#I’ve been in Low Spoons Mode for two weeks straight so I have just enough energy to know I’m probably overreacting
peaches2217 · 11 months
The, uh, the hold on my post-marriage Mareach content might have to wait, because SOMEONE (read: my dumb brain) decided it’s time once again for Baby Fever, meaning I’ve got asks to answer! I’ll tread carefully for now just to be on the safe side 😅
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bittersweetmelxdy · 4 years
hey so I’ve been stalking your blog & I loved the scenario where MC hides behind Victor, could I request one for Gavin? (love love lobe you work btw❤️❤️ thanks so much for sharing your writing)
Now, I’m pretty sure ‘Irrational Behaviours’ is to date the most liked request I’ve ever had, so a parallel of this was quite a hard act to follow. But this does read different to ‘Irrational Behaviours’, but’s that’s just because each of the boys has a very different relationship with MC. Also, if you’re wondering about this hyper specific situation.... this may have happened to me... like last week. Mum and I had to shake the entire bed out the next day because I couldn’t sleep. Anyway ramble over, hope you like it xxx
Title: Danger comes in... threes? Pairing: Gavin x MC Words: 1,789
Gavin woke up to the feeling you tossing and turning in your sleep, and he jolted out of sleep, his fight or flight response immediately kicking in. When he realised you weren’t in danger, you were just overheating, he breathed a sigh of relief and after noting your flushed skin he glanced over at the open window. His soft smile grew as he watched the curtains flutter and a cool breeze eased through the window dancing around your sleeping figure, and your figure relaxed as your temperature decreased. After watching your form rise and fall steadily for a few moments, ingraining the image in his mind despite how many countless nights he’d spent with you like this. He was so focused on the stillness of your figure that he wasn’t even aware he’d drifted off to sleep.
Gavin woke up, grasping for your form to draw it closer to him, and he jolted awake once again when he felt nothing but thin air. He sat up quickly, throwing the blanket off the bed, revealing nothing but confirming the fact he was alone. Quickly switching into work mode, Gavin quieted his breathing and took in his surroundings. Hearing sounds of someone shuffling around his kitchen, Gavin, still on his guard padded downstairs to your shared kitchen, keeping his footfalls silent as he drew closer. To his utmost relief the person he was hearing in his kitchen was none other than his wife, you were humming along as you danced around the kitchen, getting breakfast ready for the two of you. Silently, he approached you, surprising you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, tugging you backwards into his chest, and resting his chin atop your head.
“Gavin!” you giggled, resting your hands on his forearms, “Good morning.”
“Morning Love.” Gavin kissed the top of your head, and after detangling from you, he and you made breakfast together in companionable silence.
But soon after the morning rush began, you ran around gathering papers and folders, and Gavin noticing your ‘List Notebook’ on the shoe cabinet by the door, picked it up as he knew you never left the house without it. He allowed you to run around the house, but after hearing you sigh in frustration a couple of times, he decided to ask you what you were looking for.
“Love, what are you looking for?”
“Gavin,” you pouted appearing in the entryway, “Have you seen my-” Gavin held up the notebook and shook it gently it front of you.
“I’m a mess, aren’t I?” you sighed, placing your shoes on your feet.
“Yeah but you’re my mess.” Gavin laughed, knocking his knuckles lightly on your head, and snagging his keys, as the two of you left the house.
Gavin dropped you off opposite of the company, the early morning hour meaning the streets were pretty deserted. So, after glancing around, Gavin drew you close his hands on your hips, and pressed a kiss to your lips, your breaths mingling as you slowly pulled away. You smiled, eyes shining in affection, as Gavin picked up your hands, intertwining your fingers and lifting them up between the two of you. Gavin pressed a kiss right atop the shining silver wedding band on your ring finger.
“I’ll see you at home later.” with his lips still brushing your knuckles, Gavin looked up at you.
You nodded while, smiling brightly at him, “Yeah, see you later Gavin.” then you let go, and crossed the road to your company, stopping at the door to wave at him.
Gavin laughed at the childlike enthusiasm in which you waved at him, and shook his head restarting Sparky and heading off to work.
Later that day Gavin, tired from both patrol and missions, flipped the kickstand on Sparky and trudged slowly towards the front door. Unlocking it, he leaned on the wall, slumping against it as he pulled off his shoes, throwing his keys haphazardly atop the shoe cabinet, he forcibly expelled the air from his lungs, trying to expel the tension still present in his shoulders.
“Gavin, that you?” you called, from the kitchen, appearing soon after, decked in an apron and a messy bun atop your head.  
Looking up the vision that was the love of his life, Gavin wasted no time in gathering you into his arms, nuzzling his nose against yours, “I’m home.”
“Welcome home,” you giggled, welcoming him home with your affection, “come on! I need you to taste for me.”
Gavin allowed himself to be pulled by you through the house, until he was situated in front of a bubbling pot. You dipped a teaspoon in the concoction and brought it up to his lips, Gavin leaned forward dipping his head to cover the spoon with his mouth. He thought about it for a minute, reaching towards the salt container throwing a pinch inside. You watched proud, reminiscing a time when the two of you were dating and Gavin wouldn’t tell you because he worried he would upset you, and you were glad he trusted you enough to voice his opinions.  
The two of you spent the evening in a quiet companionship, after eating dinner, you noticed Gavin’s wandering attention as you washed up the dishes, so you cut off the story you were telling him and laid your hand on his forearm, redirecting his focus back to you.
“Gavin, work really that hard today? You haven’t  
“What? No-I mean, yeah... but I was listening. I promise.” Gavin started, his eyes wide in panic, but you were quick to reassure him.
“Gavin let’s go to bed... no, no, it’s fine Gavin, let me look after you.” you threw puppy dog eyes at him, blinking slowly. Gavin grumbled, trying to avoid your eyesight, but you gripped his face locking eyes with him, and softening his resolve.
“...Fine.” Gavin spun around to replace the dishes in the cupboard, choosing to ignore your quiet ‘yes!’ in the background.
The two of you prepared yourself for bed, taking turns in the shower and when Gavin returned, towel over his shoulders, he watched you climb into bed, snuggling into the blankets as he proceeded to open the window, so it would be easier for you to sleep. He then joined you in bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead and the two of you settled down, and the exhaustion of the day finally caught up to Gavin as he soon succumbed to sleep.
Of all the things that Gavin expected to wake him up, the sounds of your scream and you bolting from the bed, was definitely very very low on the list. Gavin blearily rubbed the sleep from his eyes, focusing on the darkness of the room, locating your figure in an instant. He swung his legs over the edge yawning as he did so, once he realised you were trembling, crouching close to the floor, he became more alert.
“Hey, you alright what’s wrong?”
“T-t-t-t-the bed, it’s on the bed!” you were shaking like a leaf, pointing at the bed.
“What is it, come on its late, let’s go back to bed.”, he grabbed your hands to lead you back, but to his surprise you dug your heels in, pushing against him.
“No, no no! Gavin I’m not going back there!” you struggled, and Gavin soon became at a loss of what to do.
“Love, it’s fine, if it’s a bad dream I’m here...” Gavin continued to try and pull you towards him, despite the struggling.
A sickening shudder ran through your body, your spine becoming ramrod straight in an instant. Your eyes flooded with tears, most spilling over and running down your cheeks, as you felt a flutter in your hair. Ripping your hands from Gavin’s, you then launched yourself at him, and despite his usually quick reflexes, the rollercoaster of emotions had so thrown him off that you knocked him to the floor. Luckily for him, your hands had wrapped around his head and it cushioned the fall, however the pain barely registered as you were still shaking uncontrollably.
“Gavin, get it out!”
“What?” Gavin was still dazed and confused from the fall, that he wasn’t quite putting all the pieces together.
“It’s in my hair!” You buried your face in his neck. “Get it out!”
“Okay, okay.” Gavin gently carded his hand through your hair, pulling back once he felt the twitching insect, and pinching its leg and removing it from your hair, and then patted your head with his other hand, “There, there, it’s out.”
“Throw it outside!”
“Now?” a teasing lilt bled into his tone, as a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips.
“Right now!”
“Well, I can’t if you don’t get off me.” you pulled back, glaring as Gavin fully smirked at you.
“Gavin, not the time!” you shakily climbed off him, sitting back and watching as he stood up and threw the bug outside, pulling the window until it was only open a sliver.
Clapping his hands to dust them off, he approached you hoping to coax you back to bed now the threat was over, when he was stopped by you outstretching your hands halting his movements, “Love, the insect’s gone.”
“Wash your hands.”
“... You’re kidding, right?”
“Gavin don’t even think of putting your hands on me again if you don’t wash them right now.” you were stern in tone and your eyes were blazing.
“Gavin. Hands.” You pointed at the bathroom, and Gavin resignedly went to wash his hands, however once at the sink he couldn’t resist his next tease.
“You know it’s probably more scared of you than-”
“Gavin finish that and you’re sleeping on the couch.” you glared at Gavin as he returned and he pantomimed zipping his mouth closed, winking at you, before stopping beside you.
“You changed the sheets?”
You turned to the bedsheets, clenching your fists tightly, “I can, I don’t know... I just won’t be able to sleep unless we change them.”
Gavin placed his warm hand atop your head, “Don’t worry, now my darling wife, can we finally go back to bed.” at your assent, he smiled warmly, and you offered him a shaky one in return.
Once settled in bed once again, you yawned, burying your head in his chest and he wrapped his arms around you, your legs entangling beneath the sheets. Breathing in the sweet scent of your hair, he couldn’t help his final comment.
“I wouldn’t have let it eat you, you know.”
“With how deeply you were sleeping, I would’ve been eaten before you even realised.” your retort resulting in sleepy giggles from the both of you, as you both drifted back to sleep, safely in each other’s arms.
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omgahgase · 7 years
Rin Should Keep His Mouth Shut
Hey guys I’m back with a new fanfic!! While scrolling through Tumblr a few days ago I found a headcanon from @ao-no-head-canons that I absolutley loved. This is also for @rinshairpins who rebloged the post for me to see and for @sataniasblog becuase they gave me inspiration for the last part of the story. I hope you guys like it!
Rin was always one to speak before he thinks, he knew his big mouth would get him in trouble one day. What he didn’t expect was it to land him in what he thinks is the most embarrassing thing he’s done yet.
He was making dinner for him and Yukio, moving around the kitchen in a blur of blue and black. The fish was on the frying pan and the rice was about to be finished any minute. Rin seemed like he was dancing as he glided to one end of the room to the next, knowing exactly what he was doing. As he added pepper to the chicken, he was also grabbing garlic off a shelf. The way he cooks makes it look like he could beat Bobby Flay with a hand tied behind his back. The boy was skillfully chopping vegetables for the stir-fry when Kuro decided to nuzzle up on his leg.
“Hey Rin! The food smells delicious!” He was practically drooling at the sight of the fish.
“Thanks buddy,” Rin smiled down at his familiar. “How does this taste?” He scooped a small spoonful of the stir-fry sauce and placed it on the floor. The black cat eagerly licked it clean with a happy purr.
“It’s great! When can we eat?”
“Once Yukio gets back from his mission.”
Kuro leaped up on the counter next to his friend. “But that could take hours! What if I die of starvation before he gets here?” He pouted as Rin poured the chopped vegetables in the pan.
“I think you can last another hour.” He took a pinch of spices and threw it in the pan. “Besides I saw you eat that rat not too long ago.”
“But Riiiin, I’m hungry!” If Rin wasn’t immune to the whining and pouting, he would’ve been putty in Kuro’s paws. The damn cat has mastered the big eyes and sad ears down pat, making getting what he wants a lot easier.
“Not yet,” He picked the cat up and plopped him on the floor. “Now get out of my kitchen before I fry you up.” Kuro yelped and dashed out the door.
While Rin finished dinner his mind drifted to the mission Yukio was on. It was just a simple task, get rid of a demon that has been hiding in someone’s house. They didn’t know what kind of demon it was, but Yukio could handle it and if anything went wrong then Shura would jump in. Those two made a good team.
Rin smiled as he thought of Shura. Ever since they found out she’s been living in their dorm, the three of them have been spending more time together. On some nights she would watch dumb YouTube videos with the twins, on others they would just talk for hours about their day. Rin’s favorite nights are when Shura would be in a good mood and tell them about their father before they go to bed. At times like that, it would remind him of the times Shiro would read him a bedtime story to sleep easier. After every tail of heroism about his father, Rin would sleep like a log the whole night.
Sometimes Rin would wonder if having Shura around is like having a mom. The thought would always leave a tight feeling in his chest, an empty feeling he doesn’t like. Not knowing what a mother’s love feels like is a touchy subject for the twins. They knew Shiro loved them unconditionally, it was enough fit for two parents, but it always felt like something was missing.
While Rin’s thoughts drifted from Shura, to not burning the food, Yukio entered the kitchen looking a little worse for wear. “Nii-san, I’m back.” Once Rin took a look at him, big brother mode kicked in.
“What the hell happened to you?” he shouted while putting the stove on low heat. “You look like you were dragged across Japan!”
Yukio looked down at himself and sighed. His coat was ripped in multiple places and there were mud stains on his pants. His glasses were also broken, one lens was cracked while the other didn’t have lens in the rims. He touched his forehead and found a trail of dried blood. Yukio gave a weak laugh. “Well, turns out it wasn’t a simple mission after all. A horde of Goblins were living in the basement of a newlywed’s house. When I opened the door they all attacked me. The biggest one latched onto my arm and took me for a ride around the block.”
“Damn it Yukio, aren’t you supposed to be the badass top exorcist?”
“I mess up sometimes too, I don’t need you to worry about me.” There was irritation in his voice. “I was completely fine.”
There was something in his eyes that wasn’t right, the blue took a darker shade and made him look more tired. Rin sighed. “Whatever, just get cleaned up. Dinner will be done soon.”
Yukio grunted in response and exited the kitchen.
As Rin set the table, his brother reappeared in a t-shirt and sweatpants, his spare glasses perched on his nose. “Nii-san, how many times have I told you not to leave your dirty clothes in the hallway?”
“I don’t think I can count that high.” He turned to face Yukio. “And what dirty clothes? I did the laundry yesterday.”
Yukio pulled out a chair and sat. “The clothes that I just picked off the staircase.”
“Sorry four-eyes, that was mine,” said Shura as she opened the kitchen door wearing an oversized shirt with a juice box in her hand. “Meant to get those after I was done with my shower.” She shook her short hair and water sprinkled onto Rin.
“When did you get back?” asked Yukio. “I thought you were picking a fight with Mephisto last time I saw you.”
“Yeah I was, but then that jackass poofed away before I could get a good swing on ‘em.” She winked and plopped down on the chair across from him.
Rin placed the rice on the table with a happy smile. “Alright dinner is served!”
“Thank you for the food!”
Just as the three were about to dig in, Kuro flew in from the window, eyes set on the feast. Before he could attack the fish, Shura stuck a butter knife in his path, almost slicing off a whisker. “Hold it cat, me first.” She cut a piece for herself then for the pouting familiar. She smiled as Kuro perked up and nuzzled her hand.
Rin felt his heart swell as he looked around the table. His brother had a soft smile on his face, looking content. Shura was devouring the stir-fry and chicken, looking like she was in heaven. After a huge bite of rice she told Yukio to sit up straight while he ate. This is what he looks forward to the most after the end of a long day, to have this family atmosphere around the dinner table. Rin was staring off into space when Shura poked him with her chopsticks. “Oi, eat. Or else yer food will get cold.”
He nodded with a goofy smile on his face. “So how’d the mission go?”
Yukio swallowed before he spoke. “Well after the goblin took me away, the rest of the exorcist deposed of the remaining nest. Turns out there was a dead rat that made them go ballistic. There were more than one house could shelter, so I had a few of the guys inspect the neighborhood. ”
“What he said,” Shura agreed in between bites of fish.
“What were you doing while my baby brother was being dragged off?” Rin pointed his chopstick towards the girl stuffing her face.
She snorted. “I was fightin’ off the king, the bastard got me good when I wasn’t payin’ attention.” Shura lifted her shirt to reveal a bandaged torso. A sharp feeling shot through Rin’s chest at the sight of the bruises and smaller cuts on her body. He knew she’s been in worse condition than this but it still hurt to see.
“Oi, don’t make that face!” She leaned over the table to flicked his nose. “I’ve taken more beatings than this than you’ll have in yer lifetime.”
Rin rubbed his nose while Yukio snickered next to him. “Oh yeah? What was the worst fight you ever had?”
Shura’s eyes lit up and a smirk made its way on her face. “One training session with yer dad left me in the hospital for a full week. That old man beat my ass into the next lifetime.”
“Yes that was a day to remember.” Yukio smiled at the memory. “I won twenty bucks that day.”
“Only because I was a cocky little shit back then and didn’t have enough experience.”
“Oh please, the only difference between then and now is that you’re taller.”
“Yer better watch it, four-eyes. I could ground you for sassing me back if I wanted to,” Shura’s smirk widened at her triumphant win. “As one-half of yer guardian, I have every right too.”
Yukio frowned at his rice, keeping his mouth shut. Rin laughed at his defeated brother until realization dawned on him. “Wait a minute! He was there to watch?”
“Yup, brat bet me Shiro could beat me in under an hour. It only took him twenty minutes.” She took a sip from her juice box. “I still have the scars to prove it.”
“Aww man! You guys got to hang out with Dad all the time doing badass exorcist stuff!” Rin crossed his arms and pouted like a child.
“If it makes you feel any better, Dad wouldn’t take me on most of his missions because they were too dangerous,” Yukio said in an attempt to cheer the boy up.
“Actually he didn’t take you because he didn’t want you pissing yer pants on the job,” explained Shura.
Rin erupted into laughter while Yukio stuttered in his seat, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. “W-what? That’s n-not true! He was just looking out for my safety!”
“Believe what you want kid.” She took another bite of stir-fry. “But he told me everything. He even said you didn’t stop sleeping with a nightlight until you were twelve.”
“T-that has nothing to do with this!”
Rin laughed harder as the two continued their banter, by the time they were done, Rin had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.
When dinner finally finished, the three started to clear the table while Rin ranted about Suguro. “I mean the guy is a total jerk! He wouldn’t lend me a pen. A pen! How dumb is that?”
“I can see why he wouldn’t Nii-san,” said Yukio as he started washing the dishes. “You chew on the ends without knowing. It’s kinda gross.”
“Still, the dude has a whole case of pens, he couldn’t spare just one?”
“You’ve been talking about Suguro a lot lately.” Shura pointed a finger at the boy. “You got a crush on him or something?”
Rin stopped dead in his tracks. He hoped she couldn’t hear his heartbeat or else she’d know it picked up speed once she finished that sentence. As he turned to face away from her, a dark blush appeared on his face. “W-what? No! I hate the guy. He’s the worst.”
“Sure, whatever you say.” He could practically hear the smirk on her face. They continued to clean the kitchen until Yukio found a box in the fridge.
“Nii-san, when did you buy a cake? You know our allowance is limited, you shouldn’t be buying things you can bake yourself.”
Rin gave him a skeptical look as he pulled the small box out. “I don’t remember buying one.”
“I bought it,” said Shura. “I forgot I put it in there for after dinner.”
“What? Why?” Asked Yukio as he placed the box on the counter. “I don’t normally see you eating cake. What’s the occasion?”
“Who cares? Let’s eat it!” Exclaimed Kuro as he jumped up and down next to the box.
“It’s been a year since I started training Rin. I just thought that we’d have a little something to celebrate the kid not scorching anyone yet.” She shrugged like it was no big deal. “It also gave me an excuse to buy cake.”
If Rin hadn’t cried his eyes out earlier (one of his favorite manga ended and the last chapter was released that day), he’s pretty sure he would’ve burst into tears. “You remembered the day you became my teacher?”
“Course I did.” A faint blush colored her cheeks and she wouldn’t make eye contact with him. “Hurry up and cut the damn thing, I wanna piece already.”
Rin was so overjoyed that he flung himself into Shura’s arms, making her stumble backwards. She smiled as she awkwardly returned his hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He pulled back enough to look at her face. “You’re the best, Mom!”
The kitchen went silent, no one talked, no one moved. The only sound was the water from the leaking sink. Even Kuro didn’t make a peep. Once the word left Rin’s mouth, time seemed to stop, just to leave him in utter embarrassment.
Yukio was the first to snap out of the trance by saying, “Holy fuck.” Normally he doesn’t swear, but this was definitely a swear worthy moment.
Rin released Shura and scrambled backwards, hitting his hip on the counter. He could feel his face heating up more every second. Even his tail was puffed up in embarrassment. Him and his big mouth.
Shura’s eyes widened and a huge smirk was plastered on her face. “It wasn’t a problem, Son.”
At that, he completely lost it. “I didn’t mean to say that! It was an accident!” Rin started to wave his hands in front of him. “I was just caught up in the moment! My mouth said that without me knowing!”
He stopped his ramblings when Shura doubled over in a fit of laughter. “Oh God kid, enough, enough, I can’t take it!” She was clutching her stomach, her face red with tears in her eyes. The twins just watched as she continued to enjoy Rin’s predicament
The boy wanted to be swallowed up by the floor, never to be seen again. He hasn’t felt this modified since Suguro found him snooping through his room for his phone. Even then he knew it wasn’t bad, the guy never spoke of it to anyone. But this, oh boy, this is gonna haunt Rin for the rest of his life.
Once Shura composed herself, she stood up and whipped a few stray tears. “Thanks for that, I haven’t had a laugh like that in months.” She grinned at the shocked faces of the twins, making sure to commit them to memory. “Oi, four-eyes cut me a slice, I ain’t getting any younger here.”
Yukio just shrugged as he grabbed a knife and started to cut the cake. Rin, still red in the face, went to grab plates and forks. “So we’re just gonna pretend that didn’t happen right?”
Shura snorted as she finally got her dessert. “Yer cute kid, but no. I’m gonna remind you about this until the day you die.” She yawned as she took a bite. “Well I’m gonna hit the sack. Night guys.” She turned and walked out the kitchen with a wave of her hand.
Rin turned to face his brother with a death glare. “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll poison your bento boxes.”
Yukio smirked as he took a slice for himself. “I promise I won’t tell a soul.” He then walked to the door but stopped mid-step to look at his brother. “Son.” The last thing Yukio heard as he walked to his room was Rin screaming.
Later that night, when the boys were sound asleep, Shura snuck into their dorm room. The light was still on when she opened the door, she wore a fond smile at the sight of the twins. Yukio was snoring in his bed, he was still wearing his glasses with a book on chest. She removed his glasses and book, placing them on his desk next to his bed. As she watched him sleep, she couldn’t help but poke the mole on his chin. He mumbled something about mineral water and turned, facing his back to her.
Shura made her way to the other side of the room, giggling at the sight of Rin. His right leg was hanging off the edge with half his blanket on the floor. Both his arms was above his head, as she got closer Shura could see that both his eyes were slightly open. Kuro was snuggled next to his neck, his split tail under his nose, making it look like Rin had a mustache. She picked up his blanket and draped it over his sleeping form. He stirred for a moment, uttering incoherent words. For a split-second, Shura heard him say “Suguro”. She smirked to herself. The kid did have a crush.
She stood next to the bed a moment longer. She didn’t know what came over her, but the next thing she knew, Shura was leaning down to place a kiss to his forehead. When she stood up, Rin had a small smile on his face. She walked to the door and flicked the light off. When she was almost out of the room, she turned back to look them. She leaned on the door frame, a warm feeling erupted in her chest as she thought of all the fond memories they had together. “Sweet dreams, my boys.” Shura turned into the hallway and closed the door, letting the twins sleep for the night.
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heavymetalriz · 8 years
Phenibut – The Most Elusive High
I enjoy taking drugs, especially performance enhancers, mood boosters, and mind melters.
Every once in awhile I catch wind of something I just need to try, based on heavy research. Over the last six months or so I have been using phenibut in various forms, and I’ll share my thoughts here.
If you decide you are going to take a substance of any kind, take the time to do a ton of research.
This will help reduce any level of fear and anxiety you might have when taking a drug for the first time.
Usually you can find a number of forum posts, blog posts, or Reddit threads where people discuss their experiences. Spend an entire day reading a variety of opinions, facts, reviews, and negative takes.
Just about every drug out there has been taken by thousands of people, and their information can be invaluable to you if you are just getting started.
I heard about phenibut from Chris at Good Looking Loser and then later Victor Pride at Red Supplements. Both of those guys are partners in the Red Supplements brand.
Been following those guys for awhile now, and I trust their opinion on a variety of topics, drugs included.
Phenibut has been paraded by many as the “ultimate anti-anxiety social drug” that apparently has very little negative side effects. I am always skeptical as hell of any such claim, but after doing plenty of research I couldn’t find too many bad reviews…
The following is a brutally honest account of my experience with this drug.
Product – Happy Hippo Herbals Phenibut 99.9% pure
When it comes to buying product, I had no idea where to start. Since I’ve followed Chris from GLL for awhile now, I decided to place my trust there.
The product is well priced (seemingly cheap as hell) considering the amount you get. It also arrived within days after my order.
It arrived in a white pouch with a small scoop so you can measure out about 500 mg, which is a standard dose.
Now, I’m bigger than the average dude at 6’3” 185 or so, so I usually up the ante a bit when it comes to taking drugs.
Recommended doses are usually on the conservative side, and I’m the kind of person that wants to go all-in to know right from the start how it feels. Using the spoon, I took roughly 750 mg with water.
Potent, hyper-tang like a lime. Not necessarily unpleasant, but not great either. I later mixed it with orange juice or something else to mask it a bit but overall it’s not too bad.
Within about 30-45 minutes I began to feel a slight euphoria. Kind of like a clear-headed, happy buzz. This increased dramatically at about the hour and a half mark and I was feeling great – smiley, no brain fog, energetic, wily.
A lot of people describe it as an alcohol-like buzz, but without the drunken effects to mobility, speech, etc. I would agree with that in a way. It definitely has a distinct feeling that is unique but it’s cleaner and “happier” than booze…
I want to describe it as a clear-headedness that doesn’t come around very often. This makes you feel great while simultaneously reducing any anxiety you might have. It certainly does make you “feel” more social, and tends to mitigate the stress from “things on the mind.”
It’s almost like a runner’s high on steroids. That energy boost you get from a solid workout or a long run? It’s like that but much more powerful and lasts longer.
One of the reasons I was excited to take this was that some claim music sounds better on phenibut.
Now, the REASON I got into weed in the first place was because music, without question, is more dynamic and powerful when you are stoned. Anyone that hasn’t figured this out yet is missing out big time on an amazing part of life.
I have to disagree on the phenibut-music enhancement.
For one, I think you are just happier, so when you listen to your favorite songs, you become excited as normal. I don’t think music sounds better I think your state of happiness is just more elevated than usual.
With weed, your senses are enhanced. There is a strong soulful connection to the music that seemingly didn’t exist for whatever reason. Maybe it did, but it’s not easy to access without a catalyst.
With phenibut, this isn’t the case in my opinion, and weed is superior in this regard. I wouldn’t buy phenibut if you are chasing some sort of music enhancer.
The first high went on for a solid three hours before it began to wane. It persisted until I decided to hit the sack.
I had absolutely no trouble sleeping. In fact, when I woke up I had one of the most refreshing sleeps that I’ve had in a long time. I felt tremendous the next day and began to wonder if this drug would make a great sleep aid.
Now, I’m the kind of guy that sometimes can’t get enough of a good drug. This is definitely nothing to be proud of and it can certainly lead to dangerous behavior.
Around noon the next day I took another full dose to chase that same high. However…
If there is a major knock on this drug, it is the tolerance factor.
I have never in my life taken anything where one day you are flying high and enjoying the benefits, and just a day later the same dose or even more does absolutely nothing.
When I say nothing, I am not talking about a small drop off, a mitigation, what have you.
I mean it’s like you never took it at all.
This is incredibly strange and I am sure there is a physiological reason for it, but it sure does suck.
On some level, perhaps it’s good. In my mind it’s like a fuse that blows that simply shuts it all down until it’s replaced some time later.
In some cases it took a week or more to get back to the point where phenibut had an effect.
One might argue this is ideal for addictive personalities. You use, then you lose until further notice.
It is because of this very fact that I have a love/hate relationship with phenibut.
On one hand, I’ve had an absolute blast playing a gig or out for the night after a nice dosage.
On the other, I often have no idea when the hell I can do it again. Three days? One week? Three weeks?
Sometimes the tolerance buildup felt like a total immunity for an entire month. In some cases I waited two weeks or more and still barely felt the effects without substantially upping the dose (which I never want to do).
Therefore, phenibut is that drug I keep on the shelf for that one special occasion where I might want to feel a nice boost for the night. One order could keep me going forever, which is why it feels like it’s priced low. Not an expert on the market, so can’t speak to it.
Red Monkey – 4-8 capsules
My next order was Red Monkey from Red Supplements.
This product contains phenibut combined with some other nootropics. I honestly don’t know much about the other ingredients so I can’t comment on them specifically.
The first time I took Red Monkey I was given a sample by V Pride himself out in LA. I popped the recommended four pills and then went to a Guns N’ Roses concert at Dodger Stadium.
For the first five hours or so I shockingly felt almost nothing. It took a very long time to start feeling even a slight buzz resembling my last major experience with phenibut.
I didn’t drink or smoke some herb in order to keep the experience pure.
The show was a great time and it wasn’t until the end, hours after I had taken it, that I felt the effects. I did have a large sized meal before the show, so it could have definitely slowed down the process.
At the very end of the show, while walking out, it hit me hard.
I felt amazing.
Honestly, I felt so incredibly clear headed and the willingness to socialize was very apparent. I talked with my Uber driver for awhile and told him that after GNR, my plan was to get on a plane, fly home, get off the plane in Philly and head straight to Black Sabbath.
I’m normally great with people but this guy literally called me a “legend” and told me he would tell my tale to all of his riders for the remainder of the week. He was referring to the story mostly, but I did have an extra powerful flow of wit at the time.
But HOLD on a minute, this review isn’t over.
I ordered a few more bottles of the Monkey and have been taking it ever since.
Strangely, I have never been able to achieve that same god mode that I was able to achieve the first time.
I have definitely felt great, clear headed, and in the zone while on this product. I gave some to a buddy of mine and he shared a similar experience – one or two phenomenal nights, and many “OK” experiences.
Again, it absolutely sucks that the tolerance factor is so powerful here.
At this point, I literally need to decide if I might be “wasting” my tolerance break on any given day or night.
Will it work? Will god mode return? Has it been long enough?
Using this drug has now become “strategic.”
At this point I am taking it only once or twice a month. It feels like one bottle will last me forever, which is good, but at the same time I’d like to take it more often god damnit!
Drug Combos
I like to experiment. My experience is as follows:
Phenibut and alcohol – Gives a minor boost to the phenibut high. I never get sloshed drunk, so I can’t speak to the extreme. Did not feel dangerous, nor did it disrupt the positive effects.
Just don’t be stupid and be responsible with alcohol intake. Drinking a lot will make you feel like shit regardless. Nothing special with this combo.
Phenibut and adderall – I love me some speed, and in this case the results are kind of mixed. On one hand it seemed to greatly enhance the happy high, but occasionally clashed with the adderall comedown.
It could have been general stress at the time, but I feel like this combination made me a little more antsy and produced more of an anxiety. This could have also been a slight fear of combining drugs. Nothing special here either.
Phenibut and weed – I don’t smoke too much anymore due to acid flashbacks, but in the few times I did I can say that this combo feels perfectly safe health wise.
I miss the giddy days of marijuana with low tolerance and long lasting highs, so I probably can’t even really comment on this combo with enough confidence to give it its due. I don’t smoke enough and haven’t run enough trials to provide good insight.
Final Thoughts
The high – great when it hits.
Elusive. Brutal tolerance gaps where even high doses have no effect.
Happy, clear-headed, low anxiety.
I would recommend it, but you can’t use it too frequently.
Everyone is different. Tell me how it went for you in the comments below.
Wanna Try Red Monkey? Click Here to Grab Yours
Red Monkey ready for a jam session
The post Phenibut – The Most Elusive High first appeared on AlphaDark
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