#I’m very happy for John but I wonder if Elis is still the better known one?
aeolianblues · 1 month
I’ve only just watched the first episode of the new Taskmaster today, and the thing is, everyone’s rightfully cracking up at John’s line about the 2 hours spent working out health and safety and insurance with the producers, it’s very funny, but it genuinely took me a little while to remember how funny it is. It’s the John exposure. As a regular listener to the Elis and John radio shows over the years, you just know that this is genuinely how John is. He’ll mention—and probably even get excited to go over the nerdy details of what counts in the car insurance, I can swear he’s done that on Radio X before. He’s the guy that will do an hour long standup special concerning slotted spoons (with a side of anxiety). He’s wildly funny, but to listeners of the Elis and John shows, this is just Friday afternoon.
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nebulous-frog · 6 years
FaceMeeting the Family
(For the Love of Elsa, Part 2)
Summary: Dan goes home for Christmas and tells his family that he met his soulmate. When they won’t stop asking him questions about Phil, he introduces them to him over FaceTime.
Part One
Word Count: 4098
Pairing: Phan
Genre: Fluff, Soulmates AU, Christmas
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: I wrote this at the suggestion of a lovely anon. Thanks to my bro Live_Long_and_ExploreJC for help with the title 
Link to AO3 Fics Masterlist
Dan and Phil had been texting practically nonstop since they met. As soon as Dan had gotten home, he had texted Phil to establish contact, then began wrapping presents for his family. He only had a few hours before his train left for home, so he was grateful Phil was still at work. He would neatly tape the paper over a present and sigh dazedly, lost in a daydream of dark hair and vibrantly blue eyes, before continuing with his work.
Eventually, he was all packed and headed for the train station. While on the train, his phone buzzed with a text.
Hi Dan :D I just got off work
It was from Phil! Dan smiled stupidly at his phone, blushing dark red.
Hi :D I’m on the train home to visit family
Well isn’t that exciting! Where are you from? I’ll be off to the north to see my family on Christmas Eve
Wokingham. I’ll be there until New Year’s, but maybe we can meet up in the new year?
Good. I already miss your face
Dan quit making me blush!
Conversation continued like that for the whole of the train ride and the taxi ride to his family home from the station.
I have to go now, sorry. I just got home.
That’s fine. Have fun!
Dan put away his phone and pulled his luggage out of the taxi before walking up to his parents’ house.
“Dan! Oh, darling, it’s so good to see you!” Dan’s mother called from the open door. “I heard someone pull up to the house and I thought ‘Oh, that has to be my little Danny!’”
Cringing internally at the nickname but smiling outwardly, he gave her a hug. “Hi, Mum. It’s good to see you, too. Is anybody else here yet?”
“Well, your father and I are here, of course, and your brother and his family are here, but more people will be coming closer to Christmas.” She reluctantly pulled away from the hug as she realized how cold it was on the front stoop. “Come in, now, wouldn’t want you to catch cold right before Christmas!”
After greeting the rest of his family and putting his luggage in his room, Dan let out a big sigh and sat on his bed. He couldn’t believe how much he already missed Phil. They had only met that day but he was already so entranced by the cute toy shop employee.
He was yanked from his thoughts by his nephew charging into the room and jumping on top of him.
“Uncle Dan! We’re gonna watch Frozen downstairs, come on! Elsa will be there! And Olaf! And Sven! And-“
“Alright, Eli, I’m coming!” Dan laughed. “But first, can I get a proper hug?”
Eli threw his arms around Dan’s neck in a big hug, his curly brown hair tickling Dan’s ear.
“Now can we go watch Frozen?” Eli whined.
“Of course. Let’s go!” Dan stood up, still holding the 6-year-old, and walked downstairs to where his family was gathered around the TV.
As the movie played, Dan watched his nieces and nephews sing along to all of the songs, even joining in with the rest of his family for “Let it Go”, much to Eli’s delight.
While Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven were rushing back to Arendelle to kiss Hans, Dan subtly checked his phone again to find that Phil had texted him a picture of a dog he had seen earlier that day. He grinned stupidly at his phone; Phil really was too cute.
He wasn’t as subtle as he thought, though, as his mum nudged his arm. “What’s got you all giddy?” she whispered.
Dan blushed at being found out. “Just some texts from- from a friend.” He didn’t know why he didn’t say soulmate. It would’ve been much easier to tell the truth and get it all out of the way, especially since someone might see his secondary mark at any time. He was kind of glad for it, though, as, this way, he’d be able to tell his whole extended family at once over Christmas.
Dan’s mum sent him a knowing look, clearly seeing right through his lie, but didn’t push it. “That’s great, dear. I’m glad you have a friend that makes you so happy.” She turned back to the movie and Dan typed out a quick response to Phil.
Omg it’s so fluffy
A few minutes later, he got a response.
I know! I just wanted to hug it and never let go :’(
I don’t think its owner would appreciate that, Phil. I’m glad you showed some restraint.
They continued texting, Dan occasionally looking up from his phone to make sure nobody wanted him to be more “present” with his family. All he ever saw were subtle, pleased glances from his mum, so they kept texting until the movie ended and everyone went to bed. Knowing his family would demand an early start for Christmas cleaning and decorating, Dan bade Phil a quick goodnight before heading off to sleep.
The next few days went by in a blur of family time and trying not to text Phil constantly. They’d have their whole lives to talk to each other, so the least Dan could do was play with his nieces and nephews at Christmas. His brother, John, lived several hours by train from London, so his family of four kids didn’t really see Dan that often.
When Christmas Day finally rolled around, all of Dan’s extended family was finally in one place, for a grand total of Dan’s aunt and uncle, four grandparents, Dan’s other aunt, and too many cousins and first-cousins-once-removed to count. Dan was incredibly uncomfortable with all of the people in close proximity, but, while his family wasn’t always touchy-feely, it was still family and he missed them when he wasn’t with them. Plus, this meant he could tell them all at once about meeting his soulmate, although he decided to tell his mum in private first.
When she took a quick break from micromanaging the kitchen and table settings, Dan went up to her to ask for a word.
“Mum? Can I talk to you for a second? It won’t take long, promise.”
“Of course, Daniel. What is it?”
Dan opened his mouth to tell her, but quickly shut it when he realized some cousins were a little too close for privacy. “Um, let’s just- go over here, a bit.” He guided her down the hall a ways and pushed her into an empty room.
“Dan? What’s wrong? Why are we here?”
Dan shut the door and turned to face his mum but avoiding her gaze. “Well, I- I wanted to tell you before I told everybody, and I didn’t want to be overheard when I told you first, and it’s- well, it’s honestly a bit ridiculous, I know, but-“
“Sweetheart, it’s okay! What did you want to tell me?”
Dan swallowed the awkward lump in his throat and finally looked her in the eye. “I- well, I, um. I sort of- maybe- metmysoulmate?” he rushed out. He had no doubt that his family would accept that his soulmate was another man, he was just nervous because his mum was bound to be pissed when she found out it had been four days since he met Phil and he hadn’t told her yet.
“Dan, honey, you know I can never understand you when you mumble. Please, try again. What did you say?”
He took a steadying breath, then decided it’d be easiest to just show his secondary mark. He lifted his sleeve and displayed the mark. “I met my soulmate.”
His mum squealed and jumped on him in a bear hug. “Oh, my little Danny is all grown up! He’s found his soulmate! It still feels like only yesterday you were this big and now look at you! Oh, my sweet boy!”
Dan blushed and groaned. “Muuuum, stop! You’re embarrassing!”
“You have to tell me everything! Who is it?”
“His name is Phil and I met him when I was getting Eli’s present. We’ve been texting ever since.”
She gasped. “Daniel James Howell, when did you meet this boy?”
Dan looked at the floor sheepishly. “Well... four days ago...”
“You mean to tell me that you’ve known your soulmate for four days and you didn’t tell your own mother?!”
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to tell everybody at once and Christmas seemed like the right day, especially because I can’t talk about meeting him without talking about Eli’s present. The mark even has to do with Eli’s present, I couldn’t ruin the surprise!”
“You didn’t tell me, though! I’m your mother and you didn’t tell me!”
“I mean, I did tell you before I told anybody else? I swear, in the last four days, I’ve only talked to family or Phil and I haven’t told anybody about him.”
His mum gasped again. “Phil was the friend you were texting, wasn’t he? I knew something was off but I figured you were just having a fling while you waited to meet your soulmate, I never expected you to keep it a secret from me!” She gave him a pointed glare on the last few words and Dan shrank away from her a bit.
“Sorry? I promise, if we ever get married, you’ll be the first to know about the engagement, immediately after it happens.”
“I had better be, Daniel. Now, what is this boy like?”
As his mum relaxed, Dan felt a goofy grin grow on his face. “He’s about as tall as I am, incredibly pale, and he has black hair. We’ve been talking almost nonstop, and we like all the same music and shows and everything. We never run out of things to say to each other, either. Honestly, Mum, he’s perfect.”
Dan’s mum cooed. “Awww, my little boy is falling in love with his soulmate! I’m so very happy for you, Daniel. Now, come here and give me another hug.”
Dan laughed lightly and accepted the hug from his mum. “I’m planning on telling everyone after presents, if you think that’s a good idea? I just want Eli to have opened his before I talk about it,” he said into her neck.
“Of course, dear, that’s a wonderful idea. We should be heading back out there, now, as I’m sure there’s plenty more work for me to do.”
Dan reluctantly released his mum from the hug and followed her back out. Luckily, it seemed as though nobody had heard her yell at him, or, if they had, they hadn’t caught the words.
As the day went on, Dan relaxed and found himself looking forward to telling his family about Phil. In fact, he had trouble not talking about him at every opportunity, anyway. He also realized how much he missed Phil already, which was ridiculous because they’d only met once four days ago. He had to put his phone in his room to try to forget about it and resist the urge to check it constantly, since he really did want to spend time with his family.
It was hard not to feel the absence of Phil, though, when his brother and his wife were so natural together, or his aunt would laugh and wipe a bit of sauce off her husband’s cheek with so much fondness it hurt, or when his parents moved in tandem through the house to make sure everyone was well taken care of. Dan desperately wished he could talk to Phil, but he also knew that Phil was busy at home for Christmas and they should both try to be with family more than each other.
After dinner, they had a huge present-opening party that went by in a blur of laughter, joy, and Christmas music. The highlight for Dan was the look on his brother’s face when he realized Dan had given his four excitable children bags of candy in addition to a toy each.
“Candy! Candy! Candy!” the kids yelled.
John closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, letting it out as he opened his eyes and shot Dan a look that screamed How could you now I will never get any sleep. Dan snickered.
“It’s for a good reason, believe me. I’ll tell you why later,” he reassured.
“Thank you, Uncle Dan!” The four small children all jumped into his lap to give him a hug for their presents.
“You’re very welcome!” Dan laughed.
Although, maybe the real highlight was Eli’s reaction to his much-awaited, very special Disney Frozen Elsa Play-A-Melody Gown doll. He unwrapped the paper, saw what it was, and let out the cutest squeal Dan had ever heard.
“I got Elsa for Christmas! I got Elsa! I love Elsa!” Of course, Dan was not the only family member that got Eli an Elsa toy for Christmas, as noted by the stack of unwrapped Frozen merchandise in the corner of the room, but this one sang, so, really, Dan was the winner of the Best Gift-Giver Prize this year. He also got another crushing hug, this time not as nice as he got kneed in the stomach by a hyper little boy, but just as good as the others.
Finally, after all the presents were unwrapped and all the kids were playing with their new toys, Dan decided it was time to share his good news.
“Could I get everyone’s attention for a minute? I promise I’ll be quick,” he called out. He waited a moment as the room settled down. “I just- I have some exciting news. A few days ago, I met my soulmate.”
Immediately, the room exploded back into noise as Dan’s family reacted to this latest life event. Dan didn’t really know what he had been expecting, really, but this was a little louder than he thought his family had ever been. He could pick out a few words from a person here or there, but it was mostly lost in the chaos.
“He’s all grown up now, I remember when he was-“
“Does this mean we have a new aunt or uncle?”
“What’re they like?”
“Where’d you two meet?”
“Are they pretty?”
“I remember meeting my soulmate-“
Dan shrank back a bit into the couch cushions at the influx of questions he could only sort of hear. He certainly wouldn’t be heard over the ruckus, anyway, so he tried to come up with a way to get them to quiet down again.
“Oi! One at a time, we all have the same questions! He can’t answer any of them if we act like a bunch of animals!” John yelled. Dan gave him a grateful nod.
“I didn’t really hear any of your questions, but I’m guessing you want to know the whole story-“ he began but was interrupted by a roar of excited “yes”es from his family. “Okay, okay!” Dan laughed. “Well, his name is Phil. He works at a toy store in London, which is where we met. I was out to get Christmas presents and accidentally fell on top of him when someone pushed me.”
“Of course that’s how you met him. Our clumsy Dan,” said his brother with a laugh. The rest of the family joined in the laughter, making Dan flush bright red.
“What’s he look like?” yelled one of his cousins over the laughter. The room fell silent again, eagerly awaiting his response.
“He’s almost as tall as I am, he has black hair and really pale skin. His eyes are this gorgeous blue and he’s got this absolutely adorable smile-“
“Gross, he’s already in love!” said another cousin.
Dan blushed again but didn’t refute the claim. “We’ve been texting constantly since we met. Except today, obviously.”
“Uncle Dan, Uncle Dan! If you met your soulmate, then what’s your secondary mark?” asked Emily, one of his nieces.
Dan rolled up his sleeve, displaying the words, “Oh my god, are you okay?” and the snowflake next to them.
“It’s a snowflake because I met Phil when I got Eli’s present,” Dan explained.
“Elsa!” Eli shouted elatedly. “Elsa gave you your soulmate, Uncle Dan!” In a softer tone filled with wonder, he added, “She really is magic.”
Everyone laughed, and Dan reached over to ruffle Eli’s hair. “Yes, she is, Eli. Yes, she is.”
“Can we meet Phil?” asked Dan’s other nephew, Christopher.
“He’s with his family for Christmas, Chris, but I’m sure you’ll meet him someday.”
The kids all pouted at that. “We can’t meet him now?”
Dan shook his head sadly. He wished they could, since that would mean Phil was with Dan, but it just couldn’t happen yet.
“You have his number, right?” asked John. Dan nodded. “You could try FaceTiming him, maybe?”
Dan hadn’t thought of that, but it could work. “I could, couldn’t I? Although, I don’t want to interrupt his time with family…”
“I’m sure Phil’s family will want to meet you just as much as we want to meet him, sweetheart,” his mum chipped in.
“I guess that’s true. I’ll go get my phone and see if he’s available.”
Dan walked to his room with excited nieces and nephews all on his heels, continuing to pester him with questions about Phil.
“Is he pretty?”
“Yes, he’s very pretty.”
“Do you like him?”
“Of course I like him! He’s my soulmate!”
“No, do you like like him!”
Dan blushed. “Yes, I do.”
“Ooooooh, Uncle Dan has a crush! I’m gonna tell him!”
“Does he like Elsa?!”
Dan snorted out a laugh. “Of course he does, buddy.”
They finally made it to his room and Dan grabbed his phone. He had three messages from Phil.
Happy Christmas, Dan!
I miss you already. Is that weird?
My relatives all want to meet you O_o It’s too bad we’re hours apart
Dan felt his cheeks heating up again and he accidentally let out a little giggle, forgetting his audience.
“Hey, why are your cheeks red?”
“What did he say?”
“Why did you laugh?”
“Uncle Dan has a cruuuuuush!”
My relatives want to meet you, too. They insisted I ask if you can FaceTime, but I understand if you don’t want to, since you’re with family and all.
I miss you, too, by the way.
“What are you saying to him?”
“I asked if he can FaceTime now, but I don’t know if he will. He’s with family right now, guys.”
Dan was about to reassure them that they’d get to meet him at some point when his phone started vibrating. He looked down to see that he was getting a call from Phil. He grinned as he accepted the call.
“What’s happening, Uncle Dan?”
“Did he call you?”
“Hi, Phil,” Dan giggled. He was practically giddy at the chance to see his soulmate again.
“Hey, Dan!”
Dan’s nieces and nephews squealed. “Is that him?” they asked.
Dan laughed again, a loud, genuine laugh. “Yes, this is Phil.”
“Let me see! Let me see!”
“My nieces and nephews are begging me to let them meet you, Phil. I think they’re about to start jumping up to grab the phone out of my hand.”
Phil laughed, his tongue poking through his teeth the way that made Dan swoon. “Alright, let me see them, then.”
Dan sat on his bed and the kids all climbed on behind him to see the phone. “This is Phil. Phil, this is Eli, Chris, Carla, and Emily.”
“Hi, guys!” Phil waved. “Happy Christmas!”
“Happy Christmas!” they all said, and then everything descended into chaos again.
“Are you gonna be our new uncle?”
“Do you have a pet turtle?”
“Can we see your secondary mark?”
“Do you like Elsa?!”
Phil laughed again at the bombardment. “Whoa, guys, slow down! Emily, I might be your new uncle someday, but I only met Dan a few days ago! We have to give it some time first. Carla, I do not have a pet turtle, or any pets, but I want a dog someday. My mark should be the same as Dan’s, Chris, but here’s mine.” Phil held his wrist up for the camera, showing off the snowflake and the words, “I am so, so sorry.” “And Eli, of course I like Elsa! She’s a fantastic queen and she’s very pretty.”
Chris gasped. “Does that mean you don’t think Uncle Dan is pretty? I thought soulmates were supposed to think they’re pretty!” He seemed to be on the brink of a crisis.
“Oh, no, I think your Uncle Dan is absolutely beautiful! You can find people that aren’t your soulmate pretty, Chris, you just think your soulmate is the prettiest of them all,” Phil explained.
Dan blushed heavily at the compliment, which Emily noticed.
“Uncle Phil! Uncle Dan has a crush on you! He thinks you’re pretty, too!”
“Alright, guys, that’s enough. Now let’s bring Phil back out so he can meet the rest of our family, okay?” Dan cut off the rest of that conversation as quickly as he could and stood up.
Phil was giggling with his hand over his mouth, a slight blush visible on his cheeks. “I think they like me.”
Dan rolled his eyes. “They definitely do. Are you gonna pass me around to the rest of your family so they can meet me, too?”
“Um, well… about that…”
Dan froze in his tracks, causing Carla to run into his legs and fall backwards into Emily. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Well… my family has AppleTV so we hooked my phone up to our television and everyone’s been seeing your face this whole time…”
“What?! And you didn’t tell me?” Dan nearly dropped his phone in shock before realizing that he had to salvage his first impression to his future in-laws. “Um. Hi, everyone? Phil, why can’t I see them?”
“The camera is just on my phone, pointed at me right now.”
“Oh. Uh.” Dan kept walking, finally making it back to where the rest of his family was waiting.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, Dan, I was just so excited and then your nieces and nephews were asking me questions and-“
“It’s okay, Phil, no harm done. Right?”
They spent the next several minutes passing phones around rooms, introducing all the relatives they could. It was especially entertaining to watch the mums meet their sons’ soulmates.
“You must be Phil. Oh, Daniel, he just looks perfect for you! You have such a sweet face, dear, I know you’ll treat Dan right. Has he told you about the time when he was little-“
“Thank you, Mum, let’s not embarrass me more now than I already have been.”
Phil giggled and tried to send Dan’s mum a wink (it turned out as more of an awkward blink, which Dan found incredibly endearing). “You can tell me another time when he’s not here, I’m sure.”
Dan’s mum laughed at that and turned to Dan. “I like this one, you can keep him.”
Phil’s mum reacted much the same way, throwing in some assurances that she would be sending some goodies along for Phil to give to him when they saw each other next. She also insisted that Dan pass along his mum’s phone number so that they could get to know each other better.
The FaceTime call lasted longer than two hours because they kept getting interrupted by stories from relatives. At the end, Dan and Phil each brought their phones into a more private room to talk, ensuring that Phil’s was disconnected from the AppleTV.
“Hi,” Phil giggled as soon as they were alone.
“Hi.” Dan grinned.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, just basking in their own quiet little world, away from the prying eyes and ears of their relatives.
Dan sighed contentedly. “Everyone over here loves you already.”
“Everyone loves you, too. Especially my mum. I think she was getting a bit paranoid that I hadn’t met my soulmate yet because my brother and cousins all have already. I didn’t mind waiting, though. Now that I know you, I also know it was well worth the wait.”
Dan blushed and looked away. “Thanks. You know, Emily was right about what she said, earlier.”
Phil gave him a puzzled look.
“I do think you’re pretty, and I’m fairly certain I have a crush on you.”
Phil grinned with a blush to match Dan’s. “And I was telling the truth when I said you’re absolutely beautiful. The prettiest of them all. You know, I’m fairly certain I have a crush on you, too.”
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ascendedlensco · 6 years
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Julia Child is easily one of the most interesting people I’ve heard of. She’s known mostly for making French cuisine popular here in America hosting a very successful, whimsical TV show called The French Chef in the 60′s. She was a hit! A true hero for anyone that can’t seem to get it right in the kitchen. Her courageous yet casual attitude to cooking, and life to be honest, will never be lost. However, what I remember her most for is her wittiness. This woman oozed sarcasm and charm. I shared one of her thoughts on cooking with my wife years ago when we were newly-weds, and never forgot it. “I don’t believe in twisting yourself into knots of excuses and explanations over the food you make.” If that doesn’t make an insecure cook feel better I’m not sure what will. If you’re unfamiliar with French cuisine, it would help to know the French have every intention and reputation of cooking every meal purposefully and tastefully. For such a fine-food connoisseur, Julia remarkably understood the sober reality of unrealistic, high expectations.
When it comes to marriage I’m sure most, if not all marriages start with unrealistic, high expectations. That may have something to do with the unfortunate climbing divorce rate around us. You’ll find a million books out there with the secret to a successful, life-long marriage. On marriage, my friend Julia shares, “The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.” I found this to be sweet, but to be honest it left me wondering. You don’t need to be married to know that happiness is always dependent or subject to circumstances. In other words, happiness is momentary, and though I wouldn’t disagree with Julia I think she’s missing a key piece of advice. Even the right person can disappoint you and make you feel alone. The right spouse can still lie to you or cause pain you think you may never forget. You may not always love to be with them all the time. Your spouse will forever fall short of your high expectations. The married life is filled with unexpected, perplexing trials that most times obliterate happiness.
I remember John Piper’s words on marriage, “Marriage is not about staying in love, it is about keeping covenant.” I’ve always found this word comforting because it is based on reality. The reality being that I know my wife and I won’t always be ‘happy’ and in love. We won’t always be satisfied and content. On the contrary, we’ve learned how insatiable we can be many times. Happiness is the result of a healthy marriage, and a healthy marriage is the result of true, honest assessment of who we are before God (needy, prideful, and powerless) and what He’s done in response to that reality.
During the middle of the ceremony, Omar and Nicole gave us a surreal example of just that, what God has done for us. Sliding over a basin of water and smiling at his fiancé, Omar began washing Nicole’s feet as Pastor Eli read from John 13. “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” What exactly does it mean to have your feet washed by God? It’s basically like water burning a fire, or the moon falling to earth. It’s the unattainable in your bare hands, the unimaginable in plain sight. But even more, its the undeserved being served. Unconditional, intentional, genuine devotion to someone needy, prideful, and powerless.
Happiness is found way up, exposed on the surface, like the short roots of a tree. Joy on the other hand, will be found deep down by the cold, unharmed bedrock of certainty; reality. The secret to a happy marriage may be marrying someone you love to be with all the time, but the key to a joyful marriage is marrying someone you’re willing to serve.
If there’s ever a word of wisdom I could give to this amazing couple, it would be to seek and fight for joy in and around serving one another. In the John 15, Jesus urges and commands his disciples past and present to abide in Him, like branches abide in a vine. To continue, remain, and endure with Him and in His love. Why? Whoever it is that abides in Him, “bears fruit”. Matures and grows. The whole passage is deeply compelling, but what I want to point out is the reason He gives for these commands is so “that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” The terms “abide” and “may be full” are both verbs in this passage, meaning you’re active obedience results in actual, discernible joy. Amazing. Finally, Omar and Nicole, I wish you happiness (yes happiness), joy, and perseverance in what you will know to be one of the greatest blessings God has given you. I thank Him for saving you both, and for giving me the honor of capturing this day for you. Thank you.
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Searchers Quotes
Official Website: Searchers Quotes
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• A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus. – Martin Luther King, Jr. • All I want is to know the truth, to know and experience God. I’m a searcher, that’s what I’m all about. – Elvis Presley • And what is the problem? It is the old problem of the anxious searcher – the mythic in the interior castle, the poet-pilgrim in a dark wood not sure how to proceed. Which way is the right way? – Paul Elie • At its best our age is an age of searchers and discoverers, and at its worst, an age that has domesticated despair and learned to live with it happily. – Flannery O’Connor • At my age, and in my circumstances, what sinister object, or personal emolument had I to seek after, in this life? The growing infirmities of age and the increasing love of retirement, daily confirm my decided predilection for domestic life: and the great Searcher of human hearts is my witness, that I have no wish, which aspires beyond the humble and happy lot of living and dying a private citizen on my own farm. – George Washington
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Searcher', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_searcher').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_searcher img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Before I go off and direct a movie, I always look at four films. They tend to be The Seven Samurai, Lawrence Of Arabia, It’s A Wonderful Life and The Searchers. – Steven Spielberg • Finding is reserved for the searchers, we don’t find what we need, we find what we search for – Jim Rohn • I am a searcher… I always was… and I still am… searching for the missing piece. – Louise Bourgeois • I am one of the searchers. There are millions of us. We are not unhappy, but neither are we really content. We continue to explore ourselves, hoping to understand. We are drawn by the ocean, taken by its power, its unceasing motion, its mystery & unspeakable beauty. We like forests & mountains, deserts & hidden rivers, & lonely cities. Our sadness is as much a part of our lives as is our laughter. To share our sadness with one we love is perhaps as great a joy as we can know. – James Kavanaugh • I enjoy almost everything. Yet I have some restless searcher in me. Why is there not a discovery in life? Something one can lay hands on and say “This is it”? My depression is a harassed feeling. I’m looking: but that’s not it — that’s not it. What is it? And shall I die before I find it? – Virginia Woolf • I have known only one way of carrying on missionary work, viz., by personal example and discussion with searchers for knowledge. – Mahatma Gandhi • I like to say, when asked why I pursue science, that it is to satisfy my curiosity, that I am by nature a searcher trying to understand. If you haven’t found something strange during the day, it hasn’t been much of a day. – John Archibald Wheeler • I think sometimes I should do more carousing, because I don’t do much and maybe it would be fun occasionally. It’s hard for me to have fun and I’m a serious thinker and a searcher and funny from the front. – Garry Shandling • I will govern my life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one and read the other, for what does it signify to make anything a secret to my neighbor, when to God, who is the searcher of our hearts, all our privacies are open? – Seneca the Younger • I worked as a title searcher for almost 25 years. It took awhile for it to become fulfilling because it doesn’t pay a whole lot, takes a long time to learn, and in the years of learning there are endless frustrations. And then it creeps up on you that you’re able to solve problems, answer questions and rebut any challenges to your work. – Larry Howes • ‘If he trespass against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to you, saying, I repent; you shall forgive him’ (Lk. 17:4). As the Searcher of hearts, the Lord knows that men are liable to very frequent trespass, and that, having fallen, they often rise up again; therefore He has given us the commandment to frequently forgive trespasses, and He Himself is the first to fulfill His holy word. As soon as you say from your whole heart, ‘I repent,’ you will be immediately forgiven. – John of Kronstadt • If you think of ‘Liberty Valance’ or ‘The Searchers,’ there are moments in there that you’ll never, ever forget… And it does not matter what century you are from. – Kevin Costner • I’m not a quester or a searcher for the truth. I don’t really think there is one answer, so I never went looking for it. My impulse is less questing and more playful. I like trying on ideas and ways of life and religious approaches. I’m just not a good candidate for conversion. – Ursula K. Le Guin • In every true searcher of Nature there is a kind of religious reverence. – Albert Einstein • In every true searcher of Nature there is a kind of religious reverence, for he finds it impossible to imagine that he is the first to have thought out the exceedingly delicate threads that connect his perceptions – Albert Einstein • In this world are very few things made from logic alone. It is illogical for man to be too logical. Some things we must just let stand. The mystery is more important than any possible explanation. The searcher after truth must search with humanity. Ruthless logic is the sign of a limited mind. The truth can only add to the sum of what you know, while a harmless mystery left unexplored often adds to the meaning of life. When a truth is not so important, it is better left as a mystery. – Bryce Courtenay • It seems almost oxymoronic to believe that this new idealism has led to a new pessimism about marriage, but that is exactly what has happened. In generations past there was far less talk about “compatibility” and finding the ideal soul mate. Today we are looking for someone who accepts us as we are and fulfills our desires, and this creates an unrealistic set of expectations that frustrates both the searchers and the searched for. – Timothy Keller • John Logan was kind of wrapping up – “Well, thanks for coming in…” – and I thought, “Oh, God, this is over and I’m out of here, and I really don’t want to leave.”So I said, “Can I ask you a question?” He said, “Sure.” “What movie do you think you’ve seen more than any other movie?” And he said, “Wow, let me think about that. I guess probably The Searchers.” And I said, “Well, oddly, that’s the movie I’ve seen more than any other movie.” And I wasn’t just BS-ing. It’s true. It’s my favorite movie. – Brent Spiner • Little by little, wean yourself. This is the gist of what I have to say. From an embryo whose nourishment comes in the blood, move to an infant drinking milk, to a child on solid food, to a searcher after wisdom, to a hunter of invisible game. – Rumi • My mother was a Bohemian – in the good sense of the word. A searcher. And she investigated various religions. – Madeline Kahn • No truth is more clearly taught in the Volume of Inspiration, nor any more fully demonstrated by the experience of all ages, than that a deep sense and a due acknowledgment of the governing providence of a Supreme Being and the accountableness of men to Him as the searcher of hearts and righteous distributor of rewards and punishments are conducive equally to the happiness and rectitude of individuals and to the well being of communities. – John Adams • Nothing could be more beneficial for even the most zealous searcher for knowledge than his being in fact most learned in that very ignorance which is peculiarly his own; and the better a man will have known his own ignorance, the greater his learning will be. – Nicholas of Cusa • Now, Friends, deal plainly with yourselves, and let the eternal Light search you, and try you, for the good of your souls. For this will deal plainly with you. It will rip you up, and lay you open, and make all manifest which lodges in you; the secret subtlety of the enemy of your souls, this eternal searcher and trier will make manifest. Therefore all to this come, and by this be searched, and judged, and led and guided. For to this you must stand or fall. – Margaret Fell • O philosophy, life’s guide! O searcher-out of virtue and expeller of vices! What could we and every age of men have been without thee? Thou hast produced cities; thou hast called men scattered about into the social enjoyment of life. [Lat., O vitae philosophia dux! O virtutis indagatrix, expultrixque vitiorum! Quid non modo nos, sed omnino vita hominum sine et esse potuisset? Tu urbes peperisti; tu dissipatos homines in societatum vitae convocasti.] – Marcus Tullius Cicero • Our behavior is different. How often have you seen a headline like this?–TWO DIE ATTEMPTING RESCUE OF DROWNING CHILD. If a man gets lost in the mountains, hundreds will search and often two or three searchers are killed. But the next time somebody gets lost just as many volunteers turn out. Poor arithmetic, but very human. It runs through all our folklore, all human religions, all our literature–a racial conviction that when one human needs rescue, others should not count the price. – Robert A. Heinlein • Rely upon your own judgment; be true to your own conscience; follow the light that is within you; all outward lights are so many will-o’-the-wisps. There will be those who tell you that you are foolish; that your judgment is faulty; that your conscience is all awry, and that the light within you is darkness; but heed them not. If what they say is true, the sooner you, as a searcher of wisdom, find it out the better, and you can only make that discovery by bringing your powers to the test. Therefore, pursue your course bravely. – James Allen • Sailing heart-ships through broken harbors out on the waves of the night, still the searcher must ride the dark horse racing alone in his fright. – Neil Young • Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places. – H. P. Lovecraft • Shall any gazer see with mortal eyes, Or any searcher know by mortal mind; Veil upon veil will lift but there must be Veil upon veil behind. – Edwin Arnold • So the story goes, so I’m told The people he knew were Less than golden hearted Gamblers and robbers Drinkers and jokers, all soul searchers Like you and me – Dave Matthews • The best hiding spots are not the most hidden; they’re merely the least searched. – Chris Pavone • The grand highway is crowded w/lovers & searchers & leavers so eager to please & forget. Wilderness. – Jim Morrison • The great Searcher of human hearts is my witness, that I have no wish, which aspires beyond the humble and happy lot of living and dying a private citizen on my own farm. – George Washington • The real searcher after truth will not receive the old because it is old, or reject the new because it is new. He will not believe men because they are dead, or contradict them because they are alive. With him an utterance is worth the truth, the reason it contains, without the slightest regard to the author. He may have been a king or serf – a philosopher or servant, – but the utterance neither gains nor loses in truth or reason. Its value is absolutely independent of the fame or station of the man who gave it to the world. – Robert Green Ingersoll • The search for truth takes you where the evidence leads you, even if, at first, you don’t want to go there. – Bart D. Ehrman • The searcher’s eye Not seldom finds more than he wished to find. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing • There are certain books in the world which every searcher for truth must know: the Bible, the Critique of Pure Reason, the Origin of Species, and Karl Marx’s Capital. – Al Capp • Thinking carries a moral imperative. The searcher for truth must be ready to obey truth without reservation or it will elude him. – Aiden Wilson Tozer • This is also why it is wrong to treat God as a grand employment agency, a celestial executive searcher to find perfect fits for our perfect gifts. The truth is not that God is finding a place for our gifts but that God has created us and our gifts for a place of his choosing – and we will only be ourselves when we are finally there. – Os Guinness • To escape the cycle of tragedy, we (searchers) have to be tough on the ideas of the planners, even while we salute their goodwill. – William Easterly • Vertical search engines that match your business, service or products with a target market offer you a higher conversion rate than traditional search engines. Because they have already qualified their interest by coming to a search engine with a specific focus, searchers will be more receptive to targeted advertising. – Marc Ostrofsky • We [with John Logan] started talking about The Searchers, and then he went on to tell me a story about when he first met John Wayne, and he said, “Hey, you be me and I’ll be Wayne,” and I said, “No, let me be Wayne!” Anyway, it was a very pleasant conversation, it was clear to him that I was a big movie fan, and by the time I got home, there was a phone call, asking if I’d mind doing one scene in the movie [The Aviator]. – Brent Spiner • We are in a period of searchers rather than of creators. – Pierre-Auguste Renoir • We long to be found, hoping our searchers have not given up and gone home. – Jerry Spinelli • We searchers are ambitious only for life itself, for everything beautiful it can provide. Most of all we love and want to be loved. We want to live in a relationship that will not impede our wandering, nor prevent our search, nor lock us in prison walls; that will take us for what little we have to give. We do not want to prove ourselves to another or compete for love. – James Kavanaugh • We searchers are ambitious only for life itself, for everything beautiful it can provide. – James Kavanaugh • Whoever is born in New York is ill-equipped to deal with any other city: all other cities seem, at best, a mistake, and, at worst, a fraud. No other city is so spitefully incoherent. Whereas other cities flaunt there history – their presumed glory – in vividly placed monuments, squares, parks, plaques, and boulevards, such history as New York has been unable entirely to obliterate is to be found, mainly, in the backwaters of Wall Street, in the goat tracks of Old and West Broadway, in and around Washington Square, and, for the relentless searcher, in grimly inaccessible regions of The Bronx. – James A. Baldwin • Women are dirt searchers; their greatest worth is irradicating rings on collars and tables. Never mind real-estate boards’ corruption and racism, here’s your soapsuds. Everything she is doing is peripheral, expendable, crucial, and non-negotiable. Cleanliness is next to godliness. – Florynce Kennedy • Women are like the arts, forced unto none, Open to all searchers, unprized, if unknown. – John Donne
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equitiesstocks · 4 years
Searchers Quotes
Official Website: Searchers Quotes
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• A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus. – Martin Luther King, Jr. • All I want is to know the truth, to know and experience God. I’m a searcher, that’s what I’m all about. – Elvis Presley • And what is the problem? It is the old problem of the anxious searcher – the mythic in the interior castle, the poet-pilgrim in a dark wood not sure how to proceed. Which way is the right way? – Paul Elie • At its best our age is an age of searchers and discoverers, and at its worst, an age that has domesticated despair and learned to live with it happily. – Flannery O’Connor • At my age, and in my circumstances, what sinister object, or personal emolument had I to seek after, in this life? The growing infirmities of age and the increasing love of retirement, daily confirm my decided predilection for domestic life: and the great Searcher of human hearts is my witness, that I have no wish, which aspires beyond the humble and happy lot of living and dying a private citizen on my own farm. – George Washington
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Searcher', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_searcher').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_searcher img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Before I go off and direct a movie, I always look at four films. They tend to be The Seven Samurai, Lawrence Of Arabia, It’s A Wonderful Life and The Searchers. – Steven Spielberg • Finding is reserved for the searchers, we don’t find what we need, we find what we search for – Jim Rohn • I am a searcher… I always was… and I still am… searching for the missing piece. – Louise Bourgeois • I am one of the searchers. There are millions of us. We are not unhappy, but neither are we really content. We continue to explore ourselves, hoping to understand. We are drawn by the ocean, taken by its power, its unceasing motion, its mystery & unspeakable beauty. We like forests & mountains, deserts & hidden rivers, & lonely cities. Our sadness is as much a part of our lives as is our laughter. To share our sadness with one we love is perhaps as great a joy as we can know. – James Kavanaugh • I enjoy almost everything. Yet I have some restless searcher in me. Why is there not a discovery in life? Something one can lay hands on and say “This is it”? My depression is a harassed feeling. I’m looking: but that’s not it — that’s not it. What is it? And shall I die before I find it? – Virginia Woolf • I have known only one way of carrying on missionary work, viz., by personal example and discussion with searchers for knowledge. – Mahatma Gandhi • I like to say, when asked why I pursue science, that it is to satisfy my curiosity, that I am by nature a searcher trying to understand. If you haven’t found something strange during the day, it hasn’t been much of a day. – John Archibald Wheeler • I think sometimes I should do more carousing, because I don’t do much and maybe it would be fun occasionally. It’s hard for me to have fun and I’m a serious thinker and a searcher and funny from the front. – Garry Shandling • I will govern my life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one and read the other, for what does it signify to make anything a secret to my neighbor, when to God, who is the searcher of our hearts, all our privacies are open? – Seneca the Younger • I worked as a title searcher for almost 25 years. It took awhile for it to become fulfilling because it doesn’t pay a whole lot, takes a long time to learn, and in the years of learning there are endless frustrations. And then it creeps up on you that you’re able to solve problems, answer questions and rebut any challenges to your work. – Larry Howes • ‘If he trespass against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to you, saying, I repent; you shall forgive him’ (Lk. 17:4). As the Searcher of hearts, the Lord knows that men are liable to very frequent trespass, and that, having fallen, they often rise up again; therefore He has given us the commandment to frequently forgive trespasses, and He Himself is the first to fulfill His holy word. As soon as you say from your whole heart, ‘I repent,’ you will be immediately forgiven. – John of Kronstadt • If you think of ‘Liberty Valance’ or ‘The Searchers,’ there are moments in there that you’ll never, ever forget… And it does not matter what century you are from. – Kevin Costner • I’m not a quester or a searcher for the truth. I don’t really think there is one answer, so I never went looking for it. My impulse is less questing and more playful. I like trying on ideas and ways of life and religious approaches. I’m just not a good candidate for conversion. – Ursula K. Le Guin • In every true searcher of Nature there is a kind of religious reverence. – Albert Einstein • In every true searcher of Nature there is a kind of religious reverence, for he finds it impossible to imagine that he is the first to have thought out the exceedingly delicate threads that connect his perceptions – Albert Einstein • In this world are very few things made from logic alone. It is illogical for man to be too logical. Some things we must just let stand. The mystery is more important than any possible explanation. The searcher after truth must search with humanity. Ruthless logic is the sign of a limited mind. The truth can only add to the sum of what you know, while a harmless mystery left unexplored often adds to the meaning of life. When a truth is not so important, it is better left as a mystery. – Bryce Courtenay • It seems almost oxymoronic to believe that this new idealism has led to a new pessimism about marriage, but that is exactly what has happened. In generations past there was far less talk about “compatibility” and finding the ideal soul mate. Today we are looking for someone who accepts us as we are and fulfills our desires, and this creates an unrealistic set of expectations that frustrates both the searchers and the searched for. – Timothy Keller • John Logan was kind of wrapping up – “Well, thanks for coming in…” – and I thought, “Oh, God, this is over and I’m out of here, and I really don’t want to leave.”So I said, “Can I ask you a question?” He said, “Sure.” “What movie do you think you’ve seen more than any other movie?” And he said, “Wow, let me think about that. I guess probably The Searchers.” And I said, “Well, oddly, that’s the movie I’ve seen more than any other movie.” And I wasn’t just BS-ing. It’s true. It’s my favorite movie. – Brent Spiner • Little by little, wean yourself. This is the gist of what I have to say. From an embryo whose nourishment comes in the blood, move to an infant drinking milk, to a child on solid food, to a searcher after wisdom, to a hunter of invisible game. – Rumi • My mother was a Bohemian – in the good sense of the word. A searcher. And she investigated various religions. – Madeline Kahn • No truth is more clearly taught in the Volume of Inspiration, nor any more fully demonstrated by the experience of all ages, than that a deep sense and a due acknowledgment of the governing providence of a Supreme Being and the accountableness of men to Him as the searcher of hearts and righteous distributor of rewards and punishments are conducive equally to the happiness and rectitude of individuals and to the well being of communities. – John Adams • Nothing could be more beneficial for even the most zealous searcher for knowledge than his being in fact most learned in that very ignorance which is peculiarly his own; and the better a man will have known his own ignorance, the greater his learning will be. – Nicholas of Cusa • Now, Friends, deal plainly with yourselves, and let the eternal Light search you, and try you, for the good of your souls. For this will deal plainly with you. It will rip you up, and lay you open, and make all manifest which lodges in you; the secret subtlety of the enemy of your souls, this eternal searcher and trier will make manifest. Therefore all to this come, and by this be searched, and judged, and led and guided. For to this you must stand or fall. – Margaret Fell • O philosophy, life’s guide! O searcher-out of virtue and expeller of vices! What could we and every age of men have been without thee? Thou hast produced cities; thou hast called men scattered about into the social enjoyment of life. [Lat., O vitae philosophia dux! O virtutis indagatrix, expultrixque vitiorum! Quid non modo nos, sed omnino vita hominum sine et esse potuisset? Tu urbes peperisti; tu dissipatos homines in societatum vitae convocasti.] – Marcus Tullius Cicero • Our behavior is different. How often have you seen a headline like this?–TWO DIE ATTEMPTING RESCUE OF DROWNING CHILD. If a man gets lost in the mountains, hundreds will search and often two or three searchers are killed. But the next time somebody gets lost just as many volunteers turn out. Poor arithmetic, but very human. It runs through all our folklore, all human religions, all our literature–a racial conviction that when one human needs rescue, others should not count the price. – Robert A. Heinlein • Rely upon your own judgment; be true to your own conscience; follow the light that is within you; all outward lights are so many will-o’-the-wisps. There will be those who tell you that you are foolish; that your judgment is faulty; that your conscience is all awry, and that the light within you is darkness; but heed them not. If what they say is true, the sooner you, as a searcher of wisdom, find it out the better, and you can only make that discovery by bringing your powers to the test. Therefore, pursue your course bravely. – James Allen • Sailing heart-ships through broken harbors out on the waves of the night, still the searcher must ride the dark horse racing alone in his fright. – Neil Young • Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places. – H. P. Lovecraft • Shall any gazer see with mortal eyes, Or any searcher know by mortal mind; Veil upon veil will lift but there must be Veil upon veil behind. – Edwin Arnold • So the story goes, so I’m told The people he knew were Less than golden hearted Gamblers and robbers Drinkers and jokers, all soul searchers Like you and me – Dave Matthews • The best hiding spots are not the most hidden; they’re merely the least searched. – Chris Pavone • The grand highway is crowded w/lovers & searchers & leavers so eager to please & forget. Wilderness. – Jim Morrison • The great Searcher of human hearts is my witness, that I have no wish, which aspires beyond the humble and happy lot of living and dying a private citizen on my own farm. – George Washington • The real searcher after truth will not receive the old because it is old, or reject the new because it is new. He will not believe men because they are dead, or contradict them because they are alive. With him an utterance is worth the truth, the reason it contains, without the slightest regard to the author. He may have been a king or serf – a philosopher or servant, – but the utterance neither gains nor loses in truth or reason. Its value is absolutely independent of the fame or station of the man who gave it to the world. – Robert Green Ingersoll • The search for truth takes you where the evidence leads you, even if, at first, you don’t want to go there. – Bart D. Ehrman • The searcher’s eye Not seldom finds more than he wished to find. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing • There are certain books in the world which every searcher for truth must know: the Bible, the Critique of Pure Reason, the Origin of Species, and Karl Marx’s Capital. – Al Capp • Thinking carries a moral imperative. The searcher for truth must be ready to obey truth without reservation or it will elude him. – Aiden Wilson Tozer • This is also why it is wrong to treat God as a grand employment agency, a celestial executive searcher to find perfect fits for our perfect gifts. The truth is not that God is finding a place for our gifts but that God has created us and our gifts for a place of his choosing – and we will only be ourselves when we are finally there. – Os Guinness • To escape the cycle of tragedy, we (searchers) have to be tough on the ideas of the planners, even while we salute their goodwill. – William Easterly • Vertical search engines that match your business, service or products with a target market offer you a higher conversion rate than traditional search engines. Because they have already qualified their interest by coming to a search engine with a specific focus, searchers will be more receptive to targeted advertising. – Marc Ostrofsky • We [with John Logan] started talking about The Searchers, and then he went on to tell me a story about when he first met John Wayne, and he said, “Hey, you be me and I’ll be Wayne,” and I said, “No, let me be Wayne!” Anyway, it was a very pleasant conversation, it was clear to him that I was a big movie fan, and by the time I got home, there was a phone call, asking if I’d mind doing one scene in the movie [The Aviator]. – Brent Spiner • We are in a period of searchers rather than of creators. – Pierre-Auguste Renoir • We long to be found, hoping our searchers have not given up and gone home. – Jerry Spinelli • We searchers are ambitious only for life itself, for everything beautiful it can provide. Most of all we love and want to be loved. We want to live in a relationship that will not impede our wandering, nor prevent our search, nor lock us in prison walls; that will take us for what little we have to give. We do not want to prove ourselves to another or compete for love. – James Kavanaugh • We searchers are ambitious only for life itself, for everything beautiful it can provide. – James Kavanaugh • Whoever is born in New York is ill-equipped to deal with any other city: all other cities seem, at best, a mistake, and, at worst, a fraud. No other city is so spitefully incoherent. Whereas other cities flaunt there history – their presumed glory – in vividly placed monuments, squares, parks, plaques, and boulevards, such history as New York has been unable entirely to obliterate is to be found, mainly, in the backwaters of Wall Street, in the goat tracks of Old and West Broadway, in and around Washington Square, and, for the relentless searcher, in grimly inaccessible regions of The Bronx. – James A. Baldwin • Women are dirt searchers; their greatest worth is irradicating rings on collars and tables. Never mind real-estate boards’ corruption and racism, here’s your soapsuds. Everything she is doing is peripheral, expendable, crucial, and non-negotiable. Cleanliness is next to godliness. – Florynce Kennedy • Women are like the arts, forced unto none, Open to all searchers, unprized, if unknown. – John Donne
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