#I’ve been setting aside teeny morsels like this and I hope to have more to share soon
burningthegallows · 1 year
Fic: Arrow to a Wax Wing
Fandom: Love Like the Galaxy
Word count: 7700
Cheng Shaoshang/Ling Buyi
Summary: Huo Zisheng doesn’t travel to Anyang expecting to find her there. He doesn’t mean to follow her into the garden. He certainly hadn’t meant to throw himself off of a cliff and destroy both of their lives.
This piece is largely unfinished and a bit odd because of it. It was inspired by the prompt “fucking to forgiveness,” and because I wanted to write some angry fooling around. It’s pretty much just 3500 words of exposition and then arguing. There’s some sex sprinkled in at the end.
Title taken from the bends by doomtree because I couldn’t stop repeating the line “Cause I got a few miles to go before I concede.”
Dubious consent warning: Cheng Shaoshang repeatedly silences Zisheng while making out. The language used is deliberately violent (she shoves him backwards, slaps her hand over his mouth; he wrenches her around by the arm) to call attention to their mental states, not because they intend to harm. Both of them would consent, as long as the other did first, but neither does.
So much love for everyone in this fandom. Come hang out in the comments and scream about these assholes with me.
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