#I’m so touched starved and it’s driving me fucking crazy I so rarely get constant physical affection but crave it so badly
eepyjay · 2 years
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saltlampsasuke · 4 years
Unfortunately, You Are Experiencing Symptoms of Falling in Love: Part 6
Having your long-term boyfriend cheat on you is pretty bad, but you're lucky enough to have a rich, pro-hero best friend who lets you move in with him until you get a new apartment. Except lockdown happens. And you can't look for a new apartment anymore, and you can't go anywhere anymore, and neither can your best friend, and you think you might be falling a little bit in love with him. Or maybe you've been in love with him all along.
The story of how it takes a nationwide lockdown for you and Bakugou Katsuki to finally get together, part 6!
taglist: @stargazerunlimited @luna-bloodrose​ @lov4kbg
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haha I totally just realized I needed to post this on tumblr! (I’m spidersasuke on ao3 and I usually post there first). Anyway, it’s been a while, long story short this semester was awful and I didn’t have any spare mental energy to work on this but I hope to get a good chunk done before I go back in February! I'm really sorry to keep you all hanging for so long. Anyway, thank you all for your patience and support and I hope you enjoy this next chapter!
It took you a while to truly absorb the seriousness of what he was saying. It was hard to imagine the scale he was speaking of, not just your country, but the whole world would be affected. But also, on a smaller scale, your world was being rocked. Of course, it wasn’t like living with Katsuki was hard. Honestly, it was like a breath of fresh air, and your life had been easier these last few weeks than it had felt in a long time. Even though it was just small things, you had forgotten how nice it felt to be cared for; to have someone consider your needs as well as their own. But even so, at the moment you didn’t see Katsuki all that much, considering the time the two of you spent at work. But now, he wouldn’t be working at all. Maybe you wouldn’t be either, considering how you shared your workshop space with a couple of other support techs to avoid taking huge chunks out of your commissions to use the more advanced gear. But also, it wouldn’t really be fair to the heroes you worked for if you just stopped. You only worked for a couple, including Katsuki, but even taking him out of the equation still left you with people who relied on your services. You had to ask.
“What am I going to do about work?” you asked carefully. “Even if you’re not breaking your gear left and right to keep me in business, there are still other heroes who might need me.” Katsuki shook his head.
“Not happening. All of your people have already been talked to.” He took a deep breath, and you prepared for what he was about to say. This was one of his rare, completely serious moments, and you knew he wouldn’t back down from what he said. “I’m sorry, but since you live with me it just can’t happen. The hero commission really does not want to risk me getting sick, hence the quarantine. I’m still not letting anyone else touch my shit, so they’re gonna try and set up a place for you somewhere in the building but that might take a bit. And if I’m not breaking my shit on the street constantly there’s not really any need for you to work. I know how much your job means to you and I’m sorry, but this is how it has to be.”
Katsuki ran his hands through his hair with frustration. He was already so tired, and dealing with so much, and he was still thinking about you. You opened your mouth to thank him, but he cut you off.
“And don’t even think about trying to move out now. You’d have to be the dumbest person alive if you thought I’d let you pull that shit right now,” he barked, starting to return to the Katsuki you knew and loved. You shook your head with a smile.
“I was just going to say thank you, dummy.” He blinked a few times, taken a bit aback.
“Of course you were, dumbass. You’re the dumb one around here. Saying dumb shit. Whatever. I’m fucking tired.” He had been up late last night, you thought to yourself, but you couldn’t resist teasing him a little bit more.
“I thought you wanted to make breakfast, Katsuki! You want me to starve?” you said with a laugh. Fuck. Seeing that smile on your face after such a long night was really all he needed. Maybe he was tired, if he was letting thoughts like that come this easily.
“You deserve to starve after all you put me through, shitty woman. I open my home to you and this is how you repay me?” You gave him a gentle pat on the head.
“You need to get some sleep, Mr. Pro Hero. Let me make breakfast for once, or finish it, seeing as you already did most of the work."
“Damn right,” he interrupted, nodding slowly
“Seriously, just take a nap or something. We can do breakfast later.” When he didn’t respond, you peered at him curiously only to find that he had fallen asleep in the middle of your conversation. He was that tired. You gently pushed him so that he was lying in a somewhat comfortable position, and grabbed a nearby throw blanket to cover him. You’d finish breakfast yourself, and let him sleep as much as he needed.
Katsuki woke up around three hours later, grouching about how you never should have let him sleep that much, and how dumb you were, but you knew he was feeling much better. Of course, you also knew that you would probably have to work out some sort of schedule so that you two could coexist. The more you thought about it, the weirder it seemed. Sure, you had thought that you saw Katsuki a lot, after all, he did make you breakfast, and drive you to work, and you had hung out at night a few times when he wasn’t too busy, but to be honest it wasn’t that much when all was said and done.
The life of a pro-hero was a busy one, and since Katsuki was Number 2 he had to deal with press conferences, fan events, and keep up with appearances. It had taken him a while, and you had heard more than your fair share of complaining from him over the years about overzealous fans, but he had gotten a lot better when it came to the social parts of hero life. Of course, he was still grouchy and barked at people constantly, but that was part of his charm. You were sure he definitely wouldn’t miss all those events. The point remained, you were about to be spending much more time with him than you ever had in your life, and while his apartment was big, you were a bit worried.
“Do you want to maybe set up a schedule or something?” you asked carefully. “And since I’m not really going to have any money coming in from work, how do you want to deal with paying for groceries and utilities and stuff?” That got his attention quick. He sat up from his relaxed position on the couch, and threw off the blanket you had so kindly provided for him.
“Are you seriously dumb enough to think that I was ever going to let you give me any money? Job or no job, I’m not taking shit and that’s final, princess,” he said, arms folded with sincerity. You fought back the urge to roll your eyes. It was the answer you expected, but it was so funny how even when he was being incredibly kind he had to call you dumb.
“Ok, even still, I don’t want to wind up getting in your way if we’re both home all day. I mean, I won’t really have anything to work on, maybe I can get some small tools up here or just work on something fun, but I don’t want to get in the way of anything you might want to be doing.” Unlike you, Katsuki was fully willing to roll his eyes at you.
/p>“What I going to be doing? I’m not working either. If anything, you should stay in my way so I don’t get bored out of my mind. Although I’m probably going to have to get some more machines and shit in here so I can stay in shape. Might have to put stuff in the living room. Not sure,” he mused.
Well, he was right. There really wasn’t much else he would be doing but working out so you wouldn’t really get in his way. Although, did you want to be around Katsuki when he was working out? Sure, you had seen him fight criminals before, and you had to measure his stats every so often when you were fixing his gear but for some reason your mind kept going to weird places whenever you thought about it. Would he wear a shirt when he worked out? Probably not, right? Wait a minute, why did you care if he wore a shirt or not? It didn’t matter, and you had enough close calls what with you two sharing a bathroom. And you were a grown woman! You had seen people with their shirts off before! This really wasn’t a big deal at all!
“What’s going on in that big nerd brain, princess? I see your gears turning,” Bakugou asked, poking your forehead. You felt your cheeks heat up. God, he had really caught you thinking about him- no, you weren’t even going to say it. Quick, what could you say?
“Just thinking about how crazy this all is. I mean, a global pandemic? It barely seems real!” Katsuki nodded understandingly.
“Yeah, it’s fucking weird not being able to do anything about it either. I mean, when was the last time either of us had any actual time off? Had to be maybe a bit after graduation, but I think that was it.” He was right. When was the last time you had genuinely taken a break? It had been nothing but constant work for you, especially once Katsuki started getting in serious fights on a regular basis. And of course, you had other heroes to deal with as well. Taking a break was just never really a thought that crossed your mind.
But now? You genuinely had no work to do. Nothing. For the first time in years, you could relax. Sure, you couldn’t really leave the apartment, but the apartment had a private pool. It could be so much worse. And the more you thought about it, the better you felt. Sure, it would be weird seeing Katsuki so much, but he was your best friend!
And wouldn’t it be better to have someone to talk to anyway? You would go crazy left to your own devices eventually, and you shuddered to think at how antisocial Katsuki might become if he didn’t see anyone for however long this lockdown lasted. Which might be a while. It was a good thing you were here. And with any luck, you could get Katsuki to cook for you more often. Yes, this was definitely a good thing. You flopped backwards onto the couch, spreading your body across the plush cushions.
“Want to put on a movie, since our afternoon appears to be free?” Katsuki nodded.
Interlude from Katsuki’s point of view
The minute he got the message about the meeting, he was nervous. And he was never nervous, but being a hero for this long meant he had developed a pretty good gut sense of when things were about to go south. And his gut was ringing a 5-fire alarm. Still, he put on the suit and wrestled with his hair to get it to some level of presentability. This meeting was rushed, but bound to be some level of televised. At the very least there would be photos, and the more put-together he looked the more at-ease the public felt.
As some doctor he didn’t know started to explain the circumstances, his mind kept going back to you, probably already asleep in his apartment. Maybe he had been too strict about the apartments you had been looking at, but damn if he wasn’t glad you were still there. And there was no way he was going to let you move out now. Catch the virus in some loser apartment, where he probably couldn’t even make you his get-well soup? Not fucking lightly.
“Ground Zero?” He was pulled away from his thoughts as someone called his name, sounding like it wasn’t the first time they had done so. Was this the doctor at the beginning? No, he recognized this lady. Some woman from the hero commission.
“Uh, yes?” Damn it. That wasn’t smooth at all, not befitting the number-2 hero.
“You do understand what this means for you, correct?” What? How was he involved in this? He wasn’t dumb enough to think he could blow up a virus. Maybe if he was 16, but surely not now.
“Of course I do.” Of course, he didn’t.
“So you’re fine with staying in your apartment for as long as we deem necessary? Again I must stress that it is of the upmost importance that we preserve the health of our strongest heroes,” replied the woman. Damn. He really needed to pay more attention in these meetings. He had to respond, quick. Sure, he was fine with that. He’d iron out the details later. And of course, it was still flattering to know that he was powerful enough that he had to go to such extents to avoid getting sick.
“Yeah. We’ll need to work out a training regimen and everything but if it’s gotta happen it’s gotta happen.” The woman nodded, pleased with his compliance, and soon the discussion moved from him and the other top heroes to people with quirks that might help with the virus. Yeah, he could probably stop listening now. And the people at his agency would help iron out the fine details.
Damn, it was getting late. You kept invading his thoughts. There was no way you would be leaving his apartment either, which meant it would be just the two of you alone together for who knows how long. Just how he liked it. The secret part of him he always tried to ignore was telling him that this would be just like a vacation (no, he needed to stay focused and work hard in case something happened), that he could show off his cooking skills to you every day (ok, good idea, secret brain), that no one else would be able to see you for months, least of all that bastard you used to live with, hah, he would get to spend so much time with you (why was he so happy about this?) Clearly he was overtired or something. The rest of the meeting dragged on into the morning, and he made sure to meet with his agency afterwards to take care of a few things, but all he really had on his mind was sleep.
Of course, the minute he walked through the door and saw your shoes on the floor, he stopped. He had to talk to you, explain everything. He started making you breakfast almost on autopilot. Then, maybe he explained things to you? Yes, he did that, but then somehow he was asleep on the couch. You shouldn’t have let him sleep so much. Although, it wasn’t like he had anywhere to go.
Now what? You wanted to talk schedules? He wouldn’t have let you in his house if he didn’t want you there, like hell you were going to leave. And you weren’t paying for shit either. He was going to take care of you like that bastard never cou- no, why was he comparing himself to him? And sure, he had the workout room and all, but maybe he should get some extra weights to put in the living room. That wouldn’t be weird, he still had to work out. Ok, now you were staring. Were you thinking about him? He hoped so. He had to tease you, at least a little.
No, this was going to be good. You and him and all this free time. Not like he could stand anyone else anyway. This was going to be good. As long as he stopped thinking all this weird shit. Felt like it was getting worse every day. No, this was going to be fine. He’s a grown-ass man, he’s the number-2 hero, he’s dealt with a ton of crap before. This lockdown would be a breeze.
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trustlup · 7 years
do you have any other polyblaster hcs?? that concept is?? so incredibly blessed
it’s actually a Huge thing for me and @starsshinedarkly77 (we’re both poly and project ya) and i’ll throw them under a cut because it’s Long and i know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and mentions some NSFW
so uh first a lot of how it all starts 
like? ? it’s relatively kinda easy how a lot of the relationships form like it’s just a need for sex or any sort of intimacy esp during this horrific experience they all need comfort and yeah there’s crushes getting thrown around too but for the beginning and i’m saying mostly around mags and lu it’s just a need for release and relaxing 
lup and mags are actually the first two who get together just, like purely out of they’re dicking around joking and like damn i’m so fucking horny lol and they just kinda look at each other like oh. oh hell yeah. and needless to say they go down on each other in the gym 
like i’m not sure if romantic feelings ever get thrown between the two (or if mags ever feels too romantically for any of ipre) but they both have such an intense and pure love for each other that just happens so quick that everyone’s like, oh, sweet, thanks for getting the bond engine this week
granted they’re also hell kids because they fuck too much (hi this is my monthly promo for hypersexual lup and mags thanks) and if they’re both missing and someone in ipre has to find them there’s a kinda nose goes because they have no shame
a lot of the relationships form from simply. someone wants to be held and sometimes it’s nice to be held by the same person multiple times. 
and i think that’s why barry starts going to mags–just hesitant because he’s not exactly sure how him and lup are but like, he just fucking needs contact and mags is like lol dude lets hug it out and they just start cuddling and then lup needs in because she wants to cuddle him too and that’s how barry ends up in between them and it’s just.. so nice (they also have sex because uh needs) 
the crush between barry and lup is,, glaringly obvious and mags i s like,, uh ya gonna go for it or what and they’re both  uh yeah of course but they don’t 
taako like, is chill for a good amount of time, he really does not wanna fucking touch that group because that’s so much drama just waiting to happen (hint: it isn’t) 
until, he gets, touch starved to hell and wants to be wanted so fucking bad and surprise surprise mags is like yo you are so fucking hot and taako just preens under his praise like fine, i guess I’ll be With you
i mean i could write an entire 5000 word essay on lupcret about how they get together but it is a huge mutual crush until they get together and they’re just,, love,, they’re definitely the first romantic relationship on the ship
sweet young lucretia has a compulsive heterosexuality crush on mags because uh?? everyone is attracted to him?? so i am too?? he is objectively hot?? and she tries to have a threesome with him and lup and she’s like nope nope i ‘m a lesbian thank s
but her and lup just have a very very sweet and dependable love after trying to isolate herself from lup and lup is like, no i love you, i want to be with you, and lucretia just cries she’s so happy and forehead touching is a HUGE thing of theirs just a thing of i will hold you through everything, you are my love, don’t worry just look at me
merle and dav have nearly the longest slowburn that everyone else on the ship snicker like just fuck like the rest of us
it’s actually…surprisingly sweet and they go through the whole dating shebang and they’re kinda quiet about their relationship until one day davenport proposes and merle fucking loses it and tells everyone about HIS HUSBAND ISN”T HE BEAUTIFUL and dav is like it was nice trying to keep it quiet
ok now into more just hc:
cuddle piles and somehow all of them manage to fit onto one couch like lup and taako will just be sitting there already folded into each other and magnus will come up and lift them just a bit so that they can be on his lap  and then barry sits behind magnus somehow and lucretia is behind lup and if merle behaves he can also be on there but davenport only rarely joins the couch because it gets hot as hell and he doesn’t want the sweat
a fight breaks out about who is better taako or lup in bed and magnus and barry are put on trial and it’s a full cycle fight until they split up what they are better at  and it’s a complete cop out and taako and lup are pissed at them (luc is toted around on lup’s lap as the only beloved)
there’s a constant fear of entering the kitchen because whatever twin that is working in the kitchen will often require a kiss for access to the which,, dissolves to make outs or more,
there isn’t a single clean and pure surface by cycle 10 
there’s a lot of uncomfortable fisting jokes because no one knows if it’s true or not who has . been . fisted. (hint: only one of them)
the bonds between them get very very strong after a while because after so much trauma they just need each other, they’ve seen each other die and they love each other so much it just hurts so much to see each other hurting
magnus loves sitting on lup’s lap
magnus ends up having a huge fling one cycle with a local girl and it ends in him getting betrayed because he was just a big meat bag and she needed him to kill someone (and uses blood magic to make him) and it’s . bad. but thankfully in the next cycle he has the support of them and it’s a huge character growth thing for him
people bake favors for the twins so. much. to try and gain favor and just to do something nice. mags and lucretia often team up to make something nice for lup. 
and vice versa the twins are known for gifting pies as apologies
mags has a huge habit of telling everyone that they’re the most beautiful people he’s ever met and that he loves them dearly and he wants them to know how much he treasures them and it’s so fucking earnest and beautiful that they all make a pact to love him deeply
no one sleeps alone after a certain point, the trauma of everything just gets to them and they need the comfort, some nights involve the main five all together
someone ask me about the time mags and lup find barry’s dildo 
there’s a lot of kissing, platonic and otherwise, it just becomes so normal to kiss each other on the foreheads and lucretia is notorious for kissing on the shoulder, just a quick peck 
h o l d i n g h a n d s
magnus has a habit of holding someone’s hand and bring their hand up to his mouth to kiss it
magnus has bandanas that each one of them wear as almost “tokens” of “courting” him
lup wears her in a ponytail or around her head, taako does the same plus around his thigh or ankle, barry wears his around his neck arm or forehead, it takes a bit of coercing but eventually lucretia takes one despite being a “only friends lover” and wears it on her ankle 
barry is the best at dancing and it drives all of them crazy 
there’s a lot of bets and competitions that go around and i couldn’t name them all but the one me and ssd were talking about recently was who can get mags off the quickest so Yeah
i uh, could go on but yeah you get the idea, i really like the polyblaster, basically they’re all very intimate and close to each other regardless of romantic or not
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