#I’m not that crazy abt him honestly I just think he’s fun 2 draw
dilutedbeanibeans · 8 months
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boy why are you so hair
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knizuu · 3 months
Talk to me abt uhhh anything- Fang, Petey, OC, idc. ANYTHING U WANT💖💖
I get so nervous writing asks wtf
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COUGH well imma go in order lets go with the
SIGHH I LOVE HIM SM. tbh I see how people react to the recent idw miniseries which left the Hooligan fans really sour </33 to me, though, it wasn’t too bad?? I see how it works and honestly the only sad part to me is WHY DID HOOLIGANS BREAK UP AUH but im so used to “sonic canon ew” so like-I should’ve expected that sigh. So I can reason with how excited people headcannon/draw/make whatever of the guy it’s really cool since we all kinda agree? Like even with such a variety we all take the guy lovingly <33 which is sweet :> like its pretty chill-WHCIH IS FUNNY because Im actually really scared in small communities <- i made a post bout it once i-I EAT UP ANY FAN MADE FANG CONTENT FR i love all fangs really [so far] ^ ^ tbh even my school knows that-I did pottery of him, drawn him, spoke of him, my teacher saw a drawing of Fang I did and HE QUOTE: I was looking for that [SIR I GET IT IM PREDICATABLE/silly]
Ok as much as heartfelt I feel about Fang-Petey is just some other freak of nature my family knows. I’m NOT EVEN JOKING-MY MOM SANG ABOUT HIM WHILE MAKING LUNCH/GEN GEN GEN-cough. Idk why but ever since my brother [the first dog man fan obviously] inserted dog man into my family [by 1. SHOWING MY FANART/BOOKS TO MUM 2. LETTING ME SING THE MUSICAL ALL DAY LON-/positive fs] its been insane/sILLY because-who expected everyone to say “Papa Petey” [i do NOT know how some typo made mo-ok my mom has a Petey problem/sILY AGAIN] in the car-at home…NOT ME THATS WHO. WHY IS PETEY SUCH A NORMAL THING IN MY HOUSEHOLD/positive sigh
OKK well they are ALMOST a wasteland but I have an original story to bring some ocs to life ^ ^ [including-sigh vague mention-the space dog lady and red haired lady ocs i have :3] ESSENTALLY: I’m calling it Brink of Bryony!! [Bryony is about a flower but in plot idk a city??] it’s just a human loser [red haired lady MAYBE] meeting alien folk [Cordella is there…i showed her ONCE] like my self insert hehe [Norolist] because OH NO beeg mister evil guy wants to take over Earth and this NICE alien people gonna protect it! That’s the entire thing, very unserious lmao. Pyrexavul is my precious <33 I don’t think I shared him?? I’ll share em all sometime hehe im too lazy LMAO. So yes yes I’ve been into making that story recently :> !!
OK SO my Luxury AU has been MANIFESTING MOI cuz i decided: why yes I WILL make a fic bout it!! Yknow just remaking the lore[cough this means me rewriting the first book of DogMan] and putting some stuff into one work ^ ^’ SO FAR I’m really getting into the vibes but what’s crazy is how I turned what I THOUGHT was oughta be a comedy-to a tragedy. No like I KNOW IM GONNA WRITE CUTE STUFF I WILL I JUST-….also might’ve included grief, addiction, ETC I dont even know how I got there 🙂‍↔️but it’s been fun! Especially since it makes me go down a nice study check with me lmao [I’ve been learning the medical field, laws, how media handles stuff, types of _, etc] hehe rubbing my hands together imma be so happy to write it all hehe and with that I’m learning about my characters a lot better! I thought of it more one noted because its a good start but now im actually learning more bout em :0 !! Love reworking stuff, redesigning, it’s been a huge part of me since idk when ^ ^’
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queenofthefaces · 5 years
kyle for the character thing!!!!
Buckle up bc I’m extra af and love talking abt characters. Be aware this is like, entirely personal opinion and personal interpretation and also it’s almost 2am so LETS GO
1) sexuality hc: I’ve always really liked bi Kyle ahsjdkfk and tbh I’ve always found the idea of his attraction to other ppl really interesting
The way I characterize him is that he’s someone who’s like, typically very passive with his attraction. He’ll kind of glance at someone and think they’re attractive but he doesn’t necessarily have any strong feelings towards them or desire/drive to want to pursue anything with them. If he does want to pursue them it’s usually out of a sense of obligation or expectation—like a “well I might as well” or “this is what I’m supposed to do” kinda thing
Except Kyle DOES have exceptions—when he finds someone he feels passionately about, someone he’s emotionally and mentally invested in, it’s like 0-100 in terms of difference, bc suddenly he can’t stop thinking abt that person, how much he wants to be with them, etc. and a lot of that characterization, for me, falls in line w the specific ship I have for Kyle (which is obvious if you’ve followed me for a few but I’ll get Into That in the next section)
2) OTP: KYMAN by far my fave Kyle ship and one of my all time fave sp ships overall. I’ve always LOVED rivals/enemies to lovers ships that specifically have 1) characters who are equals 2) characters who are incredibly intimate and close w one another even if (or because of) it’s in the context of the rivalry 3) the characters have either some level of co-dependence or a need for the dynamic or one another in some way bc the relationship is fulfilling to them and bonus if 4) they’re the only ones that really understand each other
And I jus. Love that. Esp w kyman it’s so much fun taking that dynamic, the codependency and obsession, and just. Playing with it, on a storytelling/character analysis level. And then making it healthy, having them work through issues, bc the idea that “we’re both in way too deep with each other, we can either destroy each other or learn to get along” is jus 👌👌👌
And w kyman I love having Eric be Kyle’s exception. Kyle feels basically nothing towards his other s/o’s in contrast to how deeply he feels about Eric, and for Eric to have just as much depth of emotion in return. It’s fascinating and really fun esp when written from a kind of duo-redemptive story—they both start out toxic towards each other, and their relationship is toxic to other people, but they can’t bring themselves to put an end to it so they finally make it to that middle ground and come out as better peoole, together
This applies to a lot of my rivals/enemies to lovers ships but w kyman in particular there’s the added Funkiness of the childhood friends dynamic which is TASTEY like some nice sprinkles to jus add that extra Flavour. I love the concept of Kyle and Eric forming parts of their entire identities around each other from the time they were in diapers and everyone accepts that they’re always gonna he crazy for each other bc no one has the bond they do it’s so much fun
4) brotp: I should think more abt Kyle friendships tbh I don’t give those as much attention ahsjdkfkfk—tho I definitely have a soft spot for the super best friends kyle + Stan, I just have to work some development into it.
I love exploring their friendship as smth that deteriorates bc they grow apart as people, but then they realize they don’t WANT to grow apart and have to work to stay friends bc being friends isn’t as easy as it was when you were 8. It brings this really cool development that confronts Stan’s passivity towards his friends/his nihilism and Kyle’s entitlement and lack of emotional sensitivity and how they both need to make some compromises (but esp Kyle, bc I can see Stan as someone who tries very hard to not get much feedback).
In terms of Kyle being friends w other people I’m thinking it would be pretty situational. I can see Kyle getting some really eye opening perspectives from other ppl if he opens himself up to their views but that requires knocking Kyle down a few pegs lol, it’s fun to have him learn to recognize his own assumptions abt ppl and learning to value them as individuals yanno?
3) notp: honestly? Any other kyle ship. I can personally only see Kyle w Eric ahsjdkfk kyman endgame all the way. For me, a lot of other Kyle ships like, don’t make any sense, a lot in part bc I see Kyle as someone who has a lot of issues w socialization, entitlement, and selfishness along with his UNENDING OBSESSION w Eric Cartman (which also somewhat stems from those issues bc of Kyle’s sense of self identity vis a vis the rivalry)
Like, I can’t see Kyle sitting down and forming a meaningful romantic relationship w anyone else bc like, no one can provide the fulfillment, engagement, drive, and push/pull of Kyle’s relationship w Eric. Kyle would leave at the drop of a hat to confront smth Eric was doing and I don’t think he’d ever compromise with that. And someone who does compromise on that probably isn’t someone Kyle would want to be with in the long run.
I think the only ship I can see would be like, poly m4 bc that draws on pre-existing dynamics and doesn’t break or try to divy up Kyle’s attention. (Even tho like I said I don’t like Kyle w anyone else romantically)
5) 1st hc that pops in my head: my Kyle is autistic as fuck. Characterizing him as autistic gives a lot of insight into how his mind works and why he acts the way he does—a lot of his thought processes are just. What makes the most logical sense to him. It’s just that those trains of thought are on KYLES logic and that’s when he struggles to realize when he’s crossed a line or overstepped a boundary. Or how his brain is usually always “self-centered”—not in a morally negative way, just in that it’s not a natural reflect for him to remember other people.
And a ton of other things as well( including a fun hc of Kyle trying to use his autism as an excuse for being a dick, until Also Autistic Craig steps up like, no dude you’re just an asshole bc you’re not trying to do better). And bc as an autistic person, I really relate hard to Kyle to the point where if he were real I’d probably hate him bc we’d be too similar lmao; I think esp when I was a kid I acted a lot like Kyle—the self righteousness, the bossiness, the belief that my way was the only way that made sense and everyone else was just Wrong, the anger issues, etc.
It’s why I’m tough on Kyle a lot of the time, but it’s also why I love thinking abt his development, bc I know firsthand that he can mellow out, change, become a better, more wellrounded and emotionally aware person, and how he can make an effort into doing so
6) oh shit I didn’t even mean for this but obviously one way I relate to Kyle is the Above autistic hc and how I characterize him. Like I said, I acted a LOT like Kyle when I was a kid, so I know he’s an irritating little shit, but also brilliant and too thoughtful for his own good sometimes.
But another thing: I characterize Kyle as someone who is a natural leader, but hates being in official leadership positions. And this is also smth I’ve kinda written due to personal experience. But also from the way kyles often portrayed in canon—in the games, he’s always a support role, always a healer, ranged fighter, or someone who boosts and buffs allies
I see Kyle as the type of person who can easily take control in, for example, a group project situation, or when he’s hanging out with Stan and they’re only doing what Kyle wants to do bc Kyle comes up with all the ideas and Stan just goes along with them
But I can’t see Kyle as someone who’d want to be, like, student counsel president. (That’s more Wendy’s wheelhouse) Mostly bc there’s too much responsibility that it’s just exhausting, and more than that, those official positions are STIFLING. They run on someone else’s schedule and they’re creatively constructive. You can’t fully do your own thing bc you have to be constantly aware of how the group works and what the group wants. I can’t see Kyle as being happy in that position bc he’d get sick of having to conform his ideas to what other ppl want—he just wants to do his own thing.
So instead, Kyle would be more comfortable in a supporting role. Bc in a position like, for example, secretary or VP, he can still have a lot of influence, power, and knowledge, but he’s free from those restrictions that come from being the face of a group. And he’s also free from the social obligations of being a leader, esp in having to deal w other groups in like a business sort of way. AND if the group falls, Kyle won’t take as much of the blame, bc it’s probably not his fault anyways so why should everyone point fingers at him. It’s much less pressure.
(And it’s also kinda inspired by his role in the CBAA??—Cartman’s perfect in the CEO/face of the company position bc Cartman is comfortable with and relishes in the attention and social aspect of being the face/leader of a company, and Kyle can reap all the benefits of being a part of that company, including being an integral pillar of the company, w/o the deficits. If Eric and Kyle ran a company they’d work together, sure, but Eric would crumble without Kyle’s support, and Kyle would hate the stifling pressure of the head position, which makes them a perfect pair.)
(And again this is based on personal experience—I’m a natural leader. People listen to me, I can organize groups, and I’m a good mediator, but I hate when it becomes Official bc I can’t just. Do my own thing as I want to and it’s far too much to keep track of and most of it doesn’t interest me. It always irritated me when my parents tried to push me into like running for student president bc I just kept thinking abt all the work I’d have to do that I wouldn’t care abt)
7) what gives me secondhand embarrassment about Kyle? Well. Just......how much he reminds me of when I was a stupid kid. He’s such a little shit oh my god Kyle shut the fuck up YOURE NOT GHANDI. When Kyle’s being entitled and stuck up, when he thinks he’s better than other ppl, and when his own big mouth and pride are what fucks him over I’m just oh my god. Oh my GODDDDDD SHUT UPPPPP.
Mostly it’s secondhand embarrassment bc I’m jus oh my god ur an idiot—but again bc I know he has the ability to grow out of that and look back on himself with a grimace at how dumb he was ahsjdkfkfk
8) cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Definitely the latter, I love Kyle and I love when he’s happy and contented but him as a cinnamon roll kinda character feels so flat to me. I love him as a problematic fave he’s so much fun as a disaster. He’s complex—he’s tough and caring and angry and compassionate and an absolute fireball of EMOTIONS but he tries to act like he’s a logical rational person and I jus? He’s so much more fun and dynamic when he’s allowed to be messy
(Of course this is long why wouldn’t it be AHSJDKDKKFKGLGLH)
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okyio-archive · 7 years
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hey guys !! im so sorry for being absent for so long :+( !! it’s been a crazy couple of days and i really needed to recover after everything that has been happening. again i just want to say thank you for everyone who has been so patient with me. i’m going to clear these anon msgs + i’ll respond to all my private msgs&discord chats + check out what i’ve missed once i wake up tomorrow. i love you guys sm for showing love + support. i wish you a happy thursday :+)
sims related
Would u ever do an editing tutorial? like how u draw little doodles and stuff like that! If it's not too much fo a hassle. love you SO MUCH!! <3
hey nonny :+) please check the faq next time !! I’ve answered how i drew the little doodles there but for a full blown tutorial i’ve already mentioned that i’ll do one once i have more free time :+) !! thanks for the support love !!
What are your favorite brushes for edits?
i recently found one right over here :+) and i’ve been experimenting w/ em !! tbh i dont have a fav cause im always trying out new brushes out + seeing which ones i like !!! so im sorry if that doesn’t answer your question asjkdhf
hi!!! hope you're having a good day!! is it okay to use the sims from your sim dump in a story as long as you get credit? if not i totally understand!
thanks nonny for asking :+) !! yeah definitely !! you can do whatever you like w/ them !! i would love to see so feel free to @ me :’+) have fun and tysm for using my sims :’+)!!
personal questions
Can i be your friend?
ofc nonny :+) !! ill prob reply slow af but i promise you that i would love to make friends :+) so hmu whenever you feel comfortable !!
How do you deal with perfectionism? Or what ever that word is????
honestly, tk wrote a perfect post outlining what she does and it helped me out a lot as well !! so check her post out + hopefully it can help you a bit too :+) if you ever need someone to talk to, im here :’+)
would it be ok if I asked u for friendship advice?
ofc nonny :+) !!! just hmu off/on anon in my inbox or pm if you wish :+) im always willing to help as long as you’re a little patient w/ me since i reply quite late haha but im always here to listen + give my 2 cents :+)
I find it so hard to study, I get distracted so easily and sometimes it isn’t my phone :(
awh man nonny i know what you mean. i struggle w/ studying a lot and i’m a uni student haha. besides the typical tips you can find online, what i found is this app called forest (it’s on ios + android devices!!) to help me stay on task (whether it’s studying/chores). check out more information here. it’s been honestly helping me a lot + who doesn’t like plants??? 
I don't know who to tell this to and you seem really kind: I'm the pickiest eater I've ever met or heard of. It's just NO most food is disgusting it just makes me wanna barf. And everyone treats me like a 4-year-old child. Nothing cheers me up anymore. I think I have selective eating disorder and nobody understands :( People are being mean to me all the time because I don't like certain foods and maybe I AM just a 4-year-old child. I need help and comfort :( Because being a picky eater is hard.
awh nonny first thank you for telling me about that :’+) im really sorry if im replying this super late asldkjf. i honestly really appreciate that you opened up to me about it okay? i know this can be difficult since it’s smt so personal. i want to let you know right now that i’m always here for you + supporting you okay? i know it’s difficult when your surrounding group of people don’t understand / support. although i haven’t personally dealt with this, i would suggest finding a professional + see what their take on it? if it’s to the extent that certain food makes you barf, it’s def more than just “wow ur picky” yeuno? cause you physically can’t eat smt without barfing it all out. seek a professional when you’re more comfortable okay? you dont have to do it now but baby steps!! remember you’re not alone, im always here for you oaky nonny :+) every step of the way!! lmk + update me okay? i’m wishing you luck ily !!
my moms having her 4th child and like im really nervous abt it cause this is the first time im actually old enough to like remember it and take care of him and like im scared
!! nonny thank you for coming up to me + telling me about it - i honestly really appreciate it :’+) !! first of all: congrats !! i know things will definitely be different since there are responsibilities to deal w/ and added stress but remember !! to take it slow okay? it’s 100% okay to make mistakes. it’s 100% normal to feel overworked. there will prob be more little arguments here and there since everyone will be quite restless + more irritable but take it slowly + (literally) baby steps okay? if it gets too much for you, take a breather and come back to it. im sure your mom will understand if it gets too much for you. and besides - im here supporting and rooting for you too nonny :+) !! i honestly cant imagine taking care of another human being at this age either - heCk i can’t even take care of myself askdjhf but remember it’s a learning curve!! it’ll take awhile + there will be a lot of obstacles to huddle through but it’ll be rewarding okay? again, if u ever need someone to talk to, im always here :+) !! ily nonny!! stay strong
Hi! I'm really sorry to bother you rn, but I just really, REALLY miss my dog who passed away several years ago. She was like my sister... I related to her more than people & I could always rely on her for comfort. All I want to do is just hug her again, but I know I can't do that. I just can't move on. I love her so much. I'm sorry, but I need to tell this to someone, ANYONE, because it's really been keeping me down lately...(dog death anon cont.) I've been seeing a therapist since she's died, and I've been on several medicines which DO help, but only to a certain degree. I realize there's a certain part that I, myself, need to control (ie moving on). but like I said, it's hard. I haven't told anyone this, because I'm afraid of looking stupid for letting my dog's death get to me this much that it's required hospitalizations and such. I just want to see her again. (end)
!!!!! asdf you’re never a bother nonny !! dont ever thing that alright? i’m always here for you ready to listen no matter what (i’m just a super slow replier so i apologize for that askdhf). but first thank you for coming to me + telling me about your personal problems - i honestly appreciate sm. i’m honestly so sorry nonny... i can relate to some extent because i got my dog when i was in gr 7 and he was my only friend who i can go to to feel love + comfort up since i’ve been bullied since elementary school & never really had friends. i can’t imagine what you’re going through .. i’m honestly so sorry. don’t think that you’re stupid at all okay? i’m the last person on the earth to ever think you are. i’m glad you’re seeking a therapist right now !! however, i 100% understand if it’s difficult to move on - cause it is!! my grandpa past away 10 years ago and he was one of my best friends and he was really the only “father figure-like” role model i look up to. till this day my heart aches thinking about my grandfather and how much i miss him. similarly, i would definitely feel the exact same way w/ my dog if he passed away because i treasure him sm. so don’t be too hard on yourself about moving on. i know it’s easier said than done but different people vary on how long they mourn for. some can be 100% okay in a couple months while others takes years - and that’s 100% okay! why? because we’re human. there’s no need to rush in “moving on” - take it in your own pace. i know the pressure / stigma of others thinking you’re “weird/stupid” for being like this state further creates anxiety/stress in “forcing” yourself to rapidly wanting to move on. however, i urge to try your best to ignore what others might think + focus on yourself to the best of your abilities. perhaps distract yourself in finding a new hobby / doing smt that you love or smt new. it takes time to recover - no matter how long you take, no one’s rushing you oke :+)? ill be here every step of the way if u ever need me. it’s okay to have those days where you tried so hard but u end up at point A because after you go through that hurdle, you’ll be closer to your goal. take as long as you need - baby steps nonny :+) i’m here rooting for you oke? i love you so much. you’re a strong sweetheart and i know you can do it. 
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abcdosaka · 4 years
life update
i’ve been making a lot of random textposts lately but they’re all kinda vague and complainy so i thought i’d write about stuff i’ve done recently
i dyed my hair tips red finally...and it looks really good like better than green actually. i feel like the dye i used will fade fast but i think it will fade to a coral colour which i don’t hate ^^ ill bleach my bangs soon enough but i need to do the math and figure out the ratio of bleach powder to developer
lately i’ve been using twitter through a separate account from my main and i don’t interact with anybody but i like to read threads and whatever its pretty interesting but...there’s so much drama and even though i’m not even involved im already tired of it. i’m pretty much done with tumblr except for this blog but not using twitter anymore either would be really nice...and i never use ig either. one day the only social media apps ill use are texting apps and im looking forward to that. but also how am i gonna get my daily dose of jhope fr my life is kinda lame rn and he makes me happy
i turned my old old 2012 laptop back on so i could play skyrim and its so slow and combat is really hard bc it lags so much which is really unfortunate...but i don’t want to download skyrim onto my new laptop so ill just have to figure out a way to make it faster. i did disk cleanup and defragmenter and hopefully that helps. i think if i allocate more ram to graphics it might be better (or something like that i dont rly remember but ik ur supposed to do it in bios). anyway the laptop is old as fuck and i only used it for games which i barely even play nowadays...although i want to spend my time playing video games instead of social media. i should try to get back into minecraft bc i literally spent like $40 on it... and ttr (i didnt spend money on it but i made a friend like 2 months ago and havent talked to her since....@ her im sorry...)... and i said i wanted to replay portal 2 right
i actually have a shitton of games i own that ive never played. like fucking fez... apparently that game is really good and ive owned it for like 6 years now and i just never played it
also im trying to write a story. ive had the whole story plotted out for like 3 months but ive only started writing it now and i think i have ~800 words? still on chapter 1 or whatever. writing is really hard bc even starting i felt like “oh this is so cringy wow i’m really writing? a FANTASY story??” but tbh so many ppl write fantasy and its fun seeing people with cool powers doing crazy shit. anyways theres hoes out there writing about the most disgusting shit imaginable so i’m trying to convince myself im not cringe and having a hobby like this is a good thing
im not as terrible at it as i thought maybe bc ive been reading a bit lately but idk how to get the patience for it. i just wish i could mentally transfer my ideas onto the page without having to type..like in that saiki k ep where he uses his powers to transfer the manga writer’s idea onto paper without waiting for him to draw it.
i havent really talked to my friends for a while... i guess in actuality its been like a week and a half which is not as bad as it could be but i miss hanging out with my friends in person
i watched the first ep of s2 of bon voyage where they go to hawaii and it made me miss sri lanka so much. like when they landed and walked off the plane i felt so much nostalgia for the air there and just the whole vibe. sri lanka is obvs not the best place in the world but something abt it just hits different. like its just refreshing. i still like toronto tho
id like to go to hawaii one day. and new zealand too. they both seem like really cool places
oh and i made 2 tiktoks that was just like me restoring old white shoes lol. i’m not done there’s still more to do but making tiktoks is so hard and annoying to edit. it makes me not want to continue restoring my shoes since ik im gonna have to film it...
honestly i dont think ive done much else other than study bio and do the pd course... i feel a bit better bc i wrote so much even tho its only technically like 5 things that are notable but still it makes me feel like ive done something lately.
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j1nsgf · 7 years
Surprise! Your bias asked you out on a date! The only thing is, he wants you to match 6 of your mutuals with the rest of bts for a group date. @ the mutuals you're choosing for each member (not your bias) and explain why you chose them.
this was suuuuuper hard to do because i wanted to do so much more than just one per person, plus i tried to think about why they’d be good together. i decided to match 1-2 per member bc i can’t help myself sorry :( i’m choosing to go on a date with taehyung bc he’s my ult ofc, so here’s everyone else!:
@joonienamjoon : ummm OBVS choosing c bc she’s crazy in love with joon? we’ve already talked about our lives when we’re married to our biases, and we’ve already established we’re gonna go on double dates so this is our start! c is literally the queen of bubbly happy goodness, and she would hype joon to the moon! he would feed off of her energy, and become his muse (omg imaging a song by him abt her!) she’s also just the kindest and most supportive person in the world, and i think that joon needs someone like her :) they’d be beauty, aesthetic, and fashion goals.
@nevermindbyjin: oh my, jess and joon would be such a power couple tbh. if i had to describe the way jess loves him it would be wholly and fierce. jess is really down to earth, and i think she would be someone that joon could sit and talk with for hours about his worries, his interests, and his thoughts about the world around him bc she is just as intelligent and thoughtful as him. she continually stands up for him and advocates for him, never backing down from those who try and bash or ignore him. i admire her so much, and i think that their minds would mesh so well together!
@cherryprincejin: summer, the #1 salty jin stan!! listen if anyone is gonna fawn and gush over jin like he wants to be, summer will certainly go above and beyond with that! they are both super fun and funny, and i think they’d get along super well. she’s the perfect amount of optimism and energy that would compliment his own personality, and is always in awe of jin (i mean who isn’t though??) i swear she has the biggest heart eyes for him and as much as i love him dearly and want him for myself i would gladly ship them together :)
@seokjinstae: okay look, everyone knows how amazing kinga is: she’s strong-willed, is very good at speaking on important issues and getting her point across in a way that makes others truly see what she’s saying, and overall just an amazing person i think. kinga is someone who would support jin through every hardship, who would comfort him and hype him and remind him of why he is so special and important. i know that kinga would treat jin with so much love, bc her heart is as big as his.
@artistictae: amy if i can’t put you with tae i’ll definitely put you with yoongi!! honestly i feel like there isn’t a softer yoongi stan than amy. she’s such a sweetheart, and seeing her posts and tags about him make me feel and warm and fuzzy. i feel like yoongi wouldn’t be able to believe such a soft human existed, and she’d be so sweet and gentle and he would turn to mush for her, she’d be one of his weaknesses :””) they’d just chill and yoongi would find her presence so warm and comforting like a soft blanket, and they would bring each other peace and be able to talk until 3 am about stupid little things or sit around not saying anything just enjoying each other’s company. ahhh i’m starting to write a novel but ANYWAYS! yes!! amy + yoongi 4evr
@hoebihoeshi: lmao haley what if i didn’t put you here? i feel like you’d immediately call me and DEMAND answers…but ofc i would set you up on a date with him bc what are friends for?? in her own words “he would help bring me out of my shell” and honestly i think she’d help him out too in that sort of way? like hoseok is afraid of everything, and i feel like he’s probably pretty insecure abt certain things, and haley would literally force him to confront the things he fears, would tell him he’s dumb to ever think he was anything but the Golden Perfect Hyung that he is, and share all of his struggles and emotions as her own and be there for him entirely. they would match each other and fill in the gaps the other has, make them better for it. she would literally do anything for hobi, and what more could someone ask for than that?
@je0n: omg ann….the sweetest and most precious angel….her and jimin would be so cute together. jimin and ann are both super soft people, and i feel like when the other person was feeling down or unsure or anxious, the other would sense it and immediately start spewing praise and love towards them. and i think they both need that…someone to lift their spirits and make them feel loved and snuggle them and treat them how they need to be. jimin would literally be in awe of ann, everything abt her: her beauty, her heart, her talents…i feel like they’re really similar in the best ways (kind, huge heart, there for you when you need it), and so they would click really well. aand i’m a jimann stan now lol
@hobintae: ooohhhhh man, soph. she is probably the funniest person i’ve seen on tumblr, her tags   are so damn funny and original, and i adore her. she would be a great match for jungkook because i feel like she would draw him out of his shell with her humor and bright personality, and that’s definitely something jungkook needs. he’d probably be a bit intimidated at first because he’s himself, but once she started cracking jokes and making him feel more at ease with her he’d be dying on the floor, prob even shooting jokes and memes back and forth to each other during dinner lmao. also, i know soph is soft for jungkook and would coddle and love the shit out of him (among other things) so automatic ship!
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dreamvrs-blog · 7 years
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☾ —— have you met rowena "rhea" alvarez, the twenty eight year old female that looks a lot like emeraude toubia ? she has been in the syndicate as a get away driver for four months now and is known around as the fervor, because she is enchanting & loyal, as well as noncommittal & tactless. not just a gang banger, raven is also a real estate agent. 
numba one out of three huh??? whaddup, i’m lorna, she, 20, blah blah blah intros are so weird. anyways this is my baby rhea -- she’s been thru quite a life and has still come out smiling. like this if i can message you to plot !! [ plots page ]
her life actually didn’t start off so bad. it was just her and her mother and although she was somewhat unprepared for a baby she still did her best and was a really great mom. her family did always have ties to gang life but her mom kept her out of it, it wasn’t too difficult since she was only someone who handled the money. however, she had struggled lifelong with drugs
when she was nine, her mother overdosed. this was just the start and she didn’t even really understand what had happened to her, just that she had lost like her bff. her uncle took her in, which is where things got even more wild bc he was like head honcho.
outside of his job, he was a very kind man and he was always very good to rowena, however he didn’t really take into account that like... she wanted to be innocent and a child because her life became completely intertwined with gang life from probably 14 years old. he was kinda like m*lene’s uncle from tgd if anyone ever watched
she didn’t too often see the really bad stuff until she was older but she did hear about it, she knew how to work more guns than she should, she knew the deadliest points of the body, yada yada. it wasn’t until she was around seventeen that she actually started helping him out.
she was kinda spoiled honestly, not tht she was a millionaire but she was definitely dotted on and got almost anything she would ask for. it kinda shows... she kinda doesn’t take it best when things don’t go her way... is pretty dramatic and loving of attention
this lady my baby she met a lady, she joined the gang and was all tough and scary and rhea was like instantly in love with her. she was also a driver, nd that’s how she learned 2 drive back when she was 19! she was her bff, lowkey skinny love
blah blah blah life happens
eventually another new person comes into this gang, he’s very charming and very cute and it’s not in rhea’s nature to assume the worst about anyone at this point even still
that’s partly just bc of the way she is like........ she doesn’t handle her heavy emotions well so her mechanism is to just act like there is nothing bad around her at all it’s SO bad
anyways so this guy, she dates him, gets really close with him, tells him a bunch of stuff bc hey he’s already in the gang what’s the big deal! he was a cop!
mad stupid shit goes down. uncle/father figure gets shot, bff ends up in jail, she ends up in jail but for minimal charges since she was unknowingly the informant --- tho no one knows this since she had minimal concrete ties to the gang anyways so it makes sense she’d get lesser
anyways so afterwards she changed and was just laying low. life was honestly very boring and she hated it as much as she loved it. she was definitely sitting around with a huge grudge against like cops and shit ghfjkghk. she hasn’t been to visit her bff bc
right now i’m going to say she got back bc someone either pulled her in bc they heard abt her from the good ol’ days or she was like i hate the system pls lemme join ur fam and fuck it up
ANYWAYS now she is here and has been here for four months and she’s so like.... loving and warm that of course it took literally no time for these people to become her family. i feel like she’s definitely a mother of the group kinda thing and honestly like half the time it seems like she’s too soft for this but when it comes to her job she’s actually super intense and serious and i lov her.
personality wise &. other ----
think like.......... adorable...... her personality is comparable to the feeling of when a nice fluffy cat curls up in ur lap
she’s very... idk how to say it she’s the kinda type that draws u in??? like she’s kinda mysterious bc after what happened can u blame her for not trusting people and she’s a fun gal to be around like she’s the type to be ready to drop everything to be ready 2 go out and do something crazy nd definitely brings that out in other’s as well
she’s vry playyyyful like her humor is very much poking fun at things and she will tease u lightheartedly and be all sarcastic with a sweet lil smile on her face, it’s very charming tbh
looooves attention like truly n honestly she would wilt away without it
she doesn’t commit easily but she is very loyal which is like... it definitely doesn’t make sense but she’s very easily loyal to people you never have to worry about her telling your secrets or swaying and she would TAKE A BULLET FOR YOU but she is very cautious with who she commits to you know????
she’s not mean intentionally like ever but is very uh blunt!!!!!!!! so um if u aren’t used to her she can definitely come off as very very snippy 
she’s not dumb or anything but her head is definitely up in the cloud and it makes her seem kinda naive even tho she definitely isn’t anymore.... issa just that she is rly not good at being ok with the bad parts of this life so she likes to pretend they aren’t happening nd if u try nd talk to her about that stuff it’s like her software malfunctions
very scared of love like not even of intimacy she’s just never really experienced real love until the cop and now she’s just scared of it she knows it’s not rational like at all hgjkfhgjkfd too bad bc she’s cute wifey material 
Eye Roll queen
long winded ramblings queen
fashion queen definitely loves to style all these pals
she is rly a big huge goodball honestly like a total classclown type she loves to see the fellow members happy with smiles on their faces 
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