#I’m doing it for the sonadow—that’s what I’m choosing to be excited about
Hey we can do this with the Keanu casting
*Shadow speaks*
Sonic:"Can we date"
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ASDFGHJKL! The sonadow brain rot is so real, y’all! And as a fan, this makes me incredibly happy!❤️✨
Shadow is Sonic’s national treasure…
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naivesilver · 4 years
If you’re still doing the Sonic ask meme, can you do 32,33,34,37,42,51,62,74,75,96. You don’t have to answer all of them if it’s a lot.
YO ANON YOU ARE THE BEST I love talking about Sonic I’ll do them ALL
100 Sonic Questions
32.) Most underrated character, GO 
HOPE KINTOBOR!!!!!! So many Archie characters did a full 360 once Kenders left and I remember them fondly but Hope is the fucking best! I want to see her again! She’s such a good girl with a great story and I may or may not be planning a fic involving her
33.) Most overrated character, GO
I should say that they are all good and deserve endless love but it’s not true. I can’t lie. The Babylon Rogues are just too boring to me.
It’s fine if you love them! Even if they are your faves! I apply to this the same principle I have with other Pokemon fans loving Pelipper when I could easily go a whole life without seeing its soulless bird eyes again.
(Okay maybe I have something against birds.
Except the Hatoful Boyfriend ones. Those are good.)
The thing is I just don’t find them all that interesting??? I don’t hate them, I’m just kinda meh about them. But I follow some people who adore them with a passion and it’s very endearing to watch someone pour all their love on their fave characters so I tolerate it and even reblog some good art when the mood strikes. But they still don’t rank in my top ten and probably never will.
34.) Guilty pleasure game? 
When I was in middle school I watched 06 cutscenes all the time and I’ve never been able to replicate the surge of intense excitement I had in those days.
It’s a bad game. It’s true. But it holds a special place in my heart and it introduced the best boy ever so I can’t let it go.
37.) List your favorite platonic ships.
I have LOTS for a start Sonic and Knuckles have a great dynamic and I want to see it more. And while I ship Vector and Espio romantically the way they both interact with Charmy is ADORBS they’re the trash parent/older brother figures he deserves. And Shadow and Rouge!!! God I could go on all night maybe friendship IS a superpower.
42.) If you could say one thing to Sonic Team right now, what would it be? 
51.) If you were your least favorite character for a day, what would you do and why?
Given that my least favorite is Zavok I would sit down and have a fucking nap instead of causing problems on purpose
62.) Opinions on Japanese and English voice acting, GO 
I know next to nothing about the Japanese VAs but the English ones are quite good??? I feel like they often embody their characters quite well. Certainly better than the Italian ones looking at you, Luca Ward and your C-level Metarex roles
74.) What’s the best thing about being in the Sonic fandom?
The creativity! Canon is so flexible that everyone can pick and choose what they please and there are thousands of headcanons, redesignes and plausible backstories that one can find everywhere, it just makes me dizzy with joy.
And the OCs! I could spend days gushing over other people’s OCs (and mine, though I never gather the courage to do it here). I say it before and I’ll say it again, if you ever need to show someone the character you made, send it over! I’ll praise them from head to toe because they’re all great. Full stop. No exception. Cringe is fucking dead.
75.) What’s the worst thing about being in the Sonic fandom? 
Antis. Worse still, antis recycling old arguments that I thought we’d buried deep down underground.
You can’t - you can’t come at me in the year of the lord 2020 and tell me sonamy and sonadow are problematic ships and everyone who endorses them is a disgusting person. Dude. That’s the literal backbone of the fandom. What the fuck.
(Also, as someone who got called some really nasty words bc I ship vecpio: I don’t give a damn. Ship what you want. Indulge in your kinks. We actively cheer for brightly colored antropomorphic animals to win in made up races against time or fights against mechanic overlords, stop taking everything so seriously.)
96.) Which character annoys you? 
Shade. Not because I have anything against her. I just never understood where she came from and why I never see any screenshots of her game and at this point I’m too afraid to ask anyone about it.
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