#I’m not sure these r necessarily in her fashion but I just think they’re cute lol
mollusken · 1 month
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gaymer-hag-stan · 3 years
Ranking My Mains’ Debut Songs
Suggested by the legendary @everlasting-beg, I’m gonna try and rank my main girl groups’ debut songs from least favourite to favourite.
11. LA chA TA - f(x)
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LA chA TA is one of those songs I always skip. I’m sorry I just can’t like this song no matter how many times I’ve tried. S.M. seems to have this thing with releasing subpar debut songs for its’ girl groups and only waking the fuck up and starting to give them good songs after the second or third comeback.
10. Into the new world - Girls’ Generation
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I KNOW this is gonna be V controversial but hear me out. I love some of Girls’ Generation pre-Gee material like Girls’ Generation (the song), I adore it, I literally cry every time I listen to the chorus. But Into the new world is kinda just “there” for me. I know it has attained a legendary status among girl group songs but I wholeheartedly believe it’s more beause of GG’s own post-Gee stardom and success and less because of the song itself. I don’t necessarily dislike it like LA chA TA but it doesn’t do much for me either.
09. Lie - T-ara
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From Lie onwards follow the songs that I actually like. The song itself has all the trademark T-ara must-haves: Soyeon’s melancholic-voice, retro-dance-y music, funny raps by Hyomin and Eunjung and of course Qri getting a single word as a line! Lie is catchy and I like it but it’s far from being an amazing song. The fucking b-side though? NEVER am I gonna skip Wanna Play? in my life.
08. Irony - Wonder Girls - The Wonder Begins
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Irony is fun. I love the choreography, I love the music, I love the pretty decent and equal line distribution. I mean, it’s no Tell Me or So Hot but it’s cute. Also HyunA having no lines during the entire song and only doing the rap in the bridge compared to her usual 4Minute line distribution was quite surreal when listening to it for the first time. Also whoever chose that hairstyle for her should be persecuted as a war criminal. Again, we have a much better b-side in the form of Bad boy. I mean, this song is iconic. Sunye, the motherfucking Main vocalist is doing the rap part. Literally who does that other than icons?
07. Hot Issue - 4Minute
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I love the energy during every single one of their performances of Hot Issue but I think it’s one of these cases where the song is not that good but because the artist is amazing they carry the song too and make it look good (kinda like every single song Teddy has produced in his entire career) I still prefer MUZIK over this one though. Also I think 4Minute represented the “QuiRkY” fashion thing in their earlier concepts much better than f(x) and maybe even 2NE1 did. f(x) and 2NE1 kind of made it their trademark and are known for wearing ridiuclous shit and still looking pretty but I remember getting a lot of “What the fuck did the do to you?” moments for MANY of f(x)’s and 2NE1′s looks but not as much with 4Minute. Except their awful 4Minutes Left period, that was not good.
06. Bad Girl Good Girl - miss A - Bad But Good
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Now, JYP does the exact opposite than what S.M. does; JYP girl groups always debut FULL of potential but somewhere along the lines, rest assured he WILL find a way to screw them over! What’s worse with miss A is that literally all their comebacks that followed (all six of them...) NEVER dissapointed... Anyway... Bad Girl Good Girl is a bop. No more words needed. And of course Looking at Each Other and Love Again are bops too. Break It is pretty cool as well.
05. Come Closer - Brown Eyed Girls - Your Story
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Honestly, when starting the ranking I wasn’t sure whether Come Closer would end up... Coming Closer to the bottom half or the top half but here we are! Maybe I didn’t use to care about it that much because I generally don’t like slow songs because I have the soul of a hoe that just wants to listen to loud dance music, but this is one of the few exceptions. I’ve said it a couple of times already but if you haven’t already, LISTEN. TO. YOUR. STORY. It’s THAT good, seriously. Also, I’m removing a few points for Miryo’s dreads... I’m glad this was not repeated ever again.
04. Break It - KARA - The First Bloooooming
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“Ya wanna know what I think about you? You ain't nothing to me forget you I'm over all your lies Just look into my eyes to see the new light honey, now”
Bop. Honestly, I’m glad they found success with the concept change (because Korea and Japan ate that shit right up) but I can’t help but wonder how they would have progressed if they had stuck to this “R&B bad bitch” image... I guess Sunghee would have left anyway and I guess Hara and Jiyoung would have still been added which honesty makes me even more intrigued to see how OT5 would tackle a concept like Break It. I just realised I haven’t listened to this in a while and I need to fix this ASAP. Secret World is also pretty good. And I love Sunghee’s voice.
03. Push Push - SISTAR
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Like I said before, I’m a hoe. I remember liking this song even in my “I HAtE siStAr” phase which just goes to show how powerful it is. I also think the line distribution was pretty decent and honestly wish Brave Sound had more working braincells and kept this lineup format for later songs but oh well. I don’t even hate the wigs for the jacket shoot!
02. Fire - 2NE1
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I always liked Fire but I think I only started appreciating how good it is after their hiatus and eventual disbandment, and even more after one certain group FUCKEDT it up on that one performance. Iconic. The 2NE1 vesion not the "EThnIc HiPp” performance.
01. AH - After School - New Schoolgirl
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I’ve come to realize how much I appreciate After School’s music in general over the last few months. They’re definitely in my top five girls, maybe even a solid third place behind 2NE1 and T-ara. AH is no exception. It was perfect for a debut song, their debut stage with the hot pants and Kahi’s abs was EXCEPTIONAL and if Korea had an ounce of taste they wouldn’t have turned their backs on every single comeback sans Because of You... Play Girlz and Bad Guy are SO good too but they’re too damn short, they’re basically an  intro and an outro. The line ditribution is horrendous though, I don’t think Juyeon and Soyoung get any lines in the b-sides at all and they don’t get to shine all that much in the lead track either. I adore Kahi and her stage presence but she’s too dominating to let anyone else shine. She’s an icon but she shines better alone than in a group.
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nattikay · 5 years
Sooooo I’m not sure if anyone would be interested in actually reading something like this, but I was looking through some of my older Miraculous art and seeing how the designs of my future AU characters have subtly evolved over time, so I wanted to make a post about designing these characters and how/why I made the decisions that I did! 
So first off, the birth order! I was originally intending to have the kids born in the order that they’re listed in the Stormy Weather episode:
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...unfortunately, instead of actually looking at the episode to be sure, I just went off memory; I remembered Emma being the second but accidentally mixed up Hugo and Louis. By the time I realized this, the characters were already too cemented in my head to switch them back. ^^” Oh well.
In addition to the above, in my ~10 years of experience with next gen fics/art/OCs (I know, I have a problem), I’ve noticed that a pretty large fraction of the time folks opt for their OTP’s firstborn to be a daughter over a son. Nothing wrong with this, of course (heck, I’m a firstborn daughter myself haha), it’s just so disproportionately common that I thought making Hugo the firstborn instead of Emma might make my version stand out a bit more. ^^
Now with the siblings’ order decided, on to the designs! Starting with our oldest, 
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Black hair and green eyes seems to be the most popular design for an Adrienette kid, and for good reason! It’s an appealing combo on its own in addition to using traits from both parents for the most notable genetic features in characters: hair and eyes. 
I also wanted to give Hugo some of his own flair though. I think the best next gen characters are recognizable as their parents’ offspring BUT can still stand on their own as unique individuals. One way to help do this is, when available, to draw on extended family rather than only their parents. 
Hugo’s strongest example of this (at least as a kid) is his slicked-back hairstyle, which was somewhat inspired by Gabriel’s. The slicked-back style seemed to fit his nerdy personality, but because he is a child and not nearly as uptight as his grandfather, Hugo’s hair is much messier than Gabriel’s, and he often has pieces falling out in the front. 
Admittedly I’m not super great at conveying the slicked idea from the front view, but you can see it a bit better in profile:
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Hugo more than either of his siblings also takes after the Dupain side of the family, which isn’t super noticeable as a kid but becomes much more so as he grows up and develops the broad shoulders and strong upper body of Tom and Rolland. He’s not quite as enormous as Tom but is easily the strongest sibling (Louis, meanwhile, is a lanky little noodle like Adrien and Gabriel).
Going along with that, Hugo’s personality has loosened up a bit over time. While I do still draw him in his tucked-in button-up, I’ve also started drawing him in looser styles a bit more, because after all, he is just a goofy kid! This has included anything from using shorts instead of long pants to sometimes wearing just regular ol’ t-shirts instead of his nice button up (on which I rarely actually draw the plaid pattern I initially designed him with because wow it takes forever).
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Funnily enough, this is a bit of the opposite of what happened to Adrien. My first sketches of adult!Adrien from this AU all have his shirt untucked, even whilst teaching, but now I almost always draw it neatly tucked in:
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...interesting, interesting.
Anyways, while Hugo is still very much a little nerd who does quite well in school and LOVES learning about space and astronomy, he’s also a little more goofy and active than he was when I first created him. He’s probably the most athletic of his siblings (though really none of them are exactly jocks) and while he’s not particularly interested in organized competitive sports, he loves a good game of catch or tag. :)
While people in real life obvious wear any color they want, with my OCs I tend to pick a general palette and stick to it though all (or at least most) outfits, for consistency and easy recognizability. Hugo’s palette is mostly greens (for Chat Noir of course! ;) ), dark blues, and warm browns.
Now, onwards to 
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I decided to make my version of Emma blonde for two reasons: one, it appears to be so in the screencap shown at the beginning of the post, and while Marinette’s imaginations do not necessarily have to dictate how you design your versions of the kiddos, I liked having the consistency.
...plus then some years later Frozer rolled around and showed a blonde (imaginary) Emma again, so like 
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...validation ;)
(by complete coincidence they’re even accurate to the color schemes I use kashdfgjsddsafjdf)
And the second is just that, again, most (not all, of course, but a lot) of the other Emmas I’ve seen in the fandom have been dark-haired, so again I thought it’d help mine stand out a bit.
So now with hair color established, it’s time for eye color. Most of the blond-haired Adrienette kids you see have blue eyes, for the same reason that a lot of dark-haired ones have green. Which, as said with Hugo, makes sense, since it’s the hair color of one parent and the eye color of the other. So why didn’t I make Emma’s eyes blue, then?
Well, it’s a bit of a silly reason tbh, but the blond-hair-blue-eyes combo reminded me a little too much of Chloe. ^^” Not that it would cause any parentage concerns, of course, since obviously Marinette is the one who gave birth to her, but the visual similarities still made me go like...eh ^^”
So green eyes it was! Which, of course, made her look a heck of a whole lot like her father.
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But of course, it’s fine to favor one side of the family, but she’s gotta have SOMETHING from Marinette, right? So what other visual could she inherit to show at least some of her mother’s genes?
✧・゚:* F R E C K L E S ! *:・゚✧
And since Marinette’s freckles are so subtle, I decided to make Emma’s a bit more prominent and easily visible.
Actually her freckles have multiplied quite a bit over the years. She’s always had more than Marinette but it used to be confined to just a few on her cheeks and shoulders. Now drawing her is more like DOTS! DOTS EVERYWHERE! with freckles all over her face, down her neck and arms, and even a few on her legs! It is very much her Thing at this point haha
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Freckles everywhere!
As for her hairstyle, the default is a simple headband, but she also sometimes wears it just plain down with no accessories at all (usually when in PJs), or up in pigtails like Marinette’s!
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Those are just the main ones though...really she can do pretty much whatever ^^
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Emma’s outfit palette took a bit more consideration than her brothers’, since I needed it to match the yellow hair (whereas black, as a neutral, can go with just about anything. So I took a minute looking at her established colors--bright green eyes and golden-blonde hair--trying to think of what theme I could used. 
The grassy green and sunshine yellow ended up reminding me of warm weather, like a spring or summer morning. The easiest color for that would’ve been green, but I was already using greens for Hugo and didn’t want their schemes to look too similar. Ultimately I decided on pinks, because the pink outfit with the yellow hair reminded me of some nice fresh lemonade! Some bright whites and warm creams/off-whites then added to the cheery, springy theme. ^^
Her original outfit design included some small dots on her collar and pant cuffs, not unlike the inside of Marinette’s jacket, but I don’t really include that detail much anymore for the same reason I rarely draw Hugo in his original plaid.
Lastly but not leastly, onwards to 
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Thus far we’ve had Hugo, who’s a pretty good visual mix of his parents, and Emma, who takes more after her dad. As such, I figured that it’d only be fair if the third and final kid took more after his mom!
So in many ways Louis looks a lot like a mini male Marinette, right down to the subtle freckles. If Hugo has the most Dupain genes and Emma has the most Agreste genes, Louis probably has the most Cheng genes and has the easiest time convincing people that yes, he is actually 1/4 Chinese (absolutely no one believes Emma when she says this lol...she has to show pictures of her family haha).
We can’t completely ignore the Agreste side of the family though, and in Louis’s case is manifests mostly in his hairstyle which is very similar to Adrien’s, as well as his lean and lanky body type as an adult, very similar to Adrien’s and Gabriel’s (unlike Hugo who, again, is stockier like a less-extreme Tom).
His outfit color scheme is light blues and grays with splashes of red. The blues and grays work well for his shyer, more reserved demeanor, while the splashes of red like the t-shirt hidden under his sweater are like his big imagination! (Like his mother and grandfather, Louis is very much into art and design, though his interest tends to be geared more towards characters and stories than fashion).
Not as much to say about him tbh...he’s “evolved” the least from his original concept and is mostly just the cute baby brother ^^”
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So yeah, there you have it! That was roughly my thought process for creating/designing my little kiddos ^^ 
Hopefully some of you found this interesting; I enjoy talking about my ideas and stuff so if you ever want to know more or about something else that I do/make, feel free to ask! ^^
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deadcactuswalking · 4 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 31/10/2020 (Ariana Grande, KSI, Little Mix)
I haven’t heard that Ariana Grande album yet as of writing this but the lead single – and title track – “positions” has just debuted at #1 on the UK Singles Chart, her seventh song to hit the top and second this year after “Rain on Me” with Lady Gaga. Hence, that’s today’s #1 and we have a busy and pretty chaotic week of new arrivals. Welcome to REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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Dropouts & Returning Entries
A lot of their debuts from last week were completely wiped out on this week’s chart which surprises me, especially for songs I thought would hit it big like “One More Time” by Not3s and AJ Tracey. Our notable dropouts here range from bonafide smash hits like “Roses” by SAINt JHN and remixed by Imanbek, which hit #1, although I always preferred “Swoosh” from the same album, to pretty easy and quick fall outs from songs I’ve reviewed in the past few weeks. We’ve got songs that peaked in the top 10 like “Rover” by S1mba and DTG and “I Dunno” by Dutchavelli, Tion Wayne and Stormzy but otherwise that’s mostly it as a lot of these drop-outs are just songs that didn’t really reach their charting potential or have mostly had their day in streaming, like the surprisingly quick drop for “my ex’s best friend” by Machine Gun Kelly and blackbear, as well as “Destiny” by D-Block Europe, “Tap In” by Saweetie, “FRANCHISE” by Travis Scott, Young Thug and M.I.A., “OK Not to Be OK” by Marshmello and Demi Lovato, “Airplane Mode” by Nines and NSG and even “Outta Time” by Bryson Tiller and Drake. If you’re worried about the loss of MGK’s song being too soon for whatever reason, don’t fret as “forget me too” with Halsey, a much better song, is here at #72, our only returning entry for the week. I might as well run through the biggest gains and falls, those both being last week’s debuts. “Train Wreck” by James Arthur absolutely surged up to #24 whilst “Hold” by Chunkz and Young Filly absolutely purged down to #59. To be fair to the general public, I think I’d rather listen to something from four years ago than that song as well. Anyway, let’s start our new arrivals with a couple really interesting choices...
#75 – “Sofia” – Clairo
Produced by Rostam
Clairo is one of those artists where I feel completely out of the loop on, especially with all the recent buzz from TikTok, and I was not checking for that album last year, and whilst I didn’t mind her feature on Wallows’ “Are You Bored Yet”, I’d never been intrigued enough to check out the solo work until I guess here we see it on the chart, which is big for the genre of bedroom pop, which again I know next to nothing about. Now, I like lo-fi indie rock fine, but I’ve never really tried to look into the bedroom pop micro-genre – if anyone has any recommendations, that would be appreciated – so this will pretty much be a first gaze into not just Clairo but the entire scene surrounding her. I’m not a Vampire Weekend fan by any means but Rostam on production just give me hope, even if the mix here is a bit too drowned in reverb and echo to give the guitars any more impact when they really should have, at least I think so, they’re pushed back in a way that makes an already pretty calm, fleeting indie single even more lacking sonically. Clairo sounds great on this instrumentation, admittedly, albeit kind of uninterested, but it really is about that fuzzy distortion in the drop that feels... oddly anti-climactic and seemingly pointless considering how little progression is made before or after it. Maybe this genre just isn’t for me, but I feel myself turned off from how Clairo’s pretty beautiful vocal harmonies are not reflected by the production here, whether it be the stiff percussion, abrupt ending or overall lack of substance. This is kind of disappointing as I really wanted to like this. The song is a pretty vague but longing ballad mostly revolving around her crushes on people she saw in the mind, particularly Sofia Vergara and Sofia Coppola, hence the name, and I think it’s actually really well-written. I especially love how the chorus seems to acknowledge that not only are these crushes clearly out of her reach as a teenage girl just discovering her sexuality but also mentioning how afraid she is to really develop on any of these feelings because of how it’s prejudiced against and in some countries outlawed, but the song easily works as just a confession of love without really realising the statement, so it doesn’t feel forced or unnecessary. Sadly, I guess Rostam had to put his prints on this one, but the song itself isn’t bad at all. Hey, I’m not going to complain about a song where I can look at pictures of Sofia Coppola for “research”.
#74 – “All Girls are the Same” – Juice WRLD
Produced by Nick Mira
It’s so odd and kind of heartbreaking to see the Genius comments for this track where they say Juice is “up next for 2018”. It’s also pretty amusing to see some of these annotations...
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God, I love Genius.com. This is a 2017 Juice WRLD track from the late rapper that was released as a single from his debut album, Goodbye & Good Riddance. I don’t really understand why this had a resurgence – again, I’m going to assume TikTok or some kind of remix – but it is funny to see a bitter, immature and sloppily-written song about heartbreak and how “all girls are the same” next to a lesbian love ballad on the chart... and above said ballad because we clearly live in a society. I’m not going to mince words here: this is a pretty bad song, at least in my opinion. All respect to Juice but he’s clearly not on top form here, with an uninterested and badly-mixed vocal delivery over a really dull, jingly trap beat with awful bass mastering. In fact, the whole song is mixed awfully and sounds really muddy which may have been the point but it doesn’t complement Juice at all. The lyrics here are purposefully immature and at times stupid, especially when he compares himself to John Lennon and is so desperate for a rhyme the dude says this unnamed girl is from Colorado. I’m not going to deny some of the lyrics here are kind of haunting now due to tragic circumstances but I still get a chuckle out of the vocoder on his voice after massive empty spaces in both the beat and vocal track that makes the song sound clearly amateurish (to be fair to Juice, he clearly didn’t have access to the best studio equipment but it doesn’t excuse the major-label streaming release sounding this sloppy), as well as that opening line.
Broke my heart, oh, no, you didn’t!
Yeah, I’ll take “Robbery” over this any day, or even “Righteous”. Sorry.
#73 – “Martin & Gina” – Polo G
Produced by Hagan, Lilkdubb and Tahj Money
It seems we have two melancholy trap-rappers from Chicago appear consecutively on the chart. I love those types of oddities. If you don’t know Polo G, you probably should, at least from his hit “Pop Out” with Lil Tjay last year, and this is his most recent hit. I typically find his brand of mournful Auto-Tuned crooning about life on the streets remarkably genuine in comparison to most rappers but also admittedly really boring, at least for now. I can see this guy becoming a lot bigger and better but as of now he releases so much music and the quality and effort seems to fall by the wayside more often than not. In typical 2000s bling-rap fashion, this hardcore street rapper’s biggest hit from the album The GOAT (perhaps a bit early to call there, Mr. G) is a guitar-based R&B love jam for the ladies, except it’s not a sex jam...
Girl, I can’t wait ‘til I get home to f*** the s*** out of you
Okay, well, that’s one line.
Man, I’m tryin’ to get to know you sexually
Okay, but at least he’s trying to get to know her. The song’s lyrics do have a genuine heartfelt sense of love and companionship with his unnamed woman, and some of these lyrics are pretty funny and pleasant, albeit shallow. I love how in the first verse he says that even on her worst days she still looks “kind of cute”, in a way that makes this song more down to Earth than other thugs-need-love-too songs, especially when he acknowledges the troubles in their relationship, which may be undermined by the unfortunate implications that come with that “Martin & Gina” comparison but that’s really not the focus of the song, even if it is the title. He may talk about the shopping sprees now but there is evidence here that Polo G genuinely wants to live his life with this woman, especially when he says he wants them to move out to California and live in a mansion. There’s flexing there for sure but it’s less out of a desire to sound “cooler” than the other rappers or the audience, and more out of a desire to make the most out of this relationship in case, as he knows he might have to, he should “pull the stick out and shoot” to protect her. It helps that this is a damn good song with Polo’s catchy flow in both the verses and that infectious chorus, as well as a really slick guitar lick behind that trap knock. Yeah, this is pretty great. Check it out.
#71 – “Spicy” – Ty Dolla $ign featuring Post Malone
Produced by Ty Dolla $ign, Westen Weiss and damn james!
It seems that Ty Dolla $ign has finally clocked that people like him for his features and not his solo work as he has released his most recent album fittingly named Featuring Ty Dolla $ign, following a trend of recent massive collaborative albums in pop music. This particular album features the likes of Kid Cudi, Kanye West (twice), Anderson .Paak, Nicki Minaj, Big Sean, Future, Young Thug, FKA twigs because, well, sure, and obviously, Post Malone. I haven’t listened to the album yet, I mean it sounds exhausting but I don’t necessarily like what I’ve heard. “Expensive” with Nicki Minaj is soulless, “Ego Death” with Skrillex, Kanye and FKA twigs is chaotically misguided and a massive disappointment, “Track 6” with Kanye, .Paak and Thundercat is way too boring for these four artists, and that’s all I’ve heard, except that “Dr. Sebi” interlude with Young Thug that I thought was actually pretty damn good for a one minute snippet. I did brief through some songs on the album right now as I was writing this and I wasn’t really a fan of any of it, not even the songs with Future and Young Thug, artists I actually really like. The song with Kid Cudi was pretty amazing though, which I pretty much expected, I mean it is Cudi after all and he’s really felt revived this year, even if he feels out of place on a sex song. The serpentwithfeet interlude definitely adds to that song though, and it actually leads into this track with Post Malone. This is their second collaboration after their #1 hit “Psycho”, but it’s a lot less interesting, replacing the serenity and smooth flows with more fast-paced trap skitters, hit-and-miss flows that only make Ty$ sound all that great in the tail-end of his verse. Post’s verse is out of place and feels like a regression for him, with the verse sounding like it was taken straight out of the Stoney sessions. The guys have no chemistry and Post doesn’t even contribute to a final chorus, which feels particularly odd as there’s not a bridge to round any of this out properly as it just transitions awkwardly to the sixth track, titled “Track 6”. At least Ty$ isn’t facing 15 years in jail for cocaine possession now, which is something I brought up a disproportionate amount of times in older episodes of this show, because, well, sure.
#69 – “Whoopty” – CJ
Produced by Pxcoyo
CJ is an “up-and-coming” rapper with only one song that pretty quickly went viral. There’s something fishy about this. The only other song by CJ on Spotify and I assume other streaming services is this CashmoneyAP-produced trap song called “On Me” that is completely garbage. It does sound pretty odd that while he doesn’t sound dissimilar in “Whoopty”, this uninterested Auto-Tuned mumbler took three years to get another song on streaming and now he’s an energetic New York rapper using a beat that was literally uploaded to the producer’s website as a “Pop Smoke type beat” weeks before “Whoopty” was released, which, by the way, was an immediate viral hit on YouTube. Very strange, very unusual but not very worth talking about as the one thing “On Me” and “Whoopty” have in common is lack of quality. Sure, I like the Indian sample but it’s quickly drowned out by the booming 808s and pretty rote drill beat. Somehow, CJ sounds too energetic and excited to the point where he’s out of place on a beat this menacing. He sounds like a joke made by a record label to create some kind of popular generic drill track and it does not help that there’s a single verse, with part of it repeated as a bridge, and two repetitions of the same over-long chorus. When Pop Smoke rapped over beats, he was aggressive, sure, but had a smoky voice and a lot more charisma than this flat tonal sandpaper CJ brings to the table. It’s almost offensive to Pop Smoke’s legacy that this was rapped over his “type beat”.
#57 – “SO DONE” – The Kid LAROI
Produced by Omar Fedi and Khaled Rohaim
I figured I’d have to talk about this guy at some point, well, what better time than in the midst of a lot of mediocre American hip hop, although this isn’t American, rather it’s actually an Aussie at it this time, with this 17-year-old kid propped up by Internet Money and Lyrical Lemonade and mentored by the late Juice WRLD. This kid really likes capital letters, and naturally I listened to his last hit “GO!” with his mentor Juice... and, yeah, it’s not good. That hook is stupidly infectious – and the pre-chorus is actually more so – but his delivery is obnoxious and unconvincing, especially in comparison to Juice on the same song. Man, I wish that entire song was as good as its pre-chorus. Anyway, this is a new song, not taken from his debut mixtape aptly and rather politely titled F*** LOVE. It uses an unorthodox ukulele loop as its main sample but once again I’m not a fan of this guy’s immature delivery. Maybe in a few years this Kid LAROI will sound less like a Kid LAROI and more like a genuine rapper but right now he is just barely keeping on beat with a jangly pop beat that would sound really interested if accentuated by the right rapper but here it doesn’t work at all. I do actually appreciate some of the lyrics here, even if they are repetitive and vague. Hey, at least they’re family-friendly PG clean for the most part so he’ll get that radio push, but it’s not like it’s matters here in the UK. I’m sure this lad is the hottest thing to come from Australia this year... okay, well, maybe the second hottest – but I’m not a fan, even if some of these melodies are promising. In fact, I really like some of his ideas, especially in the chorus, I just think that tragically, Juice could have done them more justice than this Kid LAROI ever could. Sorry.
#47 – “Bad Guy” – Morrisson and Loski
Produced by BKay and Harry James
Duh. Okay, so these are both UK drill rappers who I’m not very familiar with although I’ve heard of Loski before. Morrisson is a complete unknown to me. They’re both from London, as one would expect. Is the song any good? Well, I do like that chopped violin sample but Morrisson is only vaguely convincing when he claims to know Vinnie Jones and to be Stone Cold Steve Austin, and when he mentions getting “white-boy wasted” with a woman sniffing coke, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but that’s actually the point. I mean, the chorus says this:
You need people like me so you can point your f***ing fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy”
The issue here is I’m not convinced. Morrisson’s double-tracked vocals aren’t intimidating or menacing and are mostly overshadowed by a pretty great beat. His delivery is also something I’m not a fan of and while I can’t say he’s uninterested or not putting his all into it, it just sounds weak, especially when pitted against this beat. Loski is here too, but he doesn’t add much to the “bad guy” idea, especially when he starts talking about The Simpsons and Family Guy. Not Mr. Burns or even that angry chicken that fights Peter, just Stewie, Brian, Bart and Homer. Admittedly, “shell out the whip like Mario Kart” is a pretty fun line and I appreciate his flow more than Morrisson’s... but, yeah, I’m not really a fan. I like the concept but it misses the mark on execution.
#44 – “Golden” – Harry Styles
Produced by Kid Harpoon and Tyler Johnson
So this is the opening track to Styles’ sophomore effort, Fine Line, an album I thought was mildly entertaining pop rock at best and lazy, absolutely worthless trite at worst. I don’t mind Styles’ take on classic 70’s pop and glam rock but I’ve also never found it interesting, and the songs are at times disjointed and at most times just plain boring. I understand I’m probably alone in this but I really disliked this album and I’m not excited that he’s pushing yet another single. The beeping keys that start the song are immediately met with the crash of a drum beat that sounds as flat as Harry’s singing in that obnoxious, sloppy intro refrain. The verse is equally as awkward, with the song lacking in any kind of substance other than that one line of “You’re so golden” which has been overly annotated by fans on Genius to mean a lot more than it does and should. It’s a confession of love but unlike “Sofia”, there’s very little to grab onto in terms of compassion for the singer and I quickly lose interest in what little story there is to the track. The bridge with the high-pitched guitar squealing and squeaky pitch-shifted murmuring is over and done with as slowly as possible and that refrain of nonsense vocalisations just continues without fear or even self-awareness of how annoying it is. This is probably ultimately harmless but it annoys the hell out of me and whilst I predict success for the track, I really hope against it as I absolutely do not like this at all.
#39 – “Teadrops” – Bring Me the Horizon
Produced by Jordan Fish and Oliver Sykes
Yes, that Bring Me that Horizon. Yes, the metalcore band. At least they used to be metalcore and definitely on that heavier side of Kerrang!-core, but what I’m more amazed by is how they continue to ditch the sound and continue to get bigger as they do so. After 14 years, you’d think these guys would stop getting Top 40 hits – hell, the only other hit they had before 2020 was “Drown” – but this is their third this year! I’ll admit I’m not really up to speed on Bring Me the Horizon – I listened to their last record (which was just fine but honestly probably worth listening to for “wonderful life” alone) but not this EP that the singles have been from, and definitely not their older stuff. For the sake of REVIEWING THE CHARTS, however, I did listen to their earlier singles – you can’t say I don’t do much for this show – and I’m overall not really sure on how to feel about this stuff. I still like “Drown” – and always have – but I’ve never been too big on metalcore so I’m actually surprised how much I really enjoyed the Linkin Park rip on “Sleepwalking” (which I’m impressed I remembered the chorus for). I remember liking the practically nightcore track “ouch” and, yeah, it still slaps. Some tracks are very heavy on the electronic, and “Can You Feel My Heart” is reliant on that vocaloid drop, about two years before that became the norm in pop. Just from a skim of their biggest singles, I’m honestly kind of a fan, especially “Throne”, even if I feel like the EDM influences just kind of go nowhere. Also, none of this screams “metalcore” to me but I don’t know, these guys seem to change their style a lot with the only thing staying consistent being Oliver Sykes, and his tone that shifts between nasal pop-punk-style crooning and chopped-up Auto-Tune growling. I talked to a friend about them and they like their earlier stuff mostly, although he “wouldn’t recommend” their debut album to anybody at all. Another friend said he refuses to listen to their music based on the pretentious title of their third record and honestly I think that’s a pretty fair decision. This song sounds like pretty standard BMTH, or at least from what I can gather from the singles and the formula they follow. It starts with a funky and cute, chirpy electronic groove before it’s drowned out by heavier drums and heavy metal guitar riffs, but this time said electronic groove is less integral to the instrumental and the shift to a funkier bassline in the verse might honestly be for the best, although I do love the way the instrumental is chopped up a bit at the end of each repetition of the chorus. It makes the song sound a lot more unique and even if it sounds just as 2012 as their 2012 stuff, I honestly think that’s fine, especially with that abrupt sharp contrast of his raspy yelling over breakbeats quickly followed by some crooning with light piano backing, which may make the song feel messy or structurally disjointed but honestly it works for the chaotic tone of the track and the angst that is presented in the lyrics. Also, although I haven’t evaluated this band since I watched a couple videos on Kerrang!, this feels oddly nostalgic. Huh. Some additional musings: That falsetto Sykes hits in the chorus is great. My friend said that he couldn’t finish the last album they put out which isn’t a good sign but to be fair to them it was an hour-long IDM record, because, well, sure. I’ve written way too much about Bring Me the bloody Horizon at this point so I’ll just move on but I’ll make sure to check out some of their stuff after this.
#37 – “Loading” – Central Cee
Produced by HARGO
Now back to normality, at least I think so. This is another UK drill artist I’ve never heard of. I like this beat, especially that sample of the horns that I’m surprised wasn’t found by crate-digging but it works pretty well under the drill beat; it sounds like a menacing “gangster” song, especially because of how that sample reminds me of 1930s Chicago. I’m not good on my American (or gang) history so that might be nonsense but you know what I mean, right? Black-and-white footage of men in suits gambling whilst women surround them and they all got their money from drug trafficking and they send out hits. Something like that, I don’t know. The song is kind of boring though, this Cee guy has zero charisma and the references to COVID make this immediately dated (not that this song is lyrically all that interesting anyway), and by two minutes the beat has run its course and just starts getting annoying. Yeah, not much to say about this one at all, but it could have been better.
#8 – “Sweet Melody” – Little Mix
Produced by Peoples, MNEK, Morten “Rissi” Ristorp, Oliver Frid and Tayla Parx
I wonder if now that I listened to Bring Me the Horizon for half an hour straight that the last four songs all sound worse, or at least less interesting, in comparison. Well, I doubt that really, I think these songs will just end up being less interesting. I mean, five separate producers on a simple three-minute pop track? This’ll be as market-tested and manufactured as possible, as one would expect from Little Mix. I didn’t mind their last couple promo singles but this song seems to have some actual traction and even a high-budget video behind it and hence it debuted as high as #8. Well, is it any good? Well, it’s no 2013 Bring Me the Horizon, that’s for sure. Jokes aside, the nonsense vocal refrain is kind of awkward and the R&B production here is kind of minimal and just... off, particularly in the first verse and refrain, where the singing and hard 808 is met with only accompaniment from one stray snare that is just... there? The drop doesn’t feel like it has a proper build-up either, and doesn’t even feel like it lives up to that non-existent tension. I do love the harmonies towards the end of the track and the “he would lie, he would cheat over syncopated beats” line is kind of a bar, I suppose, but yeah, this production is awkward and I’m not sure if it really does the girls’ talent justice. I would have preferred something more dramatic and with more of a climax than the skittering hi-hats and vaguely dancehall-inspired bass grooves, but alas, here we are with a pretty mediocre, uninteresting track, which wasn’t exactly unexpected.
#3 – “Really Love” – KSI featuring Craig David and Digital Farm Animals
Produced by Digital Farm Animals and Mojam
Ah, the trio we all didn’t know we wanted but definitely deserved(?): YouTuber KSI, legendary R&B singer Craig David and a couple virtual elephants. KSI is more than a YouTuber or prankster now to be fair to the guy, with songs like “Lighter” he has cemented himself as a genuine pop star and not in the way that songs used to get viral or even back in 2017 with Jake Paul. KSI is taking this stuff seriously and having fun with it, and, hey, he beat up Logan Paul once or twice so I guess I respect the man to some extent. I’m honestly surprised he got Craig David to be on the song with him. I mean KSI may be popular but I never put much thought into his music or even think it’s any good although the song has clearly debuted this high for a reason. Craig David has a janky hook that just plopped onto the track for a chorus and bridge, with pretty generic lyrics about love, which KSI develops on in some oddly specific ways. He’ll buy this woman Amazon Prime – I hope you enjoy the Borat sequel, guys – and she’ll “wreck his balls like Miley”. Classy. Honestly, the song is mostly fine – KSI’s flow is kind of awkward and stiff still but it’s a lot smoother than it usually is and he does deliver a pretty convincing performance here, as does Craig David, who sounds as great as he did 20 years ago over this groovy house instrumental, with a great bassline that really does fit Craig David more than it does KSI. The trap breakdown is pretty well done as well, which surprised me as I assumed the song would lose all momentum afterwards but, no, it keeps on chugging. This is listenable and far from bad but it’s mostly just a serviceable pop tune. I have no issue with this sticking around as it probably will. Now for the big one:
#1 – “positions” – Ariana Grande
Produced by TBHits, Mr. Frank and London on da Track
Man, I’ve just reviewed 12 songs, I do not feel like talking about the biggest and most important one now. Well, maybe it’s not that and instead the fact that I have this conflict with Grande’s music where someone so unbelievably and obviously talented sounds so incredibly disinterested in the songwriting and production, to the point where her performance is irrelevant. Sure, sweetener and thank u, next had their highs but the former is a complete mess and the latter feels so dull and oddly characterless. Again, these albums aren’t all bad but I feel like they’re still so rushed and infuriatingly so, with Grande having very little involvement, or at least it sounds like that in these albums. Regardless of how much she contributes to each record, it always comes out the other end sounding impersonal, so I’m actually glad she dropped the pretence and is now just doing purely sexy R&B stuff. I haven’t listened to the full album yet but with song titles like “34+35”, I can kind of expect what I’m going into here. That said, I’m not really a big fan of the title track and lead single here, although I can understand why it debuted at #1. Firstly, the video where she becomes the President of the United States for practically no reason is great. Secondly, the beat is pretty good and produced by London on da Track, who I’m kind of disappointed didn’t put his producer tag here. It would have at least been kind of funny hearing it transition into Grande’s sweet whispery vocal tone. I like the slick trap percussion, cricket sound effects and that chirpy guitar pluck, and especially those strings in the second pre-chorus which sound genuinely awesome. Ariana’s a great performer but the chorus is kind of weak, especially lyrically – I don’t mind the opening and main line about switching positions, hell, it’s kind of clever, but “I’m in the Olympics the way I’m jumping through hoops”? Really? The bridge is also pretty short and lazy; I feel like it could have actually been done away with or put as an intro and would have worked just as well replacing the second chorus with that final chorus, background whistle notes and all. That said, the song is a solid lead single and I am kind of excited to hear the rest of the album, even if this is at least somewhat of a retread.
What a mixed bag. I’m generally pleased with what we have here though and I am going to give Best of the Week to “Teadrops” by Bring Me the Horizon with an Honourable Mention to Polo G for “Martin & Gina”, although Clairo would have gotten close without Rostam on the boards. There’s nothing all that bad here except “Golden” by Harry Styles which does get an easy Worst of the Week, with a Dishonourable Mention to CJ’s “Whoopty” for just being lazy. Here’s this week’s “spooky” top 10 – it is Halloween after all:
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You can follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank for political ramblings if you so wish but I wouldn’t recommend it, especially if you like Keir Starmer, but all politics aside, thank you for reading this far and I’ll see you next week.
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peterstanslizzie · 5 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.13 (Come Fly With Me)
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Lizzie and Miranda are decked out in sixties-inspired fashion
- The episode opens to a 1960′s Rat Pack song playing in the background, courtesy of Gordo. He is starting to get into the whole old-school Las Vegas ‘lounge-style’ culture and this doesn’t seem to really bother his friends because Gordo has always been the kind of person to stay away from current trends. 
- For example, as Lizzie mentioned, when everybody in school was into rollerblading, he opted to unicycle instead. It sounds to me like he is doing all of this for the sake of being different. I think we should just be who we want to be and do the things we like regardless of it being on trend or not. 
- Gordo asks Lizzie if she could pick up a Rat Pack music CD for him after school because he has an appointment with his podiatrist. She reluctantly agrees and before leaving, she advises him to take it easy on the whole Rat Pack thing. 
Getting into Rat Pack
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Vince, a one-time character I presume
- After collecting the CD on Gordo’s behalf, a kid named Vince on the school bus snatches it from Lizzie’s hand and makes fun of her and Miranda for absolutely no reason. If you’re going to make fun of someone, you might as well do it right but Vince is just atrocious at it lol. 
- Out of nowhere, Ethan Craft comes to the rescue and intimidates Vince to give the CD back to Lizzie. Because of that, Lizzie crushes on Ethan once again. I thought two episodes ago in Episode 1.11, Ethan was going to leave Miranda during their marriage project presentation because he was being manipulated by Kate. And now she still likes him? I guess they can’t fault Ethan for being an airhead.
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Animated Lizzie looks really cute in this sort of Mad Men inspired outfit
- Ethan then starts listening to the Rat Pack CD on his music player (or boom box?) and he actually really enjoys it. Lizzie and Miranda, obviously smitten by Ethan’s liking to Gordo’s CD pretends to act like they actually listen to this style of music and they agree to meet up later to hook Ethan up with more Rat Pack music. 
- At school, Lizzie and Miranda start talking to Gordo in a similar way to how he was talking to them at the beginning of this episode. He feels flattered by them wanting to know more about his interests in Rat Pack and is willing to teach them more about the culture. We also get a funny bit where Miranda points out to Gordo that he blinks his eyes a lot. 
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The more you try to not think about blinking, the more you actually blink your eyes. Facts.
Meet Matt’s Best Friend, Lanny
*Please note my review of Matt’s plot-line this episode is compiled into this section.
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I’m a little scared of Lanny and so are Sam and Jo
- We cut to the backyard of the Mcguire home where Matt and his silent friend, Lanny are playing netball. They are trying to set the record for the longest netball rally but they are struggling to even be close to beating the current record. So is this all happening when Lizzie’s in school? Shouldn’t Matt and Lanny be in school as well? I shouldn’t think too much about this lol. 
- Lanny telepathically lets Matt know they should try to attempt another world record and Matt starts consulting the World Records book to see what they can do. We then get a montage of them attempting to set a number of different world records and of course, they fail miserably. I don’t even want to get into the specifics of what they were doing in this montage but at least ‘Survivor’ by Destiny’s Child was playing in the background. 
- In the second half of the episode, Matt is about to give up on trying to set his own world record after 38 attempts. Jo, brilliant as always, comes up with an idea to trick Matt and Lanny into believing they set their own record for ‘Most Consecutive Failed Attempts’. Matt is very excited about this and they go out to celebrate by getting some ice cream.
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Lanny likes Pumpkin flavored ice cream by the way
Stop Trying to Make Rat Pack Happen!
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How can you not fall for that smile?
- At the school cafeteria, Gordo notices that some people are starting to dress similarly to him and he hopes that Lizzie and Miranda doesn’t turn his interests in 1960′s Rat Pack into another fad at school. Ethan then pops up next to them and he compliments Gordo’s shirt. Lizzie uses this opportunity to invite him to shop with them at this store called ‘Anteater’ (weird name for a store but okay) so that he can get the same type of clothes Gordo’s wearing. Gordo isn’t thrilled about all of this. 
- Presumably a day later, it seems like the Rat Pack trend had caught the eye of the entire school because everybody is dressed like they are in the sixties. Even Kate Sanders is embracing this trend and she goes up to Lizzie and Miranda and compliments them both for making Gordo’s interest in ‘lounge-style’ culture a thing at school. 
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How tall is Kate? She is so much taller than Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda. 
- She’s being awfully nice to them and that’s because she needs their help to organize this month’s dance and make it Rat Pack themed. Lizzie and Miranda are very excited about the prospect of being able to help plan their school dance and they both agree to help Kate out. 
- As Kate leaves, Lizzie asks Gordo if they could use his Las Vegas posters as decorations but he doesn’t want to help them because he just doesn’t like the fact that his Rat Pack interests are becoming popular in school. I mean, I do get where Gordo is coming from; I think nobody would actually really like Rat Pack music unless it’s considered trendy. But he needs to not take everything so seriously. Trends do come and go. 
Gordo is having a mini Crisis
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Lizzie’s expressions are gold here when Gordo is talking to her about his World War II plane model given to him by his aunt.
- At Gordo’s house (I think this is the first time Lizzie is shown to be in his house), Lizzie mentions to Gordo how everyone at school is excited about the upcoming Rat Pack themed dance. Gordo reveals to her his interest in Rat Pack is gone and he is now into WW2 style airplanes.
- He also lets her know that he doesn’t like it that everybody is now into Rat Pack and that Kate Sanders has turned this whole thing into a “mindless fad” because she doesn’t know the difference between a ‘ding dong’ and a ‘Ring-A-Ding-Ding’. Lizzie feels bad about ruining his hobby. Don’t feel bad Lizzie; Gordo just needs to wait it out.
Planning the ‘Lounging Around’ School Dance
- Kate is holding a meeting with her fellow school dance committee members to plan out Friday’s dance. She entrusts Lizzie to get a list of songs to be played by the DJ and she entrusts Miranda to prepare a list of criteria for the judges to look out for when assessing outfits for the costume contest. And she wants all of this by the next day. 
- Lizzie and Miranda panic and are desperate to ask Gordo for help. Can’t they consult the school computers and library or something? Didn’t they also exist back in 2001 as well?
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I’m sure the wardrobe department had a fun time dressing the girls up back then
- They find Gordo playing with his WW2 plane outside and ask him for help but he just isn’t willing to help them this time around because as we all know, he doesn’t like how Lizzie and Miranda played a part in making his Rat Pack hobby a major fad. 
- I touched on this earlier; Gordo has a point in saying that everyone in school now likes Rat Pack only because it is the biggest thing currently. But Lizzie and Miranda also made a good point in saying people are allowed to like whatever they want, regardless of how they came to know about Rat Pack and Frank Sinatra and the sort. 
Time for the School Dance
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“Let’s like dance, Ethan”. Kate is just too funny
- We are then taken to their school dance and I have to say, Kate and company did a really good job organising the event. The venue is well decorated and everybody looks amazing in their sixties-inspired outfits. However, Lizzie and Miranda doesn’t seem to be enjoying themselves because Gordo isn’t there with them. 
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Best friends gotta stick together
- Luckily for them, Gordo pops up and makes a grand entry into the auditorium, complete with an amazing suit and a suave attitude to match. Gordo admits to them that he shouldn’t force himself to do things just to be different and Lizzie tells him they’re lucky to have someone like Gordo who doesn’t care about what people think about his hobbies. 
- In the end, everything is resolved and the episode ends with a cute trio dance:
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That’s all folks
Overall Thoughts
- What I got most out of watching this episode is the idea of seasonal trends and how easy it is for people to catch onto them just because everyone else is. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you actually like those trends. And being different for the sake of being different is something we shouldn’t really hold on to either. 
- Gordo definitely shone in this episode. I really felt his frustration towards everyone who suddenly jumped on his hobby bandwagon and made it a ‘mindless fad’ as he puts it. Good job on the actor’s (Adam Lamberg) part. Miranda and Lizzie also have very identical plot-lines this episode, although Lizzie did more in this episode than Miranda. I think it’s hard for the character of Miranda to really shine in an episode unless she’s one of the main focuses, you know? But that’s just me.
- After having an impressive plot-line last episode, Matt’s plot-line with his parents this time around has gone back to being weightless and goofy. At least we get to see Lanny in person for the first time. 
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shadowsong26x · 5 years
Lavinia for the character meme thing!
All righty then! Putting this behind a cut because somewhat spoilery (though, probably her Major Plot Points aren’t super hard to guess, between various other commentaries I’ve made/tropes I’ve mentioned liking/I think I’ve hinted at it/foreshadowed okay at least in bonus content?) and also Long.
favorite thing about them
Not necessarily my absolute favorite thing, but it has a nice Flipside so…
She thinks things through. She does her absolute best to gather appropriate information and make sure she’s prepared for the situations she’ll find herself in, including researching from as broad a collection of sources as she can. She considers all the consequences of her actions, and she never forgets that, because she is who she is and she has the abilities and position she does, her actions can have Consequences. And she learned how to do most of this processing fast. She is fast and she is well-informed, and at the end of the day she will do what is necessary, in service of the galaxy and her larger goals, but she will be sure it is necessary, and that the consequences are acceptable, given what she stands to gain.
least favorite thing about them
Of course, the flipside of this is that she overthinks everything. And I mean, e v e r y t h i n g. Like I said, she learned how to overthink very quickly, because her father wouldn’t tolerate her being paralyzed by those doubts, but that also means that she never really learned how to trust herself and her judgment and be confident in her decisions. This leads to some pretty epic screwups in her personal life, and also her shying away from certain things, particularly her own abilities with the Force beyond passive observation and occasionally assisting her more mundane manipulation with a Mind Trick or two (unless she’s desperate enough to completely unleash, which leads to her pulling off things like battle meditation; which might save her and her allies once or twice, but that kind of all-or-nothing/rigid but brittle control is Not Good in the long run.)
(Again, this is not necessarily my absolute least favorite/what I would consider her most negative trait, because a lot of that is situational, but, well, it’s situational. Her ability/habit of thinking things through and putting a lot of effort into her choices is both a good thing and a bad thing, and it’s the trait I could write up most clearly from both sides.)
favorite line
The problem with answering this question is most of the ones I can think of are somewhat spoilery Wham lines, and also require a fair amount of context to explain why they’re my favorites. And/or come from miscellaneous AUs that also require a fair amount of setup…
So, I’m going to go with one that’s from an AU of Masks!verse, in reference to Luke:
“Oh, you poor boy. Try not to let your excess of compassion get you killed. The universe needs more men like you.”
Depending on the AU/context/point in time (and I am excluding non-fusion crossovers here), Luke, Kallus, Thrawn, Pellaeon (…who maybe shouldn’t count, because he’s more Dad, but he’s one of the most important people in her life and their relationship is 9000% platonic so), Mara, Leia, Ventress (…also kind of a weird example, because the main way it applies is Ventress as her mentor/teacher/etc. which may not be the best application of brOTP? But, again, v. important relationship and entirely platonic when it comes up).
Lando and/or Sabine.
Lando because they complement each other in some interesting ways–they’re both talented administrators and good at reading/managing people, though Lando’s a lot better at one-on-one People slash dealing with people when it’s not Work, so to speak. But he tends to be a master of Xanatos Speed Chess/a case study in “Well That Escalated Quickly,” and she is Hyperprepared/very rarely makes a move unless it’s certain. I.e., see my first two answers, lol. So they balance each other out in that way.
Sabine because they started kind of flirting in the Handler AU and then it got super cute. Might also be a thing in the Pellaeon AU? Or another Masks!Verse AU that has a similar breakpoint to the Handler AU…anyway, the two of them getting together depends on some specific changes and timeline things, so it only works in certain AUs. That being said, they’re pretty cute/sweet together. Because we have Useless Lesbian Sabine and Only Flirts In Professional Lavinia and yeah.
Luke. Like. There is no incarnation whatsoever, even if I’m not reading Luke as aro (he’s definitely ace, but aro–I go back and forth on whether he’s aromantic or panromantic but that’s another conversation), where that works. Even in at least one AU where he’s the biological father of her child (in an IVF/sperm donor situation, she asked him because he’s someone she trusts completely and also someone who would be completely okay with not being the kid’s dad and things/their relationship wouldn’t get Weird).
random headcanon
Lavinia’s favorite color is blue. Specifically in the aqua/teal/slightly-green-tinged family. She’s always considered herself more Coruscanti than Naboo, but maybe something deep inside her feels a connection to that peaceful, watery, living color or something.
…or possibly she just likes it and there’s no Deeper Meaning behind it, heh.
unpopular opinion
…lord. Uh. This one’s hard, since she is my OC and I haven’t published/posted a whole heck of a lot about her? So it’s hard to know what the popular opinions are, let alone what the unpopular ones are…
I guess in the spirit of this, there’s the fact that, deep at her core, she’s kind of an idealist? She believes in things, and in certain people. And she believes that, not only should the galaxy be a better place, but that it can be.
(possibly in the spirit of this because she’s also, like, a spy and a professional politician so there’s a lot of cynicism on the surface/covering up that idealism…)
song i associate with them
Quite a few actually. Hm, what’s one I haven’t necessarily shared with you yet…
…ehh, I’ll go with these two:
I may have actually shared this one with you before, but it’s still one of my favorites for her. At the end of her life, looking back on her life/taking stock.
And this one I’m pretty sure I haven’t shared. From a somewhat younger perspective, and also kind of a nostalgia bomb for me.
favorite picture of them
Let’s see…::digs through #lavinia tag:: …and most of these are just fashion photosets that fit her aesthetic, but here’s a couple pictures of her:
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This is probably something along the lines of what she looks like in her early/mid-teens. I believe this is the actress who plays Lucrezia in the not-Jeremy Irons Borgias show that came out around the same time. Which is particularly entertaining to me because…
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Grown-up Lani is Lotte Verbeek, particularly as Giulia Farnese in the other Borgias series XD
Anyway, most of the other ones I have saved are gifs, so these two it is.
Also, I would be remiss if I didn’t link the commission I got of her a couple years ago!
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ficsforfangirls · 6 years
An Untitled Tomco
@boopy-boop, who requested a Tomco where Star accidentally gives Marco hypothermia and calls upon Tom to keep him warm while she finds a cure.
Disclaimer: I did not know this fandom. I had to look up and rely on my friend @ouranose for information so that I could construct this ficlet. I’m not sure if these people are in character, I avoided physical descriptions except where necessary, and just sort of relied on the general awkward feeling of being a teenager with feelings. If it’s not good - maybe just pretend I didn’t write it. Boopy, I really hope I didn’t disappoint.
So, Read & Enjoy this shot-in-the-dark Untitled Tomco Ficlet.
  Summer is Marco’s favorite season. There’s no school, there’s no schedule, there’s no cold. While everyone else is sitting by the poolside drinking their sweating glasses of icy soda and chilled lemonade, Marco keeps his hands tightly trapped around a warm plastic bottle of sweet tea.
 See, people constantly are trying to have the best of both worlds. Nobody moves to California to be cold, so why bother trying to cool down? Marco loves swimming and all that, but he’s the sort to take breaks to play volleyball on the beach or snack on the blanket in the sunshine. He has always been happy being warm. Besides, he doesn’t like the feeling of swallowing something freezing cold as it moves all the way through his digestive system.
 Marco shivers at the thought. And also the shout of Star standing right behind…
 “I need to make a new batch of lemonade. Can you help me get the cooler inside?” The music isn’t playing that loud and the people that are hanging around the sprinkler aren’t exactly making a racket. Still, Marco smiles at her and nods his head easily. Star is a good person and his closest friend. Also, she lives with him so there’s that whole obligation as well. If he doesn’t help, well, it’ll come up later. It really doesn’t bother him, though.
 Once inside, Star and Marco set their bottles down on the table and get to work with the lemonade mix. Star handles the water – using her wand to permanently chill the water. The whole process is short and in no time, they’re walking the cooler back outside with a new round of red cups. Without much thought, Star pours herself a glass and takes a sip. “Delicious!”
 “What about your tea?” Marco asks passively. Star doesn’t hear him, though, because Tom rounds the corner of the house and calls out her name. She goes running, naturally, because they’re dating mostly. Honestly, Marco knows they are dating but they’ve not exactly made it public information. She walks over, lazy hugs him, and then starts gesturing to Marco’s collection of warm bottles of tea.
 Though he hadn’t noticed before, being inside the house is sort of stuffy and sticky, so Marco grabs the bottle closest to him from the table and races back to join his friends outside. He doesn’t drink from his bottle for some time. This person wants to talk about summer plans, this person wants to make plans for a trip to the beach, and this person wants to go to the movies this weekend. So Marco chats for ages before breaking away from the group to get a breather. One quick gulp of the tea reveals a cold that is so unfamiliar that Marco doesn’t even realize it soon enough to spit it out.
 In a split second, he’s shivering where he stands. Star shows up asking if he’ll come help her again with the lemonade. “I-I-I d-don’t kn-know if I-I c-c-can m-move.”
 “How do you mean, Marco?” Star tilts her head to side with a bit of curiosity tickling her voice. He thinks it is sort of cute in one of those innocent-kid sorts of ways. His mouth wants to twitch into a smile but it can’t. It wiggles in defiance of his body’s will to star in place but nothing more.
Star notices. “Oh my goodness. You literally can’t move, can you?” She pokes her hand out and touches Marco’s cheek. It is cold. She runs her thumb over his lips. They are turning white, nearly blue. Unsure what to do, Star howls over her shoulder for the only person she thinks can help. “Tom!”
 Tom swaggers over in the way that a fire demon does, Marco thinks to himself. Their friendship is a strange one. As Star’s boyfriend, there’s this rivalry between them. It is petty and unwarranted. Marco isn’t necessarily vying for Star’s romantic attention in the way that Tom is, though he does like to have her attention and occupy her time. Tom also doesn’t always regard Star in the way that Marco feels that she deserves but that falls in this category of ‘neither here nor there.’ All in all, Tom swaggers and it’s not a good sort of thing or a bad sort of thing – it’s just a thing that he does.
 “Yes?” He asks, eyeballing Marco suspiciously.
 Frowning, Star explains what is happening to both boys. “I think I’ve given him hypothermia on accident. I’ve been charming the water for the lemonade and the ice so it doesn’t melt as fast. I tested it on my tea but I could see it was too strong. I left it in the kitchen earlier next to his and I’m thinking he might’ve picked it up by mistake.” Tom is nodding but not really paying attention. He’s eyeballing Marco as if he’s some sort of science experience, which isn’t actually accurate.
 He’s a magic experiment. Though, is that really any better?
 Marco decides not and chitters his reply. “S-so r-rev-vers-se it?”
 “Easier said than done,” Star coughs in perfect unison with Tom’s smooth voice. Their innate knowledge of the unreliable state of her magic with the wand escapes Marco at times, being an Earth person and all. Making a noise that is probably a sigh, Star makes a temporary order until she can manufacture a resolution. “Tom, take him inside and keep him warm. Hypothermia will kill him, and quickly, if we don’t warm him up.”
 “Sure. I’m not a fan of the sprinkler either way,” Tom speaks flatly. He picks Marco up unexpectedly in the same fashion as a husband might pick up a bride. Strange as it might be, the second that he’s touching Tom – he feels better. Hopelessly and shamelessly, Marco nuzzles his face closer to Tom’s cheek and his lower right eyeball.
 Inside, Tom drops Marco on the couch, which he’s not incredibly grateful for, and leaves to get some blankets. Sitting in the room, which is always a pleasant seventy-seven degrees, feels no different than sitting in an icebox. There’s a settling cold that’s there but not there. It doesn’t belong but it’s been manufactured. It’s hard for Marco to still think that it’s coming from within himself but there’s much to get used to with magic all around.
 “Hurry up and get back here,” Marco hesitantly commands through barred teeth. He doesn’t like the way he sounds when he stutters and he doesn’t want to sound particularly clingy, either, since it could set off Tom. His temper is unpredictable, even if it has gotten better to some degree. Marco rocks back and forth on the couch. Well, kind of. He can’t move more than an inch or two without creating a breeze.
 Tom returns with his comforter and the extra blankets from Star’s room and buries both of them in layers of warmth. Adding to it, at Marco’s request, Tom uses his pyrokinesis to create more heat. Truthfully, it only makes a marginal difference, but he is desperate for it. California isn’t a cold place and Marco isn’t a cold person. He doesn’t like it so he just scoots closer to Tom and snuggles him.
 At first, it isn’t clear how Tom actually feels about it, but he soon begins to prattle about how it’s nice to be needed for something good. He goes on and on about impressed he thinks Star will be that he is using his demonic powers for good. This seems really important to him but mostly in a boyfriend brownie points perspective. Eventually, Marco grows a bit tired of it and shakes his head against Tom’s shoulder. “You aren’t finding the cure, you know. She’ll be the hero of her own story.” Star Butterfly deserves her time in the spotlight, even if the spotlight is on a problem that she created and that she has to solve. Sometimes, heroes are self sufficient in all of the ways, even the bad ways, and that’s fine. It makes for a good story.
 Marco feels Tom tense underneath his body. “I’m sorry.”
 Tom laughs. “Apologize for what? I know I’m not good enough for her in your eyes.”
 “N-n-onsense,” Marco mumbles. Never once did it occur to him that Tom isn’t good enough for Star. That is absurd. Tom has his flaws and he has growing to do, but not so much that he wouldn’t tell Star to stop dating him. He isn’t jealous of Tom at all, either, so wherever he got the idea that he’s ‘not good enough’ in some way is absurd. “I th-think you’re f-fine. No-not perfect, no-not even great, but w-well enough. Star c-can make those choices f-for herself. I just think sometimes you need to give her the credit for her own actions.”
 This quiets Tom and they just sit there awkwardly in the silence while he deliberates what this reply means. He picks apart each word. Discerning each syllable, change in tone, and miniscule facial movement, Tom comes to the conclusion that something else causing his critical eye. Marco doesn’t feel like he has a critical eye for Tom specifically, but Tom feels that way, so he feels that he needs to find the answer. “Do you like me, then?”
 “S-sure,” Marco says. “I l-like having you around.” It’s as simple as that. Marco likes things to be simple. Magic is great but he’s not totally used to having it around. Mundane can be magical in it’s plain sort of way. “Really, I-I do.”
 “I like having you around too,” Tom replies steadily, turning his head just enough to peer down at Marco. They share an odd sort of glance. A surge of warmth spreads through the blanket when their eyes meet, which forces Tom to look away nervously. Marco wonders if the heat reflects emotions in any way. The curiosity invites a completely unfamiliar thought upon it’s passage through his mind.
 What would it mean if it did reflect his emotions? How would Marco feel if it did and he knew which emotion? Which emotion would he want it to be? A different sort of shiver works through his bones and even though he wants to lean away from Tom, he simply pushes himself closer. Rigidly they share a very small space until people begin leaving and Star shows up with a cup of warm green tea, steam rolling over the rim and all.
 “It took a few tries but I’m pretty confident I got it right,” her voice betrays her as it trembles the closer she gets to Marco. Tom has to peel layers of blankets away and help move his hands upward to take the cup away from Star. Then all three of them work to get the drink to his lips without spilling. Just as quickly as the hypothermia had set on him, it melted away with the charmed green tea as it soaked into his whole body. Able to move freely and speak without a stutter, Marco utters his ‘thank you’s to both Tom and Star.
 Later, long after Tom has left, Marco knocks on Star’s bedroom door. She calls him in but he stars at the door, leaning on the frame. “I’m really sorry about today,” she offers tiredly. It was a long day of hosting her friends and rushing around to fix the mess she unintentionally created with his nearly dying (a bit dramatic but not inaccurate). Marco waves it off.
 “I actually came with a question,” Marco counters, and details how Tom had sent off a quick heat wave during their conversation. It made him curious if his pryokinesis reflected his mood at all. Star paused to consider it very seriously before nodding her head.
 “Yeah, I think a bit,” she smiles. “What were you talking about?”
 Marco doesn’t want to reveal the train of thought he’d had or suggest that Tom might be anything other than loyal to her. It would be a stretch and far outside his place to suggest something so farfetched anyway. He lies, since he can’t really make heads or tails about what the heat wave meant, if anything. “We were talking about you being your own hero and all.”
 “How sweet,” she whimpers the way all human girls do when their boyfriends have flattered them in some way. There’s no need in correcting her. Tom isn’t a terrible guy, even if he is a demon. Marco mutters something like ‘goodnight’ and wanders back to his room. On his mattress is a freshly folded blanket, warmer than the rest on his bed, and a handwritten note.
 “In case you are still a bit chilly,” Marco reads the note in a whisper. As he crawls into bed, this is the blanket that he wraps around himself first. Cuddled inside and happy to be warm again. As he begins drifting off, teetering somewhere between being awake and being asleep, he hears Tom’s voice in perfectly clarity. “I like having you around too,” with imaginary surges of warmth reaching all over his body.
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dude did u even R E A D kosme's callouts she's done some bad shit
This is the only one I found: https://kosmecallout.tumblr.com/post/155030521417/callout-for-kosme and the link on it to another callout doesn't work (it just sends me to an ad, idk if it's a problem on my end or with the link).
...and the first thing on there is a Snow filter being called yellowface. I use those filters, they're not yellowface, they just make your eyes look bigger and your face look smaller. They're just cute.
Okay, here's the thing, the problem with blackface is that it's got a cultural history of being used to insult and mock black people via caricature, so when someone paints their face black or brown in that style and for the sole purpose of being a black caricature it's bad, but when someone paints their face black because of a separate cultural practice (ie Morris dancers here paint their faces because the miners who used to dance painted their faces black with coal, to help people focus on the bright colours and movement of the dance rather than individual people or faces) or paints themselves for a cosplay (like the person who cosplayed Garnet) it's an entirely different scenario and it's not blackface, and when someone tans or uses fake tan it's definitely not blackface. It's also not blackface to wear clothing or makeup that is popular among black people, and so wearing clothing or makeup that is popular among Asian people is not yellowface... and using a face morphing feature on a popular app definitely isn't.
Before I go on, I just want to say that it doesn't matter what this girl has done - there is absolutely no excuse to stalk and harass someone irl.
Moving on with the callout post.
Oh it has links explaining why Snow is yellowface! Let's see...
1. It's kawaii and an Asian person says so.
2. It's "imitating" people who are striving for features they don't have.
3. Another girl did the same makeup with the goal of looking like an Asian.
So, for one, kawaii fashion is a fashion, it's not poorly imitating an Asian person's skin for the purpose of mockery like blackface. Cultures and fashions are shared amongst people who enjoy them, that's life. For the second one... like... neither the Asian people doing the makeup nor the white people have those features or necessarily appeal to the beauty norms without the makeup, plus individuals doing it on both sides do it for far more reasons than to "imitate features" like that they simply like the fashion. I mean, your argument is "society tells people to look like this so we try to look like this but you're not allowed to try to look like this"??? And for the third, first off, they're imitating a fashion style, a makeup style, not parodying a person's skin colour and race; secondly if you think calling an Asian fashion trend that was inspired by English fashion "yellowface" then you're dumbing Asian people and cultures down to a fashion that originated in western culture and saying that wearing that fashion is a parody of Asian people, which is bollocks. The girl who did the Korean makeup tutorial on YouTube (a different girl to the one the callout is even for) is clearly a YouTube makeup artist showing off her makeup abilities. Sure, the YouTuber is dressing up as an Asian and some people might take offense to that and I can kinda understand, but it's not the same as blackface - blackface doesn't even involve trying to look like an actual black person for one thing; they smear on black or brown facepaint and giant red lips, it's a mockery, an insult. Calling it "yellowface" is undermining what blackface actually is, just as calling things that aren't blackface "blackface" is. (PLUS none of that actually addressed the Snow filter, it's all about makeup and fashion.)
Back to the callout.
She insulted a Mexican one time (no context for that so no idea why she said it - everyone uses insults that they later regret while in heated arguments or when annoyed at individuals, I have no context for whether she said it because she actually hates Mexicans or whether it was just one individual that she insulted, but in the context of the callout it's being used to make her look racist when it could easily be a spat between two people that she went too far in, so I'm reserving judgement on that). She also sassed back to anons and people going after her, oh the audacity.
Whether she apologized to this Mexican person is apparently up for debate, but all of the screenshots the callout post claims to have are showing up as URL not found. So I'm reserving judgement on that one too.
The IDing outside of her race thing confuses me - are we talking kintypes or Dolezal? I'd like some more context on that. What Dolezal and people like her do is insert themselves into minority support groups and advocacy things under false pretenses, appropriate transgender language and thus imply that there's a "white brain" and "black brain" which simply isn't true (and has gross race realism vibes), and they don't appreciate the culture or share it pleasantly but instead claim to be something that they're not in order to feign what would be seen in their ideology as a "legitimate claim" to that culture - if that's what she's doing I'll complain about that, but if she just has a kintype or something that's Asian then that's not a problem, it's not the same situation. Again, this fucking vague ass callout is making it hard to actually judge the situation.
As for the last thing, yeah, she fucked up on that one; telling people to slit their wrists and die is not cool. One question though: why does this callout once again claim something without providing links to the majority of the claim... it says that she's talking about one specific group, mixed race people, but doesn't provide proof that that's actually what she was using "race faker" to mean? I mean, this callout post needs to provide proof of that because that sentence, telling anyone to die, is bad enough, but if she genuinely does mean mixed race people then you can report that as hate speech.
...notice how I said "report that as hate speech" not "go harass her and then stalk and bully her irl at a convention". Vigilante mob justice isn't the solution to this or anything.
~ Vape
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normanisource · 7 years
Spend a few minutes with Fifth Harmony, and it’s clear the group’s tighter than ever.
Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane, Ally Brooke and Lauren Jauregui have such electric chemistry, we literally had to cut out all the [laughs] from our interview because there were too many. The girls were cracking each other up throughout the whole thing.
And all those good vibes are sure to come through in their new music. Coming off of last summer’s “Work From Home,” 5H have proven themselves as hitmakers and are now taking more creative control of their sound. The group’s moving full speed ahead after Camila Cabello, one of its original members, bounced in late 2016.
Their next music will have “some R&B tones,” Dinah told us, and will hit on each of the girls’ favorite genres, with overtones of girl power and female empowerment throughout.
Read on for our interview with the group — plus their first cover as a foursome!
When did you guys realize you were friends in addition to bandmates?
Everyone: Awww that’s so cute!
Normani: We were on X Factor. We actually ran into each other before we were put into a group. I remember seeing Ally at my first audition, was it in Austin?
Ally: Austin, Texas!
Normani: Basically, my family… we had a rivalry. It was like, battle of the posters. My family was screaming, “Normani Normani Normani!” And Ally’s family had T-shirts… you guys roll deep.
Ally: They went all out!
Normani: I wouldn’t say it was necessarily a challenge to connect with one other because we were around the same age. I remember me and Dinah vibed heavily.
Dinah: Heavily! Like, we were low key starting to sleep over in each other’s hotel rooms.
Normani: I know! I borrowed your clothes!
Dinah: You did. We were that close. It was like that insane chemistry once you meet somebody. The connection was so crazy, we clicked instantly.
Normani: and I just feel like with everything we’ve been through together – even things that only we know about. Obviously we have each other to lean on. I think those moments make us even closer.
READ ALSO: Copy Fifth Harmony’s Style on Your Next Girls’ Night Out
How does each girl strengthen the group as a whole?
Ally: Well, Dinah, I admire your fun and playful self. I love how you always come in with music. You bring the life to the party and the energy to the room. That really helps, especially if we have a long day ahead or something, it’s really cool to see that. You’re always there pumping up the party and laughing. It just makes being here so much easier. It makes the environment so much healthier when it’s fun. I really admire that about you.
Dinah: Thanks Ally. You are super sweet! Ally… she’s like a little goofball too. It’s nice to know that there’s someone that carries the same energy. You’re always so playful. There’s times where she can be kind of like the “mom”. We’ve been calling Ally the “mother” of the group at times because she has that vibe where she cares so much and she’s on it with time. There are times where I fall short with getting to the lobby. She’s texting us saying, “We gotta get there, we gotta get there!” Just the push she brings into this group helps. Because there are times where you do fall short, and to have somebody to pick up your slack helps. You put us to work!
Normani: Well I was gonna compliment you (Dinah) but Ally did such a good job!
Dinah: You’re fake! [laughs]
Ally: I was going in order!
Normani: I feel like Lauren almost has this gift of making people feel safe through anything it is that we’re going through.
Dinah: It’s so true.
Normani: A lot of the time people almost forget that we’re human. We have things that go on with family and insecurities that we feel within ourselves. She [Lauren] has this way of making me feel comfortable and confident in myself and I feel like I can really talk to her through absolutely anything. There are conversations I can have with her that I feel like I wouldn’t have with anyone else. And I feel like we all play such a heavy role with each other but, there are just certain things that I can go to her for.
Lauren: The thing is, is that everyone brings so many different kinds of things to the table. Normani is such a hard worker, and she’s so disciplined…
Ally: Yes, Mani!
Dinah: So true.
Lauren: … and constantly putting in effort and making sure that she’s bettering herself and being the best version of herself she can be, and that for me is very inspiring because I’m the opposite [laughs]. I’m just kidding. But she definitely makes me feel like I can accomplish more if I can keep doing what I’m doing, and challenges me to want to be at her level.
Dinah: Spot on.
Who’s the best at IG? Shots fired.
Dinah: I was on a roll for a second.
Ally: Honestly, my game is getting up so…
Lauren: I’ve been on my A-game right now, I’m sorry.
Dinah: I was just stalking Mani last night.
Normani: I know I have a personal photographer.
Lauren: I think I’m just gonna push 20 bucks at her to take a photo of me today.
Normani: I feel like you can really get a sense of who we are as people because we’re so different.
Dinah: So different! Day and night.
Are guys scared to approach you now that you’re famous?
Lauren: Not the right guys.
Dinah: It’s funny because you kinda think it’s the right guy but it’s not.
Lauren: They’re either super not the right guy, or dope as fuck. There’s no in between.They’re either trying to get something out of you, or they think you’re super dope.
Dinah: There was this one guy who thought I was very intimidating because of who we are. My thing is when I come across somebody, when I think they’re super cute or handsome, I can’t play along with that because sometimes they take it as something like, “She wants me.” And it’s happened to me many times. When you’re trying to be kind to somebody and they take it as “dang, Dinah Jane likes me.” And I’m like “No, I just want to be your friend… like, why do you have to take it like that?”
Normani: For me, it’s kind of the opposite, cause I feel like in a way I can be so intimidating with me not even knowing it, and then the guy doesn’t call you and you’re like, “I’m cute! Come to me. Come here.” And then it’s like, “is there something wrong with me?”
Dinah: It’s hard. So all we want is a confident dude to come straight up…maybe. Just walk up and say, “Hey, what’s up?” And start from there.
What’s one question that you are often asked that you think a guy group would never be asked?
Normani: For instance, when “Work From Home” came out, we were asked a few times, “do you think you guys were dressed too sexy?”
Lauren: I’m pretty sure men are never questioned whether they’re acting too sexy. They’re actually glorified when all their clothes are off. Women love that shit, they’re like, “Yeahhh! You’re so hot!” But when girls take our clothes off, it’s, “Wow, she’s such a hoe.”
Normani: That’s happened to us throughout our whole career. When it came to performances, people would judge us on our performance outfits. They would say things like, “look at the hoe squad”. There were all these memes.
Lauren: And it’s normally girls! Regularly girls.
What’s the best part about having a built-in squad to roll with?
Ally: It’s really great because the four of us are really in sync with each other. We’re pretty open about most things. We try to respect each other as much as we can. For us, communication is really important. Also we enjoy a lot of the same things as each other! Like going to get frozen yogurt, or go to the movies, or talk about boys, exchange music, have fun at the red carpet and encourage each other with, “hey you look beautiful!”
Normani: We compliment each other a lot.
Lauren: It’s so important. I feel like especially being around other girls, it’s really easy to start picking yourself apart and being like, “Wow, she looks better than me” or, “My hair doesn’t look as good as hers.” It’s like, wait. [Why not just say], “You look dope, you look hot, I love your outfit.” Giving each other that energy changes the whole vibe of whatever we’re doing. If it’s a carpet or a shoot, you can feel in the pictures that we were all complimenting each other and we all felt good.
Ally: We truly live by female empowerment. Literally every day we try our best to do that.
Are you guys inspired by iconic girl groups like Spice Girls, the Supremes, TLC?
Normani: Absolutely. I know we’ve all grown up listening to Destiny’s Child, Spice Girls, TLC, Pussycat Dolls even. “Buttons” is my song. Danity Kane.
Dinah: Ooh, Xscape! I love them so much.
Normani: And it’s important to have strong individuals to paint the way for us. Without them doing what they did for music, and being our introduction, we probably wouldn’t even be!
Do you hope to leave a legacy like them one day?
Normani: Most definitely.
Lauren: I think we low key have. We’ve made an impressionable mark as far as girl groups go in the industry. I’m proud of us.
Ally: It’s cool because they inspired our looks for the shoot. We did a 90s throwback vibe and we channeled their wardrobe and hairstyles. It was super fun. They really do shape us.
Dinah: I think musically they inspire us but also on a human level. I think when you’re in a group, people expect you to all be the same. Just looking around at each other, it has helped me discover that we’re all uniquely different from each other for a good reason, because there would be no growth for me. As I’m learning about each other girl, it’s helping me learn about myself. We all have our weaknesses, we all have our strengths, but together we all make it up.
Which of you has the most out-there personal style?
Ally: I like sometimes to dress crazy…well I don’t think it’s crazy [laughs]. I like to have more fun with my fashion. Obviously if everyone is wearing more “chill chic” outfits then I’ll have to go in that lane, but…
Lauren: You love being extra.
Ally: Not extra, but I love to play! I don’t like feeling plain, I like a little sugar on top.
With so many pics of you in the spotlight, how do you keep a healthy mindset?
Normani: I feel like in a way you’re forced to, just because there’s always gonna be bad photos of you.
Lauren: Yep, you’re forced to, but you never get over people taking bad pictures of you from disgusting angles! I’ll never get over it. I get so angry every time I go on the Internet, I’m like, “Why! You know I look bad here! Why did you post it!?” I hate it.
Dinah: Sometimes they know we don’t look cute, they do it just to show, “look at this unflattering photo…”
Ally: One time I literally looked like an egg. And I had to choose to laugh about it. Sometimes you obviously freak out, but it’s out there. You cry and then you laugh.
Lauren: You cry and then you laugh again.
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