just how good they are at dealing with conflict. "But that was personally in dating" yes, I know, but believe me, it goes far beyond that. It's just how they handle their personal affairs. I've seen and have extensive evidence for it, I just can't share it yet.
3. "You are responsible to some degree for managing your interactions with an environment."
This is one of those abuses of therapy-speak. Poppy and Zena have been increasingly weaponizing certain definitions, particularly the notion of "boundaries." While boundaries are by definition things that you can state will be your response to specific actions and circumstances, you only have to look at Poppy's Twitter right now to see how that works out in practice.
So what kind of expectations do PZ create for this environment?
Well, what is "Safe" versus the other categories, anyway?
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Okay. Not explicitly for minors, fair enough. But let's check their server rules.
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Solid start. What does that link to?
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Oh, okay. Let's go over these.
1) No minors in NSFW areas.
Serves to assume that no NSFW content is allowed in SFW spaces. Oh wait. About that first part.
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And while one can assume that the person can still be locked out of chats that are specifically NSFW, this area of the server is a space where more NSFW conversations take place, including in VCs (which they clearly are, seeing as they're actively involved in the "reply to voice" chat in the background). There's no avoiding that unless the rules of the space itself change.
Oh wait. Also. About that second part. There's plenty in my previous post, but here's another fun one from last year that someone sent me today.
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Maybe they changed the header in the year since, but uh... yeah. It's still in Safe, where there are minors. To be fair, the images were spoilered, but uh... yeah. Again, this is in the "Safe," minors-present category.
2) People 23 and older can't act inappropriately towards minors. Check age roles to see if this is okay.
This comes across as weird for number of reasons. For one, this isn't something that should just apply to minors and 23+; anyone who feels uncomfortable with an interaction should be reporting it to the mods.
For another, while it makes sense to warn people that there are minors in the server and to mind themselves accordingly, why is the age gap specified like that? Why does it make a difference if they're 23 or 20? If they're making a minor uncomfortable, it's a problem!
I could say more, but it's just... weird.
As for 3...
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I want to first talk about that last bit because I know she'll be offended at the very suggestion that it isn't true; I truly do believe that Poppy believes that this is true. Unfortunately, wanting to do something and believing you do something and actually doing that thing are very different things.
But let's talk about this age difference thing again.
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Take a moment and think about this: whose perspective is this from?
At what point does someone start "considering the power dynamics in the age difference" when they're interacting with a 22 year old? Maybe it's something to consider if you're over 30, but I wouldn't blink at a 24 year old dating a 20 year old.
So whose perspective(s) (#nozzerasure) are the age-based categorizations of "old enough to date question mark" designed for?
Their stance on TWs/CWs
One last thing that I thought was curious...
They specifically have a section of their rules that discusses trigger/content warnings. This is what it says:
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Notice how the two things that are marked as things that should be spoilered are violence and actual spoilers for media.
Most servers I've seen either have NSFW stuff specifically sequestered to NSFW spaces, or they spoil NSFW stuff. Why wouldn't this server do that?
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Oh. Right.
So what's my point?
What's all of this ultimately mean?
Firstly, I need to stress how NONE OF THIS IS EVIDENCE OF POPPY PURSUING MINORS IN "THAT" WAY. While her behavior is certainly concerning and inappropriate, I will not abide by any p*do-jacketing. If you're making any accusations like that, you'd better be bringing evidence, or at least a testimony.
Mainly, what this points to is a troubling pattern of behavior as far as her understanding of appropriate boundaries around sexual content. This directly impacts her ability to create truly SFW safe spaces for minors, especially minors who are emotionally/psychologically vulnerable or seeking refuge from sexually charged spaces.
Some of them may like being treated like adults, but that's not the point. The point is that it's not up to them. These are the rules for a reason.
Poppy, you may not believe that the rules should be this way, but please stop being so fucking stubborn. You're endangering minors with this behavior. All people are asking of you on this front is to be more restrained with your sexual stuff (including the "risque" stuff) in spaces where there are minors present.
Just exercise a little bit of self-control for the sake of making your server the safe space that you work so hard to convince people (including minors) that it is.
"Safe is only for friendly conversations about up to PG-13 topics."
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kestrel-wish · 2 months
REPOST YOUR ART OF CARP!!! The famous carpet deity, omg-
I remember the wildest things at such late hours
AYE AYE CAPTAIN! 👍 I'm not sure where a good chunk of the physical drawings of them are, and to be honest i never drew it as much as Kess ( or windhover, i tend to call them windhover sometimes to avoid confusion with my fursona ) mainly because Carp's ears are surprisingly hard to draw well. But here are the ones that I can find
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This is the main drawing of them, and i think the first actual one?
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Also this one that was drawn mainly for expression practice and boredom You can tell i gave up when it came to drawing the background and also that's supposed to be a couch they're sitting on it's just hard to tell because it looks like a brick lmao.
That's all the good ones i can find my art files are terrible to try and look through I also have some goofy super low effort doodles of Carp and Kess ( And others! ) too if you'd like those
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Left lower is a random 'garden'/plant creature similar to carp i made up but never really used, ( their name is Dandy , i show them later ) along with an idea for what the ceiling ( 'Ceil' ) would look like. More cat-like since i think we joked that the carpet would be rivals/kind of jealous of the ceiling so cat/dog because funny. Middle bottom is Ampere. I don't remember actually showing you Ampere? So if i either didn't show you or it's been a while this is ampere ( below ) Similar to the others but like a kitchen electronic kind of guy and the upper right of the doodle page is Carp and lower right is Kess, ofc
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I like where i went with this look but he's also way overdesigned compared to the others it's ridiculous looking. Very cool nonetheless but just a bit jarring. Very polite looking guy, though. Yeah not much actual carp art, that i can find at least there very well might be more. Can't find it for the life of me. Properly name your art files , people! But i have this other one of Ampere if that's something
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It's all old ass art so kinda wonky looking now in hindsight. I want to come back to them eventually as characters they're all silly. but especially Carp and Kess because they're the coolest. Blatant favoritism. The amount of lore and ideas I've come up with for those funny Quotev group chat ocs is terrifying and frankly quite disturbing. I do have more doodles of Kess than carp if you want to see those later, just ask. And i think a small animation but don't quote me on that. Sadly just not much of Carp itself. Or the others that i've thought of for that matter. Like you can see I tried to make ones much later to add to the personified house things, but I kind of ended overdesigning them a lot like you can kind of see with Amp. And Dandy, the plant one. I don't think you've seen it ever either, i made them a while after Amp on a whim, i think. The vague idea just came to me and i felt the need to doodle them too.
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I like Dandy's design ngl very soft and warm looking. I feel like their fur would feel kind of crunchy. It's very obviously a first time doodle but it's a fun idea. Man, i love drawing funnily themed cartoon dogs. I know this is less Carp art considering you asked for Carp specifically but there isn't much i can find so woe other old art be upon ye.
People who did not know me in my early Quotev days are going to be so confused lmao i'm not tagging any of this i don't even know what tags I would use.
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corantus · 2 years
im a trans man and my fursona has always been a whitetail deer -- before i started T i drew him without antlers but as hrt worked its course i started to give em bigger and bigger antlers :^) it's fun to translate those real world details to your fursona(s) !! more folks should do it !!!!
that's such a cute idea ohhh my goodness 😭
more than just transitioning (though that is part of it) my sona design has evolved to be less abstract and more similar to me in body type etc. like whoops i am getting gender euphoria from this cartoon dog
i didnt completely overhaul their design all at once, just a lot of small changes over time, but 5 yrs ago vs now...
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thetisming · 5 months
was talking about this with my cool and awesome beloved friend Monty and i think yall deserve to hear it too so:
if Frankie was one of those part-dog people (anthro dog or like Evan from ni no kuni but a dog) and had a tail it would start wagging whenever May kisses him and hes super embarrassed about it at first but May thinks it's seriously the cutest thing ever. and basically heres my thoughts about it
-Lance is an anthro dog person, like how Evan's dad was a grimalkin and that's why hes part dog just like why Evan was part cat. his mum is still whatever ethnicity the Frankie youre thinking of is (i'll be saying Saanvika cause. Yash) and dog Lance is still french
-he has dog ears as well that prick up sometimes
-his tail wags when he gets excited, he cant control it easily but he learned to when he was a teenager (had the same effect as masking + like masking, was harder at certain times and he sometimes failed. also he was masking autism at this time which made things even worse)
-when hes really excited it's a lot harder to mask, and he manages to for a while with May (they obviously know about the tail but not about a lot of stuff with it) but the first time they kiss his hand his tail wags because it's just so cute and romantic to him
-hes so embarrassed about it. he apolagises over and over again and is pretty clearly blushing
-May however thinks it's ADORABLE. like they cant stop giggling over it cause he's just so cute and in the middle of his rambling about it they kiss him again and his tail just wags more even if hes trying to not
-he still tries to hide it after that but after hearing how cute May finds it he tries to work on not, hes also working on not masking autism at the same time. it's hard but he's trying his best
-the fur is soft. not always because growing up he was even more embarrassed about it so he didn't brush it as much, but before Saanvika died she would brush his fur when she was brushing his hair, but now that hes an adult hes taking better care of it (he didn't let it get too bad as a kid though), and May lovesss brushing his tail and ears (hes also a bit hairier than the average person, so his body hair also needs to be brushed). they do it when theyre cuddling or just if hes lying down theyll do it just to have something to do
-May also washes his fur so that it stays soft, and he loves that so much. they normally wash his hair at the same time and he just gets very giggly about it
-since hes obviously still part human + Lance is anthro (i assume that in this universe that's pretty normal, again much like in Ni No Kuni) hes not super dog like, but he does exhibit certain dog traits, although less than the average dog-person since hes half dog
-May genuinely thinks the tail thing is so cute. like they squealed the first time it happened, and they also love that it means hes happy because him being happy makes them happy too
-he also stims still, so he'll be flapping his hands and wagging his tail at the same time
-when hes nervous/shy/scared his tail goes between his legs
-he makes dog noises! for instance growling, barking and whimpering, and he doesnt do it much but for instance if someone seems like theyre going to hurt his friends, family or May he will growl, and whimpering when he wants attention, and barking when hes excited or scared
-sometimes he gets questions about what he thinks of furries because 'well arent they humans pretending to be animals?' and he thinks it's dumb because a lot of furries are also anthro animals and most anthro animals have no problems with it. he is very sick of this question, especially because they tend to come from humans who are just ableist and anti-furry
-adding onto that, Fletcher asked him about dog stuff when he was designing his fursona and he had a lot of fun. these are the kinds of furry questions he actually wants cause he loved helping Fifi
-he has slightly sharper teeth than the average human, but less sharp than the average dog. he likes this a lot
-although being anthro is pretty normal, theres some places where it's not and May is completely ready to punch someone for Frankie. so are Juliet and Romeo and everyone basically
this was pretty fun lol i might do more :)
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niuttuc · 6 months
magic subject: upcoming planes/sets
Hope you’re having a good week! :3
I'll try to stay brief because there are a lot of those.
Thunder Junction: I was expecting to like this set more than I have been. The tropey character twists of MKM and the fact they just dropped a dozen existing named characters without really getting any deeper on any of them makes me roll my eyes more than anything, I'd have liked an actual new set of characters for once.
Modern Horizons III: Excited for some fun designs, dreading some pushed designs, baffled by commander precons, like the idea of new sparkers.
Assassin's Creed: I have mostly no care for that franchise or the associated designs so far. It'll exist. I'm a bit amused that they committed to the small booster formula so far and with another company before the first one even went to print and faceplanted.
Bloomburrow: Cute and new! Well, except for the fursona bonus sheet, but hopefully that's just a fun addition and it's not another set of "new setting, but all old characters" again, because we haven't had something new in a good while. At least it's a bit less tropey a space than Western or Detectives.
Duskmourn: Now that we've seen Thunder Junction and MKM, I expect the modern horror set to also be pretty shallow, and it's not a genre I have much investment in. Hopefully they don't feel the need to make it all about known characters being trapped in the mansion!
Innistrad Remastered: Would have been much better instead of Double Feature, and also probably will get forgotten like the last few remastered sets that were overpriced and/or underprinted. Be honest, whoever is reading this: did you remember they announced that?
Interplanar Death Race set: Chaining together genres that I don't care much or any about, though given its nature I expect this one will be old characters at least, as it should be.
Return to Tarkir: Finally we get development on that situation of returning Khans! We do, right?
Final Fantasy: I'm not the biggest Final Fantasy fan, I've played a couple of them, but it's the same kind of set as LotR was, and that was a success regardless, and there's a lot of material to pull from in Final Fantasy. Cautiously optimistic.
Space Set: Neat! I hope they pull it off and make it feel expansive and alive without invalidating the rest of the game!
Return to Lorwyn: A bit too far into the future to know what to expect, but the one narrow and unhelpful look at Lorwyn in March of the Machine did not make me hopeful for the return, especially with how the previous block ended!
Return to Arcavios: That's a lot of returns! Hopefully this is about Arcavios as a whole and not as focused on Strixhaven. Honestly had forgotten this was a set!
First Marvel booster set: See Final Fantasy. Thankfully, probably will be focused on the comics moreso than the MCU. But wouldn't surprise me if the different sets are different comic book runs. We don't know enough details to give a real opinion.
Finale to the multi-year story arc: I imagine the arc will end with battling returning Fomori or a big villain taking control of their tech in some way. It's starting pretty slowly for now, so can't really guess much about this one.
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lakesbian · 11 months
ok. the alecs. by first to most recent
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and the pancake
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ahem okay
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this is the alec that everyone draws the first time they draw alec. hair not fully curly. vaguely fitting the description of A Little Guy but otherwise nondistinct. 4/10 this is what alec looks like from a distance of 15 feet if you squint
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proof of the rule wrt alec that the masks people make up for him when they forget his canon design (literally just a blank white smirking mask) are always accidentally thematically relevant or interesting. wake up puppet boy. curly hair win but the outfit has not been fully faggified yet. 7/10 this sufficiently captures the essence of alec. i shouldve done a five-star rating system i like it better. oh well vibes-based 10 star system it is
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these are all already scoring higher than many alecs because they come with the default understanding that he 1. is smalled 2. has curly hair and 3. is gnc so we can get into more specific critique. not actually a skirt wearer but that's my fault for trying to cram him in them anyway. it just will not take he just doesnt like skirts or dresses except for dead princess ghost nightgowns. he doesn't wear the super fancy clothing in public unmasked for a few reasons but, like, that's functionally a nitpick--it's alec looking like alec in clothing alec would, at one point or another, wear. 9/10
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haunted doll AND more specific facial features and moles AND gayass clothing. and the mandatory curly hair. 10/10, this is what alec looks like
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he's got sleek black riding boots instead of lace-up ones but like. yeah these are all far above the usual bar for attempts at drawing alec. little guy poofy gay outfit etc etc. on a tangential note people Should give him fun fancy mask designs of their choosing but also so many people do that that i kind of wish i could see a few drawings of him with the mask he actually has LMAO. anyway 6/10 i think the inaccurate boots and smiley cute-looking mask shift his energy a little to be slightly peppier than it should be but, like, that is alec.
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automatic aishy bonus points and we have a spot-on alec costume w the boots n little tights n poofy shirt + a sassy little pose that emphasizes the alecness. 10/10 thats alec. wait 11/10 you get an aishy bonus point
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thats alec. curly hair gay outfit haunted doll who hates being alive stare soft/conventionally pretty facial features etc etc. 10/10
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the leftmost one feels a bit more alec overall bc he has thinner lips/a less defined and more littleguy face shape but both of these are alec. 10/10 i wish i had your ability to capture the depression stare he's never aware he has
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yeagh thats the little guy. same general 8/10 range as the other ones 👍
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this is a jean paul and not alec and its also a Fursona which is, like jean paul, on a different scale than alec. 10/10 jean-paul and fursona though. White boy named pancake would you come to his birthday party. jean-paul is even more frou-frou and baby princey than alec and this is appropriately so. and jean-paul bnuuy is cutesy and fancy like a childrens story beenyrabbit doll whereas alec bnuuy is creepy. so 10/10there also. holding him lovingly
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