#I’m debating if Jack gives up his powers at some point and splits from Amara and makes her god
lucasbarr · 3 years
Ok so I was thing about Sam and his blurry wife and I kinda got excited about Dean Jr? Im shocked myself…here are just some ramble-y thoughts about it!
Feat: History repeating itself, a bit of OOCness thanks to the after affect of Chuck’s control, and grizzled hunter Eileen!
I am dubbing this the Blurryverse!
The Story
At the end of the story, Sam closes up the bunker and tries to put hunting behind him. He settles down with Blurry WifeTM and lives in the suburbs (probably in like Palo Alto or Pleasanton? OH if he lives in Palo Alto he could be haunted by THEE ghost of one Jessica Lee Moore!)
Sam, Blurry WifeTM, and fam are not officially haunted by the ghost of Jessica Moore… Just because I’m a horrible person and I think it’s funny, Blurry WifeTM is killed by a demon when Dean Jr is four, his little sister Jody Charlie is two, and his youngest sister Mary Jessica is six months.
Sam makes an Azazel-type deal to resurrect Dean and Blurry WifeTM pays the price.
Dean Sr obviously thinks that Sam has lost his mind to make a demon deal to resurrect him. Especially if the price was a demon feeding his child demon blood. The fact that his wife died in the process makes Dean think Sam has gone off the deep end. Sam obviously doesn’t think so and is happy to have his brother back nonetheless.
Dean begins to worry that Sam is going to raise his children like their father, this is the last thing Dean wants for those kids. They’re so young and Dean is worried they’ll end up like him. He feels pity for his brother, now a widow, having to raise 4-year-old Dean, two-year-old Jody Charlie, and six-month-old Mary.
Though this pity fades the more Dean learns how his resurrection came to be.
While Sam was mooing about and living suburbia, he and Ash manage to crack the code for people to escape Heaven. Sam was making demon deals while Dean and Ash were helping people take the express path down to Earth. Dean helps Ash, knowing how to get down there, when suddenly he’s waking up in his own body somewhere in…the suburbs of California?
Things are a bit weird between Sam and Dean with Sam being a bit dogey about the details of his resurrection. He also doesn’t seem the least bit interested to hear about all the people that were resurrected — including Jo, Charlie, and Kevin! He is a bit disturbed and saddened to learn about Jess though. Especially when he learns that Sam hasn’t put her out of her misery yet…that he’s just been holding onto her ghost.
When Dean finds out that Sam allowed a demon to infect his six-month-old daughter Mary Jr, he leaves (with the keys to the Bunker). He’s disgusted with how far his little brother has fallen. He goes to find those friends of theirs that were resurrected and runs into Eileen, the Banes Twins (of whom, Alicia has been restored to a human by Jack) and Krissy and her friends).
Ellen reopens the roadhouse with the help of Bobby, Rufus, and Eileen. It’s a hit with hunters, as is the Bunker. With Bobby’s house in ruins, he takes up residence at the Bunker. Rufus, Charlie, Dean, Eileen, and a bunch of other hunters rotate through its numerous rooms. While there, the gang help Dean to rescue Cas and a few other angels from the Empty.
So yeah, history repeats itself with Sam raising his children the way he was raised.
Instead of staying in motels all the time, however, Sam’s kids spend a lot of time at their Uncle Dean and Castiel’s place, like how Sam and Dean spent time at Bobby’s. They also end up staying at Jody’s, Bobby’s, or Claire and Kaia’s places as well. Basically anyone who knows Sam will take these kids in while he goes on his never ending hunt for the thing that killed his wife.
Though it’s less about his wife and more about running from his responsibilities…
Sam’s kids have a much healthier relationship with their family and hunting than Sam and Dean did. They know they have a living family and they will never have to know the hardships (well some of them) that Sam and Dean did growing up. They have a semi-stable education (sans the moving), presents on birthdays, and all of them will end up graduating.
The only thing that’s different is that Sam gets back together with Eileen when DJ is 8, JC is 6, and MJ is 4. She didn’t marry anyone and eventually bought the reinvented Roadhouse from Ellen when she decided to retire. She is popular with the other hunters and is quite a fan of Ellen’s.
Eileen becomes a mother-figure to Sam’s kids. DJ is in-different to her at first, not really wanting a mother. Jody and Mary are much more receptive to her and she loved doting on them. They learn ASL from here and learn how to have some more stability in their lives. Sam eventually enters a relationship with Eileen again and they settle down.
Things are good until Sam and Eileen go missing when DJ is in his last year of college.
Dean Jr has left hunting in the rear view, just like his father before him. He’s cut all contact with his father, his uncles, and his step-mother. He barely talks to his you younger sisters and that’s only because he still loves them — despite the fact they’re both hunters. Everything seems to be going fine until Jody Jr shows up and delivers Dean’s namesake’s famous line.
History doesn’t repeat itself but it surely does rhyme…
Though unlike Sam, DJ’s hunt is truly one and done. He goes on the hunt and catches the bad guy but unlike his namesake, he puts himself first. He gets back to school, makes his own graduate school interview and graduates, leaving hunting in the rear view.
He leaves it up to Jody Jr and Mary Jr to find their parents and discover what’s truly going on.
Dean John “DJ” Winchester
I do like the name Dean John Winchester so that’s what I’m dubbing him. Except he hates his name! Dean Jr insists on going by DJ and only DJ. Because of Sam’s whole complex with Dean at the end of the story I’m thinking in this post-canon universe he projects hard into DJ, trying to rekindle what he had with his older brother. Despite this, he adores his Uncle Dean.
Dean Sr is the only that DJ let’s call him by his first name.
In this regard, I think Dean Jr is a lot like his father was as at his age, rebellious and snarky. Though his younger sisters would describe him more along the lines of being arrogant and stubborn. He is often the exasperated voice of reason when it comes to his relationship with his father and siblings.
DJ argues with his father constantly whenever they are together. His father became fixated on vengeance after his Uncle’s death but still held out hope he could get him back. When he did, things got better but Sam was never quite right. He always kept looking for the next monster to burry his troubles in. DJ just wanted a happy family, like he had in his childhood.
His problems with authority aren’t limited to his father. DJ is extremely smart and very knowledgeable about technology. Because this his intellect, DJ wants to go into cyber security. Although, he has a habit hacking websites to take down corrupt individuals and organizations for fun. That being said, DJ can be quite kind and empathetic, when it comes to anyone other than his father.
He values his family's safety over anything else. DJ and Jody Jr bond over their love of gaming and tv shows. DJ also has a taste for electro-pop and left politics. He and Eileen share a love of languages and knife collecting.
DJ is also agnostic despite his ‘older brother’ being God. He is skeptical with regard to the ‘good aspects of religion’, knowing how that worked out for his family. Unlike his namesake, DJ is not good with kids. While he knows how to handle his siblings, he doesn’t much care for other people’s kids. He is also quite intelligent and of Sam’s kids, prefers to research over actively hunting. He also dabbles in witchcraft and has learned a lot from his Aunt Rowena.
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Jody Charlie “JC” Winchester
Jody is unapologetically and authentically herself. An out and proud lesbian, Jody is very outspoken about LGBTQ+ rights. She also quite brave and a self-confident young woman. She’s a practicing witch and the protégée of her Aunt Rowena.
Jody Jr is openly flirtatious yet she very often avoids emotional intimacy. In her relationships, JC seeks to conceal much about herself. She puts up a laid-back and well-disposed persona, playing off her want for affection and validation. She often covers for this with crude humor, pop culture references, and her use of Internet slang. She developed a light-hearted demeanor that belied how ruthless she could be.
Jody often feigns a warm and sweet disposition towards others in order to manipulate them and gain their trust. Growing up, many prior thought she was somewhat timid and could be easily intimidated. She used this image to her advantage to get what she wants. She takes great pride in her deceit and devious nature.
JC has witty, sarcastic sense of humor that she used to tease and banter with others. She tries to act nonchalant even under tense conditions, such as the threat of death. Despite this, she had a tendency to make light of tense situations.
She has a fondness for classic horror films and westerns. JC also enjoys uncomplicated things in life, such as good food and television. She also often relies on magic for basically everything, often to her detriment. Despite putting on a tough exterior, Jody Jr is barely keeping it together on a good day.
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Mary Jessica “MJ” Winchester
Mary Jr, or MJ, is the baby of the group and the most unpredictable. Born a psychic, Mary possessed many of her father’s powers and mental fortitude. However, unlike her siblings, MJ is cheerful and energetic. She likes to look on the bright side and is a happy-go-lucky girl.
She strives to make friends with her fellow hunters and everyone she meets. MJ is kind-hearted girl who always supports her siblings endeavors. bonds. She is very carefree and tends to slack off on hunts.
MJ has a very strong sense of perseverance and is very determined. Though this leads to her being quite reckless and she is often getting herself into messes that her siblings have to fix. Despite this her positive, can-do attitude tends to rub off on those around her.
Due to her usual positive nature, however, she tends to hide her more sensitive side, and tries hard to not cry when she is frustrated, as she feels it would drag down others' morale if they were to see her sad. MJ is also an avid fan of podcasts, particularly those on cold cases and unsolved murders. She and her dad been me over their love of these.
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