#I’ve uncovered the deep dsmp lore
lady-loquacious · 2 years
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actually the dream face reveal was facilitated by Rexulti (TM), which allowed him to take off his mask
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Quackity Analysis: “Hello My Old Heart”
Hello, my old heart How have you been? Are you still there inside my chest? I've been so worried, you've been so still Barely beating at all
Oh, don't leave me here alone Don't tell me that we've grown For having loved a little while Oh, I don't wanna be alone I wanna find a home And I wanna share it with you
Hello, my old heart It's been so long Since I've given you away And every day, I add another stone To the walls I built around you To keep you safe
Oh, don't leave me here alone Don't tell me that we've grown For having loved a little while Oh, I don't wanna be alone I wanna find a home And I wanna share it with you
Hello, my old heart How have you been? How is it being locked away? Don't you worry, in there you're safe And it's true, you'll never beat But you'll never break
Nothing lasts forever Some things aren't meant to be But you'll never find the answers Until you set your old heart free Until you set your old heart free
Hello, my old heart Hello, my old heart Hello, my old heart Hello, my old heart
-”Hello My Old Heart,” The Oh Hellos
When I listen to this song, one of my favorites (although all TOH music is SUPERB and y’all should go listen to their songs), c!Quackity immediately comes to mind. His character has a lot of heart associations, the most obvious one being that he ate Schlatt’s heart (and the theory that he is being possessed by Schlatt as a result). But c!Quackity has also been shown to keep his emotions at a safe distance, to value head over heart because the heart makes you weak. However, deep down I think that Quackity does value his emotions (Karl and Sapnap after all), he just doesn’t know how to acknowledge and/or honor them too much without getting hurt, a result of the trauma he retains from Schlatt.
“Are you still there inside my chest?”
Running off the theory that Schlatt is possessing Quackity through his heart, this line is very poignant. I imagine the real c!Quackity, uncorrupted by Schlatt, terrified, deep down, that he is losing himself and his humanity. His “old heart” may not even exist anymore. Or maybe it does. Who knows?
“Oh, don't leave me here alone Don't tell me that we've grown For having loved a little while”
c!Quackity is very much alone. He has his allies and enemies, of course, but in terms of intimate, emotional relationships he is both scarred and reluctant to keep those he loves closer than a safe distance. He is emotionally alone. Quackity distances himself from those he loves to keep them safe, but also (I think) because he’s scared of opening himself up and uncovering old wounds. Yet I believe that, deep down, he cries out to not be alone, to connect with others and heal from all the pain he has both suffered and inflicted on others. Quackity is also a realist, he doesn’t want platitudes or cliches. He doesn’t take others’ bullshit, he will do anything to achieve his own goals.
“Oh, I don't wanna be alone I wanna find a home And I wanna share it with you”
The search to find a home is one of the most key features of Quackity’s character. All his life in the SMP lore, he has searched for a home, for a place to belong and make his own. First it was (L’)Manberg, then Pogtopia, then New L’Manberg, then Mexican L’Manberg/El Rapids, Las Nevadas...you get the point. Looking for a home/building a home is one of c!Quackity’s core characteristics. And he wants to share his home with people. He dreams of Las Nevadas as a place to show Karl and Sapnap, he felt like he didn’t belong in Manberg for (among many other reasons) lack of any personal connection or sense of worth.
“And every day, I add another stone To the walls I built around you To keep you safe”
 c!Quackity is paradoxically alone. Aloneness is part of his cunning plan to achieve his goals, and the ends justify the means for him no matter what. Yet he doesn’t want to be alone. He wants a place and people to belong. But he’s afraid of getting hurt again like he was with Schlatt. So he builds walls around his heart just as he builds his countries and his plans. Self-preservation is very high on his priority list. Yet these walls may cost him - in fact, they may have cost him already.
“And it's true, you'll never beat But you'll never break”
This line just breaks my own heart. It’s so poignant and sad yet reflects a deep human truth. We dehumanize ourselves, numb ourselves to emotional sensitivity believing that we will be safe this way, that we won’t suffer. This may be true, but we won’t be truly living. We will just be a shell of ourselves. This reminds me again of the Schlatt possession theory. Quackity may not even be his real self anymore, he could be driven by Schlatt’s spirit and not truly live as himself. This line could practically describe c!Quackity’s character to a T. I’ve already explained most of my reasons for why it reflects Quackity so well, but this line just sums it up in a beautiful, poetic way.
Some people think that Quackity’s heart is dead, physically (consumed by Schlatt) and emotionally (he seems to lack empathy and emotion as time passes). But I don’t think this is true. He is most definitely a morally grey character and/or an antihero. He keeps his softer side locked away out of necessity, but it is not dead. He still cares, he still has desires and I hope that (although Big Q may turn out to be the next big SMP “villain”) he learns to be soft again and gets his own redemption(?) arc, setting his own heart free.
I hope you liked this Quackity analysis! Thank you so much for reading if you made it this far, and please go check out The Oh Hellos, they are one of the best folk bands I’ve ever heard with genius lyrics that could fill a whole poetry book. I will definitely be using their songs in more DSMP analyses. I’m also super sorry if this sucked, Quackity is both my favorite DSMP character and my favorite streamer so I LOVE to analyze his character because he’s so beautifully complex but I’m so terrified of messing it up and not doing him justice lol
-Hamster <3
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