#I’ve only watched it twice and my brother borrowed my laptop so I can’t double check details
neptunevasilias · 5 months
Wait wait, there are some interesting implications from this episode.
Sun and Neptune talk about “the night they got the case.” “The case” either means the day they decided to start looking into RWBYJ’s whereabouts, or (more likely) it’s a euphemism for the day this became a problem, aka the day Atlas arrived to Vacuo but RWBYJ didn’t. They said it was “stormy” the day they got the case, and although the visuals use a rainstorm, there was in fact a sandstorm the day everyone arrived (plus, Vacuo rarely gets rainstorms).
They said they got this case yesterday. Which means that this takes place the day after volume 8. This explains why Qrow was so quiet and angry.
This also means that a lot got done in one day: Raven arrived, the summer maiden was summoned to the academy, and most importantly, Ozpin’s whole deal was explained. Sun and Neptune kept correcting each other on calling him Oscar/Ozpin, like it’s new information that they’re just getting used to. But also, it’s something that they know about. They know about the maidens, too.
This means they also probably know about the relics.
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