#I’m a little tired of the usual attitude toward language learning on tumblr
studywithyashu · 4 years
my study routine! (FAQ)
Hello lovely folks of tumblr! I’m here to talk about my study routine because I get these questions a LOT and I feel like I should clear up my planning methods.. I’ve decided to do this in a bit of a different format to the typical masterpost, call it a bit of an FAQ if you will, of just questions I get a lot both IRL and on tumblr ;) as always feel free to comment if you have any questions, or slide into my asks/messages if you need help with anything. Much love!!
1. ‘do you have a set study routine currently?’
The short answer is no, I currently have a bit of an on and off thing going with my studying. Right now, I spend about two days being productive (catching up on notes, exercising) and then one day just relaxing (Netflix, seeing friends, reading). I’m looking to slowly amp up my productivity (see this ask for a more detailed explanation on my view of productivity right now) and maybe get it to about a 5 days of productivity to 1 day of relaxation ratio but I’m trying to go easy on myself.
2. ‘what about when you’re in university/school?’
Now this I can get INTO, because pre-corona when we were in full swing university, let me tell you that you’d be hard pressed to find a vet student that didn’t have some sort of routine. They might not consciously have one or plan one out, but vet school is BUSY so more often than not we slip into routines just because we have to.
Now you guys know that I’m not the type of girl to just slip into routine, and I like to have stuff thought out pretty well when it comes to how I use my time. Here’s what a typical day at vet school looked like for me in terms of studying and (equally important) mental breaks to keep me productive:
7:30am - wake up, make breakfast + to-go coffee and get dressed, review timetable and pack properly.
9am to 11am- first two lectures of the day
11am to 1pm - lunch break and time to just chill. I usually sit in a cafe with my friends and grab a quick sandwich, I’ll maybe squeeze in half an hour of revision but I don’t fret if all I do is watch Netflix and stuff my face in the corner of the student lounge. 
1pm to 3pm- we usually have either group research work, independent learning, practicals, and occassionaly dissections which last a bit longer, so on those days I’ll be in till about 5pm. If I have nothing scheduled as coursework I will sit in the library and study, study, study.
5pm to 6pm - I either go to the gym or go to a therapy appointment based on what I have scheduled for that day. 
6pm to 8pm - I will do a bit more studying and then sneak up to the common room to play the piano or talk to my friends who are still in uni. This is generally a less productive session because I’m tired and I’ll usually eat dinner in the middle of this session or just take a nap on days where I’m feeling extra tired.
9pm - I would’ve walked home from university by 9pm (or earlier) on most days. I do my skincare, sometimes I cook dinner, and if I need TLC I’ll take a warm bath and spend time goofing off with my lovely flatmates just talking, watching films, or the latest Riverdale episode (every Thursday!!) to give my heart a little rest <3 
9pm to 11pm - If I am running behind or have loads to do, I will pull it together and study into the night (sometimes staying up pretty late) but I usually avoid this since I prefer light reading at night or if I really need to study doing something easier like watching videos since my focus is pretty off at night and I would much rather be texting a cute boy or watching a rom-com (wow I just exposed myself) 
so that’s a typical day at vet school! as you guys can see I kind of have my life first: coursework, practicals, social events, exercise, piano, therapy.. and then I carve out time to study wherever possible and realistic. Obviously on weekends I try to have one day of just studying, but if a friend is in town I might just have fun on the weekend and make up for it by changing up my social committments the following week. The most important thing is to take your needs and priorities into account.
3. ‘ok, so you have a routine... but how do you stick to it? Doesn’t it get overwhelming?’
Okay, so yes- it does get overwhelming. More often than not it is overwhelming, especially since I sign myself up for extracurricular commitments and can’t say no to a party, like ever.  But more than anything else at all, my habit of bullet journalling has (pardon the language) saved my ass. I read somewhere that if you write down goals, you are much more likely to achieve them. You don’t need a fancy bullet journal if that’s not your thing - google Calendar works just fine! As long as you plan out when you’re going to do what and keep track of all your committments, lectures, and appointments you should be able to find time to study. Often I will clear out a sunday or saturday in my calendar and put in big red letters ‘STUDY DAY’ on it, so I know that studying is my priority that day and only studying! I scattered about 4-5 exclusive study days per month into my calendar while I was in uni and often added more if I felt like I was behind. 
4. ‘I understand that you have to plan stuff out in advance, but what about sticking to it? my bed just looks way comfier...’
To this I can only say - I get you, I’ve been there, I’m honestly there most of the time. I think it shocks people how ‘unproductive’ some of my days both in and out of uni are because I think I come off as really organised and hard working (and not going to lie, I think I am) but the truth is about 50% of the time I choose my soft bed and Netflix over studying. That’s OKAY. Honestly some days I would rather go on a run, visit a friend, cook dinner, or take a long bath than study, because I need to feed my soul. That’s okay and we should normalise it more.
When push comes to shove, and I’m behind on work, obviously I will compromise on sleep or exercise or social events to finish stuff but I don’t like to give myself a hard time for being a human being with a life beyond work. Especially in vet school, striving for perfection is pointless - you are working to pass your exams, that’s all. obviously if you’re in high school your study goals will be a bit different based on the unis you’re applying to, but the same advice follows - chill out! You don’t need to beat yourself into submission every single day when it comes to studying, that will get you nowehere.
What I do instead is I study a little bit everyday and make sure that it feels like a natural part of my schedule. It doesn’t feel like ugh, I need to pause my life and pause my fun to study. Instead it feels like hey I just finished an amazing lunch with friends/gym session/relaxing bath and now it’s study time, all is well and balanced with the world! yay! As a student, that is the most important feeling you can have with regards to your studies. It takes a while to build this up as a habit and it’s totally okay to start small by carving out just half an hour daily. Consistency is your biggest and most valuable tool.
5. ‘so what you’re saying is... be chill? relax? but also be consistent? but give yourself space to have a life? that sounds like a whole new attitude!’
yep. that’s because it is. Obviously some people are blessed with the ability to just focus whenever they want or go on marathon study sessions, but I’m not like that so I had to cultivate my attitude towards studying and focus. I had to start viewing studying as just another part of my day, like waking up, brushing my teeth, or running.
I hope this helped and as always send me all your questions and I’m more than happy to have conversations about your study routine over message <3 I’m always here to help you guys wherever I can :) 
stay safe x
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dojae-huh · 4 years
Another anon but do you enjoy asks even if it is critical? I wonder if you sometimes get tired and want to stop getting questions because people cant see things as the way you see?
I do get tired. Mainly because of people’s lazyness. I’ve already covered most of the questions that I’m asked on repeat. I understand that without tags the navigation is not easy, but if you want something, go get it, don’t demand it to be handed to you on a plate. The posts at the very beginning, before I started receiving many questions, cover the essentials fully. And I do tag little by little.  
I don’t think of “what you write and think is bullshit!” Asks as critical. It’s not a critique, it’s either judgement or an expression of one’s hurt feelings (not understanding what’s written and feeling stupid is one of the causes). I’ve received very few Asks with actual arguments against my findings and invitation to a discussion. “He is straight, so you are delusional” is not it.
To see what I see one actually needs to watch the videos I analyse, paying attention to the things I point out, and learn the methods I describe (like comparing Jaehyun’s attitude towards different members, registering where his focus at during vlives) and start to use them watching new content. And I’m pretty sure those who protest the most don’t do it. 
How close on the friendship scale someone is to Doyoung is debatable, because everyone put slightly different meaning in the words “close”, “friend”, “close friend”. The number of seconds Jaehyun looks at Doyoung is not. You can count. You can read a scientific paper on the normal lenght of a stare and what does it mean when it’s 8 seconds instead of 3. When I write about body language it’s not something I come up on the spot, it’s a field studied by many and used by CIA agents. You can’t argue that there is a difference in behaviour between “Doyoung touches a lot” and “Doyoung doesn’t touch at all” and that the change must have a reason behind it.
I promised myself to not switch off the anon option and to reply all Asks (they are being eaten by Tumblr sometimes though) and got myself in a trap. I never expected to be in high demand for my opinion on things. Usually people just read me. 
Why do I continue? First of all, I do get interesting questions and observations or receive information I otherwise won’t be privy to. The recent messages by new NCTzens were very nice. Russian Dojae community is practically non-existent and those shippers I see are the kind of shippers I don’t want to get in touch with. Dojae topics on k-pop forums are dead. I’m filling in the void for myself and for other Jaedo shippers. 
Secondly, by replying to all kinds of questions I both learn how other people think, look on things and react, I try to look at something from a different perspective. I try to learn what Doyoung does, improve my social skills. 
Thirdly, I practice English and putting my thoughts to words.
My writing style is matter-of-factly, because that’s how the brains of analytical people are. Usually I use plenty of smilies on social media to show my actual mood and tone, but Tumblr lacks them. I’m always told I have great sense of humour, but evidently it’s not understandable for everyone. 
Maybe I should start using Jaehyun-ie...    
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puppy training without treats | crate training your puppy
New Post has been published on https://dogtraining.dknol.com/english/puppy-training-without-treats-crate-training-your-puppy/?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230+Freda+K+Pless&utm_campaign=SNAP%2Bfrom%2BBest+Dog+Training
puppy training without treats | crate training your puppy
See the visual Course Guide. Golden Retriever Try to avoid using treats. This will eliminate him stopping halfway so he can get the treat and then finish inside. Tuition is $199 per student for a group of five or more who enroll at the same time. E-mail [email protected] to set up your group. Scholarships This item:Puppy Training: How To Train a Puppy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Positive Puppy Training (puppy… by Carrie Nichole Paperback $12.47 ASPCA: Urine Marking in Dogs 17 October, 2016 — You’ll know that your puppy is capable of waiting when he is clean and dry most times he is left, even with the puppy pads there. Co-Founders Competitions Make a Leadership Gift How do I complete the course? Toilet training should start as soon as your puppy gets home. Puppies urinate frequently and success in housetraining depends on anticipating their needs – they should be given the opportunity to relieve themselves as often as you can. You can usually tell when a puppy ‘wants to go’ because he or she will look around anxiously, walk in circles and start sniffing in suitable corners looking for a place. That’s your cue to whisk your pet outside. Free Info Food Fun & News Allergies Are you tired of your Golden Retriever puppy leaving puppy “surprises” for you to step on in the middle of the night? If so, this book is for you! Everything you need to know about German Shepherd training and basic obedience. Includes Potty Training, Sit, Stay, Fetch, Drop, Leash Training Housetraining and chewtoy-training will be quick and easy if you adhere to the puppy confinement plan above, which prevents the puppy from making mistakes and prompts the puppy to teach herself household etiquette. If you vary from the program, you will likely experience problems. Unless you enjoy problems, you must reprimand yourself for any mistakes you allow your puppy to make. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Find a Breed Club Until your puppy is totally housebroken, it’s suitable to use “cratebreaking” as a halfway step while you’re out of the house. If your puppy understands that her crate is her “den”, she’s unlikely to soil this space, and so keeping your puppy in a crate while you’re away from home is a great way to avoid any stinky surprises when you return. Palmetto Campus We specialize in Puppy Kindergarten classes where puppies from 9 weeks to 6 months of age learn to be well behaved members of the household. Early training is the single most important factor in your dog becoming a good companion. The clip above shows what unreasonable expectations look like. Remember to set your own expectations at the right level. Your puppy will still have accidents. It sounds bad, but it’s not. It might be because they’re so happy your home. Although your pup may obey commands like “sit” and “stay,” they still may pee a little in sheer excitement. And that’s understandable. Build the relationship & trust between dog & handler Seattle, WA 98107 At the beginning of the potty training process there may not be much of a recognizable routine. This is especially true with very young puppies. At this stage you may often catch them in the middle of going in an inappropriate place. In these situations, whether they are urinating or defecating, you need to be consistent in your actions. ABOUT AKC + Puppy Training: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crate Training, Potty Training, and Obedience Training Kindle Edition You should also consider the Petmate Compass Plastic Kennel , the EliteField 3-Door Soft Dog Crate , the MidWest Life Stages Pet Crate , the ProSelect Empire Dog Cage , and the Crown Pet Crate Table . Peekapoo DONATE NOW + Save 25% on your next order Club Nylabone During this time it’s foolish to allow them on your living room carpets for even a second. By Phone Train your puppy: To walk on a leash Lucky Dog Lessons: Train Your Dog in 7 Days Kindle Edition Barking is a totally natural aspect of a dog’s behavior, but you, your family and your neighbors will be happier if you can bring it under control. Learn how to train your Dog better with this free mini course. youtube Small Dog Daycare Great Jacks Healthy Grain Free Liver Dog Training Treats Healthy Grain Free Liver -… Ah, convenience Habitats & Accessories Jump up ^ Pongrácz, Péter; Á. Miklósi; E. Kubinyi; K. Gurobi; J. Topál; V. Csanyi (2001). “Social learning in dogs: the effect of a human demonstrator on the performance of dogs (Canis familiaris) in a detour task”. Animal Behaviour. 62 (6): 1109–1117. doi:10.1006/anbe.2001.1866. It is very important to begin with puppy training from day 1. If you have purchased your puppy from a breeder who invested lots of time socializing the litter, you are lucky enough to have the work already started for you and will be working with an animal that has great potential. But even if you don’t know how well your puppy’s socialization has been so far, don’t worry; there is a lot that you can do starting now. Observational learning[edit] Kids Clubs Sorry it’s not clear! I try to include everything but my articles get so long that I’m always scared nobody has the time to read them! haha. I will try to edit the article to cover this point, so thank you for showing me the contradiction 🙂 Questions or Comments [email protected] Buy New GEAR & BOOKS PRO PLAN Getting a dog or puppy MyNorthwest Blog Realize the importance of teaching your dog not to bite. If you allow puppy biting, it may get out of control and your puppy will not learn to control his bite. This can lead to serious behavioral issues when your puppy reaches adulthood. If you suspect your puppy is biting out of fear or anger, talk with an animal behavioral therapist, who may be able to help.[9] Use puppy pads in limited areas Charge: Kent mom choked 6th-grade player at girls basketball game Why you’ll love them: With five layers of leak-proof protection and a generous size, Four Paws Wee-Wee Pads are the ultimate puppy training pad. via flickr/wildstray Thrills & Chills Breeder Referral Contacts Training the Best Dog Ever: A 5-Week Program Using the Power of Positive Reinforcement Kindle Edition Put into practice what you’ve read within this guide and with a little patience and dedication you will be able to turn any puppy into a house training champion. my store It’s not their fault, it’s just their immature bodies doing what they do.
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Cleaning Supplies Musical Theory Plus, your puppy may be tempted to repeat the act if the carpet retains some of his scent. To remove both pet stains and odors, you need Rocco & Roxie’s Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator . Using these potty training tips Derby was quickly potty trained Mon. – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm Essential Bird Equipment In other languages Watch our new video › Read your dog’s body language Puppy Essentials Package Help!! I can’t get my puppy to stop peeing and pooping in the same spot. What type of cleaner do you suggest? I didn’t think about the smell factor that dogs have. Thank you for the article, About Sirius Puppy Training American English Coonhound track your order Please enter a valid code Get our entertainment, dining and things to do newsletter right in your inbox weekly. 21 min read Classes held at our Palmetto Campus find another store Ability to download 24 video lectures from your digital library Best Cat Breeds for People with Allergies Valid 6/3/18 THROUGH 7/31/18 on a training boot camp course at the Petshotel. Proof of current parvovirus, distemper & parainfluenza vaccinations for all dogs is required. We also require proof of current rabies vaccination for any dog over 4 months old. Contra Costa County Resources Africa Studio/Shutterstock Pet Services Careers Help Center Puppy love: your training will be rewarded with unconditional love Credit: Getty Bedding & Litter Facility Rental Playtime and training Do not leave children alone with a new pup. Inevitably, the pup will view small children as a littermate. They will nip, jump and begin to seek dominance and a pecking order. If you mean the dog door, then use a bell as one way to train your dog to go outside on its own. The bell will be rung by you when you open the door to signal it is time to go use the bathroom. Over time, your dog may use the bell itself to call you to open the door for it. This will take a while and it is one way to do it before introducing the dog door. Understanding barking and whining My WebMD Pages 7 Easy Steps on How You Can Teach Puppy to Wait or Stay Parents have an obligation and should not assume that the mix of children, dogs and pups does not need supervision. Children lack adult judgment, therefore all child-dog interactions should be monitored and yes, there will be times when you will have to protect the pup from children and vice-versa. Book Online Getting A New Dog By Erika Mansourian Questions About Your Pet? Weight To play the Name Game, all you do is say your puppy’s name and wait. Nothing more. When he looks at you (or more realistically, comes bounding toward you) say, “Good boy!” and give him a treat. Wait silently for him to walk away, and repeat. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. SHOP PETPLUS CAT Once you’ve decided that crate training is for you, and which crate suits your canine companion best, it’s time to look at the actual process of crate training your pup. While the length of time it takes to crate train depends on your individual animal, his or her attitude, age, and past experiences, one thing’s for sure: you always want your dog to associate the crate with something pleasant. And even with the best dogs, baby steps are the best way to make this happen. train your puppy | german shepherd puppy training train your puppy | pitbull puppy training train your puppy | puppy training biting Legal | Sitemap
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