#I’m just dumping all the fanart sketches I’ve been doing for the past week-
haliaiii · 8 months
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more pjo stuff
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falselyprofound · 5 years
So my NYE’s resolution for 2019 was to do less stuff. To remind myself that it’s okay not to be making things, every single day. And while that’s very much a mantra I’ve been repeating to myself throughout the year...
Jesus Christ, did I ever keep busy. Again.
Off the top of my head, here’s a list of creative stuff I did this year:
Ran Ring for Service for about as long as I was able, though I ultimately had to close it early as I just did not have the time to see it through. (While I’ve been planning various MMB minigames since then, I wanna make sure I’m in a good position before I go doing anything w the site again. I also want to see if I can find ways of making them... Simpler? Shorter? Easier to run, in any case.)
Won Escape the Identity OCT! Had to cram 35 pages into the span of three months, but this marks the first comic I’ve written from start to finish. Wild. (Links to each chapter can be found on my tag list, if ya missed it.)
Learned that my uni classmates really like my pen-and-paper sketches, and promptly turned them into a game called The World is Weird. (You can play it for free here!)
Finished up a concept art/pitch book for An Evening at the Rabbiteye Motel. I can’t post most of it because of spoilers, but doing so has already helped fix a looot of the problems I had with making the original game. I should get back to work on that.
Participated in ArtFight; 1 month, 21 pictures, 301 points! I mostly used it as an excuse to practice digital painting. Full colour environments, ahoy.
(...Though I did take some time off to do some hefty Unavowed fanart. thank u again to edwyn and ivy for voice acting the comic I did -- i crack up laughing every time I think about it)
Actually started painting my OCs! Unprompted! For fun! Wow. I should do that more often. ...Actually, I still gotta finish those Annabelle and Marshal paintings. Hmm.
I also started writing a comic about Joseph, but then anxiety hit and it’s now sitting half-done on my hard-drive. I need to bite the bullet and start posting these pages somewhere...
(Speaking of half-done projects; I also also started working on a simple ren’py game about a halloween party at Clarissa’s store. I’m currently using it as a dumping ground for various OCs and concepts that don’t have a story of their own. Its proving to be a fun lil thing to dip into whenever I burn out on a major project! ...And if you still wanna vote on which scenarios I should focus on, here’s the link.)
Played so much D&D; Teeth retired to the safety of the Toliday Inn, Maya died but got revived, Mel’s having a series of increasingly shitty vacations, Sloane’s past is finally coming back to bite her in the ass... And that’s not including all the stuff I DM’d, or am planning on DM’ing. (Tales from the Loop, Bubblegumshoe, Magi-Bubblegumshoe... hopefully also Monster of the Week because that game is designed to have minimal planning... g o d. so many systems, so little time...)
Took a lot more commissions than usual. PAX PPL pins, Twitch emotes, digital paintings, comics, you name it. Still got a backlog to get through, but I’m grateful that there are people willing to spend money on my art.
Joined a DbD server on an impulse. tried to keep it simple. somehow wrote a fuckin’ novel. apparently i have a lot more to say about Stranger Things than i thought, lmao.
On the one hand; yes. I did a lot more this year than I had planned to. This was also one of the most stressful university years I’ve had in a long time, and involved pulling multiple all-nighters to make my research proposal deadlines. It was not healthy. I don’t miss it. I’m not doing it again.
But when I wasn’t working on Uni stuff, I think I was... happier? On the whole? Than I was last year.
Better at choosing a personal project to work on and sticking with it, at least. Better at knowing when to take a break from creating, and not berating myself for “wasting time” with stuff like reading or video games or roleplay. Better at letting opportunities pass, rather than piling up five or six of them and giving myself no free time. (...though I still really need to work on that last one lmao.)
What an end to the decade. Hopefully I can keep this up in 2020.
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