#I’d name him Onyx yes I would yup yup yup
DO IT! I got my Lil demon on one of those deals he was $30 his name is Carl and he’s a menace to society the first time I met him he whacked me in the face with his claws out all while purring so hard his whole body was vibrating he’s my favorite Lil dude tho and he sleeps on my head every night he’s also the most vocal cat I’ve ever met he screams at me if I’m 30 seconds late with his dinner
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fanofawesomethings · 7 years
Halloween Run
Another commission piece for @bixbitesmeepmorps‘s Gem OC’s.
If you want a commission of your very own, message me and I will tell you my prices
Bixbite kicked the ends of her heels on the limestone outside her cave. The green forest had changed into shades of orange and red, almost overnight. The air was no longer warm and the days seemed shorter. Bixbite named this part of the year the Orange time, not knowing that the season already had a name. Like the years before, she loved to sit and watch each brittle leaf fall from its tree until the forest floor was painted with the orange and red color. But Bixbite was especially happy during that fall season because for once she had someone to share the season with.  
The wind Onyx sat on her back and watched the heavy cloud sail away. There wasn’t a particular reason why she did so; it certainly wasn’t to enjoy the pleasant calm associated with watching the clouds. Unlike most, Onyx didn’t see the beauty in staring at nothing and often times she’d have to ask Bixbite what the point of little things like cloud watching is; Onyx was artistically blind. But Bixbite wanted to sit and watch the leaves and Onyx was unable to refuse her. The minutes seemed to droll on like a slug and though she’d rather be moving something heavy or punching the boulder she always punched when she was bored, out of the corner of her eye, Bixbite was smiling with glee, so Onyx kept her boredom quiet, for her.
Bixbite would point and laugh when another leaf landed on the growing pile forming a little mountain like theirs. When Onyx snickered to humor her, Bixbite’s smile grew. Onyx followed suit by pointing to a cloud she watched and asking Bixbite what it looked like to her. Bixbite’s answers were always better than hers so at some point Onyx gave up trying.
Onyx tapped Bixbite’s butt which startled her like a jolt of lightning, unpredictably so. While she found it interesting to know another of Bixbite’s secret weakness, Onyx did it to get Bixbite’s hand. Small and dainty magenta hands were swallowed by strong yet gentle black hands.
Before both of them knew it, the sun reached the peak of the sky and began to reseed to the mountains. The tree Bixbite watched lost half of its leaves and the cloud Onyx watched changed from being the shape of a wolf to a lumpy crab. It hardly felt like hours to them.
“Do you want to do something else?” Bixbite asked, finally breaking the calm silence.
Onyx basked in the warmth of her Bixbite’s hand and the softness of her hair which caressed her hand when the wind pushed it. Truthfully if Bixbite asked her this question a couple of hours ago, Onyx’s response would be to immediately suggest something physical, maybe training. But sitting in blissful tranquility did wonders to change her mind so all she could think about what sitting next to Bixbite—forever if she could.
“Let’s stay like this for a little while longer,” said Onyx.
“You don’t want to train, or punch something, or try that thing we tried last time?”
Onyx choked on nothing, caught off guard by the last thought. “I think I’m starting to get the hang of this ‘doing nothing’ idea you had,” she said. She gave Bixbite a small wink. “But you know, I’d be in the mood if you wanted to start again.”
Bixbite blushed despite suggesting it herself. Her lips inched to say yes, a moment that was changed when all of a sudden the two were startled. Rustling in the forest echoed in the sereneness, making the rustling thunderous as it drew closer. In addition to the forest brush being parted they heard the ground being cut as though a chainsaw struck the earth. They didn’t recognize it at first glance but it wasn’t until the sound drew closer, and they could see the spinning purple sphere, that Onyx and Bixbite could drop their guard.
The splicing sphere form of Amethyst collided with the bottom of the mountain below them. Colliding with the limestone with her strength and speed, the top of Amethyst’s head made an indent on the stone. She wobbled backwards holding her head in a silly fashion.
“Whoa that was a hard stop. Err, sorry about dent in your house,” said Amethyst casually as an attempt to make the collision seem like part of a joke. Bits of rubble fell out of her hair.
“Hello Amethyst,” greeted Bixbite.
“Oh yeah, the short Amethyst,” said Onyx, only vaguely remembering her. “What are you doing here?”
“Geez, what’s with that greeting? Hey, big Onyx with the giant shoulder pads. We came to check up on ya’, of course.”
“We?” Bixbite repeated.
Amethyst climbed the mountain to reach them and put her arms around Bixbite. She squeezed Bixbite tightly and then scurried behind her like a mischievous cat to play with her long, magenta hair. Reasons had nothing to do with it; Amethyst simply loved running her hands through Bixbite’s soft hair and playing with its excessive length.
“Yeah, Steven and Pearl were way too slow for me so I had to leave ‘em in my dust,” she grinned.
“Steven’s coming!” Bixbite cheered.
“The Pearl is coming?” Onyx griped.
“Yup. We’re gonna do this thing that happens every year where people dress up like weird things and get free candy,” explained Amethyst, grabbing a strand of hair and putting it over her lip to look like she had a mustache.
“What’s candy?” Bixbite asked.
“No way, you’ve never eaten candy before?! It’s way weird. Sometimes they’re hard, other times they are all chewy, sometimes they get stuck in my teeth. They’re super good and humans just give you them for free today!”
“So you eat too? Gems don’t need to eat,” said Onyx.
           “Come on, you sound like Pearl. If you wanna eat, just eat, that’s what I think,” said Amethyst.
           Onyx balled her hand, very displeased about being compared to Pearl.
The bushes up head rustled. Onyx groaned, for up until this point she had been enjoying her day alone with Bixbite and then before she knew it she has to deal with the Pearl she disliked more than every human on Earth, combined. But Onyx’s dislike for Pearl mattered little to Bixbite who was just excited to see her friend—she was confident enough to let her guard down knowing Onyx wouldn’t pick a fight.
“Bixbite, Onyx!” Steven’s voice rang from the brush. Bixbite stood up to greet him.
           The green parted and Steven emerged, but looking differently than Bixbite remembered, much to her horror. Steven’s pinkish skin had turned gray, his hair was covered with white streaks, red outlining his mouth, and white rib bones exposed on his stomach. His clothes were torn apart, some tears were painted red. Steven had his arms extended in front of his chest as he moaned, a ghoulish moan. Everything about his appearance fired a surge of fear into Bixbite and she screamed loud, running immediately behind Onyx while continuing to scream. Onyx herself raised her guard to protect herself and her friend. Tears showed on Bixbite’s eyes as she trembled.
           “S-S-S-S-Steven i-i-i-s a-a-a m-monster!” Bixbite cried.
           Steven and Amethyst looked at each other puzzled, both discovering that she was serious.
           “Bixbite, it’s okay, I’m fine,” said Steven. He padded the side of his bare stomach and rubbed the rib bone off, revealing it was nothing but white paint. “It’s just my costume.”
           Bixbite peeked from behind cover.
           “Oh, Steven, you messed your makeup again. Really, if you insist on being this ‘zoombie’ thing, you should at least make sure you stay in character,” said Pearl, coming up behind him.
           Pearl raised both her index fingers to her Gem and closed her eyes in concentration. A little circle cup of white makeup appeared and she diligently reapplied it to the spot where Steven had rubbed off. Onyx shot Pearl a disgust look as she painted.
           “It’s nice to see you again, Bixbite,” said Pearl, and stopping there. Bixbite was still unsure of Steven’s costume so she didn’t respond.
           Steven tapped his stomach. “See, nothing to be scared of, it’s just a part of Halloween.”
           “Hahllowine? Is it the thing Amethyst was talking about where you get candy?” Bixbite sniffled.
           “Yeah that! But you gotta be dressed up like a weirdo,” said Amethyst.
           “We came to ask you two if you wanted to come along,” said Steven.
           Onyx pointed to Pearl, intentionally meaning to be rude. “So why is she here then?”
           “Pearl’s our chaperone. Garnet couldn’t come, even though I had such a good costume in mind for her,” said Steven with a sigh of disappointed because he had a plan to dress her in a witch’s gown whose red and blue colors were split down the middle.
           “I could’ve been your guard if you asked me first. There’s not really any need for two,” said Onyx.
           Pearl made no face in response, choosing not to humor Onyx. Her ability to ignore annoyance, no matter how big, was a trait that took years of living with Amethyst to master. The tension between them was still as dense as it was when they first met, the only difference Bixbite, Steven and Amethyst could tell was that neither one was getting ready to cut the other down—some restraint was shown.
           “S-So, do you guys want to come?” Steven asked, feeling the awkwardness.
           “That might be fun, but we don’t have any coostumes,” said Bixbite
           Steven grinned proudly to Peal who sighed with a smile of her own. He predicted this would happen and asked Pearl to hold their costumes, which at the time she didn’t believe they’d need. Pearl touched her forehead with both hands and two orbs of lighting stretched out, molding and growing until they took their original shape and fell into Steven’s arms. He held them out in front of them.
           “Bixbite you get the orange one and Onyx you get the gray one,” said Steven, handing their individual costume.            Both looked at each other at a loss at what they were supposed to do with the clothes. They figured it out as they went inside the cave to change while the others waited outside. In the dark cave, neither could see each other’s costume, and it would remain a mystery to each other until they finished. Amethyst kicked her feet on the ground as she laid her head on the limestone, bored after a while. Steven paid close attention to how the sun began to set, the opportune time to start trick-o-treating, he thought, was soon impending. Finally the two emerged from the shadows to an audience who awed at their appearance.
           Bixbite wore a sunset orange leotard-esque outfit with a fluffy skirt around her waist that was made up of brown and green leaves. Leaves and twigs were scattered around the suit with thin yet sparkling veils over her arms that reached to her palms. The costume came with accessories—a crown of bright orange and red flowers with red berries strung in between them, four elongated twigs that Bixbite placed in the middle of the crown on top of her head, and smaller pink flowers as clips that hung to her hair like a forest floor. She had a difficult time wearing the forest flip-flops the costume demanded; she wiggled her bare toes against the strap, uncomfortable.
           Onyx was comparably not as impressive. Her costume was a knight’s outfit, but it was far from the real thing. She had slipped into a body suit with most of the armor painted on the surface. Foam grieves, gauntlets and shoulder, and a cheap red rag as a cape completed the lackluster look. Steven was incredibly disappointed looking at the costume now, especially with how Bixbite’s turned out. Onyx, however, didn’t notice how pathetic her costume looked; she was immediately stricken by Bixbite’s new appearance.
           “Hey you know, you should tie up your long hair, girl,” suggested Amethyst sneaking up behind Bixbite.
           “You think so?” She wondered. Because of all the things pinned to her hair, for the first time Bixbite considered the thought.
           “Here, lemme help you out,” grinned Amethyst.
           Amethyst grabbed two handfuls of Bixbite’s hair, but even that wasn’t enough to contain the massive length. Onyx watched liked a slack jawed buffoon, expectant to see the outcome of Amethyst playing. Nothing came to mind until suddenly Amethyst got an idea and was quick to make it a reality. While attention was off them, Steven whispered into Pearl’s ear and she reluctantly compiled with the request, just as Amethyst stepped away from her finished work.
           Half of Bixbite’s hair was free and wild as it always was, but using the costume’s clips to disconnect them, Amethyst tied an array of pigtails using the ends of her hair. But she soon realized she wasn’t finished. Amethyst ran to Bixbite’s sides and tied two long strands around her neck like a necklace. The last strand behind her ear that bothered Amethyst tied behind her head like a ring. Onyx couldn’t look away.
           “Yeah, I got the hair moves,” Amethyst said to the speechless Onyx. She pushed her to Bixbite.
           Onyx was extremely unprepared to face Bixbite then. Her face was blushing.
           “Do you like it?” Bixbite inquired.
           “You’re beautiful! I—I mean i-it looks nice,” said Onyx, exploding at first. Bixbite blushed which only sent Onyx into a flurry of emotions.
           Metal pieces clanked as they fell to the ground, startling everyone and immediately breaking the mood. The individual pieces of the white armor proved to be too heavy for Steven to carry and they fell on him like dead weight while he crumbled beneath them. Pearl, the one who summoned each piece, jolted to his aid.
           “Steven—oh my gosh—are you alright?!” She threw the chest piece, the biggest part, off his with one arm. Onyx caught the flying part.
           Steven raised his thumb, weakly. “I’m good!”
           Onyx saw herself in the crystal clear reflection, behind a symbol of an eagle the chest plate bore. Beneath the eagle was a sun and below that were two large stars.
           “What’s this?” Onyx asked.
           “It’s your costume, Onyx. This one is way better than that one!” Steven proclaimed. “This one is an actual knight’s armor Pearl had in her Gem.”
           Onyx looked at Pearl with odd perplexity. “You keep an entire suit of armor inside your Gem?”
           “I like to see it as being prepared for anything. Do you want the suit or not? Unless you’re content with looking absolutely ridiculous,” said Pearl.
           Onyx only then realized how ridiculous she actually looked. Bitterly she had no choice but to take the pieces of shimmering white armor. But not before tearing the flimsy bodysuit off her with a single tug, unaware that Steven had paid money for it and he could’ve easily returned it. Trying the leather straps to her body, tightening the armor pieces until they pressed on her muscles, and carrying the immense weight of steel felt nostalgic to the warrior Gem. She never wore armor when fighting, but she didn’t think any less of the Gems who did. As she the suit was fully guarding her body, Onyx ignored the memories of war to be in the mountain, with Bixbite.
           Sharing her friend’s reaction, Bixbite couldn’t hold a thought or a word when she saw Onyx in her costume. The black Gem’s large muscles made the armored plates bulge out and the chainmail greaves stood out prominently with the great build underneath; the crystal sheen on the metal gave Onyx a glisten like stardust that worked well with her nature beauty—at least it was what Bixbite seemed to think. She didn’t say any of her thought out loud, but Onyx guessed from her mindless drooling that Bixbite liked the costume; she blushed.
           “Alright, everyone, let’s go trick-o-treating! Mwahahahahaha!” Steven imitated a nefarious laugh befitting a mad scientist, though the same effect wasn’t apparent with his size or voice.  
             “Mwahahahaha!” Amethyst mimicked with a stronger voice.
           Pearl refused to take part.
             Bixbite and Onyx were given a small treat before they got their candy. When the group of Gems reached the nearest Warp Pad they teleported to inside Steven’s house, where the two new Gems were finally given a chance to see a new setting. There were so many simple things that would surely capture Bixbite’s attention for hours, but time was of the essence according to Steven and they could only stay for a minute to get shopping bags and then leave. Bixbite extended her neck so she could see more as she was being led out the door; she managed to see the TV and the coach, which was accompanied by Garnet who waved goodbye as they left. While Bixbite was disappointed she didn’t get to see more, what awaited her outside was even better.
           A glare hit the side of Bixbite and Onyx’s eyes when they stepped out onto the wooden patio outside Steven’s house. The citrine-colored glow of the setting sun was mirrored on the azure surface of the ocean. Bixbite and Onyx froze. Where the sun went after it set over their mountain had been a mystery to both of them—for Bixbite it remained a mystery for as long as she lived in the mountain. In addition to the setting sun, the unfamiliar Gems threw their mouths open at the ocean, an endless area that was as vast as the valley behind their mountain but painted blue. Steven gave them the time they needed to indulge.
           With a few coercing pushes to get Bixbite and Onyx moving again, the group of Gems made their way to the boardwalk. Everything around them was new to Bixbite and Onyx and to Steven, Amethyst and Pearl it felt like they were leading them on a tour of the city rather than a walk to the houses. While Bixbite walked forward as she spun like a top, Steven led the group to a blue house at the end of the boardwalk. This house wasn’t decorated and there wasn’t anyone out in the frontyard despite the garage door being open.
           “Hey Onion, we’re here! Let’s get going!” Steven shouted.
           “What’s an Onion?” Onyx asked.
           “He’s my friend Vidalia’s kid and Steven’s buddy,” said Amethyst.
           Onyx gave a look of disgust. “Humans have weird names.”
           A light on the second story window lit up and a shadow moved inside, most likely Onion. The group waited outside, a silence on the group during the short moment waiting. Behind them a whisper so sly it was carried by the breeze so none of them could hear it. A figure, draped in a long black cloak that touched its knees, wearing a mask of a face turned upside down, an eerie sight that crept up behind them. None of them heard its advances until its thin hand rose up with boney fingers. Bixbite saw a shadow creep on her shoulder and she turned around; for that moment she was unable to scream as the figure grabbed Amethyst’s shoulder with a pinch.
           “GAAAAAAAH!” Amethyst shrieked.
           “AAAAAAH!” Steven shouted in response.
           “WHAAA?!” Pearl jumped hearing Steven scream.
           “HEYAAAAAAH!” Bixbite was the loudest scream out of all of them, which in turned caused Onyx to suddenly pick her guard up.
           The series of screams was triggered by the mask figure who upon seeing the fruits of her devilish prank revealed herself to be Vidalia.
           She laughed, wiping a tear from her eye. “Man, for a Gem warrior you get scared really easily.”
           “Do not!” Amethyst denied. “What’s with the mask, Vidalia? Your normal face is scary enough.”
           “I’m headed to Sour Cream’s Halloween rave so I needed a good enough costume.” The older woman then noticed the extra two Gems, one of which, Bixbite, was hiding behind the other. “Wow, you got some new friends? Gonna give me an introduction?”
           “Yeah, that red one’s Bixbite and the big beefy one is Onyx. We helped them out with some serious Gem biz, you know how it goes.”
           Vidalia went up to Onyx who was a great deal larger than the mature woman. She invaded her personal space to analyze the Gem’s face clearly. Onyx looked cornered, not knowing how to respond to a human staring so intensely at her.
           “You got muscles for days, big gurl. I could use you to move some stuff next weekend. I won’t pay you though,” said Vidalia.
           Onyx had too many questions to single one out.
           Vidalia passed her to get to the magenta Gem hiding behind. Without the creepy mask, Bixbite felt a little comfortable peeking out of her guardian’s back but she was still apprehensive. And just like with Onyx, Vidalia scanned Bixbite intensely.
           “Sick hair color, gurl,” said Vidalia. “Back in my hay day I tried to get that shade but I always got red or pink. You’re lucky, Beet. It’s what I’m gonna call ya’ since you look like a big ol’ beet.”
           “What’s a beet?” Bixbite poked her head out of her cover like a gopher.
           “Geez, you make the lamest nicknames,” said Amethyst.
           “And I’m callin’ you Olive,” she said to Onyx who didn’t get the name either.
           Onion, the smallest of all Steven’s friends, emerged from his house wearing only a blank, white face with eye holes as a costume. He stood like a statue and waited for their responses; his costume didn’t trigger fear in any of them, but it did send a freezing chill down their spines.
           “L-Let’s get going,” said Steven, hesitant to take Onion’s hand to keep him close.
           “Keep all ten eyes on this little imp, and have him back before midnight,” said Vidalia. She patted the top of his head. “Don’t give ‘em too much trouble.”
           Onion nodded. Vidalia slipped her mask back on and waved her hands in an overly spooky manner as she retreated into the garage.
           “Get ready, Bixbite and Onyx, we’re about to finally get the candy,” said Steven.
           Bixbite got over her fright for the sake of the delicious treats she’d been promised.
           With the final member added to their roster, Steven and the others were finally headed to the houses on the other side of the street. However, others had the same idea Steven had for the ideal time to start trick-o-treating. As they made their way they heard crowds of doorbells being rung and doors being knocked. Onion pulled away from Steven and rushed around the corner. Steven took Bixbite and Pearl’s hands and pulled them. Bixbite smiled with anticipatory enjoyment. That is, until they rounded the corner.
           Vampires. Ghouls. Mummies. Evil clowns. Werewolves. Aliens. An wide assortment of costumes on people ranging from small to huge, all in a cluster moving from one house to the next. Bixbite was petrified immediately. Her wildest nightmares could not compare. So many scary things all around her, each one invoked a fear that she didn’t even know what there. Steven felt Bixbite’s hand suddenly go limp; he looked back to see her eyes blasted open. Her throat grew with the impending scream she was about to let loose. Steven’s shocked expression caused the others to become aware of Bixbite’s impending scream. She panted rapidly and swallowed the air she needed. Everyone scrambled to calm her, but they were too late. Bixbite let out an earth shattering scream that was quickly muffled when Onyx slapped her hands over Bixbite’s mouth almost instinctively. Bixbite had the chance to let out all her fright and Onyx’s quick thinking prevent it was becoming an incident.
           “Bixbite, its okay, everyone’s in costume! None of it is real,” said Steven. Bixbite was still in mid-scream so they waited until all of the air had been exhaled out of her body before explaining things.
           “Relax, Beet Bix, there are no monsters here that can get ya’,” said Amethyst.
           Bixbite sniffled behind Onyx’s hand—she wasn’t convinced of her safety. Onyx saw all of the excitement Bixbite at the start of the new adventure had left her; her expression now read her hurry to get back to the cave and hide. A knife cleaved Onyx’s stomach seeing Bixbite so miserable. Suddenly, Onyx lifted Bixbite off the ground and into her arms.
           “I’ll hold you the entire way, I’ll keep you safe, Bix,” said Onyx.
           The color returned to Bixbite’s face, along with some additional shades of bright red. They were caught in each other’s eyes; their faces inched closer to each other, completely ignoring the audience they had. Steven blushed and Pearl had to cover his and Onion’s eyes. It was only when Onyx felt Bixbite’s gentle breath hit her lips that Pearl cleared her throat to remind them they were still there.
           “Not in front of the children, you two, please,” commanded Pearl.
           Bixbite and Onyx shared the same flustered look like they had made a big mistake. Onion pulled away and ran to the nearest house.
           “Bixbite, Onyx, there’s our first house. When I ring the door bell you gotta say ‘Trick-o-Treat’, okay,” Steven instructed.
           Bixbite understood the steps clearly enough, but there wasn’t any way she saw herself getting down from inside Onyx’s arms, for more reasons than being afraid of the monsters around her. Thankfully the house Onion picked for them was at the start of the block and the other costume children had long since visited it. Onyx ducked her head and squeezed her body tight closed to fit on the patio. Onion rang the doorbell. The owner, a small old lady, must’ve been nearby because the door opened fairly quickly.
           “Oh my, such scary youngins,” said the lady in a weak voice that matched her poor eyesight.
           “Trick-o-Treat, ma’am,” said Steven politely.
           “Gimme my candies!” Amethyst commanded.
           “Trice or Teet!” Bixbite said, misunderstanding what exactly Steven said before. Onyx wasn’t going to say it.
She adjusted her thick, golden glasses. “Two strapping young lads and three pretty young ladies.”
           “Ladies? We’re Gems,” said Onyx, taking it as an insult.
           “Kids these days and their costumes, it’s hard for an ol’ lady like me to keep up.” She reached behind the door and picked up her candy bowl and handed Onion and Steven a handful of candy. “Don’t go eatin’ all your candy tonight. Thas what I did thirty or twenty teeth ago.”
           The handful of candy landed at the bottom of Bixbite’s empty shopping bag. It was only a few wrapped single flavor hard candy, what looked like a single popcorn kennel, and a mini bar of chocolate; Onyx got the same. Bixbite poked her head inside to see the wrapped sweets glistening like treasure; she didn’t know what any of the brand names meant, what the candies were, and what exactly she was meant to do with them other than eat them, but she was happy to receive them. She looked to see if Onyx shared her happiness in receiving candy, but Onyx’s response was a bit more complex.
Onyx was just as oblivious as Bixbite towards what the purpose of the candy was. They looked like the same pieces of trash that she’d previously seen piling up in Jason’s trashcans. They weren’t weapons or anything interesting that would make her excited. And yet, Steven showed his candy to Onion with a bright smile on his face and Bixbite’s eyes widened with joy. The joy of the candy was easy to them but an enigmatic mystery to her. Bixbite quickly unwrapped her mini bar of chocolate and held it to Onyx’s lips. She awkwardly munched on the mini edge, but oblivious once again as to what made it “good” as the others often said when eating. Bixbite giggled because of bit of chocolate hung on Onyx’s lips; she took it off Onyx and ate it, smiling back. Onyx smiled too.
“Honestly you bunch and your food. I will never understand it,” said Pearl.
“What, don’t you want some Pearl?” Amethyst tore the wrapped of four of her six pieces of candy, mashed them together in a ball of various colors and held the ball of sugar at Pearl’s face. “Come on, P, its good!”
           Pearl backed away. “Oh no, Amethyst, don’t you dare get that thing close to me!”
           “It’s full of sweetie goodness!”
           Amethyst chased Pearl around the street like a cat and mouse, holding out the ball of candy which she used as a weapon against her. Finally Amethyst made Onyx laugh, at Pearl’s expense of course.
The night went by before any of them noticed, which was often the case when they had fun. Steven and the others visited every door they could, collecting candy that quickly made their shopping bags heavier than they were. The sun had long since set and the moon was out by the time their bags were halfway full. When they couldn’t carry the heavy load any longer they gave them to Onyx who held them and Bixbite the entire night; it was Onion who originally threw his bag on Onyx when it got too heavy for him. Sweat from too much walking had begun to wet the makeup on Steven’s body; for an autumn night it wasn’t at all cold. The last of the houses within a good walking distance was hit and the group rested on the block curve to catch their breaths while children much younger than Steven were still going strong.
“Kids these days, I’ll never understand where they get their energy from,” said Steven trying his best to sound like an old prune.
“It’s gettin’ kind late. Didn’t Vidalia say she wanted him to be back before midnight?” Amethyst reminded.
“Oh yeah, that’s right! We really should be getting back now,” said Steven. “Come on, On—”
Steven trailed off when he discovered his little friend wasn’t seated next to him. His head swished to his left but only found Amethyst where she’d always been. He looked behind him and even out in front of them. No Onion to be seen.
“Onion!” Steven called out.
No answer, not that he half expected one.
“Guys! Onion’s gone!”
“What?!” Pearl squawked. She too looked around. “I-I wasn’t even paying attention!”
“No way! Vidalia’s gonna kill us!” Amethyst shouted.
“Your little friend?” Bixbite asked.
“What’s the big deal? He can probably find his way back,” said Onyx.
“Of course he can’t, he’s a little human!” Pearl barked at her.
Onyx stood up to meet her challenging stance. Before a new problem came, a shiver ran down Onyx’s spine. Her hairs stood on end and her body locked in place as though the chill that tickled her spine had also frozen her.
“—off,” Onyx muttered.
“What’s wrong, Onyx?” Bixbite inquired.
“Get this thing offa me!” Onyx cried.
The group looked around her massive frame to see a creature latched onto her back like a beetle. Onion climbed her back while attention was drawn away and Onyx only noticed him after he began to poke her Gem. He grabbed it with his tiny palms and even tried to pull it out.
           “Off! Get him off! Get him off! OFF!” Onyx pleaded.
           Bixbite picked Onion off her friend and held him with perplexity. He wriggled free and quickly retreated behind Steven. Meanwhile Onyx hadn’t loosened, her face sweating and her face completely pale.
           Pearl, Amethyst, and even Bixbite shared a mischievous grin with devilish intent brightening their eyes. They discovered Onyx’s fear and they weren’t about to let her forget it or that night.
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