#I’m open to discussions about Bloodmoon if you wish to talk
h-didanart · 15 days
Ok so— I’ve had this au idea floating around my brain for a while now, and I wanted to get more art for it done but couldn’t find the time, so, here you guys go—
(Do be warned, this whole concept is like a big criticism of the ‘Bloodmoon can be redeemed by reprogramming’ stance, if you have that stance, cool, you do you, we can have a civilized discussion about it if you want to, just don’t be surprised if you read this and hate it, because if you have that stance and read this, I assure you, you’ll hate this)
Bloodmoon II centered au, yes? After the Takeover they kinda stop being a villain because they refuse to be forced into a role and they’ve always been put as the villain, or something, look they’re stubborn and spiteful that’s the only thing I could come up with. And in this au they didn’t kill KC, so they go live with KC. Cut to 2024 and Eclipse III, Eclipse decides that he too is done with being the villain and also goes live with KC (and Bloodmoon), and these developments are good for the Celestial family, but they are still very suspicious of both eclipse themed bots, constantly wondering if they’re truly not evil anymore, questioning their choices, wondering if they should just take the chance to kill them, even KC questions them a bit. All this talk about what it would take for them to be redeemed and be accepted by everyone seemingly gets to Bloodmoon.
So one weekend, KC and the others drop by because Eclipse and Bloodmoon have an announcement or something. KC and the Celestials talk a bit while the others set whatever they’re doing up. While doing this they’re probably still making snide comments about Bloodmoon and Eclipse being so easily accepted back, which KC doesn’t like and shuts down.
And then Eclipse grabs everyone’s attention, and he explains that Bloodmoon had asked him to reprogram them.
Immediately KC is like “what the fuck do you mean by that?!” And Eclipse is like “I’m not done talking”
So he tells everyone that Bloodmoon took their criticisms rather harshly and decided to fully turn good by getting rid of the whole murder and blood thing. This leaves everyone shocked because why the hell would Bloodmoon ever do that? As they’re shocked, Eclipse walks back to the computer Bloodmoon’s plugged at and keeps explaining that the change will set in about a week in case they don’t like it, but it should all be fine since this is what everyone had asked for.
And then he looks at the screen.
And then he swears out loud.
By then, Solar, Moon, and KC were running towards him. Eclipse is kinda freaking out, the two nerd buddies are trying to look over to see what’s wrong, and KC stands worriedly next to Bloodmoon (who’s turned off) Eclipse lets out a groan of exasperation and turns to the others, and he tells them that something went wrong and there’s a chance Bloodmoon’s memory banks might be corrupted (basically they get amnesia)
This freaks them all out even more, they are questioning Eclipse’s morals over doing this, their own fault for having pushed the twins, even wondering if a truly clean slate would actually be beneficial to the twins because of all that has happened.
And amongst the chaos, Bloodmoon wakes up. So starts a week of the Celestials and KC having to look after an amnesiac Bloodmoon who doesn’t act like Bloodmoon.
But it should all be fine, this is what everyone had asked for.
Isn’t it?
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a-black-pegasus · 5 years
The Perfect Burglar
Borrower Bilbo Baggins! Four inch hobbit!
Thorin is in for a surprise!
Gandalf hummed as he walked into the village. He had procured rooms at a local Inn; and if the room where he and thorin were staying had hobbits, a race of four inch tall men, then perhaps it was a coincidence.
Perhaps not...
Gandalf had walked amongst, and talked to the shy hobbits. His abilities as a wizard granted him the unique talent to shrink himself, although many hobbits had also seen him tall. Now he was known,— in the buzzing ears of hobbits at least, as an ally.
Someone to run to for a bit of food, assistance, even a ride. Mostly he was a helping hand.
But tonight, Gandalf was the one who needed help from the hobbits, and he knew just the right one to ask.
"Thorin, let's turn in for the night. It grows late, and we must rise early tomorrow morning to begin the journey."
Begrudgingly Thorin nodded and stood to his feet. Bidding his company a brief goodnight, he left for his bed, and what he imagined to be an eventless night.
Gandalf walked after him, and shut the door behind them once in the room.
"Uh, Thorin. There is one matter I would like to discuss with you before we fall asleep."
"Oh?" Oakenshields eyebrow rose. "And what matter is that?"
"I proposed a few days earlier that we add the skills of a Burglar to our company. I still stand by what I suggest." Gandalf said.
Thorin hummed, and took a seat on the far bed. "Perhaps, but it is too late to look for a hired hand now. We leave at first light."
Gandalf dipped his head in acknowledgement. "Yes, but a real Burglar is more likely to find us, than we find them."
"Why do you never speak to make your intentions clear?" Thorin huffed. "Are you saying we will be robbed in the night?"
"Ehh..not exactly."
Thorin rolled his eyes, drew his sword and muttered about the competence of wizards. He prepared for bed, and tucked his sword under his pillow, his hand grasped firmly on the hilt.
"Goodnight Gandalf."
"Goodnight old friend." He echoed. Sprinkling a few crumbs, and setting out a chunk of fresh bread on the bed table Gandalf layed down and waited.
Bilbo had seen Gandalf in the tavern, and had tried to follow him just to find that Gandalf, and one of his several dwarf friends were sleeping in the room right where he lived!
What luck!
He peeked out of the hole, and looked around. Immediately he spotted a chunk of bread on the bedside table. It appeared that Gandalf had left it out for someone like himself.
Eagerly, he pulled out his hook and swung it up. After a quick tug on the line to make sure it was secure, he climbed up.
The moonlight from the opened window was all the light he needed. Without another second passing by, Bilbo began to borrow.
Yet only a minute had passed when suddenly Thorin sat up sharply, and raised his sword. He twisted around expecting a thief, and spotted the Hobbit.
The usual shock at seeing a hobbit Bilbo had come to expect didn't stay long. Thorin swiped Bilbo up in his fist and brought him up in front of his face.
"What are you?"
Bilbo's breath hitched as thorins gaze pierced right through him.
"I..I.." He stammered. His sucked in a shakey breath, and squeaked. "Ga-Gandalf!!"
Gandalf blinked awake. "What? What's— Thorin! Put Mr. Bilbo down." He said Sharply.
Knowing better than to not listen to Gandalfs direct command, Thorin rolled the hobbit onto the bed table. "You know this creature?"
"Yes. Bilbo, this is Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin this is Master Bilbo Baggins of the prancing pony."
Thorin taken back by the rude introduction turned his eyes upon the Hobbit; But Bilbo had fled and hidden himself behind the washing pitcher.
"Well what is he doing here?" Thorin questioned gruffly.
Gandalf waved for Thorin to be silent, and called out to the hobbit. "Bilbo, come out. There is no reason to hide any more. Thorin has already seen you."
Bilbo trembled, and pressed his back against the water basin. "I..I don't think," he swallowed. "That that's a good idea." He spoke breathlessly.
Gandalf sighed. It couldn't be helped... But je still pressed on.
"Then at least listen to me. I know this is rather sudden, but I can to this tavern to speak to you personally."
Bilbo peeked around the side. "Really?"
"Yes." Gandalf affirmed. "With you. You see, Thorin here has combined a party of dwarves together to go reclaim their home. I want you to join them as the official Burglar. It will give you a chance to see the world, and get out of this inn."
Gandalf could see the light in Bilbos eyes as he mentioned that.
"M-Mee??" Bilbo gasped. "Gandalf, I..whoa!" Before Bilbo could fully answer, his support was pushed aside, and he fell on his backside.
Thorins hand came down, and scooped up the little hobbit.
"This? A Burglar?" He nudged Bilbo to sit up. "I can burgle this Burglar, I can slip him in my pocket and he would never see his home again." His eyes met with Bilbos. "It's too dangerous for him. I'm not—"
"Now I'm not saying you wouldn't have to be careful." Gandalf interjected. "Hobbits have a bit of magic of their own. They can easily go unnoticed, have been know to be light on their feet, and sharp thinkers. Aside from that they have an incredible green thumb. I think Bilbo would be an excellent edition to the company." Gandalf nodded as if that was that. "What say you master Baggins?"
Baggins all this time had been fidgeting, and looking around for an escape. Gandalf could read his face plainly, and it so clearly showed how much Bilbo wished he had ignored the bread and simply went straight home!
'It's too late for that little Burglar.' Gandalf thought.
"I...I need a moment. A m-moment to think and have a sip of tea..."
"There will be little time for tea, as well as a good other number of comforts that your used to, while on the road." Thorin said shortly. "There will be bad weather, rouges and enemies, sleepless nights on the ground, and no tea." He smirked and looked down on the little hobbit.
"How does that sound to you weak little master Baggins?"
Baggins eyes glared up at the dwarf, throughouly insulted! Gandalf leaned back and watched Bilbo give The mighty king a piece of his mind.
"Now look here." Bilbo said, pointing a miniscule finger up at the dwarf. "I may be a bit..soft around the middle, but every day I climb shelves, and tables, and chairs, a dozen times over my height to fetch pieces of someone else's crumbs. I gather and make my own tools, as well as everything I own—" Bilbo defended.
Gandalf smiled, and lit his pipe, pleased with how this was turning out. Even if Bilbo didn't come in the end, the look of shock on Thorins face was certainly worth the trip.
"..I may not be able to fight you, but I have gotten in and out of more jams than you have eaten." Bilbo swiped his nose. "So.. I am not weak."
He let his hand fall to his side, and turned to see Gandalf smiling down at him.
"I told you he was the perfect Burglar. He has more experience than you think."
Thorin furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought, and slowly nodded in agreement. "I think you are correct. Well Little Master Baggins? What do you say?"
Bilbo's looked from Gandalf, and his encouraging eyes, to thorin and his hard waiting stare.
"Well... When do we leave?"
Thank for reading!
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