#I’m probably gonna find this a mess tomorrow but it’s fineee
riwooga · 1 year
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"I should take a break so I don’t strain my wrist more than necessary" I said only to immediately end up doodling and getting carried away 🥲
Anyway have some Riley in his kitty outfit 💕💕💕 (with a bonus 5 min messy Leighton lol)
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curlythenord · 4 years
I Caved
I finally got a lil sick of not playing Skyrim, so I finally created my own PlayStation account and created a new character. I couldn’t stay away any longer after blogging about how I hadn’t played for awhile, and I basically spent a good six hours playing despite having family over for most of the day (today was Mama’s day).
Her name is Cahira, she has yellow face paint, and I love her. She kicks ass. Literally.
I think I’m going for a battlemage build right now. And despite my brain knowing that Breton is the traditionally ‘best’ race for playing (resistance to magic, and all them other magic wielding perks) I made her a kickass Redguard because yes.
And also because the extra Redguard face paint designs are SO COOL. IM serious. I was looking at the presets for Redguards, because they’re all really pretty, and came across hers and I absolutely lost it. I kept trying to go a create a Breton that might look similar but nah, this Redguard preset was the best by far. After playing around with hair and eye color, I chose the Redguard valiantly and named her Cahira, because I’m a sucker for powerful lady names.
Now knowing how to play the game and being better at the mechanics, the beginning was a Lot easier... and didn’t take me an extra fifteen minutes to get out of Helgen because I couldn’t jump from one building to another. I also realized that when I was playing on my brother’s account I must’ve messed up the controls somehow because my character NEVER ran. I didn’t know how to do it. Seriously. Like instead of the run button being on L1 (like it is now) it was sneak beforehand. And instead of sneak being on L3, it was change POV, which always sucked when I was fighting because I press down hard when I get stressed. It’s much less annoying now cuz now it just sneaks whenever I press that.
Still gotta work on fixing my muscle memory though, so I’ll stop running when I’m meant to be sneaking. Otherwise? It’s a great structure and really comfortable, and I still have no idea how I ruined it on my other account.
This time I went straight into everything and became a Thane of Whiterun as soon as I could. I intend to go straight to Winterhold once I finish a quick mission for the Companions (I joined them early this time) and go visit the good ol’ Greybeards. I honestly felt really bad for Farkas when Aela and Skjor were making fun of him. Plus when he was showing to me to the quarters he was like, “They enjoy making fun of me, but they’re good people” like Bruh. I felt So Bad. I love Aela but I wanted to post up. Like yes, Farkas might have dumb bitch disease but they don’t need to be so Mean. Same with Vilkas. I know he’s the stronger and smarter one but it sucks how they all talk badly about Farkas. Ugh, I gotta stop defending videogame characters like they’re people.
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I got a note from an unknown male friend (so I know it’s not Delphine) telling me to find the power in Valthuim, which I’m not even sure I know about so I’ll have to check that out once I get all those magic powers I want at Winterhold. In a way, I’ll be doing the same thing I was doing as Toril, except with more knowledge of how to play well, but with a lower level character.
I still play Adept difficulty, but I’m currently at level 5 so I don’t think it matters. I’m focusing a lot more on smithing than I was previously, and dove straight into collecting ingredients for Alchemy. My favorite strategy right now is honestly just chugging a bunch of health potions mid-battle and hoping not to die. Making money is also soo easy, though I’m sure it was before and I was just really bad at saving it; I almost found myself buying a place in Whiterun immediately, but I figured I’d explore a little before that and just chose to join the Companions instead. My inventory isn’t that full yet and I haven’t collected any books, so right now I’m more focused on exploring.
Also, I decided to go with Ralof in the beginning this time. I still think the Stormcloaks are assholes, and genuinely do prefer to stay on neither side, but damn it is fun as hell to act all ballsy when running into the Thalmor. They suck, and it’s fun to just get in their way. I tried once and died Immediately though because I was too weak, but next time, I won’t mind being an asshole to them by letting someone run free.
I have some pretty small goals for right now, which is 1) Not to kill Lydia by accident again, 2) Meet Ulfric since people say he’s an interesting character and 3) Get really good at magic. I know, boring, but I just wanna see all the powerful magical options since originally I just focused on fighting and heavy armor. I still love that way of playing, but I figured a battlemage is just gonna be slightly out of comfort zone but also just really fun to play as. My character is dope as as hell and is still fresh so she just has a lot of potential.
Also maybe me choosing my characters based on how pretty I think they are is probably gonna get in the way, but frankly I don’t mind. I chose the mage stone in the beginning, despite initially wanting to have a cool warrior character again, but it’s ok. I can still live my powerful warrior lady dreams through Toril, whom I still love very much and am missing despite how how awesome Cahira also is.
As I keep leveling up, I’m gonna use my perks on blocking, any magicka stuff, and one-handed weapons and armor. Sure I’ll broaden that as I go, but that’s what I’m mainly focusing on. I’m definitely gonna pay more attention to blocking and armor than I did before because those just seem like really useful skills, and an insanely easy way to make money. I bought some iron ore off a black smith and saved myself so much after smelting it into a ingot and creating hella weapons to sell it back to them. Once again, I’m sure everyone has already done this, but it’s new to me and I’m a little slow at being good at games. But I’m getting there!
So yea, that’s it for today. Me and Farkas have dumb bitch disease, though I still don’t like him Like That™, and I’m still very obsessed with this game. I’m waking up and doing my assignments immediately tomorrow so I don’t slack off the rest of the day, but as soon as I finish chores and excercise I’ll get on it. I’m pretty sure I’m failing gym because I keep forgetting to turn logs in, but it’s fineee. Skyrim will protect me from my fear of failure. Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
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