#I’m just getting too round
turtleblogatlast · 3 months
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Tiny little guys
(That comic of mine is on its way - wanted to share the little ones from the current wip haha - EDIT: no longer wip!)
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ivanttakethis · 3 months
Inspired by @shakingparadigm’s post discussing Alien Stage outfits and their meaning. It’s interesting that Till seems to be mourning Round 1 Mizi rather than Round 5 Mizi.
You would think he would mourn her as he last saw her, especially considering how dramatic her exit was; wearing white, full of rage and covered in blood.
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It's like he can't square the version of Mizi he's built up in his head (bubbly, full of life, always smiling, perfect) and Mizi as she actually was (an imperfect, grief stricken person, capable of expressing ugly emotions). So he doesn't (or can't) acknowledge that true version of Mizi.
It would destroy his entire worldview if he did. The glass is cracked, though.
I think this cracking of Till's worldview caused him to lean further into his idealized version of Mizi.
In the club scene where Till hallucinates seeing her, Mizi looks more like her child self. This version of Mizi is even more innocent and "pure" than Round 1 Mizi.
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To me, innocence what Till covets about Mizi the most. She's "untouched" by the evils of the world that he knows all too well. Or, at least, she was.
Then there's Round 6 and Ivan.
There are already a lot of similarities between Round 6 and Round 5 (the choking, the round ending in a untraditional way, etc.), but I think it's notable that Ivan, like Mizi, wears white.
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And Ivan, like Mizi, tests Till’s worldview again.
While we can’t say with 100% certainty what Till truly thought of Ivan, we can make some inferences based on what we’ve seen.
To Till, Ivan probably comes across as weird and annoying and somewhat emotionless. He definitely doesn’t think Ivan cares about him, let alone loves him. Does Till even consider Ivan a friend? Hard to say.
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Regardless, Till’s worldview likely dictates that Ivan doesn’t care about him/takes pleasure in his misfortune.
He goes into Round 6 ready to die and doesn’t think anyone will try to stop him.
But then Ivan does.
Ivan sacrifices himself so Till can live.
Ivan shatters Till’s worldview at his own expense.
Whether Till understands what Ivan was trying to convey in that kiss or not, sacrifice is not done without care.
It is not done without at least a little bit of love for the other person, no matter what form it takes.
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Till’s destruction came wearing white and exacting violence.
In the aftermath, he’s the only one who can pick up the pieces.
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1960z · 3 months
being both a star trek fan and an ace attorney fan is funny cause the star trek fandom has this concept called kirk drift right which is basically used to describe the cultural misremembering of jim kirk as this kind of chauvinistic play boy asshole whereas his actual portrayal in tos is someone who’s very much kind, gentle and sociable.
and then when I look at the ace attorney fandom, jim’s canon portrayal feels very similar to how certain parts of fanon portray phoenix. but canonically phoenix is like. a bitch.
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alright, so this is more so loosely related to these two posts i’ve made that are similar in subject. i really don’t know how i keep making these, but goddamn it, it’s happening yet again. my love for stolitz and fizz/ozzie aside, the whole “sticking to the same species” trend that’s always had this weird undercurrent here is... it’s just genuinely bizarre to me? and some people just don’t really take notice of it? maybe i’m slightly looking too deep into it, but… like…
when it’s just blitzø/fizz, i can understand its appeal. it isn’t really my main ship, i like it more so for the fact it was a teenage crush blitzø had on fizz, and the pain that it went unsaid. could it have been possible fizz felt the same? maybe? we’ll never know because that’s in the past now, and that’s fine. it doesn’t have to be some big thing where they slowly get back together. they’re moving on with their lives and reconnected as friends, and they have their own current love interests. but the “oh, it’s healthier” or "THE CHEMISTRY IS STRONGER" thing. that’s when it goes from some innocent “what if” to… obnoxious, almost. irksome.
blitzø’s childhood sucked, and when moving on from the past, one must make peace with it and accept that they can’t have any of what they wanted now. that includes, well, the obvious! like, explore and move onto new things. and i’ve said it before, i’ll say it again: stolitz is about overcoming the toxicity through slow burn. both have to sift through their flaws as individuals before endering a healthy relationship together. that includes prejudices, which… is why the same species thing is just so WEIRD. why should blitzø be solely with an imp or hellborn of a similar caste? why can’t he go for something grander? because it’s “above him”? what happened to bridging gaps and overcoming class differences?? fizz and ozzie didn’t give a shit about any of that!
but sure, let’s pair him with… uhhhh… the imp hybrid that’s a supremacist, and sees literally almost every other imp as inferior to him and just has a lot of weird internalized hatred that he’s never gonna cope with (striker is definitely a hyrbid and is upset he looks more imp than whatever other demon he is partially mixed with; my bets are he’s part shark bc his eyes have spirals like crimson's gay bodyguard) and told blitz, “you’re the least suckish imp” like! such a healthier option amirite. as if being both equally oppressed means they must be together / healthier, like… i can’t. i mean, at least with fizz, that’s his childhood friend and didn’t pull the shit striker did-- and i like striker but let’s not kid ourselves, guys… i can admit when i’m hypocritical, but the delusions i’ve seen. damn.
regarding blitzø and fizz, it’s just kind of going back to square one. starting over in a lukewarm manner.
then there’s what I call a definite example of this bizarre trend: Vassago and Stolas. So I’ve mentioned it before my own gripes with the rebound idea and the "Oh this is a alternative that's healthier" which is a certified way to not get me on a side of a new ship. I never really dug deep into the same species angle outside of how it would derail Stolas' character development. So here's where I dig into it as a treat thanks to a certain person who’s basically backed up the previous posts I made in spite of the bullshit that's going on.
in spite of the whole, you know, “overcome prejudice” arc... people push for stolas to be with another bird demon so badly. it’s never really diving into repercussions, what their personalities are like together, how do they rub off on each other-- how they develop together or individually as a result-- but it’s more so a surface level, “they look nice together.” and don’t give me “vassago’s a nice guy!” because then why the hell wouldn’t there be more stolas x ozzie since ozzie’s a little more cordial to stolas than most are, i’d presume? (a stretch but bare with me) cool, parrot dude is nice-- what else is there.
oh yes-- aesthetically, color blending wise, it looks good. where’s the spices? you can’t cook a meal without key ingredients. a relationship doesn’t work because they’re a similar species and one of them could be nice to the other. or even that they just know each other. relationships don’t begin with just that. and then there’s the “they have the same lifespan argument” except not really because vassago is 50, stolas is 36, so no it’s not even a same lifespan. and even then, people ship immortals with mortals all the time?? why are some of you being so weird about this one time there’s a certain type of immortal/mortal ship???
if this doesn’t apply, then let it fly. but there is definitely some that apply to this and i feel it’s such an odd trend. stop trying to make them all stick to their own species.
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ghostleeeaf · 1 year
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paintedpeeta · 1 year
Katniss crawling all over Peeta like a monkey or a “cat” (get it!?) all the time and him just being like “hello darling”
the girl is feral, and she definitely bites too (affectionate).
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transkingcobra · 3 months
Can’t stop thinking about Halsin’s ears (bear form)
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athinginmotion · 4 months
had an interview on Wednesday and they said they’d get back to me by the end of the week and Friday has come and gone and nothing. I’m assuming I didn’t get it and they’re just waiting until Monday to let me know because notifying the successful candidate is the priority…but I really wish they’d just rejected me outright because this way I have a teeny tiny remaining crumb of hope remaining over the weekend lol. Which is worse
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katzenkarussell · 2 years
Turo and Sada continue to wear their wedding rings despite their split in hopes to mend what they had one day. They try rationalize it to themselves that they continued wearing it out of habit.
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bunibelles · 3 months
I can’t believe pride month is almost done :’D
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weadapt · 1 year
I have started my second playthrough of survivor and decided to play it on my color grading monitor. I have the settings for the game to what the developers recommended and to what I would want for optimal grading of film footage—all I can say is I’m really mad at myself for not doing this sooner (★‿★ )
Here are some shots with my settings: (I don’t know how it looks on other monitors/displays but on mine it’s gorgeous)
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akkivee · 1 year
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‘what might happen were it to affect ichiro’s ability’ is inchresting because if kuukou successfully used his ability on ichiro it should just be sealed right??? so this is a question wwwwwwwhy—
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skinreflectsthesun · 6 months
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mildmayfoxe · 6 months
“the person packing your order/ringing you out at the register doesn’t care what you’re getting” false. i care desperately. and as a rampantly curious person if you order enough interesting stuff/have a cool enough name/include your business in your shipping address i AM also looking you up
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unnerving-presence · 2 years
how r y’all getting nice weskers all the ones i try to tame are so fucking mean
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wlwgang · 1 year
you have such tall energy i am legit stunned to learn your actual height
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This is how I feel about being 5’5
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