#I’m stabbing the ‘he acts much like a teenager’ part so hard rn I’m just right he does
azulsluver · 1 year
Now I think of it, Malleus is really possessive of Lilia. I’m not saying it because he’s a dragon (lol) but Malleus has always been overprotective of Lilia. He knows he’s capable of taking care of himself yet because Lilia was there majority of the time he was raised he can’t help but want to return the favor. It’s heartbreaking if you see it his point of view, with MC trying to find a way back, the same person he admires and genuinely loves because they’re not afraid of him. It’s possible he’s grown an unhealthy attachment for them, same goes with Lilia.
This is all platonic love with Lilia, Malleus wants him to be by his side, Lilia is HIS parent figure and knowing he might outlive Lilia since he’s years are decreasing is terrifying for him. I joked with my friend about Malleus being crazy for putting everyone asleep but she whole heartedly agree with him 😭! And I see it. Malleus, as much as he’s not a proper prince, or how he should act. Has a mind and behavior of a teenager? This could be the cause of his childhood, shunned in fear, Malleus used fear to his advantage at times. Without the authority and title he had gained, Malleus wasn’t able to make friends. It makes me sad because it reality when a person is in a higher status it is reasonable to fear or respect them, yet not get to know them as a person. Because you have no idea what they are cable of when angry.
Malleus had a valid reason to do what he did. He wasn’t properly taught how to handle rejection, to handle the fact life goes on without him, the people he love won’t stay for long. And he uses his power to change that, to hold onto the present longer. Others might think he’s throwing a huge tantrum over it but I think wrong, he was treated differently for all of his life. The only source of his comfort and happiness is slowly leaving him, what better thing to do than prevent them?
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imgoingtocrash · 1 year
Thoughts on Rebelcaptain & Velcinta: Jyn and Cinta would definitely be best buddies who look at people with their murderous eyes but are big softies with the ones they love. Cinta would tell Jyn the Cassian’s embarrassing stories like girl I can’t believe you’re in love with him and Jyn is like hahah girl me neither- WAIT NO NO NO I’M NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM!!! (the denial era) Meanwhile Vel and Cassian are the ones who try to look responsible and professional but have lots of private jokes between them (and of course Vel loves to tease him with the way he acts around Jyn like hey Cassian can you stop acting like a teenager in love for 1 minute and focus on the job please)
First off anon I am SO HAPPY you came to me with all of these thoughts. People reblogging my post with vigorous head-nodding about Rebelcaptain and VelCinta interactions has been the best. They all live and are happy because we said so, your honor. It’s making me think about the possibilities even more. (If I didn’t have writer’s block for the past year, I’d be writing fic about it, I know it!!!)
My favorite part of comparing these relationships is that they’re similar dynamics but different people.
Like yes Jyn and Cinta are the more obviously violent ones BUT they do it differently! Jyn has never met an explosion she doesn’t like to watch and also start. She CAN be quiet and lethal but that’s not always typical for a Rogue One mission lmao. Meanwhile, Cinta definitely learned the quickest, quietest ways to kill. (Even when those events have definitely impacted her psyche over the years, like the kill she makes in the season finale.)
Jyn will obnoxiously and loudly say I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH CASSIAN SHUT UP to cover her feelings while Cinta is just plainly like “Vel is the love of my life.” and then moves on like YES they’re bonding they’re dishing they’re braiding each other’s hair while discussing blaster models, it’s beautiful!!
Similarly what I cut out of that original post idea because I couldn’t phrase it in a simple way was that I think it would be very fun if, because of how Cassian barged into her life and mission, Vel is competitive as hell with him.
She spent YEARS flitting in and out of the Coruscant world of fake laughs and weird champagne and dealing with her dumbass cousin-in-law’s comments for this Rebellion and Cassian just WALTZES IN and not only helps the mission succeed but instantly kills Skeen for trying to take the loot and leave them for dead. And after spending months trying to find his stupid ass…he willingly joins Intelligence as is an incredibly useful contributor and eventually takes part in an integral mission to the Rebellion’s success. And also he’s kind of great to have as a partner on a mission but it will take her literal years to admit that to anyone willingly.
(This is also a rant she tells to Cinta at some point in the confines of their bunk.)
And from Cassian’s POV he’s constantly trying to prove himself to Vel because of that! She’s been in this fight longer, technically, (Let’s not get into the fanon vs. canon backstory stuff rn for the sake of me keeping this weird fangirl rant straight) and he’s like Hell Yes teach me your spy tricks and also I will never stab you in the back again EVER.
For some reason the scene has come into my head of Vel teaching Cassian some kind of fancy Waltz or whatever for a mission and she’s like If You Step On My Toes Again I Will Stab You but also they’re kind of having fun and getting along because spy-ing is what they both do best and creating a cover and all that comes with it is probably their mutual catnip. They’re like…vitriolic buds.
But also…she fell hard for Cinta. Like she wasn’t prepared to find love in the middle of this war and you can see how much she struggles with balancing that and the mission in-series. So I agree, she would probably be like: Cassian. You don’t know how long you have. If you like her just fucking SAY IT. I promise that it’s worth the risk in the end.
And it’s probably the most emotionally honest and personal with him that she’s ever been in their friendship-of-sorts-thing that they have, so he takes it to heart. But also he’s like “You two have been together as long as I’ve known you and you STILL look at Cinta like that, what’s your excuse?” and Vel immediately starts talking about how she she wishes she’d dropped his ass into the dirt when they met, he’s SUCH a pain. 🙄
The way I don’t think the actual series will do this for them and I just pulled all of this out of my butt but I love the idea of it…yeah. That’s a nice little dynamic thing we’ve got going here. It’s so much fun to think about. I love it. 🥹
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doodle--writes · 5 years
Hellooo Nurse!- Adult Eddie Kaspbrak X Reader
Word Count: 2,833
Warnings: Blood, Injury, Cursing, Sexual Jokes
Request: could i request an 2019!eddie kaspbrak x wife!reader where reader freaks out when eddie gets stabbed by bowers and she's the one to patch him up and he gets all cute and asking her to kiss it better and stuff but also being his usual self freaking about all of the germs and instructing her on how to stitch him and stuff? if that makes sense?
It was barely afternoon when you got home from a half shift of work. The rest of your day would be on-call, meaning whenever someone needed help, they'd call you.
You opened the fridge, looking for something to eat and settle for leftovers of grilled salmon and rice before throwing it onto a plate and heating it up in the microwave.
You slid your shoes off and placed them on the rack in the closet.
You heard the microwave and your phone go off at the same time. You rushed over, opening the microwave to shut it up and accepted the phone call, putting it on speaker.
The plate was hot so you carefully pulled it from the microwave, giving your normal line.
"Hello I'm Y/N L/N-Kaspbrak from Grand Central Donor Center, how may I help you today?"
"Hey Y/N, it's Mike Hanlon."
You paused. "Excuse me, who?"
"Mike Hanlon. We're old friends from high school. Derry, remember?"
"I remember Derry, yes, but no Mike Han-"
"Y/N, It's back."
You felt as if the world had suddenly flipped, your whole sense of gravity and strength diminished. The plate dropped to the floor; the sound of shattering glass sounded nearly like an explosion in the quiet kitchen.
"Y/N? Are you alright Y/N?"
In reality, you were not fine. The only thing that kept you on your feet was the counter digging into your hip.
"Yeah, I just dropped a plate is all."
Mike started to talk more, letting you know what was going on, but you ended the call without warning because another pending call popped up at the top of the screen.
You answered it without an inkling of hesitation. "Eddie? Eddie, are you okay? I just got a call from-"
"Mike. Yeah, me too."
Something's wrong. Eddie talked sluggishly instead of his typical jabbering pace. You didn't trust his response at all.
"Eddie, baby, are you sure you're okay?" You put the phone on speaker once again so you could clean up the mess of salmon, rice, and broken glass.
He sighed, but a small chortle followed. "Our insurance premium is going to be pretty high this month."
You couldn't help but smile although you were worried. He just had a way of making you smile, even in the worst moments. "Eddie, just tell me what happened."
You heard a little hum that Eddie always made when he was nervous, but it was followed by a snicker. "Alright, I may have crashed the limo."
"Eddie! Oh my God wh- shit," you winced. You looked down to see that you cut yourself while picking up a shard of plate.
Then he was the one who was worried.
"Y/N? What happened? Are you alright?"
You stood to walk over to the sink to clean off the wound and grabbed a band-aid.
It had been Eddie's idea to have a box at every sink in the house and you didn't mind that considering your finger didn't look nor feel pretty.
"I'm okay Eds, just a tiny cut. I was trying to clean up a broken plate and well- you know how clumsy I can be."
"You're the clumsy one? I drove right into a taxi!" He paused for a moment. "Wait did you use peroxide on the cut? Did you pet pressure on it to clot the blood? Did you-"
You tried to keep yourself from laughing, but you couldn't. A loud giggle escaped and you heard Eddie make a small 'hmph' noise on the other end of the line. You smiled. "Eddie, honey, I'm an RN, I know what to do for a tiny cut. Stop worrying so much."
You could imagine Eddie going from a pout to a sheepish smile. "Yeah, yeah I know. I just worry."
"I know you do."
The blithe air quickly diminished, leaving a somewhat heavy and thick feeling in your throat.
After a moment Eddie asked, "We have to go back, don't we?"
By habit, you nodded even though Eddie wasn't there to see it. "We swore. All of us did. We're older now; it'll be easier."
After another moment of silence to gather his thoughts, all Eddie said was: "I'll be home soon."
When Eddie got home, the first thing he did was wrap his arms around you, squeezing tight as his stubble rubbed against your cheek.
You were safe there, wrapped up in the scent of his cologne and the warmth of his hug.
It was hard to tell how long you two stayed like that, but when he pulled away, he still kept a hand on you. It proved to him that everything he was going through was real.
You two booked an early flight the next day to Maine. Your airport was about a half an hour south of Derry.
Then came packing your bags. Now, being married to Eddie for thirteen years, you were used to how much he packed, but part of you was always surprised at how that list seemed to grow each time you took a trip together.
So when you saw Eddie coming up from the basement trying to carry four luggage bags, you ran over, taking two of them from him.
"Oh my God, honey, we don't need this many bags!"
Eddie beamed, setting two of them down at the top of the landing. "You're right, we need one more." He turned on his heel to march back down the stairs, but you stopped him by tugging on the collar of his shirt, making a small 'tsk tsk'.
"Eddie," you purred, "look at me."
Eddie obeyed, turning back towards you with wide, curious eyes. He wanted to hear whatever you had to say and you knew he'd listen. "We're only taking two of these with us and one backpack. Got it?"
He nodded and you giggled, running your fingers through his hair. "You're so cute, even at forty."
"You're even prettier at thirty-nine."
Your smile grew as you pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"You know," you traced a circle on the back of his neck with your nail, sending chills along his skin, "now that we remember our teenage years, how about we act like teens for a night? We do have until tomorrow."
Eddie's hands playfully squeezed your rear end. "I don't think I could ever turn that down."
Both you and Eddie were in fairly high spirits as you drove to the airport.
Last night may have (okay, it most definitely did) put the both of you in a better mood.
The entire drive to the airport was filled with the two of you singing along to songs from when you were kids and the sounds of impatient New Yorkers in traffic, which wasn't even a quarter as pleasant as the music.
Getting onto the plane was easy but once the mostly empty flight began, silence swelled between Eddie and yourself.
The both of you were thinking about the same thing.
"How did we end up together if we didn't remember our childhoods together?" You looked at Eddie, wondering if he had any sort of answer.
He looked to you. "We started dating when you were sixteen, I was seventeen. Didn't we?"
You nodded. "But I also distinctly remember starting to date you at twenty five."
Eddie thought for a moment, crossing his arms in front of his chest. His eyebrows knitted together in thought.
"Well, if we take things we've confirmed are true, then after I moved away from Derry, I think I forgot about you, and you did the same. So when we met again years later, we thought we were strangers."
The thought of forgetting Eddie, someone so God damn important to you, made you feel queasy.
Eddie's hand moved onto yours, fingers intertwining. He smiled small. "We found each other. Even after forgetting and having a fucking clown mess with our minds, we found each other."
You smiled and kissed the ball of his nose. "I love you."
"I love you too. So much."
Jade of the Orient, that was the place. You looked up at the sign before walking inside, being greeted by a petite hostess.
She led you to the back of the restaurant and there were two figures you found vaguely familiar. Their features were ones you recognized, just aged from years of absence from each other's lives.
You found yourself in the warm embrace of Mike, who went on about how he knew 'you'd keep your promise'.
Next, you were nearly tackled into a hug by Bill, whose eyes were just as bright and as persuasive as they were as kids.
All of you sat and got to talking for a few minutes.
"So Y/N," Bill began, "what do you do for a living now?"
You smiled. "Oh well, I work at a medical donation center, but I work with plasma donations. Essentially what we do is draw blood, extract the plasma, and give you the blood back. The plasma is used to create medicines for diseases like HIV."
Mike nodded. "Sounds like an interesting job."
You nodded as well, thinking of what else to say before you heard a booming impression of Yacko from The Animaniacs.
"Well helllooo nurse!"
Your head snapped towards the entrance to see a man whose comedy specials you adored and who was your best buddy as kids.
"Richie fucking Tozier," you cheered, jumping from your seat and tackling Richie square in the chest for a hug.
"Well hello Y/N a God damn milf L/N!" He laughed, mocking the tone of your voice.
You smacked his arm. "Oh come on I'm not a milf!"
He put his hands up defensively. "Sure, sure says the milf."
You rolled your eyes, drawing him into a hug again. "Dude, I can't believe you made it! You're a god damn comedian! You did it you lucky bastard!"
Richie laughed, starting to make a joke, but you looked over to Eddie. His lips were drawn into a thin, unamused line and his arms were crossed in front of his chest like a little kid. You had forgotten about that too; whenever Richie made you laugh, Eddie would become pouty. The weird part about that was that Eddie only got jealous when it was Richie specifically.
You chuckled and strutted over, seating yourself in his lap. "Oh c'mon Eddie, don't pout." You pressed a soft kiss to his temple.
The others put the pieces together quick. Richie's jaw drops.
"Wait wait wait, you two are married?! How?! We all forgot!"
You laughed and nuzzled closer to Eddie. "Well, we found each other by accident. We didn't even realize that we had known each other in the past."
He looked at you, smiling soft.
"Man, you're whipped for her, huh Eds?"
Before Eddie could respond, Ben and Bev walked in. You jumped to your feet, running to give Beverly a hug.
"Now the party is really starting!"
You wish you could say the remainder of your time at Derry was as lively as seeing your friends once again. You wish it was as peaceful.
It wasn't.
You were in your motel room answering a phone call from work. Shit. You forgot to tell them that you had a 'family' emergency.
During the middle of explaining, you heard a thud. You apologized before hanging up and stepping into the hallway. "Guys? Is that one of you?" The sight that hobbled out in front of you made you scream, making everyone in the townhouse run up the stairs.
Eddie waddled towards you, blood pouring out from his mouth and the side of his fucking face! You ran over to him, and he fell against you. He looked up at you, eyes wide. "Is it bad?"
As he asked, a fresh glob of blood spilled from his cheek. You looked to everyone behind you. "Anyone have anything fabric I can use to hold against this?"
From a lack of response, you assumed no and placed your hand snug against Eddie's cheek. They questioned him about what happened before running off to find Henry Bowers.
You ushered Eddie into your room, assuring them that you could handle it.
You carefully sat Eddie on the bed and pulled your hand away, strings of blood running from his cheek to your hand. Your palm looked like Beverly's bathroom twenty seven years prior. Eddie made a breathy noise like he was lightheaded. "You washed your hands recently, right? Because if any germs get into my blood then-"
You moved off of the bed, letting Eddie ramble while you searched for the first aid kit. "Yeah sweetie. It's habit for me to wash my hands constantly. Part of working in healthcare."
After a little more shuffling you found the kit and tore through it looking for a needle, thread, gauze, and athletic tape. Not to mention peroxide and cotton balls either. As soon as you had everything, you were sitting on the bed by Eddie's side. You handed him two cotton balls. "Stuff these in your cheek without pushing them through the wound, alright baby?"
He looked at you uncertain. "Are you sure that's sanitary? I mean think about the cotton fibers that could get stuck-"
You cut him off with a small kiss to his forehead. He then does as told, carefully placing the cotton balls in his mouth.
Next, you put peroxide on a cotton ball. You were about to dab it on the wound, but paused. "Eddie, if you need to grab me or squeeze me, you can. This is gonna hurt like a bitch."
He placed his free hand on your knee, but as soon as that cotton ball made contact, he winced, squeezing about five times as harder.
You hated seeing him in pain, so you tried to be as fast and thorough as possible.
After a minute or so, you were done you prepared for another painful part.
But you decided he could wait a little longer for stitches as you found a pain relieving medication. In no way was it over the counter, but Eddie usually took the children sized medications because he was afraid of becoming reliant on any normal drug. Considering his childhood, you understood why. But you grabbed him two Benadryl and had him wash them down the hatch with some water. You had him be extra careful considering the cotton balls in his mouth.
So then you waited for them to kick in.
The signal for that was when Eddie began to compliment you to an overbearing extent. Yes, you were flattered but also, your husband could be embarrassing.
He jumped a little and wriggled while you tried to give him stitches, but it was nothing you couldn't handle.
"My face feels weird," he hummed, going to feel his stitches.
You quickly moved his hand away. "Be careful honey. It's fresh."
He pouted and you couldn't help but giggle. You had a feeling you'd be taking goofy videos of him all night for him to see in the morning.
You walked to the bathroom to see that everyone disappeared and a few patches of blood remained on the floor. You shook your head and grabbed a washcloth from the closet, dampening it before returning to Eddie.
As soon as you walked in, he started whining. "Y/N, it hurts," he puffed out his bottom lip. "Kiss it better."
"You are such a baby, but not the whiny kind; you're just cute," you giggled and walked over to him. You sat, pulling his head into your lap.
His cheeks turned pink and he gave you the same nervous smile he would as kids. You pushed his hair back and looked down at him. You show him the washcloth. "Now, this is to clean the blood off of you. After that, I'll kiss everything else better."
He laid there quietly, staring up at you adoringly while you cleaned the blood off of him.
After that was done, you set the towel on the nightstand to take care of later. You laid down next to Eddie and took his face between your hands. At first he looked confused. You laughed  quietly, calling him silly before pressing your lips against his; not too hard but filled with love.
You pulled away, smiling proud. "I told you I'd kiss it better, but I'm not done yet!" You proceeded to pepper kisses all over Eddie's face, earning giggles and squeals.
Finally, you put the gauze and tape over his cheek for good measure. You kissed the top, humming. "Alright, now I'm done."
Once you announced the completion of patching Eddie up, he pulled you down next to him without a sound. You moved so your head rested on Eddie's chest. Neither of you said it, but you both thought it.
I love you.
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