#I’ve been posting a lot of bbb stuff lately
vividly-aflame · 3 years
It’s official
I’m now a bbb api kin
Thank you @twentifourhours for making me realise this
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haitangblossoms · 4 years
Hello! I don't know if you've seen it yet, but today on weibo a lot of people are talking about a supposed insider who leaked shimei's plot. Basically she is the main heroine, and even her terrible acts were deleted (she just killed those who personally killed her clan, is basically just a pitiful girl who wants to avenge her clan and loves chu wanning)... Do you think there is a chance this is true? And if yes, won't this affect how Ranwan are percieved? the show will turn to a bg drama :(...
2ha spoilers above and ahead!!
I’ve had very little time lately to check weibo so I missed this (also I’m just getting started now with Chinese language and can’t read much yet, G-translate often doesn’t translate properly either).
I’ll be replying to your question first anon, then give my personal opinion because -if people here still have doubts about it- i am very, very skeptical when it comes to rumours and how much truth they hold. But that’s an issue for later.
If you ask me, I would say that it wouldn’t be impossible for SM’s character arc to be portrayed like that in the drama. It would, first of all, avoid an incredible amount of hate to be poured over Chen Yao. We know already that a big portion of the fandom is not happy with her casting (for various reasons), and how quickly that discontent tends to reflect in real life harassing and cyberbullying. Because a much bigger public will be exposed to the drama compared to the novel, I would understand if they toned it down in terms of violence/reasons for SM’s actions. Also remember that HBN is played by a different actress (another anon previously suggested for surprise effect), and it’s not certain that their lives will reflect the paths they followed in the novel. I don’t think that would influence how ranwan is portrayed too much, though. Remember that censorship is still there, and I guess we’ll be getting a lot of gazes, implied meaning, methaphors and romantic stuff camouflaged as “teacher/disciple relationship” regardless of what SM does or doesn’t do. What it will change is SM’s potrayal in the drama compared to the novel: SM begins regretting his actions at a certain point, it makes sense for them to show a pitiful SM vs. a vengeful HBN. Though I wouldn’t completely like that, it’s something I can personally let it slide for an adaptation. But I’ll be honest here, SM is one of the characters I like the least while HBN is one of my favourites so my discourse could be very biased. I apologize for being impartial but hey, faves happen!
For the rumours part, I’ll be blunt and just say that I am tired of them. Since filming finished we haven’t seen a single proof of any so called rumour that has been spread until now. There’s been more pics of ranwan moments popping up, and not a single pic of any other member of the cast (with the exception of one video with QPL I think). The drama is probably in post-production, what do people want to do? Storm Tencent’s studios and threaten them if they as much dare have MR look in SM’s direction? LOL. We might as well come to terms with the idea that a good first part of the series will be like that, because 2ha is like that. After that? Too early to say, but I don’t feel dispirited when I look at the leaks. If anything, it just gives me more and more the impression that they tried their hardest to make this as romantically explicit as possible without risking being c0ckblocked by the censorship. I want to trust Director He’s loving gaze every time he looks at ranwan. <3 Perhaps, if I’m wrong, in a couple of months people can bring this post back up and accuse me of being an apologist. I’ll be taking responsability, but until then.
Oh, just a final thought: while SM/HBN’s actions may be inexcusable (mainly because they bring harm to people who were just innocent casualties and had no part in the BBBs’ tragedy, like MR and CWN), it’s a good exercise to try and put oneself in his shoes and see his life from his own perspective. I completely hated both characters by the end of my first read, and only learnt to understand them during my second read. If everybody tried to do that, how much more peaceful and constructive would all fandoms be, don’t you agree?
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probably-chase · 5 years
So you got dicked over by Lootcrate!
Hi! Welcome to the club!
As many of you may know, Lootcrate had advertised a crate with the potential of gen:lock goodies a couple months back, and boy do I have a story to tell about the experience and what to do now that we’ve all reached the thrilling conclusion! I’ll put it under a read more since it’s. Going to get long!
Back in February-March, I had made a post about the fact Lootcrate was advertising the fact that the box for that period would contain some gen:lock merch: the whole thing was on the front page and everything! 
I actually ordered TWO out of excitement, and was actually planning on giving the other away if I got the chance (that’s not happening NOW though, rip)
Anyhow, the time it’s supposed to ship comes around and... It’s not here! No word about it or anything. I had to check the site to see what was going on, and they had pushed the delivery back by quite a lot. Annoying at best, and I definitely didn’t enjoy the fact that they gave absolutely no warning about the fact that they were pushing it back, and gave us absolutely no reasoning on it. Complete silence.
I just thought ‘alright, well, not ideal, but as long as I end up with my stuff then who cares?’
The new date comes around, and they continue to push it back and back, and by this time it’s been about 2-3 months.
Finally, I got a shipping message and was relieved and happy, thinking I was finally about to get what I had been waiting for for months by now.
I get home about two days ago, see my crates, and instantly go to open one of them. When I open it, I’m met with... Not a single item related to gen:lock. Hell, the card they had that talked about the items possible in the crate had absolutely no mention of gen:lock either.
I just thought ‘well, maybe they messed up somehow?’ so I try my other crate. Same exact situation there (and I actually got all the same fucking items too so that’s extra salt in the wound).
And man was I upset and very confused! Did I somehow manage to order the wrong crate? Did I just waste my money missing my chance at getting what I wanted?
Turns out, I’m not the only one who got this same situation! It seems Lootcrate just completely dicked all of us. Just absolutely screwed everyone over.
They gave us no reason why they shipped so late, said absolutely nothing but sending a ‘item shipped’ message, and told absolutely no one that something they advertised right on the front page would not even be in the crate!
And so, the Great Dickening by Lootcrate is here and you may also be mad about being in the same situation. What to do now to deal with it?
Here’s a short list of things you can do (and things that I’ll end up doing)
Call your bank! Do a chargeback. Try and see if you can get your money back since this was not what was promised when you ordered the item. I’ve been informed that the BBB has had something out on them since 2018 and that this is a blatant case of false advertising, so try to bring that up with them.
Send in complaints! Report them! This is not something you want to let slide by, since this is NOT just a case of it happening to you. This is something that happened to a LOT of people, so they deserve to get that complaint and those reports.
Threaten legal action! What they did and are doing can be handled legally, and companies do not enjoy having legal action threatened to be used against them.
Leave a review! Negative reviews tend to really send a company into a panic, and well... I think they’ve earned their negative review with how this entire situation has been handled.
Spread the word! Companies hate it even more when people spread this kind of information around, and react quickly when they notice social media going absolutely wild with negative reactions towards them. Call them out, do whatever you must.
Try and contact Rooster Teeth about it! I don’t know if they realize what has happened here, and I don’t believe they’d be super happy with the fact that this happened.
There might be other things as well, so I’ll gladly take any other advice or information to share around!
Please don’t let this get swept under the rug -- what they did here is not acceptable, and we cannot let them get away with these kinds of things.
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