#I’m the biggest scaredy-cat in the world
writingcold · 2 months
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Guess what...
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I thought a double post to get us going would make for a good start. So, we’ve met our Jacob, let’s roll into chapter one, shall we?
Content Warnings:  I need to put this here - this is a work of fiction. There will be imagery of violence, character deaths, inequities, poverty, heavy angst, and adult sexual situations throughout the story. Please read at your own discretion. All characters are fictional, though some of the big events that are shown are historical, but may not be historically accurate. 
Thank you to @edgingthedarkness for all of her help as my all mighty beta for this fiction. She listened to me drone on and on about it for months on end. She really took a bullet for this one! She created the banner for this story as well! Also thank you to @katuschka for her amazing skills in bringing our hero Jakub to life. Divider art by @ firefly-graphics.
The Dead
Jake X Fem!Reader
Chapter One word count: approximately 7100 words
Warnings in this part: None other than language, being in the graveyard, perhaps seeing our ghost for the first time from y/n’s pov.
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Chapter 1: The Visitor in the Graveyard
     Cemeteries were supposed to be places of honor and reflection. For some, there is nothing but deep grief and despair but cling to the ground in a stark effort to hold on to loved ones lost. For others, the spaces are stained with loss and suffering but avoid to negate the trials of their painful, broken hearts through avoidance. For me, however, it is a place to allow my imagination to run wild. To latch on to pieces of history and rehydrate the roots of the past to weave new stories. I was driven by the need to visit the grand and lavish cemeteries of the huge urban areas, but I was equally intrigued by the tiny, backwater village graveyards of rural communities. There was inspiration to be found in the rotted marble and granite as well as the new, heartrending loss of pristine stone and vaults. 
     I may be known to some as a writer of spooky stories, so it would make sense that I find spaces of hallowed graves the perfect place for inspiration. Spooky is just happenstance. A cowl over the meat of what really interests me - the history; the stories that were deemed too unimportant to record, but the memory of them live on in the people who may have once had a frayed thread to the wider story. Now granted, I am not a ghost hunter, nor am I one who likes to troll these spaces in the dead of night. No. I find that they are just as freaky in the broad light of day. It may be just the flicker of shadow or color that resides in the corner of the eye, but you cannot convince me that nighttime is the only time ghosts and other entities exist or have the ability to reach out to the living side of this world. In reality, I’m the biggest scaredy cat ever. 
      I had passed by the forgotten cemetery way out on County Road 15 somewhere in middle Michigan two years prior when I was on a solo Spring Break road trip up on the Upper Peninsula. I had taken a few photographs with my phone of the little, closed up church and the cemetery grounds that lay across the street. While the church was surrounded by barren crop fields, the graveyard was encased in ancient, scraggly pine trees with a smattering of old oaks on three sides, as if the farmers did not dare encroach on the hallowed ground. Honestly, I had forgotten about the scrap of space until I was clearing out downloaded trip photo files on my laptop back in August.
      I had found myself needing to return to the desolate grounds. My fingers ghosted across the ragged scar on my forearm that seemed to throb as I looked over the pictures. The church was that typical Midwest narrow, white structure with a steep roofline and high steeple that housed a large bell to call the farmers in for services. The weathered wooden siding needed some love and the once lush stained glass that was housed in the window casings needed attention. There were heavy locks on the doors and an old air feel to the overgrown dirt parking lot that indicated that it was no longer utilized for a spot of worship. A voice buried deep in my brain, whispered a longing to stand in the seemingly forgotten grounds of the dead. There was a drive to be amidst the weather and time eroded blocks of memories of lives that needed to stay in the distant past.
      One headstone in particular had snagged my attention that day. It was truly ancient, caked in mold and dirt, the top was decayed from centuries of exposure. However, someone had attempted to keep the stone sealed with a heavy lacquer. Unlike the other antiquated monuments where the lettering was faded or completely eroded, the carved letters appeared fresh, despite the overall condition of the stormy colored granite. It was strange. No surname, just a formal name. No dates. No inscription that identified the life it memorialized. Jacob. I had felt strange when I had snapped the last bit of pixels and turned my back to the sullen treeline. My foot wobbled on the path and I tumbled down, catching my forearm and tearing open my arm in the most nasty manner. The wound healed, leaving a gnarly scar behind that had been forgotten. That was until I tripped once more across the pictures of the graveyard. 
      There were four weeks in October that had very few items on the calendar. I convinced my publisher and dear editor, Vinny, that I needed to return to that mid Michigan town for the sake of research. Vin was receptive. The publisher not so much. My deadline was looming and they wanted something - some manner of work that I could show to prove that I had not fallen down another hole of …  Nope. Never you mind about that. I have three books under my belt and I’m only thirty three. It’s not like I’m experiencing a block or anything. A bit distracted is a good way to explain the situation. I had packed my bag, booked a room in a tiny roadside hotel and headed out from Ypsilanti with the full intention of finding the central character to my next novel, and perhaps the scrap of story that could help me get over this dry spell.
      The trees were whispering with color, not the full show of Autumn yet, but it was already swirling with crispy air and chilly skies when I arrived in Frankenmuth. Oktoberfest banners were plastered across the touristy town. I found the little hotel and checked in, all the while being cordial and warm the best way I knew how. The lady behind the desk gave me recommendations for the best coffee shop and diner to visit that the locals kept secret for the most part. I smiled like she had given me insider information.
      The suite was cozy with a lovely quilt across a queen sized bed, an office space and little kitchen. It would be fine for a home for an initial two weeks. I spent the better part of my first hour setting up my laptop and stack of empty notebooks, favorite pens…  I had a method that was not to be trifled with. It was evening, and the sun was on the horizon when I decided to find food and make a plan for my first official day of research. 
      I drove through a fast food place for a sandwich and drink then proceeded to drive around the town, finding it a bit larger than what my memory had remembered. I cruised past the huge Christmas store, and through the downtown area, getting a lay of the land. I found the little coffee place and the diner that the lady at the motel had said to visit, as well as the city hall and library. I fought the urge to drive north of town to the church and graveyard. It was growing dark, and knowing me and the fact that I can get lost trying to get out of a paper bag, I opted to return to the hotel and call it a night.
      Sort of.
      I set up my coffee pot in the kitchenette and filled the room with the scent of chai. A smile bit at my mouth as I settled in at the desk with the local history of Saginaw county. I scrolled through a few minutes worth on the state site before I tripped over a local historical page on Frankenmuth. I had no direction as of yet, so all this reading really was moot. Just as I was getting comfy in the not-so-comfy office chair, my phone illuminated with Owen’s picture. I debated for a second, knowing that the fucker was in Rome and probably was salivating to rub it in. 
      “Hey, baby sister,”  he said as I answered.
      He sounded way too happy and the music in the background drowned out his light hearted voice. I tried to ask how he was doing, but he was pretty much shouting over me.
      “Have you been paying attention to my texts at all?”  he jabbered, his words spilling out fast.
      “I’ve been objectively staying distant,”  I remarked as I kicked my feet up on the table.
      He let out a laugh that was instantly joined by a frilly little trill. “Come on, you’re missing all the fun we’re having.”
      Ah. There it was. He had company when he hadn’t left with company. I grinned and waited for their hushed conversation to turn back to me. 
      “Talked with Gran earlier,”  he said, his breath heavy with movement. “She said you’re in fucking Frankenmuth?”
      “Yeah, research,”  I said, picking at a flaw in my pants.
      “Why there? It’s like milk toast and beer,”  he replied just as a woman’s laugh carried across the line. 
      “We’ll see. Just something here is all.”
      “Shit, Y/n,”  he said, his tone light. “If there’s something weird about a tourist trap, you’ll find it.”
      “You bet I will.”
      He talked at me for another fourteen minutes while I scrolled through local county history, moreso looking at archived pictures than reading. We ran through our typical litany: check in with Gran, make sure we pay attention to each other, and actually answer a text every now and then. That last one was on me. I get it. We lost Mom and Dad when we were really young. Grandma and Grandpa raised us in Ypsilanti. After Grandpa passed, I didn’t have the heart to leave. I may have lived on the opposite side of town, but I didn’t have the heart to leave completely. Owen was a freelance photographer, and a damn fine one at that. He had built a solid reputation traveling with bands and artists and other clients around the world. But Ypsilanti was home to him still as well. We always returned home to Grandma.
      There was a pause and it sounded like he was stressed. I sat up in the chair with an awful squeak as I listened to his companion speaking.
      “Hey, Owen?”  I asked, trying to keep my voice free of tension and failing.
      “It’s all right, little sister,”  he sighed. “I gotta go. It’s an early morning shoot and a few of the permits weren’t filed properly. Talk soon?”
      We said our hurried goodbyes, but included a heartfelt ‘love you’. There was never an end of conversation without that phrase. It was a shared scar from losing the parents that remained. We could be angry with each other, but we always parted with a ‘love you’ for fear of never seeing the other again. It had happened. Wouldn’t happen again - not in our family.
      Tea savored and some soft music in the background, I tucked in to read a bit. I caught up on the socials, and called Gran to say goodnight. We shared a giggle and a promise to say goodnight tomorrow. There had been rain through the night. I woke at some point, light shimmering in the fringes of my sight and my stomach sloshing around. I tried to breathe through the pain that lurked there, refusing to give in to another migraine. There was a moment where I was unsure if I should move to get my meds, or dash to the bathroom to empty my stomach. So, instead, I drifted through that wasteland between conscious thought and dream. It felt like hours that I lingered in that state. The warmth of the quilt and the softness of the pillows did little to tug me deeper. I felt my lashes tickle my skin but never did they fully close.
       At the three o’clock mark, I felt a chill course through my flesh. The pain was mostly gone, thankfully adverted, and simmered at a dull roar. I took in as much air as I could and slowly counted it away from my body with a soft count. I felt gray around my edges. It was a dogged malaise that haunted me for nearly two years. The migraines had increased, robbing me of days at a time. They ate my creativity and stole my will to even move. Owen and Gran were more than concerned, but when your doctor says it’s ‘just’ migraines, what is one supposed to do?
       Sleep finally came; the welcomed stranger that it had been as of late laid its hands upon my brain and allowed me to be still. I woke after only a few hours, but it was enough. I lay there for more than a few beats, just listening to the world around me, my breath keeping time like a metronome. The ghost of a touch brushed itself against my shoulder. I pictured many of my characters of the past, but none fit. This was a touch that whispered of forbidden love. The striking heat was full of longing and desire and barriers. It was a shimmer of inspiration that blazed and was gone as I slipped from the snug bed.
       The diner was my first stop. It was beyond crowded, but the kind waitress found me a two-top in the far corner, nestled amongst the local art and news clippings of important events. I sipped my coffee, taking in glorified high school sports from decades past, and yellowed pictures of smiling faces of long forgotten achievements. Breakfast completed, I found myself in the car heading out to Old County Highway 15. The sky was a startling shade of blue with little swirls of clouds, as if framing the lovely shades of orange, yellow and red that were gaining momentum. The church and cemetery came into view along the long stretch of straight, rolling road. My heart quickened its beat the closer I got. 
       I sat, parked on the side of the road, hands on the steering wheel. There was a stab in my belly that I initially identified as anxiety. But that’s not what it was. I couldn’t understand this emotion as it needled me. Instead of listening to it, I grabbed my camera, notebook and pen, and my phone, braving the wind as it swept in from the distance in waves of sharp gusts. If there was no wind, the day would actually be warm. I rolled my eyes at myself over the old feel of my thoughts. Obviously, I was suffering from too much influence from Gran. I moved towards the overgrown lawn of the church first. There were signs that it had been mowed, not often, but certainly taken care of a few times a year. I stood way back and snapped a few pictures of the stained glass on the east side of the building. I walked up and took note of the tiny etched metal placards that held names. I took a picture of each one, recording the surnames of those long since passed who had worshiped upon this ground. I repeated the process on the other side. 
    Pausing a moment, I looked down at my camera screen to make sure the names on the placards were clear for later research, when movement across the street caught my attention. It was no more than a shadow of tree limbs, surely, but my spine was telling me that it was a form that was clearly moving in a very non-tree-like manner. I raised my camera and took a few pictures, first of a wide angle to make sure I got in the whole range of the grounds, but then a few of the older side of the cemetery. The sight of the Jacob stone made my skin quiver with curiosity.
      I crossed the street without actually looking for cars. Dangerous - not really. The only sound was that of the trees creaking and shivering in the breeze. I wondered what constituted a traffic event on such a desolate stretch of road. Perhaps my singular parking was the highlight of the day. Pausing to really look at the wrought iron, taking note of the patches of exposed rust, the fencing was actually quite beautiful for such a rural setting. Odd. The latch moved easily, betraying the care that had obviously been taken to maintain the gate had been recent. The hinges hissed a high pitched screech, but it was more like an old person getting up - once they got moving, they quieted. 
      My eyes skated to the Jacob stone once more, but I turned east, away from the point of interest. The small lobe was dotted with headstones marked with more recent years. My steps were measured and slow, taking in the years as close as 2017. The church may have not been used for some time, but the cemetery was still visited, and was still utilized by those of the living. The corner of my mouth tugged at the notion that the grounds were not completely forgotten.
      With resolve, I turned to the much larger western stretch, but again, strayed away from the Jacob stone. I worked my way back towards the gate, finding a truly ancient stone that held a ghostly 1847 with all the other lettering eroded from its surface. The idea that this was hallowed ground for nearly two hundred years chilled me. I paused as my brain scolded me for not looking for the memorial plaque that surely would give information about the church and graveyard. I scanned the fence line, feeling like an idiot that I walked right past it. Thankfully no eyes were there to see me bumble back out the gate to feast upon the information, I took in that the church was The Church of the Redeemer, founded in 1850, although the cemetery had been consecrated well before that, with burials taking place prior to 1800. I took a picture of the information before returning to my grim browsing. 
     The wind began to whip through the top of the pines, creating a jaw clenching sensation swim through my guts and shiver across my flesh. I took in the formal names of James and Myrtle, William and Gertrude matching the surnames that I had seen on the stained glass on the church walls. I stooped to touch a few of the smaller stones, brushing back the soot of time, to be rewarded with dates that tickled the late 1700’s. All the while, my gaze strayed to the Jacob stone despite my need to pay attention to the spectral memories of those whose graves I lingered across. 
     My head tilted as I once again looked to the Jacob stone, catching how each letter of name looked to be carved by a different hand. I frowned as I returned to the stones close to the gate, careful in my footing as the ground buckled and bucked against its inhabitants. The overall condition of the headstone matched that of the first stone that bore 1847, but somehow, it felt older, despite, or perhaps because of the thick lacquer that appeared to be poured over it. The 1847 stone faced the same direction - north - as the Jacob stone. It was not as tall, but the weathering would be similar, wouldn’t it? It was interesting that the letters of Jacob appeared to be freshly scored in the stormy granite. Surely, someone was maintaining the marker, but why do that to the letters of the man’s name? Making each one different. Even the carving styles were distinct in how the letter was crafted. I snapped a few pictures before I proceeded to my target. I finally approached the grave, as if it beckoned me like a long lost…  Stop. Stupid brain getting all weird, just ignore that, yeah?
      The thought that each letter signified a different era struck hard as I reached out to touch the apparent flaw in the ‘A’. I scratched the thought down in my notebook. A grimace perched itself on my mouth as if accusing me of being an idiot at that moment. The scent of water wafted past my nose as I traced a finger across the name as a whole. Odd. My heart thudded thickly as I followed the cap of the ‘B’ back to the ‘J’. What was this sensation that bound itself across my chest with such…  strength? Confusion touched my thoughts as I pulled my hand away. The smell of water - the smell of big water like a lake - wafted into my nostrils once more as I lifted my camera to take a few more pictures. Rationally, none of what was before me, around me, made sense. I took a step back and a sense of longing the likes I had never felt before attacked every cell of my frame. I fought for breath. My stomach pinched in anger for no reason. It was as if my life shattered without cause. 
      “Fuck,”  I sighed as I leaned on the back of a bench that rested at the edge of the main path.
      There had only been one time where that level of dread had struck - when I was told Mom and Dad were never returning to us. But somehow, this pain was deeper. It was even more painful of a sensation than that day. On the verge of sobbing, I glanced back at the stone as if that had been the source of all my woe. A shimmer of linen and a lock of chestnut seemed to peek out from the edge of the monument to disappear around the back. My feet stumbled forward. I caught myself before I could fall over. With my heart pounding sickly, and my throat closing on a yelp, I managed to move with a shred of grace towards the gate in a hurried retreat. Before I pushed my way out, I lifted my camera once more and turned back to the Jacob stone. Nothing. There was nothing there. No shadow. No sound. Even the breeze had grown gentle. I snapped a few last pictures. 
      Unsettled, I nearly fell across the threshold of the gate and rushed to latch it behind me. I ran across the broken asphalt of the road and hopped into the waiting driver’s seat. I discarded my camera, phone and notebook into the passenger seat before cranking over the engine. I paused before locking the doors. As if that would stop anything that lingered in the air. My eyes strayed to the headstone once more, strained in an attempt to see anything that was clearly not of this world. A profile of a man’s face was unmistakable, peering out from beyond the back of the headstone. The skin was translucent, the hair danced around like it was caught in a wind. For a moment, it turned towards me as if seeking me out over his nonexistent shoulder. 
      “Nope,”  I gulped as I slammed my foot to the gas pedal and took off like a shot down the long, straight road.
      I was all the way back to town and in my room before I could feel my skin start to slow from crawling. The hair on my head felt like it was full of static from the swirl of thoughts. Was the apparition that I saw Jacob? My hands shook as I took a long, slow drink of water. Whatever I had seen out there may not have realized my presence. Or if it did, was it playing coy? Shaking out my hands before reaching for the camera, I found I needed just a few more breaths before plugging it into the laptop. 
      “Fuuuuuuuck…  Do I really want to do this?”  I asked myself, outloud. 
      I opened up a music app and found my soothing playlist to start before I flipped the cover of my notebook to look once more at the stray thoughts that I had recorded. I reached for my pen and added a fuller note beneath my initial observation.
     The name was clearly not carved by either the same hand for each letter, or it was not fully carved by the same hand in the same ‘era’. Each letter of Jacob seems different, not belonging to the name as a whole -whatever the fuck that means.
     I dropped the pen with a disgusted huff before I turned my eyes to the screen before me. The warmth of my skin evaporated immediately at the sight of the first picture - it’s of a wide shot of the headstone and it was completely hazy. My lips pursed as I moved to the next one, where I knew I was zoomed in on the carving to capture the detail. And it was the same damn thing - it wasn’t just hazy, but pixelated. I scrolled through and sure as shit, every shot of the Jacob stone was the same - totally unreadable. 
     “What the literal fuck,”  I whispered, as my eyes hardened on the mess I somehow made of the most unnerving morning. “Okay, go back to the beginning.”
      I closed it out and opened the file that would bring out all the day’s photographs. I started with the first one I took of the church and it was fine. All the names that I recorded of the stained glass were also fine. The first headstones of the cemetery were fine. I gritted my teeth with frustration as I scrolled to the first wide shot of the grounds. The gate and subsequent fencing, the headstones in the foreground were fine. It seemed almost like someone was smudging the picture around the Jacob stone only. I was so focused on the screen, my nose was practically touching it when I realized there was something  at the edge of the treeline…  
     “What the hell?”  I whispered as I tried to zoom in.
     My mouth hung open at the sight of that same man whose profile I had seen looking over the edge of the stone earlier, but this time, it was nearly the entire face that was captured - and it was on film. I could see the tree limbs through the spectral face, but it was a face with a sharp jawline and high cheekbones, round cheeks and a point to the nose that rested above a full set of lips. The brow was furrowed and eyes were almost… angered? 
     I felt like my chest was caught in a vice as I continued to stare. This was not a human. This was not anything close to human. And yet, my stupid brain was screaming at me like he was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. The confusion wrapped me up as I panned back out on the picture to look at it once more as a whole. My eyes remained glued to the foggy patch where the creature’s face resided. 
     I brought up the next picture, and there it was again, this time, not just the face, but the upper torso was revealed. He was strong, as evidence his chest peeked out, and he seemed broader than I would’ve expected. I moved to the first of the seriously blurred pictures, allowing my eyes to remain right where the apparition had been in each of the previous frames. 
     My hold on the moment was already fragile but the longer I remained frozen to that spot, my vision of what was in the frame became clearer. It was the full outline of a masculine figure from the top of his head to the bottom of his foot. My jaw slackened and my stomach churned. The apparition could only be Jacob - whoever that might have been, I was looking at what he was in the ‘now’. My body oozed back into the stiff chair and my feet tingled as my weight shifted. My logical mind did not want to accept what the picture was depicting. I knew I was alone. I knew there was no one remotely close to that cemetery that could have accidentally “photobombed” the scene. And yet. There he was. He looked to be seeking out something. He looked to be seeking the answer to a puzzle. 
     The word slithered out from between my lips like it was the most important thing possible. I glanced down at the time and realized that I could run for lunch and possibly have time in the library to round out my afternoon. My eyes strayed to the man in the photo once more. The corner of my mouth tugged a bit before I reached for my keys.
     I grabbed a sandwich from the local deli and followed the directions to the library from my map app. I delved into my ham and cheese in the parking lot of the library, my eyes skating across the grounds of the park that lay just beyond the tidy brick building. I was instantly wrapped in the smell of paper and books and all things wonderful as soon as I walked through the narrow foyer and into the library proper. There was a kind, round face that greeted me from the circulation desk. 
     “Local and regional section?”  I asked with a shy smile.
     Instead of just pointing me in the direction, the soft looking woman emerged from behind the counter with a huge smile and bubbly conversation. By the time we arrived in the back corner that was decorated in local art and what appeared to be hand turned bookcases, she knew that I was a writer and that I was researching for a character. She started pulling all sorts of books out that I may find the little church in the country in, that included platt books, local history, and the best part, she disappeared for nearly ten minutes only to reappear with a narrow flat bed cart with three volumes of bound newspapers.
      “We have these going back to when the paper got its start,”  she huffed as she maneuvered the volumes up onto the table beside me. “I’m talking way back. But this will get you through the last seventy five years.”
      My eyes must’ve been sparkling something fierce as the woman snickered at my reaction. “These are perfect. I will be sure to find something I can use for sure.”
      “Oh good. I was afraid I was going to overwhelm you,”  she remarked with a wave of her chubby hand. “We still have the old microfiche readers in the basement, but I find going through the actual papers gives things a bit more oomph.”
      “Absolutely,”  I gushed, dragging my fingers across the shiny gold lettering. 
      She let me be with an offer of more help when I was ready before she made her return to her desk. I fished in my backpack for my earbuds, notebook, and laptop and settled in to immersing myself in the information before me. At first, it was like walking across a highly polished sheet of ice. My eyes were skating over words of little import and my brain was begging me to stop with such mundane events. Business openings. Business closings. School events. Football games. Dances. Graduations. Spelling bees. Concerts. Festivals. Court news. Fires. Arrests. Storms. Tornadoes. Weddings. Obituaries. Births. My neck was screaming at me as I sat back in my hard chair with a sigh. I needed to take a break from the newspapers. I shifted my playlist to something heavier and moved my attention over to regional history in the few hefty, leather bound books that had taken up the corner of the table. 
     Flipping the cover back, I bypassed the meager table of contents and moved towards the index in the back, figuring to look for churches first. Sure enough, there it was, beneath my fingertips - the little forgotten country church out on 15. The Church of the Redeemer Catholic Church was founded in 1850, giving service to the surrounding farms that would go on to make up the future township of Frankenmuth. The strip of land that the cemetery was located had been used for many years prior to the founding of the township, being used by trappers and their families for much longer, but the date was not disclosed. The series of photographs of the church had to have been taken at the turn of the 1900’s, with updates from the ‘40’s, 60’s, and the most modern was no later than the early ‘90’s. I flipped to check the imprint of the book and I was correct - it was published in 1994. 
      My fingers were tapping against the few pictures of the actual cemetery,  as I began repeating the names I knew were on the stones with each tap of my finger. Biting the inside of my cheek, I reached into my backpack for Grandpa’s trusty magnifying glass. It was the only thing Grandpa treasured as much as Grandma. She bestowed it to me since I was the only one of the grandchildren who she trusted to care for it as well as her husband had during his lifetime. I passed the thick glass across the pictures, straining in my search for the Jacob stone. Like the wide shots of my own pictures, the location of the headstone was all blurred and smudged.
      I pushed out a breath before I turned back to the newspapers. At least I know the church was still in operation in the 1990’s. I disregarded the top volume of newspapers, setting it on the table behind me, opting to peruse the volume that held 1975 - 1999. Honestly, I had no clue what I was actually looking for, but as I flipped through the pages I felt a pull like I was on the right path somehow.
     “How are you doing back here?”  the librarian asked as she stopped at my side.
     “It’s all interesting,”  I said quietly with a smile and a glance over to her. “So much information, but interesting.”
     “Oh, that’s the Redeemer you’re looking at there,”  she remarked as she reached for the open book with the pictures of the church. 
      “Yeah. Full disclosure - it's what brought me here actually. I was heading home from up north when I saw it,”  I explained. “I don’t know what it is, but there are some really interesting headstones.”
      She licked at her lips before setting a book - my book - down on top of the newspapers. “For research, right?”
      I picked up my novel with a laugh. “Wow. You’re trouble.”
     “Naw, just aware of all of our authors that belong to the state,”  she said, a faint blush on her face. “We have all three of your titles, by the way. They do very well in circulation.”
      “Nice,”  I said before handing her back the clearly lightly read tome. “And yes, it’s research. I may have a story to tell if I find something here. But… can we…?
      “Lips are sealed, of course,”  she beamed with a hand over her heart. “I do need to tell you that the library will be closing in an hour.”
      I put every ounce of disappointment into my eyes as I nodded away. “I see. I know these books cannot leave the library…”
     “Nope, but I’ll tell you what I can do - we can leave everything right here. We’ll make this your workstation,”  she offered kindly.
     “That is amazing,”  I oozed as I placed a hand on her arm. “I would really appreciate it.”
     I watched as she nearly floated back to her desk with a wave. In the meantime, I could feel it… The pounding behind my eyes. I knew I was pushing it just a bit on the day. I knew I probably should have laid down instead of continuing on to the library. I stretched my neck and told myself I can last a little while longer. 
     I was somewhere in the summer of 1984 when I landed on an article about a musician from the area that had made his way onto the stage in Detroit. The picture above the article was grainy but… My brain literally froze at the sight. The black and white image sizzled into my eyes like a beacon. I rushed to the picture folder on the laptop and brought up the one of the near full face and nearly screamed from the likeness.
     Before me was Jacob. He had been real once. A guitar player for some rock band that was doing well within the local scene. I scanned the article and my stomach was swirling as I learned that the band was getting some serious notice from heavyweights and were in the process of cutting an album. I glanced back at the busy circulation desk before reaching for my phone to snap a few pictures of the article and picture. 
     With my head screaming, I packed up my backpack and straightened up the table. I left with a whispered thank you to the librarian and made my very quick exit. I started to feel the waves of nausea echoing through my gullet as I made my way out of the parking lot and easily made my way back to the hotel. I made it into the room just as the blinding pain started. I skipped turning on the lights and struggled out of my shoes before landing into the bed. This was a routine that I had down pat for the past two years. Migraines really were a bitch. I knew I had pushed it too far and now I was going to have to survive the consequences of those actions.
     Pulsing lights jabbed behind my eyes. I slowed my breathing down, counting to five in between each time I took in air or blew it away. I felt my toes getting heavy, followed by my legs. The best I could do was sleep it off. It was too late to take meds. I pictured the man in the cemetery. The subtle cleft of his chin and the point of his nose soothed me. The sharp ridge of his cheek and the shadow of his eyes were haunting. If this man had been alive he would be beautiful. I had to pause the thoughts as I waited to see if I needed to book it to the toilet to throw up. Instead, I lulled, my mind adrift in the blackness of the room and the ghost in my thoughts…
     ⭒☾ The absolute exuberance of a child pumped through my veins as I ran across the solid earth. I knew every turn and hole of the land, so I ran with a confidence that could only be gained through youthful sureness. The cream colored linen of my dress billowed around me and seemed to dance with my laughter. I caught sight of my hands and knew that I was indeed locked in the form of a young girl. The field I was dashing across was vast and full of untouched tall grasses and locks of wildflowers. The sky was heavy with bright white wisps of clouds and crisp Springtime breezes.
      A blink of my eye and I knew I was older. Not running, but still traversing across the ground of this foreign space I had no idea where it resided. Happiness touched me still as I looked over my shoulder to see a woman in a much heavier dress trying to keep up. I laughed as I did turn and run as she called out to me to wait. The near black waters of the lake spread out before me as I finally stopped on the edge of the ground before it fell away to the storm beaten rocks below. I held my arms up to feel the wind across my whole body and was instantly scolded for being so ‘wild’.
       Another blink and I was standing upon a beachhead littered with tiny wooden shanties. There was a desperation that lingered in between the structures where children wandered and played while women applied their few trades to gain coin to keep those bellies fed. There was a heaviness here that I didn’t like. Once more, the woman was with me, scolding me for stopping her in our task. Her sour expression only stirred my emotions. I snatched the purse at her side and proceeded to the open air market with her right on my heels. I must’ve been no more than fourteen, but she did not pursue me like a thief. She protested as I stopped before the man who sold bread. I pointed at the largest of his baskets that was brimming with food. I handed the whole purse over and started to lug the basket away. 
       The children on the beach took notice of me as I struggled through the sand. I stopped and untied the ribbons on my shoes, leaving them behind as I moved much more swiftly barefooted. I started to knock on the doors of the shanties, one by one and handed each a loaf of bread. The woman was standing with her arms crossed as if she were angry but I waved her down to help me. These people were hungry and I had at least a few scraps to aid them through their day. It was a happiness that filled me to the brim and continued to flow over.
      Another blink and I was alone in a grand bedroom filled with fine fabrics and rugs and a bed that would hold the likes of many sleepers. It felt wrong to have such lavishness when there was such blatant need only moments from my door. There was wealth here that could help the poor for many years. The woman from the market was brushing my hair, her voice speaking foreign words I did not understand, but the tone was certainly scolding me for my actions. I walked from the dressing table to the narrow balcony, leaving the chilly air to infiltrate the room behind me as I leaned against the elaborate railing. The moon was full, splashing down upon the waters of Le Lac Superior. The ships and their great white sails seem to play across the dark current of the black night waters. I realized this was home. Home from forever ago… ⭒☾
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Dreams play a big role in our story, probably more than they should. How did you like the official chapter one? Let me know! I will be posting every Thursday - you can find a sign up for my tag list here. 💚💚See you next Thursday!
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hearts-hunger · 8 months
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: Back at the haunted house in the off-season, Danny and the boys are working on repairs to the set. You're still a scaredy-cat, and Danny's still your biggest fan. || Sequel to Kitkat
Pairings: Danny x Reader | Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort | Word Count: 6k | Warnings: anxiety, general Halloween spookiness
A/N: Danny and Kitkat are back!! When I first introduced them, I was so humbled and delighted by how much you guys loved them. I hope this sequel does justice to how much love you've lavished on them, and I hope you love it too! ♡
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Can you make it through the woods of horror? Enter if you dare!
You smiled to yourself as you passed the signs along the winding country road, watching each slogan become more and more threatening the closer you came to the most highly rated haunted house in your state. They didn’t seem very ominous in the golden light of late afternoon; despite their menacing promises of terror and danger, you found yourself looking forward to reaching the place they advertised. 
Of course, that hadn't been true the first time you came down this road nearly two months ago; that night, you’d already worked yourself into an anxious spin just reading the signs before you’d even stepped foot on the property. Still, it had worked out alright in the end; so well, in fact, that you had willingly made many trips back despite being the biggest scaredy-cat in the world.
Finding a parking spot in the near vacant, grassy lot was easy enough, and you carefully juggled the drink carrier out of the passenger seat and started the walk into the woods. The trees were a wash of vibrant color, fiery reds and oranges and yellows; the sunshine came dappled through the leaves, rays of honey-golden warmth on the path. You took a deep breath of the crisp air as you held the armful of coffees close, thankful for their cosy warmth against your chest as you walked.
After a few minutes of leisurely walking, using the shortcuts that Danny and the guys had shown you, you reached the gate that led to the set and couldn’t manage to open it just by pushing your hip against it. You knew the boys couldn’t be far; you heard strains of their conversation mixed in with the sounds of repair work being done. You got a better grip on the drink carrier, careful of the precarious ones on top, and called to them.
“Honey, I’m home!” you said, making your voice carry. “I have your presents!”
You heard jogging footsteps come up the path, and a second later, Sam rounded the corner. He opened the gate for you and gave you a sweet smile.
“Hey, kitkat,” he said. “Glad you could make it.”
You smiled. “Thanks,” you said. You nodded to the topmost coffee. “Yours is the one on top. Oatmilk, right?” You had the sudden thought that you might have gotten it wrong and felt terrible. “Unless it’s almond milk you usually get and I totally messed it up.”
“No, you didn’t,” he said quickly, taking it from you. “Oatmilk’s perfect, thank you. It’s really nice of you to bring us coffee, kitkat.”
“I figured you could use a little treat after working so hard all day,” you teased.
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, sure. Jake and Josh have spent more time writing music than repairing the set, but yeah, we’re working hard all right.”
You laughed as you started to walk with him towards the set the guys were working on. “You don’t think they can multitask?”
Sam grinned. “Have you met them?” He shook his head. “I mean, they’re writing some good stuff, so I guess I can't complain. But we’re also trying to get these sets repaired before Christmas.”
“What does Danny think?”
“Oh, you know Dan. He’s totally in the zone. He’ll have the whole place looking like Buckingham Palace by the end of the day.”
You smiled. “If Buckingham Palace was haunted.”
He laughed. “You’re getting the idea.”
The set was only a short walk from the gate, and when you reached it, you took a moment to look over the swampy pirate shack that looked much less threatening in the daylight than it had every other time you’d seen it. The boys had asked for overtime after the season was officially finished, getting a list of sets and props from the owners that needed repairs or new paint or just a little bit of cleaning. They'd been working their way through the woods for a few days, and when they were finished with the outdoor sets, they’d tackle the crown jewel of the haunted house up on the hill.
You noticed with amusement that Sam had been right about his brothers; they were working, putting a new coat of paint on the “beware of alligators” sign and the accompanying reptilian skull, but they were rather passionately working on the lyrics for a new song while they did. It was probably a good thing that the paint job could be passed off as “artistically sloppy” to fit with the ramshackle aesthetic.
“Here, glimmer twins,” you said, handing them each a cup of coffee. They gave you a pair of matching smiles.
“Aw, thanks, kitkat,” Jake said. He touched up a drip of red paint to make it a little more grisly. “How’s it looking?”
“Scary,” you said cheerfully. “How’s the songwriting?”
Jake laughed. “Good, actually. Too bad Josh isn’t as good at painting as he is at coming up with lyrics.”
Josh pointed an accusing paintbrush at his twin. “I’m terrific at painting, Jacob.”
Jake gave him a dry smile. “Start doing some, and then we can talk.”
“I’ve been painting all morning!” Josh said, gesticulating with the paintbrush again and sending drops of paint flying.
“Hey!” Sam protested. “You’re getting paint everywhere.”
“You could use a little paint on you, Sammy,” Josh teased. “The only reason you’re all pristine is because you’ve been too busy not painting to actually get anything on you.”
“Now, Josh, them’s fightin’ words,” Sam said in an exaggerated Texas twang. He took another paintbrush from the bucket and twirled it like a cowboy would spin his pistol. “This shack ain’t big enough fer the two of us.”
Smiling to yourself, you left the brothers to their playing and painting and bickering, walking around to the other side of the pirate shack to find your boyfriend. You followed the sound of a hammer and found Danny working on the porch, straddling the railing as he reached to put nails in a beam along the underside of the tin roof.
“Hey, Dan,” you called up to him. He didn’t answer, and you noticed he had earbuds in. You came closer and put your hand on his thigh.
He stopped hammering and looked down at you, his face breaking into a handsome smile when he saw you.
“Hi, honey,” he said, surprised and happy. He paused his music and put his earbuds in his pocket. “I didn’t know you were here yet.”
You felt yourself blush a little under the affection in his gaze, the warmth of his smile as he looked at you. Nearly a month after you’d made it official, you still got butterflies from how clearly he loved you and enjoyed your company.
“Here I am,” you said, almost shy. “What were you listening to?”
“Palomino,” he said. “First Aid Kit.” He kept one hand on the railing as he leaned close to kiss your nose. “I’m glad you’re here, kitkat.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you, endeared to how sweet he always was to you. You presented him with your gift. “I brought you some coffee.”
“Aw, thanks honey,” he said. “Can you hold onto it for me until I’m done? I just have a couple more things to hang, and then I can take a break.”
“Can I stay with you while you do?” you asked, not wanting to be a bother while he worked. “I promise I won’t get in your way.”
He chuckled. “Of course you can stay.” He left his work for a moment to brush off the porch’s top step for you. “I’ll only be a few more minutes.”
You sat on the step and sipped your coffee, thankful for the warmth of your sweater as a chilly breeze fanned through the woods. Danny wore a long sleeved black shirt and jeans; you allowed yourself a long, pleasant moment of admiring how he looked in them, big and strong and limber, particularly enjoying the way the hem of his shirt rode up as he reached to hang decorations on the nails. His backwards baseball cap was the finishing touch on his mop of curls, and you liked to watch him focus on his work and look very handsome doing it.
“How’s it been going so far?” you asked.
He didn’t answer right away, and you thought maybe you should save conversation for when he was done. 
“Is it distracting if I talk?”
“No,” he said, making sure the bear trap prop he was hanging was secure before looking over at you. “Sorry, I'm listening. We’ve made good progress today. I think we’ll be able to start on the house when we’re finished here.”
“Really?” you said, a little surprised. “I thought you still had the spider tunnel thing to work on.”
“That’s actually being completely torn down,” he said. He drove a nail in with a few hard whacks of the hammer and looked around for the decoration he was supposed to hang. “Can you hand me that shrunken head?”
“Oh, uh, sure.” You grimaced a little as you picked it out of the prop box. “If they’re tearing it down, what are they putting there instead?”
He took the head from you. “Thanks.” He tied a piece of fishing line to it, pulling it tight with his teeth. “I don't think they know what they’re changing it to yet, so there’s no work to do on it right now. They’re keeping the spider web tunnel, just making it shorter, and putting it between the house and the woods. So I guess we’ll have to do it when we do the house.”
You leaned against his thigh. “What do you think they should put in the spot it used to be? Or are you going to miss it being there?”
He smiled, and there was a little wryness to it that intrigued you. 
“No, I don’t think I’ll miss it,” he said.
“You don’t like it?”
He shrugged. “It’s not my favorite scene. I think they should do an alien abduction thing in that spot.”
“Ooh, like a crop circle or something?” you asked. Though you didn’t like haunted houses, this one was a big part of your life since your boyfriend and three best friends spent a lot of their time there, and you'd kind of gotten into the idea side of things. “It could be like a corn maze with aliens in it.”
“Yeah, and when they snatch you, they take you to their ship to do experiments on you.” Danny wiggled his fingers at you. “Spooky.” 
You laughed and took his hands in yours. “That’d probably get you lots and lots of kitkats, what do you think?” If any guest used the safeword, “kitkat”, the actors would stop scaring them and escort them out safely. That was how you’d met Danny, and the nickname had stuck.
He chuckled and gave you a kiss. “You’re the only kitkat I want. You know that.”
You gave a pleased hum and kissed him back. “Yeah, I do.”
After one more kiss, you let him get back to work, and when he was finished hanging the decorations he came to sit on the porch steps with you. You drank your coffee and talked for a while as the sun sank lower behind the trees; the air grew colder, and you snuggled close to Danny when he put an arm around you and tucked you close to his side.
“We should get dinner later,” he said. “I feel like I haven't seen you a lot this week.”
“Me too,” you said, playing absently with the macrame bracelet on his wrist. “What about pizza and a movie?”
“Sure.” He nuzzled against your cheek. “In my bedroom, not in the living room. I'm not in a sharing mood tonight.”
You smiled. “And what might you be asked to share, exactly?” Danny and the Kiszkas split rent on a big, beautiful old house, and you’d spent a lot of time over there since you all became friends.
“The pizza,” he said, matter-of-fact. “They’re not getting any.”
You laughed and turned your head to let him kiss you properly, and it took about two seconds of that for you to decide you weren’t in a sharing mood either. Jake, Josh, and Sam could fend for themselves as far as dinner was concerned.
Danny reluctantly pulled away after a few more deep kisses, and you protested by closing the distance again.
“Don’t go back to work,” you said, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
He gave you a wry smile. “Got to, honey. I want to at least get started on the house before it gets too dark.”
“How much longer?”
He gave you a goofy smooch. “Not long. You’re so sweet to be so patient, kitkat.”
“Fine,” you agreed, mollified by his affectionate tone and touch. “But all these kisses you could be giving me instead of working — I want double when we get back home.”
He smiled, showing crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes. “Yes ma'am.”
You put your hands against his cheeks. “Wait one more second, okay?”
He did as you said. You cradled his beloved face, studying the gold the sunshine brought out in his hazel irises.
“You want to know something?” you asked softly.
“Yeah,” he whispered back. “Tell me.”
You smiled. “You give me the honeyglow something awful, Danny.”
He gave a sweet laugh, and you loved the sound of it.
“What does that mean?” he asked. “I make you feel all melty and sweet and golden?”
“Something like that,” you agreed.
He kissed you tenderly. “Well, kitkat, you give me to the honeyglow too. I love you.”
Your sigh was dreamy and happy. “I love you too.”
Content with the promise of many more kisses later, you let him get back to work and helped the guys carry their tools up to the house. They wanted to get in as much work as they could before the sun set, and you didn’t mind, not really; you enjoyed keeping them company, despite the eerie atmosphere of the inside of the haunted house as it got darker outside.
“It’s missing something,” Danny said, standing back to survey the grisly surgery scene he’d just cleaned top to bottom. “What do you think, kitkat?”
Your expression scrunched in distaste, remembering the times you'd been jumpscared from a creepy doctor from behind the table. “It looks plenty scary to me.”
He gave you a fond smile. “Look at it from an artist's perspective,” he said. He pointed to a bare spot on the rack of rusty surgical instruments. “That space needs to be filled in.”
You tried to look at it as he'd said, ignoring the impulse to look away, and you had to admit he was right. “What are you going to put there?”
He shook his head. “I dunno. You want to come to the storage shed with me?”
“It’s my one and only dream,” you said dryly. 
He grinned. “Attagirl. Let’s go find a bloody saw or something.”
You told the boys you were leaving for a minute, but you weren't sure they heard you as they tried to get a huge skeleton to stand up without toppling over every two seconds. Danny led you out of the house and towards the big storage shed full of props, pushing his shoulder against the door to get it to open.
He coughed a little as sawdust rained down from the ceiling. “Add this door to the list of ones that need fixing,” he said. “Good night!”
You followed him inside, feeling a little better when he pulled the chain on the overhead lightbulb. The props stacked high on shelves and hung on the walls were cast in a shadowed light, and you skirted them expertly as you helped Danny look for what he wanted.
“What about this?” he said, holding up a fake blood bag.
“Too small,” you said. “It's a pretty big spot to fill in.”
He tossed the bag back with the rest. “You’re right.” 
You ventured towards the far end of the shed, looking with a critical eye through the props, and found that there was another doorway in the back wall.
“What’s in here?” you asked.
“More stuff,” he said, sifting through a box of sawed-off arms and ice picks. “This shed is actually two units stuck end to end.”
You looked through the doorway and saw something catching the light, shining faintly in the gloom — a gigantic pair of pliers painted to look recently used on some unfortunate soul. 
“Hey, I think I might have found something,” you said. “In the other shed.”
He looked up from his searching. “You want me to go get it?”
“Nope,” you said stoutly. “I’m brave enough.”
He smiled. “Okay, honey. Don’t make yourself uncomfortable. If you get two steps in and ask for me, I won't even make fun of you.”
You snorted a laugh. “My hero.” You knew Danny would be nothing but kind, but surely you could handle a little walk into a dark shed full of creepy props. Right?
Getting inside the other shed turned out to be the least of your problems, since the pliers you wanted were sitting in a box on the top shelf of a very tall storage rack. You thought about asking Danny for help, since he would be able to reach them with ease, but you also wanted to get them yourself and have the bragging rights of retrieving the perfect prop. You stepped up on the bottom shelf and reached up, your fingers just grazing the handle.
“Come on,” you muttered. You stood on tiptoes and stretched out your hand — there! You grabbed the handle and pulled.
Your sense of triumph lasted half a second, because as you pulled the pliers down, the whole box came with it. You stumbled backwards to avoid the falling box, forgetting you were on the shelf and not on the floor, and careened backwards into something solid.
You whirled to see that you’d knocked into a giant Dracula, which was propped against the door you hadn’t noticed coming in. Like the world’s worst domino effect, the Dracula dummy listed to the side and swung against the door as it fell to the ground, bending the doorknob until it hung off-kilter. The door slammed closed with the momentum; the light from the other room was cut off, leaving you in complete darkness.
The effect was immediate. The prop room that had seemed harmlessly unsettling now became truly frightening, and you raced to the door to try and open it.
“Danny!” you called, starting to feel frantic. You tripped over something — Dracula, you guessed, or maybe the box — and searched feverishly for the doorknob.
It turned under your grip, and even though you knew it was Danny, the feeling of something moving without the ability to see it was nauseating.
“Kitkat?” came his voice, muffled through the door. “I’m right here, honey. Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
Your eyes welled with tears. “No, but I — I’m scared, Danny. Please get me out.”
“I’m trying, baby. Hold on.”
You heard him turn the doorknob this way and that, but the door still didn't open. Rationally, you knew that the doorknob was probably so bent that it was unusable, but the rational part of your brain wasn’t exactly in charge at the moment. You put your hand on the door and pleaded with him as if he wasn’t doing everything he could to get you out.
“Please hurry, Danny,” you all but sobbed. “Please get me out.”
“I’m trying, but I can’t — ” He swore. “I gotta get this doorknob off, honey. I’m going to get a screwdriver.”
“No! Don’t go.”
“I have to, sweetheart.” You heard his palm thump against the door. “Hey. You’re okay, kitkat. Take a few deep breaths for me, okay?”
You tried to do as he said, but they were choppy and uneven. “Danny,” you said pitifully.
“I know,” he said, and you knew his voice well enough to know he was upset. “Listen to me. I’m going to get you out just as quick as I can. Do you trust me?”
 You nodded miserably, then remembered he couldn't see you. “Y-yes, Danny, I trust you.”
“There’s my brave girl. I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Okay,” you managed. “Please hurry.”
He didn't answer, and you hoped it was because he’d gone to get the screwdriver and not because he was questioning if he could leave you without sacrificing your sanity. It seemed a near thing at the moment — you wanted to stay put, but something brushed your face in the darkness, and you gave a shrill yelp and fell back against some other prop behind you.
The prop must have been set up with a motion sensor, and a gruesome clown face lit up and cackled at you. Your breath caught on a sob as you pulled back from it, stumbling over the box and the props on the floor. When you finally got your balance, you stood stock still and pressed your hands to your ears to try and block out the shrieking laugh of the clown face that seemed like it would never turn off.
You heaved a sigh of intense relief when you heard his voice. “Danny!”
“Two seconds,” he said, already working on getting the doorknob off. It hit the floor with a metallic clang, but when he tried to open the door, the stupid Dracula mannequin blocked his way.
“There’s something in front of the door,” you said weakly. “Dracula.”
“What is it?” he asked. “Nevermind. Step back from the door, honey.”
You did, careful of the things on the floor you couldn’t see, and listened as Danny put his weight into muscling open the door. Finally, it opened with a wrenching sound that made you jump; you blinked in the light, dazed, still rooted to the spot as tears tracked down your face.
“Kitkat,” Danny said, stepping over Dracula and turning the clown head off, bringing its cackling to an abrupt end. He hovered near you, his hands extended cautiously as if he was afraid to touch you and make it worse. “Are you okay, honey? You’re not hurt, are you?”
“No, I’m not hurt,” you said in a small voice. Your expression crumpled. “Th-thank you for coming to get me, Danny.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” He gathered you in his arms then, holding you close as you grabbed a fistful of his shirt like a lifeline and gave into another round of crying. He ran his hands over your back, slow and gentle.
“I’m sorry you got stuck, baby,” he said, keeping his voice low and soothing. “That scared you pretty bad, huh?”
You nodded and pressed closer to him. He hugged you tight.
“Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t completely dark,” you said, your voice muffled against him. You shuddered at the memory of being locked in total darkness.
“Why didn't you turn on your flashlight?” he asked.
You looked up at him. “What?”
His smile was sympathetic and a little bemused. “The flashlight on your phone. You didn’t turn it on?”
“N-no,” you said, realizing you’d never even thought of it. You’d been so panicky that you hadn’t even used the light you carried with you all the time, and it made you feel stupid on top of everything else.
You hid behind your hands. “Great. I'm an idiot and a total wimp.”
Danny chuckled, and the sound was warm and colored with sympathy.
“My poor baby,” he said. “You just got scared, kitkat. It’s okay.”
“You wouldn't have gotten scared,” you said.
“Aw, well, I don't know. Getting locked in anywhere is kinda scary.” He gently tugged your hands away from your face and kissed the tears from your cheeks. “I’m sorry you got scared, honey.”
You put your arms around his neck. “Thanks for getting me. I’m sorry I’m such a scaredy-cat.”
“You don’t have to apologize, kitkat,” he said, gentle and amused. “I knew you were a scaredy-cat when I met you, and I still liked you just fine. I just wish I could have hulk-smashed the door open for you and rescued you like that.”
You gave a watery laugh, and he smiled and gave you a bear hug.
“There’s that smile I love so much,” he said. “Can I take you out of this creepy shed now?”
“Into the creepy house?” you asked. The sun had almost set, casting long shadows into the shed, and it wouldn’t be long before the house and the woods were completely dark too.
“No,” he said. “I figure you’ve been traumatized enough for one day. I’ll take you home.”
“To your home, right?”
He smiled. “Yeah, to my home. If that’s what you want.”
After another big squeeze, you unwound yourself from him so you could put the props to rights. He found the light, and in the amber glow of the bare bulb, you put the scattered props back in the box as he hefted Dracula into an upright position.
“No wonder this guy is in the very back,” he said, panting a little. “He weighs a freakin’ ton.”
You found the pair of pliers you'd been after and held them behind your back.
“You want to see what all this fuss was about anyway?” you asked.
He raised a brow. “Sure.”
You showed him the pliers, and his mouth tipped up in a crooked smile.
“Those are perfect, kitkat. Too bad you had to go through all that just to get them, though.”
You have a theatrical sigh. “The sacrifices I make for art.”
He laughed and took your hand as he closed up the shed, leading you back out to the dusky woods alive with birdsong and the drifting sound of your friends’ laughter. You followed their voices up to the house, thankful Danny was still holding your hand.
“Hey Dan?” you asked.
“Can I ask you a question?”
He held the gate open for you. “Sure. Shoot.”
“If you’re not afraid of the dark or clowns or axe murderers or any of this stuff... what are you afraid of?”
He gave you a wry smile. “Not telling.”
You laughed. “But there is something, right? Not something fancy like the inevitability of failure or existential dread, but something normal, right?”
“There is something,” he admitted. “Something you’d probably never think of, because it's kind of stupid.”
“Oh, Danny, no,” you said kindly. “I wouldn't think it’s stupid. I'm scared of everything, so I’m probably scared of whatever it is too.”
He smiled. “Maybe. Tell you what — if you guess it correctly, I’ll tell you.”
“You promise?”
He gave a soft laugh. “Yes, kitkat, I promise.”
You found Sam and the twins working just outside the house, putting up the structure of the spider-web tunnel. They waved you over, telling Danny to get a move on to help them.
“We’re actually gonna head home,” Danny said. He held up the pliers. “I just have to put these in the surgery scene, and then we’re out of here.”
You reluctantly withdrew your hand from his. “I don't think I'll go with you to put those up.”
He smiled and kissed your cheek. “Okay, honey. I’ll be right back.”
You ventured over to where Jake, Josh, and Sam were working, watching as they fit PVC pipes together to make a few feet of tunnel. The trash bags nearby held swaths of cotton webs that went with the dozens of boxes of fake spiders.
You pulled one of the spiders out, studying the painted red eyes and big fangs.
“These aren’t so bad,” you said, kind of proud that you could hold it without flinching.
Josh grinned. “Hey, good for you, kitkat. You’re getting the hang of this haunted house thing.”
“I don't know,” you said with a laugh. You told them what had happened at the shed, and all three of them winced.
“Well, that’s not even the fun kind of scary,” Jake said. “I’m sorry, kitkat.”
“But you found ten-ton Dracula?” Sam asked, skating over the “locked in a dark storage shed” part of the story. “I’ve been wondering where he went.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a fond smile. “Glad I could help.”
The first half of the tunnel’s structure was already finished, and you volunteered to string webbing over it until it looked like a gigantic spider’s nest. When Danny came back from his errand, you told him you wanted to stay for a little while and set it up.
“You sure?” he asked. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to,” you assured him. “Besides, you said you wanted to get a little more work done, and I think we found something I can do without losing my ever-loving mind.”
He smiled. “Okay. If you’re sure.” He glanced at the sinking sun. “I think we have maybe half an hour of light left.”
You all agreed to work for thirty more minutes, and there was a festive and companionable atmosphere as you put up the webs and made it look as spooky as you could. You quizzed Danny on what he was afraid of, guessing everything you were afraid of; the boys joined in the game with silly guesses like “tomato soup” and “a waterslide but instead of water it’s maple syrup”. Danny just laughed and said he wasn’t afraid of any of those things, though a few of them sounded downright unpleasant.
“I give up,” you said dramatically, sitting on an empty plastic tub. “You’re just not afraid of anything.”
“There’s something,” he assured you. “But I’m telling you, you’ll never guess. Especially considering what I do for a living.”
You narrowed your eyes. “I’ve got it. You’re afraid of drumsticks, aren’t you?”
He laughed, big and bright and joyful. “No, it’s not that. It doesn’t have to do with music.”
You kept thinking of things to guess as you worked, but you were distracted from your game when Jake started pulling out the spiders to put on the webs. He unearthed a huge fake spider from the box and made it sing “Boris the Spider” in his British accent, earning a round of laughter and cheers for such a good impression of The Who.
You looked over at Danny, intending to ask him what he thought of a slightly drunk-sounding British spider, but you were surprised to see a little uneasiness in his expression. You followed his gaze, trying to see what was making him nervous; the only thing in your vicinity was the spider in Jake’s hand.
He looked from the spider to you. “Yeah, honey.”
“Are you... afraid of the fake spiders?”
He didn’t answer right away, and you knew you had him. He hadn’t hesitated answering any of the other guesses.
You gave a triumphant laugh. “Ha! I guessed it, didn’t I?”
You could have sworn you saw him blush. You pulled another spider out of the box and carried it over to him, watching his expression become more and more apprehensive the closer it got.
“You promised you would tell me if I got it right,” you said, a teasing lilt to your voice. You held the spider up, just inches from him. “Does this little guy freak you out, Daniel?”
He endured it for a few seconds before he batted it away. “Yes, fine, it freaks me out. You win.”
You laughed, not unkindly, and tossed the spider back in the box before you draped your arms over his shoulders. 
“My poor baby,” you said, mimicking with affection the way he’d soothed you earlier. “I’m sorry I teased you with it. It’s okay if you’re scared of it.”
“I’m not scared, exactly,” he said, looking with distaste at the box overflowing with the plastic critters. “They’re just... creepy. They give me the heebie-jeebies.”
You smiled and gave him a consoling kiss. “My big guy’s one weakness,” you said, entirely amused. “Fake spiders. What about real spiders?”
He shrugged. “They’re fine.”
You laughed. “Of course they are.”
He watched your face, studying the lines and colors of joy he always brought out in it without even trying. His expression warmed, and you loved when you coaxed out a grudging smile.
“It’s dumb, right?” he asked.
You shook your head. “No way. I’m just surprised we found something you’re afraid of that I’m not afraid of.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess that is pretty remarkable.” He kissed your cheek. “Now that you’ve uncovered my deepest, darkest secret, can we go home and order the deepest, dishiest pizza?”
You laughed. “Sure thing, honey.”
At home, you and Danny didn’t actually have the heart not to share your pizza with the boys; you got enough for everyone and watched a true crime documentary that had you hiding behind your hands during the more grisly parts. 
“Okay, now I have to have a cleanse,” you said afterwards, rinsing off the plates to put them in the dishwasher. “I’m watching New Girl or something.”
Danny came up behind you and snuck a kiss under your jaw. “In my room,” he said, his voice low and meant only for you.
You gave a fluttery little laugh and pulled way when his kisses started to tickle. “Can I watch whatever I want?”
“Whatever you want,” he agreed. He bracketed you in with his arms, kissing along the column of your neck.
You considered that. “Can it be an old movie?”
“You could pick the most awful black and white silent film ever made and I absolutely would not care,” he promised. His hands snuck under the hem of your sweater and skated over your tummy, and despite how quickly you were warming to his touch, you couldn’t give up teasing him just yet.
“Okay, I know what I want to watch,” you said primly.
“Finally,” he said with a contented sigh, pulling you close to him. “What is it?”
You grinned. “The Giant Spider Invasion.”
He hummed in agreement. “Sure, honey, that sounds — ” He pulled back. “Wait, what?”
You couldn’t help but dissolve in giggles, and when his warm laugh joined in with yours, you felt the honeyglow something awful.
“Alright, trouble,” he said, kissing your cheek. “You’re a handful, you know that?”
“But I’m your handful.”
“Yes, kitkat. You’re my handful. You know what else?”
“I love you.”
You smiled, feeling all melty and sweet and golden inside. “I love you too.”
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gvf taglist:@malany-gvf@spark-my-nature@eearevee@madneedshelp@demonrat444@josh-iamyour-mama@honeyandsweettae@mydarlingdanny@gretavandann@sacredjake@myleftsock@joshskittytickler21@hellowgoodbye@watchingovergvf2@fearfulspirit@mywaysoon@carbondancingthroughtime@caprisunsister@eraofstardustchords@sacredthefran@shesawomaninadream@serendipiti@demonrat444@wildflowerxx-x@tearsofdanny@iluvjoshkiszka@jordie-gvf-admin@demolitionndann@hi-hi-hello11@wildbluesorbit@nessie-glorpa@laneygvf @jazzyfigz@musicspeaks @amythestars @missharvestmoon@readyforthegarden
@gvfrry@ohhey1293@the-chaotic-cow@mountain-in-springtime@xserenax-13@stardustjtk @brooke-gvf@weightofdreams-gvf@jakeydoesit @hayley1623@doodle417@finestoflines@brokenbellz@bowievanfleet@s0livagant@strugglingtodoshit@s-u-t@kay-jordan@gretavanfleas@jakeyboiiiiiii@gretavansteph@gretavanbitches@myownparadise96@luverleaver@weightofdreamz@greatervanfleet@maedesculpaeusoubi@jakekiszkasbestie@pineapple-photographer@baguettejuliette@alexxavicry@levi-wants-ur-bones@carlybubs@cowboysamkiszka@dannyandthekiszkas@jordierama@slutforsteve@starshine-wagner@quartzzzzzzz@edgeofdreams@writingcold@lostoverseer@catharu77@mackalah@jaketlove@haileygvf@blacksoul-27@ur-m0ms-blog@hi-hi-hello11@wildbluesorbit @nessie-glorpa @laneygvf@madneedshelp@dreamsingxld
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therealcocoshady · 8 months
Recovery - Chapter 7
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Eminem x FemReader (Y/N) fanfiction
Summary : Y/N Comforts Marshall at the studio.
Tags : Fluff, Comfort
It was late and, by the time you got home, your friends were back from their date night. 
There you are ! Talia said as you walked through the door. I was about to call the police !!!
Why the hell would you call the cops ? you asked. 
Because it’s 3 AM, you were nowhere to be seen and you weren’t picking up the phone ?!  she replied in a serious tone. 
You apologized when you realized you had put your phone on silent when you were watching the movie at Marshall’s. 
Where were you anyway ? She quizzed you. 
With Marshall, you said. We watched a movie. 
Told you she was probably with him, Jamal said calmly. 
Well he didn’t pick up the phone either ! she said in an annoyed voice. 
She looked at you and a grin formed on her face. 
So… Movie night, huh ? She asked. 
Yeah, you said. Why ? 
You’re wearing his clothes, she pointed out. 
Jamal let out a laugh and you blushed in embarrassment. 
I spilled soda on mine, you replied calmly. 
Of course, Jamal said with a smirk. 
First, he gives you his necklace, then you come home wearing his stuff, she continued with a smile. 
Wait, he gave you a necklace ? Jamal asked, amused. 
Yes. His sobriety pendant, Talia explain. 
It’s a good luck charm, you pointed out. 
They hummed and smiled at you, their arms crossed. 
I knew you liked him, Jamal said with a smirk. 
Of course I like him, you said. As a friend. 
Friends don’t wear their friend’s clothes, he replied. 
Come on. I wear Talia’s clothes all the time. And she wears mine. 
And friends usually don’t give each other diamond-encrusted good luck charms, either, he continued. 
He likes you, Talia said. 
He is nice, you said as you rolled your eyes. That’s it. He wanted to wish me luck on my recovery and he didn’t want me to stay in soaking wet clothes. 
They kept on smiling. 
You had a good time, your best friend pointed out. 
I did. 
You’re smiling, Jamal continued. 
I am, you confirmed. You guys are being awfully descriptive. Is this going somewhere or can I finally go to bed ?
We haven't seen you with a smile this big since… a long time ago, he said softly. 
I smile all the time, you said. 
Not like this, Talia said. You are glowing. 
Maybe it’s the face wash I used, you shrugged in annoyance, trying not to let on. 
She got closer to you and inspected your face. Her face changed into a triumphant smile when she inhaled. 
You showered there. 
How do you even… ? you asked. 
You would never pick a bodywash with this smell. I know you too well, she said with a grin. 
Well, as I said, I spilled soda. 
Riiiight, Jamal said. Quit lying and spill the tea instead, girl. We have all night. 
You groaned. They were your best friends, but they were also the most nosey, insufferable people you knew, especially in this moment. Still, you knew better than to kiss and tell. 
Goodnight, you said firmly as you moved towards the stairs. 
Sweet dreams, Jamal said with a giggle. 
You sighed when you got back to your room and laid on the bed. It was indeed late and you were exhausted. You were about to drift off to sleep when Talia opened the door. 
What are you doing ? you asked. 
I’m here for the tea, she chuckled before closing the door and laying next to you on the bed. 
Taliaaaaaaa, you groaned. 
Please, please, please. You’re my bestie. Besties tell each other everything, right ? 
Are we back in middle-school ? You asked. 
YES. I just want to know about your night, she pleaded. Did you have a good time ? 
I did, you said with a smile. 
Em’s a great guy, she said. I knew you’d get along. 
Marshall is pretty cool, you nodded. 
Right. “Marshall”. So, what did you do ? she asked with a smile. 
We watched a movie, you said earnestly. Us. 
A horror movie !!! she shrieked. Did he reassure you ?
Who said I needed reassurance ? you asked cockily. 
Please, you’re the world’s biggest scaredy-cat, she giggled. 
He did reassure me, you said softly. But there’s nothing between us. We’re friends.
Why did you shower at his place, then ? She asked. And please, don’t say you spilled soda. Unless you spilled a whole jug, you wouldn’t need to shower. Especially if it’s just a movie night.
You sighed. She was your best friend in the world and you didn’t want to lie to her. On the other hand, you didn’t feel like telling the whole truth either. She saw you looking uneasy. 
You can tell me, she said. I promise I won’t tell Jamal. 
Fine, you sighed. 
You spilled a few details, leaving a part of the story aside. You figured she didn’t need to know about the other night. You basically just told her that you kissed and he went down on you before you took a shower and went for a drive.
That sounds like a date, she mused. 
Only, it wasn’t, you said firmly. We agreed that it’d be better if we stayed friends. We just got caught up in the moment. It’s not a big deal, though. 
Just friends ? She asked in disbelief. 
Yeah. I don’t think he likes me like that anyway, you said. 
Mmmh. I disagree but ok, she said. How do you feel ? 
Fine, you said. I mean, he’s really cool, I like hanging out with him. Friends is good. 
Whatever keeps you smiling like this, she said. I missed seeing you like that, you know ? 
Without warning, she engulfed you into a hug. She was the most affectionate person you knew. 
Thank you for everything, you whispered. 
Anytime, honey, she whispered back. Well, if you want to thank me… there is something you can do… 
What ? 
Spill the tea about Em. Is he good ? she asked cockily. 
Talia !!! 
Come on, it’s no big deal, she chuckled. Better than Simon ? 
So much better, you said with a wink. 
She squealed and clapped and, even though you were initially tired, you ended up talking until morning, like two middle-schoolers during a sleepover. 
The next day, you went to the studio after you were done with uni. It was just Marshall, Jamal, Royce and Porter. They were discussing a track. You quickly hugged everyone and sat on the couch. You hadn’t slept and you were tired. You let out an involuntary yawn.
Are you alright ? Porter asked. 
Yeah, you said. Sorry, I’m exhausted. I haven’t slept. 
Got some action last night ? Royce joked. 
You heard a shrieking noise coming from Jamal, who was trying to fake a cough to hide it. You shot him a death glare. 
Yeah. Talia was in my room all night, you said with a mean smile. Had to give the poor woman something. 
You’re such a bitch, Jamal said with a laugh. 
Marshall looked at you with an amused smile and shook his head. He silently mouthed a “Thank you” and winked. You hoped Jamal hadn’t made any comment or grilled him with questions. Eventually, the guys stopped working and Marshall came to sit beside you while Porter, Royce and Jamal went to get something to drink. 
I have something for you, he said with a smile. 
You do ? you asked. 
Yes. I made you a playlist, he explained. Your very own beginner’s guide to hip-hop. I selected some tracks for you to listen to. There's 2Pac, LL Cool J, Beastie Boys, Wu Tang… That’ll be a good start. 
Thank you ! When did you have time to put that together ? You asked. 
You’re not the only one who had a sleepless night, he chuckled. Spent hours trying to clean the damn couch. 
You chortled, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. He looked at you with a smirk. 
Anyway, by the time I was done, it was either an hour of sleep or working on your playlist. And I do better on no sleep than one hour, he chuckled. So there you go ! 
He handed you a small USB device. 
You know people use Spotify and Apple Music these days, right ? You joked. 
The only reason it’s not a CD is because I’m pretty sure you don’t have a player, he replied with a smirk. 
It’s true, I don’t, you chuckled. 
It’s a shame, he said as he shook his head. You’ll never know how great it was, when you had something physical to hold on to, with music. 
I’m not twelve, Marshall, you said with a laugh. I had a few CDs in my day. But yeah, that was short-lived. 
What was the first CD you bought ? he asked. 
You don’t want to know. 
Come on, he said. I won’t judge. 
Britney Spears, In the Zone, you said. 
Ok, I’m judging a little, he admitted with a grin. 
You chuckled and grabbed your laptop, inserting the device, saving the tracks in your playlist. 
Do you want me to make you a playlist in return ? You joked. 
I don’t trust your music taste, he grinned. But you know what ? Sure. Though I should tell you hip-hop isn’t the only thing I listen to. So make it interesting, ok ?
You nodded and placed the usb key in your bag. You pressed play on your computer and listened to the first song which was Keep Ya Head Up, by 2Pac. As the first notes played, Marshall immediately took your computer. 
Nope, nope, nope, he said as he shook his head. 
What’s wrong ? You asked, visibly confused. 
I’m not having you listen to great music on shitty computer speakers, he explained. 
He got up and picked a set of Beats headphones. 
I could have used my headphones, you chuckled. 
Those flimsy things ? Yeah, don’t bother, he grinned. 
Snob, you said as you rolled his eyes. 
You connected the Beats set to your computer and placed them on your head. 
That’s better, you admitted. The sound is great !!! 
I know, right ? He replied. You can keep those, by the way. 
The others came back and resumed their conversation with Marshall, who threw glances at you as if to watch your reaction to the playlist. You smiled and closed your eyes to focus on the music. Before you knew it, you drifted off to sleep. 
When you woke up, the room was dark and silent. You were laying on the couch, Marshall’s jacket placed on you. You didn’t remember falling asleep, but you weren’t exactly surprised. You were exhausted. Your eyes scoured the room, searching for the others but they were nowhere to be seen. You got up and went to the lobby, where you found Marshall playing one of the arcade games. 
Hey sleepyhead, he said without looking at you, absorbed by the game. 
Hey, you said as you rubbed your eyes and tried to get used to the sudden light. 
After losing his game and grunting, he turned to you. He seemed exhausted and you figured that he wasn’t any better at dealing with the lack of sleep than you were. 
What time is it ? You asked. 
About 11PM, he replied.
Where are the others ? 
They went home a while ago. I told Jamal not to wake you up, he explained. I figured you needed the sleep. 
Thanks. Were you waiting for me to wake up ? you asked. 
Yeah, he said. 
You didn’t have to, you said as you shook your head. You look tired. 
It’s fine, he assured you. I just finished working anyway. 
This late ? 
Yeah, he mumbled. 
He groaned and stretched his back. 
Is something wrong ? You asked. 
Yeah. No. I don’t know, he sighed. 
Want to talk about it ? You offered. 
He stared at you for a few seconds and shrugged. 
Paul called me a few hours ago. We’re having a few issues with sample clearing, he said. 
What’s that ? 
When you want to sample someone’s work you need to get permission, he explained. Basically, you have to ask the copyright’s owners. 
Ok, you said as you took in the information. So ? What’s the issue ? 
So, anyway, there was this song we recorded a while ago and I felt pretty good about it. Loved everything about it, really. Some of the guys even said it’s one of my best. 
Yes ? You asked, not really getting it. 
Well the copyright’s owners - not even the artist, but their heirs - don’t want me to use it, he said in an annoyed tone. 
They don’t like what you did ? 
Nooo, better than that, he said with a sarcastic laugh. They say they like it, but they don’t want me to use it. Because I’m Eminem. 
You looked at him, waiting for him to elaborate. 
They like it but they don’t like… you ? you said. 
Exactly. Apparently, they think I’m too homophobic and misogynistic, he groaned. Like… what the fuck ?! 
What ? 
You know what’s fucking frustrating ?! he continued. The track is clean. Like, actually clean. Barely any swear words. No slurs. No killing anyone. No violence or shit. But because some people portrayed me as homophobic three lifetimes ago, they don’t want me to use the work. 
That’s unfair, you said. 
You think ?! 
He groaned and punched the nearest wall. It was the first time you saw him angry. In the past months, you’d seen a lot of his emotions, but never anger. This sudden burst of rage startled you. You stared at him, unable to say anything. After a few seconds, he seemed to notice it and his face softened a bit. 
Sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to scare you, he said softly. I’m just… fucking frustrated. 
It’s ok, you replied. I can tell the track means a lot to you. 
It does, he said, but it’s not just that, you know ? It’s the way some people think about me. I usually don’t care, because I figure that, if they don’t like my music, all they have to do is not play it. I’m not offended by that. Not everyone will like me and that’s ok. But this… it’s worse because it’s preventing me from making music. You know what I’m saying ? I wanted that shit on the album.
You hummed and gently rubbed his shoulder. He gently leaned into your touch. 
There’s no way you can persuade them to change their mind ? You asked. 
Don’t think so, he said. I mean, if it were me, and I thought someone homophobic, racist or whatever wanted to use my work, I’d probably say no too, you know ? But…
But you’re not like that, so that’s even more frustrating, you continued. 
He sighed. You could see some genuine disappointment in his face. 
As I said, I usually don’t care about this type of rumors or public perception or whatever you want to call it. But music… that’s the most important thing to me, you know ? That’s all I want to do, all I care about. Music. 
You nodded and gently wrapped your arms around him. He returned the embrace. 
Thanks, he whispered. Sorry for being grumpy. 
I wish I could do something, you said. 
This is good, he said softly. 
He rested his chin on the top of your head. You mindlessly ran your hands in his back, in an attempt to soothe and comfort him. 
I like that, he said in a sleepy voice. 
You know what I think you’d like even more ? you asked as you smiled against his chest. 
You’re not going to start teasing me, are you ? he asked with a small groan. 
No, you idiot, you giggled. I was thinking about sleep. 
I would like that, he said. 
I’ll get my things and call a cab. 
No need for a cab. I’ll take you home, he said. 
Ok, you whispered. 
You both grabbed your things and he took you home. 
Thanks for taking me home, you said. And allowing me to rest at the studio. 
Thanks for comforting me, he replied with a smile. 
Anytime, you said softly. 
Sorry you had to see me all grumpy… 
It’s ok, you said. You have the right to be sad, hurt and whatever, you know ? 
He shrugged and nodded quietly. 
For what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty amazing. And I’m sure that, if these people met you for even 10 minutes, they’d be honored to have you sample their stuff, you added before planting a kiss on his cheek. 
You think ? 
Of course, you said with a smile. You’re the kindest and funniest person I’ve met. 
Sexiest, too, right ? He asked with a smirk. 
I used to find you attractive, you said with a smile. But then you showed me those awful pictures of you in the 90s. Now I can’t unsee it. 
He let out a laugh and rolled his eyes. 
I’m glad we’re friends, he said with a smile. You know… I don’t have a lot of people who comfort me the way you do. 
Me too, you said softly. I’ll always be there if you need comfort, you know ? 
You hugged him one last time and he planted a kiss on the top of your head. As soon as you entered the house, you grabbed your phone and checked your messages. Your heart pounded in your chest when you saw a very familiar name on the screen.
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markosbabymama · 1 year
hii! was wondering if i could get a ck matchup :))
i’m 5’2, filipina, i have dark brown eyes and pretty long hair that’s thick and dyed a burgundy color. i wear glasses and practically never leave home without putting on winged eyeliner. i think i’d describe my style like downtown girl, but there are times where i just love dressing up like with heels and a mini skirt/dress.
i’m an aries sun, sagittarius rising and virgo moon. i’d say i’m more ambivert. i do love talking to new people, but it just takes me awhile to warm up to them. i love reading romance and dystopian books, and dancing is a big part of my life (mostly hip-hop). i’m literally the biggest scaredy cat ever and really emotional. like i’ll cry when i’m happy, sad, mad, stressed. my love languages are touch and gift giving.
i also have a cat named mochi and she is the love of my life (and emotional support).
uhhh, i think that’s it, i’m not sure if this is enough or not 😭 but tysm! <33 i also don’t mind whether i’m matched with a girl or boy, i love everybody 🫶
you would be so good with robby!!!
also u sound so pretty?!?!?
robby is on the short side, so when he towerd over u he wouldn’t stop bragging abt it
“hey shortie” “robby istg-“
definitely calls u his arm rest LMAOO
thinks ur height is adorable tho.
he’s obsessed with the color he thinks it’s the hottest thing in the world
definitely has hair ties on his wrist for u
practices doing messy buns cuz he loves the way they look on u
LOVES running his hands through ur hair
has ur shampoo and conditioner in his shower🥹
loves ur glasses sooo much
like he’s literally obsessed with the way u look with glasses on.
he lowk gets sad if u were contacts.
“hey, what happend to your glasses?” “i traded em’ for my contacts today!” *pouts* “i think u look pretty hot with ur glasses” *blushes* “good to know.”
puts them on from time to time and steals ur phone to take selfies with them on LMAOO
*steals ur glasses* “what do we think?, do i look fabulous?” *whips imaginary hair* “oh definitely.”
the amount of times he tried to convince u to let him do ur eyeliner is CRAZYY
obvi u don’t let him cause it’s to important to fuck up.
“pleaseeee” *pouts* “robby, no. if u mess up my eyeliner i won’t have time to do it again. i’ll show up to school looking like a clown.” *crosses arms* “fine.”
one day u give in and he’s the happiest person in the world
he’s surprisingly good ???
like you didn’t take it off, it looked good.
he was very proud of himself.
he has a leather jacket that u always use to steal so he gave it to u cause u used it more then him🤭
has a drawer that JUST has stockings and ankle socks for u.
“do you prefer fish nets or just plain black?” “plain black, why?” “cause i bought 6 pairs of both.”
whatever money he has saved up he’ll take u on mini shopping sprees🥹
and when u decided to change up ur style to the mini skirts and dresses
(or his hands lol)
when y’all first met he thought it was the cutest cause u were kinda shy
like the way u would look down and play with ur hands would MELT HIS HEART🥲
and when u warmed up to him he was so excited
loved hearing u ramble on abt anything
“and then she told me that her boyfriend di- what are you staring at keene?” “i just think you’re really cute.” *blushing n smiling like a mess* “you’re so corny.”
buys u all kinds of romance novels.
he will literally go to book stores and sit for hours and will ft u just to know if u would enjoy it or not
and don’t get me STARTED on all the jewelry he buys u
obvi it’s not diamonds and rubys but he gets u whatever he can get his hands on🥹
he got u his initial to put around ur neck.
genuinely just loves buying u things.
loves watching horror movies with u cause you’ll hold onto him for dear life
“are you really scared rn?” “yes! are you not?!?” “no not really” “whatever robby, it’s not my fault im afraid.” “i think it’s cute.”
first time he bought u smth u definitely cried happy tears and he thought he did something wrong LMAOOO
“wait why are you crying? is it ugly, did i get it in the wrong color i-“ *lauging* “no robby, im crying happy tears. i promise it’s perfect, i love it.”
robby is definitely a pda guy so, he always has his hands on u.
weither his hands are on ur waist, his arm wrapped around ur shoulder, his hand in urs, he’s always touching u.
loves hugs cause he’s got mommy issues
loves touch in general, especially forhead kisses.
GOD he loves those
will literally melt if u kiss his nose or forhead
loves ur cat🥹
calls her his daughter 😊
“hi baby!! how’s my girl today?” “oh i’m doing go-“ “i was talking to mochi.” “you’re an ass.”
but u honestly love cause he takes ur cat like a whole ass child
will definitely make her wear halloween costumes and ugly christmas sweaters
loves his girl and his cat🥹🥹
A/N: HOPE U ENJOYED THIS!!! this was definitely the cutest one i’ve written so far lol!!🫶🏻🥹
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sheepie-self-ships · 4 months
Scream Queens, World's Worst & Gettin' Lucky for hiromi !! :]]
Aaaaa thank you for the ask buck!!!
Scream Queens: What is your f/o scared of? Can they handle scary things, or are they easily spooked?
He is pretty good at handling normal things, but Hiromi turns into the biggest scaredy cat around mice and other little rodents 🐁
World's Worst: What sort of things are difficult for your f/o? Can you help them with these things?
His friends are definitely known to tease him a lot, whether it’s for the way he dresses or how he’s ‘an old man’, so he needs comfort and reassurance when he’s at home sometimes. I’m not great with words of affirmation but I try to help where I can ;-v-)
Gettin' Lucky: What are your f/o's skills? Can you do these things too?
He’s a wonderful florist, so he’s got a pretty keen eye for detail and color! I am similar with my visual art, and he gives great critiques even if I don’t ask for them… lmao
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bookscorpion73 · 11 months
ok so I need your help moots I decided to surprise my friend with a movie night since she’s failing physics anyways we saw the eras movie then when we got home I surprised her with that I’d set up an air mattress (I usally do for her to sleep on but I make her help and usually scrounge together some blankets but I got out the nice bed set this time) and I got hbo max on my computer so we could watch any movie she liked (she’s been wanting to watch the studio Ghibli so I assumed she’d pick on of those) but she picked Coreline. Did I mention she’s the biggest scaredy cat in the world and I may be scared of the animation style? Yeah super weird I can watch like gory horror movies without being scared at all but animated somewhat creepy movies? Yeah I’m terrified of those (she has a theory that my parents traumatized me when I was like 2 and that’s why) anyways it ended up with both of us practically cuddling and we are both definitely not the touchy feely type and I still don’t know how to feel about it
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andythelemon · 4 years
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Richie & Eddie for a Losers Club fanzine earlier this year! I don’t often draw fanart of live action films (let alone horror, because I’m the world’s biggest scaredy-cat) but I enjoyed these movies immensely, the kids are so funny.
Postcards will be available in my store!
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝑊𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝐴𝑠𝑘 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑂𝑢𝑡: 𝑁𝑜𝑛! 𝐼𝑑𝑜𝑙 𝐴𝑈
❥𝐴𝑟𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒: 𝐾𝑖𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑗𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑔
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As a college student, you usually end up having to do a lot of projects that require creativity and lots of paint.
That's how you ended up in an arts and crafts store.
You found Hongjoong behind the counter, finishing up his task of arranging the ribbons on the shelf.
He smiled at you and immediately put his task down.
"How may I help you this evening?"
Knows exactly what you'll need better than you.
Often recommends other materials or throws in a few creative suggestions of his own.
He's always asking you what they're for, he's genuinely curious about your assignments..and even more curious about you.
Sometimes you end up doing some of your posters with him right there on days where there's nobody else.
You purposefully began buying things you didn't even need just to have an excuse to see the blueberry haired male.
He doesn't mind, he likes your company, even if it's strange you keep buying the same red glitter everyday.
One day you came in, and he was excited to show you the new Valentine's Day cards that just arrived.
In particular, this really cute one that played a song you've never heard before but that asked in the end "Will you go out with me?"
You giggled. "It's so cute. Who thought of it?"
Hongjoong smiled even more, holding the card out to you. "I did......it's for you....so what do you say?"
❥𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡: 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎
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You really love to gift flowers to your loved ones, feeling that it's a sweet way of saying you're thinking of them.
You frequented a lot of flower shops, but something about this particular one made you want to keep coming back...
And it wasn't just the hot employee behind the counter. Or his super sweet and flirty personality.
It was that and much much more.
You loved the cozy and intricate way the arrangements were always lined up.
They made it a point to change them every week, sort of giving the shop a fresh look each Sunday.
Seonghwa also knew specifically what type of flowers to suggest depending on what it was for.
White tulips for when you wanted to apologize to someone, Hydrangeas to show gratitude, and even Sunflowers to show love to your best friend.
It was always fascinating to hear him speak about what each flower represented.
Just as fascinating as watching him delicately put them together in beautiful bouquets and tie them with a ribbon.
One time you came in and he was very excited to show you a new bouquet he made.
"Ta da!" He pulled out a bouquet with lavender roses as the main focus.
"They're so beautiful Seonghwa! What do they mean?"
"They represented enchantment and love at first sight...ideal for a blossoming romance..."
He grinned as he held them out. "From me, to you."
❥𝑃𝑒𝑡 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑟: 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜
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Getting a chow chow puppy as a pet was no easy task.
Especially when their hair is extremely fluffy and in constant need of maintenance.
Fortunately for you, a nearby pet grooming shop opened up recently.
So you walked, pooch in your arms as you looked at the cozy scene in front of you.
"Hello, I'm Yunho and I'll be assisting you today. And whom do we have here?"
Your puppy instantly took a liking to him, which was rare since he was a big scaredy cat for a dog.
"If my baby trusts him, I guess I have nothing to worry about. "
You really didn't. Yunho was so friendly and knew how to handle dogs perfectly fine.
He was just as playful as them and was very careful when trimming their hair or nails.
So you felt absolutely at ease leaving your child for a few hours with him while you ran some errands or went grocery shopping.
"Hi baby. Were you a good boy today?" You came to pick up your pooch one day.
"Oh they were an absolute gem as always."
You were about to leave when Yunho said. "Hey Y/N...I actually have a dog of my own at home....and they could use a friend.."
"Oh? So you want to arrange a play date for them?" You asked.
He blushed and smiled shyly as he admitted. "Date for them and maybe....us too?"
❥𝐵𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑝 𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒: 𝐾𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑒𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑔
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Truthfully, Yeosang frightened you the first time you walked into the shop.
He just stared at you with a cold stare as he warned you to keep quiet in the place.
You definitely didn't want to get on his bad side.
So you just stuck to browsing the shelves, picking out the books you wanted and buying them.
Then after getting more brave, you took advantage of the tables and desks they had inside to either catch up on homework or read what you just purchased.
You just loved reading, especially poetry or sonnets.
You always got so lost in your book, you only realized what time it was because Yeosang tapped your shoulder.
"It's 5 minutes to closing. You should probably go home now."
It became a routine of coming to the shop right after school, curling up on the chair in a back, your nose stuck in a book.
Unbeknownst to you, Yeosang always watched you, took notice of the genres you were fond of. He'd be lying if he said he didn't find you cute and attractive.
You were just as mysterious and quiet as he was, and he was intrigued to get to know who you were.
One day, you came in as usual, waving to Yeosang who just sat by the register.
You sat in your usual spot and noticed a tiny folded letter on the corner. You opened it up and read its contents, a quote from one of your favorite novels:
"In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."- Pride and Prejudice.
You looked up to find Yeosang peering at you from his own book, for the first time, a smile on his sculpture like face as he waited for your reaction.
❥ 𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎: 𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝑆𝑎𝑛
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Being the coffee addict you were, of course you had to try out the new shop that opened up.
The fresh scent of espresso filled your nostrils the moment you walked in and it was heavenly.
And the barista at the counter was pure eye candy.
And you soon found out he was sweeter than any cinnamon roll or cream Danish they sold there.
"May I interest you in any of our specialty drinks?"
But you were a simple person, you just wanted straight black coffee.
He seemed taken aback and somewhat disappointed at your choice.
But at least you weren't a picky customer that tried his patience.
So you just regularly came to get your straight espresso.
One day he asked "Can I please just try something?"
You couldn't say no to his little pout, so you let him.
You watched as he did your regular espresso shots and looked to be adding some type of cream.
He giddily went back to the counter and held it out to you.
There on the very top, he had created a heart out of latte foam...
And on the cup, he had written his phone number and added the words "call me ;) "
❥𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡: 𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑖
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You had always been more than willing to help babysit your cousin during summer break.
You adored that child like none other.
But you had recently gotten a job and couldn't watch him all the time
So you opted for the nearby daycare center to help you when you had to work.
The first sight that greeted you was a tall young man who had tussled hair and paint staining his apron.
"Hello. I'm assistant Mingi. How can I help you today?" He greeted you both and then let out an 'ouch' when something hit him from the back.
Feeling safe with the environment, you began taking your cousin every other day to the center and picking him up after your shift ended.
You always saw Mingi there.
He usually helped your cousin with the homework assigned to him over break.
Or he was simply goofing around with him, it was quite endearing to see.
You were content to see the little boy make friends and break out of his little shell.
You came to pick him up as usual. "How was it today? Learned anything exciting?"
"I learned that Mingi thinks you're cute and has a crush on you." He snickered as he pointed to Mingi.
"Hey! Shhhh!! You promised not to say anything!" Mingi laughed nervously as he looked at you rather worrisome.
You blushed and smiled. "It's ok. They think you're cute too Mingi." Your cousin interjected, now exposing you and prompting you two to confess your feelings.
❥𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑟: 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑊𝑜𝑜𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔
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Having the world's biggest sweet tooth was a blessing and a curse.
And right now the biggest issue was finding a new pastry that you had not tried before.
But you had practically gone through all the bakeries in town, knew what they had to offer.
So you decided to stop by a very old bakery that you had not gone to in forever.
And you weren't joking when you said forever, the place had changed so much, you hardly recognized it.
You also didn't recognize any of the people working there, having been a regular before.
You looked through the assorted pastries on displays, hoping to find something to catch your interest.
"Hello there pretty one."
You were startled by the loud voice behind you. You turned to see a cute guy smiling at you.
"Were you looking for something in particular?"
You explained that you were looking for something new or special and his eyes instantly lit up.
He ushered you to follow him to the counter, where he pulled out a tray of peach shaped pastries.
"These are Italian peach cookies, meant to look like actual peaches. Try one and tell me they're not the best thing you've ever tried."
You ate one and your whole mouth was engaged. They were absolutely amazing. "They're so good. I love how sweet they are."
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Wooyoung smirked. "If you like sweet things, how about going on a date with me?"
❥𝐴𝑟𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑡: 𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝐽𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑜
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Jongho was no strange face to you and you were no stranger to him.
He often worked part time at the local arcade during summer break.
You and your friends hung out there a lot after you guys got done with your respective jobs.
"Hey." "Hi." You both always shyly greeted each other like that for 3 years now, sometimes starting small conversations.
Your friends often rolled their eyes at you, telling you to work up the courage to ask him out.
His friends, and coworkers, were also trying to do the same to him.
"They're totally into you." But Jongho would only blush and brush it off as pure fiction.
One night, he noticed how someone came up to you and tried to hit on you.
You looked visibly uncomfortable and seemed to be wanting a way out of the situation.
When they leaned in too close for your liking, and his, he marched right over there.
"Is there a problem here?" He made it a point to flex his arm muscles, making the person apologize and just scurry off.
"Are you ok?" He asked, wanting to make sure you were fine, which you said you were.
He was gonna go back to the counter, but he had to ask."Y/N...would you like to go out on a date sometime-"
"Yes!" You immediately answered, not letting him finish, suddenly feeling awkward for sounding so desperate.
But Jongho only smiled. "Don't worry, I would have done the same if you had asked me out."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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yugirl · 3 years
Day 18: “This Wasn’t in the Rule Book.”
Crossovers, coffee shops, and canon divergence collide today in the wonderful world of AU! Go nuts.
((Magical girl au? Magical girl au! @pridewhatpride my love?? This is for you!))
I gritted my teeth and looked up with fear and dread. It was no use… the Light of Destruction was so strong and so powerful.
Jaden was struggling to get up; Bastion was struggling to breathe; Jesse couldn’t move.
But… I couldn’t let it end like this…
“Yellow… Green… Black…” I whispered. My spirit partners appeared and looked in concern.
“What are you gonna do, boss…?!” Yellow squeaked.
“I’m going to keep fighting with everything I have… but I understand if you three don’t… if you want to run… now’s your chance….”
Jaden seemed to see what I was doing and summoned Winged Kuriboh.
“Chazz is right… just because we’re going to keep fighting doesn’t mean you guys have to… so if you want to get out of here, then go….”
Bastion grunted, “there’s no need for you to put yourself at risk if you don’t want to Pikeru… go….”
Jesse looked at the Crystal Beasts. “I’m with them… you’ve all been by my side from start to finish, but I want you to be safe….”
“YOU'RE INSANE!!” Yellow squawked.
“Sure, I may be a scaredy-cat, but I’m not backing down when we’re this close to the finish line!!”
Green nodded in agreement. “Yeah!! If you’re gonna keep fighting, boss, then we are too!!”
“That’s right!! Brothers stick together!!” Black added.
I couldn’t help but smile “thanks, you guys….”
Winged Kuriboh seemed to mewl in protest as well, nuzzling against Jaden and assuring he was staying.
“Thanks, Pal…” Jaden smiled.
“Yeah! If you losers even think you’re fighting without us, think again!” Pikeru said smugly.
“Thanks, Pikeru…” Bastion chuckled and patted her head.
“Your friends are right, Jesse….” Topaz Tiger nodded.
“we’ve all come so far together, and as you said, we’ve been here from start to end. But it’s not the end yet….” Amythest Cat added.
Jesse teared up and nodded. “Thank you!!”
I used my lighting spear to help myself stand up before turning to help the others up one at a time…
“If this really is the end… I just want you to know…I… I love you guys….” I muttered.
Jaden teared up and nodded. “I love you too!”
Bastion wrapped an arm around Jaden to comfort him. “I love you all as well….”
Jesse teared up too and pulled us all into a hug. “I love you all too!! Thank you so much for staying with me and helping me complete my mission!!”
We hugged each other for the longest time, our hearts burning… no, they weren’t burning; they were glowing.
“What is this!?” I gasped
“Could this be… a new power?” Jesse wondered.
Suddenly four rainbow coloured crystals appeared, a star, a gem, a heart and a diamond.
“This isn’t anything like the rainbow dragon….” Bastion whispered
“That’s because it’s not!” Jaden explained, “I can feel it… this is our power!!”
I looked to my friends… the three boys I met on this journey, and the spirit partners who stuck with us. This indeed was the final battle.
“Everyone… LET’S GO!!”
The rainbow crystals resonated with each of us. The power was overwhelming.
All of us ascended into the sky,
Thanks to the rainbow crystals, we transformed one last time into new, more powerful forms. It was time.
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The light of destruction couldn’t believe that we were still fighting. It thought it had destroyed us once and for all.
“No matter what happens, we’ll always keep fighting to protect those we love!!” Jesse declared
“We want to live and pursue the future!!” Jaden added
“Destruction may always exist, but creation and life are needed to maintain balance!” Bastion stated
“And that’s why we can’t bow down to the likes of you!!” I pointed my spear at him. “We will defeat you once and for all!!”
Jaden charged in first, his new gauntlets glowing with power.
The light of destruction fired a laser towards us in response, but Jaden was having none of it.
“レインボー コスミククラシ!!”
He punched through it, blasting the light in different directions, leaving earth and us unharmed.
The light was baffled. It couldn’t comprehend this power.
“My turn!!”
Bastion flew towards the light and readied his throwing knives.
The knives surged through space, pinning the light to the spot and rendering it helpless as the power of the elements coursed through it. It had nowhere to run now.
Jesse went next, readying his sword. He was ready to avenge everyone and everything the light had ever hurt.
The rainbow light burst from his sword and started to break the light up. It tried to escape, but it had me to deal with.
I raised my spear high into the air, Channeling my lightning powers.
The light screamed in pain and agony. It wasn’t done. It conjured up his power for one final attack, but we knew it was on its last legs.
We gathered together, and with the power of our bond, our weapons fused together, creating a brand new weapon—the Miracle Rainbow Spear.
“Impossible!!” The light snapped, “don’t you know if you use all your power, the worlds will be separated!?”
“Even so… I have a sworn duty to protect both this world and the spirit world…” Jesse reflected “, my friends have shown me the true importance of being the crystal protector, and I will always treasure that… I will never forget that even if we are separated!!”
“People come and go… that’s an unfortunate part of life… but I will not cry when it’s over….” Bastion felt a grin grow on his face, “I will smile because I’ll remember every precious memory we’ve given each other!!”
“No matter what comes between us, we will always be together no matter where we are in one world or another….” Jaden added, holding back tears. “OUR FOUR HEARTS WILL ALWAYS BEAT AS ONE!!”
“It’s funny… when this journey began, I didn’t want anything to do with these guys… but now I don’t want this adventure to end….” I smiled “but I know they’re right!! No matter what happens, we’ll always be together!! I’ll never forget any of this and the friendships we made!!”
Our hearts beat as one as the spear resonated with us. It was time to end this.
The bright colour exploded from the spear charging towards the light, eliminating the white completely
“Stop it!! It’s too bright!! Stop it!!”
I screamed as I thrust the spear forward, charging with one last burst of energy.
“IMPOSSIBLE…. I AM THE LIGHT I AM ALL POWERFUUUUUL” piece by piece it was disintegrated
It was over…he was gone…
The four of us floated through space, relieved it was all over.
“Y’all… thank you so much for your help… I can’t believe it’s all over….” Jesse sighed
“Yeah…” I smiled. “I’m glad we were able to save everyone….”
“Now humans and duel spirits and live in peace….” Jaden nodded
“Indeed, a happy ending all round”, Bastion chuckled.
Suddenly Jesse and the duel spirits started glowing.
“Huh!? Jesse, what’s happening!?”
“It’s time, guys… I’m going back to the spirit world….”
“N-now!? But I thought we had more time!! I thought we’d at least spend more time together!!” Bastion gasped
“Sorry, y’all… I don’t make the rules, my missions over, and now it’s time to go home….”
“You can’t go, Jesse!! There’s still so much I wanted to do!!”
“Jesse, please!! We love you!!”
“I love y’all too!! But remember what we said… we’ll always be together… no matter what… we’ll see each other again… I know it!!”
Winged Kuriboh flew over to Jaden, who eagerly hugged him. “I’ll miss you too, Winged-Kuriboh!”
“I’m gonna miss you!!” Pikeru sobbed
“I’ll miss you too, Pikeru….” Bastion sighed and patted her head “don’t forget me, alright?”
“I don’t think I could ever forget a loser like you….” Pikeru giggled before flying in to hug him.
I pulled the Ojamas into a tight hug. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was going to miss them a lot.
“We love you, boss!!”
“I… I love you guys too… take care now, alright…?”
I slowly let go, and the Duel Spirits flew back to Jesse, all returning to their world while we returned to ours…
I don’t remember much after that… the months sort of flew by, and I graduated high school. Bastion left to work with Professor Eisenstein, Jaden disappeared after graduation… That was the last I saw of th-
“That can’t be the end!!”
“Huh?” I looked down to my oldest daughter “what do you mean, Aurora?”
“That can’t be how it ends!!” Aurora protested, “did you really get separated forever!?”
“That’s so sad!!” Rosalie, my second daughter, nodded.
“Uh-huh!” My son Damien agreed.
“Well, I said we got separated. I never said forever….” I mumbled
“S-so, did you get to see each other again?” Rosalie asked.
“I don’t know….” I pulled my kids onto my lap and hugged them “do you want us to see each other again?”
“I do, I do!”
I chuckled and hugged them all close. “Maybe we’ll see each other again….”
I heard the door open and the sound of tired shuffling.
“Oh, let’s see who’s home!!”
Aurora jumped up first and dashed out the door, seeing the three exhausted adults.
“Hey, Aurora!” Jesse grinned and picked her up, giving her the biggest hug.
Rosalie ran over to Bastion and hugged him tightly. She was always a papa’s girl.
Damien and I chuckled and walked over to Jaden, both greeting him with a kiss on the cheek.
“How was work?”
“Oh, you know the usual!” Jaden smirked.
I walked over to Jesse and wrapped my arms around him, planting a firm kiss on his lips.
“Mmm, that’s nice! What was that for?” Jesse grinned
“I just missed you a lot today….” I smiled.
Well, it seemed to work. The kids wanted us to meet up again. And we did.
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twinkleton · 4 years
at the end of the century - douxie x reader
Whew, this was a douzy to write! I'm so sorry about the wait, maybe it's length will make up for it! This is part two to my last fic, so be sure to give the first part a read if ya haven't! I wanted to include a familiar for the reader, but it just didn't make sense for the story. I'll happily write another fic that has a reader with one if anyone would like! Also, to avoid confusion, this takes place during the "first" battle at killahead. No time travel going on yet, obviously it's changed to where Douxie is involved in the fight. Hope you guys like it!
Tags: @purplesinnerw @clarencebells
As per usual for Camelot, its streets were bustling with its citizens up bright and early for morning shopping. Traders were bartering their newfound treasures, and parents were buying food and supply for their families. For Y/N however, she was neither a trader or a member of a family. She had nothing, except her magic. Of course she felt terrible tricking people into looking the other way while she grabbed onto a loaf of bread or an extra shirt she’d need, but in order to survive it’s what she had to do. After a while, the guilt can subside. She’d rather be doing this than have to rely on anyone ever again.
Still, as she leaned back against a wall, taking a bite out an apple she’d taken earlier, she couldn’t help but feel jealous at the sight of a little girl on top of her father’s shoulders, laughing along with her mother without a care in the world. She’d argued it was because of having to look at someone so privileged, but really it was because of having to look at someone so loved.
Three years later,
Tensions had reached their peak between Morgana and King Arthur, and a war was about to begin against Gunmar and his army of Gumm-Gumms. Morgana had had enough of his mistreatment of magical creatures, therefore her loyalty to him was hanging by a thread. It didn’t seem enough that Arthur seeked help from the trolls of Dyoza, as she believed he only saw them as pawns. 
Back in Merlin’s study, him, Douxie, and Archie were discussing how to prepare for the upcoming battle, more specifically, what to do about Y/N. 
“No, we are not leaving her here!” Douxie shouts at Merlin. Archie gives him a concerned look.
“Douxie…” he says, trying to calm his friend.
“No, Y/N has never given us any reason to doubt her. How could you suggest such an idea as to lock her up until the battle is over? What has she ever done to deserve that?!”
“Hisirdoux, this is not about what she has done, but she potentially could do. We know how close she is to Morgana, and Morgana will say or do anything to persuade her to be on her side. With Y/N she has an advantage, an extra card in her deck. Keeping her here is only a precaution. It’s a way to keep Y/N safe and to keep Morgana from being stronger,” Merlin explains. 
Douxie isn’t convinced by that. He knows Y/N. He knows that she would not want to be stuck here while the rest of them go off and risk their lives for Camelot. And if Morgana sees her on their side, maybe Y/N could be the one to convince her to stop. 
“Clearly you’ve forgotten that she was the one that stopped me from bringing dark shadows into Camelot. Ever since she’s been here she’s done nothing except be the kindest and most understanding out of all of us. There’s nothing Morgana could say or do that would convince her to go against that.”
“I’m with Douxie,” Archie agrees. “Surely Merlin, you can have a little more faith in the girl. And with her training from Morgana, she could be our biggest asset against her and Gunmar.”
Douxie gives him a scratch behind the ear, silently thanking him. Archie beams at him. 
Merlin gives a sigh in defeat, not willing to argue anymore about the subject. “Alright, we won’t keep her here. However, should she side with Morgana, I fear her safety will be gravely-”
“What are the three of you up to?” As if summoned by them talking about her, Y/N walks in. 
All three of them stop in their tracks, faces blanched.
Douxie decides to sacrifice himself in explaining. “N-nothing Y/N! We were just uh..trying to calm down Archie! You know him, always been a scaredy-cat,” he nervously chuckles, picking up Archie and frantically petting him. Archie’s face screams unenthused.
“Ah yes, frightened I am.”
Y/N giggles at the absurdity going on. She walks over to Douxie, saving Archie from him. He relaxes in her arms, belly exposed for Y/N to give light scritches. 
“Aw, it’s alright, Arch. I’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you, okay?” she playfully reassures. Despite obviously not needing the comfort, Archie purrs at that. Much like everyone she’s come across since being here, Archie full-heartedly loved her.
Merlin takes the opportunity to leave the room. “I must go. There’s still much to be done before the battle.” He stops at the door, turning to look at Y/N. “We all trust you, Y/N. Please, don’t let that be a mistake.”
She understands what he meant by that, and stays silent. Merlin takes his leave.
Douxie glares at where Merlin was standing moments ago. “Don’t listen to him. We know you’d make the right call with Morgana.”
Y/N lets Archie out of her arms, the familiar jumping onto the table. “I don’t know what to do. Morgana is adamant that Arthur will never see through his hatred with magickind.”
“Don’t you see Y/N? This is the only way to stop my brother and his tyranny.” Morgana had been hiding away, deep in the forest. The only person she trusted with her location was Y/N, on the condition that she swore not to reveal it to anyone else, or else their lives would be the first one targeted in the upcoming war. Y/N agreed to the terms. 
“And you honestly believe Camelot or the world even would be safer with someone like Gunmar? Once he defeats Arthur, there would be nothing to stop him from conquering everyone, including you. The world would be in shambles,” Y/N insists. It pained her heart arguing against Morgana, the first person in the longest time she’d felt safe with. It wasn’t easy for Morgana either. 
“What have I been trying to tell you from the moment you set foot in that castle? Arthur fears us, he fears Gunmar, me, and you. Magic is nothing to be afraid of. You’ve seen the wondrous things magic can do.”
“And I’ve also witnessed the horrible things it’s capable of. I know magic can be good, but people like Gunmar have to be stopped. Please Morgana, you can still do the right thing,” Y/N pleads.
Morgana turns her back on her apprentice, beginning to walk away. “The same could be said for you, my dear.” 
Despite her best efforts, Y/N can’t stop a tear from falling out of her eye. Douxie immediately walks over to comfort her, wrapping his arms around her. 
“I’m afraid, Doux,” she admits, grabbing onto the front of his tunic. “I spent years not trusting anyone, fending for myself, and the whole time I was so lonely.” Soft whimpers could be heard coming from her.
Douxie begins softly petting the back of her head, patiently waiting for her to continue. 
“Morgana was the one who saved me from that life, who gave me hope. She felt like the mother I never had.”
She slightly pulls away from Douxie, wanting to look at him. Looking into her grief-stricken eyes made Douxie almost want to agree to Merlin’s plan of keeping her here, just so she wouldn’t have to face Morgana. He knows she wouldn’t want to do that however.
“What if she’s gone after this? Will I be left all alone again?” Deep down she knows she wouldn’t be alone, but her paranoia was telling her other things.
“Never,” Douxie assures. He pushes her hair away from her face, pressing his hands against her cheeks. “I promise, darling. You will never feel alone ever again,” he swears. Y/N’s fears melt away with his words, her eyes refusing to leave his. They didn’t notice how close they had gotten until Archie interrupted. He hops onto Douxie’s shoulders, causing him to let go of Y/N in order to regain his balance. He lets out a huff of annoyance, with Archie giving him a cheeky smile. 
“Don’t worry dear Y/N. No matter what happens, Doux and I will always be here for you.” She smiles at that, giving Archie a loving pat on his head. 
“Thank you, Archie,” she says, looking back at Douxie to grin at him, implying that their moment wasn’t finished. Douxie gets the hint.
Deya slams her amulet into the bridge, opening up the portal to seal away Gunmar and his army. Y/N had stayed with the trolls of Dyoza to help them against the Gumm-Gumms, leaving Merlin, Douxie, and Archie to defeat Morgana. 
The fight had gone too long for Merlin who was injured, weakening his magic. Archie had been knocked out earlier by a strong blow from Morgana. Douxie was holding his own despite Morgana being far stronger than him, however it didn’t last long. 
Pushing her hands away from her, a huge burst of dark wind cascaded the arena they were in, leaving Douxie and Merlin blind. Morgana seized the opportunity to trap them, tying them up in rope created by her magic. They struggled against them, but there was no use. Morgana started cackling with glee, believing she bested them.
“You fools! You should’ve known better than to go against me. You wasted your lives trying to protect my cowardly brother, and now all your squabbling will be for nothing!” Morgana rises into the air and raises her hand, a strong light pulsing from it, no doubt from her charging her final blow against them. 
Douxie frantically looks around for any sign of help or weapon to use. Finding nothing, his last resort is to use words.
“Morgana! Think about Y/N! You know she doesn’t want this!” he shouts, desperation clear in his words.
“Don’t act as if you care about what she wants! You only see her as your puppet, another pawn for you to use! She and all magickind will finally be free once all of you are gone!” A final pulse comes from her hand, the light so bright it hurts to even glance at. All hope deferred, Douxie’s final wish was for the truth to be heard. 
“You’re wrong! Y/N was the reason I changed for the better! I used to be whiny and immature-”
“Hisirdoux! Now’s not the time for a heart to heart!” Merlin interrupts.
Douxie ignores him, “I used to be bitter about the hand I was given, but Y/N gave me a reason to be grateful for what I had! She’s the brightest out of all of us, and I’m so, so lucky to have met her, befriended her, and fallen in love with her!” A wave of peace fills Douxie, accepting his fate. 
His words have left Morgana speechless. Doubt floods her mind, for the first time since this battle began. However, she snaps back into her fury. 
“Very well, you can die with a peace of mind. I’ll tell Y/N all about your feelings for her while she grieves over your dead body,” she maliciously answers. She throws her hand down, an enormous beam of light launches from her hand.
Douxie closes his eyes, waiting for the feeling of burning skin to come, but it never does.
“There won’t be any need for that, Morgana!”
He recognizes that voice, and his eyes shoot open. The ground beneath them shakes, as Y/N throws up a shield so large, it sends Morgana’s magic flying all across the other side of the room, most of it hitting Morgana herself. She lets out a cry, falling to the floor. 
Y/N sprints over to Merlin and Douxie, freeing them from the ropes.
Douxie gleefully says, “Y/N! You made it! You’re okay- how much of that did you hear?”
Y/N giggles, “Just that last bit. You know, the important bit.”
Douxie lets out an embarrassed chuckle. Archie, having finally woken up, flies over to the couple. “I’d hate to interrupt this lovely reunion, but we do have a ninth-level sorceress to take care of.”
They all turn towards Morgana. “Right, let’s finish this,” Douxie commands.
Douxie and Archie team up, using magic and fire to seal Morgana in a ring of flames. Morgana growls in anger. Y/N puts up shields all around her friends, blocking any of Morgana’s attacks from hitting them. When Morgana shoots her magic at Y/N, Merlin defends her, the bolt ricocheting off his staff and back towards Morgana. Douxie jumps towards Morgana, armed with a sigil designed to freeze her. He successfully reaches her, and the both of them are frozen in the air, except she has no control.
“Hurry! I can’t hold her that long!” Douxie warns. 
“You’ve lost yourself Morgana! Bound to dark magic,” Merlin yells, slamming his staff to the ground, a large sigil of his own covering the floor. 
“I have no choice but to seal you away!” He begins the spell, balls of light rising from the floor. Morgana is able to swing her staff at Douxie, throwing him across the room. However, before she can move, Y/N replaces Douxie, freezing Morgana once more with an even stronger hold. 
“Do it! Finish the spell!” Y/N shouts. 
Morgana screams in frustration. “How dare you, Y/N! I am the reason your life has meaning, I’m the reason for everything you hold dear! You’d be nothing if it weren’t for me!”
“I never was nothing! The only thing I used to be was alone! You’ve given me a family, and for that I’m grateful, but now I have to protect that family! And the only way to do that is to get rid of you!” Y/N turns toward Merlin, “Any day now!”
Merlin chants the final line of the spell, and a beam of light expels from his staff, hitting Morgana at her feet, encasing them in stone. The light slowly works its way up her body.
“I will destroy you all! No matter what it takes, no matter where you go, I will not rest until I’ve ended you and all that you love!” Morgana vows, hitting Y/N with a bolt, knocking her down. Douxie sprints and catches her before she hits the floor. 
Most of Morgana’s body has been encased, leaving only her torso and head free. “I swear on your lives I shall rise again!” 
“And we’ll still be here to stop you once more, buttsnack!” Douxie promises, firmly holding onto Y/N. Once all of her has been frozen, Merlin crosses his arms, finishing the enchantment. Y/N opens up a portal to the Shadow Realm, and Merlin hurls Morgana into it. The last thing heard from Morgana is fearful screaming as Y/N closes the portal.
With the battle finally over, everyone gives a huge sigh of relief, falling to the floor. Archie marches over to Douxie and Y/N, jumping on top of them and licking their faces.
“Arch! That’s disgusting,” Douxie complains with a smile, clearly not meaning it. Y/N hugs Archie, giving him a kiss on the forehead. Douxie beams at the both of them, feeling so content in the moment. 
He puts a hand on her shoulder, “Are you alright, love?” Archie hops off of Y/N, deciding to give them a moment alone.
“I’m okay, more than okay really. She was too far gone, there was nothing more we could do,” Y/N answers. “Now, about your little declaration of love there.”
Douxie nervously giggles, “Yeaahhh, about that. Look desperate times call for desperate measures! Had I known you were just going to waltz in anyway, I would’ve waited for a more romantic evening to confess my undying love for you.”
“There would’ve been flowers, music, little sweet buns iced with our initials toget-”
Y/N cuts off his rambling by grabbing his tunic with one hand, resting the other on his cheek, and pulling his lips towards hers. Their first kiss is a soft one, with Douxie wrapping his arms around her, pulling her even closer. They let each other go, feeling the sudden urge to laugh at one another for their impeccable timing.
“I love you too, Douxie. More than anything,” Y/N confesses.
Douxie grabs her face and pulls her into another kiss, convinced this is the happiest moment of his life.
Eventually, they remember they’re not alone. They look around to see Merlin passed out on the floor. 
“Merlin!” they both shout, running over to him. Archie apparently had been trying to wake them up, waiting for their moment to be over in order to tell them.
“Why didn’t you tell us he’d passed out?!” Douxie scolds.
Archie waves his paws in defense. “Pardon me, you know I’m all for happy endings. I just didn’t want to be the one to tell you it’s not over yet.” Douxie lets out a groan, slamming his hand to his forehead.
“When do you think he’ll wake up?” Y/N asks.
“Hopefully, soon,” Douxie answers, doubtfully.
Nine centuries later, 
“FUZZBUCKETS!” Douxie screams in the air, being dragged along by a mephit he, Y/N, and Archie were trying to catch. 
“Don’t let go of it!” Y/N shouts, trying to sprint ahead of the creature.
“Ah yes dear, that was the plan all along! To free this poor tortured beast!” he yells sarcastically, before slamming into the ground for the fifth time that night.
“You know it was your sense of humor I fell in love with first!” she quips. She opens up a portal on the floor and jumps into it, opening up another one right in front of the mephit. She draws up a sigil that the mephit bounces off of, knocking him down.
“Ah well, luckily for you I’m quite the jester!” Douxie jokes. 
Archie swoops in and blows fire at the mephit, fatally wounding it. Douxie is then able to cast the creature away. They all let out shouts of victory, Y/N giving each of them a high five. 
“You know, one of these days you two will be the death of me. Maybe don’t start flirting with each other until you’re absolutely certain you’ve caught the shadow mephit,” Archie chides.
Y/N scratches behind Archie’s ear as a way of apology. “I’m so sorry dear husband over there insists on putting his hands on me at every available opportunity. He’s quite the scoundrel,” Y/N teases. 
Douxie scoffs at that remark, pretending to be offended. “Pardon me, dear wife. But if I recall correctly it was you who-” He doesn’t finish his sentence as he’s distracted by the lights suddenly flickering and then bursting. 
“Hisirdoux,” a voice calls out. 
“Is that…?” Y/N questions, looking around.
“I think it is…. Merlin!” Douxie grins in excitement, happy to know his master is finally awake. 
A green sigil lights up from underneath Douxie, making him jump back. Merlin rises up from it, except it’s only a projection of him. 
“Hisirdoux, my faithful apprentice-”
“You darn right I’ve been faithful. Who leaves a guy hanging for almost a millennium? You could’ve sent a raven, or a text! There’s texting you know!” Douxie whines. 
“It’s so good to see you, Merlin,” Y/N says with a smile, giving him a bow. 
Merlin smiles back, “Lovely to see you too, dear Y/N. I see Hisirdoux hasn’t tormented you enough to run to the hills yet.”
Y/N laughs, standing back up, “Actually, he’s done quite the opposite.” She raises her left hand, showing off the ring on her finger. Douxie wraps an arm around her shoulders, eyes staring lovingly at her. Merlin beams at the both of them, glad that they’ve had each other all the years. 
“Congratulations, you two,” Merlin proudly says. 
“Thanks, Master,” Douxie responds gratefully. The last nine hundred have been wonderful with her and Archie at his side.
Merlin clears his throat, “I’ve come here to task you all with a mission. You must bring the Guardians of Arcadia, with haste.” The projection of him fades away, leaving the three of them alone. 
“Errand boys once again, aren’t we?” Archie complains. Douxie lets out a sigh. 
“Don’t think of it as an errand, think of it as another adventure,” Y/N suggests, wrapping her left arm around Douxie and letting Archie climb on top of her shoulders. “It’ll be fun! You’ll see.”
Douxie chuckles, and brings his left hand to her head, pulling it closer to him to press a light kiss against her forehead. “With you, my love, anything’s an adventure.”
“Wait, so the two of you are wizards?! Not just baristas at the cafe?!” Toby questions. 
“Yup!” Y/N replies. 
“And you’ve been living for nine hundred years?!” 
Steve gives Y/N a quick up/down glance, “Well, you certainly don’t look it.”
Douxie glares at him, “Careful, she’s married.”
Steve raises his hands in defense, “I’m just saying! Wait, to you?”
“Yes!” Douxie barks at him. 
“Today’s actually our eight hundred and ninety-sixth anniversary,” Y/N informs them with a smile. 
“And you’re spending it here? Wow Doux, you suck at romance.” Toby criticizes.
Douxie scoffs, “Alright, you go celebrate eight hundred and ninety-five anniversaries and report back to me!”
Y/N lets out a giggle, “Maybe that’s enough questions for now.”
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Anon asked: Heyyy! Can we have some HC on style 5 as fathers? Thank you
Yes! The boys as fathers have me so soft 🥺
Father Headcanons (Style 5)
I got carried away with these hcs... might have to make a separate post for each later on 😅 long post ahead!
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Personally I imagine Haru with a daughter first
Like can you imagine how cute that would be? 🥺🥺the whole like father like daughter 🥺🥺
Haru doesn’t get this whole babies thing, in fact he’s panicking on the inside, but the moment he holds his child in his arms, it’s like every thought every worry has now become irrelevant
The only thing that matters is the child in his arms❤️
Smiles a lot more now because he is genuinely happy.
Even lets his laughs be heard more often just for his kid lol
When his child grows up a bit more, he definitely wants to teach them how to swim and how to ahem ~be one with the water~
He’s not a pushy father at all tho he won’t ever force his child to go down the swimming path and would rather have them get into something they are passionate about
Nevertheless, he still would like them to know how to swim atleast, it’s not a bad thing to learn
But um...he’s not the best of teachers...
Uncle Makoto here to save the day!
That being said, Haru always wants to be there for his child, be able to go to as much of their competitions/meets/games/etc. as he can even though he’s so busy with his own training schedules
He just wants to be there for them and he wants them to know that too<3
Oh um also...he’s bad at scolding...he’ll try to “scold” his little kid for doing something wrong like picking things off the ground and putting it in their mouth but his child just looks up at him like 😯
Also Haru changing diapers? Haha... “ahh (y/n)! How do I do this?”
He gets better at this tho over time :)
Watch his child not like Mackerel
He’s still confused over this whole father thing, but he knows that he really does want to love and be there for his child<3
Btw how cool would it be to have a dad being a world renowned swimmer? 😱
*haru excitingly watching as you feed your baby daughter (I see him w a daughter ok but it’s your choice) mackerel for the first time*
*baby makes a weird face and spits out mackerel*
“*Haru gasps dramatically* She doesn’t like mackerel.”
Baths with his kid. 🐬
How precious 🥺
You sitting on the edge of the bathtub, silently watching Haru as he holds his baby in the bath with a small smile, eyes then slowly drifting up to lock in with yours, his smile a bit wider and everything he feels for you and his child, all shining in his eyes ❤️
There cannot be a more perfect, little, peaceful family <3
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An amazing father!
We’ve seen him with his little siblings Ren and Ran!
That doesn’t mean he won’t panick from time to time because it’s different when it’s your own child
He’s the type to do the whole baby talk and little cooes with his baby but turns bashful when he catches you quietly standing in the doorway watching 🤣
His cooking skills have improved a bit...
You already work so hard everyday for the baby and the house, he wants to lessen your burdens and give you a little break <3🥺
Family cuddles! With you and Makoto on either side and your child/children in the middle! How precious🥺
I see Makoto’s children being a lot more brave and daring than he is like watching “scary” (like Cartoon Network scary XD) movies and wanting going on adventures in places supposedly paranormal
“Dad stop being such a scaredy cat! I wanna go watch this movie already!”
“Ahh (y/n)!! Help me! 😰”
His kids are mischievous bro always do those puppy dog eyes to get him into their schemes
He also spoils his kids XD
Don’t think that means he doesn’t know when the boundaries are crossed and when he needs to get a bit strict
He may spoil his kids but spoiled kids are a big no no (there’s a difference)
The kids actually grow up to be sweet and respectful
Aww imagine Makoto teaching his own kids how to swim and sending them to an sc🥺
He’s just such a loving father and SO supportive!
His children love that they can come to him with any of their problems and know that he’s going to listen intently and understand, while also offering any advice he might think suitable <3
As if you alone didn’t make his heart well enough with so much love, his heart practically bursts with his children❤️
Ready to sacrifice everything he has for the happiness and well being of his family ❤️
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Excitement is an UNDERSTATEMENT
As if this baby himself wasn’t cute enough, just IMAGINE HIS CHILDREN
omg omg omg cuteness overload
He’s jumping up and down when his baby is about to come, however he calms down when he actually gets a chance to hold them and he’s just in a soft, serene state, looking on at his little one with a small smile~
All his little toddler has to do is slightly tug on his shirt, and Nagisa is in a full gushing frenzy
He cries over how adorable they are
Nagisa baby YOU are adorable
He’s such a funny dad always makes his kids laugh!
Like when his child is a baby, he would come over making silly faces that half of the time either made baby laugh or baby cry 😣
Tickle Monster 😏
Finger puppets! I totally see him doing this as a father!
Nagisa won’t tease his kids a whole lot tho, knowing how frustrating it can get having experienced for a good amount of his life by his older sisters
He wants his kids to have fun ALL the time just like him 😁
He shows them his secret sweet stash when he believes it is time
So you’re going to have to be the one implementing the rules and regulations
“Come on, it’s time for bed let’s go, it’s past 11”
“Aww come on (y/n)-chan look at how happy they are! Just give us five more minutes🥺”
The challenging part for you is that you end up having to give in a lot more because now there’s more than 1 who’ve mastered the puppy dog eyes around the house
Another supportive dad! (They all are) he wants to be there for his kids’ firsts! And for all their games and competitions etc.
This is going to be such a fun little family with LOTS of love, support, chocolate, and fun! ❤️
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No theory, no book, no calculations prepared him for the moment his child was placed in his arms
He’s immediately brought to tears and whispers a small “beautiful” 🥺
The type to document EVERY moment of his child
You end up having like 10 albums and tapes of just your kid(s)
ALL of your little ones firsts have all been recorded and documented to reminisce on later in the future🥺
Always nudging you and showing you the cute little things your baby is doing off in the corner🥺
He can be strict
Unlike Nagisa, oh no he is not spoiling his kid’s diet
Their kid is eating their entire rainbow with lots of fruits and vegetables, along with the right amount of protein and milk
However there are times where he chills out and actually bakes cookies and sweets for his children 🥺
And they are *chefs kiss*
However when Uncle Nagisa comes over...those kids know what’s up 😝😋
Wants to show them the beauty of swimming, specifically the butterfly stroke
You don’t have to worry about your kids getting low grades, because Rei will personally take care of that😌
He just wants his children work hard so they can become the best at whatever they choose to do in the future <3
Haha you wanna know what I’m imagining?
Him having a daughter that is an EXACT copy of him
And it will completely leave him speechless at moments XD
“Ahem...Daddy, the way that you pitch the ball is off by approximately 15 degrees according to the direction and pressure of the wind...not beautiful” *pushes glasses up*
Rei is just like 😨😱
Anyways you can forget about having excessive burden on your shoulders from parenting because this man is going to give it his all for you and his children❤️
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The second his baby was delivered, he was already a crying mess, however when they are actually placed in his arms, it’s like all the tears have suddenly stopped, and it’s just a moment for Rin.
However he starts crying again immediately after
He loves his child so much! ❤️
They are a physical embodiment of his love with you! <3
He now understands the sacrifices his own father made for the sake of his family and now Rin is willing to to the same for his own
All his tsundereish tendencies vanish and he just becomes one big softy 😤
Don’t think that means that Rin doesn’t know how to be strict tho
Oh he is a strict dad but he only does is it for his child’s own good
He will shower them in just as much affection after the scolding <3
Like even after he gets a bit harsh on his child and sees their eyes, Rin immediately stops and goes into your shared room and starts sniffling
“H-hey (y-y/n)...w-was I too harsh on them?”
Yes he’s the type of dad to get onto you for brushing your teeth
He’s also that dad helping his kids with math
He has let his emotions show a lot more now.
Like when his baby started taking his first steps...Rin cried, camera in his hand shaking
When his child picked a flower and brought it to him...shark baby cried.
Or when one of his children brought home their essay about Rin being their biggest hero...Rin cried.
A very supportive family!
With you guys going to support him swimming at the world stage, and Rin going to all his children’s events and being their #1 fan <3
I can see Rin owning a “The World’s Best Dad” or “#1 Dad” mug and proudly drinking from it XD <33
He also gets very competitive with his kids! He gets very into the sports and games he plays with them
Teaching them tricks and tips along the way
And swimming? He’s got it in the bag, your child will get the hang of it under a week.
Some days Rin likes to lie with you on the bed, wrapping an arm around you to hold you close and pressing a a soft kiss to your temple, thanking you for being the love of his life and making him the world’s happiest man alive 🥺❤️
A/n: The boys would be such good fathers!They can all have my babies I love the parenting concept! I’m probably going to make separate hcs for them in the future 🥺
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leekimdramas · 3 years
Love And Murders Sheep And Wolf (Spoiler Free Review)
Love can change anybody, but hopefully it won’t happen to the Queen, fashion icon and amazing killer Miyaichi.
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Kurosu decided to commit suicide but after failing he finds a hole in the wall and sees a beautiful woman who is living next door.
He keeps staring at her through the door, even when they become closer and one day Kuroso sees the neighbor, Miyaichi kill a person.
Before seeing the movie I quickly looked at the ratings on mydramalist (7.3) and I definitely thing it deserves a bit better.
Yes, the plot doesn’t explore a lot of things, like the whole cleaners and how the police is not even in the picture.
However, if you don’t take it seriously and just enjoy romantic music whenever Miyaichi is thinking of killing someone and Kuroso is near her, then this will be something great to pass the time.
Just a quick note that I would have loved to change things a bit so the film would go smoother or add some things but as I said it’s entertaining.
The couple also has a great chemistry! Kurosu is the clumsiest and biggest scaredy cat in the world but I’m happy that Miyaichi is here to save him.
We also get “who did this to you? I’m going to kill them” trope and in reverse, amazing!
I also love how Miyaichi is so cute and smart and doesn’t let a man dictate her life. I kind of understand why Kurosu fell in love with her, I know it’s bad to say, but it’s a fictional character let me live.
Overall, this was such an amusing watch, for me it was a romantic comedy with a little bit of killing and I would definitely watch it again.
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dear--charlie · 3 years
Dear Charlie,
i don’t know who i am i don’t know what i want, or maybe i just don’t want anything? or maybe i want everything to the point where it’s all or nothing and then i guess it’s gotta be nothing bc how am i supposed to have everything i want i get these stupid and horrible and disgustingly obsessive intrusive thoughts, and they scare me because even though i know i’m not gonna stab my mum in the neck with a fruit knife, how can i know i’m not going to? that’s the worst one so far/as of recent. i can’t stop thinking about it. i was just on my way to grab a knife for my food and on my way past my mum the thought just appeared in my head. how sick and twisted do u gotta be to think of such things i struggle between thinking i look so small cute dainty and pretty and soo confident and in love with myself, and then feeling like the biggest, ugliest and fattest whale in the world. like i feel utterly disgusted and i just wanna disappear so that i won’t have to see myself in the mirror or so that nobody has to endure looking at me i’m the problem too i get tired of people so easily. i get sick of them calling and texting me. when we’re hanging out i want to leave or i want them to leave my house so that i can finally rest and be by myself again. and what about how i get jealous of my friends? that they’re skinnier than me, have more friends than me, have achieved more than me. i’m happy when i spend time with them, but i also have this bubbling envy inside of me. like i don’t want them anywhere near me, i just want them gone and out of my life. but i also want friends so bad someone to talk to about how i’m feeling and someone to laugh with i guess maybe i get tired is because i do the latter but i rarely tell them how sad i am and stuff, i guess i’m being selfish now too, but i feel like i’m always so supportive of them but i feel like when i’m sad i don’t get much of a response or anything. so when making new friends, i just stopped talking about how i’m feeling. cause what do i get out of it? people being weirded out maybe bc im so self deprecating. im sorry, i don’t know how else to cope i either laugh about it or i slit my wrists. or thighs. no, i actually just moved onto my hands because im a scaredy cat and i don’t want scars that look like they’re self harm scars. i’m terrified of the thought of telling my doctor or a therapist or something but i also really want to tell someone so they can help me because i’m tired of being alone about it and feeling so shitty so often. love always, dilos
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Hinata chooses a scary movie for date night
Character: Hinata
Warnings: talks of scary movie, small description of scene from the the shining
Requested: no
Word count: 1,004
Reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated but please don’t repost my works.
Disclaimer: I do not own haikyuu or any of the characters.
“Yn chan”, Hinata says, hugging her tightly as he answers the door. “Hey Hinata, are you ready for our date?'' she says with a smile as she hugs him back. “You bet i am so come on in so we can get the refreshments set up”. “So what are we watching for movie night?'' yn asks as she goes to the kitchen to help Hinata make the bow of popcorn and drinks for their little movie date. Hinata grabs two cold cans of soda from the fridge and sets them down on the counter. “Oh I picked a really good one for us to watch” Hinata says with a proud smile thinking of the suggestion Tanaka had given him earlier. “Oh yeah so what is the title” yn asks smiling brightly as she puts the popcorn in the microwave. “I can’t tell you it’s a surprise Yn chan”, Hinata says grinning so wide his eyes scrunch up tightly. “Okay well then I can’t wait seeing as how excited you are” she says, shrugging her shoulders as she turns to watch the popcorn bag inflate in the microwave. She doesn’t find it that odd that Hinata won’t spill what he has planned as normally he always does little things to surprise her.
After the popcorn has finally been popped and poured out into a large bowl they head to the living room and they sit on the couch as Hinata turns on the movie with the tv remote. Yn’s eyes widen as the shining starts on the tv. “A Stephen king movie,'' she asks Hinata. “Uh yeah is that okay yn” he asks rubbing the back of his neck. Yn shakes her head and smiles at him. “No it’s fine I’m just worried about you”. “What do you mean by that?” Hinata asks with a pout. Yn laughs and rubs his shoulder lightly. “Shoyo I love you but you are the biggest scaredy cat that I know so I’m worried about you watching this, you know how nervous and jumpy you can get”. Hinata frowns and crosses his arms. “I’ll be fine” he says, linking arms with yn. “Okay if you say so shoyo” she whispers. He grins and puts a finger to his lips. “Now shhh it’s about to start”.
During the entire movie yn is engrossed in watching it and Hinata frowns as he watches her and she doesn’t even flinch and he is surprised seeing as Tanaka told him that when a girl watches a horror movie then they would get scared and cling onto their boyfriends but it seemed to Hinata that yn was just fine and it turns out he was the one that was clinging onto her during the whole movie.
When Danny rides his little trike down the hallway of the hotel yn tenses a bit as if she knows what is coming next. “This next part creeps me out,'' she says with a shaky laugh. Hinata gives her an incredulous look. Why is she laughing at a horror movie?!
The Grady twins dressed in their marching little blue dresses appear on the screen and Hinata screams loudly as the twins switch to be covered in blood. Hinata jumps so harshly that the bowl of popcorn that he and yn were holding went flying and popcorn landed all over the floor. “Come play with us”, the twins chant to Danny. Hinata buries his face in yn’s neck. Yn grabs the remote to pause the movie. “Shoyo are you okay”? she asks worriedly, ruffling his hair as he clutches onto her tightly. “That movie is freaky so how in the world are you not scared right now”? he whispers, still hugging tightly onto her. Yn sighs. “Hinata the shining was the first horror movie I ever saw and besides I don’t get too scared at horror movies anymore unless they have jump scares in them because my family watches a lot of them and besides I love Stephen king movies and novels”. Hinata pulls back away from her so he can look over at her and his eyes widen as it dawns on him why she didn’t freak out during the movie. “Seriously” he asks with an exasperated sigh, seeing as he can’t believe that he didn’t know this about yn. “Yes” yn says frowning as she turns to face him. So shoyo why were you forcing yourself to watch the movie when you know you hate watching anything remotely freaky, sunshine”? Hinata frowns and sighs as he realizes that he should now tell her the truth about what he had planned. “Well lovely, I was asking the guys at practice what movie I should watch with you tonight as I couldn’t decide and Tanaka senpai said that I should watch a horror movie with you because it’s common knowledge that when you watch a scary movie with your girlfriend they will cling onto you”. “Shoyo” yn says smiling lightly at him. “You don’t have to scare me in order for me to cuddle with you, you know”. “I know that” Hinata whispers, scratching the back of his neck and looking down at the floor as he is upset and embarrassed. Yn sighs as she lightly puts a hand on his arm so she can get his attention. “So how about this shoyo, after we clean up all of the popcorn from out of the floor, do you want to cuddle and watch that new Disney movie together”? Hinata’s face lights up as he knows that yn loves Disney movies just as much as he does. “Sure that sounds great”, he says as he hops up from off of the couch.
After cleaning all of the popcorn and kernels on the floor, and popping a fresh bowl of buttery popcorn, Hinata and yn sit back down on the couch. Hinata lays his head down on yn’s shoulder and sighs happily while she snuggles up to him and she changes the movie to something that they both would enjoy watching.
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Author’s Note
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I meant to put this up earlier today but got distract by making my graphic for tomorrow’s spotlight Sunday. However, I am here to state about my emotional feelings on the fact that I posted the epilogue of Demonology today.  I'm just in shock that this story is over. For awhile I wondered if I was ever going to finish it when I hit a burnout in October but I'm happy my muse came back to me and I was able to get to this point.
Demonology was originally supposed to be a Harry Potter AU and if you squint, you can spot a few influences here and there but it did go though a whole process and changes to be what it is today. This world I created and all the research and plotting really came in handy. Demonology turned into a genre that I never expected and it really was something I set out to do in order to challenge myself. Horror is not my preferred genre (I'm actually a bit of a scaredy cat) and was weary of doing something that probably would give me nightmares but I tried anyway.
And I am so glad I did.
This entire story was the long telling of how Caroline becomes queen of the damned and it was a ride that I am so happy I got to share with the everyone.
@eliliyah​, Thank you Ellie for listening to me prattle on about this story and being enthusiastic about where this was going. You always said that this was a “drop what you’re doing” story and that always meant a lot. You helped me run through the ending to ensure that it made sense and that it was taken in the right direction- agreeing with me that this was the only real outcome that either of us saw.
@carolineforbae​ oh Guila. You’re probably my biggest cheerleader. Hearing your reactions and love for this story was part of what made this journey so enjoyable. You loved Demonology almost as much as you loved Wanderlust and we both know that was not an easy thing to do. You were always there, boosting my morale when I needed it. You’re a joy to talk with and bounce ideas off of. 
@klarolineagainnaturally​ your graphics. Lottie. How do you do create such beautiful magic? I ADORE the fact that even with knowing so little of the story (having created the first graphic before the story was even posted) is wonderful. Without the graphics you created, I do not think Demonology would have the dark and terrifying feel that it did. I love reading your reviews and hearing your thoughts on the story. I know you’re on a well deserved break but when you’re up to coming back, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the last few chapters. 
@destellolunar​ You’ve been reading the story since chapter one and hearing your excitement on discord really brings a smile to my face. I’m excited for your reread because I know I’ll hear about the little things you notice now that you know how the story ends. I know you’re sad that it is ending but I’ll never say no to doing an outtake in this universe; because there is just so much potential! 
I also just want to thank EVERYONE who read and commented on this story. Without you, I probably wouldn't have kept pushing forwards with this. I do want to apologize for not responding to comments for a few months (I was in a dark place) but do know I read every single one of them. I hope that Demonology is a story that you come back to and love as much as I do. It holds a special place in my heart, just like Wanderlust and Just Good Business do.
Once again, thank you guys for al the support and love that I could ask for.
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remember-no-more · 3 years
GET THE KNOW THE MUN repost don’t reblog! feel free to add / remove whatever you want!
Name: Anna Chiara  Nickname: Anna, TheBaroness Date Of Birth: November 13th Your Blogs: remember-no-more, thebaroness-art, might fix the  - - - Last book you read: The Wicked King - Holly Black Last film you watched: Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Rebellion Story Last game you played: osu! Favourite / comfort character/s: I don’t even know anymore, I’m having so much fun with all the d&d adventures with all the new characters... The best ones will all be enlisted as guests on the blog too! Favourite food/s: Right now, dried fruits. Favourite colour: All shades of blue. Current favourite song/s: Starry Sky - Two Steps from Hell Current outfit: Black leggins with large ends, bordeaux shirt with a big decorative zip in the middle, heavy black hoodie with zip in the middle. Black choker, golden circle earrings, rigid bracelets, black high heels. Pets: Bonnie best doggo. 5 facts about you: 1. My life has turned upside down in the last few months, I’m finally getting the driving license, I graduated and I’m getting ready to jump in the job world, I’m scared as fuck but I’m not alone. The best people surround me, thank you for being here, I love you. 2. Nebula Games’ videogame project is finally progressing! In less than a year, we might have our first videogame launched, after so much time..! 3. I’m the biggest scaredy cat and the last scary things I did was a midnight swim in the sea.  4. I recently tried sushi for the first time, I’m addicted to most types of uramaki. 5. I cannot wait to be able to travel again! I’ve been abroad alone a few months ago and it was the beeeest.
tagged by: No one, just found it~ tagging: You!  
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